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The Death of the Big E! 2008

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June 23, 2007 - Chris Benoit no-shows a WWE live event in Beaumont, Texas. June 24, 2007 - WWE Vengenance takes place, with Chris Benoit also no-showing his scheduled ECW Title match against CM Punk. Johnny Nitro is slotted in to fill his place, which he does and wins the ECW Title. During the event, several WWE officials and friends of Benoit in WWE receive strange text messages. June 25, 2007 - Chris, Nancy, and Daniel Benoit are found deceased at their Georgia home. The scheduled three-hour RAW airs a Chris Benoit tribute, titled "RAW is CHRIS". July/August 2007 - Thoughout the next month, it is revealed that Benoit murdered his wife and son before ending his own life. Several bitter former WWE personalities appear on national news channels, lobbying for the federal government to get involved and regulate the business. During this time, former ECW wrestler John Kronus and former WWE/WCW wrestler Bryan Adams both pass away, giving the media more reason to run wild with the topic. September 2007 - The wrestling industry as a whole begins to suffer as many fans begin to alienate themselves from the business. WWE is hit with popularity drop after a series of doctors that are busted for steroid distribution, naming several of WWE's top names. Due to the inability to produce the proper paperwork and inconsistencies with the Wellness Policy, the federal government hits WWE with a multi-million dollar fine that is widely publicized. WWE is forced to make some massive cutbacks, including pulling its developmental deals with OVW and FCW. FCW closes while OVW owner Danny Davis is able to keep OVW alive. Antonio Inoki moves to the United States to meet with the remaining NWA board members about merging into one touring promotion. October 2007 - While WWE begins a dark era of the business, TNA's popularity seems to be growing, as many of the now-anti-WWE fans have turned to TNA. Spike! TV announces that TNA has a two-hour slot on Monday night, in an attempt to capture disgruntaled WWE fans, and is successful, with a series of 2.5 ratings. There are rumors that WWE will go out of business by the end of 2007, but Linda McMahon reassures the public that these rumors are false. Meanwhile, ROH is gaining momentum with their quarterly Pay-Per-Views. In other entertainment news, Paul Heyman hits a gold mine when his screenplay of "Zodiac Zombies" is picked up and is set to star, ironically, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. November 2007 - WWE, in an attempt to cut away loses, puts the WCW, ECW, and AWA trademarks up for sell. WWE Survivor Series 2007 saw the main event of WWE Heavyweight Champion Triple H defeat WWE World Heavyweight Champion Batista and ECW Heavyweight Champion CM Punk in a unification match for all of the titles. WWE then drops the World Heavyweight, United States, Cruiserweight, and Smackdown! Tag Team titles, due to possible copyright issues with the WCW name down the line. The ECW brand is dropped as a whole. Wrestling purist go wild of the idea that Triple H is the last ECW Champion. December 2007 - Despite the cutbacks, WWE is still bleeding money and cuts even more of their roster. WWE also drops the Smackdown! brand as UPN announces that they have killed the timeslot. WWE also drops the women's division. Down to pretty much the main draws of the company, WWE struggles as they are continuously buried by the media. Meanwhile, Eric Bischoff purchases the WCW rights and trademarks with two wealthy investors, Hulk Hogan and Paul Wight. Bischoff also announces that he has hired Booker T and Jody Hamilton to head up a development territory called Georgia Championship Wrestling in Georgia. Paul Heyman uses the revenue from his successful screenplay to purchase the ECW rights and trademarks with some help from Tommy Dreamer and Rob Van Dam. The AWA is purchased by Greg Gagne and two unlikely business partners in Jerry Lawler and Jimmy Hart. Antonio Inoki closes the deal with the NWA, along with Dusty Rhodes and his family, open the NWA promotion that will tour across the country. Steve Austin announces that he, along with Michael Hayes and Tully Blanchard have purchased the WCCW rights and trademarks and will start promoting tours of Texas soon. Jerry Jarrett and Tom Pritchard successfully purchase the USWA name and trademarks. January 2008 - It seems that the Death of WWE is emanate. TNA announces that Jim Cornette will be in charge of the first developmental territory for TNA, the revived Smoky Mountain Wrestling. The revival of ECW, WCW, NWA, AWA, and WCCW has sparked some interest amongst alienated fans from the Attitude Era, but is it possible to bring the business back out of the decline? [COLOR="Blue"][B]ME:[/B][/COLOR] So let me get this right. I get to book a dieing company that at it’s current rate has maybe 6 months left to live. I have two huge stars that cant even be used for the rest of the year. And I’m on a channel that has no business probably ever carrying a wrestling event. [COLOR="blue"][B]Stephanie:[/B][/COLOR] Now wait just one minute there MR. Cooper. We have went out of our way too….. [COLOR="blue"][B]Vince:[/B][/COLOR] I have this one Steph. Let me understand this. I am to turn over a company role that has been in the family since I have owned this company, to a individual who has no experience at booking, no wrestling background, and has never worked for a wrestling company period. All this after I have been screwed by the feds, screwed by my “loyal” workers, and screwed by the fans who once coveted and worshiped the ground we walked on. And I am just supposed to let go and hand over the reigns? [COLOR="blue"][B]ME:[/B][/COLOR] Yes. [COLOR="blue"][B]Vince:[/B][/COLOR] Well I guess we have a deal then? That’s how my 1st day began at WWE HQ. Me, who like the man said has had no experience in this industry. How the hell am I gonna pull this off. I only applied because of a dare. Secretly I did wish “The Big E” death. It drove how many companies out of business? But now I have a show to get ready for in a matter of hours. Well, might as well go for broke. I spoke my mind once already. Might as well step on some more toes while I’m at it.
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[CENTER] Photobucket [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Roster[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Main Event[/COLOR][/SIZE] PhotobucketPhotobucket Triple H. Who is also the WWE Heavyweight Champion Photobucket John Cena. Love him, hate him. But when was the last time that anybody could strike up heated debate on either side of the fence? [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Upper Mid Card[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket Randy Orton. The Legend Killer remains with the company. Photobucket Edge. Photobucket John Bradshaw Layfield. Atleast I have someone who has some money. PhotobucketPhotobucket Ken Kennedy. Who is also the Intercontinental Champion. Photobucket Batista. Not the greatest of skills. But he has some use to him. Photobucket The Great Kahli. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [SIZE="4"]Mid Card[/SIZE] Photobucket Hardcore Holly. Where do I start? Next. Photobucket Jeff Hardy. Skilled yes. Baggage yes. Photobucket Matt Hardy. Photobucket Bobby Lashley. I hope I can hide the test results. Photobucket Kane. Upon the drop of the ECW brand, Thorn has been once again repackaged as a "new" masked "Kane" due to Glen Jacob's release from the company. The fans haven't taken very warmly to him yet. [SIZE="4"][COLOR="red"]Lower Midcard[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket Ron Simmons. DAMN! Talk about hard pressed. PhotobucketPhotobucket Paul London. World Tag Champion. PhotobucketPhotobucket Brian Kendrick. World Tag Champion. [SIZE="4"][COLOR="red"]Opener[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket Stevie Richards. Got something of a push toward the end of the ECW brand until it was scrapped. Him being well liked by WWE management has kept him a job, even during the worst points of the business, with WWE and he remains loyal for that. [SIZE="4"][COLOR="red"]Enhancement[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket CM Punk. Have to keep in mind this is a alternate history. CM didnt get a push nor did he receive the World Championship. But who knows? Photobucket Big Daddy V. UGGG!!!! X2 Other Photobucket The Boss. Nuff said Photobucket Shane O Mac. I'll limit the dancing segments. Photobucket Stepanie McMahon. Photobucket Jim Ross. He gets crapped on all the time but still remains loyal. Photobucket Tazz. Plus more to come. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] Photobucket...[SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]on[/COLOR][/SIZE]...Photobucket [SIZE="4"][COLOR="red"]Raw Preview[/COLOR][/SIZE] We at The Sci-Fi channel are at a loss. The WWE for years has worked with us to give us advance notice on what they have planned. It must be something huge as they wont even tell us what they have planned. So for gods sake, tune in to watch. [/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]ME:[/COLOR][/B] So how is this for a press release? [B][COLOR="Blue"]Vince:[/COLOR][/B] Crude but I can see some effectiveness in it. [B][COLOR="blue"]Me:[/COLOR][/B] Now for the next part. I hand Vince his segment. He shakes his head. [B][COLOR="blue"]Vince:[/COLOR][/B] Rewrite this crap. No way am I going to say that. [B][COLOR="blue"]Me:[/COLOR][/B] Vince, you hired me to shake up the normal routine. This is gonna shake up the normal routine. And I'm not caving in on this one Vince. I promise you this will lay the ground work on something huge. [B][COLOR="blue"]Vince:[/COLOR][/B] I don't like this. Get Steph on the phone. [B][COLOR="blue"]Me:[/COLOR][/B] I already ran it by here and Paul and they agree with me. [B][COLOR="blue"]Vince:[/COLOR][/B] Damn kids. [QUOTE]Show might be up tomorrow night as I have some segments I want to rewrite. I think it will be a good one because I had great opening show. Lets say it was a B+ for the sake of arguement shall we. [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="6"]WWE Presents[/SIZE] PhotobucketPhotobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket [/CENTER] [B][COLOR="blue"]Jim Ross:[/COLOR][/B] Welcome everyone to another addition of Monday Night RAW. I'm Jim Ross, here with my broadcasting partner, Tazz! And we are coming to you live from The Memorial Hall Gym. [B][COLOR="blue"]Tazz:[/COLOR][/B] I'll tell you what, this is a great beginning to kick us off into the road to The Royal Rumble! I am actually looking forward to this New Year. [B][COLOR="blue"]Jim Ross:[/COLOR][/B] No doubt, and tonight, we have a heck of a show lined up. Plus I am being told we have word that the Chair man of the board, Mr. McMahon himself has an important message for us tonight. And on queue Vince’s theme plays. And out he walks. But something seems wrong. He doesn’t have that confident swagger about him. The fans don’t seem to care as they chant A-Hole, A-hole. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] [B][COLOR="blue"]Vince McMahon:[/COLOR][/B] I deserve that. Along with much more. I deserve everything that has happened to me. From the federal investigation, to us losing money. I only did it to entertain you, the fans for all of these years. Yes I was greedy, Yes I drove countless of companies out of business. I was wrong in so many cases. I am sorry. [B][COLOR="blue"]Jim Ross:[/COLOR][/B] I can’t believe what I’m hearing. [B][COLOR="blue"]Tazz:[/COLOR][/B] You can almost here a pin drop. As Vince continues to walk around the ring he is searching for the words to utter next. But can’t seem to find them as he starts to make his way out of the ring. But not before Edge’s music hit. He makes his way down to ringside with his mic in hand. [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][COLOR="blue"]Edge:[/COLOR][/B] Wow Vince. That’s compelling stuff. You talk about all of the people you have screwed over all of these years, but you forgot one. ME! I have been screwed over so many times by you I feel like a 3rd rate hooker. I don’t feel sorry for you and neither should these idiots. Don’t you remember a time not so long ago where we would pack the house with thousands of people? Look around Vince. I only see hundreds. But you said one thing that is right. THIS IS YOUR FAULT. Vince can only shake his head in agreement. But he offers no witty comeback; he only meekly begins to make his way out of the ring. Edge grabs him. [B][COLOR="blue"]Edge:[/COLOR][/B] What’s the matter boss? Cat got your tongue? Look at me you coward. I SAID LOOK AT ME. Edge has seen enough. He smells fear and weakness and slaps Vince a couple of times. We all anticipate Vince striking back. But he doesn’t. Again Edge slaps Vince. [B][COLOR="blue"]Jim Ross:[/COLOR][/B] This is uncalled for. Vince walks away from Edge, But Edge calls out Vince’s name as he is about to go out of the ring. Vince stops and looks up at Edge. Spear! Edge starts to beat down Vince as WWE Officials make their way down. [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][COLOR="blue"]Jim Ross:[/COLOR][/B] Dear gawd that was totally uncalled for. Edge has sunk to an all time low. [B][COLOR="blue"]Tazz:[/COLOR][/B] As much as I hate to admit it Jim, Edge did bring up some valid points. [CENTER]…..Commercial break… Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket Big Daddy V VS. Bobby Lashley [/CENTER] After being tossed around for a bit at the opening of the match Lashley is able to stun Big Daddy with a couple of running clotheslines. But more amazing was Lashley was able to land the Dominator on the big man to pick up the win at 5:53. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jim Ross:[/COLOR][/B] What a big win for the young man tonight. [B][COLOR="blue"]Tazz:[/COLOR][/B] Yes, but did you see the power of Lashley? My god. We cut to back stage where Shane McMahon is standing by. [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] [B][COLOR="blue"]Shane McMahon:[/COLOR][/B] Pops is recovering for the rest of the evening. Thanks to the heigness act of coward ness that Edge has displayed. Edge tonight you will be going one on one against Triple H. O and Edge, I will be at ringside for this one as I want to see The Game dismantle you from pillar to post. [B][COLOR="blue"]Tazz:[/COLOR][/B] What a main event that will be. [B][COLOR="blue"]Jim Ross:[/COLOR][/B] Indeed it will. A classic slobernocker. [CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]WWE Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] PhotobucketPhotobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]PhotobucketPhotobucket Brian Kendrick and Paul London VS Jeff and Matt Hardy. [/CENTER] Both teams shook hands at the start of the match. And the action was on. This one went back and forth. Eventually tempers spilled over and the action went out of the ring. Eventually ending with a count out on both sides. Both teams just glared at each other after the announcement was made. [CENTER]…commercial break… Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket CM Punk VS Hardcore Holly[/CENTER] Punk may have the skills but Holly is a cagy ole vet. This was a pretty open match but Holly is able to land the Alabama Slam at 5:33 to pick up the win. [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] Stevie Richards is walking back stage near a dark hallway. A arm reaches out and grab him by the neck. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Stevie Richards:[/COLOR][/B] This aint cool dude. With that he is hoisted up in the air and choke slammed on the hard concrete. As the unknown man walks away we can hear a evil laugh from him as he disappears into the hallway. [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER] "Wreckin Ball" hits & Mr. Kennedy walks out to a strong mixed reception. His microphone drops from the ceiling and the lights go out. He starts by saying that for anyone who watched him week after week have witnessed one of the biggest rising super star in the history of Raw, in fact the whole of sports entertainment and that no one is more sports entertainment than him, not even any of those muscle heads in the back. With that Batista’s music starts to play as he makes his way down. Batista tells Kennedy he is on. [CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="4"][COLOR="red"]WWE Intercontental Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket Batista VS Mr. Kennedy[/CENTER] An above average match as Batista put on all of his power moves on Kennedy. But just cant put him away. The end saw Kennedy land a low blow on Batista and take the big man down with a clothesline. He rolls him up and puts his feet on the ropes as referree Jack Doan makes the three count at 12:33. [CENTER]…comercial break…[/CENTER] We come back from break and see Randy Orton carrying his equipment to the parking lot. Shane McMahon see him and tries to stop him. [CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket [/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Blue"]Shane:[/COLOR][/B] Randy, where are you going? [B][COLOR="blue"]Randy:[/COLOR][/B] I’m out of here. This place is falling around you Shane. Can’t you see it? [B][COLOR="blue"]Shane:[/COLOR][/B] Come on Randy we stuck by you after tough times. Stick with us we can pull this out. [B][COLOR="blue"]Randy:[/COLOR][/B] See ya. Shane is left standing there as Orton walks away. But Ron Simmons enters into the scene apparently after seeing what happened. [CENTER]Photobucket [B][COLOR="blue"]Ron Simmons:[/COLOR][/B] Damn! Photobucket [/CENTER] We come back from back stage to hear JBL’s music. Out comes the limo. JBL then takes his time as he exits his ride and makes his way to the ring. [B][COLOR="blue"]JBL:[/COLOR][/B] You know what separates me from organization? I have greatness, dignity, courage, respect. The WWE doesn’t pocess any of these qualities. They are a disgrace to their former selfs. [CENTER]Photobucket[/CENTER] John Cena’s music hits and he comes out to one of the loudest pops of the evening. [B][COLOR="blue"]Cena:[/COLOR][/B] You know I’m just like all you all out there. I’m tired of listening to JBL flap them damn lips of his. It seems like all he wants to do is yap, yap, yap. I’ve brought the ref, I’ve brought the chain gang, And I see you JBL have brought the ass I’m gonna kick. [CENTER]Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket John Cena VS JBL [/CENTER] Cena comes out to a house on fire. Laying JBL down several times during the match. The end saw JBL landing a Clothesline from Hell out of nowhere to pin Cena at 10:41. We cut to backstage where we see Triple H and Shane McMahon talking backstage. Shane tells Triple H dont worry about a thing becasue Edge is gonna pay for what he has done. Triple H tells Shane he better just stay out of his damn way. [CENTER]...Comercial Break... Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket Edge VS Triple H[/CENTER] Shane McMahon has joined Tazz and Jim Ross at the broadcast table. No love lost here as Edge and Triple H went hard at each other. The end saw Shane leave the broacast table and pick up a chair. He is about to hit Edge with it but Edge ducks at the last possible second and Shane nails Triple H instead. Referre Nick Patrick calls for the bell and DQ's Edge. The show comes to an end as we see a stunned Shane McMahon checking on Triple H. Triple H is slow to getting on his feet but you can see the fire is slowly building up in him as he eyes Edge the Shane. Edge makes a slow retreat back to the back stage area as we go off the air. [QUOTE] 1. Vince apologizes Rated:A 2. Edge attacks Vince Rated: A+ 3. Bobby lashley vs. Big Daddy V Lashley Wins at 5:53 with a dominator. Rated:C- 4. Shane Books Edge vs. Triple H Rated:A 5. The Holligans VS The Hardys Draw at 7:34 double count out Rated:C 6. Hardcore Holly Vs CM Punk Holly win at 5:33 Alabama slam Rated:c- 7. Kane attacks stevie Richards Rated: D+ 8. Mr. Kennedy boosts he can beat anybody Rated:b+ 9. Bautista VS Kennedy Rated:b- Kennedy uses ropes for leverage at 12:33 10. Orton Walks out as Shane tries to stop him. Simmons says”Damn!” Rated:b- 11.JBL puts down company then cena comes out they agree to match Rated:b Clotheline from hell 10:41 12.Shane and Triple H talk backstage Rated:a 13. Triple H Vs Edge Rated:a Shane hits triple h with chair at 14:57 Winner triple h 14. Triple H and Edge stare down. Rated:B+ final Rated:B+ [/QUOTE] Comments and Feedback are welcome folks.
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[CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]News and Views from good Ole JR.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER] Last night show was a real turn around I thought. For once in the lat year I was actually excited. I hope it showed with myself and my broadcast partner's interaction. I know it was only one show but progress has to start somewhere no matter how small. I can only confirm that a new member has been brought into the WWE's creative team and his or hers footprint was made last night. I can also confirm that several contracts were sent out last night but as of this time I don't know who will sign or even to whom they were sent out too. Did anybody else seem to notice that CM Punk's performance looked good last night? He may have come up on the short end of the string last night but I think the young man has a future in the business if he can catch a break. Speaking of performances, Edge and Triple H really was a classic. These two looked invigorated. Hopefully the rest of the talent backstage can catch the same fever. I am pleased to announce at my restaurants we have some new WWE memorabilia items up. Plus I hear the sauce is real good also.
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[CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]Raw Preview[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket After attacking the CEO and owner Vince McMahon what will be in store for Edge? PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Brian Kendrick and Paul London are set to defend their Tag Team Championship. PhotobucketPhotobucket CM Punk is scheduled to take on arguably the best technical wrestler no one heard of in the United States. Photobucket Batista is scheduled to appear. Photobucket The Great Khali will have an important message. Plus. PhotobucketPhotobucket John Cena and Triple H will be appearing. All this and more on PhotobucketPhotobucket [/CENTER]
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