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Money to Burn: 1 year of Wrestling!

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Night 197 Monday, February 8th 2009

Live from Hilo, Arkansas




Ali is in the ring,
“It turns out the Sultan was right, I Ali Wanna do not need gold to shine as bright as the morning sun. The Corporation has the Sultan’s Favor and that is all that matters. Kenny Kool can have the piece of tin he stole last night. Ali Wanna is the bigger man and will rise above that solitary loss.”




Ali Wanna over GWO. Ali put on a great match, GWO tried to keep himself in it, but Ali was like a man possessed, and soon locked in the Camel Clutch forcing GWO to tap out.




Lauren Easter and Wanda "sleep with the" Fish, to a no contest. The referee could not keep the two women in the ring, infact he could not make them do much of anything he wanted. Finally declaring the match a double count out, and washing his hands of the whole mess.




The two women brawl out of the arena, Lauren and Wanda trading huge blows. The fans cheering as the two women disappear from sight.




Souls in Exile over GWO, the match is brutal, Burning Exile delivers a brutal Exile Driver to GWO. Just to have Soul Taker come in and lock on the life force drain. GWO goes to tap out, but Taker breaks the hold and Exile comes in and the two double team GWO for a while. Finally Burning lands another huge Exile Driver and keeps GWO down for a three count.




Souls in Exile Take a chair to GWO, leaving him battered, bruised and broken. It is clear that the Souls in Exile have just tendered their resignation to the Green World Order. But it is also very likely that Geronimo Wakama Oneida will not be returning to the ring any time soon.




Flash the Cash over Pure Breed to retain the Tag Team Titles. The Breed puts up a good fight, even managing to score several near falls. Steve Flash battles back with Keith’s help, and a little well paid for discretion to land the Flash Bang, and pick up the W.




Steve Flash grabs a microphone,
“Man, I like love giving up and coming teams a chance. Dude just look at how well Pure Breed did tonight. With, like that in mind. Man, any team that defeats a form pair of champs will get a shot at these titles, this Sunday, at Show Down.”


Show: C+

Atnd: 953
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Night 198 Tuesday, February 9th 2009

Live from Gilmer, Texas




Danny Rushmore is standing silently in the ring, he cracks his neck and stares intently up the ramp. His eyes grow more intense as he begins to speak,
“I promise to spare the family of the man who attacked me from behind at show down, if he mans up right here tonight.”




Kenny Kool over Joey poison to retain the pride of the organization. Kenny is on a hot streak. He manages to gain the upper hand, and hit the Kool Kollision, leading to a superb three count.




JD Morgan runs down to the ring, turns Kenny around and jerks him into the air for a huge power bomb.
“The Reign of Darkness can not abide trash like Kenny Kool to run around in OYWL.”




Jd Morgan over Brady Prince, the two men battled around the ring, but when Morgan catches Prince trying to take him down with a high cross body, Morgan delivers a devastating back breaker, and locks in the Darkness Stretch, forcing Brady to tap.




Joanne Rodriguez is in the ring,
“Last week I proved that I was better than every one of the ladies at the top of the Women’s list. This week I will make sure that even the ladies lower down can’t say the Joanne Rodriguez isn’t the best women’s wrestler Alive today.”




Joanne Rodriguez over Angel, to retain the Ladies Championship. The two women light up the ring, but Jo quickly finishes Angel off with a huge J-rocker.




Raphael Ruiz comes down to the ring,
“I am Raphael Ruiz, and it doesn’t matter why, but I attacked Danny Rushmore at showdown on Sunday night.”




Danny Rushmore over Raphael Ruiz, to retain the Sultan’s Favor. Danny’s anger fuels the first part of the match, as he tears Ruiz apart. Ruiz wisely tries to minimize the damage realizing there is no way to match Danny’s intensity. Ruiz even manages to get behind Rushmore and lock in the Ruiz Wrench. But Danny leans forward taking Ruiz off the mat, and rams him into the turnbuckle so hard Raphael almost passes out. Danny then hit Silence is Deadly, and makes a lazy cover for three.


Show: B-

Atnd: 937
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Night 199 Wednesday, February 10th 2009

Live from Tupelo, Mississippi




Ali Wanna is in the ring,
“It is a good night to be alive. The Corporation’s stock split today, and Danny Rushmore has punished the man responsible for me loosing Pride of the Organization. It really is a good night.”




Sultan’s Former Army over Invasion, neither team looks particularly great. Brady hits a huge princely slam to end the match.




Sultan’s Former Army take up a pair of microphones,
“Well that was easy, Invasion were the first ever Tag Team Champs, so I guess Flash the Cash, that means we will see you at Show Down for a shot at the Tag Team gold.”




Raven over Stephanie Wade. The match amped the crowd back up, the two women delivering everything the fans have come to expect from out ladies division. Stephanie hits a Super Kick, and it looked like Raven would be down for the count. But she kicked out at two and nine tenth. Sprang to her feet and hits a surprised Steph with an even flow DDt to obtain the W.




Raven grabs a microphone,
“Jo you like to run your mouth, but for weeks now I’ve been delivering huge wins. And tonight I defeated our former champion. Jo where’s Raven’s shot? What about Raven?”




Asian assault over Maximum Rage. The two teams are almost a throw back match. Shingen pulls the best match ever out of Rage, a Shining Wizard to the back of Primal Rages skull, makes the pin fall possible.




Dark Reign come down to the ring,
“Amateur hour around here I swear. Souls in Exile we saw you ‘take out’ Geronimo. It just lacked that professional polish. So how about we take the time this week and show you how it’s really done.”




Dark Angel over Soul Taker the two men rounded on each other as their partners brawled on the outside. Soul Taker even managing to lock in the Life Force Drain, and it looked like this match would be over quickly. Dark Eagle managed to break up the submission by pulling the ref from the ring. Soul Taker pulled the ref back in, but this allowed Dark Angel to set up Taker for the Descent to Hell, costing Taker the match.


Show: C

Atnd: 1000
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Night 200 Thursday, February 11th 2009

Live from Rusk, Texas




Zeus Maximillion comes out to the ring,
“I am not only the greatest wrestler ever, I am also the greatest commissioner ever. Shingen and Kashmir knew they could come to me to get things set right. So here tonight they will have a match against Eisaku, a three way match. Lets see how they like asking for favors now.”




Raphael Ruiz over Harumi. Harumi having taken a beating all week doesn’t break much ground, as Ruiz beats him from one side of the ring to the other. Finally Raphael locks in the Wrench and forces Harumi to tap.




Raphael Ruiz grabs a microphone,
“The world can see what is happening, the world is watching how I am being treated. The world will make sure that Raphael Ruiz gets his shot!”




Air Attack Weasel comes down to the ring,
“I know that Rapheal Ruiz says he attacked The Silent Force Danny Rushmore. That’s cool and all, but it’s not true, I did it, and it doesn’t matter why, but I attacked Danny Rushmore at showdown on Sunday night.”




Danny Rushmore over Air Attack Weasel, to retain the Sultan’s Favor. Danny comes down to the ring looking ready to kill. He proceeds to tear Weasel apart. Danny finally lines up Air for Silence is Deadly, and the crowd moans at the impact. Danny makes the easy cover as the medics come down to collect Weasel from the ring.




Joanne Rodriguez over Kristabul Plum, to retain the Ladies Championship. In a match above even what we have come to expect from the Ladies of OWYL. Joanne puts Kris away with a huge J-Rocker.




Jo gasping from breath grabs a microphone,
“Really? That it? The best the women of OYWL can send at me is Kristabul Plum? Well then I may hold this belt forever!”




Eisaku over Shingen and Kashmir. The partners of Asian Assault quickly wear down Eisaku, and the match looks all but over. But as Kashmir goes to pin E, Shingen puts a hand on his shoulder and says they should punish him further. Kashmir grins and pulls E from the mat and sends E off toward one ring, as Shin and Kash rebound off the side ropes looking to sandwich E. Eisaku has the presence of mind to duck the double clothes line, and watches as Shingen and Kashmir deliver a huge double clothes line to one another. Eisaku, crawls back and makes a quick cover to pick up the win.




Down but not out, Shingen and Kashmir quickly regain their feet and all three brawl down the ramp and out of the arena.


Show: B-

Atnd: 1000
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Night 201 Friday, February 12th 2009

Live from Bessemer, Alabama




Ed & Whiskey over Poison & Weasel, Ed manages with Whiskey’s help to isolate Joey Poison in the wrong corner. Ed hits the C-sharp and makes the cover, as Weasel comes across to make the save he meets a big boot from Whiskey.




The Dust Bowl Duo floods out from back stage, “
Darn Tootin’ it’s us. Weaseled out a belts that belong to us. Flash that Cash, even your ATM Keith Adams Ain’t gonna be no help when we catch up to you no good cattle rustlers. Ya’ll hear me now, The Dust Bowl Duo will ride again as tag team champs here abouts!”




Burning Exile over Dark Eagle, the match was fast paced and both men appeared to be seriously trying to hurt the other. Exile finally nailed Eagle with the Exile Driver, and made the cover for a hard fought Three.




Exile Climbs out of the ring and goes over to the announce table where he picks up a microphone,
“That was one hell of a match, but Dark Reign your insults will not go unanswered. If you really think you can Teach the Souls in Exile something about a beat down, well at Show Down how about we give you a chance to eat those words.”




Kenny Kool to a no contest with JD morgan when the referee gets tired of trying to make both men follow the rules. The match was dirty, Kenny gouged eyes and pulled hair. JD held submissions to long, and locked in illegal choke holds. As the match wound down JD locked in an illegal choke, Kenny grabbed a hand full of hair, and when neither man would let go the Ref threw the match out.




“What up ‘all”
, Kenny is grinning ear to ear,
“I be feelin’ it all. It’s better than tripin’, it’s better than floatin’, it’s better than sex I’m Straight up. I’m Kenny Kool, and it be too cool to be the Pride of the Organization champ. Peace.”




Brothers Gauge over Dust Bowl Duo. It was hard to take your eyes off this match, or even catch your breath. The Brothers managed to stay a step ahead of the Duo. Even blocking a huge Dust Bowl Drop. The Brothers slowly wore the Duo down, until they were able to land a Birth Right Slam through a table on the outside to take Mean Jean out of the equation. Greg and Mathew then double teamed Al, who fought valiantly, but could not overcome the numbers game, and eventually went down for a three count, after a Birth Right slam of his very own.




The Brothers Gauge Grab a microphone,
“It is too right that we should earned with this win a chance to procure the Tag team gold. The Dust Bowl Duo having been former Tag Team Champs, means that we can avail ourselves of the offer made by Flash the Cash. So this Sunday at show Down, the Brothers Gauge shall indeed vie for the Titles.”


Show: C+

Atnd: 1000
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Night 202 Saturday, February 13th 2009

Live from Arp, Texas




Ed C over Zeus Maximillion. The greatest wrestler alive today went hold for hold with Ed C. But Ed just seemed to have the match of his career. Zeus manged to hit a Thunder Bolt, but Ed kicked out at two and some change. Battling back to hit a C-sharp of his own. Zeus too kicked out, but it was a second to late, and Ed picked up the win.




Ed calls for a microphone,
“Last time I was on Premier, with out my mentor Whiskey Jack, I made an ass out of myself. Well tonight I proved that I can learn, that I can be molded. I proved that when Whiskey thinks I am ready, Ed C will be unstoppable.”




Joanne Rodriguez over April Appleseed, to retain the Ladies Championship. The two ladies tore around the ring. Joanne bringing something out of April no one had ever expected even lay there. But all the same, a huge top rope J-rocker led to the inevitable three count, and Jo’s victory.




Jo stumbles to the top of the ramp,
“That has got to be one of the best matches of my …”
Raven slams a chair into the top of Jo’s head, turns her around and puts a boot into Jo’s gut, and delivers an even flow DDT. Raven then poses down with Jo’s Title.




A video plays, it shows a Sunrise. Then a Japanese flag. Then a hyku


Sun Rise in the East

In Each New Day Nurturing

It Own Morning Glory






Eisaku over Morning Glory. The overly made up Japanese star receives a tremendous amount of support, right up until Eisaku beats him from one side of the ring to the other. A Nuclear Death Bomb mercifully ends the match.




Marc Speed comes down to the ring,
“I know that Rapheal Ruiz & Air Attack Weasel say they attacked The Silent Force Danny Rushmore. That’s cool and all, but it’s not true, I did it, and it doesn’t matter why, but I attacked Danny Rushmore at showdown on Sunday night.”




Danny Rushmore over Marc Speed, to retain the Sultan’s Favor. The match was good, all the usual high spots hit, but it lacked that something special to take it to that next level. Danny delivered Silence is Deadly to cap off the match.


Show: D+

Atnd: 1000

(I booked the line up for the wrong day, causing very unhappy fans)
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Sunday Show Down

Night 203 February 14th, 2009


Will Feature:


JD Morgan vs Kenny Kool ©

for the Pride of the Organization

Kenny survived his first match with vicious JD Morgan, can he do so a second time?


Dark Reign vs Souls in Exile

These two teams hate each other, and both are looking to prove the are the most brutal duo ever, can either team survive, let alone claim victory?


Brothers Gauge vs Sultan's Former Army vs Flash the Cash ©

for the Tag Titles

two teams have won a shot at Steve Flash and his tag team gold, but can either hope to overcome the Issuance policy that Steve has surely taken out with yet another referee?


Eve Grunge vs Joanne Rodriguez ©

for the ladies championship

Jo has pulled the best matches of thier careers out of servral of the ladies in the midcard. But Does Eve really have any chance to walk away with Jo's title?


??? vs Danny Rushmore ©

for the Tag Titles

will danny face a schedualed opponent, or will the true attacker finally reveal themselves. and even if they do, can we trust they are the true mastermind?



don't miss the action live tomorrow night!

DM: Keith Adams vs A Masked Man

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JD Morgan vs Kenny Kool ©

for the Pride of the Organization

I think JD will keep a cool head and not get DQ'd this time...or at least get caught.


Dark Reign vs Souls in Exile

How is Dark Angel not broken in half by now? He usually snaps quicker than a twig.


Brothers Gauge vs Sultan's Former Army vs Flash the Cash ©

for the Tag Titles

I'd like to see Sultan's Former Army win because Brady is just cool...but hard to pick against Flash at any level.


Eve Grunge vs Joanne Rodriguez ©

for the ladies championship

Not a fan of Grunge, and Jo has looked great as usual.


??? vs Danny Rushmore ©

for the Tag Titles

Picking question marks makes it more fun.

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JD Morgan vs Kenny Kool ©

for the Pride of the Organization


Got to go with the champ Kenny Kool


Dark Reign vs Souls in Exile


Brothers Gauge vs Sultan's Former Army vs Flash the Cash ©

for the Tag Titles


Eve Grunge vs Joanne Rodriguez ©

for the ladies championship


??? vs Danny Rushmore ©

for the Tag Titles

Again have to go with the champs on this one being that I have no idea who you will throw in for the challengers. I am interested to find out though.

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Show Down 2-2

Sunday, February 14th 2009

Live from Pasadena, Texas




DM: Masked Man #1 over Keith Adams. The match was above average for us, and Masked Man #1 is looking strong, winning with a running power bomb.




DA: Kenny comes out to amp up the crowd before the show Starts, “What up? I feel like I’m walkin on a cloud or something. It’s like Ephoric er somethin’. I get another shot at the Big Shot, JD Morgan. Don’t be front’n I’ma own that fool. Kenny Kool, is gonna hold the Pride for a long ass time.”




Kenny Kool and JD morgan to a no contest to retain the Pride of the Organization, when Dark Reign & Souls in Exile get involved. Kenny and JD are once again ignoring the referee, this time their match has spilled over the top rope and out into the crowd. The referee finally manages to coax both wrestlers back into the ring, just as Dark Reign pull Kenny back out, and begin beating on him. Souls in Exile storm down to the ring and pull JD out, showing Dark Reign they too can beat some one down. The ref shakes his head and throws the whole mess out.




Ali Wanna Struts out onto the stage,
“Damn it this is not a free for all, this is a corporation with rules and penalties. You six want to fight, well then right here right now, I’m turning the Dark Reign vs Soul’s in Exile match into a six man tag. You six can commence to making me money, right now.”




Dark Reign & JD over SiE & Kenny. Dark Reign immediately pulls the Souls off of Jd, but they have thoroughly trashed Kenny, making this more of a handicap match up. Burning Exile manages to hand out Exile Drivers to Dark Reign, while Soul Taker locks in the Life Force Drain on JD. But Morgan just laughs at Soul Taker and reverses the hold. The beating continues until, Dark Reign and the Soul’s are battling on the out side, when JD pulls a limp Kenny Kool into the ring, delivers a huge Falling Darkness, and rolls him up for the three.




Flash the Cash over the Brothers Gauge and the Sultan’s Former Army, to retain the tag team titles. The match was huge, but in some ways failed to live up to expectations. The Brothers were the stand outs. But once again Steve Flash appears to have paid off the referees, a Flash Bang out of no where on Sayeed allows the Ref to deliver a Fast count and Flash the Cash hangs onto the belts.




We see Jo arriving at the venue, she parks next to an ambulance, as she walks around the ambulance, we see Joanne’s original opponent being loaded into the back of it. Jo looks startled and wishes Raven the best.




Joanne Rodriguez over Eve Grunge, to retain the Ladies Championship. The back and forth of this match brought the crowd to their feet. Eve taking Jo outside the ring, brings her up the steps and set Jo up for a garbage can ride off the steel steps, but Jo reverses it at the last second into a J-Rocker on the steel platform. Joanne then brawls back down the ramp, back into the ring, where she catches Eve with a second J-Rocker to score the pinfall.




Snap Dragon comes down to the ring,
“I know that Raphael Ruiz, Air Attack Weasel and Marc Speed said they attacked The Silent Force Danny Rushmore. That’s cool and all, but it’s not true, I did it, and it doesn’t matter why, but I attacked Danny Rushmore at showdown on Sunday night.”




Danny Rushmore over Snap Dragon, to retain the Sultan’s Favor. If this was Snap Dragons plan for getting another shot at Danny and the title, it totally back fired. Danny seems to be growing more irate with each attacker claim. Danny gored Snap into a turn buckle, took him up for a huge Stall suplex, then drove Dragon into the mat. This only lead to further punishment, and a top rope vertical suplex to Dragon. Snap managed to lock in a dragon sleeper, which slowed Danny down but failed to stop him, Danny hauled Snap off his feet and flung him to the out side. Rushmore climbed out after Dragon and threw him back over the top rope into the ring. There Danny set Snap Dragon up and delivered Silence is Deadly, and made the cover.


Show: B-

Atnd: 1000
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JD Morgan vs Kenny Kool ©

for the Pride of the Organization

I think JD will keep a cool head and not get DQ'd this time...or at least get caught.


Dark Reign vs Souls in Exile

How is Dark Angel not broken in half by now? He usually snaps quicker than a twig.


Brothers Gauge vs Sultan's Former Army vs Flash the Cash ©

for the Tag Titles

I'd like to see Sultan's Former Army win because Brady is just cool...but hard to pick against Flash at any level.


Eve Grunge vs Joanne Rodriguez ©

for the ladies championship

Not a fan of Grunge, and Jo has looked great as usual.


??? vs Danny Rushmore ©

for the Tag Titles

Picking question marks makes it more fun.


3.5/5 - not bad for my wacky booking style. you are correct no way Kenny was going over JD again!



JD Morgan vs Kenny Kool ©

for the Pride of the Organization


Got to go with the champ Kenny Kool


Dark Reign vs Souls in Exile


Brothers Gauge vs Sultan's Former Army vs Flash the Cash ©

for the Tag Titles


Eve Grunge vs Joanne Rodriguez ©

for the ladies championship


??? vs Danny Rushmore ©

for the Tag Titles

Again have to go with the champs on this one being that I have no idea who you will throw in for the challengers. I am interested to find out though.


5/5 I say 5 out of 5 because while Kenny did not win, he held onto his title, and we all know that in wrestling that's as good as winning.


Big props for winning! not sure I have much else to offer. :p

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Night 204 Monday, February 15th 2009

Live from Cortez, Colorado




Ali is in the ring,
“From time to time a Corporation has to curry favor with it’s employee’s and it’s customers at the same time. Well Dark Reign and Souls in Exile both think they know the best way to beat down a competitor so this week both teams will have a chance to show their stuff.”




Pure Breed over Joey & Weasel, the Pure Breed have the best outing of their career and are pushed to the limits. They manage to nail Weasel with a double vertical suplex to pick up the pin fall.




Air Attack Weasel heads up the ramp, but stops at the top.
“It wasn’t my fault, I just want you all to know that. I blame Danny Rushmore, and what he did to me last week. I know I will never be the same wrestler again.”




Burning Exile over Joey Poison. Joey looked distracted by the comments his partner just made, Exile takes advantage of this, gaining an edge that Poison never makes up for. Burning nails the Exile Driver to keep Joey down for the three.




Soul Taker over Air Attack Weasel. I am sure Weasel will blame Danny for this loss as well, but I blame the perfectly executed Life Force Drain that Weasel tapped out to, more than anything.




Taker & Exil grab a pair of microphones,
“Now comes the fun part, the part we have waited all night for. Now comes the two on one handicap match. We call out Dark Eagle, Dark Eagle we hope you are prepared for the beating of a life time!”




Souls in Exile over Dark Eagle. The match is a spectacularly one sided affair. Dark Eagle tries to hang, but ends up getting busted open and bleeding through is mask all over the mat. The Souls are awarded the win, when the referee has to pull them off the prone fetal form that entered the match as Dark Eagle.




Souls in Exile try to get back at the fallen Dark Eagle, and security has to come down and forcibly remove Soul Taker and Burning Exile from ring side, in order to protect Dark Eagle.


Show: C+

Atnd: 884
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Night 205 Tuesday, February 16th 2009

Live from Arboles, Colorado




Joey Poison comes down to the ring,
“I know that Rapheal Ruiz, Air Attack Weasel, Marc Speed & Snap Dragon say they attacked The Silent Force Danny Rushmore. That’s cool and all, but it’s not true, I did it, and it doesn’t matter why, but I attacked Danny Rushmore at showdown on Sunday night.”




Danny Rushmore over Joey Poison, to retain the Sultan’s Favor. The match was more or less Danny running down to the ring and kicking the crap out of Joey. Maybe after this people will stop claiming they were the one to attack Danny.




Zeus comes to the top of the ramp, “Well be that all as it may, the greatest wrestler alive today is here to welcome you to the Premier brand. I hope you enjoy the show, and that every on in the back has learned that provoking Danny Rushmore in order to get at title shot is really not in your best interest.”




Raven over Melody Cuthill. It was an open match, but Raven’s Evenflow DDT was the difference maker allowing her to score the pinfall.




Raven grabs a microphone clearly agitated.
“Really? Really? Jo are you ducking me? You owe me a shot at that title, or if you prefer I will let you just hand it over, and avoid the beating you know you have coming if you don’t. You better be ready to face the Raven this Sunday at Show Down.”




Joanne Rodriguez over Gorgon, to retain the Ladies Championship. The new comer Gorgon’s welcoming committee was a trio of J-rockers that may have her regretting her decision to sign with OYWL.




Jd Morgan comes out to the ring.
“The Reign of Darkness works for the Sultan, and as such we have an interest in seeing Danny Rushmore retain his title. Danny you must watch your anger. It will be your down fall, and you are better than that. Become one with the Darkness embrace it, or I promise you it will consume and destroy you.”




JD Morgan over Fresh Air Phoenix. The fans were chanting Holy **** by the end of this one. Fresh Air Phoenix took to the air, and I swear he never touched the canvass until Morgan finally caught up with him and drilled him with a huge running power slam. JD then locked in the Darkness Stretch and though Phoenix almost fought his way free, he was eventually forced to tap out.


Show: B-

Atnd: 885
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Night 206 Wednesday, February 17th 2009

Live from Flora Vista, New Mexico




Ali is standing in the center of the ring,
“The Corporation realizes that it has neglected the tag team division over the past few weeks. So tonight there will be a small tag team tournament for a shot at the gold this Sunday at Show Down, first win gets you a spot in tonight's finals. Second gets you that coveted shot at the gold.”




Ed & Whiskey over Invasion, these two teams turning in a performance that was light years better than expected. Ed nails the C-sharp on Nari to pick up the W.




Ed & Whiskey grab a pair of microphones,
“I’d get a child drunk and bet ‘em their whole collection of pok-e-mons that Ed and Whiskey are getting a shot at them titles.”
Ed steps forward,
“Well I don’t need to get children Drunk to know that we're a whole lot damn better than the idiots who paid to put gold around their waste. So this Sunday at show down they better watch out for the fastest rising team in OWYL.”




Pure Breed over Maximum Rage, the match was a stand out for Pure Breed who low blow Primal Rage, and use a quick role up to score this win.




Brothers Gauge over Joey & Weasel. The match was more a brawl than anything else. Greg & Mat managed to nail Joey with a Birth Right slam early, leaving them to double team Weasel, who eventually ate a Birth Right slam of his own, suffering the pinfall.




Mat grabs a microphone, as Greg stands behind him,
“It is no secret who we are, for we are the Brothers Gauge. What you may not know is that this Sunday it is we two that shall be your new Champions of Tag team wrestling.”




Ed & Whisky over Pure Breed and Brothers Gauge. This Tag match lit the crowd up as every team was on fire. Pure Breed cheated Early, breaking Jack's bottle of booze over his head and catching a long two count. Ed broke up the count only to find himself quadruple teamed and taking a wicked looking birth right slam, that he would not have kick out of, had Pure Breed and the Brothers not pulled each other off of separate pin attempts. Ed rolled to the outside to recover with Whiskey while Adam, Pit Bull, Greg and Mat tore it up inside the ring. Ed then made is reentry into the match felt, handing out a C-sharp to each man, and covering Pit Bull for the win, and a shot at the Tag team titles at Show Down.




Ed helps Whiskey back into the ring and the two Celebrate their huge win. Maybe, just maybe the crowd realizes. They maybe looking at the next tag team champions.


Show: C+

Atnd: 755
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Night 207 Thursday, February 18th 2009

Live from Rogers, Arkansas




Lauren over Stephanie Wade and Gorgon. The Three ladies go blow for blow in a knock down drag out free for all Brawl. Stephanie manages to take Gorgon out late in the match with a huge Super kick. Lauren capitalizes, catching Steph with a huge Belly to Belly suplex, keeping Steph out of the way long enough for Lauren to pin Gorgon.




Zeus Maximillion is in the center of the ring,
“I am the greatest wrestler alive, and I have had enough of my fellow wrestlers acting like children. Eisaku, Shingen, Kashmir Singh tonight I will teach you how to get along by forcing you to team in a six man tag match.”




Asian Assault & Eisaku over Dust Bowl Duo & Marc Speed. The match went over well with the fans, but even better Eisaku, Shingen and Kashmir. The three worked like a well oiled machine, first wearing out the veteran duo of DBD, then isolating and punishing Marc Speed until he went down for three after a particularly nasty Nuclear Death Bomb from Eisaku.




After the match Eisaku extends a hand to both Shingen and Kashmir, bowing to each man in turn, showing them a true sign of respect.




Mean Jean Cattley comes down to the ring,
“I know that Raphael Ruiz, Air Attack Weasel, Marc Speed, Snap Dragon & Joey Poison say they attacked The Silent Force Danny Rushmore. That’s cool and all, but it’s not true, I did it, and it doesn’t matter why, but I attacked Danny Rushmore at showdown on Sunday night.”




Danny Rushmore over Mean Jean to retain the Sultan’s favor, as has become the norm, Danny destroys his opponent, but is barley in control of his rage by the end of the match.




The Silent Force Danny Rushmore Grabs a microphone,
“I am tired of this Crap, When I get my hands on the person who attacked me. I AM GOING TO KILL THEM. I hope that makes you yahoo’s back stage think twice before coming out here and jerking me around even one more time.”




Joanne Rodriguez over Sarah Marie York, to retain the Ladies Championship. The match was a classic, but we have come to expect no less from our women’s division. Sara puts up a valiant fight, but Jo lands the J-rocker and that is all she wrote.


Show: C+

Atnd: 768
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Night 208 Friday, February 19th 2009

Live from Hilo, Arkansas




Ali Wanna is in the ring,
“Beat downs are good for ratings, and ratings are good for business. Ladies and Gentleman I will let you decide tonight if Souls in Exile had the superior beat down, or if Dark Reign can top them here tonight.”




Sultan’s Former Army over Invasion. It was a solid Match Sayeed hits the Sniper Rifle on Hiro to close out the match.




Brady and Sayeed half fight over the microphone, Brady finally taking control of it.
“The Sultan’s Former Army have deserved one thing for far to long, our day in the sun, our shot at the Gold, or chance to prove we are the best tag team in OYWL. The Sultan’s Former Army demand a tag team title shot!”




Dark Eagle over Nari, a decent match that ends with Dark Eagle landing the Eagle Shock for the win.




Dark Angel over Hiro, this match does not shine quite as brightly as the last, but a Decent to Hell accomplishes the goal landing Dark Angel the win. b




Dark Reign assemble in the ring,
“We choose the Soul Taker. We choose to let him suffer. We choose to end his very life. We choose to make an example of him here tonight.”




Dark Reign over Soul Taker. Taker manages to fight free of the two and land a huge DDT on Dark Angel. But Dark Eagle nails him with a huge missile drop kick, using a steel chair to increase the damage of the blow. Dark Angel then returns to the ring with a trash can and a table. Taker is stuffed bodily into the trash can, hoisted up and driven through table by a Decent to Hell from Angel. Dark Eagle, then pulls Taker from the trash can, and delivers an Eagle Shock right back onto it. The referee seeing that Taker is not moving calls for the bell.




Dark Reign won’t take the hint though and continues to lay the boots to Taker, until security spills from the back and drags the men from the arena.


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Night 209 Saturday, February 20th 2009

Live from De Queen, Arkansas




Whiskey Jack comes down to the ring,
“I know that Raphael Ruiz, Air Attack Weasel, Marc Speed, Snap Dragon, Joey Poison or Mean Jean Cattley say they attacked The Silent Force Danny Rushmore. That’s cool and all, but it’s not true, I did it, and it doesn’t matter why, but I attacked Danny Rushmore at showdown on Sunday night.”




Danny Rushmore over Whiskey Jack, to retain the Sultan’s Favor. Danny’s anger gets the better of him, and he misses a huge clothes line, which Whiskey flows up one with an even bigger on of his own. Danny Dazed manages to push through the pain, nailing Jack with a big boot, followed by Silence is Deadly, that helps Danny retain his title.




Danny seems to flip after the bell though and begins to kill Whiskey, chocking him out with his bare hands. Frankie Perez hits the ring, and only manages to save Whiskey, after cracking the Jack Daniels bottle at ring side over Danny’s head knocking him out.




Wanda “sleep with the” Fish over Sarah Marie York. This match was worthy of main eventing, but on this night it was just an omen of things to come. The two women tore up the ring, Wanda landing the Fisherwoman’s Suplex to score the pinfall.




Frankie Perez and JD Morgan to a no contest. The two men tried everything they could to hold the other man down. The fight finally spilled out of the ring and into the crowd. Then out of the crowd and into the arena at large. At this point the referee gave up and declared the fight a no contest as security pulled the two men apart.




JD Morgan comes back out to address the crowd, still breathing hard from his knock down drag out brawl with Frankie.
“Danny, eh, eh Rushmore. .. If you eh, eh, don’t watch that tem eh, eh er, or your’s it going to cost you. Eh eh, more than your title. It might just cost you your career.”




Joanne Rodriguez over Dragon Assassin, to retain the Ladies Championship. There was nothing that could stop these two ladies. Dragon Assassin’s Debut is huge as she pushes Jo to the very limit, several times coming with in an eyelash of winning the title. Jo as always hangs tough though, and manages to dig down deep and hit the J-rocker, stopping Dragon in her track, a second J-rocker light dragon up, and a third keeps her down for the three count.




Jo grabs her title and parades from ring rope to ring rope. “I AM the CHAMP!”


Show: B

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Sunday Show Down

Night 210 February 21st, 2009


Will Feature:


Ed C & Whiskey vs Flash the Cash ©

for the Tag Team Titles

The young up start team have earned a shot, but do they really fair any chance against the experience and money of Flash the Cash?


Dark Reign vs Souls in Exile

Round Two, with more than pride on the line these two teams are looking not just to harm, but to out right kill one another. Can any man survive to win this?


Kristabul Plum vs Joanne Rodriguez ©

for the ladies championship

Jo has pulled the best matches of thier careers out of servral of the ladies in the midcard. But Does Kristabul really have any chance to walk away with Jo's title, does any Woman?


??? vs Danny Rushmore ©

for the Tag Titles

Danny will finally find out who attacked him, but can he ever believe it is the truth? Can Danny ever trust that the true attacker has finally revealed themselves?



don't miss the action live tomorrow night!

DM: Raven vs Sarah Marie York

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Show Down 2-3

Sunday, February 21st 2009

Live from Wolfe City, Texas




DM: Raven over Sarah Marie York, the two just did not hit it off, and in a rare occurrence the women turn in the worst match of the evening. Raven winning with the evenflow DDT.




DA: Raven grabs a microphone,
“Jo did you see that? Did you? Another win for the only woman in this company you refuse to give a fair shot. Why Jo? Raven knows why, because your scared you know I am coming to take that title for you.”




Ed C & Whiskey over Flash the Cash to win the Tag Team titles. The crowd sparked up as the dynamic Duo of Ed and Whiskey descended on the ring. It is clear early that the referee has once again been paid off, as Ed hands out a pair of C sharps to Keith and makes the cover, and the ref all but refuses to count the pinfall. Steve Flash gets ****y and tries a plancha over the top rope, but Whiskey catches him in a huge show of strength and rams him into the turn buckle, and the two brawl out of the arena. Ed then enters the ring and dominates Keith to the point the referee has not choice but to count a minute long three count and award Ed and Whiskey the belts.




Whiskey appears at the top of the ramp, shot glass and Bourbon in hand.
“Steve Flash you may have the cash, but Whiskey Jack is the dirties player in the game.”
The camera cuts back stage and we see that Whiskey has stuffed Steve head first into a porta-pottey.




Dark Reign and Souls in Exile to a double knock out. All four men had a chip on their shoulder in this one. After a stand out match, Burning Exile knocks out Dark Angels with an Exile Driver, only to eat canvass so hard from an Eagle shock that he too pass out. Dark Eagle nails Soul Taker with an Eagle Shock as well, but Taker locks in the life force drain knocking Eagle out. But when the ref looks back it seems Taker too succumbed, and the referee rules the match a double knock out when not one of the men can answer a 10 count.




Raven comes down and gets in the ring, clearly ready for her title match with Joanne Rodriguez. Jo comes down.
“Oh, oh, oh I’m sorry Raven. I totally forgot you thought we had a match tonight night. I’ll have to rescedual, I’m Facing Kristabul tonight. Sorry.”
The last part said in a sing song voice indicating contempt over sorrow.




Joanne Rodriguez over Kristabul Plum, to retain the Ladies Championship. The match was a stand out, Joanne made Kris look like and actual contender. That is until Jo landed the J-rocker and kept Kris down for just long enough to claim victory.




Marc Speed is in the ring,
“Danny Rushmore, I know I’ve come out here and so have a lot of others claiming they attacked you. Well the truth is who attacked you is not important. Who told them to do it is. And I am the person, the man with the guts to set off the Silent Force. Why? So that I could study you, see you at your most vulnerable and find your weakness. And tonight I am going to exploit that weakness and claim the Sultan’s Favor! I am cashing in the title shot I earned a month ago, and there is nothing you can do to stop you defeat here tonight.”




Danny Rushmore and Marc Speed to a no contest, when JD Morgan destroys both of them. Marc truly had learned how Danny would react. Rushmore stormed the ring looking for blood, but Marc stayed out of his grasp, using hit and run tactics to wear the man down. Finally Marc locked in the deadly heel hook and it looked like Danny would have no choice but to tap out. JD Morgan used this opportunity to hit the ring with a steal chair, his first shot cracking off Marc’s Head, his second off Rushmore’s. the ref looked from one to the other, then at JD and called for the bell, declaring a no contest.




Ali Saunters down to the ring, picks up Danny’s belt and hands it to JD Morgan.
“I hope There are no hard feeling Danny, but JD Morgan made me and offer I could not refuse. Welcome to a new beginning, the beginning of the Corporate Reign.”
at this JD and Ali shake hands smilling down at the fallen Danny Rushmore.


Show: B-

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Breaking news:


I walked into my office, to be stunned by an ad in the newspaper setting on my desk. OYWL presents OYWL:Slick, every Tuesday night at Midnight only on Los Portes Dehoy! Starting the first week of march!


Under that was small blurb saying the Sultan had purchased the station, and given a 1 hour time slot to his little pet wrestling project. There was also a comment that he was in negotiation to buy an American Media conglomerate, and that in the coming months he hoped OYWL would come to every home in America, not just those with extended cable in the South West.
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Night 211 Monday, February 22nd 2009

Live from Marsing, Idaho




Ali is in the ring, a smugger than usual look on his face.
“Welcome to the first day of the rest of your lives, as servants of the Corporate Reign. You would do best to consider this your first last and only warning. If you cross us, you will pay before you are aware the debt is even owed. So Welcome to OYWL, courtesy of the Corporate Reign.”




Ali Wanna over Brady Prince. Prince did very well for himself, but it was clear the ref had been intimidated, cutting Ali a huge deal of slack, and saying nothing about the blatant low blow that led to Ali’s win.




Frankie Perez comes to the top of the ramp,
“you know I’ve been a lone wolf ever since I arrived here and got stabbed in the back by Eve Grunge. Tonight that changes, let me introduce you to my kid brother and new Tag team partner, Jonnie Perez! We will be taking the Tag Division back to school, for a course in Perez 101.”




Perez 101 over Pure Breed, Jonnie looked sharp in his debut, playing off Frankie as only a brother can. Jonnie hits a Perfect Parity on Pit Bull to pick up the win, as Frankie looks on proudly.




As Perez 101 clears the ring, The Sultan’s Former Army slides in lands some stiff blows on Pure Breed until the flee from the ring.




Kenny Kool over Sayeed, to retain the Pride of the Organization. The match is even, but Kenny manages to nail Sayeed with the Kool Kollison and score the pin fall, despite outside interference from Brady Prince.




Joey Poison and Air Attack Weasel come out to the ring.
“You know what we just get over looked week after week. Then two yahoo’s one so wet behind the ears you want to hand him a towel, and the other so old you wonder where his walker is. Walk in and all but steal the Tag team titles. Well Ed and Whiskey we are challenging you two to put those titles on the line right here tonight.”




Ed & W over Joey & Weasel, to retain the Tag team titles. Ed & Whiskey may have their nay sayers, but this match was awesome. Ed hit the C-sharp on Weasel to cap it off and give his team their first clean defense.


Show: C

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Night 212 Tuesday, February 23rd 2009

Live from Jordan Valley, Oregon




Morning Glory is in the ring.


But one defeat, I

At the hand of fate suffered

Revenge I shall Find




Dark Eagel over Morning Glory, the match only slightly less painful than the hyku. An eagle shock for Dark Eagle caps off the match.




Zeus Maximillion arrives at the top of the ramp.
“The greatest wrestler alive Zeus Maximillion never backed down from a fight a day in his life. Joanne Rodriguez, what you did to Raven this Sunday at show down, ducking her shot at your title. That is cowardly, well try to duck this, you will be in a fatal four way this Sunday at show down. Against the winner of three special matches that will happen this week.”




April Appleseed over Gorgon. The match was not anything to write home about, but April managed to get into Sunday’s match after nailing Gorgon with the Apple Slicer.




Keith Adams walks out to the ring, no longer in his business suit.
“I have all the respect in the world for Steve Flash. But tonight I prove that Keith Adams is his own man.”




Raphael Ruiz over Keith Adams, though Keith does not pick up the win I think he really proved he can hold his own. Keith controlled much of the match. But Ruiz finally locked in the Ruiz wrench and Adams had no choice but to tap out.




Steve Flash comes out and help Kieth up.
“Man you have like set me free or something man. The Burden of other has like been holding me down or something. Like first there was the GWO and it was cool and all, but I was totally like responsible for it. Then there was Flash the Cash and I had to totally hold up my end of the team. Well for now man, I am like all about me, Steve “solo” Flash.”




Steve “Solo” Flash over Fresh Air Phoenix. It’s been along time since we saw why Steve is the man in control of OYWL’s destiny, but this match reminded everyone why. Steve flew around the ring keeping pace with Phoenix. Steve finally nails the Flash bang and makes a huge roll up for three.


Show: C+

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Night 213 Wednesday, February 24th 2009

Live from Alturas, California




Ali is standing in the ring,
“It is good to be the man in charge. The Sultan maintains his allusions, but we all know I wield the power, and with the weight of the Corporate Reign behind me, no one can stop the will of Ali Wanna.”




Kashmir over Adam Bomb, the big man, man handles Adam around the ring, finally scoring a huge choke slam to cap off the match.




Frankie Perez comes down to the ring with his brother and Partner Jonnie.
“Last week class was in session, and it was a good class. Well it seems that there is still a lot left to teach, so tonight my brother Jonnie and I will hand out the second lesson in Perez 101.”




Perez 101 over Sultan’s Former Army. Frankie and Jonnie continue to play well off each other. Sayeed & Brady do their best to attack the team at what the feel is it’s weak point Jonnie. This how ever back fires as a well rested Frankie makes the hot tag into the match and clears house. Handing out Perfect Parity’s to both Sayeed and Brady, and then forcing Brady to submit to the P-clucth.




As retribution for the attack two days ago, Pure Breed spill into the ring and lay the boots to the just defeated Sultan’s Former Army.




Kenny Kool over Pit Bull Bown, to retain the pride of the Organization. This match was little more than a total train wreck. Brown and Kool both just seemed to be off a step tonight, and the fans did not appreciate the half hearted effort. Kenny landed the Kool Kollision to end the match.




Dust Bowl Duo over Souls in Exile. The crowd were quickly brought back to their feet, as the Duo hit the ring swinging. Soul taker managed to get Al in the life force drain and the match looked all but over, before Mean Jean dealt Taker a top rope head butt, to break the hold. Burning exile got hit with a huge dust bowl drop, but kicked out at after a long two and the match raged on. In the end the Duo managed to hit a second Dust Bowl Drop, this time through a table on the outside, on Soul Taker, roll him back into the ring, and score the pinfall.




The Dust Bowl Duo grab a pair of microphones,
“Ya’ll see that? That’s what a pair o’champions look like. They fight with honor, and the don’t give up ‘till they’re dead. There’s always hope until that bell rings. And that is why we’re put’in Ed & Whiskey on notice. You two’re great guys, but you ain’t got what it takes to keep the Duo from getting’ back what fors rightfully ours. Those tag team titles.”


Show: C

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