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Sunday Show Down

Night 224 March 14th, 2009


Will Feature:


Raven vs Wanda "sleep with the" Fish

These two women are at the top of there game, who will walk away with a shot a the Ladies Championship.


Dust Bowl Duo vs Perez 101 vs Dark Reign

These three teams, each for their own reasons have been harassing one another all week, now they will settle it for Pride, Honor or Glory, inside the Squared Circle.


Asian Assault vs Ed & Whiskey ©

for the Tag Titles

Shingen and Kashmir have proven to be one of the top Tag Teams in OYWL, but on Sunday night, can the prove they are the best? or will Ed & Whiskey continue to be the hottest young tag team today.


Steve 'solo' Flash vs Danny Rushmore

With a shot at the Sultan's Favor on the line, which one of these former champs has what it takes to walk away with another chance to wear the gold?


Lauren Easter vs Joanne Rodriguez ©

for the Ladies Championship

Jo has proved to be a the most Dominant champ to ever where a title in OYWL, does Lauren have any hope, or is she just another name on the list of also trieds? Infact can anyone take the gold off Jo's Shoulder?


Eisaku vs JD Morgan ©

for the Sultan's Favor

The man from the orient has what it takes, but can he over come the numbers game, and stand atop OYWL while JD has Ali Wanna and the Corporate Reign watching his back?



don't miss the action live tomorrow night!

DM: Dragon Assasin vs April Appleseed

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Show Down 3-2

Sunday, March 14th 2009

Live from Madison, Alabama




DM: April Appleseed over Dragon Assassin, the two women warmed up the crowd. April again nailing the Apple Slicer to secure the victory.




DA: Corey spills into the ring and raises April’s hand,
“Joanne Rodriguez, you have seen the evidence. I have provided the proof. In Raven’s words you need to man up and give the new and improved April Appleseed a real shot at Ladies Championship!”




Ali Wanna is standing in the center of the ring,
“The Sultan may he live in squalor for all I care, has provided us with another opportunity for the Corporate Reign to prove it self. Tonight JD Morgan will prove why we are the most dominate force in the World today!”




Raven over Wanda “Sleep with the” Fish, to prove she is worth a title shot. Raven steps up her game, well she steps up her level of cheating. Raven waits until the ref is distracted, and waffles Wanda with a chair. Only after which does she resort to the eye gouge, the quick roll up, and her feet on the ropes to secure the win.




Perez 101 over Dust Bowl Duo and Dark Reign. The Perez brothers do not start out in control of this match. In fact Dark Eagle & Angel pour into the ring, and clothes line every one out. It is at this point that the Perezs and Duo team up, and pull Eagle and Angel from the ring. Dark Reign is then beaten senseless. The Duo and Perez 101 the turn their attention on each other. Frankie manages to kick out of the Dust Bowl Drop, which unbalances the duo, who get put through tables with stereo Perfect Parities. Frankie then rolls a prone Al Colman back into the ring, and makes the cover the rounds out the match.




Dark Reign shakes the cobwebs off as the bell rings, and all three teams begin to trade blows, the brawl up the ramp and into the back stage area.




Asian Assault come out to the top of the ramp,
“Ed and Whiskey you’ve spent enough time ducking us. We demand our title shot, and we demand you get out here right now and give it to us.”




Asian Assault over Ed C & Whiskey, retaining the Tag Titles by DQ when Sultan's Former Army attacks, demanding a title shot. I wish I could tell you that Ed and Whiskey held their own in this match but it wasn’t true. Kashmir handed out big boots and Choke slams to any one he could lay his hands on. Shingen would tag in and clean the clock of Ed or Whiskey only to watch them jump for the hot tag. It looked like we were on our way to new tag team champs, until Brady Prince and Sayeed came down to the ring and layed out Asian Assault with a couple of stiff chair shots.
“Hey Ed and Whiskey, you can thank us for saving your titles, well by giving us a shot at them!”




Steve “Solo” Flash comes down to the ring,
“Man I am like so totally happy some one listened to me. Dude I got the call last night, and like man they said all I have to do is beat the former champ Danny Rushmore. And man I get a title shot!”




Steve “solo” Flash over Danny Rushmore, to earn a shot at the title. The two men electrified the crowd. Danny kept just barley missing Silence is Deadly, the fans knowing that one wrong move on Steve’s part and the match would quickly end. Steve wore Danny down from every angle, finally nailing a Flash Bang to take Rush more off his feet. Steve knew that would not be enough, amazed the fans by getting Rushmore on his shoulders and hitting a running power slam, followed by a second Flash Bang, before making the cover and just barley getting the three count.




Joanne Rodriguez is seen making her way to the ring, some one stops her and asks her a question, we only hear the answer,
“Not tonight, not a week from now, not ever. No one will ever take this title off of Joanne Rodriguez shoulder while she is still breathing!”




Joanne Rodriguez over Lauren to retain the Ladies Championship. Another classic match brought to you by OYWL women wrestlers. The give and take had the crowd eating out of these ladies hands. But Jo has just been so dominate, and the J-rocker finishes off another contender, handing Jo another in her seemingly endless string of wins.




JD Morgan comes face to face with Eisaku back stage. Jd pats his title,
“Take a good look mate. Cause that’s as close as you are gettin’ to the gold tonight or ev’a. You hear me you limey little roach?”




JD Morgan and Eisaku to a time limit draw for the Sultan’s Favor. What can I say JD dished out and endless steam of punishment, Eisaku took it all, and fired back with rhana’s, head scissors and drop kicks that would have crippled most men. JD locked in the Darkness stretch, but Eisaku managed to get a finger on the ropes. JD ate a Nuclear death bomb but kicked out at 2 and half. The matched raged outside and spilled into the crowd, but made it’s way back into the ring. Both men doing their best to bury their opponent, when the referee called for the time limit bell. JD and Eisaku ignored the ref and continued to battle until security was called in to separate the two.


Show: B

Atnd: 899
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Night 232 Monday, March 15th 2009

Live from Lumberton, North Carolina




DM: Danny Rushmore over Keith Adams. Keith got in more offense than your probably expect, but Silence is Deadly earned the three count.




DM: Joey Poison over Primal Rage, I am not sure either man knew what was on the line here, but they left it all in the ring anyway. Joey manages to hit the top rope Dieing Planet splash to secure the victory.




DA: Danny Rushmore who had remained ringside grabs a microphone,
“A Dark Match, a freaking dark match? Danny Rushmore shouldn’t do anything in the dark!”




Ali comes down to the ring,
“Well this is pointless. I Ali Wanna get to waste a week of my time, your time and most importantly Corporate time putting on a stupid cup. That’s right we are going to spend all week going from 32 wrestlers down to one. The winner gets to call themselves the proud owner of the 2009 Shinning cup! Those first two matches, were the kick off to the 16 match ups in the first round.”




Snap Dragon over Greg Gauge. Snap Dragon as always electrifies the crowd. Greg not used to singles competition walks right into the Dragon Sleeper forgetting there is no one else ring side to break the hold.




Marc speed over Burning Exile. Both men realizing what is on the line turns this into a key first round match up. Marc Speed how ever out wrestles and out classes Exile, locking in the Deadly Heal Hook, forcing the larger man to tap out aggressively.




Marc Grabs a microphone,
“That my friends is what Speed does! Speed kills! And night after night this week you watch me do the same to anyone who stands in my way.”




Fresh Air Phoenix over Mathew Gauge. I am not sure what it was but there was something special about this match. Phoenix managed to finish Mat off with a huge Phoenix Splash, that capped off a match that left the fans wanting more.




Greg Gauge comes into the ring and helps Mat to his feet,
“You all will forgive us, if we can but think one thing. This was a set up of magnanimous proportions. How else could two wrestlers of the caliber of the Brothers Gauge be so quickly dispatched in the very first round. We cry Shenanigans!”




Raphael Ruiz over Kashmir Singh. The match started slow, both men locking up and looking for the advantage. Raphael reeled back and landed a boot right in Singh’s bread basket. Kashmir powered forward with a huge standing clothes line. Raphael took Kashmir off his feet with a chop block to the knee, then twisted Kashmir around into a half crab and layed in deep. It took every ounce of the giants strength to pull himself over to the ring ropes and break the hold. The two behemoths then squared off again, Ruiz continued to wear the larger man down with an impressive array of dirty tactics. Ruiz finally locked in the Ruiz Wrench, and a worn and battered Singh had little choice but to tap out.




Raphael storms from ring post to ring post, celebrating his ill gotten win.


Show: B-

Atnd: 753
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Night 233 Tuesday, March 16th 2009

OYWL: Slick


Live from Broken Bow, Oklahoma




DM: Nick Lopez over Adam Bomb. The match was a brawling affair, that Lopez finished off with the Lopez Buster, inverted power bomb.




DA: Nick Lopez calls for a microphone,
“Hey yo, the Lopez is speaking show some freggin respect homes. Dis mi casa, Dis Ring is da only place I call home. And if you think you’re gonna come in my house homes, and tell me what to do. Well yo, you gots another thing or tres coming.”




Ali Wanna appears at the top of the ramp, as the fire works and music that welcomed us to the show proper die down.
“I am out here tonight to waste your time and mine. All week we will be putting on the Shinning Cup, and at the end of the week the last four men standing will meet at show down, to prove we have all wasted a week of our lives, crowing one of them, the Shining Cup Champ. Everybody got that, good. Now I’m going to get drunk back at the announce table.”




Kenny Kool over Soul Taker. Kenny manages to escape the life force drain, and nail Taker with the Kool Kollision, in order to barley escape with the three count, and the his Pride of the Organization title.




Joanne Rodriguez is back stage,
“Yeah I agreed to wrestle Jd Morgan in tonight’s main event.”
“Yeah, I’m a little concerned about his size advantage, but no one, man woman or bear can out wrestle Joanne Rodriguez and I’ll prove that here tonight.”
“What the hell kind of question is that, no I don’t have a ‘thing’ for Jd Morgan!”




Shingen over Air Attack Weasel. The two men put on a great Ariel match up. Shingen finishes off Weasel with a super kick that catches him coming off the top rope, followed up by a shining Wizard to the back of the head, that sends him off to dream land for the three seconds left in the match. b




Steve ‘solo’ Flash comes down for his match,
“Man I like totally love cups. And shinny cups are my favoritest. Man I am like totally winning me this Shinning cup thingy.”




Steve Flash over Corey Appleseed. Don’t ask me how, but Steve pulls the match of a life time out of Corey Appleseed. Corey of course has no real chance of winning this, and falls to a huge Flash Bang that he really should have seen coming.




Jd Morgan is backstage,
“Nah, I didn’t really wanna face the dame. But’s good publicity right. Well long as I don’t hurts her to bad that is.”
Evil Grin …
“Nah, She ain’t to skilled I don’t got to worry about being out wrestled. Little thing like her won’t even know there’s any one else in da ring.”
“Crush, Nah she’s not my type, I like the women.”




JD Morgan and Joanne Rodriguez to a time limit draw. Jo tears into JD the second the bell rings, clearly agitated by Morgan’s barbs in her direction earlier. JD battles back and Jo lands in the Darkness Stretch, but only as long as it takes for her free heel to dig into Morgan’s nether regions. Morgan lets her go, and ends up getting nailed with a J-rocker. The two continue to fight tooth and nail, and don’t even notice until the referee risks his own safety stepping between the two, to break them apart and end the match, as a time limit draw.


Show: B

Atnd: 2000 (Sold Out!)

Rating: 0.09 (+ .04)
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Night 234 Wednesday, March 17th 2009

Live from Monroe, North Carolina




DM: Whiskey Jack over Harumi. Worst match of the first round. I swear Whiskey was drunk and the ref was blind. As Whiskey flattened Harumi with his empty fifth of jack to pick up the win.




DM: Ed C over Ali Wanna. Remarkably this was a clean well fought match. Ed hits the C-sharp and gets a long two. Ali battled back, but a second C-sharp did the trick and Ed advances to the second round of the tournament.




DA: Whiskey steps into the ring and extends a hand, Ed takes it and pulls Whiskey into a single armed hug. The two wish each other luck in the next round no matter what happens.




Ali comes down to the ring,
“I swear every night I have to waste my time reminding you fans, that all of tonight's matches are part of the first round of the Shinning Cup. Get it through your thick sculls I don’t give a damn about this cup.”




Brady Prince over Pitbull Brown. Neither man looked incredibly strong out there, but Brady did manage to hit the Princely Slam for the win.




Sayeed over Al Coleman. For most of the match it looked like Al Coleman was going to pull out a minor upset win. He DDT’d Sayeed into the ring steps, and rolled him in for a two count that every one thought was three. Al then argued with the referee, giving Sayeed time to line Al up for the Assassination Attempt, easily taking Al out for a three count and more.




Brady pulls himself onto the ring apron, and he and Sayeed stare daggers at each other knowing only one of them will make it to the semi finals.




Eisaku over Morning Glory. I am not sure who Morning Glory bribed to get into the 32 man field, but his match with Eisaku proved he can hold his own. Well at least long enough to eat the Godzilla Plunge, and Nuclear Death Bomb, before lying down for an easy three count.




Eisaku tours the ring rope calling for the crowd to chant ‘Shiny Cups’ with him. The crowd plays along between heart felt roars of laughter.




Frankie Perez over Jonnie Perez. Brother vs Brother, with both men leaving it all in the ring. Frankie worked over Jonnies left arm, while Jonnie worked over Frankie’s right leg. The match played in circles each brother predicting the others moves and countering before any real damage could be done. It was a ballet of give and take, Jonnie hit the first devastating blow, hitting the more than Perfect Parity. Frankie barley avoiding the follow up top rope dive. This brought the brothers back to even footing and the dance continued. That is until Frankie landed the original, Perfect Parity Keeping Jonnie down for the count.




Frankie leans over and helps his brother up. The look in Jonnie’s eye is that of a younger brother that knows some day, his day will come. And when it does his older brother will show him as much respect then, as he is showing right now.


Show: C+

Atnd: 913
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Night 235 Thursday, March 18th 2009

Live from Reidsville, North Carolina




Zeus Maximillion is in the center of the ring,
“I am the greatest wrestler alive today. There is not a man here that has ever or will ever argue that fact. With that said it pains me to my very soul that I was not invited to be part of this tournament. Let me just say that the winner will never be able to say they beat the greatest to claim the cup. With that said, let us begin day one of the second round of the tournament!”




Kenny Kool over Danny Rushmore. Silence may be deadly, but Kenny managed to kick out of it, and hit a trio of Kool Kollisions to walk away with the win, and his Pride of the Organization belt.




Marc Speed over Raphael Ruiz. It was a clash of the bitter titans. Both men putting everything they had on the line in pursuit of their first taste of real success in OYWL. Marc Speed comes out on top yet again, avoiding the Ruiz Wrench and forcing Raphael to tap out to the deadly Heel Hook.




Raphael is extremely upset by the loss, pounds the mat, then gets up and pounds Marc’s face. This sets off a brawl that spills out of the ring, up the ramp, and right out of the arena.




Snap Dragon over Fresh Air Phoenix. This is the first meeting of the two since their split and bitter rivalry. Fresh Air takes control early, and hit some impressive Aerial moves, followed by a Phoenix Splash the crowd is sure will end it all. But Dragon kicks out, and wraps up Phoenix coming off the ropes with the Dragons Sleeper, putting Fresh Air Phoenix out for three full hand falls.




Snap Dragon helps Fresh Air Pheonix back to his feet. They look at each other with some new found respect, and shake hands before they exit the ring.




Steve “Solo” Flash over Joey Poison. The match goes in circles, Steve gets the advantage, Joey takes it back, some move brings thing even, and around we go again. Steve hits the Flash Bang out of no where, taking Joey down for the count.




Steve takes up a microphone,
“What am I doing out here man? I like totally am coming to claim my shinny cup! And like no one will stand in my way of getting my Shinning Cup.”


Show: B-

Atnd: 839
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Night 236 Friday, March 19th 2009

Live from Boone, North Carolina




Ali Wanna Climbs into the ring,
“Yet again here we go. I once again have to waste every ones time reminding them that this is the second and final night or round two. Let get two it before I get sick over how much money this crap is costing the Corporate Reign.”




Ed C over Nick Lopez. This match was something special, Nick hitting the huge Lopez Buster early, had Ed fighting and clawing his way back the entire match. Lopez lost control of the match when Ed finally landed the C-sharp, a second secured Ed the win.




Frankie Perez over Whiskey Jack. If Ed’s match highlighted what is great about the Tag team champs, this highlighted why Whiskey needs to be in a tag team. Frankie controls the match, and hit the Perfect Parity to pick up W.




Ed steps into the ring and helps Whiskey to his feet. He pats him on the back,
“Don’t worry Whiskey, you’ve trained me well, I am ready. I will make you proud and bring home the Shinning Cup for the Team of Ed C & Whiskey.”
Whiskey Grins,
“I’ll drink to that!”




Brady Prince over Sayeed, when Brady cheats, lift a knee into Sayeed’s family jewel chest, and using the ropes for leverage to keep Sayeed down for three.




Sayeed Stands up shaking his head,
“Really my friend? You must be so dishonest? You must cheat me to beat me? Yes my friend I know that was cheating, and I know he above will see the slight avenged.”




Eisaku over Shingen, as a counter point to the previous match, E and Shingen light up the ring. Every move is crisp and above board, neither man willing to take a short cut to earn their victory. Long two counts become the norm as the match wears down. The difference maker is E’s Nuclear Death Bomb, finally earning him a three count.




As the match ends, Eisaku waits for Shigen to rise. The two lock eyes and bow to one another as sign of deep respect.


Show: C+

Atnd: 870
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Night 237 Saturday, March 20th 2009

Live from Marion, North Carolina




DM: Joanne Rodriguez over Melody Cuthill, to retaining the Ladies Championship. This classic gets relegated to the Preshow, due to the Semi-finals of the shinning cup. But these two ladies don’t hold back a bit giving the crowd every bit the show they showed up early to see. Jo landed a top rope J-rocker on Melody before managing to make the cover.




DA: Joanne looks down at the fallen Melody and lays several boots into her broken form.
“This is it, the great Melody Cuthill comes all the way to the us to prove she should be the Champion of OYWL only to fall like all the rest. I am tired of all these weak women.”




Zues Maximillion Takes his place in the center of the ring,
“I may be the greatest wrestler alive today, but tonight you will see some of the greatest wrestling of all time. Tonight is the Shinning cup Semi-Finals, four matches that you will tell your grand kinds about right after you tell them you saw Zeus Maximillion in person. All this to determine the four men that will meet at Show Down to decide the First Shining Cup Victor, in a four man elimination match.”




Eisaku over Brady Prince. This is the weakest match of the night, probably because it is more of Eisaku punishing Brady for his disrespectful stunt last night than it was a real match. Eisaku finishes Brady off with the Godzilla Plunge, followed by a distinctly personal and effective Nuclear Death Bomb.




Kenny Kool over Snap Dragon. The crowd was not shocked when after a good match Snap Dragon locked in the Dragon Sleeper. Kenny went down to one knee, the referee raised his arm, it fell once, the referee repeated and the arm fell again, the referee raised it a third time, the arm began to fall, the ref turned to signal for the bell, but the arm had stopped just past horizontal and held. It inched it’s way back up. Kenny pushed back wards, forcing Dragon into the buckle and forcing a break. Dragon reared back to strike, but Kenny rolled and nailed him with the Kool Kollision, and rolled Dragon into a small package long enough to get the three count.




Kenny gasping for breath grabs the microphone from the ring announcer.
“Wad up! Dat right there was cool, Kenny Kool! I be trip’n to the finals for shizle now.”




Marc Speed over Steve ‘solo’ Flash. Steve has talked a lot of trash all week, but when the rubber met the road, he just ran out of gas in this match. Marc pushed Steve to the breaking point, and at the point Steve could not push back, Marc Speed locked in the Deadly Heel Hook, and forced Steve to fight for his shot. And fight Steve did, even managing to break the hold, and hit Marc with a Flash Bang. But his injured ankle did not allow Steve to put his weight into it, and Marc kicked out with ease, rolled over and reapplied the Heel Hook. Steve tried to fight again, but it was little use, and he soon found himself tapping out.




Steve walks up the ramp, head crest fallen, and pauses at the top,
“Man I am like so tired of this all. Steve Flash needs some time to reflect. That right man, I totally need some ‘Solo’ time.”




Frankie Perez over Ed C. Ed Shocked the hell out of Frankie, the ref and every fan in attendance by opening the match with a C-sharp, and a very long two count. Frankie stood up with a new found respect for the Young man, but soon found his back on the canvas again. The third lock up went the other way, but Ed still countered several maneuvers, and avoided the Perfect Parity, only to wind-up in the P Clutch. Ed managed to break the hold, but Frankie continued to work over the neck and lower back. Ed, just not used to this concentrated attack, had no defense the second time he wound up in the P clutch and was forced to tap out.




Joanne Rodriguez joins the commentators at ring side.
“Well there is already one 4 way Sunday at show down. I will put the Ladies title on the line in a second, but this one will be single fall takes all, that’s right it will be a fatal 4 way!”


Show: B+

Atnd: 872
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Sunday Show Down

Night 238 March 21st, 2009


Will Feature:


Kenny Kool vs Marc Speed vs Frankie Perez vs Eisaku

for the Shinning Cup

Pride Honor and Glory are on the line, as the Annual Cup Finals are battled out in a four man elimination match. Who will walk away with the cup, the money and A shot a the title?


Wanda "Sleep with the" Fish vs Stephanie Wade vs Lauren vs Joanne Rodriguez ©

for the Ladies Championship

It is a fatal four way, with four of the best women in the world in the ring, but in truth does any one but Jo really have half a chance to walk away the new women's champ?


Sultan's Former Army vs Asian Assault vs Ed & Whiskey ©

for the Tag Titles

Ed & Whiskey have had a great run, but do they really stand a chance of holding onto their titles in a match up with not one but two team of this caliber?


Eisaku vs Frankie Perez vs JD Morgan ©

for the Sultan's Favor

E earned a spot in this final match up, but can he and Frankie keep on the same page long enough to take out Morgan, or is this triple threat just another one of Ali Wanna's Tactics to keep the Belt on his man?



don't miss the action live tomorrow night!

DM: Gorgon vs April Appleseed

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Show Down 3-3

Sunday, March 21st 2009

Live from Kinsley, Oklahoma




DM: April Appleseed over Gorgon, not much of a stand out match here, April finishes Gorgon off with the Apple Slicer.




DA: Corey Appleseed comes into the ring and raises April’s hand,
“Ladies and Gentleman this is what a champion looks like. This is the face of the future of Pro-wrestling. And like it or not Joanne Rodriguez this is the face of your real competition.”




Frankie Perez over Kenny Kool and Marc Speed and Eisaku, to capture the first ever shinning cup. Just a Day after delivering one of the best shows ever these four combine to put on a some what disappointing match. All the high spots were hit, all last minute kick out were there. But it just missed that magic spark to drive it to the next level. Falling some what flat, Frankie managed to Catch Kenny Kool with the Perfect Parity, after Marc had suplexed Eisaku over the top rope, and then eaten a Kool Kollison, leaving Kenny wide open with no one to make the save.




Frankie Perez is celebrating in the ring Eisaku pushes him from behind.
“I must to inform you that your win here tonight was undeserved. You and I have another match this evening, you shall not leave with that title!”




Joanne Rodriguez over Lauren and Stephanie Wade and Wanda “sleeps with the” Fish, to retain the Ladies Championship. The ladies pull out a match that is a good step better. But the ending is a little Trite. Stephanie manages to Super Kick Lauren and Wanda. Only to walk right into a J-rocker. Jo then exaggerates, which one should I pin, before, hitting Steph with a second J-rocker and making the cover.




Jo tours the ring posts with her title, she is by far the most dominate champ in OYWL, and she lets the fans know it.




Asian Assault and Ed C & Whiskey and Sultan’s Former Army, no contest when Ultimate Dragon take them out, allowing Ed & Whiskey to retain. The three teams leave it all in the ring. Kashmir Singh particularly dominating the match, until Ed & Brady team up to, Vertical suplex him over the top rope, dumping him out to the floor. Shigen then got some measure of Revenge, nearly knocking out Whiskey and Sayeed with shinning wizards. The match was roaring along until, Snap Dragon and Ultimate Phoenix hit the ring, they leveled every one with huge chair shots and paraded around the ring.




Snap Dragon and Ultimate Phoenix look like a tight unit, Phoenix speaks
“I am one half of Ultimate Dragon, I am Ultimate Phoenix. And we are the only tag team worthy of wearing that tag team gold!”




JD Morgan over Eisaku and Frankie Perez to retain the Sultan’s Favor when Ali interferes. The difference maker in this match is Ali Wanna, no matter how much of an advantage E or Frankie would take, Ali was there to trip them up, break up the count or distract the referee while JD cheated. This eventually lead to Ali keeping Frankie tied up on the outside, while JD locked in the Darkness Stretch on Eisaku inside the ring, forcing him to tap out.




Ali & JD remind us they are the Corporate Reign, storming around the ring and telling the fans to shut up and deal with it.


Show: B

Atnd: 994
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Night 239 Monday, March 22nd 2009

Live from Carthage, Missouri




Marc Speed and Raphael Ruiz are standing in the ring,
“We know, we know. You fans never expected to see athletes as talented as Marc Speed and Raphael Ruiz on a Tag brand show. But here we are. Ultimate Phoenix choose to abandon the
we thought we would come over and see what it’s like to slum it on Tag.”




Marc Speed over Dark Angel, a good match. Capped off by getting to watch Dark Angel scream bloody murder as he tapped out to the deadly heel hook.




Raphael Ruiz over Dark Eagle, the two men went hold for hold. The match swung back and forth, as Dark Eagle almost picked up the win with the Eagle Shock. Raphael managed to push the referee out of the ring to break the count though. By the time the ref made it back in, Dark Eagle was tapping to the Ruiz Wrench.




Dark Angel joins Dark Eagle in the ring,
“That does not represent our best side. Dark Angel & Dark Eagle is by far the more superior wrestling machine, when joined together as the team of Dark Reign!”




Marc & Raphael over Dark Reign, it is true Dark Reign was better as a team. But Marc and Raphael had not problem distracting the ref and cheating behind his back. This led Dark Angel to end up in a Deadly Heel Hook, with is partner out of it, on the outside trying to recover from a chair shot to the head.




Ali Wanna comes out to the top of the ramp,
“That is a corporate disgrace. Dark Reign the Corporate Reign deserves a better Breed of winner. On Wednesday the Pure Breed will prove they are the kind of team to lead this organization to bigger profits!”




The Brothers Gauge come down to the ring,
“It is our opinion, that the Brothers Gauge are best tag team in wrestling today. It is how ever a Fact that we intend to prove it right here tonight. Ultimate Dragon come get what you have coming, in fact let make it a best of three.”




Ultimate Dragon over The Brothers Gauge. It may have been quite a while since Dragon and Phoenix have wrestled together, but they picked back up right where they left off. Phoenix took out Matt with a Phoenix Splash while Snap Dragon locked in the Dragon sleeper on Greg and put him to sleep for the win.


Show: B-

Atnd: 352
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Breaking news:


I was setting down to breakfast with the Sultan, and several other business partners when an under paid, or maybe unpaid intern came running in. I never remember whether I am supposed to tip these kids or not.


Any Way the kid has trade paper in his hands and he is pointing at the head line of sub section D. "is OYWL money?" So I asked him.


Well Sir it say that you are now widely considered a Cult promotion in the US, but it wonders if that will translate into OYWL becoming profitable.


The Sultan leans over at this point, "Son it does not matter, I gave them another 5 million just this morning, because they are doing such a good job in my head."
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Night 240 Tuesday, March 23rd 2009

OYWL: Slick


Live from Hoxie, Kansas




Raven corners Joanne in the ladies locker room,
“You gonna deal with me now?”
Jo looks up and pushes Raven, Raven fires off a punch, and huge cat fight breaks out, several other wrestlers pull them apart, Jo looks across the locker room, “
You want it, you got it right now!”



Joanne Rodriguez over Raven in a hard core street fight, to retain the Ladies Championship. Jo Starts the match off by climbing up on the hood of car and raining a huge elbow down on the top of Raven’s head. They brawl around the parking lot for a while, until Raven finds an old hub cap. She paints Jo’s face with it several times, opening her up, and blood is flowing all over both women. Joanne turns it up a notch Irish Whipping Raven into cement pylon. Then hitting her with a J-rocker onto a traffic pump to keep her down for the three.




Ali comes on the big screen,
“I have corporate business to take care of, so lets get straight to the point. Congratulations go out to Frankie Perez for winning the Shinning cup. That ends this waste of time, so we can move on to more important things. Like the profit margins the Corporate Reign is looking to increase now that we have proper champion.”




Kenny Kool over Raphael Ruiz in a ladder match to retain the Pride of the Organization. Kenny goes high risk early and often. Raphael does his best to ground the high flyer, but to no avail. Raphael eats a Kool Kollision, onto a ladder, and Kenny climbs to the heights and retrieves his title. Mr Kool then jumps from the ladders height to deliver a wicked leg drop to a prone Ruiz.




Soul Taker is in the ring about to make a speech, when Burning Exile comes down and interrupts him,
“Last week I did not get a return shot at my title. Last week, the TV title went undefended. Well this week, I demand a return shot at my title!”




Burning Exile over Soul Taker to win the TV title. These two maybe partners, but it does not keep them from fighting tooth and nail for this title. Burning Exile manages to break out of the Life Force Drain several times, and finally nail Taker with the Exile Drive to pick up the win.




‘The Big Leaguer’ Bart Biggz comes down and lounges on the ring ropes,
“How quaint, there’s a ring, and referee, and even fans if you can call them that. Hello Little people, you may recognize me form a wrestling company that actually matters. I am Bart Biggz, a real big leaguer. I am here to see what the minors look like these days. They were never this hokey in my day.”




JD Morgan over ‘The Big Leaguer’ Bart Biggz, to retain the Sultan’s favor. The match was great the fans loved seeing Biggz taken down a notch or two. After JD steps out of the way of a charging Bart, Bart catches the referee and knocks him out cold. It is at this point that JD takes the time to show Bart the Sultan’s favor up close and personal. Ali comes down and rouses the referee as JD locks in the Darkness Stretch and forces Bart to tap out.


Show: B

Atnd: 2000

Rating: 0.09 (+ .00)
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Night 241 Wednesday, March 24th 2009

Live from Chanute, Kansas




Marc Speed & Raphael Ruiz come out,
“So Ultimate Phoenix, we see why you like the Tag team thing. It’s easy, but believe you us, when we get you and Snap Dragon in the ring, you will pay for abandoning us!”




Marc Speed over Adam Bomb. Solid match, Marc Speed makes Adam tap out when he locks in the Deadly Heel Hook.




Raphael Ruiz over Pit Bull Brown. Pit Bull went down into a three point stance, and hit Ruiz with a huge shoulder tackle. The big man rocked back but held his feet, and layed huge clubbing blows onto Browns back. Pit Bull, hangs in there but just can't catch any traction. Raphael finally locks in the Ruiz Wrench and force Pit Bull to tap out.




Pure Breed grabs a pair of micrphones,
“It don’t prove a thing, not a single thing. The Pure Breed are a tag team unit, and as a unit we will tear you apart and earn the respect of Ali Wanna, The Sultan of Brunei and the whole Corporate Reign.”




Marc & Raphael over Pure Breed. I think they were worse as a team then they were in singles competition. Marc and Raphael have gelled quickly, learning how to make quick tags, save each other, and most importantly work the referee to their advantage. This time Marc managed to sneak around the ring, and lock Adam in a choke hold, while Raphael again locked in the Ruiz wrench on Pit Bull and force him to tap out.




Ali Wanna comes out to the top of the ramp,
“The Corporate Reign needs a strong tag team to represent them. A tag team that can hold the titles and responsibility of being the Sultan’s number one team. Pure Breed you disappoint me, no team since the Sultan’s Army has let me down as much as you have. The Corporate bottom line demands I find a team that can live up to my aspirations!”




Snap Dragon and Ultimate Phoenix enter the ring,
“Brothers Guage tonight is simple, Ultimate Dragons don’t need three matches to prove we are the better team. Why? Because we are the best team, and tonight we will prove it.”




Ultimate Dragon over the Brothers Gauge. Tonight was the Brother’s night. They fought hard, landed a pair of Birth Right Slams, and made the cover for three. But They forgot who they were facing. Snap Dragon and Ultimate Phoenix kicked out after two with authority. From there on it was a down hill battle from the Brothers, who in the end, wound up in a pair of Dragon Sleeps, going out not with a bang but with a whimper.


Show: C+

Atnd: 390
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Just caught up on this fun read, good job. Love the alt for Bart Biggz too, The big Leaguer :)


thank you for stopping threw. Always appreciative of the quick comment. :D


I got Bart and another big signing coming in this week, and then even more the week to follow.


SWF dropped to Cult, and lost all of it's TV deals over the course of the last month. So, alot of top talent has been cut, and are suddenly willing to take the Sultan's money, now that we have achieved Cult level ourselves.


now if I can just land an American TV deal. :p

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Night 242 Thursday, March 25th 2009

Live from Imperial, Nebraska




Zeus Maximillion is in the center of the ring,
“I am the greatest Wrestler Alive, and the Premier brand is the greatest Brand in the greatest company, simply because I am here. So Welcome and enjoy the show.”




Keith Adams over Corey Appleseed. There was something special here, and even the crowd knew it by the time Keith hit the High Value drop the fans were on their feet eating every minute of the match.




Corey Appleseed struggles to his feet and calls April into the ring, “I may not be a winner, but I know talent when I see it. April Appleseed is the best female wrestler in this company. And when she finally gets her hands on Joanne Rodriguez, you will be looking at the new Ladies Champion!”




April Appleseed over Lauren. The two women wore each other down. Lauren hitting a huge Belly-to-Belly suplex that brought her to with in a hair of victory. April waited for her spot though, nailing the Appleslicer, and making the cover for three.




A man in a plaid hoody runs into Ali back stage, The man in the hoody gets right in Ali’s face, a finger point into the middle of his forehead.
“I don’t wanta be here wanna. You had no right to force me to come to OYWL.”
the verbal assault continues to get more heated, finally the hood falls back and we hear the announcers,
“oh my word, that’s the one man wrecking crew, Freddie Datsun.”




‘the one man wrecking crew’ Freddie Datsun over Ali Wanna. The match was clearly personal, Freddie going out of his way to inflict harm on Ali. Ali tried to stand up to the assault, but the match was called in Freddie’s favor when the referee deemed Ali to weak to even defend himself.




Eisaku is in the ring,
“Sunday at Showdown, I got a shot at the title, but it was not a fair shot, it was not one on the one. It was not man upon man. I deserve …”
the Big Leaguer Bart Biggz comes down to the ring,
“How Quaint the quiasi Japanese wrestler complaining about how unfair things are in this back water federation. Shut the Hell up and get Big League about it!”




Eisaku over Bart Biggz. It does not take long for Bart to eat his own words, Eisaku delivers the Nuclear Death Bomb early 1…2…kick out. Bart gets back to his feet clearly stunned by Eisaku’s attack. Bart manages to ‘inadvertently’ bump the referee, he then leans out and pulls his bat into the ring, and begins taking huge swings at E. Eisaku ducks several, but one finally catches him on the side of the head. Bart pulls the ref over, and makes the cover. But the ref is out cold, frustrated Bart slaps the ref until he comes around 1…2…NO E kicks out. Bart gets up and berates the referee who is still rubbing his head. E grabs him from behind and rolls him up 1…2…3, Eisaku stole the match with a quick role up while the Big Leaguer was distracted!


Show: B-

Atnd: 300
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Night 243 Friday, March 26th 2009

Live from Cheyenne, Wyoming




Ali Wanna comes out to the top of the ramp,
“I will not stand in the way of tonight’s profits. But I must remind you all that the Corporate Reign is still looking for a Tag team to take to the top, and I will have my eyes open tonight for that team!”




Al Wanna over Nari, the worst match in quite a while this match turns into a mess by the end, and the fans appreciate Ali enforcing the Sultan’s will on Nari to end the match.




Mean Jean Cattley over Hiro. The two follow up the worst match of the year, with the match of the night. Hiro opens up full throttle on Cattley. But Mean Jean absorbs the blows. Hiro keeps coming, and Mean Jean keeps taking it. Finally out of no where Jean explodes into action, hitting the Mood Swing, an inverted swinging neck breaker, and driving Hiro down to the canvas. Unfortunately it takes Hiro longer than three seconds to get his wits back about him costing him the match.




The Dust Bowl Duo assembles in the ring,
“lookey here, We maybe a pair-a wind blown Cow pokes, but we’re damn good at what we do! The Bestest Damn Tag team in this here company, and all we aim to do is prove it at every single turn!”




Dust Bowl Duo over Invasion, some times things just turn out comically predictably. This match was the middle ground of the first two. Highly predictable but still fun to watch right through the Dust Bowl Drop that put Nari down for the three.




The Duo grin at each other, and the mock celebrate as if they had just reclaimed the tag team titles. When finished they lay some extra boots to the prone forms of Invasion and head back stage.




Asian Assault over Maximum Rage, the most competitive match of the night by far. Zeus almost over powers Kashmir Singh, something the fans appreciate, when Zeus gives up trying to grapple with the big man and just suplexes him out of the ring instead. Shingen and Primal Rage then pour into the ring, and unbelievable as it is, they actually match up fairly evenly. Rage manages to hang with Shingen for a good five minutes. That is until Kashmir recovers and makes the tag back in. He destroys Primal Rage, then drags him to his corner, by the wrist and forces Zeus to tag back in. Zeus tries to beg off, but the referee forces him to re-enter the ring. Kashmir wastes no time delivering the big boot, a choke slam and a three count.




Assian Assault give each other a high five, and pose down in the ring, signaling to their waist's that they will be the next tag team champions.


Show: C+

Atnd: 291
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Night 244 Saturday, March 27th 2009

Live from Vernal, Utah




Zeus is standing in the center of the ring,
“I am the Greatest wrestler alive today. And that is why I can tell you I have not seen the kind of Chemistry that Keith Adams and Corey Appleseed have in a long long time. And because I am in charge of Premier I am going to give you fans what I know you want, a rematch right here tonight!”




Keith Adams over Corey Appleseed. The match looks a lot like the first match up, not that, that is a bad thing. Corey does get a bit more offense, but the out come is still the same, a High Value Drop from Keith followed by a three count.




Corey Appleseed is helped up by his sister April,
“I may not be able to pull off the big win, but my sister April has proven time and again she can. Joanne Rodriguez we are demanding a shot at that title of yours tomorrow night at Showdown!”




April Appleseed over Sara Marie York. The match brings the crowd out of there chairs several times, as neither lady appears to care that much for her own safety. April finishes the match off a running version of her Appleslicer that looked absolutely sick.




Kenny Kool comes down and stands in the center of the ring,
“Wad up yo! Da Kool is’n da hizouse. Nod-a fool can touch us yo. So I’ma mak’n a open challenge.”
Joey Poison and Air Attack Weasel come down the ramp,
“So which one-a you fools it gonna be?”
Joey and Weasel look at each other, and then both rush down to the ring.




Kenny Kool over Air Attack Weasel and Joey Poison, to retain the Pride of the Organization. The fans got to see all their favorite finishers, and a ton of near falls in the match. Kenny puts it a way with a pair of Kool Kollisions, and rolls up Weasel for the win.




The man in plaid hoody is back yelling at Ali Wanna back stage,
“I am the one man wrecking crew, why the hell would you buy my contract, when you asked if I wanted to work here I told you to go **** yourself.”
The announcers
“My goodness Feddie Datsun is mad."
We see the Pure Breed jump Fredie, he catches both in a double head lock and drags them to the ring.




Freddie over Pure Breed. Every once in a while the fans like to see a wrestler in a handicap match kick the crap out of both opponents. This is one of those cases, Freddie ended the match by handing out a pair of Steamroller Presses.


Show: C

Atnd: 280
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Sunday Show Down

Night 245 March 28th, 2009


Will Feature:


Burning Exile vs Soul Taker vs Kenny Kool©

for the Pride of the Organization

Is there any way at all that Kenny can keep his title run alive, against these two veterans?


Ultimate Dragon vs Ed & Whiskey ©

for the Tag Titles

Ultimate Dragon has returned better than ever, can they reclaim thier former glory, or is there more to the tale of Ed & Whiskey?


Lauren Easter vs Wanda Fish vs Stephanie Wade vs Sara Marie York

for a women's title shot

four of the best in the world who will walk away with the title shot?


Freddie Datsun vs Danny Rushmore

Is there any stopping Freddie Datson? Can even the Silent Force stand up to him?


April Appleseed vs Joanne Rodriguez ©

for the Ladies Championship

April has proven to be the most promising challenger in quite a while, but does she really have what it takes to dethrone the current women's champ?


Steve Flash vs JD Morgan ©

for the Sultan's Favor

The Soloist has earned a shot at his title. Is there anyway that JD can weasel out of the clutches of the Steve Flash, and hold on to his title yet again?



don't miss the action live tomorrow night!

DM: Morning Glory vs Phoenix I

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Show Down 3-4

Sunday, March 28th 2009

Live from Lompac, California




DM: Phoenix 1 over Morning Glory with a Phoenix Rising knee to the chin, in a match fans appreciated.




DA: Phoenix 1 takes up a microphone,
“In the days that come you will see I am no ordinary masked wrestler. I am not some generic caricature. I am one of the most dynamic new faces in OYWL. I am Phoenix 1.”




Kenny Kool over Burning Exile and Soul Taker, to retain the Pride of the Organization. While Kenny did have some cool spots in this match, Burning Exile and Soul Taker’s fight over the TV title spilled over into this match, and the two spent most of their time squaring off, rather than confronting Kenny. This allowed Kenny to pick most of his spots, and nail Burning Exile with the Kool Kollision right after he had taken Soul Taker out with an Exile Driver.




Kenny Kool finds himself a microphone,
“Yes yes, I is dat cool! But Taker, n Exile. I amn’t content with just da POO, I wants the TV title too! I beat both’s peeps now I needs my shot!”




Ultimate Dragon come down to the ring,
“Ladies and Gentleman we’ve got all night. We don’t have a match, we know Ed & Whiskey don’t have a match. So… Why don’t Ed C and Whiskey come right down here with those shinny belts of thier’s, and put them on the line against one of the real tag teams here in OYWL. The Ultimate Drgaon.”




Ultimate Dragon over Ed & Whiskey, for the Tag Team titles. Whiskey gets taken out early, he takes a double back body drop over the top rope and through the announce table, the fans go nuts. Ed does his best to hold it together, but even after hitting both members of the Ultimate Dragon with C-sharps, their well timed hot tags, and ballet like choreography, just wear Ed down. Dragon finally wraps him up in a sleep, and with Whiskey still out cold, the three arm lifts are purely academic.




Wanda “sleeps with the” Fish comes down to the ring for her match up,
“See, it’s like this right. Wanda Fish was the greatest Ladies Champ of all time see. And tonight see, I will be the greatest again, right, when I earn the number one contenders sport see. So who’s gonna stand in my way? Who wants to sleep with the fishies?”




Wanda Fish over Stephanie Wade and Lauren Easter and Sarah Marie York for a title shot. Sarah Marie was a little lost here, as the other three knew each other so well, they isolated and quickly destroyed her, before moving on to contend with one another. Near falls and finishers were the name of the game. Wanda simply out lasted every one else. She took out Lauren and Steph and went for the pin, Sarah Marie York finally recovered enough to break up the pin fall. Bad move, she took a top rope Fisherwoman Suplex, before going down for the three count instead of Steph.




Ali Wanna wanders out to the top of the ramp, “I am all about the profit margin, and any time I can leverage a buy one get one free kind of deal, I do so with out hesitation. So tonight, Mr. one man wrecking crew Freddie Datsun, you can face my other pain in the side Danny Rushmore.”




“one man wrecking crew” Freddie Datsun over ‘The Silent Force’ Danny Rushmore. This was a blow for blow brawl, neither man looking to do anything other than knock his opponent out. Danny for all his size could just not match Freddie’s determination, and fell to a huge Steamroller press.




April Appleseed over Joanne Rodriguez by Dq, allowing Jo to retain the Ladies Championship. The two women put on an amazing show, April catching Jo with an Appleslicer to get a long two count, that Jo broke by getting her foot on the rope. Jo and April then traded control for most of the match up. Until Jo landed a top rope J-rocker, and made the cover 1…2…Blam, Corey Appleseed enters the ring and blasts April with a chair. The referee stares at Corey, but signals for the bell, declaring the match a DQ, and reluctantly awarding the win to April.




Corey Appleseed grabs a microphone,
“Jo-anne-Rod-Riguez, I just want it noted for the record, that April Appleseed just defeated you. Dq or not, that one goes in the win colum for my sister April Appleseed.”




Steve Flash comes down to the ring,
“I am on like, a mission tonight. Man I am totally demanding the title shot I earned two weeks ago. Oh and Jd Morgan, it’s like totally going to be inside a steel cage. Lets see how Ali and the Corporate Reign deal with that!”




Steve Flash over JD Morgan, to claim the Sultan’s Favor inside a steel cage. Both men used the cage to punish their opponent. JD using it to grate the flesh of Flash. Flash climbing it and hitting some awesome aerial maneuvers hitting Morgan from absolutely every angle. JD managed to lock in the Darkness Stretch, Steve struggled, but could neither break the hold, nor bring himself to tap out. JD begins to grin, knowing it is only a matter of moments until Steve will either tap out or pass out. But Steve digs down, and manages to turn around to face the steel, the unforgiving structure just inches from steve’s nose. Flash suddenly drops forward, and JD’s head rises, but stops suddenly, violently as it impacts the cage. Flash breaks free, and hits Morgan with the Flash Bang. 1 …2…3 and Steve Flash gains the Sultan’s Favor!


Show: B+

Atnd: 634
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Month End:

We rose to Cult, the Sultan was so happy that he awarded us a bonus $5,000,000 dollars. We are going to needed it, as the extra expense of operating at cult size has driven our monthly short fall back above half a million a month, to 540,000. this was on top of record ticket sales of 255,000. Though a weird trend has broken out, over the last week we have not been able to give our tickets away. Attendance is often half of the projection, and even a quarter in one drastic case.



Great Lakes: 31.0

Mid Atlantic: 30.5

Mid South: 57.9

Mid West: 30.5

New England: 30.5

North West: 34.9

South East: 53.3

South West: 46.9

Tri-State: 31.1



Northern: 31.4

South Eastern: 31.4

West Central: 31.4

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Night 246 Monday, April 1st 2009

Live from Flint, Michigan




Ali Wanna is in the center of the ring,
“Profits are through the roof, no one can deny the influence of the Corporate Reign. You will agree with us, or we will buy you out, and steam roll you into your grave. Don’t ever forget we run this business.”




Ali Wanna over Morning Glory, Ali looks good out there, but still feels like cheating to win, rather than getting over cleanly.




Last Men Standing over Pure Breed, Marc Speed and Raphael Ruiz enjoy throwing around the Pure Breed. Ending the match with the King of the Hill Buster.




Ali comes out from the back shaking his head,
“Disgraceful, down right disgraceful. Pure Breed the Corporate Reign expects more, deserves more, damn it we damned more from our people. You two don’t even need to bother coming back to the Corporate locker room.”




Dust Bowl Duo over Ultimate Dragon by DQ when Last Men Standing attacks them, allowing Ultimate Dragon to retain the tag titles. Snap Dragon and Ultimate Phoenix tear around the ring, wearing down the duo. Snap finally locks in the Dragon sleeper and it looks like this match is over. But Marc and Raphael hit the ring, and attack the duo, forcing the ref to award Al & Jean the DQ victory.




Marc and Raphael retreat up the ramp but stop at the top,
“Last Men Standing went back stage and did a little business with Ali and Corporate Reign. The Men got Corporate sponsor ship, all we have to do is take those titles off you Dragons, and we will be full fledged members of the Corporate Reign!”




Frankie Perez over Snap Dragon, the two lit up the ring, and the fans of tag got one of the best matches in a long time. Frankie took Snap out with a huge perfect parity, but it was not enough to get the three. Snap battled back and locked in the Dragon sleep, and the ref raised Frankie’s hand three time, it fell once, twice, thr..no he held on, dropped a shoulder and took Dragon over with a snap mare. Frankie then locked in the P-clutch, and fight as he might, Dragon was forced to tap out.




Frankie grabs a microphone,
“Its all about heart. I know that because I was Champ, and I know that one day soon, Jonnie and I will stand in this very ring, and be your new Tag Team Champs!”


Show: C+

Atnd: 593
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Night 247 Tuesday, April 2nd 2009

OYWL: Slick

Live from Trinidad, Colorado



http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/KeithAdams.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/coreyappleseed.jpg

DM: Keith Adams over Corey Appleseed, these two provide the match they always do. Fight as he might Corey can’t get anything more than a two count. Keith eventually wears him down and picks up the win. ©




DA: Corey grabs a microphone and the crowd groans knowing he is going to start hyping April, “My Name is Corey Appleseed, and just like my great for bear Jonny Appleseed, I am nothing if not driven, dedicated and tenacious I will keep coming at you Keith until I pin you one, two, three!” (D)




We See Joanne Rodriguez back stage getting ready for her match. Suddenly Raven bursts into the room, and locks one end of a ten foot strap to her wrist. Jo looks confused until Raven tugs on the lead and spills Jo smack on her face. Jo rises and the match is on. (D+)



http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/JoanneRodriguez.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/RavenNightfall.jpg

Joanne Rodriguez over Raven in Strap match, to retain the Ladies Championship. You would think a strap match would be exciting. But, you’d be wrong, it turned into just another way for Jo to prove how absolutely dominate she is over the other women in OYWL. After wearing Raven down, Jo wraps the strap around her neck and knocks her out to pick up the win. (D)




Ali Wanna comes to the top of the ramp, “The Corporate Reign got screwed on Sunday, Steve Flash got a fluke win, and is holding onto The Sultan’s Favor for a couple of days while I figure out how to rectify the situation. But Steve those few days won’t be a vacation, in fact you are going to defend that strap right here tonight. Against OYWL’s real Big Leaguer, Bart Biggz!” ©



http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SoulTaker.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AliWanna3.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/BurningExile.jpg

Soul Taker over Ali Wanna and Burning Exile to win TV title. The match was good but not great, Ali causing more problems than actually getting any offense in. Burning Exile takes Ali out of the equation, by putting him through a table with an Exile Driver. Soul Taker eventually manages to lock in the Life Force Drain, when Exile finally taps, Soul Taker becomes the two time Tv title champ. ©




Wanda “sleep with the” Fish comes down to the ring, “I earned a shot at the title see, and I want my shot see. So Joann Rodriguez, look here right, if you don’t give me my shot, Your gonna regret it. Cause your gonna be sleeping with the fishies.” (C+)



http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/JoanneRodriguez.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/WandaFish1.jpg

Joanne Rodriguez over Wanda fish, to retain the Ladies Championship, when April interferes in the match. Jo and Wanda know each other so well, and every big move is countered or avoided. The two ladies go hold for hold and no real power move really connects, unless it is one that takes it’s toll on both ladies. Late in the match Wanda as any good heel will, slides to the outside to catch her breath, the ref hold Jo in the ring, to keep her from giving chase. April comes up behind Wanda and delivers the Apple Slicer, and rolls Wanda Back in. Jo breaks free of the ref, and hauls Wanda up for the J-rocker and the three count. (B-)



http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SteveFlash3.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/BartBiggz2.jpg

Steve “Solo” Flash over “the Big Leaguer” Bart Biggz, to retain the Sultan’s Favor when Freddie distracts Bart. This match had more name appeal, and bigger moves, but really wasn’t the better title match up of the night. Bart put up a good show, but Freddie had come down and joined the announce team, and when he stood up, Bart turned and started shouting at Freddie. This gave Steve Flash the opening he needed to deliver the Flash Bang, and roll up a surprised Bart for three. (B)




Bart Sprang to his feet and started shouting insults at Freddie who was retreating up the ramp shacking his head. Bart shook the ropes in rage and vowed he would get payback. ©


Show: B-

Atnd: 2000

Rating: 0.08 (-0.1)

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