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Money to Burn: 1 year of Wrestling!

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Night 324, Tuesday June 23rd 2009

Live on East Coast Today

From Friendswood, Texas




A clock kicks off the show, showing 13 shows until the end.





Eisaku over Derek Frost. The man who can not pick up a win, runs into Eisaku, who quickly cuts him down to size and rolls Derek like bad sushi, for a quick three.





‘the big leaguer’ Bart Biggz comes,
“Well you know in the majors, every so often you have to send the weak players back to the minors. Ed C was nothing but a corporate mouth piece, now you will see the kind of order a true Big Leaguer can provide. Boys as soon as Steve ‘solo’ Trash arrives, please take out the garbage.”
Bart throws the mike down and walks away.






Corporate American Muscle over Royal Cash. Greg does a good job early, he and Keith even go for the Royal Market Crash, but Freddie breaks up the pins attempt. American Muscle then asserts itself, ending with Alex landing a huge Braun Buster.





Steve Flash is seen entering the Building.





Tamara McFly and ‘the living weapon’ Melody Cuthill to a time limit Draw, allowing Tamara to retain the Ladies Championship Title. Melody had the advantage for most of the match, but Raven and April kept distracting the referee, and interfering in the match at key points, allowing Tamara to avoid every pin attempt and draw the match out to a time limit finish.







Steve ‘Solo’ Flash is jumped back stage in a locker room by Frankie and the Corporate Outcome. After several minutes of being rammed into lockers, being smashed with trash cans and being throttled with a mop handle. Dan McFly & Randy Bumfhole Make a late save, running off the Corporate opposition.





Dan & Randy over Corporate Assets. Dan and Randy hurry down to the ring for their scheduled match, and slide in right as the ref is counting 9, about to award the match to the Corporate Assets by count out forfeit. Dan and Randy bring huge haymakers, clearly looking to make up for what happened back stage. The Corporate assets are set on their heals, and are not prepared for the Bumfhole in One that brings the match to a close.





Danny Rushmore over Frankie Perez by DQ when he is destroyed by Corporate Outcome. Danny was owning Frankie, and it looked like game over when Danny nailed Frankie with a huge Big Boot. But the Corporate Outcome came off the top rope with a pair of steal chairs to the back of Danny’s head. The Ref called for the bell, awarding Danny the Dq win, but this did not stop Viral Outcome from laying the big man out with repeated chair shots.





Steve ‘solo’ Flash, still bloody from his beat down back stage, limps out the ring, and huals himself into it.
“Like man, that was not cool! Bart Biggz dude, its time for you to like, man up. Steve Flash is calling you out.”





‘the Big Leaguer’ Bart Biggz over Steve Flash to retain the sultans favor. The two stars of the sport laid into each other with huge haymakers. But Steve clearly had little gas left in the tank, and he quickly had to switch from offense, to life preserving defense. Bart eventually caught Steve up in a huge Big League Swing, swung him around a couple extra times for good measure, before releasing Steve and making the easy cover for three.





Every Member of the Corporate Reign floods the ring, attacking the prone Steve Flash. The Continuation Movement hits the ramp to come to Steve’s rescue, but Bart Biggz pile drives Steve from the ring apron over the side right into the padded concrete arena floor. Steve crumples like day old laundry and the fans go silent in horror. Continuation and the corporate Reign brawl around the outside, but the fans can clearly see that Steve is not moving, not even twitching from the vicious assault.


Show: B+

Atnd: 2,000 (Sold Out)

Rating: .37
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Night 325, Wednesday, June 24th 2009

Live from Goshen Valley, Georgia




A clock kicks off the show, showing 12 shows until the end.





Vixen over Roz Laren. Another outing by the ladies under card, that is thoroughly underwhelming.





Corporate American Muscle comes out laughing,
“You gullible fans thought Steve ‘solo’ Trash was going to save this pathetic little back water Fed. Well Guess what, we just saw the X-rays of Steve’s neck, and that pile of garbage will be lucky if he ever even walk again.





Royal Cash over Phoenix Foundation. The foundation has been having a hard time finding their groove her in OYWL. Royal Crash hands them their feathered tails in this match, hitting the royal market crash to secure their victory.





Lauren and Sara Marie York approach Vixen,




you know that with Jo out Continuation needs a new female member right?”

“yeah, I’m down”
Vixen shakes hand with her two new compatriots.





Lauren & SMY over April and Raven. Vixen accompanies her new friends out to their match, but she stays out of the action. April and Raven try to cheat to win, and when Tamara comes down to get involved, Vixen runs her off, this distracts Raven, whom Lauren hits with a huge Belly-to-Belly suplex, and rolls up for the win.





Corporate Outcome runs down the ring and tries to jump Rising Sun before their match, but the Corporate tactic back fires, and Rising Sun lays a beat down on Outcome.





Rising Suns over Souls in exile and Corporate outcome. Souls in Exile then comes down and throws both teams into the ring, so this match can officially get under way. This back fires on the Souls as both teams turn their attention to them and lay in some stiff blows. The match evens out and good back and forth is established until Eisaku hits a huge Godzilla Plunge on Cory Appleseed and roles him up for a three that no one makes it back to the ring in time to break up.


Show: C+

Atnd: 554
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Night 326, Thursday, June 25th, 2009

Live from Liberal, Kansas




A clock kicks off the show, showing 11 shows until the end.




Danny Appleseed over Derek Frost. The Frost man’s steak continues, Danny nails a huge Pineapple Slicer for the win.




Joss Thompson over Nicky Champion. Two rising stars of a company that is going out in a blaze of Glory. Joss picks up the win with the Clean Cutter.




Danny Rushmore comes down, his firm jaw set, he gets in Joss’s face, then helps Nicky up, and swings him around so he is facing both young men.
“Continuation needs a few good men, and you are the best young talents in OYWL today. Can we count on you, can we at least discuss it?”
the two young men nod, and all three head to the back together.




Frankie Perez descends to the ring,
“Sunday the Corporate Reign did it, we shut the mother down! I am so proud of the part I played, and I swear to every one of my corporate brothers I will hurt whom ever stands between me and the corporate Pay Day!”




Dan McFly & Randy over Bart & Frankie, by DQ. Dan and Randy owned this match, Bart did his best, but was getting steam rolled by the crisp tags of his opponents. Frankie lived up to his promise and wiped out Dan and Randy with huge chair shots.




Dan and Randy manage to roll from the ring as the ref awards them the match, they run off both Bart and Frankie with chair shots of their own and then grab a mic from the ring announcer. “Randy and I will take the reins of continuation. With two go-getters like us in charge, Continuation does not stand a chance.”




Danny Rushmore over Eisaku and Dark Angel. In a somber finish to the night, Dan Rushmore uses his big boot to dominate some of the few remaining top names in OYWL, not yet kicked out, or swallowed up by the corporate reign.


Show: C+

Atnd: 572
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Night 327, Friday June 26th, 2009

Live from Two Buttes, Colorado



A clock kicks off the show, showing 10 shows until the end.




“the dangerous one” Stephanie Wade over Roz Laren. The referee called the match when Steph had beaten Roz so viscously she could no longer defend herself. Steph was content to continue handing out the punishment, but the ref called for the bell and awarded Steph the win.




Stephanie runs into Melody back stage, Steph starts screaming in Melody’s face, “
I am going to hurt Tamara, in the ring or out, This Sunday I am going to Destroy her.”
Melody nods,
“Well then Steph you better take my match up with her, cause I don’t want anyone to question how I beat Tamara, if you plan to destroy her before I get my shot. And Since I will be free, how about Vixen, Lauren and SMY meet me in the ring, and I will prove why I am the Best Women in OYWL!




Lords of Kool over Poison & Weasel. The lords of cool prove why they are a tag team, because individually neither one has the concentration to win a match. But as a team, they manage to help each other escape tight situations and come away with big wins.




Tamara McFly comes down to the ring,
“Steph you call your self the Dangerous one? Well this Sunday when you step in the ring with Tamara McFly, and her corporate backing you will find out how mean a real business woman can be!”




Tamara McFly over Wanda “sleep with the” Fish. This was a good match up with a lot of back and forth. Tamara hit the McFly roll, and held a lot of trunks to keep Wanda down for three.




Corporate Assets come out,
“Lords of Kool, you think that win of yours was cool? It was garbage, not even worth the ink it will take to put that W in your win column. How about some real Corporate Assets show you two posers what a win looks like!”




Corporate Assets over Asian Assault. The Assets dominate this match up, Nick Lopez and ‘the dark father’ Pablo Rodriguez taking it to Shingen and Kashmir. Nick manages to hit a huge running power slam on Shingen to pick up the victory.


Show: B-

Atnd: 540
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Night 328, Saturday June 27th 2009

Live from Neosho, Missouri




A clock kicks off the show, showing 9 shows until the end.




Burning Exile over Derek Frost. And the streak continues, to Derek’s immense frustration. Burning Exile, nails Derek with the Exile Driver to keep him down for a solid three count.




Nicky Champion comes down to the ring,
“I am Nicky Champion, I am an impact champion, and with Joss Thompson, we are the new impact players for Continuation. With the Impact we will make, this federation will be changed by the impact, of Nicky Champion and Joss Thompson, the Impact Players!”




Nicky Champion over Kashmir Singh. Nicky really leaves an impact on the big man. Kashmir can not catch up to the smaller faster Champion, and he pays for it, by going down for three.




Joss Thompson comes to the ring and shakes Nicky’s hand, congratulating him on his win.
“Nicky Champion is right, The Impact Players, Joss Thompson and Nicky Champion will be major players here in OYWL. We will play the parts that change this federation at cores, through the part we play. ‘Cause you know Joss Thompson and Nicky Champion are the Impact Players."




Joss Thompson over Brady Prince. Joss Thompson continues to impress every time he gets in the ring. Brady Prince does his best to control this match, but to no avail, Joss Thompson runs him around the ring, before cleaning his clock with a huge top rope clothes line, and pinning Brady.




JD Morgan storms the ring,
“I have been frozen out, the corporate reign won’t even let me buy a match. I will tear this place apart if I can’t prove I am the best . . .”
Eisaku comes down and points at Morgan and the ring, then charges down the ramp, clearly accepting the monsters challenge.




Eisaku over JD Morgan. JD Morgan is more intent on causing pain than winning, or really even participating in the match. This allows the wiser Eisaku to turn the match in his favor, and hit the nuclear death drop, followed by the Godzilla Plunge before rolling JD up for the three.


Show: B-

Atnd: 635
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Showdown 6-4

Sunday, June 28th, 2009

Live from Dalhat, Texas




A clock kicks off the show, starting 8 shows until the end. (B-)




Nicky Champion over Dark Angel and Jonnie Perez. Nicky Champion makes a huge impact on this match, by stealing the victory from Dark Angel. Dark Angel hits Jonnie Perez with a huge Descent to Hell, stands to make the cover and gets drop kicked right out of the ring. Nicky drop and makes the cover for three, before Dark Angel can get back in to break up the count. ©




Danny Rushmore climbs into the ring,
“I could bore you with how I am going to take out the corporate trash. Or I could talk about how the stars are going to align to save OYWL. But what it call comes down to, is that Danny Rushmore is going to invest every fiber of his being into making sure that over comes the corporate odds, and walks away with the company held high!”




Danny Rushmore over Alex Braun and Joss Thompson and Freddie Datsun. This played out more like a tornado tag team match than a four way. Danny and Joss never laying a hand on each other. Alex Braun almost picked up the win, after a Braun Buster on Joss, but Freddie Datsun tried to steal the pin and the tag partners started to bicker. Danny laid them both out with Big Boots, and covered both men for the victory. (B-)




Ultimate Dragon comes down to the ring,
“Snap Dagon and I have spent months trying to prove we are the best Team in OYWL, Tonight we get one last chance to prove we deserve a shot at the titles, and after we win tonight, we will go on to Face the Champs at next weeks show down.”
Snap Dragon Takes the mike,
“And Ultimate Phoenix and I can assure each and every one of you, that no matter what happens to OYWL, next week we become the Tag Team Champs!”





Ultimate Dragon over Rising Sun. This match was just short of classic tag team wrestling. All four men brought it, every near fall, had a partner diving in for the save. But as so many times before Ultimate Dragon locked in Dragon Sleepers, and try as they might, Rising Sun was headed for dream land. (B+)




The Corporate American Muscle come down to the ring,
“Ultimate Dragon? Well Corporate American Muscle couldn’t have asked for an easier final match. Next Sunday, Show Down, Ultimate Dragon is a cake walk and Corporate American Muscle ends this dance Tag Team champions!”




Corporate Assets over Lords of Kool. The Lords of Kool make a good tag team, but Pablo and Nick make a better one. The Assets cheat early and often, not because they have to, but because they enjoy it. Nick hits the Lopez buster on Kenny to pick up the win, grabbing copious amounts of tights, just because he can. (B-)




“the Living Weapon” Melody Cuthill over Vixxen and Lauren and SMY. The women tore the house down with this one. A title shot at Showdown was on the line, perhaps the final shot, and the ladies did not disappoint. Lauren caught SMY with a huge Belly to Belly off the top rope at the exact same time Melody caught Vixxen with the Rocker Dropper, both ladies covered 1…2…3… the referee signals for a microphone, Both pinfalls occurred at the exact same time the match must continue” the crowd chants this is awesome as Melody and Lauren toss SMY and Vixxen from the ring and turn to face each other. It is a hard fought battle, with SMY and Vixxen both trying to rejoin the fray, but being hurled from the ring as Meldoy and Lauren look to settle this lady to lady. In the end Lauren goes for a huricaranna, that Melody reverses into a a butterfly power bomb, rolls Lauren over and gets her second pinfall of the match to win. (B+)




Randy Bumfhole comes out for his match,
“Frankie Perez, tonight I Randy Bumhole deal the first true blow to Corporate Reign. I will take your title, I will take corporate gold, and in one week Continuation will take what is rightfully ours, all of OYWL!”





Frankie Perez and Randy bumfhole to time limit, allowing Frankie to the TV title. The match was ok, who am I kidding it was the match of the freaking year. Fantastic timing by both men, who played to the crowd, milked the high spots and never failed to disappoint. The referee clearly warned both men that there were 60 seconds left, this seemed to spur Randy on, and he hit a Bumfhole In One, 1 . . . 2 . . . NO kick out. Randy grabs his head in protest, and picks Frankie up. DAMN! Reversed into a Perfect Parity 1 . . . 2 NO. Frankie rolls Randy over and locks in the P-clutch right in the center of the ring.

Randy can’t take it, the ref says 30 seconds left.

Randy raises his hand to tap, but fights the pain, the ref cal 20 seconds left.

Randy puts his hand down, and tries to drag himself to the ropes, but Frankie pulls him back in. the ref calls 10 seconds left

Randy Grits his teeth, but Frankie bears down even harder. The ref calls 5 seconds

Randy raises his arm to tap, 4 seconds

He hesitates, 3 seconds

You can see the life go out in Randy’s eyes, 2 seconds.

His arm wavers, 1 second

Randy taps out, but the bell has already rung and Randy has survived to a time limit draw. (A*)




‘the dangerous one’ Stephane Wade confronts Tamara back stage with a blank piece of paper. Steph is jabing the well worn, BLANK piece of paper with her index finger repeatedly.
“You were the head of the conspiracy against me, I have it right here in black and white.”
Tamara stands her ground,
“look here deluded one, I don’t have to take this sh*t from you, I’m a corporate princess.
” Steph pushes Tamara to get her to take her seriously, Tamara pushes back, and the two women brawl out to the ring, to start their match up. ©




Tamara over ‘the dangerous one’ Stephanie Wade, to retain the Ladies Championship. It is clear, that Steph has only revenge on her mind, she missed several key pinning opportunities in her drive to punish Tamara. Tamara managed to escape the beating by sliding out of the ring, while the ref kept Steph from pursuing. When Tamara slid back in the ring at the 9 count, she had devised a new strategy. Tamara baited Steph in, and cheap shot her. Delivered the McFly Roll, and covered for three with a huge wad of tights. Tamara then rolled from the ring, grabbed her title and got out of dodge before the Psycho Steph could realize what had happened and pursue. (B+)




“the Big Leaguer” Bart Biggz stops at the top of the ramp,
“Continuation, keep dreaming. Your last chance died last Sunday at show down, and your only remain hope got taken out Tuesday night. The Corporate Reign, put the last nail in your coffin when we ended the career of “full of Trash” Steve Flash.”




“The Big Leaguer” Bart Biggz over Dan McFly by double DQ when hooded cult attacks. The match is good but not spectacular, neither man has gained much traction when half way through the match , several hood figures descend the ramp, climb into the ring, and lay out Bart, Dan and the ref with huge shots from tire irons and 2x4’s. The announcer looks around, then decides this gives him the power to call the match a double dq and high tail it back stage. (B)





The Corporate Reign and Continuation movement spill from the back. The hooded figures take over the ring, and hold off both the Corporate Reign and Continuation Movement as they try to rescue their fallen comrades. (C+)


Show: B

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Month End:

Profitability is in sight! Down 216K on 1.2M in ticktes sales and 130K in PPV orders. But the darks side of running shows every day is that costs can barely be controlled and amounted to more than 1.5M. Ticket Sales were some what stronger, but still usually 80% of projections.



Great Lakes: 37.9

Mid Atlantic: 39.0

Mid South: 69.9

Mid West: 37.3

New England: 39.3

North West: 41.4

South East: 61.4

South West: 56.8

Tri-State: 35.4



Northern: 35.8

South Eastern: 32.8

West Central: 32.8

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<p><span style="font-size:14px;">Night 330, Monday July 1st 2009</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

Live from Rockford, Michigan</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/StephanieWade_1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

A clock kicks off the show, showing 7 shows until the end. Stephanie Wade Storms down to the ring, interrupting the clock, Jabbing her blank piece of paper, “</div><span style="font-size:12px;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#4B0082;">The following names are on the list of people trying to hold me down. They are Vixen, April Appleseed, Lauren, Raven and Wanda “sleep with the” Fish! I will have satisfaction, and all 5 of the ladies will feel how dangerous I am!”</span></div><span style="font-size:12px;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;"> (E+)</div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/LaurenEaster.jpg</span><span style="font-size:12px;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;"> VS. </div><span>http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/RavenNightfall.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

Lauren over Raven. It was a good warm up match for the crowd, Lauren hit her patented Belly-to-Belly suplex to pick up the victory. (C-)</div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/TamaraMcFly.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

Tamara comes out to talk to the crowd, </div><span style="font-size:12px;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">“Meldoy Cuthill. The Corporate outlook is the long term outlook. So instead of having one match where you loose and cry about this or that, Melody I propose a best of three match series, winner take all title show down.”</span></div><span style="font-size:12px;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;"> (D+)</div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/DragonAssassin.jpg</span><span style="font-size:12px;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;"> VS. </div><span>http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/AnnaKi.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

Dragon Assassin over Anna Ki. The crowd is pumped at this point, you can tell because two general nobodies pull a decent match. Dragon Assassin comes up with the W. ©</div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SnapDragon.jpg</span><span>http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/UltimatePhoenix_foolinc1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

Ultimate Dragon come down for Snap’s match, “</div><span style="font-size:12px;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#008000;">Corporate American Muscle, it’s taken week to secure our title shot, but this Sunday at Show Down, those titles are coming home.”</span></div><span style="font-size:12px;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;"> (D)</div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SnapDragon.jpg</span><span style="font-size:12px;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;"> VS. </div><span>http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/freddie_datsun1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

Snap Dragon over Freddie Datsun. The match contains some serious back and forth, Snap picks up the win with his patented Dragon Sleeper. Alex tried to make the save, but gets whipped out by Ultimate Phoenix, as he tries to get in the ring. (C+)</div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/NicolasLopez.jpg</span><span>http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/PabloRodriguez.jpg</span><span style="font-size:12px;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;"> VS. </div><span>http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/MarcSpeed.jpg</span><span>http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/RafaelRuiz.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

Corporate Assets over Last Man Standing. Marc Speed and Rafeal Ruiz get steam rolled in this match, not because they lack the skill, but because Nick and Pablo have become the most adept team at cheating in all of OYWL. Pablo Picks up the win by delivering the Final Judgement to both men before making a lazy cover for the win. (B-)</div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

</div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/SteveFlash_hood.jpg</span><span>http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/EdwardCornell_hood.jpg</span><span>http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/CV2/JoanneRodriguez_hood.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

Three hooded figures descend upon the ring with chairs, and decimate both teams. Reinforcements come from the back, but the hooded figures escape through the crowd, before they even get close. (E+)</div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"> </div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

Show: C+</div><p><span style="font-size:12px;"></span></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">

Atnd: 759</div>

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Night 331, Tuesday July 2nd, 2009

Live on East Coast Today

From Crownpoint, New Mexico



A clock kicks off the show, showing 6 shows until the end.




‘The Dangerous one’ Stephanie Wade over Wanda “Sleep with the” Fish, by DQ when Lauren Wipes them both out. Wanda and Steph are locked in combat neither giving an inch when Lauren comes down to the ring and cracks Steph in the back with a chairs, as she bounces off the ropes. The Ref see this and awards Steph the match. Wanda takes offense to this and gets in Lauren’s face, so Lauren drops Wanda with a chair shot too.




‘the living weapon’ Melody Cuthill comes down to the ring.
“Tamara, your right, one night, one match, one fall, and all you would do is complain that I didn’t really beat you, that the Living Weapon Meldoy Cuthill got lucky. So you on, a three match series it is!”
WHAP, Tamara Drops Melody with a title belt shot to the back of the head, and stands over her prone form.




Tamara over Melody, to win match one in the title series. A ref ran down and slid into the ring and the match was on. How ever the match was really over, Melody kicked out of the first pin attempt, but did not have enough in her tank after the sneak attack. Melody could not defend against the follow up McFly roll, and lost the first match of the series after the second pin attempt.




Ali Wanna comes down to the ring,
“The Sultan has bid me tell both Tag Teams in this Sunday’s title match, that he wishes to to see them in action here tonight, to determine whoms side he should stand upon.”




Corporate American Muscle over Dan & Randy, to retain the tag team titles. A great match up here, Randy Bumfhole’s years of tag team experience almost scored the victory on several occasions. But the Corporate American outlook on cheating won the day. A Well placed groin shot on Dan made the difference before he took a muscle buster and went down for three.




After the loss Randy help Dan off the mat and calls for a microphone,
“Frankie Perez, on Sunday night, you almost beat me. The Key word is Almost, so how about this Sunday at the very last show down you put that TV title on the line one more time, and lets see if you can get the job done, or if Randy Bumfhole can once again outlast you!”




Ultimate Dragon over Corporate Outcome. The young team of Jonnie Perez and Corey Appleseed, had little chance in this match. Corporate Outcome were out wrestled on every level. Ultimate Dragon showed why they are the number one contenders, locking in stereo Dragon Sleepers for the win.




After the match, three hooded figures slide into the ring, and knock every one out with huge chair shots. Continuation and the Corporate Reign once again spill from the back, but to no avail the hooded figures are long gone through the crowd.




Frankie Perez over the Great Hisato to retain the TV Title. A great match, that ended in a predictable way, Frankie Perez hit the Perfect Parity, and locked in a P-clutch to force Hisato to tap out.




Danny Rushmore comes down to the ring,
“Continuation is down, but we are not out. We have regrouped, and this Sunday at Showdown, I will beat Bart Biggz for the right to OYWL, and the dream that is OWYL will continue!”




‘the big leaguer’ Bart Biggz over Nicky Champion, to retain the Sultan’s favor. Nicky does his best to keep up with the champ, but this match has an inevitable end. That is a big league swing, and Nicky’s shoulders on the canvass for a solid three count.




The Hooded Figures again hit the ring, they take out Bart and Nicky with huge Chair shots, before exiting through the crowd before anyone can lay a hand on them.


Show: B+

Atnd: 4,242

Rating: 0.44
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Night 332, Wednesday July 3rd 2009

Live from Binghamton, New York




A clock kicks off the show, showing 5 shows until the end. Again the clock video is interrupted by ‘the dangerous one’ Stephanie Wade,
“Lauren, I know you don’t want to stand in my way, Vixxen you have the same problem. You are both being controlled by April and Raven. So Ladies tonight, I will help you get some pay back.”




April & Raven over Vixxen & Lauren. The four women leave it all in the ring, Lauren and Vixxen barely, but clearly have the upper hand. But Raven purposely falls on the ref, and keeps him down, while April lays Lauren out with a wicked chair shot on the outside. April and Raven then double team Vixxen, April hits the Apple Slicer to pick up the win.




The Corporate Outcome come down,
“We are the inevitable future, we are the Corporate Out Come and we dare any team in the back to come out and challenge our inevitability.”




The Corporate Outcome over Sultan’s Former Army. Brady Prince and Sayeed Ali once led this leagues Tag Team division, but the young stars have finally arrived, and Jonnie Perez and Corey Appleseed out wrestled the Army for a solid 10 minutes before rolling Sayeed up for three.




Gorgon over Roz. In the worst ladies match in a long time, Gorgon squashed the bright and shiny Roz. The crowd did not really appreciate the one side, unskilled beat down.




Corporate American Muscle come down to the ring with their titles draped over their shoulders.
“On Sunday we will beat the only obstacle left standing in our corporate path. Ultimate Dragon, you are just one last obstacle as Corporate American Muscle cruises across the finish line, and goes out on top




Alex Braun over Ultimate Phoenix. An even match with a good deal of back and forth. The match could have gone either way, but was decided by Alex Braun's willingness to cheat. Alex used a low blow, into a Braun Buster, to keep Phoenix down for the three.




Of Course no sooner than the count had been made, than the ring was flooded by the hooded figures who took out both men with huge chair shoots, before exiting once again through the crowd before anyone could even react to their presence.


Show: C

Atnd: 853
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Night 333, Thursday July 4th 2009

Live from Germantown, Mississippi




A clock kicks off the show, showing 4 shows until the end.




Shingen over Derek frost. And the man who can’t find a win, goes down for yet another three count, this times at the hands of Shingen.




JD Morgan over Burning Exile. JD Morgan goes psycho on Exile. Exile does his best to stay out of the bigger man’s clutches, but in the end gets caught with a huge choke slam, and gets locked in a Darkness Stretch, forcing Burning Exile to tap out.




Dan Mcfly comes down to the ring microphone in hand,
“The corporate reign will fall at the hands of Continuation . . .”
the Corporate Assets come down and get in his face.
“You two want a fight, you’ve got one.”




Dan Mcfly over Nick Lopez. Though Pablo tries to get involved, Dan stays one step ahead of his opponents. Dan reverses the Lopes Buster into a DDT, and then hits the infamous McFly roll to pick up the win.




“the Big Leaguer” Bart Biggz stands in the ring,
“Tonight I stand up to the hooded figures. Bart Biggz is the Big Leaguer, he never backs down form a challenge, and with the Corporate Muscle behind me, I know that I don’t need to fear some hooded punks ever!”




“the Big Leaguer” Bart Biggz over Jackie G, to retain the Sultan’s Favor. This was an outstanding match for the Mad Servant of God. Jackie came on strong, and Bart seemed to be rocked back on his heels, just trying to stay away from Jackie. But it was all a ruse, as Jackie went for a suplex, Bart smiled to the crowd and reversed it into a huge vertical suplex. Bart held it for a long time mocking the crowd before slamming Jackie to the mat and controlling the rest of the match up. Bart finished Jackie G off with a Big League Swing and made and easy cover for three.




Bart stood up to celebrate, but we see on the big screen that Corporate American Muscle are laid out in their dressing room. The Hooded figures slide in and drill Bart with a huge chair shot, they give one to a rising Jackie for good measure, before sliding from the ring, and exiting through the crowd, as the Corporate Reign and Continuation flood the ring.


Show: B

Atnd: 2000
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Night 334, Friday July 5th 2009

Live from Magnolia, Arkansas




A clock kicks off the show, showing 3 shows until the end. ‘the dangerous one’ Stephanie Wade comes out, but gets jumped by April who says this crap ends Sunday night. If Steph think 5 people are out to get her, well then all 6 can meet at the biggest night of them all and prove who is targeting who in an elimination match.




Wanda ‘sleep with the’ Fish over SMY. The two women throw down, but in the end, when Wanda throws SMY over her shoulders with the Fisher Woman Suplex. This Match goes to Wanda with a one, two, three. (




“The Living Weapon” Melody Cuthill comes down to the ring,
“Tamara, Tuesday night you pulled that crap with a chair. Well Melody Cuthill is here to tell you, that crap won’t stand!”
Tamara has snuck up behind Melody and swings another huge chair shot at Melody’s head. But Melody ducks the shot, and drop kick Tamara in the face and match two is on.




Melody over Tamara, to bring the best of three series even at one all. Melody takes full advantage of reversing Tamara’s attack and pounds on Tamara mercilessly. Melody hits the Melody Maker to pick up the win and even out the series at one all.




Royal Cash over Asian Assault. The two veteran tag teams put on a great match that shows just how far the wrestlers in this company have come. Royal Cash hit the Royal Market Crash to pick up the win.




The Lords of Kool stop on the ramp,
“The Corporate Reign doesn’t bring down the Lords of Kool. We don’t sweat some dudes in hoods. We are hard core party people here, and we will kick butt and have fun all night long!”




Lords of Kool over Phoenix foundation. A hard fought match, the Foundation sent Jackie & Kenny over the top ropes and then hit two swanton planchas onto them on the out side. The crowd went nuts for this, but it took more out of the two Phoenix’s than the Lords of Kool, who battled back. Jackie eventually hit the crashing on to score the pinfall.




Of course no sooner than the ref had counted three, than the hooded figures hit the ring with chairs. As usual, they laid every one out, including the ref this time, before exiting the ring, well before reinforcements had time to charge down the ring.


Show: B

Atnd: 2000
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Night 335, Saturday July 6th 2009

Live from Ashdown, Arkansas




A clock kicks off the show, showing 2 shows until the end. At the tail end The Great Hisato comes out and waves good bye to the crowd.




the Great Hisato over Derek frost. It looks like Derek may never pick up a win in OYWL, as tomorrow night may be the end, and he is not scheduled for a match. To bad, we loved watching Derek loose!




Joss Thompson over Nicky Champion, Impact Players showdown. The Impact Players brought it, a future legend versus a man who should have been a legend, given more time, they could have changed the face of OYWL.




Dan McFly comes down to the ring,
“Continuation will not be denied, the Corporate . . .”
Pablo Rodriguez and Nick Lopez come down and get into Dan’s Face.
“You two want some more of this? Ok. How about tonight I kick Pablo’s butt, and tomorrow night you can both take a swing at me. Dan Mcfly will prove he is the Dominate one around here.”




Dan Mcfly over Pablo Rodriguez. Pablo throws some huge hay makers that back Dan up, when Dan reaches the ropes, Nick takes a swing at him with a chair, but Dan ducks and Nick Catches Pablo who is rushing in to take advantage. Dan then throws his weight around, finally hitting the McFly Roll on Pablo to score the pinfall.




The strong Jawed, Silent Type, Danny Rushmore is a man of action, when he speaks you should listen.
“Bart Biggz, Sunday. It’s you and Danny Rushmore, for the Sultan’s Favor, For the Soul of this company, for the future OYWL. Bart Sunday Danny Rushmore will end you.”




Danny Rushmore over JD Morgan. Danny may have made some big claims, but he used JD to back them up. The demented Morgan was caught off guard by the utter brutality of the ‘Silent Force’. Danny ended it all with a Big Boot that almost took Morgans Head off. As a sign of contempt, Danny covered by standing tall and placing a boot on unconscious Morgan’s chest, hands on hips chest puffed out.




A stunningly vicious victory for Rushmore did not keep the inevitable from happening. The Hooded Figures hit the ring, hit both men and then fled through the audience unopposed. Continuation and the Corporate Reign both hit the ring, a huge brawl ensuing, the last stop before Show Down has left a lot of questions unanswered.


Show: B-

Atnd: 2000
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Despite huge sums of money being offered to work just one more date, he left. The Great Hisato become the head booker of 5SW. It is rumored the Sultan personally called and offered to buy 5SW and turn it over to him, to work just one more show. Hisato declined and will be gone immediately.


*the Great Hisato becomes the head booker of 5SW

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Show Down 7 – 1

July 7th, 2009

Live from Beaumont, Texas






A clock kicks off the show, showing 1 shows until the end, then stutters and drops to Zero, the hooded cult hits the ring and drop their hoods, GWO green is everywhere with No Trash Steve flash at the head, Ed C and Jo.



‘No Trash’ grabs a microphone,
“Man it’s like I’ve always said. Dude I am No Trash Steve Flash and this is like the end of OYWL man!”



Ed C steps up,
“I out grew my Corporate roots, tonight I help reclaim this planet, I will recycle OWYL.”



Jo takes the mic,
“It is only natural that the best woman in OYWL be recognized. Tonight I will make sure that mother nature’s will is done. I will prove I am the only natural option!”



Ali Wanna walks out,
“I guess I need to amend tonight's main event then. I will now be Bart versus Danny versus Steve Flash. Oh and if Steve wins OYWL belongs to the GWO.




Wanda “Sleeps with the” Fish over “The Dangerous one Stephanie Wade & Lauren & April Appleseed & Vixen & Raven, in a six woman Elimination match.


The match started fast and furious, every woman for herself. Steph Super Kicked Raven, who turned into a Belly to Belly From Lauren. Vixen took an Apple Slicer from April and a Fisherwoman’s Suplex from Wanda. Both Raven and Vixen were left out cold, Steph cleared the ring, by Clothes lining Wanda, April and Lauren from the ring, she then covered Raven and Vixen for a double first elimination.


This put an even bigger target on Steph’s back though, and Wanda, April and Lauren got back on the ring apron. Steph tried to keep them all on the out side, by threatening to super kick whomever stepped through first with a huge super kick. The ladies on the outside traded glances and rushed in all at once. To Stephs credit, she survived for another minute or so before going down, 1..2..NO Lauren pulls April off and goes for the cover. 1..2..NO Wanda pulls Lauren up and goes for the cover. 1..2..NO you guessed it April pulls Wanda off and a huge three way brawl erupts as Steph rolls to the outside to recover.


April thinks she has an opening, but Lauren and Wanda double suplex April as she goes for a double Apple Slicer. A joint three count Later and we are down to three. Steph rolls back in and hits Wanda with a Super kick, hits Lauren with a Super Kick. Steph looks back and forth trying to decide whom to cover first. finally Steph covers Lauren 1..2..3. We are down to just two.


Steph makes the cover on Wanda, this could all be over. 1 . . 2 . .NOOOO! Wanda kicks out. Steph backs up to deliver another Super Kick. Wanda struggles up, Steph stomps her foot. Wanda reaches a knee, Steph Stomps her foot. Wanda comes up, bent over. Steph reels back foot flying through the air. Wanda stays under the foot, hooks it by the knee, and grabs Steph’s head, FISHERWOMAN SUPLEX! Wanda makes the cover 1 . . 2 . . NO Steph kicks out, clearly mad. The two women circle each other. Steph feints a super kick, but goes for a drop kick, but Wanda is a step ahead, avoids the move and locks in the Boston Crab. Steph drags both women to the rope for the break. Steph looks relieved, but Wanda knew this would happen. Wanda yanks Steph over in another Fisherwoman's suplex, makes the cover. 1 . . 2 . . 3! Wanda “Sleep with the” Fish is your winner!




“the Dark one” JD Morgan comes down to the ring.
“JD Morgan wants to keep on hurting people, but as tonight is my last chance. I demand a fight!”
The Impact Players Joss Thompson and Nicky Champion come down, “
You want a fight? How about a handicap match?”
JD considers,
“A fights a fight, you two are on.”




The Impact players over JD Morgan. JD explodes on the impact players, but they manage to escape any serious harm, and roll to the outside. Then begin bating the bigger angrier man in. JD gives chase only to wind up spearing one of the ring posts in his blind rage. Nicky rolls JD back in, and Joss hits a huge top rope 5 star press on the prone Morgan. JD kicks out of the follow up pin attempt, but Nicky and Joss continue the double team beat down. In the end it is more than JD can keep up with, a Double Impact suplex, spells the end of Morgan’s rage.




the Dust Bowl Dudes walk out as members of the new GWO, “Lords of Kool, the Sweet prarie breezes just can’t abide your stench any more. The Planet must be freed of wasteful partying ways.” The Lords off Kool come out to accept The Duo’s Challenge but all four men get Jumped by Marc Speed & Rafeal Ruiz, Last Man Standing.




Dust Bowl Duo over Lords of Kool & Last Man Standing. A three way tag match up, that high lights the best of the best OYWL’s tag division has to offer. The Duo are double teamed early, Mean Jean and Al tag in and out frequently, but the Lords and Last Man Standing make a concerted effort to drive the active man from the duo into the canvas as often as possible. Al Coleman eventually takes a Crashing On, and then gets locked in Marc Speeds Deadly Heel Hook. As the seconds tear on, Jackie G and Kenny look at each other, and decide they want the win. The lords of Kool clear the ring, and Kenny hits Al with the Too Kool. 1 . . 2 . . NO Raphael applies a boot to the side of Kenny's head and locks in the Ruiz Wrench. Jackie comes in to make the save, but Marc Takes him down with a Cross Arm Breaker.


Unnoticed, Al crawls from the center of the ring to his corner and makes the hot tag to Mean Jean Cattley. Mean Jean comes in like a man on fire and takes out every one. Mean Jean isolates Kenny Kool, and Al storms back into the ring. One Dust Bowl Drop later, and Al holds off the reinforcements as Mean Jean picks up the three count.




Ali Wanna comes down to the ring,
“I could wax reminiscent about our time together. You lowly fans having been privileged with witnessing the benevolence of a man as great as the Sultan of Brunei. Instead I shall hand out his last edict and return whence I came. Tamara Mcfly, Melody Cuthill you shenanigans in the ring shall not tarnish the championship over which you contend. Your title series shall reach it’s conclusion tonight, instead a steel cage!”




“The living Weapong” Meldoy Cuthill over Tamara McFly in a cage match to win the women's title. The final match between these two deadly beauties comes up some what short. Both women grind the other into the cage, take huge risks and prove they can put on a cage match as brutal as the men. The problem is that the audience does not take as kindly to seeing two women bleed buckets around the ring. Tamara hits a huge McFly roll onto a blood soaked Melody at the end of their match, but comes up short. Tamara grasps at her bloody locks and stares in desperation, but she stalls to long and Melody regains her feet. Tamara looks to land a huge right, but Melody ducks and whips off a Melody Maker, and takes Tamara down for the three. Winner and new OYWL Ladies Champion, “The living Weapong” Meldoy Cuthill.




Corporate American Muscle is talking back stage,
“The Corporate American Muscle is not afraid of some hooded Figures.”




Ultimate Dragon walk out,
“In case you two geniuses didn’t see, they took off the hoods tonight, so um yeah no need to fear.”
The two teams begin to brawl, and it travels down to the ring, where their match begins.




Ultimate Dragons over Corporate American Muscle for the tag titles. American Muscle did what they have learned to do best, cheat. Snap Dragon was isolated in the wrong corner, being worked over by Alex and Freddie. The Muscle would make frequent tags, and frequently distract the ref to use a pair of brass knucks they had brought to the ring with them. Dragon was all but gone when Alex hit a huge Braun Buster, Phoenix tried to make the save, but the ref ordered him out of the ring. The plus side to this was that Alex held the cover for a solid ten count, before the ref dropped to make the count, 1 . . 2 . . NO Snap Dragon kicks out.


The Beating continues, but Snap Manages to duck a brass knuck punch, and spins the ref around who takes it right to the face. The ref goes down, and Phoenix floods into the ring and throws both Alex and Freddie out of the ring. Medics come down to collect the ref, and a new ref slides in. The ref demands that Phoenix return to his corner, but also confiscates the weapon from the Corporate Muscle. Snap goes down hard once more, this time to the Patriot Press. Phoenix again comes in for the save, but gets met by stiff blows from Alex, Freddie makes the cover, 1 . . 2 . . NO! Snap kicks out and rolls Freddie up with the small package. Getting a one count, before Alex kicks snap in the back of the head. The ref orders him out of the ring, but it was enough of a distraction for snap to roll over to his corner and make a legal hot tag to Phoenix.


Phoenix comes in like a man possessed and wears down both Alex and Freddie, but nothing he can do will keep either man down. Finally Phoenix tags in Snap, but Muscle tries to beat the Dragons to the punch, and whips both men off the ring for a double clothes line. Both Dragons duck under, swing around and lock in stereo sleepers. Alex and Freddie fight the effects, but both fade fast. The ref lifts Alex’s arm and it drops, the ref lifts freddie’s arm and it drops. The ref looks from one man to the other, and then raises both arms, they both drop! Winners and new Four time tag team champions, Ultimate Dragons.




Dan McFly comes down the the ring,
“Ladies and Gentleman Dan McFly has got to be honest with you. I have a lot of pent up emotions, and nothing to do tonight. So I have an idea, Corporate Assets, how about you versus me in a handicap match right now!”




Dan McFly over the Corporate Assets, in a handicap match. Pablo Rodriguez and Nick Lopez stormed into the ring and laid huge rights and lefts into Dan, ending with a huge Final Judgement on Dan. Pablo made the cover, but only got one as Dan powered out. The Assets tried to retain their dominate position, but Dan hoisted Pablo up and threw him at Nick, who did his best to catch his partner. Dan then led with huge boots and caught both men with a double DDT. Things went from bad to worse as Dan choose to focus on both men's head, driving hands, turnbuckles and mats into skulls from every possible direction. Dan then stacked both men up like cord wood and hit the McFly roll, making the double cover to pick up the win.




Randy Bumfhole is standing in front of a camera man giving and interview for his up coming match.
“Frankie Perez, a week ago Randy Bumfhole took you to the limit, thats right the time limit, in pursuit of your TV Title. Well this week Frankie, Randy promises you things will be different!”




Frankie walks in on Randy’s interview slow clapping,
“Yeah for Randy he learned how turn on a camera and talk trash. Well Randy how’s this for different, tonight it’s you and me in a ladder match that doesn’t end until you or I retrieve this title from it’s spot above the ring.”




Frankie Perez over Randy Bumfhole in a ladder match to retain the tv title. The match started off with both men making a run up the ladder, set up in the center of the ring. At the top both men traded huge blows until the ladder tipped sideways and spilled both men out of the ring. Randy regained his feet first, and used the ring steps to hit a huge Bumfhole in One on Frankie. Randy tried to follow up with a huge bulldog into the steps, but Frankie pushed him off, and Randy landed back first on the steps.


The battle reentered the ring, and both men were trading holds, trying to wear the other down, neither gaining a clear enough advantage to try and make a run at the title. That changed when Randy suplexed Frankie through the ladder in the ring, that was still resting on the ring ropes. Frankie crumpled into a fetal position after bouncing off the steel ladder, and lay very still. Randy tried to set up the ladder he had just abused, but it buckled under his weight, this force Bumfhole to crawl out of the ring, and bring in another ladder to set up, wasting precious time. Randy got it set up and started climbing the ladder, but Frankie had finally regained his feet, used the ropes as a spring board, grabbed randy by the shoulders and dropped both men from 4 rungs up into a back stabber on Randy.


Both men rolled around the ring in pain, Frankie’s luck took him to the edge of the ladder and he used that to regain his feet, and began to crawl upwards. Randy managed to climb up the other side and both men met at the top. Frank sprang up and drop kicked Rand off the ladder and over the top rope to the outside, completed a flip by catching the ladder, and lost only one rung in the amazing process. The crowd went wild as Frankie finished his assent and retrieved his title, to win and retain the TV title.




Bart Biggz comes down and congratulated Frankie and helps him out of the ring, before taking up a microphone,
“Firstly Bart Biggz has got to congratulated Frankie Perez on being an awesome champion and member of the Corporate Reign. Next I’ve got to call out that low life treacherous cheat Ed C, man Bart Biggz understands being traded to another team, but a real Big Leauge Corporate Champion never plays his own side until his contract runs out! Now as for this three way dance for my title, The Big Leaguer Bart Biggz doesn’t care who else gets in that ring, it won’t change the fact that I am going to win, and this will be not only my last OYWL match, but the last OYWL match ever!”




Steve flash over Bart Biggz and Danny Rushmore for the Sultan’s favor and the future of OYWL. No run ins, no interference, no set up for next week’s feud, it all ends here tonight in one match. To say everything was left in the ring is an understatement, every man in the match knew what was at stake, lives and lively hoods were risked to attain the win, the gold, and ultimate control of OYWL.


Late in the match Bart Biggz hit a big league swing, but walked into a Flash Bang, and Danny struggled to his feet and hit Steve with a Big boot, all three men fell atop each other, and ref counted 1 . . 2 . . 3 and your winner is ? ? ? the ref looks and sees that all three men have fallen, and says that they are all even at one fall each, so the match must continue.


Bart is the first to find his feet, he nails Danny with an Inverted Pile Driver, and goes for the three. NO Steve springs off the top rope and hits Bart with a missile drop kick. Steve Covers Danny 1 . . 2 . . NO Danny kicks out. Bart pulls Steve off and goes for a suplex, but Steve hits another Flash Bang. Steve covers Bart, 1 . . 2 . . NO Danny nails Steve with a big boot and covers Steve, but Steve Rolls through. Steve drop kicks Danny over the top rope, Bart turns Steve around, but Steve is ready and FLASH BANG, cover 1 . . 2 . . 3! Winner, New Champions, and Winner of Control of One Year Wrestling League. “No Trash” Steve Flash. The GWO rushes the ring, and keeps Danny and Bart from getting any bright ideas.





‘No Trash’ Steve Flash, Ed C, and the Dust Bowl Duo each mount a ring post, Joanne Rodriguez stands in the center blowing kisses to the crowd. Steve hoists the Sultan's Favor above his head, Ed holds the deed to the company, and the Duo hold up the tag team titles. The music stops playing and the Green World Organization congratulates themselves, the end of OYWL seems at hand. The GWO comes back from it’s own apparent grave to bring OYWL to it’s knees like it always said it would.


Show: B+

Atnd: 9,430

Buy Rate: 0.15
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Although I was never really an avid follower of this diary (I sort've came along near to the end, so I don't know a lot of the background as I never read much of the earlier stuff), I have to applaud you for reaching the end of the project, Mistaken. One Year of Wrestling always struck me as a very unique and innovative concept for a diary, and I'm glad to see it reach its conclusion. Great work.
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  • 6 months later...

Second Half recap



The Ladies Champ Stephanie Wade claims she is so good she will only defend her title in triangle matches. Lauren demands respect from the younger wrestlers and goes on a win streak. When Lauren finally gets her match with wade for the title, Joanne Rodriguez is added as the third leg, and walks out of the match with the title.




The Tag Division has clear champs, the Dust Bowl duo who face all comers and prove why they are the best darn totin’ tag team around. But they lose their grips on the titles to the rebranded Steve Flash ‘the Cash’ and Keith Adams, “Flash the Cash” when Flash pays the referee for the victory. These tactics hold for quite a while, until the dirtiest player in the game Whiskey Jack, and his Protégé Ed C. manage to wrest the titles away, ending Flash’s cash fueled run as champ.




Ali holds the POO. Kenny Kool rises through the ranks and repeatedly asks for a title shots, but Ali finds excuses and just plain lies to Kenny for weeks. Kenny gets his match and wins the title at showdown 2-1, Kenny exits the feud a legitimate Champion, and caps his win off with a 2 month title reign.



At the same time Ali is having other troubles, Geronimo Wakama Onieda (GWO) refuses to realize that the GWO has fallen and he has lost his power. Ali and GWO face off one last time in a loser looses power match. Ali wins and the GWO is officially gone from OYWL. This also leads to the formation of the Sultan’s Corporation.




As the Sultan’s Corporation forms, so does a rival group who also claim to be under orders from the Sultan. The Reign of Darkness claims to be sent to clean up OYWL. Dark Angel & Dark Eagle (Dark Reign) take out bob-jam, Union Core, Fast Food Army, Team HD. Their Leader JD Morgan takes out Ernie Turner & Frankie Dee.



The newly crowned Ladies Champ Joanne Rodriguez, sets out to prove she is the best, defending against all comers. All comers except Raven, whom she ducks week after week. When Jo finally gives Raven her match, she beats her in a hardcore match, a cage match and a Ladder match to prove Raven can’t beat her in any way at all.




Wanda ‘save the’ Fish, becomes Wanda “Sleep with the” Fish, and finds much success, but never quite regains the gold.




Danny Rushmore is attacked at show down then night after night different wrestlers come out and claim responsibility. It turns out Ali had double crossed Danny to join forces with JD Morgan, beginning the era of the Corporate Reign, as OYWL debuts it first TV show on Los Portes dehoy.




After shedding the tag team titles and his tag team partner, Steve Flash reinvents himself again as Steve “solo” Flash. The only one willing to stand up to the Corporate powers that be.



Frankie Perez debut’s his kid brother Jonnie and they light up the tag team under card as Perez 101. Teaching the other teams how to wrestle



The Corporate Reign:
begins with a bang, forms into a true monolith over the next 5 weeks



On the premier episode of OYWL: Slick, JD Morgan defeats Danny for the Sultan’s Favor.



Ed. C turns on Whiskey jack, kicks the crap out of him, and then joins the Corporate Reign finally ending Kenny Kool’s reign, becoming POO champ.



April Appleseed a long rising female star, turns on her brother and manager Corey Appleseed, and joins the Corporate Reign who immediately help her secure the Ladies Championship from the long reigning Joanne Rodriguez.



After an extended try outs Nick Lopez also joins the group.



TV: title was intro’d with the title bouncing around no one picking up a solid defense. It makes a good low end title, but does not play a key role in OYWL.



The 2009 Shinning cup was presented: 32 wrestlers bracketed down to one winner. Top 4 in a four way match; Kenny Kool, Marc Speed, Eisaku, and Frankie Perez. Frankie Perez emerged as the dominate rising force, and winner of the Shinning cup.




The Tag division begins to emerge, as Ultimate Dragon reunites, and one of the most dominate forces in tag team wrestling is reborn. Marc Speed & Raphael Ruiz form a powerful unit ‘Last Man Standing’. Both Teams eventually wear tag team gold.



A slew of top name talent premiers: ‘The Big Leaguer’ Bart Biggz, ‘one man wrecking crew’ Freddie Datsun, Nick Lopez, the “Ice Man” Alex Braun, “The Disciple” Jackie G, ‘The Dark Father’ Pablo Rodriguez, and Stevie Grayson.




Eisaku, and Asian Assault (Shingen & Kashmir Singh) have a long standing respect for each other that grows into the Asian Connection. This union helps Eisaku win the Sultan’s favor, setting the group up a foil to the Corporate Reign’s plans.




“The Dark Father” Pablo Rodriguez appears, it turns out he is Joann’s dad, and the two work out their “family issues” wrestling style. Jo eventually earns the respect of her father in a match that forces him to let her live her own life without his interference.


Corporate Reign:
Hostile Take over


Bart Biggz and Freddie Dastsun face off against Alex Braun and Ali for control of the Corporate Reign, Braun turns on Ali and joins with Bart.



Bart and American Muscle (Freddie & Alex) win control of the corporate reign, cuts JD Morgan & Ali Wanna loose. It takes a few weeks but Bart gains the belt that has eluded the Corporate Reign for so long, the sultan’s favor.



April Appleseed finds herself on the outs, Lauren defeats her and joins the Corporate Reign, who herself takes a back seat to the debuting Tamara McFly.


Nick Lopez defeats Pablo Rodriguez to force him to become part of Corporate Reign and they become the “Corporate Assets” tag team



Frankie P joins the Corporate Reign, along with his brother Jonnie Perez and Corey Appleseed (Viral Outcome).


Ed C eventually takes over as figure head of the Corporate Reign.



Kenny Kool and Jackie G form the ‘Lords of Kool’ tag team, and are key players in continuation. Continuation is the movement that arises during the last month to keep OYWL going past the one year mark.




Derek Frost premiers to an epic losing streak 0 and 18 in his 5 week run.




‘the living weapon’ Melody Cuthill leads the women’s resistance to Corporate Reign, Stephanie Wade, re-debuts a “the dangerous one’.


The Corporate role call


Showdown 6-3: the last fight for advantage, two weeks out from the one year mark. All three on three matches where each win allows the winning side to send someone from the other side home! Most notably Ed C, the leader of the corporate movement goes home. Steve Flash survives the firing frenzy, but is beaten to a pulp the following Tuesday night, and cannot continue.



This leads to a rebuilding week replacing the 6 or so leaders that were removed or taken out, and every member of OYWL basically taking a side. Big step ups from Nicky Champion and Randy Bumfhole, filling the gaps in Continuation. Bart Steps easily into the Corporate Reigns leadership role.

The last week is dream matches but every show is plagued by hooded figures disrupting every main event. Leading to Show Down 7-1



Read the show! But the high points the hooded figures turn out to be ‘no trash’ Steve Flash, Joann Rodriguez and Ed C the new GWO. Melody wins the ladies championship, Ultimate Dragon wins the tag titles. Steve Flash is added to the main event and walks out with the Sultan’s Favor, and GWO owns OYWL, it is assumed they will shut down OYWL . . .

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