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High Intensity Violence: Other Promotions Wrestle, HIV KILLS!

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[center][IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/HIVlogo.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/TheLandlord.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/RipperLeStat.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/Psycho.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/BrickhouseBalder.jpg[/IMG][/center] [color=gray]Fresh air...it's been about four years since I've been sent to Winson Green. Not really my fault, the jacka** was breathing up my air. Then again we were outside...but [i]my air[/i] is [i]my air[/i]. Breathe your own! Settle...the counselor said I should control my anger and count to ten...OK...Anyway, I plan to go legit this time. No more beating people for stupid sh**, no more being called Porkchop. I'm changing my life around...first I have to get the hell out of Birmingham! That's an ugly car...and it's coming this way! The horn blows and the passenger side window rolls down. Out sticks the head of a man with a skinned head, around late 30s or early 40s.[/color] [b]Man:[/b] Oi! Porkchop! Get in! [color=gray]Ernie Flores...back then we used to call him Psycho because one day he just went berzerk in a fast food line and kicked the cashier's a**.[/color] [quote][b]Psycho:[/b] Is this chicken or fish? [b]Porkchop:[/b] ...looks like fish. [b]Psycho:[/b] I wanted f***in' chicken. I'm allergic to f***in' fish! [b]The Landlord:[/b] Just take it back. [b]Psycho:[/b] Oh no, this is the third time this week that d***'s slighted me. [i]Psycho gets up, walks over the cashier and throws the fish in his face. He then jumps over the counter and begins beating him with the plastic tray.[/i] [b]The Landlord:[/b] Let's get out of here! [b]Porkchop:[/b] But Psycho-- [b]The Landlord:[/b] Let's goooooO!!![/quote] [color=gray]That was around '88. He's since become a wrestler and took the nickname with him. He trained me back 2002 went I got out of jail the second time. Some large, muscly kid was driving this piece of sh**.[/color] [b]Psycho:[/b] C'mon, then...get in! [color=gray]I throw my sh** in the backseat and climb in. Waiting across from me was Prichard McEnroe. They used to call him Pr*** and then The Landlord because when we were working for Fat Sampson he would shakedown landlords and tenants. He became a wrestler the same year he and Psycho got out of jail which was 1993.[/color] [b]Psycho:[/b] How's it going, Porkchop! [b]The Landlord:[/b] 'Chops! What's new, mate? [b]Young Man:[/b] Hi there Mr. Porkchop, sir. [b]Psycho:[/b] Keep your eyes on the road, Rip! Grown men are talking. [b]Young Man:[/b] *under breath* Tch...I'm grown too...I'm a bloody adult. [b]The Landlord:[/b] So how was Winson Green? [b]Porkchop Smith:[/b] Awful...food was often cold. Beds are hard--plus it was like four years of working in a sausage factory! F***in' awful. [b]Psycho:[/b] Heheh, yeah--Rip, quit looking in the d**n mirror! [b]Young Man:[/b] I've got to look in the rearview to see sh**, Psycho! Jesus Chr**! [b]The Landlord:[/b] Lay off Ripper, Psych. [b]Porkchop Smith:[/b] What's this Ripper guy's name? I know his mother wasn't icy enough to name him "Ripper". [b]Psycho:[/b] He's a wrestler, a d**n talented one too. He works in [i]our[/i] new promotion. [b]The Landlord:[/b] Yeah, High Intensity Violence...here in old Birmingham. [b]Porkchop Smith:[/b] ...HIV? You named your wrestling group HIV? After a virus that kills millions? [b]Psycho:[/b] Yeah. Ripper here thought of the name. [b]Porkchop Smith:[/b] ...oh... [b]Psycho:[/b] Yeah, the slogan for our promotion is "Other Promotions Wrestle, HIV KILLS!" [b]The Landlord:[/b] *punches Ripper in shoulder* Bloody brilliant, son! [color=gray]The car swerves into oncoming traffic, but Ripper manages to steer it back on the correct side.[/color] [b]Ripper LeStat:[/b] Uhh...thanks, Lord. [b]Porkchop Smith:[/b] ...wait, you said "our promotion"...and you kept saying it. What's up with that? [b]Psycho:[/b] Well we took some cash and made you 1/4 owner of HIV. [b]The Landlord:[/b] Congrats, son! [b]Porkchop Smith:[/b] Really? Where'd you find the money? [b]Psycho:[/b] That old safe your ex gave us. She told us to hold your sh**...we cracked it and used your cash to make you part owner. [b]Porkchop Smith:[/b] [i]WHAT?!![/i] That was going to be my legit money!!! You sonofab****!!! [color=gray]I reach forward and begin throttling Psycho! Now I'll be [i]stuck[/i] in Birmingham forever! 9,430 GONE! We bump into Ripper causing the car to swerve between lanes. Ripper and Landlord try to seperate us, but we're too embroiled in our tussle. Ripper slams the breaks causing me to break my hold on Psycho.[/color] [b]Ripper:[/b] F***, everyone calm down! Seriously...just chill! [b]Psycho:[/b] *cough* [b]The Landlord:[/b] Look Porky, we have a lot of plans for this promotion, mate. Big plans. Our first two shows drew 100 and 92 respectively. This thing could be big. You've seen WEXXV in Japan? [b]Porkchop Smith:[/b] *breathing heavily* What? No! I've been locked up for four f***in' years! I ain't been to Japn and I ain't seen wrestlin' in four f***in' years! Rachel Rae and Iron F***in' Chef! That's all we watch! [b]The Landlord:[/b] Right. Well, they're like MOSC and DAVE only extremely violent. There's a new promotion in Japan as well--an offshoot of WEXXV called D&D--or Danger Dojo. They're the most violent in the world with explosions and sh**. Then there's NEO--Norwegian Extreme Overkill--I'd have to say the most hardcore in the UK and Europe and [i]second[/i] in the world. We want that #1 spot, mate. [b]Porkchop Smith:[/b] So besides gobbling up my money, whatelse do you want from me? [b]Psycho:[/b] *cough* [b]The Landlord:[/b] Well...your name's on the contract with Psych, Rip, and my own...and your cash is gone...so if you'd like--and it's up to you--we want you wrestle for us. [b]Porkchop Smith:[/b] [i]What?[/i] [b]Ripper:[/b] Indeed. Psycho said you were a good brawler and good at hardcore stuff. Highland Warrior would ask about you often and ask if we could get in contact with you. [b]Porkchop Smith:[/b] Really then? [b]Psycho:[/b] *cough* Yeah... [b]The Landlord:[/b] Look. We have a ratty roster of mainly indy scraps. These are lads and lasses that no one would want in their promotion. [b]Ripper:[/b] Except for that Nina. [b]The Landlord:[/b] ... [b]Psycho:[/b] ... [b]Porkchop Smith:[/b] ... [b]Ripper:[/b] Haaaaaaht... [b]Psycho:[/b] ...*shakes head* [b]The Landlord:[/b] Anyway, we want you as a heel. You told us you were doing the wrestling in prison-- [b]Porkchop Smith:[/b] Yeah, amateur-- [b]The Landlord:[/b] Doesn't matter, we need someone who can do it all, mate. [b]Porkchop Smith:[/b] I'm 282lbs...I can't fly or any of that sh**. [b]Psycho:[/b] We've got high fliers and stuff, we just need you to be our Tommy Cornell. [b]The Landlord:[/b] Whoa, now...I wouldn't say our "Tommy Cornell". He's more like our...I don't know, Hailey Neil. [b]Ripper:[/b] Or our Trauma... [b]The Landlord:[/b] ...or our Dusty Bin. [b]Ripper:[/b] *laughs* Oh...that guy sucks a** hardcore. [b]Porkchop Smith:[/b] What? You guys saying I suck? I haven't worked in four years, but still-- [b]Psycho:[/b] Nevermind them, they were on a roll and kept going. Look, we need someone dependable who know their way in the ring. Everyone else is pretty much hit or miss, plus we need a concrete headbooker. I've been doing it, but it's noting out there. So, you in or out? [b]Porkchop Smith:[/b] ...hrm...I get to be headbooker? [b]The Landlord:[/b] Yeah. You handle the booking with minor input from us, mate. Psycho and I handle the hiring and financials, you and Ripper handle the booking. [b]Ripper:[/b] Wait, I don't want to book! I don't know-- [b]The Landlord:[/b] Shut up, Rip...shut up and drive. [b]Psycho:[/b] C'mon, Porky. [color=gray]Psycho and Landlord looked like they really needed me. They were my best friends...visited me when my ex didn't...I actually grew up around Psycho. How could I say no?[/color] [b]Porkchop Smith:[/b] *sighs* ...since my money [i]is gone[/i]...I'm in. [b]Psycho:[/b] YES! [b]The Landlord:[/b] ALRIGHT!! [b]Ripper:[/b] Celebrate? [b]Psycho:[/b] Yeah! To McKinley's! [b]The Landlord:[/b] MCKINLEY'S!!! [color=gray]So...it looks as though I'm [i]not[/i] leaving Birmingham. At least I'm legit now. No more big bosses, beating guys for not paying, or robbing old ladies. 100% legit...and I did miss wrestling, so it ain't all bad.[/color]
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[center][IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/HIVlogo.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/TheLandlord.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/RipperLeStat.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/Psycho.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/BrickhouseBalder.jpg[/IMG][/center] [color=gray][b]September 23, 2008[/b] - First day of work...kind of. I reached the headquarters of High Intensity Violence is a rundown apartment in East Birmingham. There's a banner with the HIV logo--one of those parental advisory type things that kids think are [i]sooooo cool[/i]--two rotting couches with crumbs and sh** on them, a table with six chairs, a TV that amazingly gets cable, and a bunch of videotapes surrounding the VCR. The floor is littered with cans of almost every beverage and food bags. This place was the definition of a dump. Psycho entered the room with two bowls of whatever.[/color] [b]Psycho:[/b] PORKY, YOU CAME! Have a seat, we're fixing lunch. [b]Porkchop:[/b] Great! [color=gray]Landlord and Ripper enter the living room with their bowls and sit at the table.[/color] [b]Ripper:[/b] Hey there, Porkchop. [b]The Landlord:[/b] PORKY! [b]Porkchop:[/b] Hey guys. What's for lunch? [b]The Landlord:[/b] Fruity-Os and warm orange juice. [color=gray]This is [i]sooooo[/i] disappointing.[/color] [b]Porkchop:[/b] Excellent. [b]The Landlord:[/b] OK, on to business. We current have £62,840. [b]Porkchop:[/b] Wow! How'd we get [i]that much[/i]? [b]The Landlord:[/b] ...uh, we...made a deal with Fat Sampson. [b]Porkchop:[/b] ... [b]The Landlord:[/b] ...*clears throat*... [b]Psycho:[/b] Yeah... [b]Porkchop:[/b] Some other Fat Sampson or Fat Sampson-Fat Sampson. [b]The Landlord:[/b] You thick f***, there's only one Fat Sampson here in Birmingham! [color=gray]There goes being legit...[/color] [b]The Landlord:[/b] So...yeah. Anyway, we have 62,840 a good amount for a promotion our size and the kind of budget we'll be running on. Since we're no ROF in-ring, we've been trying to top other groups with increasing violent matches. [b]Psycho:[/b] That's right. Last week we had Jake Panic take a bump onto a table screwn with mouse traps and thumbtacks. [b]The Landlord:[/b] Something MOSC has never done. [b]Psycho:[/b] As hardcore they get is the Glass Ceiling Deathmatch--once a year. [b]Porkchop:[/b] Oh, great deathmatch! [b]The Landlord:[/b] Yeah! Last year's was great cos Jeffy was out in the ring and-- [b]Psycho:[/b] Hey--h-hey! Back on topic here, lads. We've been trumping MOSC in the violence department for two months straight, but our attendences are still sh** in a clogged loo. We need actual stories and feuds to run with. [b]Porkchop:[/b] Which is where Ripper and I come in? [b]The Landlord:[/b] Right. We want you two to construct some kind of out feuds to run with. Here's our roster. [color=gray]Landlord slides a napkin with names scribbled on it across the table. I glance over the short list of names and one sticks out.[/color] [b]Porkchop:[/b] We've got Salty as commentator?! [b]The Landlord:[/b] Yeah. [b]Porkchop:[/b] ALRIGHT! [b]The Landlord:[/b] ...w-what about the rest of the roster? [b]Porkchop:[/b] Hell, we could put a chair in the middle of the ring and have Salty tell stories for two f***in' hours and sell tickets each month! [b]Ripper:[/b] *laughs* That's so true. [b]Psycho:[/b] OK, aside from that any cuts or anyone to the roster? [b]Porkchop:[/b] Eh...nah, we'll drop by the gym and see how they work and see what's what. [b]The Landlord:[/b] Right. [b]Psycho:[/b] We've got this stuff for the next show. Any deathmatch ideas? [color=gray]I read the list...well, it wasn't really a list, it just said "thumbtacks, chairs, ladder". I crossed chairs off the list because--really, what promotion [i]doesn't[/i] have chairs.[/color] [b]Porkchop:[/b] How many weeks 'til the next show? [b]Ripper:[/b] Three and some change. [b]Porkchop:[/b] Got away to contact fans? [b]The Landlord:[/b] A message board on ukwrestling.co.uk...why? [b]Porkchop:[/b] I have a main event and a semi-main event planned out. You guys get on the computer and tell the fans this...
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[color=gray]Takin' a look over the roster again and makin' notes. They weren't kiddin' when they said "ratty roster". Look at this sh**![/color] [center][color=red][b]MAIN EVENT[/b][/color][/center] [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/Psycho.jpg[/IMG] [b]Psycho[/b] 40, Birmingham, UK - Face Very decent hardcore brawler from my hometown of Birmingham. Wrestler for MOSC as the second Juicer whom people tend to confuse for the original Juicer Hailey Neil. He's the figurehead owner of HIV (actually 1/4), another mentor of Ripper LeStat, and a former thug--as was Landlord and I--for Fat Sampson. [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/TheLandlord.jpg[/IMG] [b]The Landlord[/b] 35, London, UK - Face Good brawler he began wrestling in 1993--as did Psycho--to break out of the crime scheme. He did well for himself and even worked for MOSC for a period. Really tough and a bada**, he seems to be the mentor of Ripper LeStat and looks over him often. He is 1/4 owner of HIV. [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/RipperLeStat_alt.jpg[/IMG] [b]Ripper LeStat[/b] 22, Birmingham, UK - Heel A bright youngster with a good hardcore style! Has a great vicious look, lots of aggression and the like. Worked in MOSC for a period winning the MOSC Tag Title with the original Juicer. He travelled about with Psycho before forming HIV where he is 1/4 owner. Grew up in the same neighborhood that Psycho and I grew up in. Great guy although a little [i]too quiet[/i]. [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/JakePanic.jpg[/IMG] [b]Jake Panic[/b] 37, London, UK - Heel Very solid in the hardcore style which got him a few fans in MOSC. Since MOSC doesn't really use the hyper violence style and goes for a DAVE-grade of hardcore, he didn't get too far when he should've. Tried the same in the Herschel the Hammer-ran UCR, when it still had large elements of brawling. When he was on the verge of breaking out, new management kicked him [i]and[/i] Hammer out. Funny guy who also works for NEO in Norway. [center][color=red][b]UPPER MIDCARD[/b][/color][/center] [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/BrilliantWhite.jpg[/IMG] [b]Brilliant White[/b] 22, Manchester, UK - Face Brilliant White is an adequate all-rounder with a strong point in flying. He used to work in 21CW, but was booted with the new changes and stuff. I like White not because of his flashy flying, but the guy knows how to party. [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/GabrielGreen.jpg[/IMG] [b]Gabriel Grenen[/b] 41, Birmingham, UK - Heel A**hole. Green is a solid brawler from here in Birmingham. When I was a kid, Green would try and pick up the high school girls and stuff...like he was the Fonz or something. Flores hired him. [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/MrEvilness.jpg[/IMG] [b]Mr. Evilness[/b] 33, Pompei, ITA - Heel Solid brawling and mat based showboater with a great gimmick and an EYEPATCH. He might have a great career here in HIV...better than the one he had in UCR. Wasn't picked up by either UEW or EWA. [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/DerrickMerrick.jpg[/IMG] [b]Derrick Merrick[/b] 35, Manchester, UK - Face Merrick is an all-rounder whom I've had run-ins with prior to my first arrest. We would fight at shows all the time because he would criticize others' wrestling. Most say he is good guy, but the guy is a d*** to me. [center][color=red][b]MIDCARD[/b][/color][/center] [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/CannonballLogan.jpg[/IMG] [b]Cannonball Logan[/b] 26, London, UK - Heel Cannonball Logan is a solid enough worker whose specialty is flying. I could careless for him and his buddy Ian Vincible, but the two have a following from the ladies. [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/FrankSimmons.jpg[/IMG] [b]Frank Simmons[/b] 32, Blackpool, UK - Face He is an extremely nice guy whom everyone loves. He's even rubbed off on me. While an average-all rounder, I feel he could be a threat as a hardcore wrestler if he put in the time and focus. He brings doughnuts to every show he goes to. [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/Thunderbolt.jpg[/IMG] [b]Thunderbolt[/b] 25, Leeds, UK - Face Good high flyer who I believe worked for either ROF or 21CW. I'm not sure. He's been on the indies for a bit though. Some believe he could shape up to be a more focused worked. [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/Trance.jpg[/IMG] [b]Trance[/b] 27, Liverpool, UK - Face Extremely nice guy who is a good high flyer. Hangs out with the snotty Rave and crashes parties. They originally worked for 21CW I believe as The Party Animals. [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/BrickhouseBalder.jpg[/IMG] [b]Porkchop Smith[/b] 33, Birmingham, UK - Heel Most consider me a good brawler and a hardworker. I've done time in jail between 1993-1995 and 1997-2001. I was trained by Psycho and The Landlord and made my wrestling debut December 2002, three days before my birthday. I was arrested again in 2004 and just recently got out. While there, I practice amateur wrestling as a means of staying out of trouble and I plan to use that in my in-ring style. Prior to that I was a London area boxing champion. [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/Rave.jpg[/IMG] [b]Rave[/b] 26, Liverpool, UK - Face High flyer who used to work for 21CW and later (more recently) MOSC. Loves to party and often pops up--with Trance--uninvited to White's parties. [center][color=red][b]LOWER MIDCARD[/b][/color][/center] [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/ChrisEverton.jpg[/IMG] [b]Chris Everton[/b] 23, Wolverhampton, UK - Face I feel he could blend in well with the other flashy workers, but I'd like to see him have a go in the hardcore environment. With time he could be an interesting brawler. [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/IanVincible.jpg[/IMG] [b]Ian Vincible[/b] 26, London, UK - Heel Solid flier, good personality, but he hangs around that d*** Cannonball Logan. [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/ManchesterFlyboy.jpg[/IMG] [b]Manchester Fly Boy[/b] 22, Manchester, UK - Face Extremely small kid who is a decent high flyer. Nice, smart--there really isn't anything that stands out about him. [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/NinaTheBallerina.jpg[/IMG] [b]Nina The Psycho Ballerina[/b] 28, Boston, MA - Face Young brawler with a crazy gimmick. Does high kicks, spins, and dances as part of her thing in-ring. Very nice and is based in Europe I believe. Ripper has been trying to chat her up lately. Primary opposition to Alpha Female. [center][color=red][b]OPENER[/b][/color][/center] [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/AlphaFemale.jpg[/IMG] [b]Alpha Female[/b] 38, Berlin, GER - Heel Tough brawler who recently broke into the UK after a long career in Europe. She'll be a regular opponent of Nina's. [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/JeffAmazon.jpg[/IMG] [b]Jeff Amazon[/b] 23, Newcastle, UK - Face Nice guy who is decent enough brawler. Hopefully he'll improve because he amuses the hell out of me. Wears a punk singlet and plays a gay character who gasms in brawls. Priceless. [center][color=red][b]STAFF[/b][/color][/center] [IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/SaltyLarry-1.jpg[/IMG] [b]Salty Larry[/b] 43, Birmingham, UK - Announcer Salty Larry! When Landlord and I were younger he'd tell the kids in the neighborhood stories--often raunchy stories--about his time in the navy. The guy was all bada** all the time. He would scratch himself alot and often called women every term besides "women", but the guy was/is cool as hell. He became a "clean" announcer for UCR. He was dropped in 2006 and was glad to return to Birmingham and announce. Very heavy drinker. [b]Maria Johasson[/b] 21, Sweden - Referee A female referee...huh. Anyway, she's a nice young woman who is a decent enough referee. She gets along with the rest of the roster so she's one less problem to deal with. [color=gray]Don't get me wrong, the roster isn't all garbage, but there's some questionable stuff in there. I believe I found a pet project in Frank Simmons. In anycase, all titles are vacant at the moment and Psycho sent me a proposal for a "deathmatch tournament". Seriously...first we'd need to find a venue that'd let us hold one, second a venue with heatin' cos you can't hold one outside in the late fall! He wants this thing done before the end of the year too. Hmm.[/color] [center][color=red][b]CHAMPIONSHIPS[/b][/color][/center] [b]HIV Positive World Title:[/b] The main title of the promotion geared towards promoting hardcore champions overall. I have a brief story in place for the crowning of a champion by November. [b]HIV Tag Team Titles:[/b] Tag titles. Champions will be crowned this month (October). [b]Anarchy Insanity and Death Summit:[/b] ...or is it "Danger", could be "Doom" or "Destruction"...in anycase, it's our deathmatch tournament which will take place in either November or December...I thinking December.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p288/MetalSwift/TEW%20Journal/HIVlogo.png[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"][b][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]1-900-(Bleep)[/FONT][/b][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]October 25, 2008 from The Paddington Club[/SIZE] in Birmingham, England [COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="3"]Fans Bring Weapons Deathmatch[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] Psycho vs. Jake Panic [SIZE="3"][b]2,000 Thumbtacks Deathmatch[/b][/SIZE] The Landlord vs. Ripper LeStat [SIZE="3"][b]Ladder Match for HIV Tag Team Titles[/b][/SIZE] The Youth Bandits vs. Chris Everton & Manchester Fly Boy vs. The Party Animals vs. Thunderbolt & Brilliant White [SIZE="3"][b]Hardcore Match[/b][/SIZE] Nina The Psycho Ballerina vs. Alpha Female [SIZE="3"][b]Hardcore Match[/b][/SIZE] Derrick Merrick & Frank Simmons vs. Porkchop Smith & Mr. Evilness Jeff Amazon vs. Masked Cornell [i]The winners of the main event and semi-main event will face off for the [b]HIV Positive World Championship[/b] at November's [b]Blood and Vomit[/b] event! The winners of the Derrick Merrick & Frank Simmons vs. Porkchop Smith & Mr. Evilness tag bout will face the HIV Tag Team Champions in a Ladder Match in their first title defence![/i] [/center]
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