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DOTM Joint Nomination Thread - October

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[QUOTE=James Casey;515336]In no particular order: Finisher's DaVE: Start A War (think this is Rookie?) gives a decent feel for the territorial war going on in the mid-nineties Cornellverse. And I was going to go for others, but I just realised how sparse my reading has been of late. I've got caught up with NoNeck's diary, but everyone else I'm lagging behind on. Sorry...[/QUOTE] I think FIN's gotten to main Cornellverse via more than six shows. But I support it's nomination.
I second TizzyTowns ROH..Great blend of what ROH is now, and what it might become as Tizzy has added a nice blend of character development... It also has been one of the most consistant real world diaries as of late
[QUOTE=Oldschool;515473]I second TizzyTowns ROH..Great blend of what ROH is now, and what it might become as Tizzy has added a nice blend of character development... It also has been one of the most consistant real world diaries as of late[/QUOTE] Thanks for that Oldschool, I appreciate the compliment
[QUOTE=MattitudeV2;515506]Maybe me if I can get 2 shows up and somebody votes for me.[/QUOTE] You get two shows up and I'll vote you for Rookie... you've really stepped up your game
[QUOTE=mistaken;515498]up to date, are there even any eligible rookies?[/QUOTE] Looks like I posted the first post in Philly Pro on the first day - and we have two shows up. Beyond that, I don't know - and this is NOT a call to nominate unless people actually dig it.
Do I have one left? Phantom Stranger's Philly Pro IS deserving of a nomination. The SWF 24/7 style presentation allows for a lot of in-between shows stuff, and because it's set in the past, there's a lot of room for allusion. So yeah, if I have a vote left, I'd like to nominate it; it really did slip my mind. :)
[quote=tizzyt;515144]I'll Nominate Angel' TNA : One Second Chance again - it's been consistent, a small lag right now, but we'll find out what that's about soon enough! As far as C-Verse, the only one I've really been reading every time something new is posted is the PSW - but I don't think that is eligible, is it?[/quote] 1 - I'm going to second this one 2 - I'm going to nominate [U]Imac's WWE: The Next Generation[/U]. This is one of my favorite Real World Dynasty's around and it has great write-ups. [URL][/URL] 3 - Not sure if these qualify because there hasn't been an actual show posted, but I'd like to nominate [U]Oldschool's NWA: Territorial Resurgence[/U] threads for the Rookie Catagory. I've really been enjoying the backstage creative meetings that have been taking place so far, and am really looking forward to that first show.
[quote=tizzyt;515511]You get two shows up and I'll vote you for Rookie... you've really stepped up your game[/quote] [quote=MattitudeV2;515512]Mistaken when are the votes due.[/quote] looks to me like you have 4 shows up Making you eligable, and I will take Tizzyt's post as your nomination as well let me know if i missed anything, that should bring us up to date!
[QUOTE=G-Prime;515407]I'll nominate Destined to Fail 2008 by Phantom Stranger, if only because he's got the greatest champion of all time.[/QUOTE] Seconded, with great gusto!
I want to get my Nom's in Real world: Dse81's the new NWA Cornellverse: claboby's "CZCW: Expanding the Coastal Zone" [URL="http://czcw.clabobby.com/"]http://czcw.clabobby.com/[/URL] though i do wish he would post the shows here, as the scroll box on the website can be a little hard to read. Rookie: I want to applaud Adeezy for his improvements, and tell him not to let this go to his head, there is always room for more! but I will second his diary
I'm sorry for all of those who voted and have read my diary, DAVE: Start A War '97, but something really big happened in the game (read the diary to find out). I'm going to evolve it into a new diary! (not continuing the original, starting a whole new diary that follows the events of that.) :) So I think it's best that I should not be nominated in October.
if i have the right to seocnd nominations, I'd second DSE81's new NWA... He has consistantly kept shows gowing and with wildfire slowing down a bit, DSE's NWA diary has made this reader a fan with his consistent, unique view of the NWA
[quote=Oldschool;517847]if i have the right to seocnd nominations, I'd second DSE81's new NWA... He has consistantly kept goes showing and with wildfire slowing down a bit, DSE's NWA diary has made this reader a fan with his consistent, unique view of the NWA[/quote] Hey, thanks for the praise!


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