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SWF: Holding The Throne II

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Richard Eisen: Welcome boys, as you all know, it's a new year and that calls for new ideas. Cornell's product is hot on our tails and we need something a little different. That's why I'd like to congratulate Colton "Risk" Desmond on his promotion to head booker of the SWF. There is applause as Risk Desmond walks to the head of the table. Eisen takes his seat. Risk Desmond: Hey guys. You all know me, I've been here for five years. Anyway, I've got some ideas milling about in the old noggin here. First thing's first. We need to make some immediate call ups. Our tag division is fairly weak. The Biggz Boyz are yesterdays news and the Bumfholes, while solid, can't hold the division by themselves. Pat Deacon: But why call people up? Risk Desmond: Our main roster is spread pretty thin. We need to call people up for a short while until we can actually sign up some more people. Chief Two Eagles: So who are we looking at? Risk Desmond: As you know, Darryl Devine wants nothing to do with us. Whatever, he can dwell in mediocrity for all I care. Right now, I'm looking at Jesus Chavez. He's a big dude who has decent skills and can probably work a Latin American revolutionary pretty well. Enforcer Roberts: You want to sign the rest of the Latino Kings also I take it. Risk Desmond: No. Not at all. Jesus is the most talented one. Plus, I kind of hope he can work well with Kurt Laramee. Richard Eisen: Who else do you have in mind? Risk Desmond: Steven Parker is nice, but his build doesn't really fit SWF. He would just be a second Valiant. We don't need that. I was looking at that monster, T-Rex, but we have time to see. Also, who knows, the kids in development might surprise us. Richard Eisen: OK. Risk, you Roberts and Deacon handle the current storylines. Everyone else, come with me, we're going to Rhode Island.
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Wouldn't Parker actually be more of a Marc DuBois rip-off? Canadian, young, talented all-rounder? :p I'm a big fan of SWF diaries, so hopefully this one goes on for awhile. Edited to not take over the thread: seriously? Parker is the same size, from Canada, and has very similar skills. Is it really worth arguing something so obvious? Yes, he may not equal flying skills, but he does have good flying skills. Compare that to Valiant, who is almost a pure brawler, and a heavyweight besides. It would be like saying Brent Albright wouldn't fit in the WWE because he's too similar in style to John Cena.
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[I]From "Tales Of The Book: The Guy You Probably Didn't Know Existed" 2nd Edition by Colton "Risk" Desmond (pg 55)[/I] [QUOTE]... so that led to the start of 2008 and the start of me booking the number one promotion in the world. Now, I know most of you purists were pissed off at me for the two guys I pulled for to be hired in late 2007, but hear me out. First of all, Rich [Eisen] came to me me in 2007 and told me that he wanted me to find two guys who no one ever heard of and personally book them in matches to see if I could get them over. It worked in the sense of I got them over to about the midcard level. The first of these two was Travis Buckner, who at the time was working the gimmick of [B]"The Assassin" Altair[/B]. Basically, got him because he was average. Completely average. There was nothing special about this kid except that he consistently put on average performances. That's it, and the kid was grateful just to be on TV, he didn't care if he was lying on his back to do it. The second was [B]Korut "The Dinosaur Hunter"[/B]. He was a nice heavyweight who was horrible in the ring, save for his brawling ability which was slightly higher than horrible. He was my test to see if I could get him over, and I passed which I still think is the reason I got the head booking job. The only redeeming fact about Korut (who was played by the former bodybuilder Clyde Zach) was that he played his gimmick very well. And why did I choose not to hire indy darlings? Because that's what everybody else would do. But I'm not everybody else... I'm Risk Desmond. [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]SWF Supreme TV Preview[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] - The tension between Christian Faith and the Corporate offices of SWF has been building. Director of Affairs Richard Eisen refused to comment. - Last week saw Valiant abducted in the parking lot! Will his whereabouts be revealed? - As last week's show came to an end, Emma Chase, the manager of "Big Money" Brandon James, claimed to have found Lobster Boy's weakness. What could it be? - With "When Hell Freezes Over" only two weeks away, there is still no clear contender for the SWF World Heavyweight Champonship. Will the belt go undefended?
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