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Christian Cage Update (spoilers)


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SPOILERS BELOW DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT WANT At the tapings for Impact tonight, TNA wrote Cage out of the company. He was beaten up by the Main Event Mafia and it was noted he was considering leaving TNA for the E. According to PWinsider, the guys at TNA believe Cage is going to leave for sure and wanted him written out to avoid being hurt by him leaving. Sucks for TNA, but gold for WWE if they use him right.
it'd be good to see him back in the 'E as his jump to TNA was completely over shadowed by Kurt Angle jumping over as well. It was as if everyone was excited to see him make the jump and could headline the company and then Angle showed up and they forgot about Christian. Let's see if he does go to the 'E and if so... what would it mean for him.
Yay, for Christian returning to WWE. [QUOTE=GatorBait19;522330]Since this is a spoiler on the TNA thread we have been talking about Steiner and Petey, and now it makes no sense why he didn't attack him the week he came back[/QUOTE] What are you talking about? Steiner not attacking Petey is logical. He's still Steiner protege and it's not like either man has trashed the other in a promo. IMO, it's a perfect midcard storyline that can play out in the coming months.
[QUOTE=The Shape;522531]Makes it look more like a work tbh, mentioning wwe etc.[/QUOTE] PWinsider is normally pretty good about not reporting stuff that isn't factual, and their report is that right now TNA believes he's gone.
As great as that music was, it doesn't make sense to use it now. A return with Waterproof Blondes will be fine by me. So, Christian and Edge might be returning around the same time? That could be cool...
Oh god yes, please be true. Christian one of my absolute faves but never used properly in the WWE. If he comes back and they use him properly it would be gold.
[QUOTE=justtxyank;522293]SPOILERS BELOW DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT WANT At the tapings for Impact tonight, TNA wrote Cage out of the company. He was beaten up by the Main Event Mafia and it was noted he was considering leaving TNA for the E. According to PWinsider, the guys at TNA believe Cage is going to leave for sure and wanted him written out to avoid being hurt by him leaving. Sucks for TNA, but gold for WWE if they use him right.[/QUOTE] But Christan is still talking with TNA and won't be in any storylines for a month but if he resigned expect a revenge storyline.
[QUOTE=foolinc;522483] What are you talking about? Steiner not attacking Petey is logical. He's still Steiner protege and it's not like either man has trashed the other in a promo. IMO, it's a perfect midcard storyline that can play out in the coming months.[/QUOTE] No the first week he came back he didn't attack Petey but in the spoiler report the M.E.M attacked petey and Scott tossed him off a ladder
Why is everybody overly excited by this? He wasn't used well last time, went to a rival and had a short stay at the top and then moved into the midcard. What makes people think he will get pushed any harder now that he's back from a smaller company and couldn't sustain a main event push there? Its not like the E have a great reputation for elevating talented workers.
Because a lot of us don't watch TNA that much? Because it's always exciting to have fresh blood coming in? Because Christisn is a consistently entertaining performer, in and out of the ring? Because WWE will be better for his presence? Hell, I hope he comes to Raw - I've just got tickets for the London show in April :D
[QUOTE=SuperOwens;522607]Why is everybody overly excited by this? He wasn't used well last time, went to a rival and had a short stay at the top and then moved into the midcard. What makes people think he will get pushed any harder now that he's back from a smaller company and couldn't sustain a main event push there? Its not like the E have a great reputation for elevating talented workers.[/QUOTE] Well hey, it's not like we should guarantee history would repeat himself either.. there is a chance they won't do much with him, but there's also the chance they can see that he's a solid talent and can be well used this time around. We can only hope
[QUOTE=SuperOwens;522607]Why is everybody overly excited by this? He wasn't used well last time, went to a rival and had a short stay at the top and then moved into the midcard. What makes people think he will get pushed any harder now that he's back from a smaller company and couldn't sustain a main event push there? Its not like the E have a great reputation for elevating talented workers.[/QUOTE] He's friends with or at least admired by Batista, that'll get him places now :cool:
[QUOTE=SuperOwens;522607]Why is everybody overly excited by this? He wasn't used well last time, went to a rival and had a short stay at the top and then moved into the midcard. What makes people think he will get pushed any harder now that he's back from a smaller company and couldn't sustain a main event push there? Its not like the E have a great reputation for elevating talented workers.[/QUOTE] Look at Jeff Hardy.. he wasnt pushed all that well in the E the first time, leaves for 3 or 4 years, goes to TNA, doesnt really do much, comes back to the E and is now a solid Main Eventer..
[QUOTE=Woodsmeister;522637]I think its another TNA work, seems to much like the Team 3D and Nash situation where almost everyone was talking about there return to WWE but they signed with TNA again.[/QUOTE] but they DID keep nash off of TV until he signed a new contract
[QUOTE=Rocland;522687]Look at Jeff Hardy.. he wasnt pushed all that well in the E the first time, leaves for 3 or 4 years, goes to TNA, doesnt really do much, comes back to the E and is now a solid Main Eventer..[/QUOTE] I think the difference is, and this is more to answer SuperOwen's question, is that if this is legit, and Christian returns to the WWE, he'll be seen in the same light as Jeff Hardy. Goldberg, Tazz, Sabu, DDP, none of them were ever considered WWE stars. They made their name before being a part of the `E's roster. Jeff Hardy and Christian are different. They were names before they left, just mid-tier. Hardy went to TNA, and showed he could be a main event player. He could work the headline, and be successful. And when he went back, the WWE realized their star made it, and built on it. I think people believe Christian will be seen the same way. It's a self-centered view, but one the WWE has always had. Vince McMahon seems to be more inclined to elevate stars who started under his banner. Very few have climbed that ladder after being a big name outside of the WWE first. The best example of that is RVD, and after his one stint, and given just cause, he lost any hope of being in the title picture again. Not that it mattered to him, but that's how it went. It may not even be accurate, but it's perception. One I hope holds some validity, because if Cage does return to the WWE, I really hope he's given the opportunity, and focus he deserves.
Im not down on Christian at all. I think he's a solid worker. Just not sure how it will turn out for him. Im sure there will be a massive big bang when he first gets there but its whether that will be sustained. Jerchico, until lately, seemed to be in the same position, it wasn't until the feud with Michaels that they actually took notice of him. I was really disappointed in the way they handled him when he first came back. I just hope Christian doesn't leave TNA, and end up in the same place that caused him to want to move there in the first place.
[QUOTE=SuperOwens;522719]Im not down on Christian at all. I think he's a solid worker. Just not sure how it will turn out for him. Im sure there will be a massive big bang when he first gets there but its whether that will be sustained. Jerchico, until lately, seemed to be in the same position, it wasn't until the feud with Michaels that they actually took notice of him. I was really disappointed in the way they handled him when he first came back. I just hope Christian doesn't leave TNA, and end up in the same place that caused him to want to move there in the first place.[/QUOTE] I was about to bring up the same Jericho point. I'd love to see Christian back, and if he did come back, then they could either feud him and Edge, or, he could be the reason Edge comes back.. teaming up to maybe fight against Vickie.. who knows.
[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;522631]If guys like Knox can get pushed in the WWE, I sure hope Cage could.[/QUOTE] Knox? He was pushed only to be a monster/bad guy for up and comer's to beat up on for making it to the midcard... Knox was never, ever a Main Eventer.... I'm pretty sure that Christian was pushed better then Knox the first time around. On the point at hand.... I don't know if WWE would be a better move for him... I can see his logic for sure though. I mean.. "I can stay here at the number "2" spot (for USA), and be a mid to upper-midcarder... Or I can go to the Number "1" spot, and be a mid to upper-midcarder. Pretty much a win/win situation thinking of it like that. However, I don't know where he would be better suited in the "E" right now. They are looking pretty good far as what they have to work with right now, so where would they put him? I don't know.... I like highly over guys with the title's though, so I expect him to get one of the title's. I would love to see something like the past, where all the people involved are colorful and entertaining to watch (no matter what belt it is they are wearing, or going for). Punk and Kofi going for tag belts, I could see Christian and Edge doing the same... I don't think that would satisfy people though. So far as the fans are concerned, I don't know if it's such a great move for him. Far as himself though, I don't see a downside yet.
Have Edge start going on about how he is the greatest star in the WWE today and how he was always held back by his former tag team partners. He gets a title shot on his return and looks about to win the title through very dubious means. Someone suddenly jumps over the barricade and takes Edge out with the referee down. It's Christian! He hits an unprettier and scarpers up the ramp walking backwards as the champion covers Edge just as the referee recovers. The PPV ends with the camera flicking between images of the successful champion groggily celebrating, Edge looking both shocked and extremely pissed and a smirking Christian looking back to the ring. The fans are both shocked and delighted. The PPV ends. Edge wins the title soon after by highly dubious means in a match where anyone caught interfering will be fired. Christian is made to earn the number one contendership spot but keeps getting screwed by Edge. Christian wins the Rumble and faces Edge at Mania where he wins the title. Simple.


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