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Nu-Wrestling Evolution (cverse) by newbie, comments - help - guidance appreciated

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Hello, I'm new to the game, started playing TEW 2008 a couple of months ago. After running some test runs, both straight-edge and free style, and reading many parts of the forum, decided to try my hands on creating a brand new promotion. Any comments - help - guidance will be appreciated as I feel that I have a lot of catch up to do. [B]Company Profile:[/B] [U]Name:[/U] Nu-Wrestling Evolution [U]Domiciled:[/U] Tristate [U]Size:[/U] Cult [U]Difficulty:[/U] Easy [U]Start date:[/U] January 2008 [U]Current game date:[/U] March 2008 [U]Booker:[/U] Jack Avatar [U]Product:[/U] Traditional - Medium Mainstream- Medium Comedy - Low Cult - Low Risque - None Modern - Key feature Realism - Low Hyper Realism - None Hardcore - Low Lucha Libre - Medium Pure - None Daredevil - Medium [U]Face/Heel Divide[/U] - Medium [U]Match Ratio TV/Event[/U] - 80% [U]Comments:[/U] I am targetting in creating a brand focusing on a fast paced, acrobatic product (WLW style) mixing the three main schools of this kind of wrestling, Mexican (Lucha Libre), Japanese (Super Juniors, Spot Monkeys) and cruiserweights. Thus, I increased the levels of Daredevils, Lucha Libre and of course Modern. Also, cash coming in from sponsorships would come in handy, so I set the Traditional/Mainstream levels to Medium and the Face/Heel divide to Medium (rather than none) to accompany the latter settings.
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Nu-Wrestling Evolution Cart [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][U]Workers:[/U][/B][/SIZE] name (current momentum - Gimmick) - Managed by: If applicable. [B]Main Eventers:[/B] [U]Faces:[/U] - Steve Flash ([B][COLOR="Yellow"]C[/COLOR][/B] - No Gimmick Needed) - Jack Avatar ([B][COLOR="Sienna"]D+[/COLOR][/B] - Clean Cut) [U]Heels:[/U] - Acid ([B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]B-[/COLOR][/B] - No Gimmick Needed) Playboy Jake Sawyer - Fumihiro Ota ([B][COLOR="Sienna"]D+[/COLOR][/B] - Weirdo) Playboy Jake Sawyer - Kazuma Narato ([B][COLOR="Yellow"]C-[/COLOR][/B] - Ninja) Playboy Jake Sawyer [B]Upper Midcarders:[/B] [U]Faces:[/U] - Champagne Lover ([B][COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR][/B] - Fan Favourite) Jennifer Heat - Stevie Grayson ([B][COLOR="Lime"]B[/COLOR][/B] - Fun Babyface) - Ultimate Phoenix ([B][COLOR="Sienna"]D[/COLOR][/B] - Comic Book Hero) [U]Heels:[/U] - Hell Monkey ([B][COLOR="Yellow"]C-[/COLOR][/B] - Bad Ass) Lady Melissa - Plague ([B][COLOR="Sienna"]D[/COLOR][/B] - Mysterious) [B]Midcarders:[/B] [U]Faces:[/U] - Brendan Idol ([B][COLOR="sienna"]D-[/COLOR][/B] - Fun Babyface) - Mainstream Hernadez ([B][COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR][/B] - Disco Stud) Julie Forletta - Mario Heroic ([B][COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR][/B] - Fun Favourite) - Masked Cougar ([B][COLOR="Sienna"]D+[/COLOR][/B] - Fun Babyface) - Whippy The Clown ([B][COLOR="sienna"]D[/COLOR][/B] - Cartoon Joker) [U]Heels:[/U] - Burning EXILE ([B][COLOR="sienna"]D[/COLOR][/B] - Evil Doer) - Snap Dragon ([B][COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR][/B] - Ninja) - Snow Fox ([B][COLOR="Sienna"]D-[/COLOR][/B] - Arrogant Heel) [B]Lower Midcarters:[/B] [U]Faces:[/U] - Angel De Mexico ([B][COLOR="sienna"]D- [/COLOR][/B]- Patriot) - Spanish Superfly ([B][COLOR="sienna"]D[/COLOR][/B] - Old School Face) [U]Heels:[/U] - UK Dragon ([B][COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR][/B] - Mysterious) - Air Attack Weasel ([B][COLOR="Sienna"]D[/COLOR][/B] - Band Member) [B]Openers:[/B] [U]Faces:[/U] - Joey Beauchamp ([B][COLOR="Sienna"]D-[/COLOR][/B] - Rebel) Buttercup - Tigre Salvaje Jr. (D- - Man on a Mission) [U]Heels[/U] - Davis Wayne Newton ([B][COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR][/B] - Blue Chipper) [U]Enhancement Talent:[/U] - Velocidad ([B][COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR][/B] - Thrill Seeker) Vita [B]Managers:[/B] [U]Faces:[/U] - Buttercup (Secretary) - Jennifer Heat (Fan Favourite) - Julie Forletta (Clubber) - Vita (Girl-Next-Door) [U]Heels:[/U] - Playboy Jake Sawyer (Rich Business Man) - Lady Melissa (Fabulous Heel) [B]Personalities:[/B] - Blond Bombshell (Face) [B]Referees:[/B] - Dewey Libertine (Face) [B]Road Agents:[/B] - Crippler Ray Kingman [B]Announcers:[/B] - Steve Smith (Face) [B]Colour Commentators:[/B] - Ernie Turner (Face - Pimp) [B]Title Holders:[/B] [U]Title: NWE Champion[/U] Level: Main Event Restrictions: Male Only Prestige: [B][COLOR="YellowGreen"]B[/COLOR][/B] Holder: Acid From: Week 4, January 2008 To: N/A Defences: 2 [U]Title: Revolution Champion[/U] Level: Midcard Restrictions: Male Only Prestige: [COLOR="Yellow"][B]C-[/B][/COLOR] Holder: Stevie Grayson From: Week 1, February 2008 To: N/A Defences: 1 [U]Title: Elite Duo[/U] Level: Midcard Restrictions: Male Only Prestige: [COLOR="Yellow"][B]C-[/B][/COLOR] Holder: Plague and Snap Dragon (As Plagued Dragon) From: Week 1, February 2008 To: N/A Defences: 0 [U]Title: Upcoming Blood Champion[/U] Level: Low Level Restrictions: Male Only Prestige: [B][COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR][/B] Holder: Spanish Superfly From: Week 2, February 2008 To: N/A Defences: 2 [B]Tag Teams:[/B] [U]Name: Plagued Dragon[/U] Members: Plague & Snap Dragon Experience: [B][COLOR="Sienna"]D[/COLOR][/B] Status: Regular Finisher: Dragonplagued [U]Name: Masked Vengeance[/U] Members: Tigre Salvaje jr. & Velocidad Experience: [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]F-[/B][/COLOR] Status: Regular Finisher: Mexicanrana [U]Name: Shotokan[/U] Members: Fumihiro Ota & Kazuma Narato Experience: [B][COLOR="Yellow"]C[/COLOR][/B] Status: Inactive Regular Finisher: Shotokan Express [U]Name: The Studs[/U] Members: Champagne Lover & Mario Heroic Experience: [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]F-[/B][/COLOR] Status: Inactive Occasional Finisher: Heroic Love [U]Name: Acid Dragon[/U] Members: Acid & UK Dragon Experience: [B][COLOR="Sienna"]D[/COLOR][/B] Status: Inactive Regular Finisher: Acidized [B]Stables:[/B] [U]Name:[/U] Nippon WorldWide (Heel Stable) [U]Current Momentum:[/U] [B][COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR][/B] [U]Major Members:[/U] Acid Fumihiro Ota Kazuma Narato Plague Hell Monkey Playboy Jake Sawyer [U]Minor Members:[/U] Snap Dragon Snow Fox Burning Exile UK Dragon [U]Name:[/U] El Fantastico(Face Stable) [U]Current Momentum:[/U] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]F+[/COLOR][/B] [U]Major Members:[/U] Champagne Lover Mario Heroic Jennifer Heat Ultimate Phoenix [U]Minor Members:[/U] Angel De Mexico Spanish Superfly Tigre Salvaje Jr. Velocidad [B]PPV - TV agreements:[/B] PPV - U-demand Period - 6-month Revenue: 90% Cost: 90% [/CENTER] That's it, I hope it's not too much info at once. Some comments to follow after a small break. I just have a technical query just in case someone experienced something like that before. I created the tag teams, then set three of those as inactive. Once I did that, the teams disappeared from my "Teams" screen (i.e. these are not visible). In my Teams screen I can only see "Masked Vengeance" and "Plagued Dragon".
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[QUOTE=ManillaRd;522499]I just have a technical query just in case someone experienced something like that before. I created the tag teams, then set three of those as [B]inactive[/B]. Once I did that, the teams disappeared from my "Teams" screen (i.e. these are not visible). In my Teams screen I can only see "Masked Vengeance" and "Plagued Dragon".[/QUOTE] [B]Inactive [/B]means to not be [B]active[/B], meaning you will not be able to use them as a team. You can change those to [B]Active[/B] or [B]Semi-active [/B]and should be all set.
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[U][B][SIZE="5"]Comments on Cart[/SIZE][/B][/U] [B]Shows:[/B] NWE is currently in an agreement with U-demand for PPV shows. I chose not to enter the company in a TV show agreement as I couldn't negotiate a profitable one (or even a break-even agreement) unless I offered exclusivity to a medium sized network. I couldn't see the point in holding a show I won't be able to expand, so I am holding 4 PPV per month in the A and A* importance locations. During the first complete month of shows the company experienced US$170k profits, so I decided to through some more stuff into the shows (minor licensed music, low drug tests). We'll see how it goes in March. Also thinking about bringing in a Heel colour comentator to accompany Ernie. Usually my shows are made up by Ladder and normal matches, one match tables (singles or tag) and one event being either Cage or 1vs1vs1 (plus angles). Didn't have much of luck so far as my shows ratings range between C and C+ (more C less C+). [B]Roster[/B] - Burning EXILE's contract is about to expire. I am thinking about 2 solutions. Either bring in American Elemental who has just been released by WLW or promote Tigre Salvaje and Velocidad and bring in a new enhancement talent, so that slowly their team will be able to feud with Plagued Dragon for the tag championship. Also, I'm a bit worried about the imbalance between heels and faces in the cart, if another heel leaves from midcart might proove to be a big gap if not filled. - I am targetting in building up momentum and rep for Champagne Lover and handing him the Revolution Championship from Stevie Grayson. As both are faces, a heel should intervene which I haven't decided yet on who will be, but I am keen on Hell Monkey. - Also, I am targetting the Same for Jack Avatar and the NWE Championship, however I'm happy with Acid as well as he is currently on an 18th month contract and NWE is his priority. - Regarding tags, "The Studs" were supposed to be El Fantasticos responce to Nippon WW's Plagued Dragon with which they would feud for tag championship. Unfortunately got a bad chamistry message on their debut so the plans went to scrap. - Acid Dragon are to be kept on the shelve until (if) I decide to push UK Dragon and build momentum. [B]Machinesxe[/B] thanx for the tip on the tags. Unfortunately, I cannot see the team (where the status bar is displayed) so cannot change the teams status. :D [B]Stables:[/B] I think the stables rationale is pretty obvious, El Fantasticoes are wrestles with Mexican nationality and lucha libre reference or other nationilties with participation in Mexican organizations (Ultimate Phoenix, Mario Heroic). Nippon WorldWide is a stable made up by Japanese and wrestlers with Japanese references (i.e. Snow Fox's desire to compete in Japan) and participation/popularity in Japan (Hell Monkey). The Face/heel definition and gimmick had to be changed for several wrestlers in order to fit in the stables, sometimes at a cost as there are wrestlers better suited as heels or faces but fitted in the opposite stable. NWW seems to be progressing better than El Fatastico as moved from F- momentum to E in one month (as they have 3 main eventers, a strong manager and two helluva upper midcarters in their ranks). Will probably allow them to hold all silverware for a while to see how it goes. Finally, I don't know how I "achieved" this, but my whole carts midcarter-enhancement momentum is below D and have no idea how am I going to fix this... Thank you for your time and hope you enjoyed up to thus far, will try to keep updating.
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[QUOTE=ManillaRd;522499]I just have a technical query just in case someone experienced something like that before. I created the tag teams, then set three of those as inactive. Once I did that, the teams disappeared from my "Teams" screen (i.e. these are not visible). In my Teams screen I can only see "Masked Vengeance" and "Plagued Dragon".[/QUOTE] If you go into "Filters" you can set it to show "All" teams - the default setting is to only show "Active" teams - hence why you can't see the three teams you created - then you can change their setting to what you want :)
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[QUOTE=Rob4590;522581]If you go into "Filters" you can set it to show "All" teams - the default setting is to only show "Active" teams - hence why you can't see the three teams you created - then you can change their setting to what you want :)[/QUOTE] Cheers Rob, greatly appreciated!
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