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General questions from a beginner

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1. Is it best to book Brawler vs Brawler, Technican vs Technican and so on? Or can a high-flier get a good match against a brawler? So far I have tried to book similar wrestlers against each other... 2. When choosing a gimmick for a wrestler if the description says that the wrestler doesn't have all the skills need for the gimmick can the gimmick still be successful? 3. This is the biggest question! What is the best way to raise popularity as a small fed? I'm currently at 29% popularity in new england so I need 2% more to rise to regional. I've been running small weekly events that have gotten 3 D's and 4 D+'s. On top of this I have ran one medium show that scored a C- rating. Still my popularity has risen just barely (1% during this time). So should I run bigger events, less events per month or longer events? My past events have only been 1 hour long... Thanks for everybody who can help! PS. I'm pretty sure I'll have to ask more questions later down the road :D
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1. Wrestlers with similar in-ring styles will generally mesh together better than workers with vastly different in-ring styles. But with the aid of chemisty, any pairing can do better or worse than expected. Don't be afraid to mix up styles, it's the best way of helping people learn new styles and become more versatile wrestlers. 2. The gimmick CAN still be successful but it is less likely to be successful. 3. High rated shows will raise your popularity so keep putting on great shows. You may be losing regional battles each month, they will take a toll on your popularity gains so in order to avoid losing those AND gain as much overness as you can you should put on the best shows you can. As for the size of shows... that depends on your financial situation really. If you can put on bigger shows and make more money, then do so. IOF not.. then don't. It's all up to you really.
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