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[CENTER][B]LIGHTWEIGHT PREVIEW[/B][/CENTER] [B]"The Brazilian Whirlwind" Giovani Silva[/B] 23-9, Extremely Versatile, Dangerous Ground Game and outstanding Muay Thai Game. The skill that this man possesses, it's almost impossible to believe that he had lost 3 in a row at some point in his career. He seems to have re-invented himself to win 2 KO's in his last 3 fights, beating out Jeremy Sproule, Kenny Magilton III, and Jonathan Huang. He's got dangerous Ground and Pound and Clinch Game, with brutally accurate Knee strikes and outstanding submission defense. If he defeats Nutnum, Dalglish or Morrison, he could become the next Lightweight Champion. [B]"Crazy Monkey" Teeratep Nutnum[/B] This is my favorite things about tournaments, the alternates, Marcus Speed dropped out of the tournament, and Nutnum was happy to oblige. The 5-0 Muay Thai standout (at the time) dominated his first fight against favorite Go Yamamoto, and then Carlos da Guia, Past and possibly future champions, He took out 2 of the biggest threatening forces in the tournament, eliminated, by an alternate, now 7-0. Another danger in the Muay Thai department, alike Silva, could be a force on the ground, and a possible future champion. [B]"The Man With No Nickname" Sean Morrison[/B] This man's nickname does not make any statements, which makes him all the more scarier, this former champion, who had a record 6 Defenses of the title, Looks to be the force to be reckoned with in this tournament. One of the only Lightweights at Halvorsen's, where he trains with superstars, like James Foster, Dan Halvorsen, Buddy Garner and Jack Humphreys, who are other Tournament semi-finalists. This fighter is surrounded every day by supreme athletes. This is probably why he is a dominant force in the division. [B]"The Miniature Killer" Jason Dalglish[/B] 12-2, Former BCF Lightweight Champion, the man who could possibly dethrone the next champion, is extremely dangerous wherever the fight goes, His accurate Punching ability on his feet, and fight-finishing ground and pound, show why he was the top fighter in BCF, and a driving force in the division over there, as he was fighting men much bigger than him. A post-tournament match-up with the champion could be next if he loses in the semi-finals. [B]PREDICTED PLACINGS[/B] 1. Sean Morrison 2. Giovani Silva 3. Teeratep Nutnum 4. Jason Dalglish
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  • 3 weeks later...
Since I went to fast, i forgot to copy and paste the play by play I'll just give you the result of Silva vs. Dalglish Jason Dalglish vs. Giovani Silva Round 1 : Dalglish Round 2 : Silva Round 3 : Dalglish Jason Dalglish takes a 3 Round Unanimous Decision
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Round 1 The round begins, and it is Rush who starts better, energetically bounding straight into action by throwing a three-punch combination and a scything leg kick. Kitson defended all four blows well, but is forced to be on the backfoot right from the word go. Rush works for an angle, coming in from the left hand side with a high right hand. Kitson ducks under it and nestles a stiff jab in the solar plexus. It doesn't seem to slow Rush down much though, as he swiftly turns and hits a crisp left to the side of the head, followed almost instantly by a mid-level kick that smacks above the hip of Kitson. Interesting first minute of action, Rush is looking particularly sharp. Kitson tries to turn the momentum by advancing quickly and driving Rush back against the ropes with a series of jabs and hooks, and they end up clinched. Kitson tries a knee from that position, but it is blocked. Rush scores with two sharp blows to the ribs, and then they break away from each other. Kitson looks to be working an angle. They square up to each other in the center. Rush throws a head fake and comes in from low down to hit a rising shot that catches Kitson on the side of the head. Kitson got a shot in too though, although it hit the shoulder rather than the head. Time is running down; Rush has probably done enough to win the round, but it has turned quite scrappy since the clinch against the ropes, both will probably be slightly unhappy with that. Kitson tries a late surge, coming in hard and fast with a leading left, but Rush defends it well and scores the only meaningful shot of the exchange with a crisp left hand. The round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Rush. Round 2 Kitson makes Rush back up against the ropes by throwing some looping punches. He comes in closer and hits a right hook to the body, getting a jab to the cheek in return. Kitson throws another two punches, both to the body, then steps back to avoid an uppercut. Rush lets fly with a scorching punch though, and it catches Kitson by surprise, putting him down! Rush follows up and starts raining down right hands. Kitson covers up as best he can, but it's not enough as the referee pulls Rush off, the match is over. The official time is 1:21.
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