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Empire Wrestling - C-Verse '97

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[QUOTE][I][SIZE="1"][B]Foreword:[/B] I know.. I know.. Another diary. Seems i need to hit a groove with a game or it just fizzles out. Im hoping this one will be the game. So for anyone that has a read, thank you. There will be one more post with backstory and then im straight into the shows. Thanks to DerekB for the mod and StudioStu for the graphics[/SIZE][/I][/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/TEWN.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/TEWN1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/TEWNfooter.png[/IMG][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/TEWN.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/Avatar.jpg[/IMG] [B][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="4"]Ryan Aitchison: The Mystery Man Reveiled[/SIZE][/B]
For the last few weeks, one man has been spotted at wrestling events up and down the country. Was he an investor, a talent scout or part of a work, nobody seemed to know. However after some investigating [I](by yours truely - ed)[/I] we finally got to sit down with the man that wrestling seems to have forgotten. Ryan Aitchison [B]TEWN:[/B] I think the reason people seemed to take notice of you, was that you looked familar. Where would everyone know you from? [B]RA:[/B] Im actually kinda surprised that as many people remember me as they do. Back in the late 80's, early 90's i did some work for SWF. I wasn't a big player there. More someone you could count on to be there on the day and lay down for a 3 count. [B]TEWN:[/B] Although saying that, didn't you wrestle Sam Strong once for the World Heavyweight Championship. [B]RA:[/B] I did indeed *laughs*. That would be back in 1992 if i remember right. Richard [I][Eisen][/I] came up to me and said that Strongs opponent for that night couldn't make it and that i would have to fill in. It was just after he had won the belt off Rip Chord at When Hell Freezes Over and they wanted Stong to look... well Strong i guess. I was to put up little offence and then stay down after the Strong Arm Tactic. [B]TEWN:[/B] And did you? [B]RA:[/B] Well i deviated a little bit, but i think Sam enjoyed it, and it gave him chance to think on his feet a little. [B]TEWN:[/B] And after that night? [B]RA:[/B] After being in the main event, i slipped straight back down the card again where i stayed for the next year or 2. Although, you cant really complain as the money was good *laughs*, but all good things have to end i guess. [B]TEWN:[/B] You left SWF im guessing? [B]RA:[/B] Not by choice, as my contract wasn't renewed. I dont really blame them now, but at the time i was furious. It was 1994 and i was only 39 and SWF were bringing in a wave of youth talent and they simply had no place for me anymore. I felt i had a few more years in me still. [B]TEWN:[/B] So after 6 years in SWF, you find yourself unemployed. What was next for you? [B]RA:[/B] Honestly.. A regular job. I took a job as a postman, would you believe. Working for SWF, i was used to being up that early and it meant that the rest of my day was my own to do with what i liked. So i invested wisely and planned. [B]TEWN:[/B] Planned for what? [B]RA:[/B] The future. Wrestling was in my blood and i've always wanted to be an important part of the wrestling world, and my time in SWF just wasn't enough. I created Project Euw. [B]TEWN:[/B] Project Euw? [B]RA:[/B] The name started off as a joke to my friends. They asked me what i was up to and i would just reply 'Errrrr'. Eventually it got changed to EW. Empire Wrestling, my own promotion. [B]TEWN:[/B] So that would be why you have been seen around so many events lately. You've been scouting for talent. [B]RA:[/B] Exactly, and a few minutes before i sat down with you, i had secured the last person i had been chasing and arranged for the first show - Panic In The City- on Thursday next week. [B]TEWN:[/B] Nice plug [B]RA:[/B] *Laughs* Not bad huh. Our first show centres around a quick tournament for our Empire Championship. We have Colossus against Nuzzle Bunny and Richard Blood against Skeeter Colquhoun, with the winners facing off for the belt the same night. [B]TEWN:[/B]Ok.. Ryan. Thank you for your time. [B]RA:[/B] Pleasure [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW%20Diary/TEWNfooter.png[/IMG][/CENTER][/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][B]Quick Predictions for:[/B] Panic In The City Colossus [B]Vs[/B] Nuzzle Bunny Richard Blood [B]Vs[/B] Skeeter Colquhoun Winner #1 [B]Vs[/B] Winner #2 [I]for the Empire Championship[/I][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Arial"][B]Empire Wrestling's[/B] 'Panic In The City' Thursday Week 2 February 1997 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Attendance:[/B] 55 The event starts with Ryan Aitchison entering the ring.
[B]RA:[/B] First of all, i would like to thank you all for attending tonights crowning of our first Empire Champion, and what better way than with a tournament. Four of our best stars with face off in this very ring tonight for the privilege of being the first man to say he is our best. Our champ. But thats not all. We also have a non-tournament match-up between Babylon & Chris Perkins for you. From all of us at Empire Wrestling, we hope you enjoy.
Aitchinson then proceeds to take his seat at the announce booth. [B]Rating:[/B] C- [B]Qualifying Match #1[/B] [CENTER]Richard Blood [B]Vs[/B] Skeeter Colquloun [SIZE="1"][I] (Winner advances to tournament finals)[/I][/SIZE][/CENTER]
Colossus defeated Nuzzle Bunny in 9:49 by pinfall with a Death From Above.
[B]Rating:[/B] E
[B]Qualifying Match #2[/B] [CENTER]Colossus [B]Vs[/B] Nuzzle Bunny [SIZE="1"][I] (Winner advances to tournament finals)[/I][/SIZE][/CENTER]
Richard Blood defeated Skeeter Colquhoun in 12:52 by pinfall.
[B]Rating:[/B] E
Announceer Marty Papin makes a quick annoucement saying that the following match isn't a tournament match-up, but a plain one on one. It kinda falls a bit flat. [B]Rating:[/B] F
[B]Singles Match:[/B] [CENTER]Babylon [B]Vs[/B] Chris Perkins[/CENTER]
Babylon defeated Chris Perkins in 5:42 by pinfall with a Tower Of Babylon.
[B]Rating:[/B] E
[B]Empire Championship Match:[/B] [CENTER]Colossus [B]Vs[/B] Richard Blood[/CENTER]
[B]Papin:[/B] Both men have given it their all tonight to get this far. Both men had gruelling matches earlier and now are mear moments aware from realising their dream. [B]Aitchison:[/B] You gotta wonder just how much is left in the tank of both these competitors. [B]Papin:[/B] Hold on.. Is this what i think it is? [B]Aitchison:[/B] IT IS.. IT IS.. COLOSSUS JUST CONNECTED WITH DEATH FROM ABOVE. ITS GOTTA BE ALL OVER NOW!!!! [B]Papin:[/B] Thats it.. Colossus defeated Richard Blood in 13:24 by pinfall with a Death From Above to become the first ever Empire Champion.
[B]Rating:[/B] E+
[B]Papin:[/B] Referee Libertine is trying to hand the belt over to Colossus. [B]Aitchison:[/B] Colossus just keeps looking at Richard Blood... What.. Wheres Colossus going. [B]Papin:[/B] What the hell.. He's gone and got a chair. [B]Aitchison:[/B] He's not going to do what i think he is, is he.. OH GOD! CHAIR SHOT STRAIGHT TO THE BACK OF RICHARD BLOOD. [B]Papin:[/B] Not a very sporting finish to our very first show by our new champion...
[B]Rating:[/B] E- [B]Final Rating:[/B] E [/FONT]
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LOL! Just so that you know, I've never seen a card packed with so many jokes that only I will understand. Almost everyone on your show, with the exception of Chris Perkins, is some kind of in joke to me. Still, can't complain, it's nice to see some of this lot getting some of the recognition they deserve. :)
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[FONT="Arial"][B]Empire Wrestling's[/B] 'In Pieces' Thursday Week 2 March 1997 The Weston Gymnasium [B]Attendance:[/B] 52
[B]Aitchison:[/B] Welcome back to Empire Wrestling. We start tonights show with Colossus in the ring. [B]Papin:[/B] Maybe he will explain his behavior at Panic In The City and his chairshot to Richard Blood

Colossus is standing in the ring wearing his trademark black skirt.
[B]Colossus:[/B] Fot the last month people have been asking me the same question again and again. [I]'Why Colossus. Why did you do it'[/I], and you want to know why. BECAUSE I COULD! Im the strongest badest man here in Empire Wrestling and i think i proved that. Now tonight, Blood has managed to wangle a rematch under the grounds that he wasn't fighting fit after having a previous match before ours. So im gonna take him to pieces again tonight to prove that it wasn't just a fluke.
[B]Rating:[/B] E
The screen cuts away and is replaced by choppy backstage footage (well what do you expect from a local promotion. Were using webcams here). James Sinclair and Babylon are sitting there stroking each others........ egos
[B]Sinclair:[/B] ...Dont i know it. If your match last week had been a qualifier then chances are i would have been sitting with the champ tonight. [B]Babylon:[/B] And hot women. Dont they come free.. Hmmm.. Thats something this promotion needs.. Hot women wrestling. [B]Sinclair:[/B] Hmm.. Sorry.. Drifted off there
[B]Rating:[/B] E- [B]Final Rating:[/B] E Suddenly a figure charges into view knocking the webcam to the floor and you hear the sounds of violence and Sinclair hits the ground hard looking very dazed. Behind him you see the figure walk off down the corridor without looking back. [B]Rating:[/B] F+
[B]Singles Match:[/B] [CENTER]Dario Shelton [B]Vs[/B] Rolling Johnny Stones[/CENTER]
Dario Shelton defeated Rolling Johnny Stones in 13:41 by pinfall.
[B]Rating:[/B] F+
[B]Singles Match:[/B] [CENTER]Chris Perkins [B]Vs[/B] Skeeter Colquhoun[/CENTER]
Skeeter Colquhoun defeated Chris Perkins in 15:10 by pinfall.
[B]Rating:[/B] E
[B]Empire Championship Re-Match:[/B] [CENTER]Colossus [B]Vs[/B] Richard Blood[/CENTER]
[B]Papin:[/B] Richard Blood is looking a lot more in control this time around. [B]Aitchison:[/B] Yeah, but does he have enough to beat the champion. [B]Papin:[/B] A 2 - count there for Richard Blood. [B]Aitchison:[/B] DEATH FROM ABOVE! DEATH FROM ABOVE! This ones all over. [B]Papin:[/B] He's going for a pin. Colossus defeated Richard Blood in 10:45 by pinfall with a Death From Above. Colossus makes defence number 1 of his Empire Championship title.
[B]Rating:[/B] E+ [B]Final Rating:[/B] E- [/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][B]Empire Wrestling's[/B] 'Fallout' Thursday Week 3 April 1997 The Weston Gymnasium [RIGHT][SIZE="1"](Y97S03)[/SIZE][/RIGHT] [B]Attendance:[/B] 61
[B]Aitchison:[/B] Welcome back to Empire Wrestling. Tonight we start with Babylon in the ring. [B]Papin:[/B] I bet he is looking for some payback after what happened to him last month.

Babylon is standing in the ring with a microphone in hand.
[B]Babylon:[/B] So im minding my own business last week, chatting away and get jumped from behind by some whacked out freak who apparently goes by [I]'The Peak'[/I]. Well next month, im gonna face him in this ring, and see how he fares in a fair fight.
[B]Rating:[/B] E-
[B]Papin:[/B] You heard the man. Babylon Vs The Peak, on the next show!

[B]Singles Match:[/B] [CENTER]Oscar [B]Vs[/B] Skeeter Colquhoun[/CENTER]
Skeeter Colquhoun defeated Oscar in 12:07 by pinfall.
[B]Rating:[/B] F
[B]Singles Match:[/B] [CENTER]Dario Shelton [B]Vs[/B] Rolling Johnny Stones[/CENTER]
Rolling Johnny Stones defeated Dario Shelton in 11:50 by pinfall.
[B]Rating:[/B] E-
[B]Aitchison:[/B] Johnny Stones looked very comfortable out there with his win tonight. [B]Papin:[/B] He sure did.. Wait.. Whats Shelton up to?
Dario Shelton regained his composure and while Stones was up on the turnbuckle, Shelton started laying into him with a flurry of punches.
[B]Aitchison:[/B] What a vicious underhanded move from Dario Shelton.
[B]Rating:[/B] F-
Richard Blood comes ringside with a microphone in his hand.
[B]Blood:[/B] Colossus, I may have lost that rematch last month, but this isn't the end pf things. When the time is right, you and me will face off again, and i will get that belt off you. Im going to restart that climb by defeating Nuzzle Bunny tonight.
[B]Rating: E-[/B]
[B]Papin:[/B] You think that Richard Blood has it in him to take down the Colossus? [B]Aitchison:[/B] It doesn't matter what i believe. He has to believe he can do it, and i think right now, I dont think he does believe it.

We cut away backstage to our bargain webcam [I](£4.99 from a petrol station)[/I] and we see Carl Batch, the Street Hustler talking to himself.
[B]Batch:[/B] Client Client Client.. I need to get me a client. Here i am, STREET HUSTLER!! without a client to represent.. Theres gotta be somebody decent here...
And with that Batch wanders offscreen[I] (well off cam!)[/I] [B]Rating:[/B] E
[B]Singles Match:[/B] [CENTER]Nuzzle Bunny [B]Vs[/B] Richard Blood[/CENTER]
[B]Papin:[/B] Richard Blood is looking to regain some momentum tonight after losing twice now to the champ. [B]Aitchison:[/B] Yeah, but Nuzzle Bunny was also a victim of Colossus, losing to him in the qualifiers for the championship 3 months ago. [B]Papin:[/B] So one of these two men are looking to bounce back from that defeat and start the climb back up to the belt. [B]Aitchison:[/B] Neither man is looking to stay down, after a series of close falls by the pair. This could go either way. [B]Papin:[/B] Wait. Nuzzle Bunny's going for another pin. [B]Aitchison:[/B] 1.............2......................................3 [B]Papin:[/B] Nuzzle Bunny defeated Richard Blood in 9:45 by pinfall. Looks like Richard Blood has to make more of an effort if he wants to challenge for the title again.
[B]Rating:[/B] E+ [B]Final Rating:[/B] E[/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"]On the next Empire Wrestling : Putting Out The Fire [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"] [CENTER]Dario Shelton [B]Vs [/B]Oscar Little Bill Lebowski [B]Vs [/B]Richard Blood Babylon [B]Vs [/B]'The Peak' Danny Patterson [B]Vs [/B]Nuzzle Bunny All this and more[/CENTER][/FONT][/QUOTE] [/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][B]Empire Wrestling's[/B] 'Putting Out The Fire' Thursday Week 2 May 1997 The Weston Gymnasium [RIGHT][SIZE="1"](Y97S04)[/SIZE][/RIGHT] [B]Attendance:[/B] 64
[B]Aitchison:[/B] Welcome back to Empire Wrestling. Tonights preshow was our best yet. [B]Papin:[/B] It was our first. You cant top that. I'd give them an E- for that match though.

[B]Singles Match:[/B] [CENTER]Dario Shelton [B]Vs[/B] Oscar[/CENTER]
[B]Aitchison:[/B] A good match so far, dont you think. [B]Papin:[/B] *Slurp* Mmmmmn [B]Aitchison:[/B] Did you go get a Big Gulp?? [B]Papin:[/B] *Sprays his drink everywhere* Its Johnny Stones... Whats he doing here. [B]Aitchison:[/B] He's certainly got Dario's attention. [B]Papin:[/B] Thats all Oscar needs. He's got him in a roll up pin. Oscar defeated Dario Shelton in 9:54 by pinfall.
[B]Rating:[/B] F+
[B]Singles Match:[/B] [CENTER]Little Bill Lebowski [B]Vs[/B] Richard Blood[/CENTER]
[B]Aitchison:[/B] Another loss for Richard Blood. You gotta hate seeing this happen. [B]Papin:[/B] I told you. He doesn't believe enough. Little Bill Lebowski defeated Richard Blood in 13:46 by pinfall.
[B]Rating:[/B] E
Backstage Richard Blood is looking really upset when Carl Batch shuffles up next to him.
[B]Batch:[/B] Hey Richy, things arnt going to well for you are they. Why dont you let me, STREET HUSTLER help you out in that respect. All i need from you, is a signature on this document and i'll get to work.
Richard Blood takes the document and starts to thumb through it, before Carl places his hand on top.
[B]Batch:[/B] Hey Hey Hey, no need to disrespect me is there by pretending to read through all of that 'mumbo jumbo legal talk', just sign.. Its not as if your career could go any more downhill.
Carl Batch then offers a pen.... [B]Rating:[/B] E+ [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"]Note to self. Using words like mumbo jumbo apparently boosts ratings :)[/FONT][/QUOTE]
[B]Singles Match:[/B] [CENTER]Babylon [B]Vs[/B] [I]'The Peak'[/I] Eddie Peak[/CENTER]
[B]Aitchison:[/B] So Eddie Peak was our mystery man all along attacking backstage 2 months ago. [B]Papin:[/B] This guy is apparently brutal and hardcore through and through. That attack was probably just his way of saying hi. [B]Aitchison:[/B] Thats his Hi.. Hate to see how he swears. [B]Papin:[/B] Peak is absolutely dominating Babylon out there. [B]Aitchison:[/B] ITS SINCLAIR!!! James Sinclair is coming down to the ring with a baseball bat!!! [B]Papin:[/B] Probably looking for some payback of his own. [B]Aitchison:[/B] Peak had it scouted though. Sinclairs back outside the ring before he even knows it. [B]Aitchison:[/B] And to cap things off, theres the Peak Of Perfection upon Babylon. [B]Papin:[/B] Eddie Peak defeated Babylon in 3:58 by pinfall with a Peak Of Perfection. [B]Aitchison:[/B] 3 Minutes 58. So much happened in such a short time though???
[B]Rating:[/B] E-
Its shakey webcam time again, and this time we're with Skeeter Colquhoun and Chris Perkins.
[B]Colquhoun:[/B] Hey Chris.. Ever since our match 2 months back, you've had my back, even helping with me train. Thanks. [B]Perkins:[/B] No problems. Its nice to find somebody who isn't about to stab you in the back in these types of jobs.
[B]Rating: D-[/B] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"][B]Nb:[/B] Skeeter and Chris have become steadfast friends apparently so for the fans they will be as well[/FONT][/QUOTE]
[B]Main Event:[/B] [CENTER]Danny Patterson [B]Vs[/B] Nuzzle Bunny[/CENTER]
[B]Papin:[/B] Nuzzle Bunny is main eventing again? [B]Aitchison:[/B] Yeah, apparently rating's wise, he doesn't suck. [B]Papin:[/B] This marks Danny Patterson's first match here at Empire, and i bet he's looking to start things off with a win. [B]Aitchison:[/B] Wouldn't you? [B]Papin:[/B] Jeez. You sound just like my wife! [B]Aitchison:[/B] Its been close the whole time but i think its about over. Nuzzle's going for a pin. 1.............2......................................3 [B]Papin:[/B] Nuzzle Bunny defeated Danny Patterson in 9:42 by pinfall.
[B]Rating:[/B] E-
[B]Papin:[/B] The fans are clamouring about something here. Whats going on? [B]Aitchison:[/B] Its Colossus. He's at the entrance.. but he's not advancing..... [B]Papin:[/B] He's just staring at Nuzzle Bunny... What the hell is going on?????
[B]Rating:[/B] E [B]Final Rating:[/B] E[/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"]Thanks for the predictions. Time to tally them. [B]Derek_b:[/B] 25% [B]MattQ2607:[/B] 50% Since its Derek_b's mod, i must be doing something different for him to be off :)[/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=derek_b;525113]I'm just picking my own favourites at the moment. You don't even want to know some of the stories behind them, though Richard Blood should be an easy one to work out because that's not just an in joke for me. :)[/QUOTE]Steamboat perhaps??
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[FONT="Arial"]At the next Empire Wrestling show: Mid Sentence [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"][CENTER]Little Bill Lebowski [B]Vs[/B] Skeeter Colquhoun Chris Perkins [B]Vs[/B] Richard Blood [I]'The Peak'[/I] Eddie Peak [B]Vs[/B] Babylon & James Sinclair [B]Plus[/B] Nuzzle Bunny and Carl Batch will be in attendance[/CENTER][/FONT][/QUOTE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][B]Empire Wrestling's[/B] 'Mid Sentence' Sunday Week 4 June 1997 Tri-State Region [RIGHT][SIZE="1"](Y97S05)[/SIZE][/RIGHT] [B]Attendance:[/B] 68
[B]Aitchison:[/B] Welcome back to Empire Wrestling. For those that have been predicting the results, lets see if you do better tonight. [B]Papin:[/B] And for those watching on VHS, thanks for purchasing. Means i can get paid and get a new suit. [B]Aitchison:[/B] However before we start, lets review the footage from earlier backstage.

[B]Earlier Backstage:[/B] We see (via shakeycam) Rolling Johnny Stones wandering around backstage. He goes to enter the lockeroom, when he is hit from behind by Dario Shelton.
[B]Shelton:[/B] 'Think your smart now huh.. Think strolling into my match last month was funny.. Well how you feeling now' [B]Stones:[/B] Euuuugh [B]Shelton:[/B] Is that it.. No big come back??
With that, Shelton puts the boot into Stones back a fair few times before strolling off. [B]Rating:[/B] F+
[B]Singles Match:[/B] [CENTER]Little Bill Lebowski [B]Vs[/B] Skeeter Colquhoun[/CENTER]
[B]Papin:[/B] Skeeter Colquhoun defeated Little Bill Lebowski in 10:35 by pinfall.
[B]Rating:[/B] E-
Backstage Richard Blood is with Carl Batch.
[B]Batch:[/B] Hey Richy, your match is next.. You gonna remember what i taught you?? [B]Blood:[/B] You mean besides walking like a pimp? [B]Batch:[/B] You couldn't do it as well as me anyway.. Just remember the training and lets turn this slump around.
[B]Rating:[/B] D-
[B]Singles Match:[/B] [CENTER]Chris Perkins [B]Vs[/B] Richard Blood[/CENTER]
[B]Aitchison:[/B] With a new manager in hand, Richard Blood is trying to turn a corner in his career and get back to his winning ways. [B]Papin:[/B] Thats right, the last few months he has gone from #1 contender to curtain twitcher in a sorry fall from grace [B]Aitchison:[/B] Beating Chris Perkins would sure be a step in the right direction. [B]Papin:[/B] Blood is absolutely dominating Perkins out there. [B]Aitchison:[/B] Its a change to say the least. I havn't seen him this spurred on now for months. [B]Papin:[/B] Wait.. Whats this??? [B]Aitchison:[/B] Bloods going for a pin!! [B]Papin:[/B] Theres the 1!!!! [B]Papin:[/B] He's down for 2!!!!! [B]Aitchison:[/B] Dragging it out a bit arnt you? [B]Papin:[/B] 3!!!! Richard Blood defeated Chris Perkins in 11:03 by pinfall
[B]Rating:[/B] E Having picked up the victory, Richard Blood celebrates in the ring.. The crowd arnt into it all so much. [B]Rating: F[/B]

[B]Main Event:[/B] [CENTER][I]'The Peak'[/I] Eddie Peak [B]Vs[/B] Babylon & James Sinclair[/CENTER]
[B]Papin:[/B] Babylon & Sinclair are looking for some payback after being on the receiving end of some brutal beatings by Eddie Peak. [B]Aitchison:[/B] Which is why they have managed to secure this handicap match-up tonight. [B]Papin:[/B] Peak has been holding his ground pretty well so far, but does he have enough in him to outlast the two men. [B]Aitchison:[/B] Im sure he is just biding his time until the right moment to strike. [B]Papin:[/B] Some minor offence by Peak, but he just keeps getting swarmed again and again. [B]Aitchison:[/B] Wait.. A flash pin attempt by Peak... [B]Papin:[/B] Only got the 2 before Babylon broke the pin. [B]Aitchison:[/B] Sinclair seems to have drawn Peaks attention.. [B]Papin:[/B] He doesn't see Babylon coming from behind. [B]Aitchison:[/B] TOWER OF BABYLON!! Babylon connects and Peak is down. Babylons going for the pin. [B]Papin:[/B] James Sinclair and Babylon defeated Eddie Peak in 5:56 when Babylon defeated Eddie Peak by pinfall with a Tower Of Babylon. [B]Rating:[/B] E-

Nuzzle Bunnys music erupts and he makes his way down to the ring.
[B]Bunny:[/B] Go on.. Get out the ring you guys.. I've got a score to settle tonight and its not with you.
Nuzzle Bunny strolls around the ring for a few moments comtemplating the words to say.
[B]Bunny:[/B] Last month i was having a match against Danny Patterson, and all of a sudden Colossus decides to make an appearance with his little notepad.. Scouting were you? Well im out here tonight to get the inevitable over with.. Im essentially the #1 contender for your belt, having beaten the man you beat for the belt, and i want a match with you tonight.....
Nuzzle Bunny waits.....
[B]Papin:[/B] Doesn't look like he is coming out does it [B]Aitchison:[/B] It sure doesn't... [B]Rating:[/B] E+ [B]Bunny:[/B] Coward
With regret Nuzzle Bunny drops the microphone and leaves the ring as his music starts up again. He reaches the entrance way and turns to wave at the fans.
[B]Aitchison:[/B] OH GOD!! LOOK BEHIND YOU!!
Its Colossus.. He grabs Nuzzle Bunny and starts laying into him.
[B]Papin:[/B] Colossus waited until Nuzzle Bunny's back was turned and assaulted him.. A vicious monster.
Colossus drops Nuzzle Bunny to the ground and pulls up the protective mats from the floor, exposing the concrete underneith.
[B]Aitchison:[/B] Im not sure i like where this is going.. [B]Papin:[/B] I dont think i can watch.. [B]Aitchison:[/B] DEATH FROM ABOVE ONTO THE CONCRETE FLOOR!!!! [B]Papin:[/B] Colossus is gloating and im not sure Nuzzle Bunny is even moving.. Somebody get a medic.... [B]Rating:[/B] E- [B]Final Rating:[/B] E[/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"]Thanks for the predictions. Time to tally them. [B]Foolinc:[/B] 33% [B]MattQ2607:[/B] 100% Well done Mattq2607[/FONT][/QUOTE]
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