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[SIZE="1"]Insert Disc i> PLAY[/SIZE] [CENTER][I][SIZE="5"]e W r [/I] [B]Revolutionizing Wrestling[/B][/size][/CENTER] In 2004, with wrestling in a state of transition in the United States, a promotion was born in a suburb of the greatest city in the world, and within 4 years would change the landscape of pro wrestling as we know it. That promotion which started in a high school gym would go on to be on network TV and become a national heavyweight. That promotion is elite Wrestling revolution. [I]When your first show draws 150 people in a PAL building, you don't expect it to run a second or third show, screw being on national TV and selling out the Tokyo Dome. We were all surprised how far we came.[/I]-[B]Larry Sweeney[/B] They came farther than anyone expected. Within two years, they went from small time to the top independant wrestling promotion in the US, but the addition of bodog.com's Calvin Ayre would take the promotion to heights no one ever expected. [I]When Tom told me Ayre had come on board, I was on the fense. I've seen alot of groups get "money marks" and fold within weeks. But Ayre wasn't that. He had been a fan since birth and he knew how things happened and he knew what he was doing. He got us the MyNetwork deal, he got us our stages and I never ever thought that he'd do all this for us.[/I]-[B]Al Snow[/B] In late 2006, with Calvin Ayre on board, elite Wrestling revolution was born and by 2007 eWr cashed in on failing popularity of WWE and TNA to skyrocket itself into the mainstream US scene. [I]I knew we had made it when I saw TNA and WWE stealing our lower card guys and pushing em. Then you see em start changing their in ring product to try and rip us off, but the beauty was they really never had the guys to do half the stuff we did. I mean when you got Batista attempting moonsaults, you know you're haveing an effect on em.[/I] - [B]Eddie Kingston[/B] As eWr approaches it's 5 year anniversary, there were times of struggle... [I]What they did to us was unscruplous. I mean they saw Gordon trying to pull that **** in ECW ages ago, now he's trying to do it now. We nearly lost it all then. [/I]-[B]Tom Carter[/B] [I]He screwed us. He put us on so he could see if WWE programing would work. And it did, and as soon as he could he kicked us off. I'm shocked I've seen this bull**** happen twice in my life. [/I]-[B]Joey Styles[/B] [I]Losing him nearly killed us. It was like if the NWA stole Hogan in 86. The fact they had scouts around all the time and half of our guys all got offers the same day...terrible day.[/I] - [B]Bryce Remsberg[/B] And times of triumph.... [I]There's nothing like TV and the fact our first show was the highest rated one they had up to that point, that was the icing on the cake. Great time to be here.[/I]-[B]Michael Manna[/B] [I]For a wrestler, MSG is like mecca. And the fact they came to us, that says alot.[/I] - [B]Alex Shelley[/B] [I]He's the best ever man, and they FIRED him...crap get him here. Honestly[/I]-[B]Chris Sabin[/B] and controversy [I]Gabe tells people we stole his talent, and in some cases yes, and some cases no.[/I]-[B]Tom Carter[/B] [I]He's a piece of ****, who ditches for another fed the day of a company's first pay per view? And when I saw next, I knocked his ****ing lights out.[/I] - [B]Bobby Risgliano[/B] [I]He wanted me to go with him to TNA and bring everyone else with him...[/I]-[B]Mike Quackenbush[/B] [I]I knew they were closing for a while...always fighting, so it didn't shock me when Tom told us we were buying them out.[/I]-[B]Bryan Danielson[/B] [I]He'd never sell it, and it took them alot of balls to offer us that. I mean honestly it's nice they wanted a second devolpmental league but we're above that.[/I]-[B]Lance Storm[/B] but all together, they were times of change. Now, the offical story, of the little promotion that could that went from nowhere to the top of the wrestling world, from those who were there and experienced it all. [I]We're either booking at the PAL or the church...your pick.[/I]-[B]Tom Carter[/B] [I]...They're calling us new ECW.[/I]-[B]Bryce Remsberg[/B] [I]We're sold out for the rest of the month[/I]-[B]Lance Storm[/B] [I]Then I'm told I'm main eventing on network televison[/I]-[B]Alex Shelley[/B] [I]I guess this really is a revolution...[/I]-[B]Nigel McGuiness[/B] This is the story of [B]elite Wrestling revolution...5 Years Later[/B]
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[SIZE="1"]profile1 [enter] [/SIZE] [QUOTE][img]http://www.incredible8.com/img/Recklessyouth_big.jpg[/img] [B][SIZE="5"]"Reckless Youth" Tom Carter[/SIZE][/B] [B]Height[/B]: 5'8 [B]Weight[/B]: 185 lbs. [B]Age[/B]: 36 [B]Hometown[/B]: Queens,NY (now residing in Hartsdale, NY) [B]Nicknames[/B]: "Reckless Youth", "King Of The Indies", "The Technician", "The Indy God", "Mr. Carter" [B]Entrance Theme[/B]: "Scrape" by Unsane [B]Finisher[/B]: Northern Lights 2K1, The Stretch Plum, Roofies, Crash Cart [B]Career Accomplishments[/B]: PCW Commonwealth title, GWA Light Heavyweight title, NWA North American title, Great Lakes Wrestling title, NWA North American title, New Jack City Wrestling Light Heavyweight title, IWA Junior Heavyweight, PCW Commonwealth title, ECWA Mid-Atlantic title, SCW Lightweight title, NSWA Light Heavyweight title, PCW Americas title, PCW Tag Team title, BTW Lightweight title, IWU Light Heavyweight title, JCW title, IPW Light Heavyweight title, JAP New Jersey State title, HCW Heavyweight title, MCW Cruiserweight title, JCW Heavyweight title, ECWA Hall Of Famer, JAPW Hall Of Famer, IPW/eWr World Heavyweight Champion (1), Founder of IPW/eWr The first graduate of Al Snow's wrestling school, "Reckless Youth" Tom Carter is considered in many circles to be one of the greatest independent American wrestlers of all time. Carter helped devolp the risktaking technical style which is still popular to this day across the US. In the mid 90's he was the most in demand wrestlers in the world, wrestling for WWE, WCW, ECW, SMW, USWA, New Japan and AAA in a span of 2 years along with racking up a untopable laundry list of indy title, which gained him a nickname he still uses to this day "The King Of The Indies". In 1998, Carter signed a devolpmental deal with the WWE and wrestled in Memphis Championship Wrestling for nearly 2 years before asking for a release so he could return to his kingdom. In 2002, Carter and longtime tag partner Mike Quackenbush founded CHIKARA, a promotion and wrestling school based out of Philadelphia. In early 2003, following a short retirement, Carter dropped the Reckless Youth named and began a comeback in Ring Of Honor, before going into semi retirement again in 2004. In November of 2004, Carter announced his new promotion Independent Pro Wrestling would begin running shows in December of that year. Carter now began to wrestle full time with IPW, along with running it and assisting in booking of the shows. However, following the infamous Richard Carruzilo incident, Carter became full booker for IPW and eventually retired because of it. In mid 2006, Carter announced that bodog.com owner Calvin Ayre had purchased a share in IPW, now renamed elite Wrestling revolution. As eWr grew and grew, Carter continued to stay off screen as he managed his promotion and at the same time helping train stars in eWr's devolpmental promotion CHIKARA. [/QUOTE]
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i>> [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Chapter One[/SIZE] [B]In The Begining...[/B][/CENTER] [B]Tom Carter (founder of eWr):[/B] Well, my name's Tom Carter and I used to be a pro wrestler. I wrestled as Reckless Youth all across the world. Umm, I was trained by Al Snow. I wrestled in WWE, WCW, ECW, TNA, ROH everywhere basically. I helped found CHIKARA with Quack. Umm in around mid 2004, I had retired for the second time and I was really pondering what to do. [B]Bobby Risgliano (eWr agent/production assistant)[/B]: I had know Tom from when we both worked in ECW. He put a big impression on me. No one else had the style in ring he had. Heyman really dropped the ball on letting him go. And in 04 when he retired for the second time, you gotta know the bueiness was in a weird place. Wrestling in the US was, depending on who you talked to, a 3 horse race. You had Vince of course, but TNA was coming up quickly, they had just gotten their Spike deal and had just brought in a bunch of ex WWE guys. Then off in the distance you had ROH, who had a hell of a core of talent but the other feds started to notice, so you had Samoa Joe in TNA and Punk became a WWE guy. But other then that, the scene was dead. CZW was tetering on bankrupcy. Same with IWA. In Philly there was a new fed every week showing up and bombing. And NY was DEAD since Goodman moved to Orlando and failed there. There was no real place to have any kind of success. So I suggested to Tom to consider making a fed. He had the knowdlege of every aspect of the game and I really thought with his connections we could really get stuff going. [B]Ace Darling (former wrestler/eWr agent)[/B]: I like to think I convinced him to do it ha ha. But he was gonna do it anyway after Bobby suggested it. He was gonna try out to be an agent with WWE but they were dicks about it. He had been mentioing making a fed for a while anyways. So he put out some calls and soon enough he had the money all together and off we went. [B]Tom Carter[/B]: I wasn't sure what to name it, alot of feds were coming up with such awful names. So i phoned this guy Joe Price in Florida who owned their NWA affiliate there. He owned the rights to the old IPW:Hardcore promotion, so I asked and without any real effort he sold me the rights for the Independent Pro Wrestling name. And that was us. So for our first, we had booked the PAL Building in Yonkers. I didn't wanna be another promoter runing in Philly, and Yonkers is close to Jersey and NYC so I figured why not. Plus we never get anyone up here anyway. We honestly weren't sure about the success so we didn't call the first show IPW, it was just a wrestling show. So we plugged it all over, radio, print all that stuff. We ran our show the day before Eddie Guerrero's death. And we got a good turnout. Our main event was, we got all the indy dinosaurs together. It was me, Chris Daniels and Low Ki vs. Darling, Corino and Devon Storm. Good little show, and we got a big crowd and stuff and some of the wrestling sites really dug it. So we schuelded a show a few days before Christmas. We brought in back alot of the guys from that "first show". [B]Larry Sweeney (wrestler/manager; Kings Of Wrestling)[/B]: Yeah, yeah. That first show I guess you could call it, I beat this guy called One Warrior Nation, guess who he was ripping off. So Tom told me he loved my work and wanted me involved in his new promotion. I had to say yes, aside from Quack who I was already working for, no one else had the mind and stuff for it out there. I remember he set up a meeting a week or so before it. He wanted a good tri state promotion to go up against Jersey All Pro. So he was gonna bring in Jerry Lynn and Chris Daniels and stuff, and he threw out a good roster so I was pumped. [B]Tom Carter[/B]: We booked the first real IPW show in some awful Kinights Of Colunbus in Long Island, we got 400 people out of it. Granted Daniels and Lynn both bailed but we put on an excelent show. We had alot o great indy names like Ruckus, Kingston, Jimmy Jacobs and Kevin Steen. We even got Quack on. [B]Larry Sweeney[/B]: What do I remember from the first show? Well after I kicked Delirous' ass, I remember getting jumped by the Iron Sheik. Nothing says memorable than getting jumped by a 62 year old man with bad knees claiming he's gonna make me humble then **** my ass. Ahh the memories.. [B]Mike Quackenbush (wrestler/trainer)[/B]: The first show I could tell it was something special. The crowd was hot. The locker room was hot and everyone put on great matches. [B]Kevin Steen (wrestler)[/B]: It was my first time wrestling in front of a New York crowd. I was used to Philly CZW crowds but not one of those NY ones. And man were they hot. They ate up everything we gave em. Better than I ever expected. [B]Ruckus (wrestler: BLK OUT)[/B]: Well that first show, I fought King. Only time I ever had to do that, but man it was a great match. And a great show. I knew it was gonna be something. [B]Tom Carter:[/B] After that first show, I talked to a bunch of the guys I booked and asked if they were down, cause I felt in my heart of hearts we had something. [B]Larry Sweeney:[/B] I agreed, best move of my life. And he had got a few more of the other guys he booked that show. And from there on IPW was here and the ride offically began. [QUOTE][B][SIZE="6"]IPW Birth Of A Promotion Results (12-18-04)[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="1"]Bold= featured on DVD[/SIZE] -Ricky Landell defeated Corvis Fear and Javi Air after nailing a brainbuster on Javi Air -Hallowicked defeated Johnny Thunder with the Monster Mash -Disco Machine defeated Emil Sitoci with a small package -IPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Match: "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen defeated Derek Frazier and "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush after Steen hit a Package Piledrive on Steen for the final win -Chris The Bambi Killer defeated Chris Hamerick with the BKS -IPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Match: Jimmy Jacobs defeated Delirious with the Contra Code -IPW World Tag Team Title Triangle Match: Beef Wellington and El Generico defeated Dead Presidents and Team MackTation after Generico hit the top rope brainbuster on TJ Mack -Ruckus defeated Eddie Kingston with the Hate Crime -[B]IPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Final: "Reckless Youth" Tom Carter defeated Xavier, "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen and Jimmy Jacobs Match of the night here. A rare great 4 way bout here. Apparently Carter and former ROH Champ Xavier earned automatic byes into the finals. Carter was the only face in this one so he had the crowd on his side for this one. Xavier was out first following Steen's Steenilizer for a devistating first fall. Steen, Jacobs and Carter all went back and forth for around 15 mins until Steen was pinned by Jacobs following a 2nd rope jawbreak variation. Jacobs and Carter then went for a solid 20 mins of absolute action, which was very much exciting. Match ends with Carter countering the Contra Code and nailing Jacobs with a brainbuster into a DDT he dubbs "Roofies" for the win. Carter celebrates as Jacobs scowls as though he was gonna straight up murder Carter. [/B][/QUOTE] []
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[SIZE="1"]profile2 [enter][/SIZE] [QUOTE][img]http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff36/the_crippler/E-Fed%20Delirious/normal_01Delirious2.jpg[/img] [B][SIZE="5"]Delirious[/SIZE][/B] [b]Height[/b]: 5'10 [b]Weight[/b]: 195 lbs. [b]Age[/b]: 26 [b]Hometown[/b]: The Edge Of Sanity [b]Nicknames[/b]: "The Lizard Man", "The Unpredictiable", "The Masked Enigma" [b]Entrance Theme[/b]: "Hybrid Stigmata" by Dimmu Borgir [b]Finisher[/b]: Chemical Imbalance #2, Cobra Stretch, Shadows Over Hell, Panic Attack [b]Career Accomplishments[/b]: IWA Light Heavyweight Title, NWA Wildside 2004 Super Indy title, IWC Super Indy title, ICW/ICWA Texarcana Television title, CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas One of the most popular wrestlers in eWr history, Delirious entered the business in early 2004 in the St. Louis area, before almost instantly taking off in the IWA Mid South promotion. Delirous made his eWr debut at our first show "Birth Of A Promotion" in December 2004 helping the Iron Sheik clear house of Ricky Landell and "Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney. The feud between Delirous and Sweeney would last nearly 8 months resulting in several memorable moments including Delirious wining the ICW/ICWA Texarcana TV Title and renaming it the "Baa Baa Baa Baa Baa Baa" Title and their infamous casino floor brawl in Atlantic City. Delirious is one of the few "lifers" of eWr, being on board since the very first show. Following his feud with Sweeney, Delirous went on to attempt to pry away the CrusierX Title from long time champion Joey Ryan. However, when the Kings Of Wrestling formed and threatened to take over eWr, Delirious went to the front lines and renewed his rivarly with Larry Sweeney, culmunating with a Memphis Street Fight between the two won by Delirious. Delirous then moved on to feuding with new star Frankie Kazarian, winning a series of matches against the ****y superstar. Delirous then began a hard hitting feud with KOW member Claudio Castagnoli after he eliminated Claudo in a 25 man battle royal. The 2 wrestled in several memorable affairs, including the infamous battle at WrestleFest 07 where Claudio knocked Delirious unconscious and then attempted to unmask him. However, Delirious got his revenge as he defeated Claudio in a hair vs. mask match. Delirious then would go on to turn his attention to the tag team ranks with longtime partner Hallowicked in Incoherience. They are one of the top teams in eWr, as Delirious now continues to obtain his longtime goal; the eWr World Heavyweight Title. [/QUOTE] []
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i> [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Chapter One Continued[/SIZE] [B]Definetly Indy[/B][/CENTER] [B]Tom Carter[/B]: There was alot of buzz around us after that first show. We had alot of people wanting to come in with us right off the bat. I decided to put together a small but effective roster, with a bigish name coming in per month. [B]Bobby Risgliano[/B]: He hand picked the roster. And they were all good. He brought in Sweeney and Delirious before anyone knew who they were. Steen and Generico too. Same with BLK OUT. Those guys were the heart and soul of the promotion, and still are today. Even the guys that fell through the cracks were good. Espically Bambi Killer. [B]Larry Sweeney[/B]: One of the more over and under appriciated guys in that initial run was Chris The Bambi Killer. Great look, great skills he had it all. And whenever he came in, it was a pop, even though he was playing the anti American heel. But, then again, he's no Larry Sweeney. [B]Eddie Kingston (wrestler; BLK OUT)[/B]: Sweeney, he's something. I trained with him in CHIKARA and he's always good to go. He had a atyle that nobody was doing. Everyone was trying to do flippy **** and stuff like that, Sweeney wrestled like his was Tommy Rich or Austin Idol or someone else from Memphis, plus the heat he consistantly got was tremendous. [B]Bobby Risgliano[/B]: Delirious was my guy. He was just so friggin out there. Like he was doing Muta and Mankind and Missing Link and all those guys. And he could wrestle. And he was just hilarious. Best promos ever I think, and the kids and stuff loved him. [B]Ace Darling[/B]: Steen, Generico and Beef Wellington were all youngings out of Canada who were wrestling in CZW everyonce and a while. We agreed that they had alot of potential and we plugged emall in and they all worked out. BLK OUT were the same way, Ruckus was big time in CZW as was Kingston so we thought we could maximize their overall marketaility here. And we were right. [B]Mike Quackenbush[/B]: I signed on off the bat. Tom helped me found CHIKARA, so it was only common coutersity. Plus I wanted to see it succede, so I brought in as many CHIKARA guys as I could. Off the bat we always had a relationship. [B]Tom Carter[/B]: Off the bat, our main storylines were me and Jimmy Jacobs, which was basically crazy Jacobs against me for a while, than we had Delirious and Larry Sweeney. And to be honest, the later one was the one that got us over out there. [B]Bobby Risgliano[/B]: Delirious/Sweeney was gold, pure comedic gold. The fact we could bring the Iron Sheik in the feud, who had just blown up on Youtube for being insane, and the thing was every match with them was excelent. And when you can have feuds like this, with IPW having 2 of them at the time made me more confident in our product. [QUOTE][B][SIZE="6"]IPW New Year's Evil 1-22-05[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="1"]Bold=On DVD[/SIZE] -Excalibur defeated Corvis Fear with a Frog Splash -Team MackTation defeated Javi Air and Azreial following Kirby Mack hitting a Twisting Senton on Javi Air -Emil Sitoci defeated Disco Machine with a superkick -Derek Fraizer defeated Mike Quackenbush with the Pure Impact -Eddie Kingston and Ruckus defeated Kevin Steen and Xavier after Kingston hit a Sambo Suplex on Xavier -Jimmy Jacobs defeated Hallowicked with the Contra Code -IPW Tag Team Champions Beef Wellington and El Generico defeated Dead Prez after Wellington hit the E Coli Driver on Dub L -Delirious defeated Larry Sweeney with Chemical Imbalance #2 -[B]IPW World Heavyweight Champion Tom Carter defeated Chris The Bambi Killer EXCELENT MATCH. CBK realy demolished Carter with a very stiff puro based offense but Carter kept up with him with his superior technical skills. Match ends after CBK attempts a top rope Kill Shot but Carter then fighting out of it and powerbombing off the top rope and then nailing a big Double Pump Splash for the win. Following the match, Jimmy Jacobs ran down to the ring and savagly attacked Carter. Jacobs took out a spike and savagly cut up Carter's face and then picked up the IPW belt and nailed him in the head. Show ends with Jacobs holding the IPW title over him, covered in Carter's blood.[/B] [/QUOTE] []
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[SIZE="1"]profile3 [enter][/SIZE]' [QUOTE][img]http://www.bigtimewrestlinguk.com/images/news/news33/tn_Bambi%20Killer2.JPG[/img] [B][SIZE="5"]Chris Raaber[/SIZE][/B] [B]Height[/B]: 6'4 [B]Weight[/B]: 250 lbs. [b]Age[/b]: 24 [b]Hometown[/b]: Leoben, Austria [b]Nicknames[/b]: "The Bambi Killer", "CBK", "The Austrian Assault Machine" [b]Entrance Theme[/b]: "Maria (I Like It Loud)" by Scooter [b]Finisher[/b]: Bambi Kill Shot, Bambi Deathlock, Raaburn, Bambi Brain Scrambler [b]Career Accomplishments[/b]: wXw World Heavyweight Title, EWA World Heavyweight Title, IWW World Title, ACW International Title, OVW TV Champion, Zero1 World Fighting Champion One of the best wrestlers in Europe, Chris "The Bambi Killer" Raaber debuted in his native Austria in 1999 and almost instantly rose to the top of the European ranks with his impressive size, strength and unorthodox style blending classic Catch wrestling with a puroreasu style. In 2003, Raaber relocated to Japan to wrestle full time in the Zero1 promotion, where he breifly served as booker and world champion. In 2004 Raaber returned to his native Europe and won the wXw World Heavyweight Title, the most prestegious title in all of Europe in his first match back. Raaber also won the tag titles with long time friend Michael Kovac. Raaber then made his debut in the US with eWr, and devolped a cult following despite being associated with the egocentric anti American Emil Sitochi. Raaber quickly rose to the top of eWr, until he departed to sign a devolpmental deal with the WWE. He quickly won the OVW TV Title before debuting on ECW as Chris Kreuger. However after a short stint, Raaber was released and returned to Europe, where he now co owns wXw with Kovac. [/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="1"]results1 [enter][/SIZE] [QUOTE][B][SIZE="5"]IPW Rumble At RexPlex 2-22-05[/SIZE][/B] -In a New Jersey Street Fight: Dead Prez (BoogZ and Dub L) defeated Demolition (Ax and Smash) after Boogz hit a neckbreaker on Smash on a chair. -In a 4 Corners Crusierweight Match, Derek Frazer defeated Javi-Air, Corvis Fear and Julio Dinero after nailing an Pure Impact on Julio Dinero. -Hallowicked defeated Motzart Fontaine with a running headbutt aided with a foreign object. -Chris The Bambi Killer defeated Exaclibur and then Disco Machine with 2 Bambi Kill Shots. -"Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney defeated Delirious with a roll up and handful of tights. -Mike Quackenbush defeated "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen with the Quackendriver. -In A Four Way Number One Contenders Match For IPW World Heavyweight Title, Jimmy Jacobs defeated Ruckus, Eddie Kingston and Xavier after hitting the Contra Code on Xavier. -IPW World Tag Team Champions Beef Wellington and El Generico defeated Josh Daniels and Quiet Storm after Generico hit the Brainbuster on Daniels. -IPW World Heavyweight Champion Tom Carter defeated Adam Pearce Good bout here. Pearce had alot of heat on him, cutting a great promo on the crowd and IPW, claiming he's selling out for wrestling for such a lowley indy when he could be at a ROH show. Carter, the hero, ran down and the bout immeditly started. Good old school style match. Match ends with Carter blocking a second Pearce piledriver but then rolling out of it and nailing the Northern Lights 2K1 for the win. Following the match, Jimmy Jacobs again tries to jump Carter but Carter raises a chair but Jacobs stops and smirks as he backs away signaling the title will soon be his. [/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="1"]results2 [enter][/SIZE] [QUOTE][B][SIZE="5"]IPW Fight Night 3-26-05[/SIZE][/B] -In a Death Match, Necro Butcher defeated DJ Hyde after Tiger Driver through a stack of light bulbs -ZBARR, Drew Blood and Devon Moore defeated Javi-Air and The SAT after ZBARR hit a piledriver on Javi Air -Chris The Bambi Killer defeated Disco Machine and Excalibur after a Niagara Bomb on Disco Machine -The Irish Airbourne defeated The Valedictorians folowing a Double Enziguri on Billy Bax. Following the match, Dead Prez attacked both teams. -For The IPW World Tag Team Titles, (C) Beef Wellington and El Generico drew with Dead Prez following a double DQ, leading to a huge brawl around the arena ending with Beef being powerbombed through a flaming table. -Ruckus defeated Xavier with the Poetic Ruckus -Delirious defeated Hallowicked with the Shadows Over Hell, following the match the 2 shook hands. -In a Four Way Dance for the New IPW Crusierweight Title, Derek Frazier defeated Mike Quackenbush, Emil Sitochi and B-Boy after Frazier nailed the Pure Impact on Quack. Following the bout, Quack strapped the belt around the waist of Frazier to applause. -[B]In a "Humble" Match, The Iron Sheik defeated "Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney OK, this was a cluster**** of massive proportions. This was basically an I Quit match, but instead of I Quit being uttered, "I'm Humble" would be. Sweeney was big time over. Sheik looked horrible. Fat and slow, he barley sold. Match began with Sweeney brining out a masked man in a bee mask to attack the Sheik. Sweeney announced that Brian Blair had come to aid him. Sweeney and "Blair" double teamed the Sheik until Delirious came out and cleared the ring. Delirious nailed Shadows Over Hell on Sweeney, allowing the Sheik to lock in the Camel Clutch, and making Sweeney humble (minus the sodomy). After the match, Sweeney challenged Sheik and Delirious to a tag match at the next show. Sheik and Delirious proceded to cut one of the more inchoeriant promos I've ever heard, which also make it hilarious. So I guess this is gonna happen then.[/b] -For The IPW World Heavyweight Championship, (C) "Reckless Youth" Tom Carter defeated Jimmy Jacobs by DQ Great match here. Jacobs entered as a emo psycho and brought back Lacey as his manager. Carter got a huge pop upon entering. Match wise it was excelent. Very back and forth. Jacobs nearly won it with a spetaculat tornado DDT variation. Carter fought back but caused a ref bumb and then nailed Jacobs with Roofies. Lacey then came in and nailed Carter with a chair. Carter then grabbed Lacey and piledrove here (ala Dreamer/Beulah). Jacobs awoke to see his love out cold. Jacobs got up in a rage and attacked Carter, then taking out his spike again and seriously carving up Carter, causing him to be DQ. Jacobs then covered himself in Carter's blood and proceded to wipe the blood on the IPW Title, before stealing it and taking an injured Lacey out of the ring. [/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="1"]profile4 [enter][/SIZE] [QUOTE][img]http://bp0.blogger.com/_2-7AdSkZA7I/RiOTC0tskEI/AAAAAAAAC1Y/vSurs_uziyk/s400/jimmie_wrestling.jpg[/img] [B][SIZE="5"]Jimmy Jacobs[/SIZE][/B] [b]Height[/b]: 5'7 [b]Weight[/b]: 175 lbs. [b]Age[/b]: 24 [b]Hometown[/b]: Grand Rapids, Michigan [b]Nicknames[/b]: "The Barbaric Berzerker", "The Big Unit", "The Emo Warrior", "The Light", "The Pariah", "The Jim Jones Of Pro Wrestling" [b]Entrance Theme[/b]: "The Touch" by Stan Bush, "Date With The Night" by The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, "Ballad Of Lacey" and "Kiss2Kill" by Jimmy Jacobs, "The Haunted" by Walls Of Jericho [b]Finisher[/b]: Contra Code, The End Time, Cannonball Senton, The JFK [b]Career Accomplishments[/b]: AAW Heritage Championship, ACW Heavyweight Championship, BCW Can-Am Tag Team Championship, XICW Light Heavyweight Championship, XICW Tag Team Championship, wXw World Heavyweight Championship, IWA Mid-South Heavyweight Championship, IWA Mid-South Light Heavyweight Championship,MPW Universal Championship, NWA Midwest Heavyweight Championship, PWG World Tag Team Championship, ROH World Tag Team Championship One of the most well known and renowned wrestlers on the independent circuit, Jimmy Jacobs is the definition of a young veteran. Jacobs made his in ring debut at the age of 15 in his native Michigan and soon began to devolp a reputation as one of the true rising stars in the Midwest scene. Jacobs was not just known for his dynamic offense, but for his memorable characters including "The Pogo Stick Kid" and "The Barbaric Berzerker", a tribute to the Berzerker and late Bruiser Brody. Jacobs broke through in 2003 when he made his debut in Ring Of Honor, where his feud with Alex Shelley helped devolped both men into the names they are today. Jacobs became a 2 time ROH Tag Team Champion within a year by teaming with BJ Whitmer as a part of Lacey's Angels. Jacobs debuted in eWr at the very first show, where he almost immeditly began a blood feud with eWr owner and then champion Tom Carter. The sheer brutality of the feud saw Jacobs stab Carter with his Sullivan Spike and forcing Carter to lose a pint of blood in the process. However, the feud was taken to a new level when Carter piledrove Jacobs' manager and crush Lacey. This drove Jacobs over the age and resulted in the first ever Satan's Steel Cage match between the 2 men, still considered to be one of the most bloody and hard hitting matches in eWr history. Injuries suffered from Jacobs at this event resulted in Jacobs leaving eWr, however Jacobs continued to work in ROH, where a very violent feud with BJ Whitmer took over his life for nearly a year. Jacobs was then sidelined for much of 2007 due to injuries suffered in a cage match against Whitmer. Jacobs shocked the wrestling world by returning to ROH, forming a union with Midwestern star Tyler Black called "The Lost". The two became one of the most dominant teams in ROH, winning the tag titles 3 times during their stint in ROH. Since the closing of ROH, Jacobs and Black have not been seen, but no matter if, when and where he pops up next, Jacobs is sure to cause quite a stir. [/QUOTE]
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i> [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Chapter One Continued[/SIZE] [B]Sowing The Seeds Of Hatred[/B][/CENTER] [B]Tom Carter:[/B] The company was fueled by the me and Jacobs feud, which got Jimmy over as a new sadistic character, which was the exact opposite of what he was doing in ROH at the time. ROH hated us for stuff like that. [B]Alex Shelley (wrestler)[/B]: I was splitting time at this point between ROH and TNA and Gabe absolutly hated IPW. He hated them because they were quickly becoming a big indy name and Tom would book some of the ROH guys he used as the polar opposites of how Gabe booked them. Look at Jimmmy Jacobs, in ROH at the time he fluctuated as generic heel and love lorn emo kid. But in IPW, he was booked strong as this psycho who was all about blood lust and all that. And he was getting bigger and better reactions at IPW shows then at ROH shows. Delirious was intially booked in ROH as a Muta type character, but Tom booked him perfectly as a comedy/serious type role. Same with Generico and Steen and those guys. Plus he had Quack, who Gabe always wanted with him. Gabe never admited it early on, but you could tell he hated them. [B]Bobby Risgliano[/B]: By the fifth or sixth show, we began to intergrate more established names onto the cards, however that doesn't nessecarly mean it'll work. I remember us running in Baltimore right around when MCW closed for the first time and we essentially brought in a bunch of MCW guys and it wasn't on par of any of our last shows. The rebound show however was excelent. I remember that being Davey's first show. [B]Davey Richards (wrestler)[/B]: Up until then, I was routinley working alot in the West Coast and Canada. I had just finished wining the Super 8 when ROH called, but IPW had called me months before hand so I felt like they wanted me more. So IPW became my East Coast homebase, while working for ROH. My first match was against Tom and it was considered one of the better matches the company had ever had up until that point. [B]Al Snow (agent)[/B]: I remember Tom telling me about Davey and how good he could be eventually be. And the first thing he sent me from him was his match with Tom, and it was legit one of the better matches I had seen in years. [B]Tom Carter[/B]: Davey was one of the guys who became the heart of the roster and what we looked for, guy with a great look and charisma and could legit go. We were in good shape lets just say. []=end of chapter one [QUOTE][B][SIZE="5"]IPW Brawl In Baltimore Results 4-30-05[/SIZE][/B] -Kelly Bell defeated Disco Machine with a big splash -Chad and Dino defeated The Valerdictorians following a big splash by Dino on Rob Eckos -Chris The Bambi Killer and Emil Sitochi defeated The Holy Rollers following a Bambi Kill Shot on Rich Myers -Hallowicked defeated Xavier with the Monster Mash -IPW World Tag Team Champions Beef Wellington and El Generico defeated The Ghetto Mafia, Dead PreZ and Genesis and Van Hammer after Welligton rolled up Hammer for the win -Mike Quackenbush defeated Queenan Creed with the QuackenDriver -In a Dream Partner Tag Team Match, Delirious and The Iron Sheik defeated Larry Sweeney and Kamala after Kamala turned on Sweeney. -IPW Crusierweight Champion Derek Fraizer defeated Ruckus after nailing the Pure Impact. Following the match the 2 shook hands -Jimmy Jacobs defeated Josh Daniels with the Contra Code -In the main event, IPW World Heavyweight Champion Tom Carter defeated Christian York. A very spirited affair as the 2 indy vets tangled here. Very evenly pased matchup here. Match ended with Carter telegraphing a moonsault by York and then locking him in the Stretch Plum for the win. Following the match, Carter was again attacked by Jimmy Jacobs, who immeditly went after Carter's stiches, making him a bloody mess yet again. He then grabbed the mic and claimed he wouldn't stop until he not only got the title but got revenge for what Carter did to Lacey. [/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="1"]results3 [enter][/SIZE] [QUOTE][SIZE="6"][B]IPW Boston Massacre Results 5-14-05[/B][/SIZE] -Arcadia defeated Xavier with a 450 Splash -The Irish Airborne defeated Disco Machine and Excalibur with a double enzuguri to Excalibur -For The IPW Crusierweight Title, (C) Derek Frazier defeated Hallowicked with the Pure Impact -Kevin Youkilis defeated Emil Sitochi with a Powerbomb -Chris The Bambi Killer defeated "The Boston Bad Boy" Jason Rumble by DQ follow a shot with a ball bat to CBK -In a Number One Contenders Match for the IPW World Heavyweight Title, Ruckus and Mike Quackenbush wrestled to a 20 Minute Draw -Larry Sweeney defeated Kamala and The Iron Sheik in a handicapped match after Tracy Smothers ran in and smashed Kamala with a chair -Tracy Smothers defeated Delirious after Sweeney threw powder in the eyes of Delirious allowing Smothers to nail he Jaw Jacker -[B]For the IPW World Heavyweight Title, (C) "Reckless Youth" Tom Carter defeated Davey Richards Very good bout here. Both men got nice ovations. A real hell of a bout here, went very back and forth early on with reversals and such. Davey got a quick advantage, only to have Carter come roaring back, and working over Richards's neck and back. Davey then proceded to kick the **** out of Carter and nail the DR Driver. Richards then went up for a 450 Splash, only to have Carter move out of the way, and then lock Davey in a Crippler Crossface/Rings Of Saturn like submission for the win. The 2 men then shook hands. Carter then cut a promo on Jimmy Jacobs, calling him a ***** and such, then suddenly the lights of the arena went out, and suddenly a flash of fire occured in the ring, the lights went back on with Carter on the floor, rithing in pain as a masked man, presumebly Jacobs nailed Carter with a chair. Security began to run down the ring and the masked man bolted for the exit and legit left the arena.[/B] -In a Nonsanctioned Fight, Beef Wellington and El Generico defeated Dead Prez Holy ****. This one STARTED in the parking lot, then spilled into the arena going all over with all 4 men just fighting and hitting each other with anything they could fine. They eventually got into the ring, and then Boogz got a mic in between attacking El Generico and called out for his "street crew" to get out there. From the crowd about 5 or 6 guys ran into the ring and began attacking Beef and Generico, which caused security to rush the ring and a riot breaks out. The 4 men then go out into the crowd again for about 10 mins. In the spot of the night IMO, Generico hits the BRAINBUSTAAAHHH on Dub L...OFF THE BALCONY onto 4 stacked tables. Generico somehow gets back into the ring, and he and Beef then double team Boogz. Beef gets a table...and lighter fluid....and another table....and another....and more lighter fluid. Oh God. In something...intense, Beef SUPERPLEXES Boogz through 3 flaming tables for the win. The crowd is freaking out,s tilll buzzing from this riot. [/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="1"]profile5 [enter] [/SIZE] [QUOTE][img]http://www.cagematch.de/site/main/img/portrait/00002062.jpg[/img] [B][SIZE="5"]Davey Richards[/SIZE][/B] [b]Height[/b] : 5'8 [b]Weight[/b]: 210 lbs. [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Hometown[/b]: Othello, Washington [b]Nicknames[/b]: "The Young Lion", "The Future Legend", "Damn Good" [b]Entrance Theme[/b]: "Runnin' With The Devil" by Van Halen, "Charisma" by WASP [b]Finisher[/b]: 25th Hour, Kimura, DR Driver, DR Driver II, Shooting Star Press, Horse Collar, Alarm Clock, DaveyDT, Hardway Suplex, Washington Wake Up [b]Career Accomplishments[/b]: NWA Canadian Tag Team Champion, ECWA Super 8 Winner, PWG World Tag Team Champion, PWG Battle Of LA Winner, ROH Tag Team Champion, eWr World Tag Team Champion One of the most hated men in eWr history, "Damn Good" Davey Richards began his tulmultious career in early 2004 in his native Washigton, where within a year he became the youngest NWA Champion in Canadian history and the youngest winner of the coveted ECWA Super 8 tournament. It was a month after that win Richards made his eWr debut in a losing effort to then champion Tom Carter. Fans instantly became fans of the man dubbed the "Young Lion of eWr". Richards became engaged in a very hotly contested feud with "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen which saw new levels of stiffness bought to the promotion, ending with an epic steel cage match between the 2 which saw Richards deliver a DR Driver off the top of the cage, giving Steen a class 2 concussion taking him our of eWr for several months. Richards then wrestled the most important series of matches in his career where he and the legendary Lance Storm wrestled to a series of stalemates. Following a final win by Lance, Storm announced Richards would be his new protogue and took Richards under his wing. Storm and Richards became one of the hottest pairs in eWr. Their feud with The Kings Of Wrestling tandem of Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli saw several excelent matches between the 2 including the infamous tag team survival match which saw Davey successfully pin both Claudio and Hero in an amazing 30 minute instant classic. The feud saw alot of bad blood being shed between the 2, including Davey getting a serious consussion in a backstage attack by the Kings. However, in the final match of the feud, The Kings won big after pinning Storm. This signaled for a series of tough loses for Davey and his team with Lance. EVentually, the last straw broke when the world was shocked when Davey turned on his mentor Lance, costing them the Tag titles in a match with the Backseat Boys. Storm was severly injured and was out for a month. Richards presented a new arrogant attitude, calling hmself "The Future Legend" as he mocked his former mentor. Storm returned and the 2 wrestled several amazing bouts, including their 5 star first battle at WrestleFest 07. The blood feud between the 2 would last until Davey defeated Storm at Fight Night 08, in which Storm shook Davey's hand and showed him respect. Richards, during this time, formed a rather unorthodox team with Super Dragon. The 2 quickly became known as one of the quicker rising teams in eWr and it wasn't much of a shock when "The West Coast Wrecking Crew" defeated The BLK OUT for the tag titles. They would go on to loose those belts a mere three weeks later. Following the loss, Richards began to feud with Mike Quackenbush, claiming he was the true man of 1000 holds. This feud saw the unleashing of the two most dangerous manuevers in Davey's repitor: The Kimura Leglock and his Keylock/Kimura Legscissors he's dubbed The 25th Hour, a move that no one has been able to break or not submit from. Richards has been courted several times by The Kings Of Wrestling to join their ranks, but has stayed on his own, and has actually begun to associcate himself with former enemy Kevin Steen. However, now Richards is focused on wining the eWr World Heavyweight Title, and with victories over Nigel McGuiness, Delirious, Claudio Castagnoli and even World Champ Chris Hero, it's only a matter of time so we can see if "Damn Good" lives up to his nickname. [/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="1"]results4 [enter][/SIZE] [QUOTE][SIZE="6"][B]IPW In The City Results 6-18-05 [/B][/SIZE] -The Olsen Twins defeated The SAT after nailing the Hart Attack on Jose Maximo -Tony Mamaluke defeated Xavier with the Sicilian Suplex -Hallowicked defeated Archadia with the Night Shift -The European Union defeated The Irish Airborne with a Bambi Kill Shot on Dave Crist - Jimmy Jacobs defeated Davey Richards via DQ when Tom Carter ran in and attacked Jacobs -For The IPW Crusierweight Title, (C) Derek Frazier defeated "Dastardly" Danny Doring with the Pure Impact -Larry Sweeney defeated Delirious with the 12 Large, Brother elbowdrop -In a ladder match for the IPW World Tag Team Titles, (C) Beef Wellington and El Generico defeated Dead Prez -In Three Way Dance For The IPW World Heavyweight Championship, (C) Tom Carter defeated Ruckus and Mike Quackenbush Oh man. EXCELENT. All 3 men got huge ovations and the crowd ate this one up. Man I loved it. Very fast pased and alot of counters and reversals for the first 10 or so minutes. Crowd was split here. Ruckus was the first one eliminated after Quack nailed him with the Quackendriver II. This set up for the match many wanted to see, the long time Indy icons battleing. Carter and Quack wrestled one of the most solid technical matches I've seen in a long time, with alot of European flavor. They went a solid 20 minutes on their own with a pissload of near falls. Quack looked to have won after nailing a spetacular 2nd rope Yoshi Tonic but Carter's foot BARLEY got to the ropes in time. Match ends with Quack attempting a top rope reverse Niagara Driver, but Carter telegraphs and delivers a ridicoulas top rope flipping Dragon Crusher for the win. Following the match, the 2 embraced to a standing ovation. As Quack left the ring and Carter celebrated, the lights of the arena went out and the static began to play again. The lights went back on and Lacey was in the ring. Suddenly they went back off and the "He's Here" blared and the lights come back on, with Jimmy Jacobs in ring, attempting to throw fire at Carter. Carter ducks and nails Jacobs. The 2 begin brawling, Carter gets an advantage and Lacey goes behind him and rakes his eyes. Jacobs then nails Carter with a superkick. Jacobs then takes out the spike and the crowd then believes he's going to once again carve up Carter. He instead stares at the spike and then drops it on Carter. He then gets a mic and cuts a promo basically stating he wants a rematch for the IPW Title, and says he's giving Carter to spike. He announces that in the 2 months he was gone, an endless supply of anger and rage was bottled up inside of him and will unleash this when they meet. He claims that if he gives Carter the spike, it may make the playing field even. Jacobs then drops the mic, and leaves, smirking mischeviously as Carter slowly gets up, holding his title and the spike. [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]Chapter Two[/SIZE][/B] [B]Beneficial Relationship[/B][/CENTER] [B]Tom Carter[/B]: Within a year, we had devolped a reputation as one of the real significant indys in the world. We were building new names and we were taking guys who were names and bringing them to new levels. And we also had consistantly good arena turnouts. We pulled this off because we simply had some of the best advertising guys around. [B]Dave McDonald (producer)[/B]: I started at eWr as their main video operator, and one idea we had was to plug the shows in the markets and stuff through the other wrestling shows. So we got commericals and stuff on during Raw and Smackdown and Impact. And we would absolutly plaster the place with flyers. I remember within a span of 3 weeks, the New York and Time Out NY magazines did stories about our Hammerstein show. We saw press as press and we needed as much of it as we could get so we could be more than a indy. And following that Manhattan show, you could tell we were becoming just that. [B]Bryce Remsberg (refree)[/B]: Around this time, a few of us CHIKARA guys were to come on board. Quack had basically made the 2 promotions brother and sister. I remember Kingston was gonna be one of the first CHIKARA guys over but he got hurt. [B]Eddie Kingston (wrestler: BLK OUT)[/B]: Yeah, I did the first few shows then I went CZW and CHIKARA full time. And when Reckless said he wanted me over, i get hurt. Through Hero no less....so if you wanna know where our heat is, start there. [B]Larry Sweeney[/B]: A group of us CHIKARA guys have been here forever, from early on I always knew these 2 would have some kind of thing going on. [B]Tom Carter[/B]: Around the summer of 05, the business was getting more interesting, TNA got it's TV deal, WWE released like everybody and rumors were ROH was getting a TV deal, which proved to be false, but you wouldn't think so the way people were talking. So around here we knew we had to make a play to get ourselves more known. So we first went to the Midwest. [B]Danny Daniels (wrestler/trainer)[/B]: At the time, I was running a promotion called All American Wrestling. We were based out of surburban Chicago but we toured across Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Iowa and Missouri. But cause of that, we weren't financially the best company ever. [B]Tom Carter[/B]: I had known Danny for a while, I helped train him and we were great friends. He mentioned to me about AAW and how financially it wasn't doing so hot. So what I did was offer help in exchange for talent. [B]Danny Daniels[/B]:The deal itself compassed of Tom funding us for upwards of a year, while we provide him with talent and stuff. Well within that year, I had to close up shop despite our good draws, and I sold Tom the assets and stuff. [B]Tom Carter[/B]: Alot of heat was put on us when it was found out we bought AAW, cause this was mabe 2 weeks after the other purchase came out. There's still alot of kayfabe around buying out competetors, cause we were the only ones doing it without having the name McMahon attached to it. And that for a while became our name, but it wasn't anywhere near the PWU sale. [QUOTE][B][SIZE="6"]IPW Scars And Stripes Results 7-9-05[/SIZE][/B] -The Olsen Twins won a fatal 4 way over The SAT, Irish Airborne and Davey Andrews and Dereck Dempsey after the Hart Attack on Andrews -Danny Doring defeated Xavier with the Bareback -In a Flag Match, Emil Sitochi defeated The Patriot after Chris The Bambi Killer hit the Patriot with a chair -N8 Matheson and Truth Martini defeated Conrad Kennedy III and Silias Young after Matheson hit the M-80 on Kennedy --For The IPW Crusierweight Title, (C) Derek Frazier defeated Tony Mamaluke with Pure Impact -Incoherience (Delirious and Hallowicked) defeated The New Fabulous Ones (Larry Sweeney and Mitch Ryder) after Delirious hit the Chemical Imbalance on Ryder -Davey Richards defeated Petey Williams with the DR Driver -Mike Quackenbush defeated Chris The Bambi Killer with the Quackendriver II -In a 6 man tag team match, Beef Wellington, El Generico and Ruckus defeated Dead PreZ (Boogz, Lo Lincon and Jimmy Hustler) after the Poetic Ruckus on Hustler -In the main event, IPW World Heavyweight Champion Tom Carter and Jimmy Jacobs wrestled to a double DQ as they instantly brought chairs in the brawl insued. The two brawled all around the building and eventually squared off in the ring, ending with Jacobs spiking Carter in the eye with his spike before refrees and other wrestler pulled Jacobs off him as paramedics rushed to Carter.[/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="1"]profile6 [enter][/SIZE] [QUOTE][img]http://pholby.progressiveboink.com/ROH1/ROH11.jpg[/img] [B][SIZE="5"]Kevin Steen[/SIZE][/B] [B]Height[/B] : 5'10 [B]Weight[/B]: 228 lbs. [B]Age[/B]: 24 [B]Hometown[/B]: Marieville, Quebec [B]Nicknames[/B]: "Mr. Wrestling", "Canada's Greatest Athlete" [B]Entrance Theme[/B]: "Tear Away" by Drowning Pool [B]Finisher[/B]: Package Piledriver, Steenalizer, Sharpshooter, Steen Breaker, Go Home Driver, Steenton Bomb, The Quebecer [B]Career Accomplishments[/B]: PWG Champion, PWG Tag Team Champion, CZW Iron man Champion, IWS Heavyweight Champion, IWS Canadian Champion The man many fans claim to be "The Biggest Scumbag in Wrestling", Kevin Steen is yet another young veteran who makes up the eWr roster. Steen was the fifth graduate of the Quebecers Wrestling School in Montreal, where he was groomed to greatness by 4 of Canada's greats in Jacques and Raymond Rougeau, Pierre Carl Ouellet and Rick Martel. Steen wrestled his first match at a gym in his native Marievelle at the age of 15. Steen became a staple of the Quebec indy scene and eventually the entire Canadian scene. Steen made his American debut in 2004 where he debuted in the CZW promotion where he immeditly won their Iron Man title. Steen would make less frequent trips to the states until 2005 when he made his debut at the first eWr show. Steen would however suffer a shoulder injury which put him out for several months, when he would make his shocking return to eWr at the ECW Arena, wrestling Davey Richards to a 30 minute draw. However, Steen at post match would show his true colors by attacking Richards following the match. The 2 would go on to wrestle a series of matched considered to be the best series of 05, culmunating in a legendary 2/3 falls match won by Richards. Steen, distraught by the result would "quit" eWr. It would not be the last time we would see "Mr. Wrestling" as Steen made his shocking return to eWr at "Motor City Madness", confronting Eddie Kingston following a match with Davey Richards. This would start one of the most personal and bloody feuds in eWr history. It started innoncently enough as both men trading wins, but Steen, who was angry of his loss to Kingston, not only took a chair and bloodied Kingston but then Package Piledrove Kingston's girlfriend Crissy Rivera, breaking her neck. Steen was promply suspended as a result of the incident but Kingston requested the ban to be lifted. And severl non sanctioned and bloody brawls would take place, which saw Steen recieve a class 2 concussion in one of the matches won by Kingston. However Steen then would come back with friends to fight off Kingston and his BLK OUT comrades by brining in Franky The Mobster, who promply destroyed BLK OUT members Sabian and Robby Merino with glass tables and then shattering the leg of Kingston's former partner Jack Marsciano, crippling him in the process. However Kingston would fight back by breaking the jaw of Steen's 13 year old brother Dennis and "allegdly" raping Steen's sister. This act forced both men to be banned from BattleGround until their issue was resolved, which was done at WrestleFest 07 in the denomic Satan's Steel Cage, which in now considered to be one of the most brutal matches in eWr history won by Kingston but ended with Steen getting uranage'd off the top of the cage. Steen would return in March and go after Frankie Kazarian breifly before Kazarian left eWr. However this gave Steen an opportunity to go after his fellow countryman Lance Storm. Steen claimed Storm was overated and claimed he was Canada's best wrestler, which Lance took offense to. Storm tried to beat some respect into Steen but "Mr. Wrestling" and his new found friend Max Boyer would constantly one up Storm. The two would go on to wrestle a classic 30 minute match, won by Steen and as per a stipulation was hense forth dubbed "Canada's Greatest Athlete". Steen, now with Storm out of the way, became focused on the eWr World Title and became an ally of the Kings Of Wrestling as he helped them attempt to take out the Kings's newest foe in turn for a future title shot: Bryan Danielso, but to no avail. Steen was at a crossroads but was strangly put into a good position as a result of BattleBowl, as he would win the whole thing with his strange partner El Generico. Steen now has begun to associate with the man he broke into eWr with in Davey Richards, but has strangly been associated with his BattleBowl partner Generico, whom believes Steen is his friend despite Steen's bad attitude towards him and even being slapped and punched by him. Steen consistantly has been a major player in eWr and at such a young age will continue to for years. [/QUOTE]
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i> [center][B][SIZE="5"]Chapter Two Continued[/SIZE][/B] [B]PWU[/B][/center] [B]Tom Carter[/B]: In mid August, I had recieved an email from another promoter on the scene telling me that PWU was seeking a buyer. So instantly I called Kashmere. [B]Bryce Remsberg[/B]: Pro Wrestling Unplugged was a promotion out of Philly which was essentially another promotion trying to fill the ECW void here in Philly. [B]Bobby Risigliano[/B]: PWU never impressed me to be honest. Not alot of talented guys there, and the ones that were there were either working for us or CZW. [B]Eddie Kingston[/B]: I had friends in CZW and they were telling me that CZW wanted to buy out PWU and do some invasion story. [B]Ruckus[/B]: I had been in CZW for a big part of my career and when Zandig brought in guys like Maven Bentley and DJ Hyde, they always wanted to do some Vince McMahon **** and buy everyone out, with the little bit of money they brought to the promo. [B]Dave McDonald[/B]: PWU was owned manily by Johnny Kashmere, I say mainly because suposedly the guy who owned the ECW Arena owned like half but would quit and get back in weekly. [B]Tom Carter[/B]: Me and Johnny at the time had a very good relationship. We were indy vets and we had worked together many times. So I had offered to buy him out and all of his assets and take in some of is roster with us. [B]Bobby Risigliano[/B]: Blah, ok the tapes I could see but the roster no. They had like 4 actually talented guys there and they were coming with us either way. [B]Davey Richards (wrestler)[/B]: I was full time with IPW at this point and when he were told he bought PWU, which many considered to be one of the top few indys on the east coast cause it conistantly had sellouts at the Arena, I was surprised. Like it told alot of guys on the roster that this simply wasn't a small time fed anymore. [B]Tom Carter[/B]: We got alot of heat for the PWU deal. Alot of sites said I was abusing my status and I was trying to kill off competition nd all this. I was called Baby Vince, all sorts of stuff. Because I bought a failing business. The Philly folks hated us because they thought we were gonna kill their scene. And CZW now wanted to destroy us because we bought them, therefore killing their big storyline they wanted to stepup. Whatever. I remember alot of ROH guys calling me after this seeing what was up. [B]Alex Shelley[/B]: I was double up with ROH and TNA and when I saw that deal, I was intrigued like anyone else would. [B]Larry Sweeney[/B]: I remember going into that night, first show at the ECW Arena and it was tense. Cause there were a bunch of CZW guys there, alot of the unused PWU guys and us IPW guys and we kinda knew something was gonna go down. [QUOTE][SIZE="6"]IPW Arena War Results 8-27-05[/SIZE] -Danny Doring and Roadkill defeated The European Union after Roadkill hit the Amish Splash on Emil -JT Smith defeated Xavier with a Superkick -Ruckus defeated Jimmy Hustler with the Poetic Ruckus -IPW Crusierweight Champion (C) Derek Fraizer defeated Tony Mamaluke with the Pure Impact -Davey Richards and Kevin Steen wrestled to a 30 minute draw, following the match Steen faked shaking Davey's hand and attacked him -Mike Quackenbush defeated Luke Hawx with the Quackendriver II -In an Tag Team Ganulet match: IPW Tag Team Champions Beef Wellington and El Generico defeated The Olsen Twins, Incohierence, The New Fabulous Ones and Dead PreZ ending with Generico pinning Dub L with a Brainbustaaa for the final fall. -[B]In the main event: IPW World Heavyweight Champion Tom Carter defeated Jimmy Jacobs in a spike match. Great match very violent. Jacobs immeditly gained the spike and went after Carter's eye but Carter managed to fight on. Match ends with Jacobs attempting a super COntra Code but Carter back flipping off the top rope and powerbombing Jacobs off the top tope onto 2 chairs for the win. Carter celebrated in the ring as Jacobs claimed final revenge soon. Suddenly from the crowd, 6 guys run into the ring and procede to DESTROY Carter. We immeditly noticed Luke Hawx, Gary Wolfe, Nick Berk and Tod Gordon as men leading the attack. We then realized the 2 guys organizing the attack are Johhny Kashmere and Trent Acid, The Backseat Boyz. Kashmere then grabs a mic and procedes to cut a promo on IPW, calling it a fake indy and procedes to talk heavily about PWU being bought out and Carter booking himself to the title in IPW. Kashmere claims NY promotions always **** over Philly promotions. He then announces himself, Acid, Wolfe, Berk, Hawx and Gordon as Team Philly and were going to destroy IPW for destroying PWU. They then laid a PWU Philly Wrestling over Carter's fallen body. [/B] [/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="1"]profile7 [enter][/SIZE] [QUOTE][img]http://www.wrestlingworld.it/Historical/Tagteamgallery/backseatboyztrentacidjohnnykashmere.jpg[/img] [B][SIZE="5"]The Backseat Boyz (Johnny Kashmere and Trent Acid)[/SIZE][/B] [b]Height[/b]: Kashmere-6'0 Acid-5'11 [b]Weight[/b]: Kashmere-195 lbs. Acid- 180 lbs. [b]Age[/b]: Kashmere-30 Acid-28 [b]Hometown[/b]: Philadelphia, PA [b]Nicknames[/b]: Team-"The Dynamic Duo", "The Broad Street Best", "The Best Tag Team Ever" Kashmere-"The New Batman" Acid-"The Only Game In Town" [b]Entrance Theme[/b]: "The Chase" by Giorgio Moroder [b]Finisher[/b]: Team-T Gimmick, Backseat Driver, One Hit Wonder, Director's Cut, Dream Sequence Kashmere- Cradle Breaker, MRN, Arkham Armbar, Full Nelson Slam Acid- Acid Bomb, Acid Burn, Acid Drop, Acid Trip, Acid Lock, Yakuza Kick [b]Career Accomplishments[/b]: Team- ACW Tag Team Champions, ECWA Tag Team Champions, PCW Tag Team Champions, CZW Tag Team Champions, HW Tag Team Champions, NCW Tag Team Champions, JAPW Tag Team Champions, Urban Wrestling Tag Team Champions, ROH Tag Team Champions, PWU Tag Team Champions, eWr World Tag Team Champions Kashmere- PWU Heavyweight Champion, BJW World Jr. Heavyweight Champion, PWF Heavyweight Champion Acid- BJW World Jr. Heavyweight Champion, PWU Heavyweight Champion, CZW World Jr. Heavyweight Champion, CZW TV Champion, CZW Ironman Champion, JCW Heavyweight CHampion, UXW Heavyweight Champion, UXW US Champion, UXW Hardcore Champion Johnny Kashmere and Trent Acid, The Backseat Boyz have over the years gained the reputation as one of the greatest teams in the world. Both men were trained by former ECW Tag Team Champions The Pitbulls in their native Philadelphia. The two teamed up for the first time in early 2000 where they very quickly rose up the ranks and won the tag team titles from the Haas Brothers. The Boyz instantly became the hottest tag team on the East Coast, at one time holding the tag titles for the three biggest tag titles on the East Coast (CZW, JAPW and ECWA) at once. The two were even in negociations to join ECW before the comany folded. The Backseats would dominate CZW for nearly 3 years before leaving to join the new Ring Of Honor promotion. Upon debuting, they won the ROH Tag Team Titles and would hold it for nearly 9 months. In late 2003 the 2 would quit ROH to open the Pro Wrestling Unplugged promotion based out of the ECW Arena, where the two became and stayed the top guys in the promotion. However in mid 2005, eWr would buy PWU, without Kashmere and Acid's concent. The 2 would debut in shocking fashion at eWr's first venture into the ECW Arena, leading it's Team Philly stable in a vicious assault of then eWr Champion Tom Carter. Kashmere and Carter would carry their bad blood between themselves for nearly nine months as Kashmere claimed he was the true and only World champion in eWr, constantly brining out his PWU Title with him, which he successfully defended against Carter several times. This all while Acid nursed an elbow injury for two months,until he made his debut as Kashmere's partner against Carter and Mike Quackenbush. The Team Philly-eWr feud would continue, even when much of the Team Philly stable was fired, and thus became The Backseat Boyz vs. The World. The feud would end when Cater announced his retirement and the two faced each other in a cage match won by Carter. Following the end of that feud the Backseats finally recombined full time and quickly made a case a the team to beat, however they were soon shocked by the immergence of the legendary Midnight Express into IPW. The Backseats quickly targeted the legends as another stepping stone in their persuit of greatness. However the old dogs would not go down without a fight, beating the Backseats on several occassions. This feud once again went to a Loser Leaves Town Cage Match, in which a bloodied Backseats forced The Express out of IPW. The Backseats then turned their attention to the tag camps El Generico and Jigsaw, wining several matches against the two but not infact wining the titles. However when Beef Wellington returned and the tag titles went up in the air, the Backseats laid the seeds for their greatest feud. Once it was clear the tag champs were Generico and Jigsaw, The Backseats pounced and finally won the tag titles. The Backseats in their first reign turned away the former champs in an exciting series of matches. However their greatest challengers would be The BLK OUT, who would feud with the Backseats for nearly a year and a half. The Backseats would shockingly lose the eWr Tag Titles in Japan to the monsterous team of Yoshohiro Takayama and Minoru Suzuki, only to regain it a week later in Hawaii. There the blood feud between the Backseats and BLK OUT began, in a modern day Midnights/Rock and Roll style. The two would go on to exhibit why eWr has the best tag team divison in wrestling in several key matches including their infamous Scaffold Match, which resulted in Kashmere breaking his arm. This then forced Kashmere and Acid to bring in their new bodyguard Slymm as a way to combat the numbers game of BLK OUT. SHockingly enough, it was revealed Kashmere faked the arm injury as a way for the Backseats not to defend their titles. In a classic battle, The Backseats lost their titles to the Backseats. Despite several attempts to regain the titles, The Backseats would not regain the titles. In mid 2008, The Backseats would shock the wrestling world by defecting to TNA and thus ending a legendary career in eWr. [/QUOTE]
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l> [SIZE="5"][CENTER]Chapter Two Continued[/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][B]Live The Gimmick[/B][/CENTER] [B]Mike Quackenbush[/B]: The Arena show went petty well but it was very obvious the CZW guys there wanted to fight us. [B]Tom Carter[/B]: I had heard that Zandig riled up his wrestlers, saying we stole their livlehoods by buying PWU cause he really thought CZW was gonna be rolling in money as a result of that angle. The only ones that actually bought into it were the **** guys there that would have no jobs if it went under. I remember some money mark named DJ Hyde, he ran a gardening company and put money into CZW so he'd get a title run and get over as a 911 monster type guy, attempted to start something with us. Then ****ing Bobby knocked him out. Was hilarious, the other few CZW guys backed the hell off. [B]Bobby Risligliano[/B]: Heh, big guy like that you'd figure he could take a punch right? Heh, it was a good hit. [B]Bryce Remsberg[/B]: At this point, the promotion became soley focused upon this Team Philly gimmick. We didn't want it being a promotion feud cause ROH was rumored to start one with CZW soon, so we figured we do this. And we made the Philly guys as heels as possible. We threw it back to like they weren't in the same hotels as our guys and stuff like that. We wanted to make it as real as possible. [B]Dave McDonald[/B]: The Backseats were the only ones we were sold on, the other guys, Gary Wolfe, Berk and Hawx were all iffy at best. Then Acid breaks his elbow in a car accident so he's out, so Kashmere gets the ball, and runs with it for a pretty good feud. [B]Tom Carter[/B]: The feud was very intense, at this point we started out syndicated show so we were able to do more and expose ourselves more. By this time we started to change the product more and more new talent came in. And me and Kashmere were leading the show and to be honest it was a good run, even though by all other indy fed's levels the upper card wasn't as stacked as ROH or a fed like that. [B]Larry Sweeney[/B]: We really didn't have the name value of alot of other promotions at the time, but at the same time we were also the only ones with a TV show. We were in a good position at the time. [QUOTE][B] IPW We Are At War Results 9-17-05[/B] -Danny Doring defeated Tony Mamaluke with the Bareback -Xavier defeated Jimmy Hustler with the X Bomb -The Irish Airborne defeated The Olsen Twins with a Double Enzuguri on Colin Olsen -Ruckus defeated Luke Hawx with thr Poetic Ruckus -IPW Crusierweight Champion Derek Frazier defeated Emil Stochi with the Pure Impact -Mike Quackenbush and Incoherience defeated The New Fabulous Ones and Tracy Smothers after Quack hit the Quackensmash on Smothers for the win. -IPW World Tag Team Title Last Chance Match: (C) El Generico and Beef Wellington defeated Dead PreZ after Beef hit the EColi Driver on DubL after the match the 2 teams shook hands before being savagly attacked by Gary Wolfe and Nick Berk -Davey Richards and Kevin Steen wrestled to a double countout -In the Main Event, Johnny Kashmere defeated Tom Carter after nailing the Cradle Breaker following Trent Acid running in and nailing Carter with a baseball bat. Following the match, Team Philly ran in and attacked Carter until Derek Fraizer, Ruckus and Mike Quackenbush made the save. [/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="1"]profile8 [enter][/SIZE] [QUOTE] [img]http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/pictures/d/derekfrazier/05.jpg[/img] [B][SIZE="6"]Derek Frazier[/SIZE][/B] [b]Height:[/b] 5'11 [b]Weight:[/b] 172 lbs. [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Hometown:[/b] Baltimore, MD [b]Nicknames: [/b] "Pure Impact" [b]Entrance Theme:[/b] "Don't Stay" by Linkin Park [b]Finisher: [/b] Pure Impact, Impact Driver, D2, Moonsault Press [b]Career Accomplishments:[/b] CZW World Junior Heavyweight Championship, CZW World Tag Team Championship, MCW Crusierweight Championship, IPW Cursierweight Championship Derek Fraizer, one of the more underated stars in the history of eWr, began wrestling in 2002 in his native Baltimore. He was trained by fellow Baltimore star and current eWr star Ruckus. Fraizer quickly began to establish a name for himself in both MCW and CZW as a potential future star, wining both promotion's crusierweight titles. Fraizer made his eWr debut at Battle At The Rexplex where he won a 4 corners match. He would shock the world and become the first IPW Crusierweight champion by going the distance and winning another 4 corners match. Frazier would go on a nearly 8 month long hot streak defeating some of the best wrestlers including Mike Quackenbush, Ruckus, Delirious and more. However, Frazier's luck would run out at the Brawl At The Borgata when Roderick Strong made his shocking debut and soundly defeated Frazier for the title. Strong claimed he didn't need the title, but Frazier fought gallantly for the belt before losing a Title vs. Career match against Strong at WrestleFest 05. Frazier would pack up and begin wrestling in Japan with New Japan Pro Wrestling. It was there he impressed scouts with the TNA organization, where he currently wrestles in. [/QUOTE]
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