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July 2008, Week 1, Monday


Reese Paige´s notes


In the CWA:

I have nothing much to report from last month except that things are still looking good from a financial point of view. Let us focus on the next card instead:

CWA Dust’n’Bones


Madman Boone vs Paul Steadyfast – CWA Texas Heavyweight

Boone has been granted a re-match for the title, given the controversial finish to his match at the last live event. Will he have better luck this time, or will Steadyfast be able to hold on to his gold?


Corporal Reckless vs Rex Reeves

Rex Reeves had high thoughts of himself going into his match against Madman Boone in May. He lost that one, but will Corporal Reckless be able to teach him not to be disrespectful or will Reeves stand tall when the dust settles?


Ace Youngblood & Mr. Execution vs The New Demons Of Rage – CWA Tag Team

The New Demons Of Rage had no trouble winning the titles from No Fear. Here we will see if the new, and very talented, team of Ace Youngblood and Mr. Execution will cut their reign short.


Marshall Williams vs Whisky Jack

Being a lawman, I bet Williams wants to punish Whisky Jack for his actions at the last event. Will young Williams be able to claim justice from the rugged veteran brawler?


No Fear vs The Vagabonds

The main question here is perhaps not who will win, but whether they will be able to pull out a decent match this time around. The winners are in a good position to get a title shot in the near future.


Mad Dog Mortimer vs Mark Smart

This match is about who is higher up on the ladder. Neither man looks like a threat to the Heavyweight champion right now, so they both need the win to start gaining momentum.


From the wrestling world:

June was a quiet month overall. One thing worthy of notice though was that NOTBPW had to end their TV show Championship Wrestling since no one wanted to air it any longer. I wonder what this means for their future.


Until next time,

Reese Paige

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Madman Boone vs Paul Steadyfast – CWA Texas Heavyweight


Corporal Reckless vs Rex Reeves


Ace Youngblood & Mr. Execution vs The New Demons Of Rage – CWA Tag Team


Marshall Williams vs Whisky Jack


No Fear vs The Vagabonds



Mad Dog Mortimer vs Mark Smart

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July 2008, Week 3, Saturday



CWA Dust’n’Bones

Held at the Round Rock Arena in front of 56 people


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MadDogMortimer_alt3.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MarkSmart.jpg

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Mark Smart

A foghorn blares, and CWA’s resident hockey goon makes his way to the ring for his opening match against Mark Smart.

Smarty enters with a microphone in his hand, as usual, and mocks Mortimer lackluster career by telling anecdotes from the backstage without really breaking kayfabe.

When the match starts, it is evident that both men are eager to win. The fight is intense and exciting. The end comes when Mortimer hits a flatliner and gets the three count.

Mad Dog Mortimer defeated Mark Smart in 5:32 by pinfall.

Rating: E-


Next, backstage footage is shown (on the arena flatscreen tv as well as the DVD). Reese Paige and Jemma Griffiths are bump into each other, and Paige is evidently a bit jealous of Jemma, who is getting more attention from the males. They start arguing about who is the hottest, and they decide to let the fans decide. There will be a bikini contest later tonight! Most fans like the sound of that.

Rating: E


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/FearlessBlue.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/DaredevilAero_alt.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/LeoDavis_alt.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/CraigLewis_alt.jpg

No Fear vs The Vagabonds

After their respective entrances, with No Fear’s high energy guitar riff and The Vagabond’s bum appearance as usual, the teams lock-up.

Lee Bambino probably voices most people’s thoughts when he calls this match “No Fear vs The Vagabonds, episode one gazillion. At least that’s what it feels like.” Oh, and to put us out of our misery, Leo Davis’ neckbreaker on Aero gives his team the pinfall victory.

The Vagabonds defeated No Fear in 7:49 when Leo Davis defeated Daredevil Aero by pinfall.

Rating: F+


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/BenWilliams_alt7.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/WhiskyJack.jpg

Marshall Williams vs Whisky Jack

Williams enters the ring to the sound of “Rattlesnake Highway” followed by Whisky Jack whose entrance music is “Whisky in the jar”.

Their match is ok by CWA standards. Williams tries hard, and comes close to winning at several occasions. He makes a strong case with a Thesz press followed by a top rope moonsault, but Whisky Jack is able to come back, and finally put his opponent away with the Face First Suplex.

Whisky Jack defeated Marshall Williams in 8:48 by pinfall with a Face First Suplex.

Rating: E-


Madman Boone enters the ring and tells the crowd that tonight Paul Steadyfast will pay the price for the foul play he orchestrated last month. Boone will not be fooled again. This time he is prepared, and when tonight’s match is over, the CWA will have a new, deserving champion. And he promises that his first opponent after he has won the Heavyweight title will be Whisky Jack. “Because ol’ Jack and myself, we’ve got unfinished business, you see!”

The fans are standing in their seats cheering and chanting “Boone! Boone! Boone!” after this promo. Madman Boone leaves the ring smiling.

Rating: C-


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/WarrenTechnique_alt.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/AceYoungblood.jpg w/ http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/JemmaGriffiths.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/DemonAnger.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PrimusAllen_alt.jpg w/ http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/Willow_alt2.jpg


Mr. Execution and Ace Youngblood w/ Jemma vs The New Demons Of Rage © w/ Willow

- CWA Tag Team Titles -

The challengers enter to the sound of Ace’s entrance music to a good reaction from the crowd. When some cheap pyros go off and “Born To Raise Hell” begins to play though, the small crowd goes nuts. It is clear they hate the trio walking to the ring, and they are being quite vocal about it.

Ace Youngblood comes out throwing punches left and right once the match starts, but is overpowered by Anger and Fury. Mr. Execution enters the ring to help his partner out, and eventually some kind of order is restored.

Ace and Fury then fight it out with Ace holding the upper hand until Dale Kenney is distracted by Willow and the Demons double-team the Native American. Ace then becomes the face in peril as Fury hits one move after the other while making sure to keep his opponent out of Mr. Execution’s reach. That can of course not go on forever, and when Ace counters a power move from Fury with a jawbreaker, he manages to make the tag. Mr. Execution then dominates Fury, and has him firmly in an STF when the demon reaches out to his partner. Demon Anger hits the ring, and manhandles Execution. He knocks Ace from the apron and hits his trademark Demon Slam on Execution, who is unable to kick out.

The New Demons Of Rage (w/ Willow) defeated Ace Youngblood (w/ Jemma) and Mr. Execution in 11:42 when Demon Anger defeated Mr. Execution by pinfall with a Demon Slam. The New Demons Of Rage make defence number 1 of their CWA Tag Team titles.

Rating: E-


After clearing the ring of wrestlers, Dale Kenney announces that it is time for the bikini contest. Jemma Griffiths and Reese Paige enter the ring, and to the audience’s delight they strip down to some rather revealing swimwear. Dale leads them through a standard bikini contest - taking turns to wow the audience - before letting the crowd decide who wins. Jemma Griffiths is announced as the winner, which Reese Paige looks very unhappy about. Jemma on the other hand is beaming, and blows kisses to the guys on her way to the back.

Rating: D


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/XavierReckless_alt2.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/RexReeves.jpg

Corporal Reckless vs Rex Reeves

The patriotic military man is greeted with cheers as he marches out to the ring, waving an American flag.

“Walk” by Pantera begins to play, and Rex Reeves emerges to some heat from the audience.

Corporal Reckless claimed that he would teach Rex not to be disrespectful. It remains unclear if that is achieved tonight. What is clear is that the match is better than expected. From the initial lock up until the finishing Slingshot DDT from Reckless, it is entertaining and the crowd really gets into it.

Corporal Reckless defeated Rex Reeves in 8:33 by pinfall with a Slingshot DDT.

Rating: E


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MadmanBoone.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PaulSteadyfast.jpg


Madman Boone vs Paul Steadyfast ©

- CWA Texas Heavyweight Title -

The loudest crowd reaction of the night comes when the first notes of “The Mercenary” is heard and Madman Boone enter. He walks to the ring, giving high fives to at least ten percent of the people present.

“2x4” and Paul Steadyfast are not at all welcomed in such a nice way. On the other hand, he does not really try to please the crowd either. Instead he yells obscenities at the Texans.

The match is initially a lot about establishing which star is stronger. Though it is a close call, Boone comes out on top, and manages to hold on to that edge even if both men seem to be closely matched. Every time Steadyfast has the upper hand, Boone rebounds and comes out looking strong. It becomes evident that he has no intention at losing this one. Boone gets ready to end it all by hitting several running shoulder tackles in a row, building momentum. He signals that it is time to finish this. At that very moment, Dale Kenney is distracted by a fan climbing the guardrail. With the referee wrestling a fan, Whisky Jack sneaks out through the crowd on the opposite side of the ring with a steel chair in his hands. Boone does not notice, but instead slingshots into the ropes and WHACK! has the steel chair firmly planted in his back. As he stumbles forward, Steadyfast grabs him and nails his Slingshot Suplex. Dale Kenney does not see any of this, but conveniently returns to the ring just in time to make the three count.

Paul Steadyfast defeated Madman Boone in 16:31 by pinfall with a Slingshot Suplex following interference from Whisky Jack. Paul Steadyfast makes defence number 6 of his CWA Texas Heavyweight title.

Rating: D-


The match is over, and Paul Steadyfast is celebrating. Madman Boone gets to his feet and looks absolutely furious. He jumps Steadyfast from behind, and gives him a thorough beating, including a trio of Boone and Busts, much to the crowd’s delight.

Rating: D


Final Rating: D-

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Predictions so far:


Baptism Under Fire 1: No predictions.

Live Event (february 2008): No predictions.

Live Event (march 2008): No predictions.

Nobody’s Fool 2008: BHK1978 1/5

Live Event (may 2008): Apupunchau@optonline 3/4, BHK1978 4/4

Live Event (june 2008): No Predictions

Dust’n’Bones 2008: BHK1978 6/6


Well done BHK1978! Let's see how long that streak of perfect scores will run. :)

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August 2008, Week 1, Monday


Reese Paige’s notes


Inside the CWA:

As we stay profitable (close to 10K this month too), I have been trying to convince Quincy to bring in some fresh talent. He was hesitant, and it seemed to be from several different reasons. First of all, he has set his mind to keeping a minimum possible roster claiming that it is more economical to have fewer workers employed. The second reason was that it is easier to keep track of the bookings when you have fewer wrestlers. Finally, he claimed that he would never consider hiring a person who is under contract with another promotion, and there quite frankly are not a lot of affordable guys on the independent scene right now that would be worth signing. We will se what happens in the future though. I feel some new blood is needed every now and then, and that will possibly happen soon as most of our workers signed 9 month contracts back in January, so they are up for renewal in September.

One exciting thing to report is that Quincy has negotiated a working agreement with Rip Chord and his MAW.

Our next show will only feature talent from our own roster though:

CWA Live Event (aug)

Mr. Execution vs Paul Steadyfast © – Submission match for CWA Texas Heavyweight Title

Ace Youngblood vs Whisky Jack

Mad Dog Mortimer & Madman Boone vs The New Demons Of Rage © – Tables Match for CWA Tag Team Titles

Daredevil Aero vs Leo Davis

Corporal Reckless vs Crash Lewis


From the world of wrestling:

The international superstar Dan Stone Jr shocked the world by leaving NOTBPW a few weeks ago. One has to wonder what he is thinking. Will he show up in SWF, TCW or Japan?

In Britain, Greg “The Highland Warrior” McPeterson retired from active wrestling. He will stay in an active role with his company MOSC though, managing his son Jeffrey.

Mexican legendary former wrestler Mephisto announced that he left the business. He has been unable to find work with a major promotion, and at 67 he was getting too old to make much of an effort. It is rumored that when the MHW did not call for his services, he lost whatever hope he might have had of making a last contribution to the sport.


Until next time,

Reese Paige

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August 2008, Week 3, Saturday



CWA Live Event

Held at the Round Rock Arena in front of 53 people


Dark Match

Fearless Blue vs Marshall Williams vs Mark Smart vs Rex Reeves

Fearless Blue defeated Rex Reeves, Marshall Williams and Mark Smart in 9:52 when Fearless Blue defeated Mark Smart by pinfall with a Springboard Lariat.

Rating: E-


Main Show


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/XavierReckless_alt2.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/CraigLewis_alt.jpg

Corporal Reckless vs Crash Lewis

Reckless and Lewis give us a decent opener. Both men had their chances to end it, but Reckless ended up victorious.

Corporal Reckless defeated Crash Lewis in 10:37 by pinfall with a Slingshot DDT.

Rating: E-


Madman Boone is backstage with Quincy Han****. He asks to be given a chance to wrestle Paul Steadyfast in a singles match. Han**** says that Boone has had plenty of chances, but if Boone show himself worthy of another title shot, he will consider it.

Rating: C-


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/DaredevilAero_alt.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/LeoDavis_alt.jpg

Daredevil Aero vs Leo Davis

In a rather dull match, Leo showcases his veteran skills and outmaneuvers Aero.

Leo Davis defeated Daredevil Aero in 7:31 by pinfall.

Rating: F+


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MadDogMortimer_alt3.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MadmanBoone.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/DemonAnger.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PrimusAllen_alt.jpg w/ http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/Willow_alt2.jpg


Mad Dog Mortimer and Madman Boone vs The New Demons Of Rage ©

- Tables elimination match for the CWA Tag Team Titles -

The crowd is really behind Boone in this one, and it is an exciting match. After Mortimer and Fury both have been sent crashing through tables, Boone and Anger have a vicious brawl that , rather surprisingly, ends with Boone being backdropped over the top rope and through a ringside table.

The New Demons Of Rage defeated Mad Dog Mortimer and Madman Boone in 13:48; Mad Dog Mortimer was eliminated first, then Demon Fury, and finally Madman Boone. The New Demons Of Rage make defence number 2 of their CWA Tag Team titles.

Rating: E+


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/AceYoungblood.jpg w/ http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/JemmaGriffiths.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/WhiskyJack.jpg

Ace Youngblood w/ Jemma vs Whisky Jack

Ace does everything right in this one, until the end that is. It is never a good thing to be so concerned about your managers well-being so you let your opponent come back and perform his finishing move on you.

Whisky Jack defeated Ace Youngblood in 12:06 by pinfall with a Face First Suplex.

Rating: E


After the match, Madman Boone comes out and says that Whisky Jack has cost him the Texas Heavyweight title twice. He says that he is sick and tired of the constant interference, and that he challenges Whisky Jack to a match next month. And if Boone wins that one, Jack will be banned from ringside at all Boone’s matches until the end of the year. Whisky Jack comes out and says that he accepts, but if Boone loses, Jack gets to decide what matches Boone will be in for the rest of 2008. Without hesitation, Boone accept, and a singles bout between the two is announced for next months Live Event.

Rating: D


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/WarrenTechnique_alt.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PaulSteadyfast.jpg


Mr. Execution vs Paul Steadyfast ©

- Submission match for the CWA Texas Heavyweight Title -

The main event is by far the best display of technical wrestling we have seen so far in the CWA. Steadyfast and Mr. Execution appear closely matched, there are several occasions where the crowd is sure one of the wrestlers are going to tap. Eventually, Mr. Execution has to submit when locks in an STF – Mr. Execution’s own finisher! – in the middle of the ring.

Paul Steadyfast defeated Mr. Execution in 17:56 by submission. Paul Steadyfast makes defence number 7 of his CWA Texas Heavyweight title.

Rating: D-


After the main event, Dale Kenney gives us a bonus by leading Jemma Griffiths and Willow through a standard bikini contest, which Jemma wins.

Rating: D-


Final Rating: E+

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Reese Paige’s notes


In the CWA:

We continue to make profit. And Quincy continues to ignore my advice about expanding the roster. September will likely be a busy month, since a lot of contracts are up for renewal. Quincy has told me that he will try to re-sign all the workers. He believes in loyalty towards his crew, and they are welcome to stay until they feel it is time to move on.

Our next show will be another standard live event, and then we will hold what could possibly be the most important show of the year. Sole Survivor in October will be a 15-man pinfall and submission battle royal, where the winner in addition to being Sole Survivor also will be guaranteed a CWA Texas Heavyweight Title match at Baptism Under Fire 2 in January.

But first things first. Here are the matches for September’s Live Event:

Madman Boone vs Whisky Jack – If Boone wins, Jack will be banned from ringside at all of Boone’s matches for the rest of the year. If Jack wins, he will decide Boone’s matches for the same period of time.

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Paul Steadyfast © – CWA Texas Heavyweight

Ace Youngblood vs Rex Reeves

No Fear vs The New Demons Of Rage © – CWA Tag Team

Mr. Execution vs Mark Smart

Williams & Reckless vs The Vagabonds


From the wrestling world:

Dan Stone Jr, who left his family’s promotion in July, has showed up in Japan and is touring with BHOTWG.

Big Russian Marat Khoklov has left INSPIRE. Will Richard Eisen or Tommy Cornell be his next employer?

Former 5SSW World champion Namiyo Muro retired last month, as did independent females Nikki Power and Seiko Nanami.

Former SWF North American champion and USPW World champion Captain USA also hung his boots up. He will remain with USPW, at least for now, managing younger stars.

TCW looks to be in trouble, as GNN Total Sports dropped both TCW Presents Total Wrestling and TCW Rumble Rock TV.

MHW Acción Viva will debut on El Canal Del Hombre Dos, as well as APW Battering Ram on The Bloke Channel.

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Madman Boone vs Whisky JackIf Boone wins, Jack will be banned from ringside at all of Boone’s matches for the rest of the year. If Jack wins, he will decide Boone’s matches for the same period of time.

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Paul Steadyfast © – CWA Texas Heavyweight

Ace Youngblood vs Rex Reeves

No Fear vs The New Demons Of Rage © – CWA Tag Team

Mr. Execution vs Mark Smart

Williams & Reckless vs The Vagabonds

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<p><em>OOC: Sorry about posting this show so soon after the preview, but I have so many shows still to post I feel it is best to do it when I have the time...</em></p><p> </p><p>

September 2008, Week 3, Saturday</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/CWA_LiveEvent.jpg</span><p>

<strong>CWA Live Event</strong></p><p>

Held at the Round Rock Arena in front of 57 people</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Jemma Griffiths comes to the ring holding a copy of the next edition of a wrestling magazine, which she is on the cover of. She talks about how steamy the pictures are, and recommends that everyone buys it. It seems rather likely several of the 57 persons in the audience will do just that.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: D+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/BenWilliams_alt7.jpg</span><span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/XavierReckless_alt2.jpg</span> VS <span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/LeoDavis_alt.jpg</span><span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/CraigLewis_alt.jpg</span><p>

<strong>Williams & Reckless vs The Vagabonds</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

The youngsters work well together as a team, and even though the veteran Vagabonds give them a really tough fight, Reckless is able to pin Davis.</p><p>

<strong>Williams & Reckless defeated The Vagabonds</strong> in 8:58 when Corporal Reckless defeated Leo Davis by pinfall with a Slingshot DDT.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: F+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/WarrenTechnique_alt.jpg</span> VS <span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MarkSmart.jpg</span><p>

<strong>Mr. Execution vs Mark Smart</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Mr. Execution looks determined to show everyone that he is worthy better opposition than Mark Smart, and he succeeds rather well. Smart begins with a confident smirk on his face, but when every move he makes is answered twice, he starts to look more and more unsure of himself. Mr. Execution on the other hand goes on like the wrestling machine he is and methodically disassembles Smarty until the time is right to finish him off.</p><p>

<strong>Mr. Execution defeated Mark Smart</strong> in 10:54 by submission with a STF.</p><p>

<strong>Rating: E</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/FearlessBlue.jpg</span><span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/DaredevilAero_alt.jpg</span> VS <span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/DemonAnger.jpg</span><span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PrimusAllen_alt.jpg</span> w/ <span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/Willow_alt2.jpg</span><p>


<strong>No Fear vs The New Demons Of Rage ©</strong></p><p><strong><strong>

- CWA Tag Team Titles -</strong></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><strong><strong>

Wow, No Fear really impress lots of people with their daredevil act today. Not many botched moves, and they really made the Demons work hard to retain their titles.</strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>The New Demons Of Rage defeated No Fear</strong></strong></strong><strong><strong> in 14:05 when Demon Fury defeated Daredevil Aero by pinfall with a Running Powerslam. The New Demons Of Rage make defence number 3 of their CWA Tag Team titles.</strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>Rating: E-</strong></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

Mad Dog Mortimer comes to the ring for an interview about his upcoming singles match with Paul Steadyfast. He says that most fans probably just see him as a lamb on its way to the slaughter, but he has always been the underdog and look where he is today! The crowd cheers him on. Especially the guy holding a sign saying “Mad Dog Mortimer is CWA’s #99”.</strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>Rating: E+</strong></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/AceYoungblood.jpg</span><strong><strong> w/ </strong></strong><span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/JemmaGriffiths.jpg</span><strong><strong> VS </strong></strong><span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/RexReeves.jpg</span><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>Ace Youngblood vs Rex Reeves</strong></strong></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><strong><strong>

Ace and Rex fight as much outside the ring as in it, constantly flying over the ropes as well as diving through them.</strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>Ace Youngblood defeated Rex Reeves</strong></strong></strong><strong><strong> in 9:40 by pinfall with a Flying Tomahawk Chop.</strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>Rating: E-</strong></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MadDogMortimer_alt3.jpg</span><strong><strong> VS </strong></strong><span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PaulSteadyfast.jpg</span><p><strong><strong>


</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>Mad Dog Mortimer vs Paul Steadyfast ©</strong></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

- CWA Texas Heavyweight Title -</strong></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><strong><strong>

Mortimer is far from chanceless, but Steadyfast still rather comfortably adds another title defence to the row.</strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>Paul Steadyfast defeated Mad Dog Mortimer</strong></strong></strong><strong><strong> in 10:42 by pinfall with a Slingshot Suplex. Paul Steadyfast makes defence number 8 of his CWA Texas Heavyweight title.</strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>Rating: D-</strong></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong> </strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MadmanBoone.jpg</span><strong><strong> VS </strong></strong><span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/WhiskyJack.jpg</span><p><strong><strong>

</strong></strong><strong><strong><strong>Madman Boone vs Whisky Jack</strong></strong></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><strong><strong><strong><strong>

This match is more than anything else a wild, passionate brawl. It sways back and forth all the time and it is hard to say who is in control of it. Near the end, Paul Steadyfast comes to the ringside, carrying his championship belt. This draws the attention of Madman Boone as well as referee Dale Kenney. Especially so when Steadyfast stands on the apron to make sure Boone gets a good look at the belt. Jack seizes the opportunity to quickly roll Boone up. He only manages to get a two count though, and after counting that Kenney rushes to stop Steadyfast from entering the ring. In the turmoil, the champion drops his belt, which Boone scoops up. With Kenney still diverted by Steadyfast, Boone knocks Jack out with the belt and covers him after kicking the “weapon” out of the ring. Jack cannot kick out, and Boone wins the match, banning his opponent from ringside during his matches for the rest of the year.</strong></strong></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong><strong><strong>

</strong></strong></strong></strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong>Madman Boone defeated Whisky Jack</strong></strong></strong></strong></strong><strong><strong><strong><strong> in 13:14 by pinfall after using a foreign object.</strong></strong></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong><strong><strong>

</strong></strong></strong></strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong>Rating: E+</strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong><strong><strong> </strong></strong></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong><strong><strong>

Having picked up the victory, Madman Boone celebrates in the ring.</strong></strong></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong><strong><strong>

</strong></strong></strong></strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong>Rating: D+</strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong> </strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong>

Final Rating: E+</strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></p>

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<p>October 2009, Week 2, Thursday</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Reese Paige´s notes</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><em>In the CWA:</em></strong></p><p> As I said, it has been a tough couple of weeks for us here, but a lot of interesting things have happened since our last Live Event.</p><p> At MAW The Clash, in late September, Demon Anger faced Erik Strong in a match for the Mid Atlantic Championship. He lost the match, but it was an entertaining and exciting bout. I would rate it a D. He was only on loan for one night, but we all found it nice to have one of our workers wrestling on the East Coast.</p><p> The other Demon, Fury, will also be wrestling on the East Coast. In his case it is NYCW who have signed him to a PPA deal. Apparently they will have him wrestling without his demon mask and using the name Primus Allen. Strange. Fury will be the first wrestler in CWA history who works for another promotion, and we are of course happy for him.</p><p> Corporal Reckless left CWA due to contract expiry yesterday. We could not reach a deal, and the CWA wish him the best of luck in the future. We sincerely hope there is another promotion out there willing to meet his rather tough demands.</p><p> The first attempt to bring in a replacement fell through, as Bryan Holmes did not think we were big enough for him. Not the end of the world though. I am sure we will find someone to fill the void Reckless left behind.</p><p> Anyhow, up next is a big show for us:</p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="20293" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>CWA Sole Survivor 2008<p> <span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/Generic_Trophy.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Madman Boone vs Paul Steadyfast © – Last Man Standing for the CWA Texas Heavyweight Title</p><p> </p><p> 15-man CWA Sole Survivor Battle Royal, featuring <em>Ace Youngblood, Crash Lewis, Daredevil Aero, Demon Anger, Demon Fury, Fearless Blue, Leo Davis, Mad Dog Mortimer, Mark Smart, Marshall Williams, Mr. Execution, Rex Reeves, The Masked Patriot I, The Masked Patriot II and Whisky Jack</em> - the winner receives the Sole Survivor trophy as well as a CWA Texas Heavyweight title shot at CWA Baptism Under Fire in January.</p><p> </p><p> The Masked Patriots vs The New Demons Of Rage © – CWA Tag Team Titles</p></div></blockquote><p> The Masked Patriots are new faces for us:</p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/BulldozerBrandon_alt2.jpg</span><span>http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/AmericanPatriot.jpg</span><p> The Masked Patriot I & II</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> We will see what kind of impact they can make, and how long they will be with us.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><em>From the world of wrestling:</em></strong></p><p> BHOTWG were apparently not satisfied with Haruki Kudo’s work as their head booker, so they replaced him with The Great Hisato. Kudo remains contracted to the promotion.</p><p> Another brick is gone from the house as Jeremy Stone leaves NOTBPW. Will he join his younger brother in Japan, or what are his plans for the future?</p><p> September was a “retirement heavy” month, with heavily decorated superstars Sensational Ogiwara, Lee Wright and Sam Keith all retiring from active competition. One of Mexican wrestling’s biggest names of all time, Alfredo Menendez, left the business.</p><p> The biggest news of the month was without a doubt Sam Keith being inducted into the Hall Of Immortals. Keith is, picking a few of his accomplishments, a former 4 time SWF World champion, 2 time CGC World champion, 2 time MPWF world champion and 2 time Burning World champion.</p><p> </p><p> That was all for this time. I’ll be back in approximately one month, maybe to give my thoughts on Sole Survivor.</p><p> </p><p> Yours truly,</p><p> <em>Reese Paige</em></p>
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October 2008, Week 3, Saturday



CWA Sole Survivor 2008

Held at the Round Rock Arena in front of 95 people


The Masked Patriots open the show by coming to the ring to the sound of the “Top Gun Anthem”. They tell the crowd that they have come to the CWA as free agents to become tag team champions, and that they will also participate in the Sole Survivor match. They hope to have a good enough showing to get full-time contracts. The first task at hand will be to deal with The New Demons Of Rage.

Rating: D-


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/BulldozerBrandon_alt2.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/AmericanPatriot.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/DemonAnger.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PrimusAllen_alt.jpg w/ http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/Willow_alt2.jpg


The Masked Patriots vs The New Demons Of Rage ©

- CWA Tag Team Titles -

“Born To Raise Hell” begins to play, and through red smoke, the Demons emerge. When they enter the ring, they are clearly annoyed that their opponents are not intimidated.

The match starts rather hesitantly, with both teams trying to find a good way of attacking the others. The smaller “The Masked Patriot II”, who clearly fights more like a cruiserweight than his bigger partner, has some problems early on, when his aerial attacks seem to have little effect on his monstrous opponents. “I” is more on the same level as the opponents, and he is the first one to score a two count, when pinning Demon Fury. The experienced tag team wrestler Anger makes the save though, and the match goes on.

With time, “II” starts making an impact as well when he targets the Demons’ legs, and he is at one point very close to hitting a stunning top-rope shooting star press on Anger. The Demon rolls out of harms way at the last second though, and gets two-and-a-half count. The high-flying patriot tags his bigger partner in, but he is greeted with a kick to the gut and a Demon Slam for the 1-2-3.

The New Demons Of Rage defeated The Masked Patriots in 10:33 when Demon Anger defeated The Masked Patriot I by pinfall with a Demon Slam. The New Demons Of Rage make defence number 4 of their CWA Tag Team titles.

Rating: E+


On the way back from the ring with the tag team champions, Willow runs into Jemma Griffiths, who gets in her face, claiming to be much hotter than the gypsy manager. Willow says that any man can see that there is only one person who is “hot as hell”, and that is she. She will be happy to let the fans decide the argument by means of a bikini contest. Jemma accepts.

Rating: E-



CWA Sole Survivor 15-man pinfall and submission battle royal

It is now time for the first ever CWA Sole Survivor Match. Quincy tells everyone that 2 wrestlers will start in the ring, and every two minutes, another will enter. The order of entrance will be determined by a backstage lottery during the match. Eliminations can come through pinfall or submission inside the ring, or failing to re-enter the ring before a ten count if leaving or being thrown out. No managers are allowed at ringside, and eliminated wretlers must leave immediately. The last man remaining after all 15 have entered will be the Sole Survivor, and face Paul Steadyfast, or whoever is the Texas Heavyweight champion at the time, at Baptism Under Fire 2.

The first entrant is…



Demon Fury!


and the second…



The Masked Patriot I!


Without hesitation, the two big men clash at the center of the ring, continuing where they left off a few minutes earlier. They fight intensely, but neither man is eliminated when two mintues has passed. The enthusiastic crowd starts counting down when 10 seconds remain, and when they reach 0…



Leo Davis enters!


Davis and Fury team up on the Patriot, who spends much energy fending off their attacks. The strategy seems to be for Fury to tie up the Patriot and Leo Davis to deal pain through kicks and blows. When the big ringside timer reaches 4:00…



Mr. Execution rushes to the ring!


The match now splits into two separate affairs, with Execution taking on Davis while Fury and the Patriot go back to having a one on one fight. Some double-teaming does take place, such as when Fury is whipped into the ropes, and on the rebound is met by a double Suplex from Execution and the Patriot. No man has yet been eliminated at 6:00, when…



Whisky Jack joins them!


He immediately goes after Mr. Execution and, with some assistance from Davis, is able to eliminate him following a DDT.

Mr. Execution was eliminated after 7:12 (by Whisky Jack)

The Masked Patriot now sees himself outnumbered 3 to 1, as all the others turn their attention to him. He is saved by the bell though, when at 8:00…



The Masked Patriot II comes to the rescue!


It is still a three on two advantage to the odd gang of Leo Davis, Whisky Jack and Demon Fury, but the two masked men valiantly stay in the match until it is time for the next wrestler to enter at 10:00.



And it is Marshall Williams!


Williams takes on Fury at the same time that The Masked Patriot II hits a high crossbody on Leo Davis and covers him for a 3-count.

Leo Davis was eliminated after 10:48 (by The Masked Patriot II)

It seems that Davis was the driving force in the temporary alliances, as it now opens up to the point where everyone is fighting each other. The only exception is The Masked Patriots, who seem to be watching each other back.

The timer shows 12:00 and…



Daredevil Aero enters!


Aero quickly climbs the top turnbuckle, and goes for a flying crossbody on Demon Fury. The big Demon catches him in mid-air though, and finishes him off with a Running Powerslam.

Daredevil Aero was eliminated after 12:15 (by Demon Fury)

Marshall Williams tries to capitalize on Fury’s prone position with a leg drop, but Fury shakes it off and stands. He grabs Williams by the throat, and choke slams him to the mat. Williams is unable to kick out.

Marshall Williams was eliminated after 12:31. (by Demon Fury)

The Masked Patriots do not give Fury any breathing room, double teaming him as soon as he stands up. Whisky Jack soon joins in though, swinging at everyone, so no one is eliminated before 14:00…



When Fearless Blue enters!


Blue makes a very energetic start, throwing a variety of kicks at everyone in the ring. Whisky Jack soon neutralizes him with a stiff forearm blow though, but only gets a two count before Blue kicks out. Demon Fury then grabs Jack and starts pounding his head, and the brawl goes on until it is time for the next man to enter at 16:00 and it is…



Mark Smart!


Smart joins in on the brawl, which goes on until, at 18:00…



Mad Dog Mortimer enters!


Mad Dog immediately targets Mark Smart, who has done a good job avoiding the action so far, and they exchange blows for a while. Meanwhile, Fearless Blue and Whisky Jack are occupied with each other, leaving Demon Fury at the hands of The Masked Patriots. The weary Demon is eventually overpowered, and The Masked Patriot I finished him off with a backdrop driver.

Demon Fury was eliminated at 19:02 (by The Masked Patriot I)

Soon after that, Whisky Jack hits a Face First Suplex on Fearless Blue, and covers him for another elimination.

Fearless Blue was eliminated at 19:41 (by Whisky Jack)

At 20:00…



Rex Reeves enters!


He rushes over to help Smarty deal with Mortimer. The battle is now Reeves & Smarty vs Mad Dog Mortimer as well as The Masked Patriots vs Whisky Jack. In both mini-bouts, the outnumbered guy makes a heroic effort to stay in the match, but Whisky Jack is eventually forced to submit to The Masked Patriot I’s rear naked choke.

Whisky Jack was eliminated at 21:18 (by The Masked Patriot I)

The Patriots now turn their attention to Mark Smart, who quickly escapes the ring under the bottom rope. At the same time, Rex Reeves catches Mad Dog Mortimer in a crucifix pin, and gets the pinfall.

Mad Dog Mortimer was eliminated at 21:44 (by Rex Reeves)

Smarty returns to the ring before being counted out, and the timer says 22:00…



And to the ring comes Ace Youngblood!


Ace does not seem to have any friends in the ring, as all four turn their attention to him, but Mark Smart cannot help himself and gives one of the Patriots a blindsided punch. And before he knows what happened, he has been whipped into the corner, hit by a splash from “II”, speared by “I” and hit by a second rope kneedrop from “II”, who then covers him for the 1-2-3.

Mark Smart was eliminated at 22:58 (by The Masked Patriot II)

After that, Reeves and Ace find it wise to make an unholy alliance to fight the masked men.

At 24:00…



Crash Lewis enters!


Crash joins Ace and Reeves in their effort of trying to get rid of the masked duo, but somehow they fail to eliminate either of them. After two minutes of struggling with that, the timer says 26:00 and it is time for the last man to enter the match. And that is…



Demon Anger!


Anger is targeted by The Masked Patriots, but gets unexpected help from Ace Youngblood. Together, they manage to throw “II” over the top rope, and double-team “I”. They are unable to get him pinned until his partner returns to the ring though, and they keep fighting it out.

Meanwhile, Crash and Rex are going at it, and Rex manages to roll Crash up and score the pinfall!

Crash Lewis was eliminated at 27:15 (by Rex Reeves)

Rex stands up, celebrating, but is immediately caught by Ace, who powerslams him to the mat and covers him for a three count.

Rex Reeves was eliminated at 27:20 (by Ace Youngblood)

It is now down to the final four. Ace Youngblood and Demon Anger team up against The Masked Patriots, who both have been in the match for a long time now. “I” having been there from the start, and “II” entered as number 6. The “tornado tag” match is well fought and highly entertaining, but comes to an abrupt end after some minutes, when Anger catches his “partner” off-guard with a Demon Slam for the pinfall.

Ace Youngblood was eliminated at 32:05 (by Demon Anger)

Demon Anger has now put himself in a bit of a mess, since it has been evident all along that The Masked Patriots intend to fight as a team until they are the only ones left in the ring. Somehow though, the experienced Demon manages to keep one of his opponents out of the game most of the time, and when he has backdropped “II” out of the ring just as “I” is getting to his feet he manages to overpower the big Patriot, and Demon Slam him to the canvas for the 1-2-… No! “II” grabs his foot and breaks the cover. In a rage, Anger grabs “II” by the head, lifts him into the ring and delivers a Demon Slam to him as well. “I” is starting to rise, so instead of covering the smaller Patriot, Anger plants “I”’s face firmly into his knee, and then Demon Slams him once again. This time, with no one to make the save, the referee count the full three count.

The Masked Patriot I was eliminated at 36:39 (by Demon Anger)

Anger rolls over to cover his only remaining opponent, but “II” kicks out at two. Slowly, The Masked Patriot II works his way back into the match, but when he downs Anger with a leg lariat and then climbs to the top for a Shooting Star Press, everyone remembers what happened at the end of the tag team match. A few fans yell “Don’t do it!”, but the masked man ignores them, and takes to the air…

…and delivers a picture perfect SSP to Demon Anger, who is not moving. The Patriot makes the cover for 1 – 2 – 3!

Demon Anger was eliminated at 40:32 (by The Masked Patriot II)

The Masked Patriot II cannot believe it. He celebrates like crazy in the ring with the trophy handed to him by Quincy.

The Masked Patriot II won the 15-man CWA Sole Survivor battle royal in 40:32. The Masked Patriot II wins the CWA Sole Survivor title.

Rating: D-


While his partner is celebrating in the ring, the arena flatscreen shows how The New Demons Of Rage viciously attack The Masked Patriot I backstage, and leave him down and out, clearly injured badly. “II” aborts his celebration, and sprints towards the backstage area.

Rating: E-


Reese Paige enters the ring with Jemma Griffiths and Willow. It is time for a bikini contest! Paige leads them through a standard bikini contest - taking turns to wow the audience - before letting the crowd decide who wins. Jemma Griffiths is announced as the winner, which Willow looks very unhappy about.

Rating: D-


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MadmanBoone.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PaulSteadyfast.jpg


Madman Boone vs Paul Steadyfast ©

- Last Man Standing match for the CWA Texas Heavyweight Title -

The ring announcer reminds everyone that Whisky Jack is banned from ringside at this match, and if he should appear, he will be fired from the CWA.

“The Mercenary” begins to play, and Madman Boone enters to wild cheering from the crowd. He enters the ring and grabs a microphone: “Well, Paul Steadyfast. Now we will see if you can beat me in a fair contest, without having your goon to give you the edge.”

“2x4” begins to play, and out comes the champion. He is met with a wall of boos and whistling (ok with 95 persons in the crowd it is a weak wall, but still, you get the point).

The match is a brutal brawl with several weapons involved. Steel chairs, a concession stand, an electric cord and a 2x4 all play big parts in it. Surprisingly, there is no outside interference at all. Both men suffer several seven, eight and even nine counts during the match. The end comes when Boone counters an attempt to powerbomb him through the announcer’s table with a backdrop that instead sends Steadyfast through the table. Incredibly, the groggy Steadyfast gets to his feet before the ten count, but Boone then follows that up with the Boone And Bust, and Steadyfast is not able to recover in time.

Madman Boone defeated Paul Steadyfast in 27:50 when Paul Steadyfast could not beat a ten count after a Boone And Bust. Madman Boone wins the CWA Texas Heavyweight title.

Rating: D-


The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Madman Boone take on The Masked Patriot II at Baptism Under Fire 2 in January.

Rating: D+


Madman Boone is celebrating his title victory when The Masked Patriot II comes to the ring to congratulate him. He says that even though he will do whatever he cans to become the next champion, he has no issues with Boone, and wishes him all the best. Boone thanks him for that. Boone proceeds to warn him that if he tries anything funny, he will regret it.

Before leaving, the Patriot says that unfortunately his partner is badly injured, and will probably not be able to compete any more in the CWA. He also adds that to avoid any confusion, he would prefer to be known as an American Patriot rather than Masked Patriot from now on.

American Patriot and Madman Boone somewhat warily shake hands before leaving the ring.

Rating: D


Final Rating: D-

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Reese Paige’s notes


In the CWA:

First of all, I would like to say that Sole Survivor was a huge success! Everyone was happy with their own performance as well as that of their peers. The only slight drawback was that some fans seemed annoyed that there were not more matches. Well, I guess it is hard to please everyone.

Of course a show where our entire roster and then some appeared meant that we made a smaller profit this month, but I am sure we will manage anyway.

Speaking of the roster, we have two new pay-per-appearance employees:



American Patriot

The mysterious Sole Survivor winner has signed a 9 month contract with us. He is a competent cruiserweight wrestler, who has worked with some of the biggest names in wrestling despite being rather young. I have a feeling he might be a star for years to come for us. We will have to see if he ever decides to drop the mask and show us his true identity.



Kenny O’Quinn

Kenny will join Lee Bambino at the announcer’s table, freeing myself and Quincy up to handle the backstage parts of the company more efficiently.


On our next show, Madman Boone has decided to put his title on the line against Whisky Jack. He has said that perhaps Jack does not deserve a title shot, but he is doing it to prove that he can beat Jack cleanly. The matches will be:

CWA Live Event (nov)


Madman Boone vs Whisky Jack – CWA Texas Heavyweight

No Fear & Mad Dog Mortimer vs The New Demons Of Rage & Rex Reeves

Marshall Williams vs Paul Steadyfast

American Patriot & Ace Youngblood vs The Vagabonds

Mr. Execution vs Mark Smart


From the wrestling world:

Yet another change in ownership, where father passes a company on to the next generation took place as Alex DeColt inherited CGC. His first course of action was to appoint hardcore powerhouse Larry Wood as head booker.

Eisaku Hoshino has found new work as he signed with PGHW.

There were a number of serious injuries last month:

Hysteria (SOTBPW/MHW) is out 14 months with semi-severed spinal column.

Toshiki Shibanumo (BHOTWG) is out 12 months with shattered knee.

Mitsunari Fugunaga (BHOTWG/WLW) is out 12 months with herniated spinal disc.

A few other notes: Alpha Female and Danger Kumasaka both retired from active competition. Whipper Spencer Marks found it was time to leave the business altogether.


Until next time,

Reese Paige

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November 2008, Week 3, Saturday



CWA Live Event

Held at the Round Rock Arena in front of 85 people


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/WarrenTechnique_alt.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MarkSmart.jpg

Mr. Execution vs Mark Smart

The technical wrestling machine Mr. Execution has little trouble controlling the match against the young “Insider” Mark Smart.

Mr. Execution defeated Mark Smart in 8:16 by submission with a STF.

Rating: E+


Jemma Griffiths comes out and fires a few promotional T-Shirts into the crowd.

Rating: D+


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/AmericanPatriot.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/AceYoungblood.jpg w/ http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/JemmaGriffiths.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/LeoDavis_alt.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/CraigLewis_alt.jpg

American Patriot and Ace Youngblood (w/ Jemma) vs The Vagabonds

The #1 contender for the Texas Heavyweight title has a good showing here, and his pairing with the Native American of the 21st century works pretty well. The Vagabonds make a few efforts, showing why they were once our tag champions, but it is the fan favorites who get the pinfall.

American Patriot and Ace Youngblood defeated The Vagabonds in 11:42 when American Patriot defeated Crash Lewis by pinfall with a Star Spangled Press.

Rating: E+


Marshall Williams had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Paul Steadyfast, saying that “That darned no-gooder Paul Steadyfast is no longer the top dog in this yard, and now it is time for him to get a whippin’ from a good ol’ Texan!”.

Rating: E+


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/BenWilliams_alt7.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PaulSteadyfast.jpg

Marshall Williams vs Paul Steadyfast

...and the one receiving the whippin' is in fact Williams...

Paul Steadyfast defeated Marshall Williams in 9:50 by pinfall with a Slingshot Suplex.

Rating: E


Willow comes out and says that apparently, someone has had the bright idea to give No Fear yet another shot at The New Demons Of Rage and their tag titles at Baptism Under Fire 2. She guarantees that once the Demons are through with the blue and purple shrimps, they will have to lengthen their name to “No Fear Can Match What We Experienced One Evening In January”. And a taste of what they can expect will come next.

Rating: E


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/FearlessBlue.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/DaredevilAero_alt.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MadDogMortimer_alt3.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/RexReeves.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/DemonAnger.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PrimusAllen_alt.jpg w/ http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/Willow_alt2.jpg

No Fear & Mad Dog Mortimer vs Rex Reeves & The New Demons Of Rage (w/ Willow)

The match is unexpectedly even, mostly because the Demons allow Reeves to get lots of time inside the ring. This proves to be a fatal strategy, since Fearless Blue manages to roll Reeves up for the three count!

Fearless Blue, Daredevil Aero and Mad Dog Mortimer defeated Demon Anger, Demon Fury and Rex Reeves in 13:23 when Fearless Blue defeated Rex Reeves by pinfall with a fast roll up.

Rating: E-


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MadmanBoone.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/WhiskyJack.jpg


Madman Boone © vs Whisky Jack

- CWA Texas Heavyweight Title -

Boone is successful in defending his title against Whisky Jack, who had been talking backstage about how Boone had never beat him cleanly.

Madman Boone defeated Whisky Jack in 17:12 by pinfall with a Boone And Bust. Madman Boone makes defence number 1 of his CWA Texas Heavyweight title.

Rating: D-


After the match, just as Madman Boone is handed his title belt, Paul Steadyfast rushes to the ring and attacks him. Whisky Jack joins in, and the champions chances of leaving the arena in one piece are starting to look bad. Then American Patriot comes running in and helps in fighting them both off, saving Madman Boone from a serious beating.

Boone looks a bit surprised, but extends his hand to Patriot, who shakes it.

Rating: D-


Final Rating: E+

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Reese Paige’s notes


In the CWA:

Not much to report this month. Business is still good for us as we are closing in on our 1 year anniversary.

We are currently just one show away from Baptism Under Fire 2, which – in addition to matches for both our titles – will have a mini-tournament to crown an inaugural champion for a new title called the “Blue Collar Title”. This title will be defended at every CWA event, no exceptions.


But before we can hold that event, we have a smaller live event, with some very exciting match-ups:

CWA Live Event (dec)


Madman Boone & American Patriot vs Paul Steadyfast & Whisky Jack

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Leo Davis – Hardcore Match

Mr. Execution & Marshall Williams vs The New Demons Of Rage © – CWA Tag Team

Fearless Blue vs Mark Smart

Ace Youngblood vs Rex Reeves

Daredevil Aero vs Crash Lewis


From the wrestling world:

There were several persons leaving the wrestling ring last month; Sionji Omura, Black Hat Bailey, Saeko Hiroyuki and Jeremy Stone all retired from active competition. In addition to that, George DeColt left the business.

Canadian wrestling fans will be happy to hear that NOTBPW Championship Wrestling will return, and it will be shown on Maple Leaf Sports.

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I have been loving this diary so far! I really like some of the alt. pictures that you have created for this diary as well. KUTGW!


Madman Boone & American Patriot vs Paul Steadyfast & Whisky Jack

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Leo Davis – Hardcore Match

Mr. Execution & Marshall Williams vs The New Demons Of Rage © – CWA Tag Team

Fearless Blue vs Mark Smart

Ace Youngblood vs Rex Reeves

Daredevil Aero vs Crash Lewis

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CWA Live Event (dec)


Madman Boone & American Patriot vs Paul Steadyfast & Whisky Jack

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Leo Davis – Hardcore Match

Mr. Execution & Marshall Williams vs The New Demons Of Rage © – CWA Tag Team

Fearless Blue vs Mark Smart

Ace Youngblood vs Rex Reeves

Daredevil Aero vs Crash Lewis

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December 2008, Week 3, Saturday



CWA Live Event

Held at the Round Rock Arena in front of 83 people.


Dark Match

Crash Lewis defeated Daredevil Aero in 7:57 by pinfall.

Rating: F+


Main Show

http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/AceYoungblood.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/RexReeves.jpg

Ace Youngblood vs Rex Reeves

In this match, Rex is close to pinning Ace on a couple of occasions. The 21st century Native American kicks out and makes a come back every time though, and he dominates the final part of the match.

Ace Youngblood defeated Rex Reeves in 10:23 by pinfall with a Flying Tomahawk Chop.

Rating: E-


Ace Youngblood is celebrating his victory in the ring to the sound of “Reclaim my Place”. Suddenly, Paul Steadyfast runs in and attacks, beating Ace down into the mat. Steadyfast says “That is your place Ace!”

Rating: E+


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/FearlessBlue.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MarkSmart.jpg

Fearless Blue vs Mark Smart

This match is action packed from the first second all the way to the end. A variety of counters, reversals and high-flying moves make this match more enjoyable than most would have predicted.

Mark Smart defeated Fearless Blue in 6:33 by pinfall with a Smart Attack.

Rating: E


Willow come out along with The New Demons Of Rage, and say that this will be a walk in the park for the demons. Mr. Execution and Marshall Williams will be an easy win for her clients.

Rating: E-


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/WarrenTechnique_alt.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/BenWilliams_alt7.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/DemonAnger.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PrimusAllen_alt.jpg w/ http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/Willow_alt2.jpg


Mr. Execution and Marshall Williams vs The New Demons Of Rage © (w/ Willow)

- CWA Tag Team Titles -

Early on, the Demons take command, keeping Mr. Execution out of the action while frequently tagging each other in and working on Williams. When Execution eventually is tagged in, the momentum swings, and the only thing saving Anger from being locked in the STF is Willow distracting Dale Kenney while Fury enters the ring and breaks it up. Kenney believes a tag was made, and shoves Anger out of the ring. Fury takes the opportunity to take Execution down with a Low Blow, and then pins him for a three count. Kenney does not see that Fury is pulling Mr. Execution’s tights while the pin is counted.

The New Demons Of Rage defeated Mr. Execution and Marshall Williams in 10:11 when Demon Fury defeated Mr. Execution by pinfall with a handful of tights. The New Demons Of Rage make defence number 5 of their CWA Tag Team titles.

Rating: E


The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing No Fear vs. The New Demons Of Rage at Baptism Under Fire 2.

Rating: F+


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MadDogMortimer_alt3.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/LeoDavis_alt.jpg

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Leo Davis

Hardcore Match

In a rather poor match, Mad Dog and Leo fight all over the Arena with different weapons until Leo is defeated following a DDT on a steel chair.

Mad Dog Mortimer defeated Leo Davis in a Hardcore Match in 9:57 by pinfall.

Rating: F


The announcers, Lee Bambino and Kenny O’Quinn, reveals that another match for Baptism Under Fire 2 has just been official. Ace Youngblood has requested to face Paul Steadyfast, and Quincy has confirmed that it will happen.

Rating: E+


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MadmanBoone.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/AmericanPatriot.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PaulSteadyfast.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/WhiskyJack.jpg

Madman Boone and American Patriot vs Paul Steadyfast and Whisky Jack

Paul Steadyfast and Whisky Jack are a good tag team, and they are on top of things early in the match. Their very popular opponents come back though, and the match sways back and forth with Boone and the Patriot slowly taking command. Eventually, Jack and Boone are outside the ring, brawling, while Patriot brings Steadyfast down with a hurricanrana before climbing the top turnbuckle and executing his Star Spangled Press for the 1-2-3.

Madman Boone and American Patriot defeated Paul Steadyfast and Whisky Jack in 20:48 when American Patriot defeated Paul Steadyfast by pinfall with a Star Spangled Press.

Rating: D-


Madman Boone and American Patriot then briefly celebrate in the ring, but Patriot then grabs a microphone and says that Boone should not be mislead by their teamwork today. At Baptism Under Fire 2 in their 30-minute Iron Man match, he will do whatever it takes to win the Texas Heavyweight Title.

Rating: D


Final Rating: E+

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Reese Paige’s notes


In the CWA:

2008 has come to an end, and it has been an exciting first year for us. We have seen many great performances and had quite a few interesting moments so far. And this is just the beginning!

We have Baptism Under Fire 2 coming up, and here are the matches for that show:

CWA Baptism Under Fire 2


American Patriot vs Madman Boone © – 30 minute Iron Man Match for the CWA Texas Heavyweight Title

Winner of qualifying match 1 vs Winner of qualifying match 2 – CWA Blue Collar Title

Ace Youngblood vs Paul Steadyfast – First Blood match

No Fear vs The New Demons Of Rage © – CWA Tag Team Titles

Marshall Williams vs Leo Davis – #1 contender Blue Collar title

Mr. Execution vs Crash Lewis vs Rex Reeves – Qualifying match 2

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Mark Smart vs Whisky Jack – Qualifying match 1

Before the event itself, the CWA will present some awards. Here are the categories, and the nominees for each of them:

The CWA Awards for 2008!


Newcomer of the year

To an employee who was hired during the year, and who has made the biggest impact. For 2008, workers who were already under contract for Baptism Under Fire are not eligible for this award.

Nominees: Willow, Madman Boone, American Patriot


Match Of The Year

To the most entertaining and/or best performed match of the year. The importance of the match should also be considered.

Nominees: Mr. Execution vs Paul Steadyfast (CWA Texas Heavyweight Title tournament finals, Baptism Under Fire), Sole Survivor 15-man battle royal (Sole Survivor), Madman Boone vs Paul Steadyfast (for the CWA Texas Heavyweight Title, Dust'n'Bones)


Feud Of The Year

For the most important and/or entertaining feud of the year.

Nominees: No Fear vs The Vagabonds, No Fear vs The New Demons Of Rage, Madman Boone vs Paul Steadyfast/Whisky Jack


Tag Team Of The Year

To the tag team that have been most dominant, most entertaining and/or had the best in-ring performances.

Nominees: The Vagabonds, The New Demons Of Rage, No Fear


Show Of The Year

To the best show overall during the year.

Nominees: Baptism Under Fire 1, Dust'n'Bones 2008, Sole Survivor 2008


Company MVP

To the worker who has made the greatest contributions to the company in terms of entertainment and performance during the year.

Nominees: Paul Steadyfast, Mr. Execution, Madman Boone


Fan Of The Year

To the fan who has shown the most interest in and loyalty to the company.

Nominees: BHK1978, Apupunchau@optonline, Jingo


From the Wrestling world

In December, wrestling icon Phil Vibert announced his return to the business. I do not know what his plans are, but I am sure we will find out soon.

On New Year’s Day, the wrestling journalists presented their annual awards:

Wrestler Of The Year – Jeremy Stone

Young Wrestler - Emerald Angel

Veteran Wrestler – Pistol Pete Hall

Female Wrestler – Thunder Hike

Promotion – SWF

Most Improved Promotion – 5SSW

Match – Yoshimi Mushashibo def. Eisaku Kunomasu at PGHW Love To Burn Tour (Tuesday) (December)

Show – PGHW Night Of COURAGE (November)


Yours truly,

Reese Paige

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American Patriot vs Madman Boone © – 30 minute Iron Man Match for the CWA Texas Heavyweight Title


Whisky Jack vs Mr. Execution – CWA Blue Collar Title


Ace Youngblood vs Paul Steadyfast – First Blood match


No Fear vs The New Demons Of Rage © – CWA Tag Team Titles


Marshall Williams vs Leo Davis – #1 contender Blue Collar title


Mr. Execution vs Crash Lewis vs Rex Reeves – Qualifying match 2


Mad Dog Mortimer vs Mark Smart vs Whisky Jack – Qualifying match 1

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CWA Baptism Under Fire 2


American Patriot vs Madman Boone © – 30 minute Iron Man Match for the CWA Texas Heavyweight Title

Winner of qualifying match 1 vs Winner of qualifying match 2 – CWA Blue Collar Title

Ace Youngblood vs Paul Steadyfast – First Blood match

No Fear vs The New Demons Of Rage © – CWA Tag Team Titles

Marshall Williams vs Leo Davis – #1 contender Blue Collar title

Mr. Execution vs Crash Lewis vs Rex Reeves – Qualifying match 2

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Mark Smart vs Whisky Jack – Qualifying match 1

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It is Saturday, Week 3, January 2009, only hours before Baptism Under Fire 2, and it is time to present:


The CWA Awards for 2008!


The wrestling journalists have their annual awards for the best in the industry, and we at the CWA have our own awards to showcase the best we've got in a few different categories,


Without further ado, we give you the awards!







Newcomer Of The Year

First, to the employee who was hired during the year and who has made the biggest impact, we will present the Newcomer Of The Year award. For 2008, workers who were already under contract for Baptism Under Fire are not eligible for this award.

The three nominees for this category are:

Willow, who led her team The New Demons Of Rage straight to the top of our tag team division.

Madman Boone, who quickly established himself as an elite wrestler in the CWA and eventually went on to win the Texas Heavyweight Title.

American Patriot, who debuted at Sole Survivor, and won the battle royal there to earn a title shot later tonight.


And the award goes to









Madman Boone



Match Of The Year

Next is the award for the most entertaining and/or best performed match of the year when also considering the importance of the match.

The nominees are:

Mr. Execution vs Paul Steadyfast in the CWA Texas Heavyweight Title tournament finals at Baptism Under Fire in January.

The Sole Survivor 15-man battle royal

Madman Boone vs Paul Steadyfast for the CWA Texas Heavyweight Title at Dust'n'Bones in July


And the award goes to








http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PaulSteadyfast.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/WarrenTechnique_alt.jpg

Paul Steadyfast vs Mr. Execution at Baptism Under Fire



Feud Of The Year

And now it is time for the award for the most important and/or entertaining feud of the year.

The nominees are:

No Fear vs The Vagabonds

No Fear vs The New Demons Of Rage

Madman Boone vs Paul Steadyfast/Whisky Jack


And the award goes to









Madman Boone vs Paul Steadyfast/Whisky Jack



Tag Team Of The Year

To the tag team that have been most dominant, most entertaining and/or had the best in-ring performances, we now present the Tag Team Of The Year award.

The nominees are:

The Vagabonds

The New Demons Of Rage

No Fear


And the award goes to









The New Demons Of Rage



Show Of The Year

This is the award for best show overall during the year.

Nominated are:

Baptism Under Fire 1

Dust'n'Bones 2008

Sole Survivor 2008


And the award goes to









Sole Survivor 2008



Company MVP

The next award goes to the worker who has made the greatest contributions to the company in terms of entertainment and performance during the year.

The nominees are:

Paul Steadyfast

Mr. Execution

Madman Boone


And the award goes to









Paul Steadyfast



Fan Of The Year

Finally, we have the award to the fan who has shown the most interest and loyalty to the company.

The nominees are:





And the award goes to












And as a bonus, we present the Best Predictors 2008:

1. BHK1978 15/21

2. Jingo 9/12

3. Apupunchau@optonline 3/4

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Fan Of The Year

Finally, we have the award to the fan who has shown the most interest and loyalty to the company.

The nominees are:





And the award goes to












And as a bonus, we present the Best Predictors 2008:

1. BHK1978 15/21

2. Jingo 9/12

3. Apupunchau@optonline 3/4


Thank you very much! First off I would like to thank the academy, my mom and dad. And mostly Max Moon for this award.


[i then proceed to fall flat on my face while walking down the stairs with the award in my hand.]

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Thank you very much! First off I would like to thank the academy, my mom and dad. And mostly Max Moon for this award.


[i then proceed to fall flat on my face while walking down the stairs with the award in my hand.]




Cheesy award, I know, but it is my way of saying "Thanks". Having someone predicting your shows and thus knowing that someone is actually reading the diary really makes it much more fun to go on posting this stuff...

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Cheesy award, I know, but it is my way of saying "Thanks". Having someone predicting your shows and thus knowing that someone is actually reading the diary really makes it much more fun to go on posting this stuff...


Nothing cheesy about it, I like it when diary writers acknowledge their fanbase. I must say that I was impressed with how you have managed to get through 12 shows in such a short span of time.

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Nothing cheesy about it, I like it when diary writers acknowledge their fanbase. I must say that I was impressed with how you have managed to get through 12 shows in such a short span of time.


I first started playing this save in November 2008, and got the first show or so up. Then I forgot about it for almost exactly a year until I stumbled upon it again and played on. In the game, I have now played a couple of shows past Baptism Under Fire 3, and I will try to make it to 4 (January 2011) before closing this diary. We'll see about that though, since I have had huge amounts of time now during the holidays.


Maybe I will make the "Live Event" write ups even shorter and try to focus on the bigger shows. Have not really decided yet.

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