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January 2009, Week 3, Saturday



CWA Baptism Under Fire 2

Held at the Round Rock Arena in front of 215 people!




http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MadDogMortimer_alt3.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MarkSmart.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/WhiskyJack.jpg

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Mark Smart vs Whisky Jack

Blue Collar Title Qualification match 1

A foghorn blares, and CWA’s resident failed hockey player walks down to the ring, carrying a hockey stick and wearing his red helmet.

Soon after he has entered the ring and left his hockey equipment to the referee, “Whisky in the Jar” begins to play, and Whisky Jack comes through the curtains. He mouths off with a few fans on the way to the ring.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Mark Smart comes out with a microphone in his hand. “One washed up has-been and one never-was-and-never-will-be. You stupidos in the audience may think that the struggle for the Blue Collar title will be an open affair. Well, think again. Even if this match clearly is the one with the most talent in it - heh, I’m here, aren’t I? – my opponents really are a sad pair. Jack may be a former Tennessee Outlaw, but there is no Blackjack around, and Jack has never been known as a good singles wrestler. And Morty… Well, they say he will be always do a good job. And that’s about it.”

Smarty’s opponents both shoot him hateful stares as he enters the ring, and when the bell calls for the match to begin, they both attack him, viciously beating on him until he rolls out of the ring. They then turn their attention to each other. Mortimer lands a forearm blow to the side of Jack’s head, and Jack immediately retaliates with a right hook. The exchange goes on for a while, until Mortimer takes Jack down with a belly-to-belly Suplex. A quick cover by Mortimer, but Jack kicks out right after Dale Kenney’s “One!” He gets to his feet and more sluggish brawling follows, until Mark Smart re-enters with a flying knee to Mortimer’s back. Jack driver Smarty into the corner by ways of a series of punches, and then kicks and stomps him down into the mat.

Mortimer gets back in the mix, and whips Jack to the opposite corner, but his attempted splash misses its target. After that narrow escape, Jack crosses the ring, and delivers a brutal running clothesline makes Smarty do a backflip over the top rope, once again taking him out of the action. Jack mocks him, but is rolled up by Mortimer for a two count. Mortimer then manages to stay on top of things by keeping Jack grounded. After a while, Smarty re-appears inside the ring, attacking Mortimer with a sleeper hold that is countered with a snap mare. Mortimer picks him back up, and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Smarty looks completely out of it, and Mortimer covers him for 1-2-… No! Whisky Jack breaks the pin, and takes Mortimer out with his Face First Suplex for the pinfall!

Whisky Jack defeated Mad Dog Mortimer and Mark Smart in 8:30 when Whisky Jack defeated Mad Dog Mortimer by pinfall with a Face First Suplex.

Rating: E


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/WarrenTechnique_alt.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/CraigLewis_alt.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/RexReeves.jpg

Mr. Execution vs Crash Lewis vs Rex Reeves

Blue Collar Title Qualification match 2

Mr. Execution is first to enter the ring, purposefully walking to the ring with only the scattered cheering of the fans as his entrance music.

The Vagabond Crash Lewis is next to enter, his unwashed rags looking like they are about to break into molecules any second. There is no music to accompany him to the ring, but the CWA fans shout a lot of abusive comments in his direction, so at least it is not a quiet entrance.

Then Pantera’s “Walk” begins to play, but Rex Reeves ignore them and runs to the ring, and Dale Kenney calls for the match to begin.

It is a rather open affair where the emphasis is on technical wrestling spiced up with some high-flying moves from Reeves and some old fashioned brawling from Crash. A few minutes into the match, Rex hits his trademark RexPlex on Mr. Execution, but Crash breaks the pin at two. He then takes Rex down with a Flying Forearm and goes for the pin. Mr. Execution is however able to pull Rex out from underneath him. When Crash lashes out at Execution, his hand is grabbed, and before he knows what happened, he is face down on the mat, locked in an STF! Just when it seems certain that Crash will tap out, Rex Reeves comes flying with a low dropkick that forces Execution to let go. The three men then go at it in a completely out of control mayhem until Rex Reeves is knocked out when a running shoulder tackle to Crash Lewis misses and his head instead bounces off the ring post, busting him open.

A bridging back Suplex from Mr. Execution is only good for a one count and Crash then rolls through, but Kenney – for once – refuses to count because Crash is pulling at Execution’s tights, revealing more skin than appropriate. Crash releases the hold and starts to argue with Kenney. Mr. Execution capitalizes on this with a single leg takedown into yet another STF. Unable to reach the ropes and with Rex still out cold, Crash eventually has no option except tapping out.

Mr. Execution defeated Rex Reeves and Crash Lewis in 10:09 when Mr. Execution defeated Crash Lewis by submission with a STF.

Rating: E


Whisky Jack comes to ringside with a microphone, and says that later tonight Mr. Execution will wish that he did not let one of the other competitors win this match. “In our three matches against each other so far we may have had one win each and one draw, but remember that you are only as good as your last match, and in our last bout, I beat you easily!”

Rating: F+


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/BenWilliams_alt7.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/LeoDavis_alt.jpg

Marshall Williams vs Leo Davis

#1 Contender for the Blue Collar Title

“Rattlesnake Highway” begins to play, and Marshall Williams comes out, and he gets massive cheering from the attending Texans. He happily high-fives several fans on his way to the ring.

His opponent is quite the opposite. Coming to the ring to a rather non-existant reaction from the crowd, the former tag team champion Leo Davis, walks to the ring with his eyes firmly locked to his own feet.

The match begins, and Marshall Williams is full of energy. He immediately whips Leo into the corner, and rushes after him with a splash that is followed up with a springboard elbow and then a snap Suplex. Williams takes to the air, but his top tope elbow drop only hits empty canvas, as Leo rolls out of the way. Williams recovers though, and stays in charge. He loses momentum though, and soon Leo Davis hits a couple of solid so-called “restholds” to slow Williams down, and take control of the match. He fails to make Williams submit to a Full Nelson, but a backbreaker followed by a knee drop seals the deal, and Leo gets the pinfall win and an opportunity to win the Blue Collar Title next month.

Leo Davis defeated Marshall Williams in 4:36 by pinfall.

Rating: F+


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/FearlessBlue.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/DaredevilAero_alt.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/DemonAnger.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PrimusAllen_alt.jpg w/ http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/Willow_alt2.jpg


No Fear vs The New Demons Of Rage © (w/ Willow)

- CWA Tag Team Titles -

The familiar high energy guitar solo is heard through the arena speakers, and No Fear enter running through the crowd, jumping the guardrail and sliding into the ring.

Then Motörhead’s “Born To Raise Hell” begins to play and Willow comes out with the tag team champions close behind her wearing black and crimson with their championship belts strapped around their waists. They hand the belts to Dale Kenney before entering the ring.

When the match starts, Anger takes on Daredevil Aero, and it looks like this will be a short match. Aero does not have anything in the early stages, and after only a couple of minutes, Anger has had two separate two counts in his favor. Aero is then able to dodge a Demon Slam and tag out to Fearless Blue. Blue has better luck early on, taking Anger down with a number of flying attacks. He never gets the cover though, and Anger is able to tag out to Fury. The raging Fury manhandles Blue, who is tossed around quite a bit in the ring until Aero is tagged in, and a few seconds of double teaming shifts the momentum over to No Fear. Aero impresses in the way he avoids most of Fury’s attacks while hitting him with quick offensive moves. Lee Bambino compares it to “guerilla warfare”, and Kenny O’Quinn for once does not object.

Just when things are starting to look bad for the Demons, Willow gets up on the apron and Dale Kenney’s attention goes to her. Immediately, Anger grabs Aero and puts the tag rope around his neck, choking him. Blue tries to come to his assistance, but this Kenney sees, and gets in his way. Anger releases Aero, and is tagged in. A few rights and lefts later, he Demon Slams Aero and picks up the pinfall victory! Fearless Blue almost breaks up the pin in time, but a spinebuster from Fury takes him out of the action.

The New Demons Of Rage defeated No Fear in 12:01 when Demon Anger defeated Daredevil Aero by pinfall with a Demon Slam. The New Demons Of Rage make defence number 6 of their CWA Tag Team titles.

Rating: E-


The match is over, and No Fear are left down. The New Demons Of Rage are celebrating, but then stop and see that their opponents are still on the ground. They attack, and beat both Aero and Blue into the canvas.

Rating: F


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/AceYoungblood.jpg w/ http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/JemmaGriffiths.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PaulSteadyfast.jpg

Ace Youngblood (w/ Jemma) vs Paul Steadyfast

First Blood match

The crowd cheers as “Reclaim My Place” begins to play and the 21st century Native American walks to the ring, looking very worked up for this match.

The cheering quickly turn into wild booing when Paul Steadyfast comed out to “2x4”.

Dale Kenney has to restrain Ace when Steadyfast enters the ring, and then the bell quickly dings and the match has started.

The match begins with both men trying to land as many punched as possible in each other’s faces. Steadyfast then breaks free by shoving Ace away, making him fall on his back and being an easy target for a flurry of stomps. The match does of course not end there, and Ace soon comes back. The brawl has the momentum going pretty much in both directions, with neither man really getting the upper hand. This seems to be more frustrating to Steadyfast than to Ace, and the former Texas Heavyweight champion tries very hard to take control long enough to retrieve some sort of weapon, but Ace stays close and denies him time after time. Eventually though, Steadyfast pulls some brass knuckles from his left boot, and clocks Ace right between the eyes with them. Most of the audience hold their breath when Kenney checks on Ace, and burst into cheers when he makes a “wash-out”. Ace was obviously not cut by the blow! Steadyfast kneels over him and raises his fist for another shot at the motionless Native American.

He strikes down, but at the same time, Ace’s left hand shoots out and catches him by the wrist. He then repeatedly headbutts Steadyfast, who lets go and rolls to the side, covering his face with both hands. Ace slides out of the ring and, a bit wobbly on his feet, grabs a laptop from the announcer’s table. He re-enters the ring just as Steadyfast is getting to his feet, still covering his face. Ace rushes at him, and smashes the computer into his face, sending pieces of it flying everywhere. Paul Stradyfast’s forehead is busted open and his face is quickly covered in a stream of blood. Dale Kenney calls for the bell and announces Ace Youngblood as the winner of the match.

Ace Youngblood defeated Paul Steadyfast in a 1 vs 1 First Blood match in 12:53 when Paul Steadyfast was busted open.

Rating: E+


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/WarrenTechnique_alt.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/WhiskyJack.jpg


Mr. Execution vs Whisky Jack

- CWA Blue Collar Title -

Mr. Execution is first to enter. As usual there is no music and he walks straight to the ring and waits for his opponent.

“Whisky In The Jar” begins to play and Whisky Jack comes to the ring, shouting abuse at the disrespecting fans before climbing the steps and taking place in his corner.

Dale Kenney shows the competitors as well as the audience the new title belt, and then starts the match.

Whisky Jack immediately surprises everyone by taking Mr. Execution down with something resembling an amateur wrestling takedown. Mr. Execution looks stunned as well, but quickly gets a hold of himself and outgrapples Jack, capturing him in a chinlock. Jack breaks free, and abandons the technical wrestling in favor of straightforward brawling. Mr. Execution on the other hand relies mainly on locking various body parts of his opponent up, and when he strikes with a punch or forearm, it is to weaken a specific area of Jack’s body. Mainly it is the spine and ribs that he focus on.

Near the end of the match, Whisky Jack irish whips his opponent into the ropes, and goes for a running clothesline which is ducked. Mr. Execution takes him down with a drop toe hold and quickly locks his STF finisher in. Jack resists the urge to tap out though, and reaches the ropes to force Mr. Execution to break his hold. Jack is still shaken, and Mr. Execution goes for an inside cradle pin. Jack reverses it after a two count though, and grabs the rope for additional leverage. Kenney counts the pinfall without noticing the cheating from Jack.

Whisky Jack defeated Mr. Execution in 9:44 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. Whisky Jack wins the CWA Blue Collar title.

Rating: E+


Mr. Execution is upset after the match, and goes to see Quincy Han****. He says that he feels it was not right that he lost the match when Whisky Jack was clearly holding on to the ropes. So he asks to be given a chance to wrestle Whisky Jack again. Han**** accepts the request.

Rating: E-


The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Whisky Jack take on Mr. Execution and Leo Davis in a triangle match for the CWA Blue Collar Title at next month’s live event.

Rating: F+


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/AmericanPatriot.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MadmanBoone.jpg


American Patriot vs Madman Boone ©

- 30 minute Iron Man match for the CWA Texas Heavyweight Title -

The “Topgun Anthem” begins to play and red, white and blue fireworks go off as American Patriot makes his entrance. He takes his time to slap the outstretched hands of fans on his way to the ring and at ringside. He then enters the ring and poses for the fans at each ringpost, waving a flag given to him by a ringside fan.

Then “The Mercenary” is heard over the speakers, and Madman Boone is greeted by a somewhat mixed reaction. The cheers still clearly outweigh the negative chants though.

Boone gives his belt to Kenney, who shows it to Patriot and then hands it to the announcers, who place it on their table.

Kenney then proceeds to let everyone know that this match will go on for exactly 30 minutes, and that the wrestler with the most decisions in his favor after that will be the CWA Texas Heavyweight champion. Pinfalls, submissions, count-outs and disqualifications are the ways “falls” are scored in this match. He tells the wrestlers that he expects them to fight cleanly, and then calls for the bell.

The wrestlers lock up in the center of the ring for a classic strength test. Patriot has the upper hand at first, but then it is switched, and Boone forces him down to one knee. The crowd is significantly louder in this match than any of the earlier ones, and when Patriot pushes forward and drives his shoulder into Boone’s abdomen, there it gets even louder. Boone keeps his hands locked around Patriot’s, and retaliates with a kick to his chest. Patriot falls backwards, but rolls through and gets to his feet. The match is completely open at this point, with every move from one wrestler answered by the other, and both men looking strong. The first hint of an advantage comes when Boone nails a combination of kick to the gut, bodyslam and leg drop. He covers Patriot, but only gets a one count. Boone stays a bit sharper after this, keeping Patriot grounded more than the masked man would have preferred. Still, Patriot has a number of good segments as well, and even has an early pinfall attempt following a high crossbody, but it only results in a two count. After that, Patriot gains some momentum, and tries some top rope moves.

A missile dropkick gives him yet another two count, but a couple of minutes later, his Star Spangled Press is met with a couple of knees to the chest. Boone then gets on his feet, and hits his Boone And Bust for the first pinfall of the match

Madman Boone leads 1-0 after 11:52

American Patriot bounces right back though. A Tornado DDT gives him a two count, a bow and arrow submission nearly makes Boone tap out and then a wicked plancha almost leads to a double count-out. Boone comes back utilizing his brawling skills to the fullest, and everyone seem certain that a powerful spear will give him his second fall of the match. American Patriot kicks out at two though, and the score is still 1-0. Another Boone And Bust attempt is then blocked, and countered into a bulldog. American Patriot springboards off the bottom rope and hits moonsault for 1-2-…3!

The match is tied 1-1 after 24:13

After that, both men find a second wind, and fight furiously to score a decisive fall. No one reaches more than a two count though, until American Patriot manages to get Madman Boone down on the canvas before climbing the top turnbuckle. Patriot soars through the air with his second attempt tonight at a Star Spangled Press. And he nails it perfectly! After recovering from the impact, he drapes one arm across Boone’s chest, and Kenney begins counting.







DING! DING! DING! The 30 minutes time limit has expired!

There is some confusion between the wrestlers, the referee and the announcers. Finally it is announced that the 30 minutes ended before the three count was made, and that the match ended one fall to one!

Madman Boone drew with American Patriot in 30:00 at one fall each.

Rating: D


The match is over, and after some initial hesitation, Madman Boone and American Patriot celebrate together in the ring for the fans. They receive big ovations for their match.

Rating: D+


Final Rating: D-

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Reese Paige´s notes


In the CWA:

Baptism Under Fire 2 was another show that we are very happy about. We were thrilled to see so many people showing up, and it the judgments the show has received online has been very good. We also made a decent profit last month.

What was not as splendid was the locker room atmosphere after the match. Someone had been using their creativity to the maximum, and made a prank too tasteless to describe on the entire roster. Who “someone” was was not so hard to figure out since there was only one person not targeted by the prank, and he was laughing his butt off at the rest of the wrestlers. And that someone was Demon Anger. You would think a 50 year old man would have grown up a little bit more, but no.

Quincy sat down with him, and explained that he was disappointed in what had happened, and that he expects our more experienced workers to set positive examples for the youngsters.

Demon Anger nodded and replied: “Fine. It was just a prank though. Not to be taken seriously.”


Our next Live Event will have the following matches:

CWA Live Event (feb)


American Patriot vs Paul Steadyfast

Madman Boone © vs Demon Anger – CWA Texas Heavyweight

Mr. Execution vs Whisky Jack © vs Leo Davis – CWA Blue Collar

No Fear vs Rex Reeves & Mark Smart

Ace Youngblood vs Demon Fury

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Marshall Williams vs Crash Lewis


I will be back next month with more notes.


I wish you all the best until then,

Reese Paige

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American Patriot vs Paul Steadyfast

Madman Boone © vs Demon Anger – CWA Texas Heavyweight

Mr. Execution vs Whisky Jack © vs Leo Davis – CWA Blue Collar

No Fear vs Rex Reeves & Mark Smart

Ace Youngblood vs Demon Fury

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Marshall Williams vs Crash Lewis


Glad to see that I can still get my Anger fix! And he is even pulling pranks now! That is just awsome!

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American Patriot vs Paul Steadyfast

Madman Boone © vs Demon Anger – CWA Texas Heavyweight

Mr. Execution vs Whisky Jack © vs Leo Davis – CWA Blue Collar

No Fear vs Rex Reeves & Mark Smart

Ace Youngblood vs Demon Fury

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Marshall Williams vs Crash Lewis


Keep up the good work!


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CWA Live Event (feb)


American Patriot vs Paul Steadyfast

Madman Boone © vs Demon Anger – CWA Texas Heavyweight

What a reward for pulling a prank!

Mr. Execution vs Whisky Jack © vs Leo Davis – CWA Blue Collar

No Fear vs Rex Reeves & Mark Smart

Ace Youngblood vs Demon Fury

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Marshall Williams vs Crash Lewis

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February 2009, Week 3, Saturday



CWA Live Event

Held at the Round Rock Arena in front of 101 people.


Dark Match

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Marshall Williams vs Crash Lewis

Crash Lewis defeated Mad Dog Mortimer and Marshall Williams in 7:52 when Crash Lewis defeated Marshall Williams by pinfall.

Rating: F+


Main Show


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/AceYoungblood.jpg w/ http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/JemmaGriffiths.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PrimusAllen_alt.jpg w/ http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/Willow_alt2.jpg

Ace Youngblood (w/ Jemma) vs Demon Fury (w/ Willow)

This is an open match, where Demon Fury looks good despite losing.

Ace Youngblood defeated Demon Fury in 9:48 by pinfall with a Flying Tomahawk Chop.

Rating: E+


Once again, Jemma Griffiths and Willow get into a verbal fight about who is the hottest. Once again they decide to settle it by showing off in bikinis.

Rating: E-


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/FearlessBlue.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/DaredevilAero_alt.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/RexReeves.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MarkSmart.jpg

No Fear vs Rex Reeves and Mark Smart

The tag team experience of Blue and Aero makes all the difference in this one.

No Fear defeated Rex Reeves and Mark Smart in 7:18 when Daredevil Aero defeated Mark Smart by pinfall with a Fearbuster.

Raing: E-


After the match, No Fear approach Quincy. They say that their series of matches with the Vagabonds last year ended in a 2-2 tie, so they ask for a deciding match. Quincy accepts the request, and schedules the match for next months live event.

Rating: E


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/WarrenTechnique_alt.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/LeoDavis_alt.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/WhiskyJack.jpg


Mr. Execution vs Leo Davis vs Whisky Jack ©

- CWA Blue Collar Title -

As all Blue Collar matches, this one has a 15 minute time limit. Mr. Execution focuses primarily on Jack in this match, but neither he nor Leo can take the title away from him.

Whisky Jack defeated Mr. Execution and Leo Davis in 11:02 when Whisky Jack defeated Leo Davis by pinfall with a Face First Suplex. Whisky Jack makes defence number 1 of his CWA Blue Collar title.

Rating: E


Reese Paige is in the ring with Willow and Jemma Griffiths. She leads them through a standard bikini contest - taking turns to wow the audience - before letting the crowd decide who wins. This time, Willow is announced as the winner(!), which Jemma G looks very unhappy about.

Rating: D-


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MadmanBoone.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/DemonAnger.jpg


Madman Boone © vs Demon Anger

- Hardcore Match for the CWA Texas Heavyweight Title -

Right before the match begins, it is announced to be held under hardcore rules. Boone retains comfortably after a weapon intensive fight.

Madman Boone defeated Demon Anger in a hardcore match in 11:55 by pinfall with a Boone And Bust. Madman Boone makes defence number 3 of his CWA Texas Heavyweight title.

Rating: D-


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/AmericanPatriot.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PaulSteadyfast.jpg

American Patriot vs Paul Steadyfast

This match begins very good, with both men showing what they can do in an impressive way. Close to the end though, The New Demons Of Rage interefere against Patriot, and in response to that both Ace Youngblood and Madman Boone runs in to help him. Dale Kenney cannot break the brawl up, so he calls for the bell.

Paul Steadyfast drew with American Patriot in 20:12 when the referee lost control and stopped the match. The match also had a lot of interference: Demon Anger targeted American Patriot, Demon Fury attacked American Patriot, Ace Youngblood attacked Paul Steadyfast, and finally Madman Boone interfered against Paul Steadyfast.

Rating: D


The wild brawl between the six men in the ring continues, with the chaos spilling out all around ringside. Eventually a number of officials and other wrestlers have to hit the ring and pull them all apart before anyone is seriously hurt.

Rating: E+


The announcers close the show by saying that next month, there will be a 3 vs 3 match where American Patriot, Ace Youngblood and Madman Boone will take on Demon Anger, Demon Fury and Paul Steadyfast.

Rating: E+


Final Rating: D-

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I am running a promotion just like this one in a personal game. We have a lot of the same workers on our rosters (all though you do not have the great Ted Brady!). However, you seem to be getting grades along the range of E- to D. Whereas my cards seem to be getting grades along the range of F+ to E+.


So my question is, what is the product that you are using? Does it lean more towards performance based or towards popularity based?

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I am running a promotion just like this one in a personal game. We have a lot of the same workers on our rosters (all though you do not have the great Ted Brady!). However, you seem to be getting grades along the range of E- to D. Whereas my cards seem to be getting grades along the range of F+ to E+.


So my question is, what is the product that you are using? Does it lean more towards performance based or towards popularity based?


My product is equally rated on performance and popularity. The settings are:


Key Feature: Traditional

Medium: Mainstream, Cult, Modern

Low: Comedy, Risque, Realism, Hardcore, Lucha Libre

Very Low: Daredevil

None: Hyper Realism, Pure


Strong Face/Heel divide

80% Match ratio

Intesity 60%

Danger 50%


I was going for a broad product with a main focus on regular wrestling.


I think most of my workers have had their match grades improve from the first show since they have gone from F/F- popularity to more like E/E-.


I'm no wiz when it comes to game mechanics though, so I don't know if it's a good product or not, or if I book it "correctly".

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Reese Paige’s notes


In the CWA:

Demon Anger caused problems again as he turned up late for our latest show. Great way of repaying Quincy for giving him a shot at the Heavyweight title, don’t you think? Quincy did not go overboard with the punishment though, he merely said that that kind of behavior is not accepted. Anger seemed to accept that, and said that he will be more punctual in the future.

Line-up for our next show:

CWA Live Event (mar)


American Patriot, Ace Youngblood and Madman Boone vs The New Demons Of Rage and Paul Steadyfast – Elimination Match. The remaining persons on the winning team get to pick their opponents for Nobody’s Fool.

Marshall Williams vs Rex Reeves

Mr. Execution vs Whisky Jack © – CWA Blue Collar Title

No Fear vs The Vagabonds

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Mark Smart


From the wrestling world:

In a welcome but daring move, Tamara McFly opened a new promotion called Canadian Women’s Wrestling Federation last month. She appointed Cueball Lynch as the head booker of this all-female federation.

TCW had a couple of big signings last month. They were Bruce The Giant, who debuted with a win against Sammy Bach at The War To Settle The Score, and Phil Vibert, who will be working as a Colour Commentator.

Without having done much the last few years, former promoter Preston Holt officially announced that he has left the business.

There will be quite a few new wrestling shows on TV soon. 5SSW War Room will debut on Prime Japan TV, BHOTWG Lords of The Ring will once again be on the air, this time on Prime Japan TV, TCW Presents Total Wrestling will return on Japanese Sports Vision, INSPIRE Ring Wars will debut on Japanese Sports Vision 2 and WLW:Breakin’ Out is set to debut on Prime Japan TV.


Until next time,

Reese Paige

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Demon Anger caused problems again as he turned up late for our latest show. Great way of repaying Quincy for giving him a shot at the Heavyweight title, don’t you think? Quincy did not go overboard with the punishment though, he merely said that that kind of behavior is not accepted. Anger seemed to accept that, and said that he will be more punctual in the future.


Wow Anger is acting up a lot for you!


American Patriot, Ace Youngblood and Madman Boone vs The New Demons Of Rage and Paul Steadyfast – Elimination Match.


Marshall Williams vs Rex Reeves


Mr. Execution vs Whisky Jack © – CWA Blue Collar Title


No Fear vs The Vagabonds


Mad Dog Mortimer vs Mark Smart

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CWA Live Event (mar)


American Patriot, Ace Youngblood and Madman Boone vs The New Demons Of Rage and Paul Steadyfast – Elimination Match. The remaining persons on the winning team get to pick their opponents for Nobody’s Fool.

Marshall Williams vs Rex Reeves

Mr. Execution vs Whisky Jack © – CWA Blue Collar Title

No Fear vs The Vagabonds

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Mark Smart

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American Patriot, Ace Youngblood and Madman Boone vs The New Demons Of Rage and Paul Steadyfast – Elimination Match. The remaining persons on the winning team get to pick their opponents for Nobody’s Fool.

Marshall Williams vs Rex Reeves

Mr. Execution vs Whisky Jack © – CWA Blue Collar Title

No Fear vs The Vagabonds

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Mark Smart


I've picked those purely on who I want to win, rather than who I necessarily think will win!

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March 2009, Week 3, Saturday



CWA Live Event

Held at the Round Rock Arena in front of 80 people


Mad Dog Mortimer opens the show by having a rather confused promo about how he is going to get into Mark Smart’s crease and wreak havoc before scoring an overtime goal.

Rating: F


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MadDogMortimer_alt3.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MarkSmart.jpg

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Mark Smart

Mark Smart is far from chanceless, but the Wayne Gretzky of the CWA manages to score the pinfall following a huge leg drop.

Mad Dog Mortimer defeated Mark Smart in 8:16 by pinfall.

Rating: E


Jemma Griffiths comes out and fires some promotional Ace Youngblood T-Shirts into the crowd.

Rating: D+


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/FearlessBlue.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/DaredevilAero_alt.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/LeoDavis_alt.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/CraigLewis_alt.jpg

No Fear vs The Vagabonds

Ok, so these guys have not ever had very good matches earlier. Still the CWA keeps tormenting us with them. It isn’t fair!

The Vagabonds defeated No Fear in 10:59 when Crash Lewis defeated Fearless Blue by pinfall.

Rating: F+


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/WarrenTechnique_alt.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/WhiskyJack.jpg


Mr. Execution vs Whisky Jack ©

- CWA Blue Collar Title -

A very evenly matched contest ends with Mr. Execution taking control of the match after a few high profile submission moves (figure four leg lock, Scorpion Deathlock, STF) that are all broken by Jack reaching the ropes. Then Jack has enough, grabs his title and simply walks out.

Mr. Execution defeated Whisky Jack in 13:49 by count out.

Rating: D-


The announcers immediately announce that Quincy has decided that we'll be seeing Mr. Execution take on Whisky Jack again next month at Nobody’s Fool.

Rating: E-


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/BenWilliams_alt7.jpg VS http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/RexReeves.jpg

Marshall Williams vs Rex Reeves

An important win for Williams, who has not found himself winning a lot in the CWA.

Marshall Williams defeated Rex Reeves in 5:43 by pinfall with a roll up.

Rating: F+


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/AmericanPatriot.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/AceYoungblood.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/MadmanBoone.jpg w/ http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/JemmaGriffiths.jpg


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/DemonAnger.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PrimusAllen_alt.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PaulSteadyfast.jpg w/ http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/Willow_alt2.jpg

American Patriot, Ace Youngblood (w/ Jemma) and Madman Boone vs The New Demons Of Rage (w/ Willow) and Paul Steadyfast

Elimination match for the right to select opponents at Nobody’s Fool

In the early stages of the match, the New Demons Of Rage dominate with their teamwork, but especially American Patriot and Ace Youngblood gel together as the match progresses, and in a joint effort, they manage to eliminate Demon Anger. Madman Boone then pins Demon Fury, leaving Paul Steadyfast the only remaining person on his team. Steadyfast quickly evens the odds by immediately eliminating Boone using the ropes for leverage, but is overpowered by Patriot and Youngblood and eliminated after a Flying Tomahawk Chop followed by a Star Spangled Press.

American Patriot, Ace Youngblood and Madman Boone defeated Demon Anger, Demon Fury and Paul Steadyfast in 22:37; Demon Anger was eliminated first, then Demon Fury, then Madman Boone, and finally Paul Steadyfast.

Rating: D-


Quincy comes to the ring, where Ace Youngblood and American Patriot are celebrating. He says that since they both survived the elimination match, they get to choose their opponents for Nobody’s Fool. American Patriot says that they have agreed to challenge The New Demons Of Rage for their tag team titles. Quincy confirms that the match will take place.

Rating: D


A backstage segment is shown, where Paul Steadyfast and Madman Boone are arguing. It gets heated, and the shouting catches the attention of Quincy Han**** who is passing by. He walks in and says that he will grant Steadyfast a last chance to regain his title, but if he fails to win, he will not get another shot for a while.

Rating: D


Final Rating: E+

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Reese Paige’s notes


In the CWA:

Amazingly, Demon Anger did not cause any trouble at all last month. Maybe he is getting too old for that s..tuff? March was another solid month for us financially. As I have said before, I think the roster is a bit stale, but Quincy just will not sign any more talent right now, and it does not seem like he will be letting anyone go either.

The card for Nobody’s Fool looks interesting. Will Whisky Jack finally have a clean finish against Mr. Execution? Will American Patriot and Ace Youngblood, the All-Americans as they seem to call themselves, be able to win the tag team titles? Will Paul Steadyfast take the Texas Heavyweight title back from Boone? And, perhaps most interestingly, will Marshall Williams win another match?

CWA Nobody’s Fool 2009


Mr. Execution vs Whisky Jack© – CWA Blue Collar Title

No Fear vs Rex Reeves & Mark Smart

Marshall Williams vs Leo Davis

The All-Americans vs The New Demons of Rage© – CWA Tag Team Titles

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Crash Lewis – Hardcore Match

Madman Boone © vs Paul Steadyfast – Texas Death Match for the CWA Texas Heavyweight Title


From the wrestling world:

The USPW World title is vacant, since their champion Wrestling Machine #1 signed a written contract with TCW (he was on a PPA contract with USPW as well as TCW before that).

There were a couple of nasty injuries this month as well. Aussie wrestler Dingo Devine is out for 13 months with a major concussion and in Canadan, Joey Poison out for 12 months with a torn rotator cuff.

Female wrestlers Helen Bach and Black Widow both retired from active competition last month.


Until next time,

Reese Paige

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CWA Nobody’s Fool 2009


Mr. Execution vs Whisky Jack© – CWA Blue Collar Title

No Fear vs Rex Reeves & Mark Smart

Marshall Williams vs Leo Davis

The All-Americans vs The New Demons of Rage© – CWA Tag Team Titles

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Crash Lewis – Hardcore Match

Madman Boone © vs Paul Steadyfast – Texas Death Match for the CWA Texas Heavyweight Title

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Mr. Execution vs Whisky Jack© – CWA Blue Collar Title


No Fear vs Rex Reeves & Mark Smart


Marshall Williams vs Leo Davis


The All-Americans vs The New Demons of Rage© – CWA Tag Team Titles


Mad Dog Mortimer vs Crash Lewis – Hardcore Match


Madman Boone © vs Paul Steadyfast – Texas Death Match for the CWA Texas Heavyweight Title

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