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wCw 2001 - The Start Of History

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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;531802]Its understandable. It can be frustrating when you see the Views count go up, but there aren't many posts, except for maybe some predictions. I think a big part of the reason for that is because so many promising diaries are started but then get abandoned after a couple of shows. So a lot of readers will give you time to run with it a bit and prove you will keep going before getting too involved. It can make the first month or two of a new diary a bit tougher to write, it seems.[/QUOTE] Thank you as well for the advice. Also an update Nitro should be up by then end of today so get your predictions in.
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[B]Superstar" Shane Helms[/B] vs AJ Styles Helms needs to prove himself. A Perfect Re-Debut Match: [B]Mr. Perfect[/B] vs The Cat I mark our for Perfect each and every time. [B]The Flithy Animalz[/B] vs Chavo Guerreruo and Disco Inferno Not much to say here, but I see the animalz taking the victory. [B] Shane Douglas[/B] vs Jerry Lynn Cheao win from the franchise [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs DDP I would liek to see a possible feud between these two guys, but Jarrett for the win. wCw World Championship: [B]Booker T[/B] vs RVD champion to retain
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[SIZE="2"][CENTER]{Motionless shots from The Big Bang Pay Per View air, showing Eric Bischoff debuting and making a statement saying that there will be a new era. Footage then speeds up to show Shane Helms's new attitude retaining his title against Jushin Lyger. Dramatic music plays in the background as Diamond Dallas Page and Kevin Nash are shown assaulting each other. It highlights them using brutal weapons and DDP getting the win. It shows Booker T coming out from the stage and taking on Scott Steiner, Goldberg, Ric Flair, and Sting in the main event as the shots turn into moving pictures. It show Booker T getting the win. It gets black and white when Eric Bischoff says that he's signed a new superstar for World Championship Wrestling. The screen shows a still, blurry picture of the entranceway to the ring and then Rob Van Dam arriving in World Championship Wrestling!} {Fireworks light up the wCw Arena as the sold out crowd give an overwhelming reaction to the DEBUT of wCw Monday Night Nitro. "The Proffessor" Mike Tenay and "Rowdy" Roddy Piper go to the announcer's table to do there duties for Nitro as the new theme song 'Fuel' by Metallica hits the P.A. you can see signs such as RVD, Test cup Stenier, and Sting Rulez. The ring is traditional with a silver mat. The ropes are there usual red color. The entrance area features the letters wCw in the middle, a large Titantron video screen hangs high in the air, with two oval screens on either side and just below. The entrance stage is not distinct in any means. The entrance ramp has been replaced with a long catwalk that stretches from the edge of the entrance stage and touching the edge of the left side of the ring.} [B]Tenay:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen It's my honor, no privlage to welcome you to wCw Monday Night Nitro, the return live in wCw's new home, the wCw Arena! And boy do we have a show for you. [B]Piper:[/B] That's right Sally, you're talking about the main event, when the wCw World Heavyweight Champion Booker T must defend his championship against the biggest free agent out there, Rob Van Dam! [B]Tenay:[/B] Don't forget that "Mr. Perfect" Curt Henning will be making his, what he calls, a "Perfect Re- Debut Match" against The Cat! [B]Piper:[/B] An- {Before Piper could finish his statement, 'Holla If Ya Here Me' hits the P.A. as Scott Steiner comes out to an awful reaction. He only comes out with Stacy around his waist and enters the ring and snatches the mic away ferom Jeremy Borash. He tries to speak but a huge chant of "*******" starts. Stenier is extremely mad at this point.} [B]Steiner:[/B] Like if any of your opinions matter anyway. {This gets major heel heat as he puts the mic to his lips to speak again.} [B]Stenier:[/B] Bischoff! Get your ass down here now! {On that cue, 'Back In Black' by AC/DC hits as the crowd gives Bischoff enormous heel heat. Bischoff has a ****y look on his face as he enters the ring.} [B]Bischoff:[/B] Steiner, now I know your mad b- [B]Stenier:[/B] Your damn right I'm mad. I should've gotten a one on one shot with Booker! [B]Bischoff:[/B] I know but don't worry about a thing. You ever heard the expression "Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours"? [B]Stenier:[/B] Yeah but what does that have to do with anyth- {Suddenly the drum beats hitsd the P.A. system as the whole arena start in a chant of GOLDBERG GOLDBERG GOLDBERG GOLDBERG GOLDBERG The pyro goes off and there Goldberg is, eyes focused on Steiner as Bischoff is quviering in his pants. Goldberg comes to the ring and enters it. He snatches a mic from Bischoff a gets in Stenier's face.} [B]Goldberg:[/B] You don't desevere a damn thing. {Stenier doesn't back down, he just stares back at Goldberg and gets closer to his face} [B]Stenier:[/B] Oh yeah? {Now these men are nose to nose ready to trade blows and fight. Finally Goldberg backs up ending the intense staredown and SPEAR! Stenier is down. Goldberg grabs Stenier, and JACKHAMMER! Bischoff is already up the ramp surronded by security and has a mic.} [B]Bischoff:[/B] You know what we're gonna have a #1 Contender's Match when Goldberg takes on Scott Stenier next week! {The crowd pops as we go to a commerical break.} {When we come back from the break, the camera's focus is on the commontary booth.} [B]Tenay:[/B] Well we're back from the commerical break and what a show we've got. [B]Piper:[/B] Hey Gabriel, shut up and lets enjoy some wrestling. {Just then, 'Superstar' by Saliva hits as "Superstar" Shane Helms comes out with lackey Shannon Moore. Local Development leager AJ Styles is already in the ring. Helms has a mic in his hand while he's walking to the ring.} [B]Helms:[/B] Well what the hell is wCw thing by putting a Superstar like me against some lower league punk. I mean he looks like he just came off of a Backstreet Boyz music video. Hey your not gonna be sh- {AJ Styles hits Helms with a Pele Kick as the crowd cheer as this starts off the match.} This match was suprisingly open with AJ getting some offence in the beginning using his deadly kicks. A missed spot by AJ was all it took for Helms to catch on fire, hitting him with some leathal moves. Helms hits AJ with a DDT follwed with a Shining Wizard and the Vertabraker for the three. Your Winner via Pinfall in 6:59: "Superstar" Shane Helms {"Superstar" Shane Helms rolls quickly out of the ring as he along with his lackey Shannon "All of This And" Moore run up the ramp in retreat. Styles starts to get up to the applause of the crowd when suddenly {Smoke fills the entrance way as we don't know who this is. The crowd is waiting. Suddenly a small figure comes out from the entrance way. It is none other than the Sinster Minster from ECW. He points to the entrance way. Suddenly a large figure comes out pissed off as normal. The crowd reconized this man as none other that Mike Awesome. He walks down the catwalk as the fans shout abuse at Awesome. Awesome has a cold evil look on his face as he finally walks up the steps. He enters the ring and simply stares at AJ Styles before clothslining the man. He picks AJ and hits Gorilla Press on AJ to the outside. AJ's body hits the barricade as he falls to the mat.} [B]Tenay:[/B] Somebody, stop this man! He's gonna kill AJ! [B]Piper:[/B] I'm loving it! I guarn - damn - tee you that he will be World Champion with that attitude! {As AJ is knoced out on the floor, referee, Charles Robinson is pleading with Mike Awesome to stop but Awesome just throws Robinson. Sinster grabs a Steel Chair and hands it to Awesome. Awesome grabs the chair and cracks it over and over AJ's head until AJ is bleeding and Awesome doesn't stop even then. Finally after the chair is bent and disfigured too much, Awesome throws the chair down. Awesome then Big Boots AJ right in the head until AJ can't move. Sinster grabs a mic.} [B]Sinster:[/B] Hello my fellow minions. I am Minister Mitchell and let me introduce you to my client. A man who will definately win the wCw Champion, a man who will destroy all comers I'm talking about "The Career Killer" Mike Awesome and I will prove to you why they call him the "Career Killer"! {Just then, Awesome drags a bloddied AJ to where the Announcer's Table is at. Awesome simply picks up AJ and Awesome Bomb's him through the table while the fans chant "Holy ****". Awesome snarls.} [B]Mitchell:[/B] This is a note to World Championship Wrestling! You've all been put on notice and are being warned. Mike Awesome will become World Heavyweight Champion and if you stand in his way, you'll end up like this man right here. {Mitchell drops the mic and laughs as Awesome taunts before they both leave as the camera's cut to where "Mean" Gene Okerland is standing by with Ernest "The Cat" Miller.} [B]Gene:[/B] I'm "Mean" Gene Okerland and I'm here with Ernest "The Cat" Miller. Now Miller tonight, you take on the returning Curt Henning who is a mutiple time U.S., Television, and Tag Team champion. How prepare are you going up against Henning? [B]The Cat:[/B] Oh, daddy The Cat is well prepared. You see my brotha, I'll give Curt his dues, he's one bad mamma jamma and a helluva wrestler but he aint a black belt in Karate, a former commisioner, and the smoothest in the world. He aint no Ernest "The Cat" Miller. And after tonight, somebody better call his mama! {Ernest Miller leaves as we go to a commercial break.} {After the break, we are joined by Mike Tenay and "Rowdy" Roddy Piper.} Tenay: Well, what a night wCw Nitro has had so far wouldn't you say Piper. [B]Piper:[/B] For once, I agree with ya! Nitro has been explosive and it's gonna get even better when a man I have so much respect for beats the crap out of that stupid dumbass called The Cat. I mean what the hell type of nickname is "The Cat". [B]Tenay:[/B] Well we just wait and see about that. {'I Feel Good' by James Brown hits as Ernest "The Cat" Miller comes out to a warm reciption. Miller comes out and taunts his way to the ring, high fiving the fans on the way. Miller enters the ring and plays to the crowd. He taunts and waits for his opponent. Suddenly a video airs showing Mr. Perfect. during his stay from the AWA to WWF to right here in wCw. the video ends by saying "World Championship Wrestling must be pefected." After that the classic theme hits as Mr. Perfect comes out to a huge pop. He looks around before doing his towel entrance he's so famous for. After taunting he goes into the ring. He offers The Cat a handshake and The Cat accepts but Henning cheap shots Miller to boos from the crowd as the bell rings.} This match was a debut match that saw Henning dominate with The Cat getting little offence. The Cat trys to go for a clothsline but it's reversed into a Perfect-Plex for the three count. Your winner via Pinfall, in 5:01: Mr. Perfect {Post match, Perfect taunts the crowd as the fans boos him. The cameras cut to the parking lot where a strecth limo pulls up. Out comes the limo driver who opens up the back seat door. It shows that it's current wCw Untied States Champion, Steve Corino. Jermery Borash tries to interview "The King Of Old School" Steve Corino. [B]Borash:[/B] Excuse me, Steve Corino if I can just get a word from you. How do you feel that you're the wCw Untied States Champion? You've been compared to the likes of Ric Flair a- [B]Corino:[/B] Did you dare try to compare "The King of Old School" to a washed up 73 year old has been who belongs in a nursing home? I AM the future of World Championship Wrestling and I think that some of us in the back are sick and tired of these "veterans" taking what belongs to us. Sooner or later something will be done... {Corino pushes Borash out of the way and heads to his locker room as Borash is still trying to figure out what he meant about "Something will be done". {The camera's switch to footage that was recorded earlier today. It shows Booker T getting interviewed by Mike Tenay. Booker T relaxes in the chair as we see 'Iron' Mike Tenay in the chair facing him.} [B]Tenay:[/B] Booker, firstly thank you for taking this time out to talk to us here. [B]Booker:[/B] No problem man, no problem at all. [B]Tenay:[/B] Well as you well know, we are just hours away from wCw Monday Night Nitro, where you will defend your wCw World Heavyweight Champion against wCw's newest wrestler, Rob Van Dam. I'm gonna ask you a bit about your thoughts on your opposition at Nitro. [B]Booker:[/B] My thoughts. Well, honestly, I'd have to say that Rob is a great athelete. Say what you will about him, that's a world class wrestler I gotta face for that World Title. I've never fought him before, so this will be a new experiance for me, ya dig. It's gonna be tough. [B]Tenay:[/B] Are you confident of winning? [B]Booker:[/B] You know Mike, the Booker man is always gonna be goin' out there confident. If you're no confident of winning, then there's no point in even being out there, cause you're straight away at a big disadvantage. So yeah, I'm confident I can pretty much go out there, do my thing and hopefully come out still wCw Champion." [B]Tenay:[/B] Now as for the title, how much does the wCw World Heavyweight Championship mean to you? [B]Booker:[/B] Having this belt means everything. I mean it's the single most prestigious title in the world. Look at all the names who've won it over the years. Flair, Dusty, Harley Race, Steamboat, Hogan, Sting...there's one hell of a lot of legends who've won that belt. You can say all you want about WWF being the 'bigger company' or ECW's title 'meaning more' and all that. As far as I'm concerned there's only ONE Heavyweight belt in wrestling, and that's the wCw World Heavyweight Title. And having the belt...well, it puts you up there with all the legends I mentioned. It elevates you up alongside the Hogans, the Flairs, the Harts, the Steamboats. It elevates you to the next level of competition. Next level of recognition. That's what we all want, what we're all lookin' for. You have that belt, and you become the man. People begin to recognise your talents more than they did before. You get more publicity, more T.V time. More signs in the crowd. More fan support. having and keeping that belt is always the ultimate goal. [B]Tenay:[/B] So we can expect to see a fired up Booker T later on tonight in that ring. [B]Booker:[/B] Ya always do Mike. Tonight, it's gonna be Booker T at his most intense. When it comes down to keeping the World Title, I always become that bit more motivated to win. So Rob Van Dam can expect me to come out fighting tonight May, 7th on Nitro. And maybe, maybe, at the end of it you'll see Booker still as wCw World Heavyweight Champion. Ha ha...I can dig that...SUCKAAAAA!!! {The camera's cut back to the announcer's booth.} [B]Tenay:[/B] Booker is a very determined man. [B]Piper:[/B] But, it's going to take more than "determination" to beat RVD tonight. [B]Tenay:[/B] Your right about that, but lets cut to the ring for our next match up. {'Oohhh Chavo!' hits the P.A. as Chavo Guerreruo comes out to decent heel heat. He taunts the fans and stops half way up the catwalk when all of a sudden 'Staying Alive' hits the P.A. as "The Buggie Man" Disco Inferno comes out to a chorus of boos he dances his way down the catwalk and into the ring as Chavo slides in. Suddenly th Flithy Animals theme hits as they come out to a huge responce from the crowd. Rey Mysterio is high fiving the fans while Kidman is with his girlfriend Torrie. They run into the ring and slide in to start this match.} This was a decent tag team match but suffered because Chavo and Disco don't have chemistry together as a tag team. Rey Rey and Kidman gets the win after Rey his the '619' on Chavo. Your winners via Pinfall in 9:48: The Flithy Animals {Afterwards Rey Rey and Kidman are celbrating in the ring when 'Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck' by Grindspoon hits the P.A. as The Impact Players come out with Dawn Marie to some heel heat. Storm has a mic and is about to speak.} [B]Storm:[/B] Hello, Canada! {This gets major heel heat from the crowd. Storm is chuckling to himself as Credible looks at Strom with a "WTF" on his face. Storm who is obviously embarrassed that his joke failed is trying to be serious.} Storm: Uh... if I can be serious for a moment, Rey and Kidman we feel as though that last night was a fluke. I mean you guys suck. {Storm passes the mic to Justin Credible who is speaking now.} Credible: Yeah we are two incredible wrestlers that you can't beat. If it wasn't for those 50 year old hacks then we would've definatly won. So at the June PPV, Road Wild, we challenge you two for those Tag Titles. So what do ya say? {Rey Rey and Kidman look at each other before Kidman accepts as the camera's cut to a commercial break.} {When we come back, we see Dustin Rhodes in his locker room. He has an upset look on his face when suddenly Jeff Jarrett barges in. Rhodes immediaty gets in Jarrett's face but Jarrett backs down.} [B]Rhodes:[/B] Get the hell out of here! {Jarrett has a sly look on his face.} [B]Jarrett:[/B] Hey buddy, what's with all of the hostility? Just stopping by to say hi. Oh and by the way, how's your daddy slapnut? {By this rude remark Dustin gets rile up but calms himself down.} [B]Jarrett:[/B] Oh yeah you remembered that we have a contract. The one about if you touch me you'll be fired unless it's in a scheduled match? I suggest that your ass behaves if you want that Cage match at Road Wild. {Dustin is obviously mad but is sitting down.} [B]Jarrett:[/B] I know why your mad. Your thinking to yourself that this is all your fault. We'll your right. If you never gotten yourself in this your daddy would've still been wrestling. To think that he had to fight a coward's battle you should be ashamed of yourself. Coward. Your nothing but a freak. Isn't that right Goldust? {Dustin is furious.} [B]Jarrett:[/B] Well I've got to go get ready for my match so see you later. {Jarrett leaves laughing as Dustin stares a hole though Jarrett. He finally says.} [B]Dustin:[/B] You will see me later Jarrett... {The cameras cut back to the wCw Arena. The fans are waiting as what will happen next when all of a sudden, 'Perfect Strangers' by Deep Purple hits the P.A. as the fans give major heel heat to Shane Douglas. Douglas enters the ring and throws up the "Triple Threat" sign in the air before waiting for his opponent. "Guerrila Radio" by Rage Against The Machines hits the P.A. as the fans pop huge for Jerry Lynn. Lynn enters the ring to get this party started.} This match reminds me of how good ECW once was. These two put on an enjoyable match. Lynn starts off the match in control. Douglas uses his power advazntage against the smaller Lynn. This match ends when Lynn finsihed Douglas with the Cradle Piledriver or as it's new name the Lynndriver for the three count. Your winner Via Pinfall in 13:32: Jerry Lynn {After the match you can hear and see Shane Douglas throwing a tantrum in the ring. After that we see DDP walking towards the ring. His ribs are taped up and he has stitches in his head. On the bottom of the screen it says Up Next.} [B]Tenay:[/B] Well DDP's match is up next and Hot Rod, you have to wonder what type of state, physically and mentaly, DDP is in after that hellacuios match! [B]Piper:[/B] DDP is a shell of his former self. He might have won back in '98 because he had that spark and that ruthless agression. Now he's all washed up. [B]Tenay:[/B] Hhmmm, I wonder who that reminds me of? {Before Piper can kill Tenay, Nitro cuts to a commerical break} {The camera's cut back to Nitro when 'Chosen One Remix' by Metallica. The fans give Double J HUGE heel heat. Jarrett shrugs it off as he taunts his way down to the ring. He taunts with his gutair and even threatens the ref that he wiil hit him. Suddenly those jeers turn into huge cheers as 'Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvara hits the P.A.as DDP comes out, eyes focused and ready for a fight. He slides in, and starts laying in punches to Double J himself as the bell rings.} This match is an all out brawl. DDP is plummerizing Jarrett and has the advantage. Jarrett however turns the momentum on his side after elbowing Page in the ribs. From there thats what Jarrett has the momentum focusing on his ribs. DDp was about to win when Kevin Nash appears on the NitroTron! [B]Nash:[/B] I suggest that you come to the parking lot if you ever want to see your wife again! {DDP runs straight to the back like a bat out of hell. Jarrett wins the match! Anyways DDP is pushing security and staff members away trying desperately to get to the parking lot. He finally does.} [B]DDP:[/B] Nash I'm Here! Where is she Nash? Let her g- {Before he can finish his last sentence, a masked man hits DDP over the head with a lead pipe. DDP is being assualted with that lead pipe over and over again. Nash steps out of the shadows, grabbing Kimberly by the hair.} [B]Nash:[/B] Looks like you were too late! Haha! {Nash signals for the masked man to come on as Nash puts Kimberly in the trunk. They pull off. Suddenly a person comes over to call for help. This person is none other than Scott Hall.} [B]Tenay:[/B] That was one of the most henoius and despicable I have ever seen. Thank god that Scott Hall came and got parametics otherwise DDP could've been dead. [B]Piper:[/B] So if it wasn't that drunk, Scott Hall, then who was it? {We go to our final commerical break} {When we come back the crowd is waiting in anticipation when all of a sudden... {Some of the smart marks completely mark out. Soon the whole crowd gives RVD an enormous pop as he comes out with Bill Alfonzo. The Fonz is blowing his whisle as RVD does his thumb taunt. RVD's pyro goes off as he slides into the ring. He goes on the top turnbuckle and does his thumb taunt while the crowd chants along R.V.D! Van Dam waits as 'Can You Dig It?' hits the P.A. The fans give Booker a huge ovation as he walks down the catwalk with the wCw World Heavyweight Championship firmly around his waist. Half way he stops and sets off his pyro brighting up the whole wCw Arena! He shakes hands with some of the crowd members in the front row before entering the ring. He goes on the top turnbuckle and taunts with his title much to the fans delight. He hands the belt to Nick Patrick to start the match.} This was one of the best Nitro main events in recent memory that saw both Booker and RVD give it there all in this 26 minute match. They shook hands in the beginning to show a sign of sportmanship. RVD used his agility to his advantage. RVD hits Booker with a Rolling Thuder towards the end and goes up for a Five Star Frog Splash! As he jumps off, Booker hits RVD with a Round House Kick that knocks RVD out in the middle of the ring. This allow Booker to hit a Book End followed by a Scissor Kick to get the win. Your Winner via Pinfall in 26:12: Booker T {Post match, Booker is celebrating his win. But his victory is cut short when Scott Steiner, Jeff Jarrett, Chris Kanyon, Ron Killings, Steve Corino, Shane Douglas, and Mike Sanders come down to the ring and beat down Booker. Rhodes comes through the crowd and tries to help, but his efforts are futile against this newly made alliance. It seems as if these rebels were going to get the last laugh when suddenly the drum beats start up, and out sprints Goldberg! The fans are going crazy as Goldberg slides in and starts to knock down whoever is in his way with hard Clotheslines and right hands. Jeff Jarrett and Ron Killings are smart enough to slide to the outside as Goldberg nails a huge Spear on Corino! Goldberg then hits a Belly to Belly on Sanders before Spearing both Douglas and Kanyon. [B]Tenay:[/B] Goldberg has gone crazy! {It seems as everyone has been knocked down...except for Goldberg and Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner. The two tough men go toe to toe in an intense staredown in the middle of the ring as the 'Goldberg' chants become even more deafening. Steiner fires the first shot, and the two start trading hard right hands and forearms! Steiner gets the advantage, pounding the hell out of Goldberg, before Goldberg ducks a Clothesline and lays Steiner out with a Spear! Goldberg, Rhodes, RVD, and Booker are left standing tall, pointing up at Jarrett and Killings as Nitro goes off the air!} OCC- Sorry about the delay! I was in South Carolina when I typed this and I forgot to E-Mail my stuff back to Albany so I had retype the whole thing over yesterday and then I had to go to school so yeah. [/CENTER][/SIZE]
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Here's the news [FONT="Arial"][CENTER][QUOTE][SIZE="5"][B][U]wCw & WWF News inside:[/U][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"] - Apparently FOX is happy with the ratings that wCw is getting. wCw pulled a 6.02 rating while the WWF pulled a 7.27 rating. Although they lost in the rating wars, they been much improving despite only their first show. - It seems as if one top superstar in the WWF is unhappy about his postition in the company. This unnamed superstar thinks that he deserves a world title run even though he's a 4 Time WWF Champion and has had a huge push. His antics along with declaring himself the "Franchise Player of The WWF" has annoyed several wrestlers backstage. - Hulk Hogan has shown interest in forming a new promotion. He's been in talks with several possible promoters to get on board. J - Speaking of new promotions Vince Russo opened a new promotion. From what we've heard, apparently it's being called [B]Total Extreme Wrestling[/B]. Many people believe that this is a cheap knock off of local gamemaker Adam Ryland's wrestling simulation game TEW. - Also The Ultimate Warrior has been arrested. The reason why is apperently one count of drunk driving, two counts of agrravated assualt, and one count of disturbing the peace. We will post more information when we get more.[/SIZE][/QUOTE][/CENTER][/FONT]
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Here is the full details on the Warrior story. [CENTER][QUOTE][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="5"][B][U]More News on The Ultimate Warrior:[/U][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE="2"]Apparently Jim Helwig a.k.a The Ultimate Warrior has been arrested last night. Apparently he got into an arguement with someone, went to the bar, got drunk and started to drive around town looking to harass old women in subarbaran areas. He arrived at the alleged subarb and started to attack old ladies saying quote "THE STARS WILL ALLIGN AND THE PLANETS SWEET NECTAR FROM THE FORCES BEYOND OUR CONTROL WILL BLAST DOWN LIGHT ON TO ME WHICH I WILL SAVE THE DOOMED PLANET FROM SAVING THE DEPTHS OF HELL INTO THE BLACK ABYSSMAL SATURDAYS ON THURSDAY NIGHTS AND THOU COME ON TO THE EVIL GALATICAL WARLOCK OF DOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!! :) and other bizzaro things. He apparently attacked 6 senior citizens even a pro wrestler who's name must be kept anoymous on our website (*cough*terry funk*cough). It's expected for Mr. Warrior to go to trial. He could face up to 15 years in jail. Apparently his lawyer is a new one by the name of Mr. Jim Force.... P.S. Watch Monday Nitro only on the FOX! Network [/SIZE][/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][B][U]wCw Nitro Preview:[/U][/B] Monday Night Nitro comes live to you from wCw's permanent home, the wCw Arena. After last week, things have gotten a little hectic in wCw as we saw 7 men ruin one of the best Nitro main events by interfering and beat down both competitors. But Golberg came to the rescue and destroyed them all. Now in the main event, we must find a #1 Contender for the wCw Champion as "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner meets Goldberg in the main event. Also here are the scheduled matches: Blitzreg and The Road Warriors vs Mike Awesome [B][U]U.S. Championship Match:[/U][/B] Steve Corino vs Konnan Rey Mysterio vs Lance Storm Billy Kidman vs Justin Credible Dustin Rhodes vs Shane Douglas vs RVD [B][U]#1 Contender's Match:[/U][/B] Goldberg vs Scott Steiner [B][U]PLUS:[/U][/B] Mike Tenay will have an in depth interview Kevin Nash and his recent actions Booker T will be in the building More matches will be announced for Road Wild! [/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
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[B]Blitzreg and The Road Warriors[/B] vs Mike Awesome U.S. Championship Match: Steve Corino vs [B]Konnan[/B] Rey Mysterio vs [B]Lance Storm[/B] [B]Billy Kidman[/B] vs Justin Credible Dustin Rhodes vs Shane Douglas vs [B]RVD[/B] #1 Contender's Match: [B]Goldberg[/B] vs Scott Steiner
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I am sick and wont be able to work on this for a couple days just in case if you wanted to know why this has been inactive. This is not dead it's just that I am sick and want to focus on felling better first. I probally will post Nitro by the 23 hopefully. Anyway you can still predict on the card.
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[CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee200/CQI13/Nitroonlyonfoxcopy.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"][U]wCw Monday Night Nitro: Episode 002[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]{The fans in attendance are on there feet for another episode of wCw Monday Night Nitro as “New Generation” by Limp Biskit hit’s the P.A.. The camera pans to see our usual Nitro cast, “The Professor” Mike Tenay and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper.} [B]Tenay:[/B] Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another episode of wCw Monday Night Nitro! I am your host, Mike Tenay and with me is one of the most colorful, controversial, and badass wrestlers to ever step into the ring. I’m talking of course of none other than “Hot Rod” Roddy Piper! [B]Piper:[/B] Thanks Samantha. Usually, I would make fun of Samantha over here and hype what happened last week but you lazy bastards should watch the show if you want to know what happened so badly. Jeez, would it kill ya to move your fu- {Before Piper can go into one of his madman rants, a generic luchadore theme hit’s the P.A. as the fans somewhat cheer for Blitzkrieg as he walks down the catwalk but stops halfway for his tag team partners, the Road Warriors! They enter the ring and play to the crowd when suddenly “Iron Man” by Black Sabbith hit’s the P.A. as the fans give Mike Awesome enormous heel heat! He comes out, with Minister Mitchell, and has an expressionless look on his face. He walks halfway down the catwalk until he sees a fan who has a sign. The sign reads “Mike Awesome Sucks!” Mike Awesome is furious and grabs the sign. He proceeds to rip it up into tiny pieces and throws the pieces at a fan. He runs to the ring and attacks everyone, much to the surprise of absolutely no one and starts the match.} This match was a squash! Yep even with the Road Warriors in it, this match was a SQUASH! Mike Awesome has no mercy in that ring and proceeds to rip everyone to shreds. One memorable moment was when Awesome grabbed Blitzkrieg and proceeded to Power Bomb him 6 times in a row. Oh and followed up with an Awesome Bomb and this match is over. Your Winner, Via Pinfall, in 4:12: “Iron Man” Mike Awesome {After the match, the cameras pan to see a limo outside. Out comes potential #1 Contender, Scott Steiner with his lovely Stacy Keibler around his waist. He notices that Tony Schiavone is there with a microphone. He shoots a look of disgust at Schiavone.} [B]Steiner:[/B] What the hell do you want? [B]Schiavone:[/B] Well Scott, I uh.. was wondering, if I could get your thoughts on your match ton- {Steiner stops him.} [B]Steiner:[/B] You don’t have to say anymore, jackass! I know exactly what your going to ask me. I don’t care about GoldTurd because I’ve beaten him so many times before it’s not even funny. So GoldTurd, tonight your gonna be NEXT! {Steiner arrogantly brushes past Tony as we go to our first commercial break.} {When we come back from the commercial break, Konnan is already in the ring and he has a microphone in hand.} [B]Konnan:[/B] What’s up my homies. Ya boy Konnan is here to win some go- {Before Konnan can finish this statement, He is interrupted when “Welcome To The Jungle” by Guns N’ Roses hit’s the P.A. Steve Corino comes out to huge boos from the crowd with the U.S. Championship over his left shoulder. He taunts with the belt before running down the catwalk. He slides into the ring and starts off the second match of the night.} This was at first a fairly even match. They start off with some weak brawling until Konnan gets the upper hand and starts working the crowd. He taunts too long because Corino hits him with a low blow. From there it was all Corino except for a couple times where Konnan would get in the token offence. Corino wins this after an Old School Expulsion on Konnan. Your winner Via Pinfall in 11:09 : “The King Of Old School” Steve Corino {Post match Corino celebrates his title win and taunts to the crowd before grabbing a microphone.} [B]Corino:[/B] Everyone, shut the hell up! {The fans give Corino heat for his statement as he is a not very likable guy.} [B]Corino:[/B] Now my name is Steve Corino, and I am the King Of Old School! I am sick and tired of pieces of **** like this guy right here {Points at Konnan who is still on the ground and proceeds to kick Konnan in the gut.} challenging for my championship! I want to get rid of all of the garbage that wCw calls wrestlers. I mean there was a time where wCw was about wrestling! Good old fashion wrestling! Now it’s where misfits and bodybuilders can come in and if there friends with the boss, can get a title shot. But there’s one wrestler on our roster who is one of the most washed up, overrated pieces of **** of all time that needs to leave this business! That’s why I’m calling out you Ric Flair! Get your wrinkly fu- {On that cue the ever so famous Also Sprach Zarathustra hits the P.A. as the fans are on there feet for the Nature Boy. Flair comes out and he has on a suit with an expensive Rolex and shades on. He’s looking like a million bucks as he gets into the ring. Immediately he takes off his shades and grabs a microphone.} [B]Flair:[/B] Orlando, Florida! Home of the Space Mountain! WOOOOOOOOO! {The fans WOOOOO along with Flair and cheer for him.} [B]Flair:[/B] Now, Corino, you’ve got a lot of nerve boy to call out me, the limousine riding, jet flying, wheel dealing, kiss stealing, taking all of the girls and the 16 time Champion of The World ! Me! Ric Flair! WOOOOOO! [B]Flair:[/B] And another thing pal! You see ever since wCw came back I’ve been hearing punks like you whine and complain about veterans and legends like me, who paved the way for you, about how we hold you punks back! But the truth is that you punks don’t deserve nothing! You haven’t paid your dues like I have. {At this point Flair starts to yell.} WOOOOOOO! I’VE WRESTLED FOR NEARLY 3 DECADES PAL. HOW MANY LEGENDS HAVE YOU WENT AN HOUR WRESTLING IN THAT SQUARED CIRCLE? I HAVE WRESTLED WITH THE LIKE OF TERRY FUNK, HULK HOGAN, RANDY SAVAGE, RICKY STEAMBOAT AND SOME BINGO HALL CHEAP IMATATOR OF ME THINKS THAT HE CAN GO TOE TO TOE WITH ME? [B]Corino:[/B] I AM NOTHING LIKE YOU FLAIR! {At this point Flair takes off his jacket and throws it down. He unbuttons his sleeves, removes hits Rolex, and loosens up his tie.} [B]Flair:[/B] Well prove it, champ! Prove that you’re better than me! RIGHT HERE AND RI- {All of a sudden Corino cracks Flair over the head with the U.S. Championship Belt! Flair is unconscious in the middle of the ring. The King Of Old School quickly falls down to his knees beside Ric Flair and begins to pound away on the face of his nemesis, Ric Flair. Steve Corino is merciless with the rights and lefts to the face and Ric Flair begins to bleed from his nose from all the punches. The fans boo Corino as Corino continues to beat Flair over the head with the belt until he bleeds from his head. Corino then grabs the microphone and gets in an unconscious Ric Flair’s face.} [B]Corino:[/B] Look at me. {Flair is still knocked out from the hit of the title. Corino grabs Fair by the hair and violently shakes him.} [B]Corino:[/B] I SAID LOOK AT ME YOU PIECE OF GARBAGE! {He still has Flair by the head as he continues to talk.} [B]Corino:[/B] I AM NOTHING LIKE YOU! YOU’RE A PIECE OF ****! I’M GONNA END YOUR CAREER! DO YOU HEAR ME, YOU HACK?! I’M GONNA SAVE YOU FLAIR! I’M NOT GONNA LET YOU EMBARRAS YOURSELF LIKE THIS ANYMORE! I’M GONNA DO WHAT STING DIDN’T HAVE THE BALLS TO! I’M GONNNA DO WHAT BISCHOFF COULDN’T DO! I’M GONNNA DO WHAT ARN DIDN’T LET YOU DO! I’M GONNA END YOUR CAREER! {At this point Corino put Flair in the Figure Four Lock and wrenches the legs of Ric Flair. Flair doesn’t move at all and is unresponsive.} [B]Corino:[/B] TAP OUT FLAIR! WOOOOOO! GIVE UP FLAIR! {Referees and a numerous amount of Road Agents come out to break this up and pull Corino off. After a while they are successful as Corino leaves with his wCw U.S. Champion as we go to a commercial break.} {We come back from the commercial break to the announcer’s table where Mike Tenay and Rowdy Roddy Piper are.} [B]Tenay:[/B] We are back from the break and we here at wCw would like to apologize for the events that you might have seen between Steve Corino and Ric Flair. [B]Piper:[/B] Tenay, don’t be such a puss! Corino had the balls to beat the crap out of one of the most legendary wrestlers of all time! He’s proven to me that he’s someone not to mess with! [B]Tenay:[/B] I’m just going to ignore that! {Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck by Grindspoon hit’s the P.A. as Lance Storm comes out to mild heel heat. He taunts the crowd for a little while until the Filthy Animals theme hit’s the P.A. and Rey Mysterio comes out to a good response from the crowd. I have to say that I’m enjoying Rey and see big things from him in the future. He slides into the ring and this match has officially begun! This was a great match with arguably two of the best cruiserweights of all time. This match starts off fast pace. Wow, what a shocker right? Mysterio gets some weak offence. Nice spot with Mysterio trying to throw Storm from the ring to the floor with a Hurricaranna but midway in the air is caught and Storm delivers a Powerbomb to the outside. Storm then takes advantage of Mysterio and plays to the crowd while he’s at it. The match ends around the six minute mark when Lance locks in the Canadian Maple Leaf Lock on Mysterio. It seems as if Rey was going to tap out but some how or something happened to his heart and it grew 3 size too big and got the roll up for the three count! Your winner Via Pinfall in 6:47: Rey Mysterio {Post match Rey Mysterio celebrates as the cameras cut to the backstage area where we see RVD walking. He says what’s up to a couple of staff members until he sees Jerry Lynn. The two embrace and start to have a conversation.} [B]RVD:[/B] Dude, like whoa what’s up man! Last time I seen you dude, I was kicking your butt all over Philadelphia! [B]Lynn:[/B] Nothing much brother just hanging around and that was a long time ago. {Both share a laugh and if you don’t know what I’m talking about then I suggest that you look at this [B]RVD:[/B] Yeah man I’m so stoked to be in World Championship Wrestling! I don’t know what Heym- {Lynn then cuts off RVD} [B]Lynn:[/B] Uhh, Rob. You can’t say [B][U]his[/U][/B] name on television! You’ll get us sued! RVD: Oh yeah dude! Gotcha’! Anyways just stopped by to say what’s up man and I hope you win the U.S. Champion! Lynn: Thanks man. I’ll see you later. RVD: Bye. Lynn: Bye. {The camera catches Jerry Lynn mumbling under his breath} Lynn: I’m still better than you. {Commercial Break} {When we come back from the commercial break we see Jeff Jarrett who is with “Mean” Gene Okerland. Jeff has his usual wrestling attire on with his guitar in hand.} [B]Okerland:[/B] Hello all of wCw fans! I am Mean Gene Okerland and right beside me is a man who calls himself “The Chosen One” Jeff Jarrett. Now Jeff, you’ve demanded this interviewing tim- {Jarrett snatches the microphone away from Mean Gene.} [B]Jarrett:[/B] Let me just make this short and simple so even a slapnut like you could understand! Dustin Rhodes! I want to see personally how good you can really be in the ring. So I will be watching VERY closely! If you catch my drift? {Jarrett then throws the microphone down and leaves Mean Gene all to himself as the cameras cut to the ring. Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck by Grindspoon hit’s the P.A. for the second time as Justin Credible comes out to boos from the crowd. He runs into the ring and slides in. He taunts with his kendo stick until the Filthy Animals theme hit’s the P.A.. The fans give Kidman a low pop much lower than the one that Mysterio received and slides into the ring to get this match started!} The two men put on an average match, with the crowd not caring about the match or who won in the slightest. Not even the commentators cared about this match, as Piper and Tenay were busy hyping up the Main Event, and what took place at the end of Nitro last week between Booker and RVD. The two men, who you know, were actually having match, went back and forth for five minutes, exchanging a couple of nice spots throughout the match until Justin Credible picked up the victory with a roll-up after nailing a direct kick to the groin and a shot to the head with the kendo stick while the ref wasn‘t looking. {Afterwards, Storm runs in to help jump Kidman and they do for about 30 seconds until Rey Rey & The Juice(Juventud Guerrera) come out to help their friend. Too back The Impact Players make a B-Line to the crowd.} {A video is shown playing to the so ‘I’m So Sick’ by Flyleaf. It shows a city. It’s raining. It looks like Gotham out of the Dark Knight. A man is seen walking in the shadows.} [B]Voice:[/B] World Championship Wrestling. Your hypocrisy is a cancer. It is eating you alive. You are a shell of your former self. Your sickness sickens me. Your cancer is contagious….. {It shows the man still walking. The shadows still hid his face and body. A familiar voice plays again.} Voice: Fear not for I will be your savior. I will eliminate the cancer and I will terminate the souls of the weak. Tonight I will guide you to the light! Q- {The video turns into static until the screen goes to black leading us into our second to last commercial break. When wCw comes back from the break nothing really happens until ‘American Dream‘ hit’s the P.A. The fans are on their feet as Dustin Rhodes comes out and nods his head in approval. He slides into the ring and waits for his opponent when suddenly perfect Strangers hit’s the P.A. as the fans jeer Shane Douglas. Douglas comes out and is being his usual assholish self. Douglas slides in and wait for the next dude. All of a sudden ‘Walk‘ by Pantera hit’s the P.A. as the fans give a huge pop to RVD. Van Dam is doing his thumb taunt before sliding into the ring to start this match!} This match was okay. I mean you could tell that it wasn’t going to be a MOTN contender due to the mish-mash of styles. Before this party gets started we hear Chosen One Remix by Metallica hit the P.A. I swear Jarrett has to be the most hated heel in the company! Do you see how much heat this man is getting? wCw, if you do anything right please put the title on Jarrett! He’s working the crowd like he usually does and goes over to the announcer’s booth. RVD and Rhodes are ganging up on Douglas. A few blown spots is what ruined the match for my so far. Halfway, Douglas grabs RVD and hit’s a German Suplex. But RVD landed awkwardly on his neck. Douglas looks confused as RVD is not moving at all. Douglas tries to nudge Van Dam and again is met with no response. Tenay: Something doesn’t seem right here. Piper: Yeah RVD has moved an inch since that German Suplex. I hope everything is okay. {EMT Officials come in the ring and check on RVD. Piper takes off his headsets and goes to the ring checking to see if Van Dam is okay. Tenay just watches on in shock and horror as now some of the wrestlers such as Jerry Lynn, Lance Storm, Booker T come out to check on Van Dam. The crowd is silent and startled at what has just occurred in the ring. EMTs load Rob Van Dam on a stretcher and help him to the back quickly. } [B]Tenay:[/B] I have …I have no words for this. Let’s just cut to a commercial. Meanwhile Backstage… {The scene backstage was a cluster****. I was shocked to see what had happen. Bischoff came into his office. He was fuming.} [B]Bischoff:[/B] That no good piece of ****! [B]Me:[/B] Whoa, whoa, whoa! Just calm down, Eric. [B]Bischoff:[/B] You expect me to calm down when one of the biggest pieces of **** injured one of the most popular workers in our company because he doesn’t know how to do a ****ing German Suplex? [B]Me:[/B] Well can’t we just bring him in here to talk to him about this? {Just then Douglas barges in the office. He still has his wrestling attire on and has a very paranoid look on his face. You can see the dried up tears on his face as he talks to Bischoff about the situation.} [B]Douglas:[/B] Look, man it was a ****ing accident. What happened out th- [B]Bischoff:[/B] Save it! You’ve ****ed up MY business and one of the main people that wCw was supposed to be built on. It was suppose to be You, Rob, Huffman, and Steiner! Now you’ve completely ****ed this **** up! [B]Douglas:[/B] Well it’s not my ****ing problem that he doesn’t now how to go with a spot! [B]Bischoff:[/B] You know what? **** you! Don’t bother ever showing your ****ing face back in wCw ever again! Your suspended until your contract runs out! [B]Me:[/B] Hold on just a se- [B]Douglas:[/B] Thank you, Jerk off! Thank you! Ever since I was signed by this hellhole I’ve been misused to my potential! You know what? **** you Eric! I’ve realized that now I don’t need you! You’re a sleezeball and a ****ing hack! {Douglas then points at me.} [B]Douglas:[/B] Get out of this hellhole now while you still have the chance kid. Eric: Get out! [B]Douglas:[/B] He’s just going to use you for his personal gain until he doesn’t need you! Then out with you like trash! [B]Eric:[/B] If you do not leave my office, I will get the ****ing police to arrest you! {Douglas then reluctantly leaves but before he walks out of the door he makes sure to give Eric the bird. I didn’t care about that. Douglas’ words made me think about Bischoff. I knew he had a past of screwing people over but was he really going to screw me over? I realized that we missed a few segments so I think it’s time for the Nash interview segment.} Meanwhile back on camera…. [B]Tenay:[/B] …And those were some fierce words from Goldberg! But speaking of fierce words we are going to a satellite interview with “Big Sexy” Kevin Nash! {Appearing on the NitroTron is none other that “Big Sexy” Kevin Nash. Nash is wearing a dress shirt with some slacks on. He is sitting in a nice standard interviewing area. He’s chewing a piece of gum ****ily with shades on. Mike Tenay is in the ring.} [B]Tenay:[/B] So I think you know what the first question that I’m going to ask you. Myself, the wCw roster, and the fans around the world want to know: why? Why did you turn your back on Diamond Dallas Page? [B]Nash:[/B] You know something, Mikey boy. I’ve been asked that question from thousands of fans over and over again. So I was kind of surprised that none of you fans knew why. {Mike Tenay looks puzzled as does the fans. Nash just flashes that ****y smirk like he always does.} [B]Tenay:[/B] What are you talking about? [B]Nash:[/B] The New World Order, Shawn Michaels, Scott Hall, The Kliq, and The Wolfpack. I was apart of every single one of them and do you know what they all have in common? [B]Tenay:[/B] What? [B]Nash:[/B] They were all WINNERS! They were all SUCCESSFUL! Diamond Dallas Page is a loser. He made us lose chance after chance after chance. The only damn reason why the “Insiders” held any gold at all was because of me! {The crowd boos at Nash who adjusts his shirt. He still has his shades on and his ****y smirk fades away only for it to come back in.} [B]Nash:[/B] Page... At the last Nitro on TNT you cost me my titles! You turned your back because you accepted losing! You were perfectly fine with mediocre. Mediocre! You’re a shell of your former self…. You know what I’m talking about!.. So I had to do what was only acceptable in my mind and that was to disassociate myself with you….. And that’s where you got personal. {The crowd is giving huge heat to Nash. Nash simply smiles and continues talking..} [B]Tenay:[/B] And that gave you the right to kidnap his wife Kimberly?! [B]Nash:[/B] You know what? If I were in person right now I would have Jacknifed your ass all the way to hell! But getting to the point Page, yeah I have your wife and she’s pretty hot, too. Tell you what…. I’ll give you a match at Road Wild. If you somehow get the big win over me, I’ll let you get your wife but if I win… *HOOOWWWWWWWWWLLLLLL* {Nash is cut off by the sound of the Wolfpack theme. The fans give a huge pop to the returning Scott Hall. Hall has an old Scott Hall T-Shirt T- Shirt, some jeans and shoes on. He does the throwing the toothpick at the camera thing and enters the ring. He taunts in the ring and grabs a microphone.} [B]Hall:[/B] Eh yo Chico! {The crowd pops} [B]Hall:[/B] Nash, you are my best friend. We used to cause Mayhem where ever we go. But man, this stuff is sure messed up. Me, you, and Page used to travel around the world together and this is how you treat him? [B]Nash:[/B] You wouldn’t understand. [B]Hall:[/B] Is that right, Chico? O.K. I see. Let me rephrase this properly so that an arrogant bastard like you can understand. I’m NOT gonna let you do that to Page! I’ve been visiting him in the hospital and he said that he should be out by the time that Road Wild comes around. And he can’t wait to get his hands around your throat! So on behalf on Diamond Dallas Page, he accepts. And to make sure that no sneaky B.S. goes down I will be in his corner! {Nash’s facial expression is serious. He removes his shades} [B]Nash:[/B] Fine but now you are officially my enemy and you better be careful in case an “accident” happens and you somehow are unable to make it to Road Wild. This interview is over.. {The video turns to static and we go to our final commercial break. When we come back the fans are ready for the main event. They are anticipating, waiting until ‘Holla If Ya Hear Me’ hit’s the P.A. as Scott Steiner comes out to huge heel heat. He is flanked with Stacy Keibler as the two walk down the catwalk, Steiner stops midway and flexes his muscles. At the same time, fireworks go off while he flexes. He enters the ring courtesy of Stacy and continues to taunt his muscles. Suddenly the beat of the drums play on the P.A. System as the fans in the wCw Arena chant “GOLDBERG” over and over again. The NitroTron shows the Florida State Police Squad knocking on Goldberg’s locker room door. Goldberg opens the door and walks out in the hallway with the Police. He finally emerges from the Gorilla Position to an earth shattering pop. “The Predator” Bill Goldberg lets his classic pyro shower all over him. Goldberg storms his way down the catwalk but halfway meets Steiner! Steiner and Goldberg are brawling down the catwalk with neither man with the advantage until Goldberg spears Steiner and throws Steiner in the ring. Goldberg gets into the ring and the match begins.} Talk about two crappy matches in a row. In ring wise the was the worst match of the night. These two managed to put on an absolutely DUD match up which saw botch after botch after botch. The only thing that saved this match was the crowd. If it wasn’t for them being so rowdy and into this match it would have been awful. Thank god this match was only nine minutes long and ended with Stacy trying to distract the ref but Goldberg approaches her and yells at her to get down. Goldberg turns around and Steiner tries to clothesline Goldberg but Goldberg ducks and Keibler is taken down instead. Steiner is looking down from the ring at Keibler with a look of surprise. Steiner is about to turn around when the lights go off and a graphic show up.. [IMG]http://s3-external-1.amazonaws.com/wootsaleimages/Quoth_the_Raven22wDetail.jpg[/IMG] [B]I HAVE RETURNED![/B] {Suddenly ‘Come Out And Play’ by The Offspring hit’s the P.A. for about thirty seconds. When the lights come back on, Raven is in the middle of the ring. He looks at Steiner then at Goldberg before attacking Goldberg! He assaults Goldberg and hit’s the Raven Effect. With no ref in sight, Raven counts the pin and Steiner wins! Raven then escapes via the crowd as Steiner celebrates over a fallen Goldberg as we fade to black.}[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT]
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News, News, News! [CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="3"][QUOTE][B][U]wCw & WWF News inside:[/U][/B] - A dissapointment for wCw as they scored a 5.69 final rating for Nitro on FOX! The WWF's ratings weren't much better as they scored a 5.99. This is a low compared to what they were scoring weeks ago. It might have something to do with the premire debut of NBC's newest reality series Celebrity Showdown. 24 celebs are thrown in a house and the winner gets a 10 million dollar check. Just another stupid reality series. - We can confirm that the WWF has made 3 signings. One of them has already leaked as none other thatn "British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith - The main story in the wrestling community is the injury of wCw star Rob Van Dam. RVD suffered a broken neck after a botched german suplex by Shane Douglas. We know that RVD is out indefinately but will go to the doctor's later this week to see how long he'll be out of action. Douglas was unavaliable for comment. It's been said that he was a key part of the "Rebirth" era as wCw Management calls it and it looks like wCw is going to have to go back to Square 1 - Vince Russo has announced that he has changed the name of his promotion from Total Extreme Wrestling to Total Nonstop Action. He has also announced that the co-owner of TNA is none other then Jerry Jarrett. The two have all ready announced the five latest signings and here they are: Lex Luger Christopher Dainels Simon Diamond Sid Vicious NWA Legend Larry Zybsyko - wCw has opened a new devolpment territory called NWA: Vice City. It is expected that some contacted wrestlers from the old wCw will repot there for training. [/QUOTE][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] P.S. Thanks to CQI13 for making me a Nitro banner. I really apreciate it
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[CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"]World Championship Wrestling will host its next primetime edition of Wednesday Nitro on FOX! this Monday night at 9 PM EST from the wCw Arena, in Orlando, Florida! Join “The Voice of WCW” Mike Tenay and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper for another two-hour, action packed edition of World Championship Wrestling! Last week on Wednesday Nitro, Two men by the name of Goldberg and Scott Steiner had a Number One Contenders Match to see who will challenge Booker T for the World Championship. It seemed as if "Goldberg hasd the match won when the returning RAVEN re-debuted and screwed Goldberg out of the opportunity thus creating a controversy as to if Steiner really deserves to be #1 Contender. What will happen? Does Raven even have a contract? Will Steiner be the Number One Contender or will Goldberg get the spot he was screwed out of? You’re just going to have to tune into Monday Night Nitro to find out! Also we have recieved word that Kevin Nash will be in action as he takes on Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell. Will DDP show up? What is the state of mind of Kimberly? Will Tony Schiavone call this the greatest night in sports entertainment? Watch the show to see! Last week on Nitro, Steve Corino did the unthinkable and damn well assaulted Ric Flair. It's been announced on thewCw.com that Ric Flair and Steve Corino will face off at Road Wild! But both men will be in action tonight as Steve Corino takes on Dustin Rhodes and Ric Flair takes on Jeff Jarrett! Nitro promises to be an exciting showcase of professional wrestling that you do not want to miss! Be sure to tune into NBC this Wednesday night at 8 PM EST to catch all the action! [B][U]Confirmed Matches:[/U][/B] Ric Flair vs. Jeff Jarrett WCW United States Championship: Steve Corino © vs. Dustin Rhodes KroniK vs. Filthy Animals Shane Helms vs. Jamie Noble[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
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  • 2 weeks later...
Don't predict yet. And if anyone wants to be my graphic man just PM me. [QUOTE][CENTER][B][U]wCw Presents: Road Wild[/U] *Poster Not Here Yet* Main Event [U] wCw World Heavyweight Championship[/U][/B] Booker T(c) vs Scott Steiner Steve Corino vs Ric Flair Diamond Dallas Page /w Scott Hall vs Kevin Nash [U][B]wCw Tag Team Champions[/B][/U] Flithy Animals(c) vs Impact Playerz [I]Card Subject to Change[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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  • 2 weeks later...
A little uupdate [QUOTE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial"]wCw has posted the new poster for there up coming Road Wild PPV [IMG][IMG]http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee256/Blazeman677/Bill_Goldberg_WCW-1.jpg[/IMG][/IMG] With the poster having Goldberg on it it's a safe bet that Goldberg will be at the PPV most likely against Raven. Speaking of, management is said to be very high on Raven and it's rumored that this fued it to test to see if Raven will be able to be a full out Main Eventer or not. A huge blow for the WWF happen as during a house show last night, Big Show injured his knee during a match and the match had to stop. It's been said that Show will miss 16 Months of action. This is said to be a huge blow because Show was suspose to start fueding with Mick Foley. Also Russo's TNA promotion will be holding there first showon the last Friday of this month in Nashville Tennsee. With a capasity of 5000 they are hoping to see out soon. Rumored to be there is Ultimate Warrior, Vader, and Jake "The Snake" Roberts along with others.[/FONT][/CENTER] [/QUOTE]
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Ric Flair vs. [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] WCW United States Championship: [B]Steve Corino © [/B]vs. Dustin Rhodes KroniK vs.[B] Filthy Animals[/B] [B]Shane Helms [/B]vs. Jamie Noble Nice work so far to bad about RVD totally mark out for him and hope Douglas isnt fired for real. Really like Piper as colout comentator always saw him in that role, in my mod he has taken over the smackdown spot with tazz going back to ecw hehe. By the way faces don´t taunt the crowd they play up to the crowd or something similar, cheer, smile, laugh with, greet etc. Taunting is for heels it´s negative.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;587725]Ric Flair vs. [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] WCW United States Championship: [B]Steve Corino © [/B]vs. Dustin Rhodes KroniK vs.[B] Filthy Animals[/B] [B]Shane Helms [/B]vs. Jamie Noble Nice work so far to bad about RVD totally mark out for him and hope Douglas isnt fired for real. Really like Piper as colout comentator always saw him in that role, in my mod he has taken over the smackdown spot with tazz going back to ecw hehe. By the way faces don´t taunt the crowd they play up to the crowd or something similar, cheer, smile, laugh with, greet etc. Taunting is for heels it´s negative.[/QUOTE] Yep Douglas is fired fo real unfortunately. He was giving me problems and plus injuring RVD and bad morale all play a key factor glad your liking Piper. Unfortunately Nitro wont be up for sometime. Thanks for the comments though.:cool:
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