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Is this Jeff thing on wwe.com a work or a shoot? (possible spoilers for tonight)


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From WWE.com: [QUOTE]BOSTON – Jeff Hardy was found unconscious in a stairwell at his hotel in Boston today, and was rushed to the nearest emergency room. Due to privacy issues, WWE is not releasing the name of the hospital. WWE.com will have more information if it becomes available.[/QUOTE] I hope to God it is a work, because although it may be a tasteless angle, I really hope Jeff isn't in a serious condition in real life...what are your thoughts?
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If it's a work, which I hope it is, it's only tasteless if they mean it's drug related. The storyline could be that Koslov punt kicked him down the stairs earlier today. It's the type of angle I'm surprised they don't do more often. Why does everyone wait to illegally assault people when the camera's are rolling? If I was in a triple threat match, and I saw one of my opponents at a hotel the day before... BOOM! Stairwell KO that sucker. If this is real... I'm a huge Jeff Hardy mark, and I hope he's okay.
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Yes complete work, just look at the article and how they are hyping things up. I think Jeff will come out half way through and do some seriously crazy **** to take out both himself and trips, leading to kozlov pinning him and winning the title. Trips then feuds having never really lost to him until the Rumble where he wins it back and Jeff returns to win, going on to win the belt at Mania.
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They've already had Jeff lose in half a dozen WWE Title bouts against Triple H.... they KNEW no one would pay to see Triple H vs K... Ko.... that idiot Russian who can't wrestle... so they "added" Jeff to the match so the marks would pay thinking Jeff surely can't lose a 33rd time. And boom... Jeff is magically out of the match the day of the PPV after all the pre-orders are in. Either that or Jeff got drunk and fell down the stairs. *shrugs*
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It's apparently a work. [quote=PWI]I have called around this morning and it appears that the WWE.com story about Jeff Hardy is a storyline thing. No one I talked to heard anything about the "incident" and the wording of it on the company site certainly looks as if it's a work to hype tonight's PPV. Again, this is not 100% confirmed at this time but it appears it is nothing for anyone to be concerned about.[/quote] Possible spoiler in white text below [COLOR="White"]Edge was pictured arriving in to Boston Airport yesterday [COLOR="Black"] My thoughts on who attacked Jeff in white below[/COLOR] Edge attacked Hardy? The start of an Edge & Christian reunion vs Hardy's? If reports of Christian coming back are true.[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Ransik;528663]They've already had Jeff lose in half a dozen WWE Title bouts against Triple H.... they KNEW no one would pay to see Triple H vs [B][U]K... Ko.... that idiot Russian who can't wrestle... [/U][/B]so they "added" Jeff to the match so the marks would pay thinking Jeff surely can't lose a 33rd time. And boom... Jeff is magically out of the match the day of the PPV after all the pre-orders are in. Either that or Jeff got drunk and fell down the stairs. *shrugs*[/QUOTE] You don't have to like him! By all means find him dull and change the channel!!! But that statement is ridiculous! Koslov is incredible. He brings some realism, he looks like he could would and should literally DESTROY whomever he is in the ring with.
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[QUOTE=Masked Superstar;528667]You don't have to like him! By all means find him dull and change the channel!!! But that statement is ridiculous! Koslov is incredible. He brings some realism, he looks like he could would and should literally DESTROY whomever he is in the ring with.[/QUOTE] See here's the logic I find funny about this and why it no longer pays to try and debate with anyone. I'm not allowed to have an opinion. I can't look at Koslov and see another one of Vince's projects hogging up valuable TV time in which someone with a small piece of talent could be hyping up a real match with someone like Jeff or Triple H that might actually draw some interest and help the WWE stock which has dropped 20% in the last few weeks. I'm sorry, but Koslov is a typical WWE hoss that will be tossed aside to the Indies 3 days after Smackdown vs. RAW 2010 hits the shelves next year. Right now they're trying what they do with EVERY hoss they can't get over the normal way; shove him down everyone's throats until the ratings start to tank... than slowly job the guy out so no one really pays attention... than POOF he's off TV. It's been standard WWE formula for close to 20 years now!
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[QUOTE=Ransik;528668]See here's the logic I find funny about this and why it no longer pays to try and debate with anyone. I'm not allowed to have an opinion.[/QUOTE] OR there's a tremendous difference between complaining about a TV show you don't like and crossing the threshold into The Magical Land Of Impotent Whining. This post right here, that I'm replying to? It's a relatively informed way to communicate your position. "That idiot Russian who can't wrestle" followed by a conspiracy theory about Vince McMahon stealing money from hard working wrestling fans? Impotent whining. You're kind of a smart guy, Ransik, and you should be able to tell the difference.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;528668]See here's the logic I find funny about this and why it no longer pays to try and debate with anyone. I'm not allowed to have an opinion. I can't look at Koslov and see another one of Vince's projects hogging up valuable TV time in which someone with a small piece of talent could be hyping up a real match with someone like Jeff or Triple H that might actually draw some interest and help the WWE stock which has dropped 20% in the last few weeks. I'm sorry, but Koslov is a typical WWE hoss that will be tossed aside to the Indies 3 days after Smackdown vs. RAW 2010 hits the shelves next year. Right now they're trying what they do with EVERY hoss they can't get over the normal way; shove him down everyone's throats until the ratings start to tank... than slowly job the guy out so no one really pays attention... than POOF he's off TV. It's been standard WWE formula for close to 20 years now![/QUOTE] Firstly this isn't an arguement or a debate! Secondly who said you can't have an opinion??? I am pretty positive that I stated right at the front that I respect your opinion that you find him dull and by all means you go right ahead and not like him. Thats fine!!! BUT your original statement was that Koslov can't wrestle which isn't an opinion but a statement of fact. That statement of fact is false. Koslov isn't Khali or Mark Henry or Sycho Sid (whom I loved!). He isn't just a big guy who is pushed because he is a big guy. The guy has skills and they shouldn't be denied simply because you don't like him. I happen to dislike the original subject of this dicussion Jeff Hardy but I don't doubt the skills he has at what he does. I can't stand HBK, but the dude is incredible none the less. I do happen to agree though that Koslov is too dull for the push he is recieving and this blandness will be the reason for his depush in the soon future. Well... I don't know if you actually said that lol but that is an opinon I have as well that his push is to quick and to soon and not deserving.
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I love Vladimir Koslov. His monster heel push has been something that has actually interested me on Smackdown. There have been some bumps along the road; he's looked weaker than he should have in recent weeks, but I think it's a solid character, and that the performer has all of the skills needed to portray that character. I'm excited to see Koslov vs Triple H, one on one. I wouldn't pay for it, but then again I can't think of much that I would pay for, and don't have pay-per-view capabilities at any rate. I want to see Koslov punt-kick the hell out of Triple H. I doubt he will, and that's the problem in my book. As soon as Triple H beats him, he becomes far less of a threat, and that's pretty much all the character is; a threat. Umaga is similar. Awesome until Cena beat him, then he was nowhere near a believable Main Eventer. Khali is similar again... I forget who beat him first... Cena? So yeah, I'm a Koslov mark for now. I would agree that he has been "shoved down our throats" a bit, but I still think it's good booking. For one, he's a heel, we're not supposed to like him. For two, he's a fresh face, unlike, say, Mark Henry who has been around for years, without getting truly and is periodically pushed at us as a credible threat.
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the NODQ.com spoiler is in white below [COLOR="White"]In an updat​e on WWE'​s repor​t of Jeff Hardy​ being​ "​found​ uncon​sciou​s"​ in a stair​well at his hotel​ in Bosto​n today​,​ the story​line expla​natio​n will be that Edge attac​ked Hardy​ in the stair​well and left him lying​.​ Hardy​ is expec​ted to work his title​ match​ at Survi​vor Serie​s tonig​ht and sell the injur​ies.​ [/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=The Shape;528740]The Edge idea is actually a very good one.[/QUOTE] Nowhere near as good as the Demon Edge idea from this board a few weeks back. How exactly does Edge go from being chokeslammed to Hell (through the ring, with FIRE!!!) to attacking Jeff in a stairwell? It's like climbing to the top of Valhalla, then turning up two months later working in a McDonalds. Jeff vs Edge is something I've wanted to see for a long time though... but only if it's something special, not a "I don't like you" feud.
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As the originator of Demon Edge, I thank you for that vote of confidence. :) Seriously, I think the problem with the WWE right now is that they've gotten -too- 'real' lately. There's nothing wrong with adding some 'genre' to wrestling. Demon Edge, Undertaker doing lightning stuff, etc... hell, make Raw 'real' and make Smackdown 'genre' so that if MyNetwork TV goes under, SciFi won't feel bad about taking a wrestling show with sci-fi elements onto the network. Tho I do say 'boo' to the WWE. I thought this was another Eddie moment... they should know better. Or at least have used the term 'attacked' in the first post.
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[QUOTE=Self;528762]Nowhere near as good as the Demon Edge idea from this board a few weeks back. How exactly does Edge go from being chokeslammed to Hell (through the ring, with FIRE!!!) to attacking Jeff in a stairwell? It's like climbing to the top of Valhalla, then turning up two months later working in a McDonalds. Jeff vs Edge is something I've wanted to see for a long time though... but only if it's something special, not a "I don't like you" feud.[/QUOTE] I think there's still promise, though. The lack of details gives this a chance to be brilliant. Let's say that somehow, they mysteriously caught video of the event (like the old hardcore matches, where cameramen would be outside for a smoke break just as the wrestlers busted through the door and onto the street. :p) and a cloaked figure demolishes Hardy. They catch the very end of the scene, where the figure hits a move, and jets, leaving Jeff in a heap. Camera pans back, and a symbol is revealed. As simple as the Taker "T" upside down, to something more inane, like the old Edge jagged sun in black with a white something in the center. Later in the evening, HHH and Koslov battle assuming it's a 2 man fight, and Koslov looks to have the upper hand, keeping up that unstoppable monster appeal. He hits Hunter with a Sambo suplex (the sambo champ needs a sambo suplex, goshdarnit!), and Hardy comes hobbling out, holding his ribs, looking like a beaten man. He comes in, lights up Koslov, fends off Hunter, and gets the pin on H, capturing the WWE title (or world, or whatever belt is on Smackdown now.) Hardy celebrates, Hunter shakes his hand, and leaves, which gives the chance for the arena to darken, the Tron to light up, and that symbol to appear again. Followed by some cryptic poetic wording, which I might come up with if this wasn't off the cuff. This opens the chance for a fresher, demonic Edge to come back, being the attacker, once again chasing the belt which Hardy holds, furthers the Koslov/Hunter feud which keeps them spotlit, without the gold in the center of the fiasco, it's win/win. I think, anyway.
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Perhaps. I do really like the 'real world' attack, reported on WWE.com. In an increasingly web-based world, integrating the web-site is a fantastic thing to do... as long as the fans don't go too heavy on the "It's a work" eye-rolling, and accept is as part of the storytelling medium.
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[QUOTE=Self;528775]as long as the fans don't go too heavy on the "It's a work" eye-rolling, and accept is as part of the storytelling medium.[/QUOTE] Just thought i'd jump onboard here to say that thats an excellent statement right there. Now I don't consider myself to be the most knowledgable person about the world of wrestling but I do know a fair bit as do most people on this board. I got to thinking the other day. "When did we stop enjoying wrestling". Everyone on the board (myself included) when watching wrestling seem to view it as if they were part of a creative team rather than an audience member. Wrestling is little more than a sitcom (an awesome one at that) and I'm going to try and sit back and enjoy the ride rather than pick apart every angle and match.
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[QUOTE=Self;528775]Perhaps. I do really like the 'real world' attack, reported on WWE.com. In an increasingly web-based world, integrating the web-site is a fantastic thing to do... as long as the fans don't go too heavy on the "It's a work" eye-rolling, and accept is as part of the storytelling medium.[/QUOTE] I agree. There is nothing wrong with working on the website. It is pro wrestling after all.
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I also think like that a bit, started staying away from reports and rumors after time. Hell, sometimes I'll speak kayfabe-wise about WWE-related things, mentioning stuff as if they really happened. S'come to a point where WWE are starting/trying to fool [i]us[/i] with those pay-per-view swerves(which I cannot get enough of, lol). Regarding the Jeff situation, everything's pretty much been said, but I'm just thinking it's plain old Kozlov.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;528668]See here's the logic I find funny about this and why it no longer pays to try and debate with anyone. I'm not allowed to have an opinion. I can't look at Koslov and see another one of Vince's projects hogging up valuable TV time in which someone with a small piece of talent could be hyping up a real match with someone like Jeff or Triple H that might actually draw some interest and help the WWE stock which has dropped 20% in the last few weeks. [/QUOTE] i agree. kozlov is bland and boring to me....*yawn* im sorry but i put him in a class with khali......
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