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The Fall (The Story of the Rise of the AWF)

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[LEFT]The following Dynasty is in direct correlation (Because its a two player game!) with my roommate/best friend Joshua's [URL=""]Dynasty The Fall (The Story of Rise of the NWA)[/URL] so if there was anyone worrying why Joshua was taking three weeks to post his first show its because he was stalling for me to begin work on my AWF Dynasty[/LEFT] [B][quote] [CENTER][B][B][B][IMG]http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/6727/thefalldo2.jpg[/IMG][/B] [/B][/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][B][B][B]...March 2001... [/B][/B][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][B]At the height of their popularity, with their former enemy WCW vanquished and purchased, the WWF is riding high. It is undoubtably the most powerful promotion in the history of professional wrestling. But questions are being asked about the WCW sale. The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission begins a month-long investigation.[/B][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][B][B]...April 2001...[/B][/B][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][B]The wrestling world is in shock. The World Wrestling Federation is hit with a three-hundred million dollar fine, after it was revealed that Vince McMahon and AOL-Time Warner executive Jamie Kellner colluded to intentionally lower the purchase price of WCW. Stockholders and investors deserted the WWF, leaving the McMahon family with a humbled empire almost overnight. Disgraced, distraught and heartbroken, with a roster of wrestlers angry at the McMahon's mismanagement, the WWF was effectively shut down. Live events were cancelled, and television contracts were torn up. The McMahons go into isolation.[/B][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][B]In the months that follow, promotions across the United States shut down left, right and centre. Without the support of the WWF, OVW, HWA and MCW close shop. After the loss of millions of casual fans, promotions such as JAPW, APW and UPW can't support themselves. Even promotions with a more hardcore following, such as XPW and CZW close down. Some owners say they'll be back when the industry bounces back. Others leave for good. [/B][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][B]It is now [B]October 2001[/B]. [/B][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][B]The effects of The Fall are still ongoing, but there is cause for optimism. The [B]National Wrestling Alliance[/B], once facing extinction, has re-amalgamated under the leadership of Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes. WWF loyalists Steve Austin, The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels join the returned Shane McMahon to form [B]Fusion Pro Wrestling[/B]. And on the west coast, Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan use their connections to form the[B] American Wrestling Federation[/B].[/B][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][B]This new 'Big Three' is joined by independent federations across the country, and two exciting new touring promotions. In Canada, a rejuvenated Stampede takes the country by storm. The wrestling industry has definitely bounced back from its perilous lows, but for how long?[/B][/B][/LEFT] [/quote][/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_AWF.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]The Rise of the AWF[/B][/CENTER] [B]June 2001:[/B] [INDENT][LEFT]As the fall of WCW was taking place good friends and former WCW Employees Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff began talking to Major Television Outlets, Arenas and Superstars about possibly forming there own Wrestling Federation. After the WWF fell the dream of opening up a promotion became a reality as Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff opened up the American Wrestling Federation based off of the West Coast of the United States. With Hulk Hogan as the Owner and 1/3 Backer of the company and Eric Bischoff as a Booker (With Fusient Media Ventures funding the rest of the company) many people have tipped the AWF to become the top dog after the fall. It also can't hurt that right off the bat the company was given a 90 Minute a week Television Deal on F/X and lured the Rock into the company with a big money contract! Of course the AWF now has an even bigger goal ahead as it must lure talent to the West Coast and start its journey to the top of the newly landscaped wrestling world (While watching its back as the FPW and NWA grow)[/LEFT] [/INDENT]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_HulkHogan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]Production Meeting Number 1:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff0000]From the G[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff0000]round Up:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff0000]First Monday of June 2001[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [LEFT][I][COLOR=black]The AWF from the start seemed to have a clear advantage over the NWA (Which was still in its infancy at this point in our story) and the FPW (Who had so many co-owners/members of a booking team that any real direction has yet to be detected). The only two men in charge of hiring people are Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff so things run very smoothly. Unlike the NWA (Who when hiring people relied heavily on contacting them) the AWF has had mountains upon mountains of tapes sent in to them especially considering that the Rock was there first signing.[/COLOR][/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Hulk: [/B]Eric I am glad you could be here brother. I have had thoughts racing through my head for the past few days on how we need to present the product of the AWF and I have a few ideas and was wanting know if you knew anyone looking for work.[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Bischoff: [/B]Hulk I have recieved over 100 Video Tapes/Letters/Emails from wrestlers wanting to work with the AWF. In fact I don't really even see the need for us to contact to many people as we have video tapes from some of the top names in the world. I also know a good number of wrestlers moved to California after Vince McMahon folded to try and pursue careers in other industrys. [/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Hulk: [/B]Great brother. I want you to know I don't want to bring in all my buddys and make myself look better. I have done a lot of soul searching since I left wrestling when Vince Russo screwed me over and I know I did a lot of people wrong. I have some great ideas on what we should do here in the American Wrestling Federation and I hope the fans really get behind us and make us the number one promotion in the world.[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Bischoff: [/B]Alright Hulk I give up what is your insane idea?[/LEFT] [B]Hulk: [/B]I think we need to run the promotion in a cooler way than what some of the other promotions will be doing. Lets not kid ourselves for a minute and say that the NWA won't be presenting a traditional wrestling product and you know what brother... Good for them... there part of the world that is going to work. Austin is the head of the FPW and I know since it is in Texas it will be based around kicking ass and a faster paced product. [LEFT][B]Bischoff: [/B]Hulk don't tell me you want to base the whole show around you.[/LEFT] [B]Hulk: [/B]Actually the exact opposite. I want some of the cooler wrestlers of the 90s to be our main guys. We have the coolest wrestler in the world brother in the Rock. The kids love him and he is without a doubt going to be our top draw. I want guys who the fans watch and no matter if they are face or heel the fans say "I want to be like that guy" or when the fans watch it they are reminded more of a Rock N Roll Concert than an old timey wrestling show. Not to say we can't have good wrestling but I want every wrestler to have a specific gimmick and fit it perfectly. I want the fans to watch the show and wonder whats going to happen this week. [LEFT][B]Bischoff: [/B]Hulk you just described WCW and WWF in the late 90s to me.[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Hulk: [/B]I know brother. The formula is perfect though... it has never failed anyone if done right. I also want a good portion of the guys to have custom entrance music. Nobody gives a damn about guys coming out to a generically made house music track anymore. Obviously some guys like the Rock should keep there music because the fans identify with it but I think our show should be all about the fans knowing who is about to come out based on the first note of there entrance music.[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Bischoff: [/B]Great Hulk. I see where you are coming from perfectly. The NWA will be presenting there Tradition, the FPW there whoopass and our show will be the most entertaining show. Now I have a few guys who we might need to sign for our show to be the most entertaining show.[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Hulk: [/B]Alright brother hit me with it... who we got Savage? Goldberg? Kevin Nash?[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Bischoff: [/B]Not quite. Savage hates you, Goldberg signed with FPW in hopes of finally wrestling Steve Austin in a dream match and Kevin Nash wants to wait it out and see who offers him the most money.[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Hulk: [/B]I'm not going to give Nash a contract if thats how he wants to do business... he needs to remember who carried the New World Order brother.[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Bischoff: [/B]I get it Hulk. I got a few guys who sent me video tapes who you may have never really seen a whole lot of before but I hope you will want on board. The first guy is Adam Copeland. You know him as Edge from the WWF. His partner Christian has already expressed interest in working with Bret Hart's new rumoured Stampede Rebirth but Edge told me it would be a dream come true to work in Hollywood with the Hollywood Hulkster over the phone the other day.[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Hulk: [/B]I have only seen the kid in his tag team with Christian but he has a lot of potential. He was a really funny heel in the tag team but I have to think if we repackaged him as a babyface doing the same stuff with a more serious tone he could be one of our top guys in the next year or two. He also has some size to him which won't hurt as I think we need a good number of guys who look good and can go.[/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_Edge2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name: [/B]Edge [B]Alignment: [/B]Babyface [B]Entrance Music:[/B] Never Gonna Stop Me (Rob Zombie)[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Bischoff: [/B]Alright Hulk. We obviously just secured someone your big on becoming the future of our babyface roster but I talked to a guy the other day who has moved to Hollywood to do a few roles as a villian/big guy in some upcoming action movies. He used to wrestle in the WWF as Kane and still wants to go by that name but he has asked us to use him without his mask on. [B]Hulk: [/B]Brother I have no clue why that guy would ever want to take that mask on. He could be the prettiest guy in the world but that mask is where the money is. I want him on board but I am not sure how much I want him taking the mask off without a proper storyline to show how tormented he is by the mask or a storyline where he refuses to part with the mask. It just would make for better TV with buildup behind it. [B]Eric: [/B]I agree Hulk. I bet I can talk Glen into it. So are you game to have him? [B]Hulk: [/B]Absolutely. He is a big heel monster. Not exactly a "Cool guy" fans want to be like but he is the perfect guy for any company. I'm all for signing him... lets keep the mask on him, keep his name and his old entrance music and hopefully he will be a guy that torments the whole babyface roster.[/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_Kane3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name: [/B]Kane [B]Alignment: [/B]Heel [B]Entrance Music:[/B] Original WWF Kane Theme[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Bischoff: [/B]Alright Hulk you want cool heels then I got two guys who fit that mold more than perfectly. They were the most famous team in the 1990s WWF for sure and have expressed interest in me bringing them in only if they can reform there team. I am talking about the New Age Outlaws. [B]Hulk: [/B]Brother the New Age Outlaws are the total package when it comes to what I want to do here with the American Wrestling Federation. Road Dogg brings the mic skills and Billy Gunn brings the body of a god along with solid ring skills although they can be boring. Perfect heels to build the Tag Team Division around. I used to watch those guys on RAW all the time and wonder why WCW never had anything like that. [B]Bischoff: [/B]I know what you mean. Alright well here is the flaw to bringing them in. Road Dogg doesn't want to be known as Road Dogg anymore and wants to go by a spinoff of his real name Brian Armstrong and be known as Brian James. [B]Hulk: [/B]I can't really force guys to change there name. I think we should suggest him getting a nickname though... Obviously not the Road Dogg but how about suggesting to him "The Dogg" Brian James and think of something for Gunn too that is a spinoff of his old name. Still call them the New Age Outlaws but put a new twist on it so the New Age Outlaws are the New Age New Age Outlaws brother. [B]Bischoff: [/B]I like it Hulk. When did you learn how to become a good booker? All kidding aside I like the new twist on an old team concept... how about "The Dogg" Jesse James and "Jacked Ass" Billy Gunn which plays off his old Mr. Ass gimmick and the fact that he is a bigger guy. [B]Hulk: [/B]Brilliant there role in the Tag Team Division is simple. They dominate and the fans hate them but secretely the fans want to be exactly like them. The Outlaws get all the girls and everyone wishes they could be them. I vote we use there old theme song as well.[/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_BillyGunn.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_BrianJames.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]Name: [/B]The New Age Outlaws ("The Dogg" Brian James and "Jacked Ass" Billy Gunn) [B]Alignment: [/B]Heels [B]Entrance Music:[/B] Original New Age Outlaws Theme (WWF)[/CENTER] [/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Bischoff: [/B]Hulk I gotta run in a minute for a meeting about getting AWF on Pay Per View. [B]Hulk: [/B]Alright brother get to talking. [B]Bischoff: [/B]My next guy is what I would like to call the next "Booker T". He wrestled in the WWF undercard a while as "K-Kwik" and he works that style that Booker T works which focuses on a lot of fancy kicks but he seems to be in a little bit better shape than Booker T was and maybe have just as much charisma. I got a call from Jerry Lawler yesterday putting him over because Lawler helped train him in Memphis. [B]Hulk: [/B]Brother if he is half as good as Booker T then I got tons respect for this guy. [B]Bischoff: [/B]I like the guy. I talked to him yesterday a little bit after me and Lawler talked and he said he is already living in California and recording some rap music so we don't have to pay for him to be moved out here. [B]Hulk: [/B]Then lets bring him in brother. You got any idea of a name for him/what to do with the kid? [B]Bischoff: [/B]He suggested to me that he could come in as a guy with a rapping gimmick and at first I didn't like it but he rapped for me a little bit and I think he isn't too bad... but what do I know about rap music. He told me he had worked some shows with UPW as Ron "The Truth" Killings a month ago and it caught on. I like it a lot and I think he should be pushed as a babyface the fans love. [B]Hulk: [/B]Ron the Truth Killings it is then. Can't wait to see this guy wrestle.[/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_RonKillings.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]Name: [/B]Ron "The Truth" Killings [B]Alignment: [/B]Face [B]Entrance Music:[/B] Boyz in Da Hood by Easy E[/CENTER] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_HulkHogan.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]Production Meeting Number 1:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff0000]A More Solid Foundation:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff0000]First Thursday of June 2001[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][/FONT] [/CENTER] [LEFT][COLOR=black][B]Hulk: [/B]Brother its great to be back here at another production meeting what do you got for me today?[/COLOR] [B][/B] [COLOR=black][B]Bischoff: [/B]I got a few more guys to bring in and good news. I have secured a few PPV Deals and after four weeks of buildup on our new Television slot on F/X we are going to present American Wrestling Federation live on a Three Hour PPV Spectacular.[/COLOR] [B][/B] [COLOR=black][B]Hulk: [/B]Thats great brother. What do you think we should call the Pay Per View? I want this Pay Per View to be one of our big ones and I think it should have something American in the name since we are AMERICAN Wrestling Federation.[/COLOR] [B][/B] [COLOR=black][B]Bischoff: [/B]Lets call it American Nightmare. Its got that ring to it that you want with the American sound to it and the younger fans will think its a cool alternative to whatever Dusty Rhodes and gang will come up with... which will probably be something like Halloween Havoc [B](Yes I just shot on you Joshua)[/B]. [/COLOR] [B][/B] [COLOR=black][B]Hulk: [/B]I dig it brother. Now who do you have talent wise today?[/COLOR] [B][/B] [COLOR=black][B]Bischoff: [/B]My first guy made a big splash in the short time he was in WCW and has a great look... He is 6`6 and weighs in at 285 pounds. He held the WCW Tag Team straps with both Mark Jindrak and Chuck Palumbo and mainly worked as a babyface. He has been growing his hair out and wrestling as a more serious darker heel role on Indy Shows playing somewhat of a devil's advocate role. He is Sean O'Haire.[/COLOR] [B]Hulk: [/B]I remember Sean O'Haire. Pretty nice guy but always looked at as somewhat of a guy with an attitude. I say we play off his new attitude and bring him in as a guy who not only uses his skill/size to win matches but also as a guy who exposes the worst in people right to there face. I think it will add an element to his character previously unseen. [B]Bischoff: [/B]I love it Hulk! It's the perfect way to build Sean O'Haire as a solid Midcard Heel who can talk and wrestle. If you had this attitude in WCW we would have stayed afloat for years! His finish is the Seanton Bomb but I think we should get a new name for it. [B]Hulk: [/B]One step ahead of you brother. Since he has this new Devil's Advocate attitude lets play up on it and call his new finish the Holy Dive. He can come out to that old song Holy Diver by Dio. [B]Bischoff: [/B]That may just work. It definitely fits your new "Everyone should have custom entrance music" attitude.[/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name: [/B]Sean O'Haire [B]Alignment: [/B]Heel [B]Entrance Music:[/B] Holy Diver (Dio)[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Bischoff: [/B]Alright my next guy is someone you have worked with before. He is a lot smaller than the rest of the roster but I think he could be a useful addition as a guy the fans really get behind as an underdog babyface. I am of course talking about Billy Kidman. [B]Hulk: [/B]I never had a personal problem with Kidman but he will always just be an undercard guy. Nothing wrong with that and I think he is excellent addition to the roster. I think he should get a more clean-cut image though and some real wrestling gear. [B]Bischoff: [/B]I agree. The blue jean shorts and wifebeater shirt are very 1990s. I will notify him to get a hair cut and new tights before coming to work.[/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_BillyKidman.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name: [/B]Billy Kidman [B]Alignment: [/B]Babyface [B]Entrance Music:[/B] All Star (Smash Mouth)[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Bischoff: [/B]I got another guy to bring in that has worked with you before. He is getting up there in the years but at one point in time was the best wrestler in the world. Recently he had a run in WCW as Curt Hennig but he has told me he wants to return to using his Mr. Perfect gimmick as a full-time roster member for a while and then maybe transition into a managerial role or a mentoring role for some of the wrestlers. [B]Hulk: [/B]I am all for Curt. He is a guy that brightens up any locker room and a damn hard worker. I am cool with him being Mr. Perfect again and using his old song. He has done a lot for this business and I know he still has enough gas to go and make a good run of it.[/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_CurtHennig.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name: [/B]Mr. Perfect [B]Alignment: [/B]Heel [B]Entrance Music:[/B] Mr. Perfect Theme[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Bischoff: [/B]I got another heel tag team. They are a little green and have only been teaming on the independants since the fall of the WCW but they are two good looking, young cruiserweight guys who could be a good addition to the roster. One is former WCW Cruiserweight Champion Evan Karagias and the other is former WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champion Kid Romeo. They team as the "Bods" and enter to "Lets Get Physical" by Olivia Newton John. [B]Hogan:[/B] Brother thats all I need to hear. Send them up.[/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_KidRomeo.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_EvanKaragias.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name: [/B]The Bods (Kid Romeo and Evan Karagias) [B]Alignment: [/B]Heel [B]Entrance Music:[/B] Physical (Olivia Newton John)[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Bischoff:[/B] Hulk that is all I got for today. Lets meet up a week from now and discuss who we should bring in next. [B]Hulk: [/B]Well brother I got another signing if your willing to listen. He has worked with me and you before back in WCW and is a legit Giant. I am of course talking about my boy Paul Wight who wants to return to his original name as The Giant. I have talked to him and he has agreed to come into the AWF as soon as possible. [B]Bischoff: [/B]I have no problem with Paul. I think he should use a more legitimate name so if I may suggest we should call him Paul "The Giant" Wight and bill him as a big monster heel. Hopefully he can be used to his full potential this time around.[/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_BigShow.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name: [/B]Paul "The Giant" Wight [B]Alignment: [/B]Heel [B]Entrance Music:[/B] Big Show Theme Music (WWF)[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_HulkHogan.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]Production Meeting Number 3:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff0000]Oh When The Names... Come Marching In!:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff0000]Second Thursday of June 2001[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [/CENTER] [LEFT][COLOR=black][B]Hulk: [/B]Alright Eric brother what do you got for me today?[/COLOR] [B]Bischoff: [/B]I got three guys for you today... only one really big name but I think the other two guys will do decent business for us. [B]Hulk: [/B]Alright brother show me what you got. I got a guy who wants to come in but is hesitant about working with you. [B]Bischoff: [/B]Who is it? [B]Hulk: [/B]Lets see who you got first brother. [B]Bischoff: [/B]Alright... my guy is another guy from WCW who was tipped to be a star in the future but they never took full advantage of his look/charisma. He did a few things in the NWO and teamed with Luger for a while as well as some United States Title runs but this guy is still waiting for his big moment. I am of course talking about Buff Bagwell. [B]Hulk: [/B]I like Bagwell. He is a good talent who can somewhat go in the ring, has a great look and can cut a promo. I don't think the Buff Bagwell gimmick will fit him anymore. He is still Buff of course but I think a lot of fans want to see something new compared to what WCW always had to offer. I think since we are based out of California then we need to have a guy who is like a Hollywood A-Lister.. he is always out partying, hitting on women and seen with celebrities at clubs and maybe get him a small time movie role or commerical. I like the Hollywood name but I already did that and it would look to much like a rip-off. [B]Bischoff: [/B]I like it. How about we call him "Big Time" Marcus Bagwell. He can talk about how he has hit the Big Time all the time and threaten to quit the company for a permanent role in Hollywood. I know he did some work on Buffy The Vampire Slayer so perhaps he could use that as his theme song? [B]Hulk: [/B]Actually Eric I was thinking we have him use the old theme song from the 80s show the "Greatest American Hero"... its so cheesy babyface he will get massive heat with it.[/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_BuffBagwell.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name: [/B]"Big Time" Marcus Bagwell [B]Alignment: [/B]Heel [B]Entrance Music:[/B] Greatest American Hero Theme ([URL]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9Q3orQhEcA[/URL])[/CENTER] [LEFT] [LEFT][B]Bischoff: [/B]My next guy is Matt Hardy. You have seen him as a tag team wrestler but his brother Jeff has already signed with FPW. Matt specifically told me on the phone yesterday he wants to get away from his Hardy boy image and has been hitting the gym hard/watching a lot of old tape to try and remodel himself. Although he isn't huge he is at least 6 feet tall and he could be used as a darker babyface who is trying to do whats right in his own way. [B]Hulk: [/B]I like it. I have nothing to say about it... you tell him about our Theme Music policy? [B]Bischoff:[/B] Already taken care of... he wants to use "Can't Stop" by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. I think this new gimmick he has could be the dark horse of our future stars.[/LEFT] [/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_MattHardy2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name: [/B]Matt Hardy [B]Alignment: [/B]Babyface [B]Entrance Music:[/B] Can't Stop (Red Hot Chilli Peppers) [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7iiF8U6y_U"](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7iiF8U6y_U[/URL])[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Bischoff:[/B] My next guy is someone I am willing to take a gamble on. He is a young kid from Massachusetts but was trained at the UPW school in California. He is 6`2 but weighs in at an incredible 240 pounds of muscle. This kid is the read deal when it comes to entertainment Hogan. His name is John Cena. [B]Hogan: [/B]Great brother but what does he do? [B]Bischoff: [/B]Thats the problem. He did a gimmick called the "Prototype" on the indys where he labeled himself as the prototype of the perfect wrestler but he got over so well as a babyface. I have no clue what to do with him. [B]Hogan: [/B]Lets bring him in and just push him as a regular guy... a regular wrestler... no gimmick just a guy who can talk and kick ass. [B]Bischoff: [/B]Alright. I'll tell Mr. Cena immidiately.[/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_JohnCenaPrototype.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name: [/B]John Cena [B]Alignment: [/B]Babyface [B]Entrance Music:[/B] Welcome to the Jungle (Guns N Roses) ([URL]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYRC4H64EFk[/URL])[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Bischoff: [/B]Alright Hogan... who is this guy you have coming in who doesn't really like me? [B]Hogan: [/B]Well brother its Chris Jericho... and no offense he has no reason to like either one of us after what we did/didn't do with him in World Championship Wrestling. He has however moved to Hollywood to persue a new career in acting. I know he can wrestle and talk on the mic so I have already given him a contract like it or not. [B]Bischoff: [/B]His attitude towards the end of his WCW tenure wasn't the best but he is one of the best stars in the world... I can't do anything about you signing him or the fans loving him so I am in. [B]Hogan: [/B]Awesome... he is keeping the exact gimmick he had in WWF as a babyface... no music change needed at all.[/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name: [/B]Chris Jericho [B]Alignment: [/B]Babyface [B]Entrance Music:[/B] Chris Jericho WWF Theme [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_HulkHogan.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]Production Meeting Number 4 Recap:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff0000]Belts, Belts, BELTS! (And PAY PER VIEW!):[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff0000]Second Saturday of June 2001[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [I][COLOR=black]Two days after the third production meeting Hogan and Bischoff sat down and mapped out a very very important aspect to any wrestling promotion. Title Belts. Four belts were agreed upon and ordered from Reggie Parks and a Tournament Title created as well... Here are the details behind every belt. Also the AWF Determined there PPV Schedule/Names.[/COLOR][/I] [LEFT][IMG]http://i535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/AWFWorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name: [/B]AWF World Heavyweight Championship [B]Purpose: [/B]The Main Title of the AWF [B]How 1st Champion Will Be Crowned:[/B] [COLOR=white]-----[/COLOR][COLOR=black]Upon deciding the obvious name for the AWF Heavyweight Title should be the AWF World Heavyweight Championship Hogan and Bischoff came to the conclusion that most (If not all) the other companies in the world would rely heavily on Tournaments to determine there new champions. Hogan and Bischoff determined that a 4 Way Cage Match would take place at the Main Event of American Nightmare to crown the first ever AWF World Heavyweight Champion.[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://i535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/AWFWorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG][/LEFT] [B]Name: [/B]AWF World Tag Team Championship [LEFT][B]Purpose: [/B]The Crown Jewel of AWF Tag Team Wrestling [B]How 1st Champion Will Be Crowned:[/B] [COLOR=white]-----[/COLOR][COLOR=black]Although an official date hasn't been set on when a Tag Team Champion is crowned Hogan and Bischoff have stated they want to do a traditional tournament to crown the first champions.[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://i535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/AWFIntercontinental.jpg[/IMG][/LEFT] [B]Name: [/B]AWF Intercontinental Championship[LEFT][B]Purpose: [/B]The Secondary Title of the AWF[/LEFT] [B]How 1st Champion Will Be Crowned:[/B] [LEFT][COLOR=white]-----[/COLOR][COLOR=black]The AWF Intercontintal Title (Which is just a modified version of the old NWA Title which many view as a stab to the NWA) will be crowned over the course of the first month of action in the AWF in an 8 Man 3 Round Tournament with the finals taking place at the first ever AWF Pay Per View American Nightmare.[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://i535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/AWFTelevision.jpg[/IMG][/LEFT] [B]Name: [/B]AWF Television Championship [LEFT][B]Purpose: [/B]The Lowercard Title of the AWF[/LEFT] [B]How 1st Champion Will Be Crowned:[/B] [LEFT][COLOR=white]-----[/COLOR][COLOR=black]Hogan and Bischoff (Again trying to be different) decided that they didn't want a Cruiserweight/Openweight/High Flying Division in the AWF and have guys rely on talent alone to determine there push. The AWF Television Title is the belt for the guys on the lower end of the card trying to climb up to Midcard status and then one day to the Main Event. Hogan and Bischoff agreed a 10 Man Battle Royale will happen at the first of AWF American Nightmare to crown the first ever AWF Television Champion.[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://i535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/AWFAmericasCup.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name: [/B]AWF America's Cup [B]Purpose: [/B]Yearly Number 1 Contenders Tournament to be Held in April [B]How 1st Champion Will Be Crowned:[/B] [COLOR=white]-----[/COLOR][COLOR=black]The AWF America's Cup was Hogan's idea of a one night Tournament to be held in April consisting of 16 Men doing battle for the cup. Although it seemed a little ridiculous to hold a 16 man Tournament in one night it seems the winner of the Tournament will have extra motivation as they will recieve a title shot the new month at AWF's Manifest Destiny.[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=3]PPV List/Schedule:[/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [B]January: [/B]AWF 50-State Slam (Sunday Week 4) [LEFT][B]February: [/B]AWF Valentine's Day Massacre (Sunday Week 4) [B]March: [/B]AWF Civil War (Sunday Week 4) [B]April: [/B]AWF America's Cup (Sunday Week 4)[/LEFT] [I]Headlined by a One Night 16 Man Tournament for the America's Cup. The winner of the America's Cup recieves a AWF World Title Shot at AWF Manifest Destiny[/I] [B]May: [/B]AWF Manifest Destiny (Sunday Week 4) [B]June: [/B]AWF Rebellion (Sunday Week 4) [B]July: [/B]AWF Independance Day (Sunday Week 4) [I]Scheduled to be the biggest event of the year for AWF. Also scheduled to typically be held in an outside venue for a post-show fireworks display.[/I] [B]August: [/B]AWF The Ring of Fame (Sunday Week 4) [B]September: [/B]AWF Scars and Stripes (Sunday Week 4) [B]October: [/B]AWF American Nightmare (Sunday Week 4) [B]November: [/B]AWF Thanksgiving Slaughter (Sunday Week 4) [B]December: [/B]AWF Christmas Chaos (Sunday Week 4) [I]Headlined by a 20 Man Battle Royale to open the show up with the winner of the Battle Royale recieving an AWF World Heavyweight Title Shot later in the evening.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_HulkHogan.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]Production Meeting Number 5:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff0000]Strange Group of Characters Brother...:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff0000]Third Wednesday of June 2001[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Hogan:[/B] Alright brother we made good strides towards developing our product with distinct shows last time. What group of guys do you got for me this time around? [B]Bischoff: [/B]Well Hulk I did some looking at our roster and there are a good number of heels compared to our number of faces. This time around I got a lot more babyface guys but it seems that a good portion of them are guys in comedic undercard roles. [B]Hogan: [/B]Nothing wrong with that brother... People have to laugh. Who do you got for me? [B]Bischoff: [/B]My first guy comes packaged with a former WWF Intercontinental Championship run, is a second generation star and has one of the most famous gimmicks of all time. I am of course talking about the son of the American Dream Dustin "Goldust" Rhodes. [B]Hogan: [/B]I like it Eric. How did you convince him to not follow his daddy to the National Wrestling Alliance? [B]Bischoff: [/B]Pretty easy actually. I just explained to him that the only thing his dad would have him do is be boring old "Dustin Rhodes" and that eventually the fans/Ric Flair and Jim Ross would get tired of him and kill his push off. I told him he would have a job in the AWF and get to return to his old gimmick and he jumped on it. [B]Hogan: [/B]Alright tell Mr. Rhodes he is in.[/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_Goldust.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name: [/B]Goldust [B]Alignment: [/B]Babyface [B]Entrance Music:[/B] Original Goldust Theme[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Bischoff: [/B]The next guy I secured is a little guy but he has great charisma and is a good comedy character. He was most recently known as Crash Holly in the WWF and had a few runs with the Hardcore Title but he has never really done anything too big. He wants to break away from the Crash Holly image and go by the name "Mad Monster" Mikey. [B]Hogan: [/B]Mad Monster Mikey? Explain this to me Eric. [B]Bischoff: [/B]Basically he is a guy who thinks he is larger than what he actually is and trys to do a bunch of bigger power moves but is always cut off and slammed down. The fans should love it and he can be an essential part of our "Enhancement Talent" division so to speak. [B]Hogan: [/B]I like it. Whatever happened to his "Cousin" Bob/Hardcore Holly? [B]Bischoff: [/B]He is expected to sign with Legends of Wrestling and has told everyone he wants to wait a while and see if AWF, FPW or NWA is the place he would like to go. [B]Hogan: [/B]Smart thinking on his part... Lets wait until we have ran a while and then I want that guy on my roster immidiately... Tell Mikey he has a job now.[/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_CrashHolly.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name: [/B]Mad Monster Mikey [B]Alignment: [/B]Heel [B]Entrance Music:[/B] Tubthumping (Chumbawumba) ([URL]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm4iU0yx9GY[/URL])[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Bischoff: [/B]The next guy I want to bring in basically as a jobber... really no use for him at all except that... Remember Lash LeRoux from WCW? [B]Hogan: [/B]Yeah the red-haired Cajun kid... Nice guy... horrible look... Reminds me of Carrot-Top. Sign him.[/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_LashLeRoux.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name: [/B]Lash LeRoux [B]Alignment: [/B]Babyface [B]Entrance Music: [/B]Lash LeRoux WCW Theme[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Bischoff: [/B]My next guy is a personal friend of mine but he is loaded with charisma! [B]Hogan: [/B]You got Diamond Dallas Page way to go Eric! [B]Bischoff: [/B]Not quite try 3 time world Karate Champion Ernest "The Cat" Miller. [B]Hogan: [/B]Well thats dissapointing but I think I can live with him. Give him some sort of Karate gimmick and have him as a fun babyface... he really shouldn't be pushed to hard.[/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_ErnestMiller.jpg[/IMG] [B]Name: [/B]Ernest "World Karate Champion" Miller [B]Alignment: [/B]Babyface [B]Entrance Music:[/B] Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting ([URL]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zub7o3MguEg[/URL])[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Hogan: [/B]Do we have a babyface tag team yet? [B]Bischoff: [/B]Thats my next two guys I am bringing in... former WCW Guys Konnan and LA Parka. [B]Hogan: [/B]I like it. Konnan can cut a great promo and even though LA Parka never talked he was always entertaining to me. Tag them up as our luchadore team and give them whatever name/theme song you see fit. They will be super over in California no matter what.[/LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_Konnan2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_LaParka.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][B]Name: [/B]The Chairmen (Konnan and La Parka) [B]Alignment: [/B]Babyface [B]Entrance Music:[/B] Konnan Rap Song from WCW[/CENTER] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_GSW.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=blue][B]AWF Secures Development Territory[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=blue][B]First Week of July 2001:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=blue][B]Golden State Wrestling Set to Open[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [LEFT][COLOR=black]AWF seem to be on there way to first place in the National Wrestling War fast as they have announced as of today (First Monday July 2001) they are opening up a Development territory known as Golden State Wrestling. Along with the opening of the territory Hogan and Bischoff have already signed talent, appointed trainers and arranged for GSW to have a weekly show live in California. Among those confirmed for the roster are the following:[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Owner:[/B] Harley Race[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Booker:[/B] Dutch Mantell[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Trainers:[/B] Harley Race Dutch Mantell Ed Leslie (Brutus Beefcake) Greg The Hammer Valentine Ted DiBiase[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Wrestlers:[/B] Aaron Aguilera Air Paris Alan Funk Barry Buchanan Carly Colon Charlie Haas CW Anderson Donovan Morgan Gorgeous George Horace Hogan Jon Heidenreich Kevin Northcutt Michael Modest Rico Constantino Sonny Siaki Steve Bradley[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Other Staff:[/B] Johnathan Coachman Max Marquez (Referee) Joe Hempel (Referee)[/LEFT]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_AWF.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][COLOR=blue]American Wrestling Federation Presents:[/COLOR][/SIZE] [FONT=Fixedsys][SIZE=5][COLOR=red]AWF Mayhem (Live on the F/X Network)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Fixedsys][SIZE=5][/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://www.sdaztecstore.com/Portals/0/Site%20Images/cox_arena_07667.gif[/IMG] [SIZE=4][COLOR=blue]Live from the Cox Arena in San Diego, CA[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][COLOR=#0000ff]First Monday of October 2001[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][COLOR=#0000ff]AWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Round 1 Matches:[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_MattHardy2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_CurtHennig.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_BillyGunn.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_RonKillings.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][COLOR=#0000ff]The Bods Want some Competition:[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_KidRomeo.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_EvanKaragias.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][COLOR=#0000ff]Winner Advances to AWF World Title 4 Way Cage Match at American Nightmare:[/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s535.photobucket.com/albums/ee351/joshuamont/AWF/th_Kane3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [INDENT][LEFT][COLOR=black]The American Wrestling Federation's Television Show (And the AWF in general) makes its official debut the first monday of October 2001 with AWF Mayhem live on the F/X Network from San Diego, CA. The AWF action starts off with Matt Hardy and Mr Perfect meeting up one on one for the first time ever in the first round of the AWF Intercontinental Title Tournament. Then things progress even further as Brian James's partner Billy Gunn takes on Brian James's former partner Ron "The Truth" Killings (Formerly known as K-Kwik). We will then present to the world Tag Team Action as The Bods (Evan Karagious and Kid Romeo) have set forth an open challenge for ANYONE in the AWF to accept. Then we have a HUGE Main Event as Kane takes on Chris Jericho with the winner advancing to the Fatal Four Way AWF World Heavyweight Title Cage Match at the first ever AWF Pay Per View Spectacular American Nightmare! You can't afford to miss this![/COLOR][/LEFT] [/INDENT][LEFT][COLOR=blue][B]AWF Quick Picks:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Matt Hardy vs. Mr Perfect[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Ron Killings vs. Billy Gunn[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]The Bods vs. ???[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Kane vs. Chris Jericho[/COLOR][/LEFT]
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