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GDS TEW Diary Awards 2008 Nomination Thread ***NOMINATIONS CLOSE DECEMBER 7***

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[QUOTE=mistaken;530107]first BUMP[/QUOTE] If you don't count my begging for posts earlier as a bump :P. Note: I was updating with the current nominations, and accidently clicked away, so I lost all I'd done, and I don't feel like doing it again right now. The first post will be updated before I go to bed tonight (still almost 8 hours).
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Unfortunately my memory is obscured as shows of the last half a year spring to mind above all else... so I realise I am skipping some great things from earlier in the year but it's the nature of the awards. [B]Grey Dog Software Total Extreme Wrestling Diary Awards 2008 Nomination Thread[/B] [B]Real World Diary of the Year[/B] ECW Worldwide [url][/url] [I]There have been good efforts, but Nevermore has manage to top even his high standards this year. Mind blowing. He's so good it actually makes me not want to bring my diary back because I know it pales in comparison[/I] [B]Cornellverse Diary of the Year[/B] [I]I'll get back to you.[/I] [B]Writer of the Year[/B] Tristram [url][/url] [I]Consistently entertaining, whether it be joking out of ring things, serious reports, promos, jokes about matches, whatever. Always entertaining and for that he wins. Nevermore gets a mention for the Quintessential Studmuffin segments alone[/I] [B]Show of the Year[/B] ECW Heatwave- ECW Worldwide [url][/url] [I]Big mention to IMac for his brilliant No Mercy show recently, seriously, top notch stuff, but Nevvy just about tops it. Especially given the title stripping that comes after, this show was genius. If the writers of WWE were half as good as this man, well, you know the rest...[/I] [B]Most Compelling Character[/B] Raven- ECW Worldwide [url][/url] [I]He can't be far from retirement, and I don't know what Nevvy will do without him. Simply the most fascinating character on here. Such a jerk, so self-centred, so entertaining. Every main event feud Nev has had has been interesting because of this guy. The switch where Vito got stripepd of the belt was fantastic and i wanted to kill a fictional character. Loved it.[/I] [B]Best Promos[/B] [I]I can't choose between Worldwide and Prequel, and hence I won't until someone nominates the other[/I] [B]Best Match Write-Ups[/B] Prequel To Death Of WCW? [url][/url] [I]Whether it's in depth analysis of what's gonig on, complete with accurate move sets, jokes about Goldberg splatting people, whatever, his matches are always interesting to read and are good lengths in accorance to their importance.[/I] [B]Promo of the Year[/B] Diamond Dallas Page joins the nWo- WCW Prequel [url][/url] [I]The best thought through promo of the year. Proof that as long as you have a reason you can do anything you want in booking. DDP shouldn't join the nWo, he's a WCW guy and should have been leading the charge to bring nWo down. One promo and suddenly I can't imagine DDP not being in the nWo. The history to the turn, the whole explanation was great, the background, the money, the lack of trust, everything was brilliant. I've got so much respect for a writer who does this sort of thing[/I] [B]Match of the Year[/B] AJ Styles vs Juventud Guerrera Title vs Mask at Heatwave- ECW Worldwide [url][/url] [I]One of many that really gripped me, but this was another level. The brilliant build up, the rivalry between Juvi and AJ, the stakes, the tension with Juvi and Francine, it all just worked so well. Brilliant.[/I] [B]Feud of the Year[/B] Francine & Juventud Guerrera Romance Storyline- ECW Worldwide [url][/url] [I]I have issue with this award as I think 'Storyline of the Year' fits better as not all storylines are feuds. If this award isn't strictly for what I'd call a 'feud', ie two people as antagonists in a rivalry, I think Nevermore brilliantly handled the whole Francine & Juvi Guerrera angle. And it's just getting started too, which is the best part[/I] [B]Best Utilized Roster[/B] Prequel to Death Of WCW [url][/url] [I]While there are faults, the lack of Davey Boy Smith for example, the WCW 98 roster was bloated and yet the majority of people have been used properly without resorting to jobbing Nash, Luger, Hogan etc and Jesus pushing Eddie, Benoit, Malenko etc.[/I] [B]Best New Writer[/B] IMac- WWE Next Generation [url][/url] [I]I think IMac debuted this year? Correct me if I am incorrect. Either way, this guy is the latest to join the elite in my book[/I] [B]Most Hated Wrestler[/B] Raven- ECW Worldwide [url][/url] [I]Due to his booking, I actually dislike Raven at times, which is the sign of a fantastic writer, booker and person who actually gets the role of a heel, ie to be hated. Chris Hero in the same diary is a close second though[/I] [B]Rocky Maivia Award[/B] Vito Thomaselli- ECW Worldwide [url][/url] [I]I'll be honest, I know very little of Vito Thomaselli in real life, but Nevermore makes him seem like a megastar[/I] [B]Tag Team of the Year[/B] [I]I'll get back to you on this one[/I] [B]Stable of the Year[/B] Revolution- WWE Next Generation [url][/url] [I]In terms of getting timing just right, this was perfect. Raw needed something to shake it up a bit and leads itself perfectly in the build to Survivor Series and beyond.[/I] [B]Best Kayfabe-Breaking Segments[/B] BigPapa SWF Generation Supreme [url][/url] [I]The out of ring stuff this guy comes out with are genius. Really, really well thought out and written up[/I] [B]Best Mod[/B] CornellVerse [I]I sure as heck hope this counts because I've absolutely loved it. Simply put, nothing plays as well as this and the opportunities are brilliant.[/I]
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The rules have been changed, links are no longer needed for Author-specific categories (Best Writer, Best New Writer). I will instead link to their profile (or 'Threads Started By...') within the next couple of days. Also, mistaken, the Best New Writer category says 'this year', so unfortunately, dse81 isn't eligible. (Don't forget to finish the links on your other nominations ;))
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;530220]The rules have been changed, links are no longer needed for Author-specific categories (Best Writer, Best New Writer). I will instead link to their profile (or 'Threads Started By...') within the next couple of days. Also, mistaken, the Best New Writer category says 'this year', so unfortunately, dse81 isn't eligible. (Don't forget to finish the links on your other nominations ;))[/QUOTE] Oh, crap they didn't save. sorry about that, off to redo work. right after I do the work I get paid for.
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Real World Diary of the Year Any diary outside of the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category. Nomination: TNA: A Second Chance by angeldeffalate (sp) [I]This guy handeled TNA like a pro, and totally rocked my world and inspired me to write nearly all of my diaries. It rocked, lol.[/I] Cornellverse Diary of the Year Any diary in the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category. Nomination: ?MAW: 10 Simple Rules? [I]I liked how this guy (forgot username) made storylines, and put backstage conflicts into the diary. Also, he raised MAW from nothing to almost something.[/I] Writer of the Year Which writer put in the best effort this year? (Must be nominated in at least one other category) Nomination: Nobody Show of the Year The best card of the year, PPV, TV, Live Event... Whatever. Nomination: Nothing Indy Diary of the Year Best diary about a non-national (or higher) promotion Nomination: ROH: Wrestling Reinvented by tizzyt [I]ROH is still indy right? lol. Mhm...he made his diary feel like the real ROH, and made the diary set-up look like the ROH newswire.[/I] Most Compelling Character Who you think is, overall, the best character this year. Nomination: Darryl Devine from Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011 by NoNeck Best Promos Which dynasty consistently has the best promos. Nomination: Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011 by NoNeck [I]I used to be into this guy's diary, I'm just not as active, and this is one of the main things that brought me to it.[/I] Best Match Write-Ups Which dynasty has the best written up matches. Nomination: Nobody Promo of the Year Which particular promo do you think was the best this year? Nomination: Nothing Match of the Year Which match captured your attention the most this year? Nomination: Nothing Feud of the Year Which feud captured your imagination the best this year? Nomination: Nobody Best Gimmick Match Which new match concept did you think was best? Nomination: Didn't see anything Best Presentation Which diary made best use of graphics, video or websites? Nomination: Nobody Best Utilized Roster Did anyone use their roster well, regardless of it's faults? Nomination: TNA: A Second Chance Best New Writer Which writer that debuted this year do you think was best? Nomination: angeldefallate Manager of the Year Which manager earned his/her paycheck this year? Nomination: Bill Alfonso in TNA: A Second Chance [I]I like the way he brought ECW Extremists to the top.[/I] Most Hated Wrestler Which heel really got your blood boiling this year? Nomination: Triple H in WWE: The Next Generation Most Popular Wrestler Which face could you not help but cheer? Nomination: Rob Van Dam in TNA: A Second Chance Rocky Maivia Award Which wrestler couldn't you care less about IRL, but really enjoy in this dynasty? Nomination: Austin Aries in ROH: Wrestling Reinvented Tag Team of the Year Which tag team was your favourite this year? Nomination: Canadian Bulldogs in WWE: A Next Generation Stable of the Year Which group, stable or team of more than two was your favourite this year? Nomination: Nobody Best Kayfabe-Breaking Segments Who's backstage antics with the boss did you like best? Or who had the best internet reports? Nomination: ROH: Wrestling Reinvented Best Mod Which mod have you enjoyed the most this year? Nomination: jimmyshaker's Know Your Role 2008
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Real World Diary of the Year Any diary outside of the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category. Since EC DUB is already nominated how about: WWE Rebirth by GPrime Cornellverse Diary of the Year Any diary in the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category. [URL=""] MAW 10 Simple Rules...[/URL] Writer of the Year Which writer put in the best effort this year? (Must be nominated in at least one other category) [URL=""]James Casey[/URL] Show of the Year The best card of the year, PPV, TV, Live Event... Whatever. [URL=""]SWF Supreme Challange 31 from Secrets of the Ring Volume Two: Peter Michaels and SWF 2011[/URL] Indy Diary of the Year Best diary about a non-national (or higher) promotion [URL=""] MAW 10 Simple Rules[/URL] Most Compelling Character Who you think is, overall, the best character this year. [URL=""] James Casey[/URL] Best Promos Which dynasty consistently has the best promos. ECW Worldwide Best Match Write-Ups Which dynasty has the best written up matches. [URL=""] Maw 10 Simple Rules[/URL] Promo of the Year Which particular promo do you think was the best this year? Omit Match of the Year Which match captured your attention the most this year? [URL=""] Kirk Jameson vs. Aaron Andrews from MAW 10 Simple Rules[/URL] Feud of the Year Which feud captured your imagination the best this year? Omit Best Gimmick Match Which new match concept did you think was best? Omit Best Presentation Which diary made best use of graphics, video or websites? [URL=""] SWF Generation Supreme[/URL] Best Utilized Roster Did anyone use their roster well, regardless of it's faults? [URL=""]Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone[/URL] Manager of the Year Which manager earned his/her paycheck this year? [URL=""]Sienna LeNoir[/URL] Most Hated Wrestler Which heel really got your blood boiling this year? Omit Most Popular Wrestler Which face could you not help but cheer? [URL=""] Hugh de Aske from 10 Simple Rules[/URL] Rocky Maivia Award Which wrestler couldn't you care less about IRL, but really enjoy in this dynasty? Brian Kendrick from Rebirth. I think you can find the link ;) Tag Team of the Year Which tag team was your favourite this year? [URL=""] Team OMFGplosion from MAW 10 Simple Rules[/URL] Stable of the Year Which group, stable or team of more than two was your favourite this year? [URL=""] The Firm from MAW 10 Simple Rules[/URL] Best Kayfabe-Breaking Segments Who's backstage antics with the boss did you like best? Or who had the best internet reports? [URL=""]MAW 10 Simple Rules[/URL] Best Mod Which mod have you enjoyed the most this year? Default by Adam Ryland I think thats everything
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[QUOTE=angeldelayette;531805]I planned on doing mine tonight but I am warn out from all the shopping I did today. lol. Five and a half hours at the mall is never a good thing but mine should be coming soon.[/QUOTE] Oh god... If I'd had to spend 5.5 hours shopping, I'd probably die.
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[CENTER]((To be filled/edited in as I make my decisions.)) [B]Real World Diary of the Year[/B] [I]Any diary outside of the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category.[/I] [URL=""]NWA Beyond the Glory[/URL] [B]Cornellverse Diary of the Year[/B] [I]Any diary in the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category.[/i] [B]Writer of the Year[/B] [I]Which writer put in the best effort this year? (Must be nominated in at least one other category)[/I] [B]Show of the Year[/B] [i]The best card of the year, PPV, TV, Live Event... Whatever.[/i] [B]Indy Diary of the Year[/B] [i]Best diary about a non-national (or higher) promotion[/i] [B]Most Compelling Character[/B] [i]Who you think is, overall, the best character this year.[/i] [B]Best Promos[/B] [i]Which dynasty consistently has the best promos.[/i] [B]Best Match Write-Ups[/B] [i]Which dynasty has the best written up matches.[/i] [B]Promo of the Year[/B] [i]Which particular promo do you think was the best this year?[/i] [B]Match of the Year[/B] [i]Which match captured your attention the most this year?[/i] [B]Feud of the Year[/B] [i]Which feud captured your imagination the best this year?[/i] [B]Best Gimmick Match[/B] [i]Which new match concept did you think was best?[/i] [B]Best Presentation[/B] [i]Which diary made best use of graphics, video or websites?[/i] [B]Best Utilized Roster[/B] [i]Did anyone use their roster well, regardless of it's faults?[/i] [B]Best New Writer[/B] [i]Which writer that debuted this year do you think was best?[/i] iMac [B]Manager of the Year[/B] [i]Which manager earned his/her paycheck this year?[/i] [B]Most Hated Wrestler[/B] [i]Which heel really got your blood boiling this year?[/i] [B]Most Popular Wrestler[/B] [i]Which face could you not help but cheer?[/i] [B]Rocky Maivia Award[/B] [i]Which wrestler couldn't you care less about IRL, but really enjoy in this dynasty?[/i] [B]Tag Team of the Year[/B] [i]Which tag team was your favourite this year?[/i] [B]Stable of the Year[/B] [i]Which group, stable or team of more than two was your favourite this year?[/i] [B]Best Kayfabe-Breaking Segments[/B] [i]Who's backstage antics with the boss did you like best? Or who had the best internet reports?[/i] [B]Best Mod[/B] [i]Which mod have you enjoyed the most this year?[/i] [/CENTER]
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Sorry to spoil the fun but iMac didn't debut this year. His first diary dates back to 10-13-2007. (Eliminating the competition, pt. 1!) [B]EDIT: [/B]Sorry about that. That diary died before posting the first show even. So Yes, he is qualified? [B]EDIT: [/B] Is Tigerkinneys "[URL=""]Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer[/URL]" eligible in this? It's TEW07 diary, but continued to 05-18-2008 of this year. (??)
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[QUOTE=FINisher;532643]Sorry to spoil the fun but iMac didn't debut this year. His first diary dates back to 10-13-2007. [B]EDIT: [/B]Sorry about that. That diary died before posting the first show even. So Yes, he is qualified? [B]EDIT: [/B] Is Tigerkinneys "[URL=""]Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer[/URL]" eligible in this? It's TEW07 diary, but continued to 05-18-2008 of this year. (??)[/QUOTE] If he didn't post a show in that first dynasty, then he is still eligible. Dynasties are almost all about the shows. Tigerkinney is eligible. It's 'TEW Diary Awards', not 'TEW08 Diary Awards' ;)
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[QUOTE=FINisher;532643]Sorry to spoil the fun but iMac didn't debut this year. His first diary dates back to 10-13-2007. [B](Eliminating the competition, pt. 1!)[/B] [B]EDIT: [/B]Sorry about that. That diary died before posting the first show even. So Yes, he is qualified? [B]EDIT: [/B] Is Tigerkinneys "[URL=""]Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer[/URL]" eligible in this? It's TEW07 diary, but continued to 05-18-2008 of this year. (??)[/QUOTE] Cold Fini... real cold. Don't think I won't remember this... :p
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[CENTER]((To be filled/edited in as I make my decisions.)) [B]Real World Diary of the Year[/B] [I]Any diary outside of the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category.[/I] [COLOR=Indigo][I]I don't read RW diaries so no nomination from me, sorry guys.[/I][/COLOR] [B]Cornellverse Diary of the Year[/B] [I]Any diary in the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category.[/I] [URL=""][SIZE=3][COLOR=Magenta][U][B]Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer (Cornellverse) [/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/URL] [SIZE=3][COLOR=Magenta][B]by Tigerkinney[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I]This is one of the best diaries that I've ever read. I know there has been dozens that I haven't read, but this very diary is one of the reasons I started writing my own.[/I] [B]Writer of the Year[/B] [I]Which writer put in the best effort this year? (Must be nominated in at least one other category)[/I] [B]Show of the Year[/B] [I]The best card of the year, PPV, TV, Live Event... Whatever.[/I] [URL=""][SIZE=3][COLOR=Magenta][U][B]Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer (Cornellverse) by Tigerkinney[/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/URL] [U][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=magenta]Night of the Burning Hammer[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/U] [U][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=magenta][URL=""]Pt. 1[/URL][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/U] [U][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=magenta][URL=""]Pt. 2[/URL][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/U] [I]By far one of the best cards ever. It truly felt a legendary event with all those huge, epic matches and title changes.[/I] [B]Indy Diary of the Year[/B] [I]Best diary about a non-national (or higher) promotion[/I] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy][URL=""]MAW: 10 Simple Rules...[/URL][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3]By James Casey[/SIZE][/B] Rip Chord, The matches, Rip Chord, the feuds, Rip Chord.. [B]Most Compelling Character[/B] [I]Who you think is, overall, the best character this year.[/I] [I][SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy][B]Rip and Jay Chord and user Character James from MAW: 10 Simple Rules[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/I] [B]Best Promos[/B] [I]Which dynasty consistently has the best promos.[/I] [B]Best Match Write-Ups[/B] [I]Which dynasty has the best written up matches.[/I] [URL=""][SIZE=3][COLOR=Magenta][U][B]Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer (Cornellverse) by Tigerkinney[/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/URL] [COLOR=Indigo][I]The big event matches are just [U]epic.[/U][/I][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Indigo][/COLOR][CENTER] [B]Promo of the Year[/B] [I]Which particular promo do you think was the best this year?[/I] [B]Match of the Year[/B] [I]Which match captured your attention the most this year?[/I] [B]Feud of the Year[/B] [I]Which feud captured your imagination the best this year?[/I] [B]Best Gimmick Match[/B] [I]Which new match concept did you think was best?[/I] [B]Best Presentation[/B] [I]Which diary made best use of graphics, video or websites?[/I] [B]Best Utilized Roster[/B] [I]Did anyone use their roster well, regardless of it's faults?[/I] [URL=""]Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone[/URL] [I][COLOR=Indigo]One of the diaries that I read nowadays, this one is one of my favourites for a long time now. [/COLOR][/I] [B]Best New Writer[/B] [I]Which writer that debuted this year do you think was best?[/I] [COLOR=Indigo][I]How many have there even been? Not that many. iMac and I, who else? Just for the sake of competition, I'm nominating myself, FINisher, in this category but I'll need someone to second me in this. Just so that iMac doesn't win because he's the only one nominated in the category :D[/I][/COLOR] [B]Manager of the Year[/B] [I]Which manager earned his/her paycheck this year?[/I] [B]Most Hated Wrestler[/B] [I]Which heel really got your blood boiling this year?[/I] [B]Most Popular Wrestler[/B] [I]Which face could you not help but cheer?[/I] [B]Rocky Maivia Award[/B] [I]Which wrestler couldn't you care less about IRL, but really enjoy in this dynasty?[/I] [B]Tag Team of the Year[/B] [I]Which tag team was your favourite this year?[/I] [B]Stable of the Year[/B] [I]Which group, stable or team of more than two was your favourite this year?[/I] [B]Best Kayfabe-Breaking Segments[/B] [I]Who's backstage antics with the boss did you like best? Or who had the best internet reports?[/I] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy][URL=""]MAW: 10 Simple Rules...[/URL][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3] By James Casey[/SIZE][/B] [B]Best Mod[/B] [I]Which mod have you enjoyed the most this year?[/I] [B][COLOR=Indigo]Cornellverse '97, without a doubt. A great mod, thanks derek_b for all the work. The mod inspired for atleast 7 (?) diaries to start, so that can't be a bad thing.[/COLOR][/B] [/CENTER]
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Real World Diary of the Year Any diary outside of the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category. Nomination: WWF: From Montreal To Attitude by Keefmoon No disrespect intended but I think that Keefmoon's diary is my favorite. It motivated me to make a diary of my own plus how heslowly progressed into his own era I think is awesome. Cornellverse Diary of the Year Any diary in the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category. Nomination: None (I don't read C-Verse diaries.) Writer of the Year Which writer put in the best effort this year? (Must be nominated in at least one other category) Nomination: iMac Show of the Year The best card of the year, PPV, TV, Live Event... Whatever. Nomination: WWE Rebirth: WWE WrestleMania 23 Indy Diary of the Year Best diary about a non-national (or higher) promotion Nomination: NWA: A Return To Glory (If that counts?) If not then TizzyT's ROH diary Most Compelling Character Who you think is, overall, the best character this year. Nomination: Owen Hart: FMTA Best Promos Which dynasty consistently has the best promos. Nomination: WCW 1998: A Prequel to Death Best Match Write-Ups Which dynasty has the best written up matches. Nomination: Nobody Promo of the Year Which particular promo do you think was the best this year? Nomination: Nothing Match of the Year Which match captured your attention the most this year? Nomination: Nothing Feud of the Year Which feud captured your imagination the best this year? Nomination: Corparation vs DX/SCSA : WWF FMTA Best Gimmick Match Which new match concept did you think was best? Nomination: Buck Stops Here Match: ECW Worldwide: Nevermore Best Presentation Which diary made best use of graphics, video or websites? Nomination: Nobody Best Utilized Roster Did anyone use their roster well, regardless of it's faults? Nomination: WCW 1998: A Prequel To Death: Tristram Best New Writer Which writer that debuted this year do you think was best? Nomination: iMac Manager of the Year Which manager earned his/her paycheck this year? Nomination: None Most Hated Wrestler Which heel really got your blood boiling this year? Nomination: Triple H in WWE: The Next Generation Most Popular Wrestler Which face could you not help but cheer? Nomination: Goldust: WWF FMTA Rocky Maivia Award Which wrestler couldn't you care less about IRL, but really enjoy in this dynasty? Nomination: Paul London: WWE Rebirth Tag Team of the Year Which tag team was your favourite this year? Nomination: The Brisco Brothers: NWA: Return To Glory Stable of the Year Which group, stable or team of more than two was your favourite this year? Nomination: Extreme Horsemen: NWA: Return To Glory Best Kayfabe-Breaking Segments Who's backstage antics with the boss did you like best? Or who had the best internet reports? Nomination: None Best Mod Which mod have you enjoyed the most this year? Nomination: After The Fall by ???
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dtrot and sarcasm both need links in their nominations. Angeldelayette and FINisher's nominations will be added when they're finished (or when nominations close, whichever comes first ;)), and I'll add Astil's to the first post later on today.
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