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GDS TEW Diary Awards 2008 Nomination Thread ***NOMINATIONS CLOSE DECEMBER 7***

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Part ye IIIrd [B]Best Match Write-Ups[/B] I struggled with choosing this one, but I think that it has to go to [URL=""]J Silver[/URL] (I'm beginning to look like I'm sucking up to him, I think). His writeups hit the high points, tell the story, and his was the first diary I read to feature the ref's count as a dramatic device (although it was probably pretty commonplace...). Everything I could ask for, although this was the hardest one to choose as there's so many different styles that work well. [B]Match of the Year[/B] NoNeck's [URL=""]McFly vs. Keith - Supreme Challenge[/URL] [B]Best Gimmick Match[/B] I don't think I read any diaries that had a particular gimmick match in them that stood out - a good reason to get cracking on more diaries, I guess :D [B]Best Utilized Roster[/B] [URL=""]Shipshirt's CWB[/URL] didn't have the most talented roster (Jesse Christian? Ash Campell? Duberry Excess?) but he made them all seem like stars. Well, except Duberry Excess, but what can you do? [B]Best New Writer[/B] McShamrock - PSW: DaVE's not here Again, if this isn't Monkeypox in diguise, then he deserves all the plaudits for capturing pox's unique DaVEness without it being a total carbon copy. [B]Manager of the Year[/B] [URL=""]Carl Batch - Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society[/URL] From the Latino Kings to the Wave of Violence, he's been the underappreciated hub that FCW revolves arond. And his justification for switching from one to the other made sense as well.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;536783] [B]Best Gimmick Match[/B] I don't think I read any diaries that had a particular gimmick match in them that stood out - a good reason to get cracking on more diaries, I guess :D [/QUOTE] I find myself wishing there was a 'Worst Gimmick match' section - between the Hell in a Cardboard Cell, the B&Q Cage Match, and the upcoming Four Corners of Funk match Destined to Fail would sweep the board.
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Cardcoard Hell in a Cell from [URL=""]Destined to Fail[/URL] gets my nomination for best gimmick match. Although an other I would suggest would be NoNeck's "unsanctioned match" between Jack and Valiant. It's in Match of the Year and not Gimmick Match of the Year. Huh? As well as ECW's Baptism by Fire Match. Was that this year? I think so...
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Gimmick match is for a new match concept, not just any gimmick match, that's why the unsanctioned match was in Match of the Year, because that gimmick's been done. Baptism of Fire was last year, I think it even won the award (Although Monkeypox's Warehouse Match might have beaten it...)
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;538488]Gimmick match is for a new match concept, not just any gimmick match, that's why the unsanctioned match was in Match of the Year, because that gimmick's been done. Baptism of Fire was last year, I think it even won the award (Although Monkeypox's Warehouse Match might have beaten it...)[/QUOTE] Was Baptism last year? And a match in a tractor trailer. Please, that deserves it too. :D
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I've done my picks.. Just can't choose the rest I'm afraid. :) I just started reading diaries this summer so I really don't have the knowledge of few of the famous diaries here, most of which have been nominated in this thread. A little bump so that everyone understands that it's the deadline today, just closing in.. For those of you who haven't voted already.
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[QUOTE]Hyde Hill's - TCW To The Brink And Beyond (the whole behind the scene wrestling intro to this one. really got me hooked on a diary that had some great Ideas and ended way to soon!)[/QUOTE] Thanks for the nomination Mistaken think ill restart it soon but with probably shorter match write ups. Prolly infinitywipy style except ppvs till i get to present time in game. But with a bit more attention to angles.
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[QUOTE]I think the main gist is that people tend to say they don't read C-Verse diaries... I don't remember the last time I read someone post "I don't read real world diaries".[/QUOTE] I don't read real world diaries, seriously i don´t. And to quote comradebot yes the mad dutchman is back! (kinda)
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[B]Real World Diary of the Year[/B] [thread=15014][URL=""]WWF: From Montreal To Attitude[/URL][/thread] by keefmoon [I]Without a shadow of a doubt. How he hasn't been nominated already, I'll never know.[/I] [B]Cornellverse Diary of the Year[/B] [I]Any diary in the C-Verse that you think is the best in the category.[/I] [thread=21524][URL=""]Philly Power Pro Wrestling: Dangerous Dreams[/URL][/thread] by Phantom Stranger [I]The only C-Verse diary I read with any degree of regularity... fun, creative and easy to read[/I] [B]Writer of the Year[/B] [I]Which writer put in the best effort this year? (Must be nominated in at least one other category)[/I] keefmoon [I]My favourite writer on these boards. If you don't read FMTA, you are an inferior human being for the brilliance you are missing out on.[/I] [B]Show of the Year[/B] [I]The best card of the year, PPV, TV, Live Event... Whatever.[/I] [URL=""]Capital Carnage - WWF FMTA[/URL] [I]Just finished reading and was gripped from start to finish. The Mankind promo, the RVD/Taz classic and, of course, the Dungeon that made me even more astounded by the chaotic title picture.[/I] [B]Most Compelling Character[/B] [I]Who you think is, overall, the best character this year.[/I] [URL=""]Owen Hart - WWF FMTA[/URL] [I]If only we could have seen Owen used like this back in the 90s... I get so nostalgiac everytime I read a promo of his.[/I] [B]Best Promos[/B] [I]Which dynasty consistently has the best promos.[/I] [URL=""]WWF: FMTA[/URL] by keefmoon [I]The key word for me is "consistency" and, with keef, everytime I read a promo I can actually hear the voice of the given wrestler speaking. I understand their tone, intimation and the dynamics of their speech. He's clearly a huge fan of 90s WWF because he just KNOWS how to write for his roster.[/I] [B]Best Match Write-Ups[/B] [I]Which dynasty has the best written up matches.[/I] [URL=""]WCW 1998[/URL] by Tristram [I]I've always had difficulty getting into Trist's work... I hate(d) WCW so very much. However, when I do pop in for my weekly butcher's at his diary, I am always struck by how well he conveys the structure of a match, even if there is no structure *cough* Goldberg *cough*.[/I] [B]Match of the Year[/B] [I]Which match captured your attention the most this year?[/I] [URL=""]London Dungeon Match in WWF FMTA[/URL] [I]Brilliance; sheer brilliance. I'm not saying anything else 'cos you should bloody well read it.[/I] [B]Feud of the Year[/B] [I]Which feud captured your imagination the best this year?[/I] [URL=""] Shawn Michaels vs. Owen Hart in WWF FMTA[/URL] [I]The key to a good straight up feud is believability and, christ, I genuinely believe these two want to gut each other at times. Again, read the dungeon![/I] [B]Best Gimmick Match[/B] [I]Which new match concept did you think was best?[/I] [URL=""]The London Dungon Match in WWF FMTA[/URL] [I]This is getting slightly silly now but, damn, that match just kicked ass. Read it... really.[/I] [B]Most Hated Wrestler[/B] [I]Which heel really got your blood boiling this year?[/I] [URL=""]Jeff Jarrett in WWF FMTA[/URL] [I]How has he not been nominated? Just read through the feedback to see how much heat he has! If he was this well booked in real life, he would need bodyguards![/I] [B]Tag Team of the Year[/B] [I]Which tag team was your favourite this year?[/I] [URL=""]DX in WWF FMTA[/URL] [I]They make me mark out, they make chuckle and they're soon to include evryone's favourite degenerate... and mine... RVD![/I] [B]Best Kayfabe-Breaking Segments[/B] [I]Who's backstage antics with the boss did you like best? Or who had the best internet reports?[/I] [URL=""]The Schiawrongies in WWF FMTA[/URL] [I]I laughed so very hard! Make it a regular feature, if you can, keefy.[/I] [B]Best Mod[/B] [I]Which mod have you enjoyed the most this year?[/I] Cornellverse by Adam Ryland
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