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Steve Flash © vs GMP – NYCW Empire Championship ~ [B]Draw[/B] Lead Belly vs [B]Whistler[/B] [B]Grease Hogg[/B] vs American Machine [B]Kirk Jameson ©[/B] vs Rick Sanders – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship [B]The Sting (Roger Dodger/Sammy the Shark)[/B] vs Wiley Coyote (Wiley Steinway/Coyote Dynamite) [B]Des Davids[/B] vs The Masked Mauler [B]Element of Surprise (American Elemental/Fumihiro Ota)[/B] vs Filthy Truth (Honest Frank/Dirty Frank)
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[B]Steve Flash ©[/B] vs GMP – NYCW Empire Championship Lead Belly vs [B]Whistler[/B] Grease Hogg vs [B]American Machine[/B] [B]Kirk Jameson ©[/B] vs Rick Sanders – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship [B]The Sting (Roger Dodger/Sammy the Shark)[/B] vs Wiley Coyote (Wiley Steinway/Coyote Dynamite) [B]Des Davids[/B] vs The Masked Mauler [B]Element of Surprise (American Elemental/Fumihiro Ota) [/B]vs Filthy Truth (Honest Frank/Dirty Frank)
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[B][SIZE="3"]NYCW School’s in Session[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Aug. 2008 The Ministry Att: 780[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]The GMP comes to the ring and rants about he’s the best in NYCW. In his own peculiar style, he goes onto say that Flash has held onto the title this long out of shear luck. Steve Flash steps out to a huge pop from the crowd. He points at GMP and waves his finger “no”. He then raises the Empire title above his head, points to himself while shaking his head “yes.” He then motions for GMP to “come take it from him.”[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]D+[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]The Sting[/COLOR] (Roger Dodger/Sammy the Shark) vs [COLOR="Blue"]Wiley Coyote [/COLOR](Wiley Steinway/Coyote Dynamite)[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Wiley Coyote defeated The Sting in 4:52 when Roger Dodger was disqualified when Honest Frank ran in and attacked Coyote Dynamite. [B]E+[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="blue"]Des Davids[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]The Masked Mauler[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Des Davids defeated The Masked Mauler in 6:50 by pin fall with a Quarterback Sack. [B]E[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]After his match, Davids grabs a mic and challenges Jameson, once again for his Tri-State title. Jameson doesn’t respond and Davids, clearly frustrated, heads to the back.[/I] [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Element of Surprise[/COLOR] (American Elemental/Fumihiro Ota) vs [COLOR="Red"]Filthy Truth [/COLOR](Honest Frank/Dirty Frank)[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Filthy Truth defeated Element of Surprise in 7:51 when American Elemental was disqualified when Wiley Steinway ran in and attacked Honest Frank. During the match we also had Coyote Dynamite run in and attack Dirty Frank. [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]When Filthy Truth and Wiley Coyote get separated by officials and moved up the ramp, The Sting slide in behind Ota and Elemental. They attempt to attack EoS, but Ota and Elemental disappear in their respective red and white smoke. Once again leaving The Sting alone and dumbfounded. [/I] [B] E-[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]Ace Youngblood and Lee Wright are in the ring getting ready for the bell to start their match. The lights go out, on the video screen, static plays before that creepy, maniacal laugh begins. (I can only describe it as a cross between The Dark Knight’s Joker and the wicked witch from Wizard of Oz. It’s quite creepy.) In the static, let’s just call it what it is, white noise, three forms can be made out. They appear to be around a large, rectangular shaped box standing on end. Then the voice speaking in “tongues”; “First comes the Darkness… followed by the Madness… then… the CHAOS!!!” [COLOR="red"]“PSYYYCOOO PSIRRRCUSSS!!!” [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="2"]E+[/SIZE][/B] The lights come back on, as three figures are standing behind Youngblood and Wright. The first figure is a fairly large man with dark circles under his wild eyes. A large scar/brand sits in the middle of his forehead. The second figure is slightly smaller, jet black shoulder length hair. His face has white paint with dark black lips and red, gothic style diamonds over his eyes. The third figure, a very large individual, with dirty, curly blonde hair. His face is painted like the “Joker”. All three have their heads slightly down, eyes focused on the two in the ring. Their shoulders are heaving as if they are waiting to pounce. On the outside of the ring, in front of Ace and Lee is what can only be described as a “coffin.” It’s silver in color, standing on its end with a small window, the only feature on it. Ace and Lee are glancing from the three individuals and the “box” when the first figure raises his head and starts that maniacal laugh that’s been heard for the past few months. In the box, lights flash through the window as a hissing can be heard as air pressure is being released. The door starts to open as black smoke pours from the opening. The door opens completely and when the smoke dissipates, we see a man with wild, brown shoulder length hair, wearing a leather “Hannibal” mask. With amazing speed, the masked man bolts from the box into the ring as the three others attack from behind. The lights go back off as strobes flash everywhere showing the chaos in a slow, jerky motion. You can here the screams from Ace/Lee until all the lights go out and the ring area is eerily quiet. The lights come back on and Ace and Lee are unconscious in the ring. The Psycho Psircus and the “box” are gone. [/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]E[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]OCC: We finally introduce Larry Wood, Madman Boone, Leper Messiah and Rayne (Harry Wilson) as the Psycho Psircus. Yes, I spelled circus that way on purpose. :D[/SIZE][/I] [SIZE="2"][I]American Made Men (American Machine/Whistler) are backstage talking about their matches tonight. They are both blindsided by DWB, who throw them around the equipment backstage before leaving them down and out, Machine taking the brunt of the attack. [/I] [B]E+[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="red"]Grease Hogg[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Blue"]American Machine[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Grease Hogg defeated American Machine in 6:02 by pin fall with a Grease Spot after a distraction from Lead Belly. [B]D[/B] [I]The ref got to a 6 count before American Machine limped out to the ring making it at the 9 count. Machine gave it his all, but the beating he took prior was too much for him to overcome.[/I][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Kirk Jameson[/COLOR] © vs [COLOR="red"]Rick Sanders [/COLOR]– [I]NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship[/I][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Kirk Jameson defeated Rick Sanders in 8:15 by pin fall with The Bullseye. Kirk Jameson makes defense number 6 of his NYCW Tri-State Regional title. [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]After his match, Jameson grabs a mic after shining his title up some. A small “Davids” chant starts off to the side. Jameson either doesn’t hear it or just ignores it. My bet is on the latter. He goes on to challenge Triple D to fight him next month at Street Kings. Jameson even says he’ll put the Tri-State title on the line. Triple D w/Fern step out on stage and gladly accept. [/I] [B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]Triple D leaves and as Jameson is starting to step through the ropes, Des Davids appears on stage, mic in hand. “Jameson, I know that you heard my challenge earlier. I know you’ve heard my challenges the past couple of months! If you’re scared, just say so…” Jameson once again just ignores Davids and goes out the back side of the ring and through the crowd to a chorus of boos. Davids remains on the stage fuming. “JAMESON!!! You can’t ignore me forever!!!”[/I] [B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="red"]Lead Belly[/COLOR] w/[COLOR="red"]Grease Hogg [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="Blue"]Whistler[/COLOR] w/[COLOR="blue"]American Machine[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Whistler defeated Lead Belly in 4:58 by pin fall with a Rebel Yell. [B]D-[/B] [I]Before the match, Whistler and American Machine came to the ring, showing slight effects from the backstage attack, carrying a small ice chest. Whistler whispered something into Machine’s ear before getting into the ring. End of the match saw Machine toss both Hogg and Belly a beer each from the cooler. And of course, they caught them. They both stared at the beer, licking their lips for a few seconds. The distraction was enough as Machine hits Hogg with the Old Glory on the outside and Whistler hits his Rebel Yell on Belly in the ring for the win. Neither Hogg nor Belly dropped their beer. [/I][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR] © vs [COLOR="Red"]The GMP [/COLOR]– [I]NYCW Empire Championship[/I][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Steve Flash defeated The GMP in 12:44 by pin fall with a Flash Bang. Steve Flash makes defense number 7 of his NYCW Empire title. [B]D+[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]Before Flash even gets a chance to have his hand raised in victory, The GMP and G beat him down to end the show. “You and The GMP are not done yet, CHAMP!” [/I] [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"]Overall Rating: D[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"][I]“Look at all these rumors…”[/I] Coyote Dynamite was at it again backstage. This time he apparently was starting rumors about Leper Messiah’s red face paint and a certain southbound end of a northbound Rayne. Rayne seemed to take it in stride, but if I know him, he’ll be involved in something down the road. Leper was PO’ed to say the least and almost threw a punch at CD. I gave CD the riot act since this is his second offense. He took it in stride.[/SIZE] [B]Announced for: NYCW Street Kings[/B] Steve Flash ©/Jack Avatar vs The Playa’s Club (The GMP/G) American Made Men © vs The Dirty White Boys – NYCW Tag Team Championship Des Davids vs Lee Wright Kirk Jameson © vs Triple D – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship Element of Surprise vs The Sting vs Wiley Coyote vs Filthy Truth “The Wildman” Larry Wood (Psycho Psircus) vs Ace Youngblood
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[B][SIZE="3"]NYCW Street Kings[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Sep 2008 The Ministry Att: 674[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"][I]We start the show off with Jack Avatar and the Empire Champion, Steve Flash in the ring. Avatar and Flash challenge The GMP and G, to a tag match tonight.[/I] [B]D+[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]Element of Surprise’s Ota and Elemental are backstage, sitting in the Lotus position, meditating on top of some equipment boxes. Roger Dodger and Sammy the Shark walk up on them and begin to snicker. Roger leans in close; “Do you two really think that Kung-Fu stuff really works? I bet it doesn’t.” Without even opening their eyes, Elemental answers as Ota changes hand positions. “A wager, care you to make?” Both members of the Sting’s eyes light up at the mention of betting. “You want to make a bet, with us?” Ota and AE in unison give a slight nod. Roger and Sam both share a “you’ve got to be kidding me” look. “What’s the bet?” “To the ring, a race shall have.” Roger and Sammy both laugh at that. “You want to race us to the ring? Before our match?” Again, a nod in unison. “Fine, but we say “go”.” Nod. Roger and Sam snicker again at some inside joke only they share. “What’s the wager?” “When win, we do, a favor, us you’ll owe.” “And when we win?” “A title shot we get, for the taking you’ll have.” Roger and Sammy give each other a look. “Let me get this straight, you win, we’ll owe you some favor, I’m assuming whenever you need or want it? If we when, we get your first title shot, if you ever get one?” Nod. Another shared look and laugh between The Sting. “Done.” Another nod, “Go, say you.” “Umm, ok. Just give us a minute to, um, stretch.” The Sting start to make their way down the hallway as EoS continue to sit on the equipment boxes, eyes closed in meditation. Right before they turn the corner, Roger yells, “GO!”, before they turn and bolt towards the ring. Ota and Elemental continue to sit as red and white smoke engulf them. When the smoke clears, they are gone. Roger and Sammy bust through the curtain at full speed towards the ring. Halfway down the ramp, red and white smoke appears in the ring. The smoke clears just as The Sting get to the ring, as Ota and Elemental are standing in the ring, the clear winners. Roger and Sammy, gasping for air, look at each other, dumbfounded. [/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]E+[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Element of Surprise[/COLOR] (Fimihiro Ota/American Elemental) vs [COLOR="Red"]The Sting [/COLOR](Roger Dodger/Sammy the Shark) vs [COLOR="Blue"]Wiley Coyote [/COLOR](Coyote Dynamite/Wiley Steinway) vs [COLOR="Red"]Filthy Truth [/COLOR](Honest Frank/Dirty Frank)[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Wiley Coyote defeated The Sting, Filthy Truth and Element of Surprise in 9:41the order of elimination was The Sting first, then Filthy Truth, and finally Element of Surprise. [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]Des Davids comes to the ring before his match, a serious look on his face. “Kirk, I’m done playing with you! You want to hide behind that title like it’s some magical barrier, fine, go ahead! Truth is, everyone knows you’re scared. Just remember, all you had to do was accept my challenge. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!!!” [/I] [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Des Davids[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Lee Wright[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Des Davids defeated Lee Wright in 5:30 by pin fall with a Quarterback Sack. [B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]Ace is in the ring, a petrified look on his face. The lights go out and the “white noise” plays on the screen. The voice in “tongues” begins; “Darkness… Young… Madness… Blood… Chaos… PSYYYCHOOO PSIRRRCUSSS!!!” The lights come back on and The Psycho Psircus members are each standing in front of a turnbuckle. Ace looks like he might pee his pants as all the color drains from his face. Wood steps in front of Ace as the other members of the Psircus slide out of the ring and disappear underneath the ring as smoke pours from underneath.[/I][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="red"]“The Wildman” Larry Wood[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Blue"]Ace Youngblood[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Larry Wood defeated Ace Youngblood in 4:53 by pin fall with a Running Big Foot. [B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]After, Ace bolts for the locker room as Wood crawls back underneath the ring.[/SIZE][/I] [SIZE="2"][I]A video plays recapping the past battles between Flash and The GMP.[/I] [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Kirk Jameson[/COLOR] © vs [COLOR="Blue"]Triple D[/COLOR] – [I]NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship[/I][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Kirk Jameson defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 11:48 by pin fall with The Bullseye. Kirk Jameson makes defense number 7 of his NYCW Tri-State Regional title. [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]Kirk is celebrating his victory by, you guessed it, shining it up as the crowd gives him huge heat over it. Des Davids leaps over the crowd barrier and slides in the ring behind Kirk. Kirks realizes something is going on and turns around, right into a Quarterback Sack. “I told you Kirk, you can’t ignore me forever! It’s already signed, next month at Highway to Hell, you and that title are mine!” [/I] [B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="blue"]American Made Men[/COLOR] (Whistler/American Machine) © vs [COLOR="Red"]The Dirty White Boys [/COLOR](Lead Belly/Grease Hogg) – [I]NYCW Tag Team Championship[/I][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]American Made Men drew with The Dirty White Boys in 7:51 following a double disqualification. The match also had a lot of interference: Rayne targeted American Machine, Larry Wood attacked Grease Hogg, Leper Messiah attacked Lead Belly, and finally Madman Boone interfered against Whistler. [B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]During the match, the lights go out as the maniacal laugh ensues. When the lights come back on, DWB and AMM are laid out with Psycho Psircus standing over them. Boone starts his laugh again, as once again, the Psircus slide out of the ring and disappear underneath it.[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR] ©/[COLOR="blue"]Jack Avatar [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="Red"]The Playa’s Club [/COLOR](The GMP/G)[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]The GMP and Gargantuan defeated Steve Flash and Jack Avatar in 15:03 when The GMP defeated Jack Avatar by pin fall with a Phunkensteiner. [B]D+[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]GMP tosses Avatar out of the ring as G Choke Bombs Flash in the center of the ring. The show ends with The GMP standing over Flash, the Empire Championship in his hand.[/I] [B]C-[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"]Final Rating: D[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Coyote Dynamite is up to his tricks again. He played a mean spirited prank on Lead Belly that went to far. This being the third offense, he was fined. I’m surprised; he actually took it quiet well. The prank? Dynamite spray painted his biker club’s logo onto Belly’s jacket. Yeah, I’d be pissed too.[/SIZE] [B]Announced for:[/B][B]NYCW Highway to Hell[/B] Steve Flash © vs “The Madman” Ian Boone – NYCW Empire Championship The GMP vs Ace Youngblood Jack Avatar vs G Kirk Jameson © vs Des Davids – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship American Made Men © vs The Dirty White Boys – NYCW Tag Team Championship Rick Sanders vs American Elemental Wiley Coyote vs Psycho Psircus (Leper Messiah/Rayne)
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[B]Steve Flash ©[/B] vs “The Madman” Ian Boone – NYCW Empire Championship [B]The GMP[/B] vs Ace Youngblood Jack Avatar vs [B]G[/B] [B]Kirk Jameson © [/B]vs Des Davids – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship American Made Men © vs [B]The Dirty White Boys[/B] – NYCW Tag Team Championship [B]Rick Sanders[/B] vs American Elemental Wiley Coyote vs [B]Psycho Psircus (Leper Messiah/Rayne)[/B]
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A quick question to those that read this. I'm curious if this diary flows? What I mean is, when you read it, does it jump around alot or do you get an understanding of what I'm trying to get across. For example, The Psycho Psircus. In my mind and when I try to write them, I try to show them as a group who really don't care and just do whatever, whenever for no particular reason. Has that came across that way? Things like that. Anyway, just trying to improve my writing skills and game play somewhat. Thanks for taking the time to read. R
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[B][SIZE="3"]NYCW Highway to Hell[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Oct 2008 The Ministry Att: 701 [/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Rick Sanders[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Blue"]American Elemental[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]American Elemental defeated Rick Sanders in 5:34 by pin fall with an Inferno Splash. [B]D+[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]The Playa’s Club (The GMP/G) is in the ring. GMP asks for a mic and begins to taunt the Empire Champion, Steve Flash. “Listen Chump… how does it feel, knowing that The GMP can take your title, whenever he wants? Rhetorical, don’t worry about responding to that. Just know that The Pimped One is taking what is his, and you can’t stop it.” [/I][B]C[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="blue"]Wiley Coyote[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Psycho Psircus [/COLOR](Leper Messiah/Rayne)[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Psycho Psircus defeated Wiley Coyote in 4:34 when Rayne defeated Coyote Dynamite by pin fall with a Chaotic Darkness. [B]E+[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]Backstage, we see a chain and padlock on a door. The camera pans up to the name on the door… [B]“STEVE FLASH”[/SIZE][/I] [/B] [B][SIZE="2"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]Jack Avatar is seen heading toward the ring when GMP and G jump him and beat him to a pulp. G slams him head first into the concrete wall before leaving him. [/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Jack Avatar[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="red"]G[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]G defeated Jack Avatar in 2:42 by pin fall with an Ultimate Backbreaker. [B]D[/B] Jack attempted to fight back, but it was obvious that the attack prior had taken its affect. Luckily, G ended this quickly with his finisher. [/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]After the match, Flash comes running down with a chair in his hand. G steps in between Flash and The GMP, and pays the price. Flash hits G so hard, that the chair bends into a 90 degree angle. G collapses as The GMP bails out the back of the ring. Flash, then goes on to challenge GMP to a match at NYCW Pardoned next month.[/I] [B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]GMP tells Flash to put the title on the line, which he does. GMP accepts. Flash helps the medics take Avatar to the back as GMP climbs into the ring for his match[/I]. [B]C-[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]The GMP[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="blue"]Ace Youngblood[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]The GMP defeated Ace Youngblood in 4:47 by pin fall with a Phunkensteiner. [B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]Davids is in the back getting ready to talk about his match with Jameson. Out of nowhere, Jameson slams the Tri-State title against Davids. Davids staggers, but tries to shake it off somewhat as Kirk tells Davids, “He’ll never get this title!”[/I] [B]E+[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="red"]Kirk Jameson[/COLOR] © vs [COLOR="Blue"]Des Davids [/COLOR]– [I]NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship[/I][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Kirk Jameson drew with Des Davids in 18:00 when the time limit expired. [B]D+[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]Davids is trying to get the ref to allow them to continue. Jameson comes up behind Davids and slaps on his Kirk Hold. Davids fights for awhile, before passing out to the pain. [/I] [B]E+[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]AMM and DWB are backstage arguing and pushing each other. Whistler tells DWB that this is their last chance at the titles. Belly yells back that if it wasn’t for those damn Psychos, they’d already be tag champions. They argue and push back and forth some more before Belly tells the champs to put their money where their mouth is, in a tables match. AMM instantly agree. Both teams turn and head to the ring in separate directions.[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="blue"]American Made Men[/COLOR] © vs [COLOR="Red"]The Dirty White Boys [/COLOR]– Table Match – [I]NYCW Tag Team Championship[/I][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]The Dirty White Boys defeated American Made Men in 6:44; Lead Belly was eliminated first, then American Machine, and finally Whistler. The Dirty White Boys win the NYCW Tag Team titles. [B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR] © vs [COLOR="red"]“The Madman” Ian Boone [/COLOR]– [I]NYCW Empire Championship[/I][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Steve Flash defeated Madman Boone in 9:08 by disqualification. Steve Flash makes defense number 8 of his NYCW Empire title. [B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]Boone was DQ’ed for not releasing a choke hold. He held it even when Flash passed out. Boone cackled that creepy laugh he does the entire time to end the show.[/I][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"]Overall Rating: D-[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]After the show, Stomper came up to me with a smile on his face. “Kid, that TEW.com website you keep going on about?” “Yeah, what about it?” “They just took a popularity poll online, and apparently we’re now considered a Regional promotion! Kid, we’re growin’!” Bailey walked up to us, his face was flush and he was breathing fairly heavy. “What’s going on?” he asked. “We’re now a Regional promotion. Isn’t that great?” I exclaimed. “Yeah, that’s great. I just broke up a fight between Gargantuan and American Machine. G started it, but that’s all I know right now. He’s in your office.” I shook my head, the initial high of becoming Regional all but gone as I headed toward my office. I gave G the Riot Act. I will not tolerate fighting in the locker room. He is definitely replaceable. Large dumb animals are a dime a dozen.[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]Announced for: NYCW Pardoned[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Steve Flash © vs The GMP – NYCW Empire Championship Whistler vs Black Hat Bailey Kirk Jameson © vs Des Davids – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship – Iron Man Match??? Element of Surprise (Fumihiro Ota/American Elemental) vs The Sting (Roger Dodger/Sammy the Shark) The Dirty White Boys (Lead Belly/Grease Hogg) © vs Triple D/Ace Youngblood – NYCW Tag Team Championship “The Wildman” Larry Wood vs Coyote Dynamite[/SIZE]
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I actually think it flows better than most to be honest. [B]Steve Flash [/B]© vs The GMP – NYCW Empire Championship Whistler vs [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] © vs Des Davids – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship – Iron Man Match??? [B]Element of Surprise[/B] (Fumihiro Ota/American Elemental) vs The Sting (Roger Dodger/Sammy the Shark) The Dirty White Boys (Lead Belly/Grease Hogg) © vs [B]Triple D/Ace Youngblood[/B] – NYCW Tag Team Championship [B]“The Wildman” Larry Wood[/B] vs Coyote Dynamite
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[B]Steve Flash ©[/B] vs The GMP – NYCW Empire Championship GMP may be better at promos but doesnt give better matches. Whistler vs [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B] old vs old hmm id say the one that can still wrestle [B]Kirk Jameson © [/B]vs Des Davids – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship – Iron Man Match??? Im a jameson mark not as much davids. [B]Element of Surprise [/B](Fumihiro Ota/American Elemental) vs The Sting (Roger Dodger/Sammy the Shark) Like the name and potential. Have you raised NYCW modern settings? [B]The Dirty White Boys[/B] (Lead Belly/Grease Hogg) © vs Triple D/Ace Youngblood – NYCW Tag Team Championship DWB rule..... for now. [B]“The Wildman” Larry Wood[/B] vs Coyote Dynamite Short and sweet victory for Larry "The Pecker of" Wood vs "Sometimes Wiley" Coyote Dynamite.
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[B][SIZE="3"]NYCW Pardoned[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Nov 2008 The Ministry Att: 647[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]DWB[/COLOR] (Lead Belly/Grease Hogg) © vs [COLOR="Blue"]Triple D/Ace Youngblood [/COLOR]– [I]NYCW Tag Team Championship[/I][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]The Dirty White Boys defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond and Ace Youngblood in 5:27 when Grease Hogg defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond by pin fall with a Grease Spot. The Dirty White Boys make defense number 1 of their NYCW Tag Team titles. [B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]Ota and Elemental are once again backstage, eyes closed, meditating on the equipment boxes. Both are sitting again, legs crossed in front of them. Ota with his “ninja” hand/finger gesture and Elemental with a fist inside an open palm. The Sting, come around the corner and head straight for them. Roger, of course, does the talking. “There you two are. Um, we’ve been looking for you.” Elemental answers. “Here, we’ve been… found us, you have.” “Yeah, um whatever. Listen, Sammy and myself aren’t too happy with how you two won our little race.” “Fair and square… won, we did.” “That remains to be seen, but whatever. Listen, how about we have another race, another bet?” This time, double or nothing?” Ota and Elemental nod in unison. “Listen, your wager, we will.” Roger raises an eyebrow at Elemental. “Huh?” Sammy leans in. “Tell them the bet.” “Oh, yeah. The wager is this… When we win, we still get your first title shot, if you ever get one. Also, if either of you win any championship, we get the first shot at it. Doesn’t matter if it’s a tag title or singles.” Nod “If win, we do… A favor in the future, owe us you will.” Roger shakes his head yes. “Yeah, we know that already.” “Quiet meditation with us, perform you will.” Roger and Sammy look at each other with a quizzical look. “Ok, so, we win, we get your first title shot and if you ever win a title, singles or tag, we get the first shot.” Nod “If you win, we still owe you a favor in the future as well as having to do… this?” Roger motions to Ota and Elemental sitting on the boxes. Nod. “Fine, but here’s the catch. You two can’t use any of that mysterious ninja smoke stuff. Agreed?” Nod “Go, again say you.” Roger and Sammy don’t waste any time. They bolt for the door as they yell “GO”. Once out the door, they slam it shut and you can hear the lock clicking. Ota and Elemental both stand up in a fluid motion. They turn around to where a ladder is attached to the wall. They both calmly climb up the ladder through a hatch in the ceiling. When the hatch door closes, the words: [B]CATWALK ACCESS[/B] Can be seen in faded letters. Roger and Sammy step through the curtain, no longer running as they feel that they have this one in the bag. They stop at the stage and share a laugh and bump fists. In the ring, two black ropes stretch down to the ring. The Sting are oblivious to it however, as Ota and Elemental repel down into the ring. About half way down, Roger and Sammy notice what’s going on and bolt to the ring. However, it’s too late as Ota and Elemental land quietly with cat like grace in the center of the ring, the clear winners again. The Sting members get to the ring, once again with a dumbfounded look on their faces. [/I][B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="blue"]Element of Surprise[/COLOR] (American Elemental/Fumihiro Ota) vs [COLOR="Red"]The Sting [/COLOR](Roger [SIZE="2"]Dodger/Sammy the Shark)[/SIZE][/B] Element of Surprise defeated The Sting in 6:47 when American Elemental defeated Sammy the Shark by pin fall with a Silent but Deadly. [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]Wiley Steinway accompanies Dynamite to the ring. While they are in the ring awaiting the Psircus, the lights go out as Boone’s maniacal laugh begins. Smoke pours from underneath the ring as the strobes start flashing. In the jerky, slow motion of the strobes, the Psycho Psircus slide into the ring, before dragging Wiley out of and underneath the ring. The lights come back on as the smoke dissipates. Coyote and Wood are the only ones in the ring. Coyote looks around nervously as Wood attacks at the sound of the bell.[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="red"]“The Wildman” Larry Wood[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Blue"]Coyote Dynamite[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][SIZE="2"]Larry Wood defeated Coyote Dynamite in 5:38 by pin fall with a Running Big Foot. [B]E+[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]Jameson is backstage, the Tri-State title over his shoulder, extremely shined up. “Davids, last month you failed to beat me. Now you know why I never gave you the chance all those months. So what makes you think that this time will be different? The answer to that is it won’t. Just like last month, you’ll come up short.” [/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]Davids steps into the shot as Jameson flinches slightly as Davids stares him down. “Kirk, you’re right, I didn’t beat you last month. I did come up short. But… you didn’t beat me either. You can’t beat me. And tonight, I’ll prove it by taking what is so precious to you… The NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship.” [/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]D[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Kirk Jameson[/COLOR] © vs [COLOR="Blue"]Des Davids [/COLOR]– [I]NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship[/I] – 30 Min. Iron Man Match[/SIZE][/B][SIZE="2"] Des Davids defeated Kirk Jameson in 30:00 by three falls to two. Des Davids wins the NYCW Tri-State Regional title. [B]D+[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]Des Davids celebrates with the Tri-State title in the ring to the delight of the fans.[/I] [B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="blue"]Whistler [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="Red"]Black Hat Bailey[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Black Hat Bailey defeated Whistler in 5:03 by submission with a Bailey Breaker. [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]The GMP comes down to the ring, alone. “The GMP is once again right where he belongs. The GMP has been playing this game long enough. Tonight Champ, the game ends.” [/I] [B]C-[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR] © vs [COLOR="Red"]The GMP [/COLOR]– [I]NYCW Empire Championship[/I][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Steve Flash defeated Grandmaster Phunk in 7:47 by pin fall with a Flash Bang. Steve Flash makes defense number 9 of his NYCW Empire title. [B]C-[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]Steve Flash is in the ring, the Empire Championship above his head as GMP is on the floor jawing with him. From behind, a large black man slides into the ring. Flash turns around and gets lifted up and slammed to the canvas with a devastating running power slam. The large man climbs the turnbuckle as Flash slowly staggers to his feet. Once up, the large man leaps from the turnbuckle nailing flash with a head snapping flying lariat. The show ends with the large man and GMP standing over an unconscious champion. [/SIZE][/I] [SIZE="2"][B]E+[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"]Overall Rating: D+[/SIZE][/B]
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[I][SIZE="2"]The commotion happened so fast, I don’t even remember how it happened. One second, everyone’s in the locker room chatting about tonight’s event, when Kirk took a wild swing at Harry. Harry moved out of the way fairly easy, but that’s not the point is it. Everyone jumped in and pulled the two apart as I made my way between them.[/SIZE][/I] [I][SIZE="2"]“Harry, what the HELL is going on here?”[/SIZE][/I] [I][SIZE="2"]“You saw it, he threw a punch at me!” “Kirk?” Jameson continued to stare a hole through Harry before, turning towards me. “He was talking s*$t.” I looked to Harry again, who rolled his eyes. “I was just giving him a hard time about losing the title. That’s all. Pretty boy took it all seriously.” “Harry, believe it or not, I expected this from you, so… [B]YOUR FIRED!!!”[/B] Harry’s jaw dropped as well as everyone else in the locker room. “What? It was just some meaningless ribbing.” “Nah, I’m joking, you’re not fired. But you didn’t like the ribbing did you?” Harry shook his head no. “But that was different.” “To who? You? Doesn’t matter, the joke is in the “eye of the beholder” so to speak. Think before you do something like that again.” “Sure thing. No problem.” Something tells me that I haven't seen the last of Wilson's backstage issues. Well with that over…[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]Announced for: NYCW FallOut[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]The GMP vs Whistler Des Davids © vs Lee Wright – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship Kirk Jameson vs American Machine DWB © vs Wiley Coyote – NYCW Tag Team Championship Rick Sanders vs ??? Honest Frank vs Triple D Rayne vs American Elemental [/SIZE]
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[B][SIZE="3"]NYCW FallOut[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Dec 2008 The Ministry Att: 718[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]We open the show in the backstage area. Ota and Elemental are meditating on the equipment boxes. The camera pans down to the floor where, Roger Dodger and Sammy the Shark are sitting on the floor, trying to keep their legs crossed, but look uncomfortable doing it. Roger let’s out a deep breath before speaking. “Why are we doing this again?” “A wager made, lost you did.” “I know that, but what does this do?” “Meditation requires silence… Meditation requires discipline… both, need you do.” With that, Ota changes hand and finger positions as red smoke engulfs Elemental, who disappears with it.[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Rayne[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Blue"]American Elemental[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]American Elemental defeated Rayne in 9:55 by pin fall with an Inferno Splash. [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]After the match, Elemental disappears in his red smoke before Rayne and the Psircus even think about attacking.[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Honest Frank[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="blue"]Triple D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Honest Frank defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 8:30 by pin fall with a handful of tights. [B]E+[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]Fern helps Triple D up before slapping him across the face. “I’m tired of being with a loser. I’m out of here!” Fern leaves Triple D and heads out of the ring.[/SIZE][/I] [I][SIZE="2"]The GMP and G come out with the large black man that attacked Steve Flash last month. “The GMP has done it again. The GMP has taken out your “Hero”, The Empire Chump, Steve Flash! When The GMP wants something, The GMP takes it. Whether its women, money or gold, The GMP takes what he wants. Last month, The Playa’s Club, asserted it’s dominance on NYCW. You see this man right here?” GMP points to black man on his left. “Well, this is P… G’s little brother. These two have had The GMP’s back for years. They do what The GMP says, when The GMP says it and how The GMP says it. These two… Monsters of the Street will crush anything or anyone who gets in The GMP’s way! Starting right now with Flash’s little buddy, Jack!”[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]D[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Jack Avatar[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="red"]P[/COLOR] (Primus Allen)[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Primus Allen defeated Jack Avatar in 5:38 by pin fall with a Running Powerslam. [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]“Jack! Jack! The GMP has one question for you. Where is the “CHAMP” now?” GMP slaps Jack before leaving the ring, the two Monsters following behind him.[/I] [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Rick Sanders[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Greg Gauge defeated Rick Sanders in 12:56 by submission with a Proton Lock. [B]D+[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]After his debut win, Gauge grabs a mic and addresses the crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen, Double G is in the house. I came to NYCW to make an impact and an impact is what I’m going to make. Now I know that I can’t just show up and go straight to the top, but I plan on working my way to the top the old fashion way, with hard work and perseverance." Dark smoke begins to bellow from underneath the ring. The lights go out and the strobes begin to flash. When the lights come back on Leper Messiah and Rayne are standing behind Gauge. The Psycho Psircus attack the newest member of the NYCW roster. Gauge attempts to fight back, but succumbs to the numbers game. The damage done, The Psircus slide back under the ring and disappear.[/I] [B]D+ promo, E attack[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="red"]DWB[/COLOR] © vs [COLOR="Blue"]Wiley Coyote [/COLOR]– [I]NYCW Tag Team Championship[/I][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]The Dirty White Boys defeated Wiley Coyote in 9:37 when Grease Hogg defeated Coyote Dynamite by pin fall while using the ropes for leverage. The Dirty White Boys make defense number 2 of their NYCW Tag Team titles. [B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]After the match, Filthy Truth come out to the ring. Honest Frank has a mic. “Wiley Coyote!!! I haven’t forgotten what you did to me back at Prelude to War! I promise you, your lives will be a living hell!” Filthy Truth leave as Wiley Coyote continue to claim they are innocent. [/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Kirk Jameson [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="blue"]American Machine[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]American Machine defeated Kirk [/SIZE][SIZE="2"]Jameson in 15:21 by pin fall with an Old Glory. [B] D-[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Des Davids [/COLOR]© vs [COLOR="red"]Lee Wright [/COLOR]– [I]NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship[/I][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Des Davids defeated Lee Wright in 9:41 by pin fall with a Quarterback Sack. Des Davids makes defense number 1 of his NYCW Tri-State Regional title.[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]Davids is celebrating when Kirk Jameson comes down to the ring, mic in hand. The two rivals stare each other down as Kirk climbs into the ring. Kirk eyes the Tri-State title for a second before addressing Davids. “I’ll get right to the point Davids. I’m requesting my rematch for “MY” Tri-State championship.” Davids slings the title over his should as he grabs a mic of his own. “Kirk, you know…” Davids pulls a piece of paper out of his trunks. “NO!” Kirk throws a tantrum in the ring, slapping the ropes mouthing off at Davids. “You see Kirk, the thing is this. I’m already scheduled to defend the title for the next 4 months. And to be honest with you, the last time I checked, you’re 0-1 since you lost the title. So, that puts you at the bottom of the list.” With that, Davids drops the mic and leaves the rings as Jameson fumes in the ring. [/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]D[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]The Playa’s Club is in the ring. The GMP flanked by The Monsters of the Street, G and P. GMP has a mic. “So it’s come to this. The GMP must fight an old, patriotic has been. In truth, The GMP should be carrying gold and sitting in the back drinking Hypnotic with the ladies. The GMP is bored with this, bring out the old man.” [/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]D[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]The GMP [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="blue"]Whistler[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]The GMP defeated Whistler in 7:33 by pin fall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. [/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]During the match, Steve Flash came out of the crowd. Grabbing a chair, Flash proceeded to beat the living hell out of P. G came around, but Flash had already left through the crowd to the delight of the fans. [/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]Overall Rating: D-[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]Backstage, Herb Stately apparently pulled a mean spirited prank on Rayne. Something to do with his face paint. I think he switched it with something a little more permanent. Either way I told Herb that as a third announcer and rarely used manager, his services could easily go by the wayside. He apologized and said it wouldn’t happen again.[/SIZE][/I] [SIZE="2"]Next up, 2008 in review and a roster recap[/SIZE]
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[B][SIZE="3"]2008 Year in Review[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]WotY – Johnny Bloodstone Young WotY - Emerald Angel Veteran WotY – Haruki Kudo Female WotY - Sensational Ogiwara Promotion of the Year – SWF Most improved – 5 Star Supreme Wrestling[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]NYCW members in Top 100 – None NYCW’s Roster as of Jan 2009[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"]Main Event[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]???[/COLOR] (Yet to debut) [COLOR="red"]“The Madman” Ian Boone[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]The GMP[/COLOR] (Grandmaster Phunk) [COLOR="red"]Black Hat Bailey[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Whistler[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR] – Empire Champion (9 Defenses)[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"]Upper Mid-Card[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Rick Sanders[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Honest Frank[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Grease Hogg[/COLOR] – Tag Team Champion (2 Defenses) [COLOR="blue"]Des Davids[/COLOR] – Tri-State Regional Champion (1 Defense) [COLOR="blue"]Jack Avatar[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Fumihiro Ota[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"]Mid-Card[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"][COLOR="red"]Kirk Jameson[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“The Wildman” Larry Wood[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Lead Belly[/COLOR] – Tag Team Champion (2 Defenses) [COLOR="red"]Leper Messiah[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Lee Wright[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]American Elemental[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]American Machine[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Coyote Dynamite Wiley Steinway[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"]Lower Mid-Card[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Dirty Frank[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]G [/COLOR](Gargantuan) [COLOR="blue"]Ace Youngblood[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Triple D[/COLOR] (Dazzling Dave Diamond) [COLOR="blue"]???[/COLOR] (Yet to debut)[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"]Opener[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"][COLOR="red"]Sammy the Shark[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Roger Dodger[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Bob Casey[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"]Enhancement Talent[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]The New York Doll Rayne[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"]Tag Teams[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]American Made Men (Whistler / American Machine – Ex. D) Element of Surprise (Fumihiro Ota / American Elemental – Ex. F-) Filthy Truth (Honest Frank / Dirty Frank – Ex. F) Psycho Psircus (Any combination of members – Ex. F-) The Dirty White Boys (Lead Belly / Grease Hogg – Ex. C+) The Sting (Roger Dodger / Sammy the Shark – Ex. D) Wiley Coyote (Coyote Dynamite / Wiley Steinway – Ex. A)[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"]Stables[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"][U]Psycho Psircus [/U] [I]Madman Boone Larry Wood Leper Messiah Rayne[/I] [U]The Playa’s Club[/U] [I]The GMP G[/I][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"][B]Announced for: NYCW Rush Hour ‘09[/B] Steve Flash © vs The GMP Black Hat Bailey vs American Machine Des Davids © vs Rick Sanders – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship Kirk Jameson vs American Elemental Fumihiro Ota vs Sammy the Shark The Dirty White Boys © vs Ace Youngblood/Bob Casey – NYCW Tag Team Championship Honest Frank vs Coyote Dynamite[/SIZE]
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[B]Steve Flash © [/B]vs The GMP [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B] vs American Machine [B]Des Davids ©[/B] vs Rick Sanders – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship Kirk Jameson vs [B]American Elemental[/B] [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs Sammy the Shark [B]The Dirty White Boys ©[/B] vs Ace Youngblood/Bob Casey – NYCW Tag Team Championship [B]Honest Frank[/B] vs Coyote Dynamite
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[B]Steve Flash ©[/B] vs The GMP [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B] vs American Machine [B]Des Davids ©[/B] vs Rick Sanders – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs American Elemental [B]Fumihiro Ota [/B]vs Sammy the Shark [B]The Dirty White Boys[/B] © vs Ace Youngblood/Bob Casey – NYCW Tag Team Championship [B]Honest Frank [/B]vs Coyote Dynamite You already lost P (primus allen) to another fed?
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;547528][B]Steve Flash ©[/B] vs The GMP [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B] vs American Machine [B]Des Davids ©[/B] vs Rick Sanders – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs American Elemental [B]Fumihiro Ota [/B]vs Sammy the Shark [B]The Dirty White Boys[/B] © vs Ace Youngblood/Bob Casey – NYCW Tag Team Championship [B]Honest Frank [/B]vs Coyote Dynamite You already lost P (primus allen) to another fed?[/QUOTE] Well, not exactly. His contract came up and I never saw any alerts about it. By the time I realized it, his negotiation period was already over. Hopefully he'll sign back in a few months.
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[B]Steve Flash[/B] © vs The GMP Black Hat Bailey vs [B]American Machine[/B] [B]Des Davids[/B] © vs Rick Sanders – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship Kirk Jameson vs [B]American Elemental[/B] [B]Fumihiro Ota [/B]vs Sammy the Shark [B]The Dirty White Boys[/B] © vs Ace Youngblood/Bob Casey – NYCW Tag Team Championship Honest Frank vs [B]Coyote Dynamite[/B]
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[B][SIZE="3"]NYCW Rush Hour ‘09[/SIZE] Jan 2009 The Ministry[/B] [I][SIZE="2"]The show starts with The GMP and G in the ring. “FLASH!!! What you did last month to G’s lil’ bro was uncalled for! P is in the hospital… in a coma! The doctors don’t even know if he’ll ever come out of it! The GMP isn’t gonna sit idly by while you run roughshod through this fine company. So playa, The GMP is challenging you, once again for the Empire Championship and your career?” Flash slides in behind GMP and G, chair in hand. G turns and pays the price. A sickening thud reaches the ears of everyone in attendance. G crumbles to the ground in a heap. GMP takes a few quick steps back away from Flash. Flash still holding the chair, gets handed a mic. “2 conditions… First condition; I win, you don’t get anymore title shots while I’m champ.” GMP hesitates for a second before agreeing. “The GMP accepts that ‘cause The GMP isn’t goi…” “Second condition; I pick the match.” Now GMP takes a minute to think this through. Somewhere from the crowd someone yells, “A real OG from the streets isn’t scared!” With that, GMP accepts the conditions. “Champ, The GMP will see you later.” D+ for challenge, D for acceptance[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Honest Frank[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Blue"]Coyote Dynamite[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Honest Frank defeated Coyote Dynamite in 6:58 when Coyote Dynamite was disqualified when Wiley Steinway ran in and attacked Honest Frank. During the match we also had Dirty Frank run in and attack Coyote Dynamite. [B]E+[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]The Dirty White Boys[/COLOR] © vs [COLOR="blue"]Ace Youngblood/Bob Casey [/COLOR]– [I]NYCW Tag Team [I][SIZE="2"]Championship[/I][/SIZE][/B] The Dirty White Boys defeated Ace Youngblood and Bob Casey in 6:44 when Grease Hogg defeated Ace Youngblood by pin fall with a Grease Spot. The Dirty White Boys make defense number 3 of their NYCW Tag Team titles.[/I] [B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]The match is over and DWB are drinking beers they pulled from their jackets. They toast the beer against their title belts before gulping the first one down in a matter of seconds. They pull out two more and toast again when the Psycho Psircus’ laugh starts up. Smoke begins to pour from underneath the ring. The lights go off and on and when the first sign of someone coming up, DWB drop their titles and bolt from the ring, beer in hand. Wood and Boone crawl into the ring and grab the title belts. Wood stares wildly at the title before speaking in his 5 language speech. “… gold… leads to… darkness… madness… CHAOS… GOLD!!!” Boone starts his creepy laugh again as they take the titles and crawl back under the ring. D- Backstage somewhere, Ota and Elemental are once again meditating on the equipment boxes while The Sting are standing in front of them, balancing on one foot, eyes closed and hands in a prayer like position. Of course, Roger begins to speak. “Man, we’re getting good at this. It’s been a month and look at us, we’re “Ninja.” Ota changes hand positions and nods as Elemental speaks. “Ninja, you are not… Master Ota, a test to you, give he will.” Sammy and Roger look at each other. Roger almost falls over while Sammy looks back to Elemental. “Learned you have, a demonstration, give you will.” Roger shrugs and starts to go through some moves. “Test, for you, is not.” Roger stares at Sammy as he shrugs and moves forward. Roger reluctantly steps back as Sammy starts to go through the moves. “Here, the test is not. The ring, in a match, your skills tested they will.” With that, Ota disappears in his white smoke. Sammy looks like he’s concentrating real hard. Finally he sighs and starts walking toward the ring. Apparently needing more work on his smoke skills.[/SIZE][/I] [SIZE="2"][B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Fumihiro Ota[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="red"][/SIZE][/B]Sammy the Shark[/COLOR] [SIZE="2"]Fumihiro Ota defeated Sammy the Shark in 8:19 by pin fall with a Ninja Strike. [B]D+[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]Before his match, Jameson has a mic. “Elemental, tonight’s going to be no different than the last time we met. You are still going home a loser. You’re a small speed bump in my quest to retain my title. Your smoke and mirrors act doesn’t scare me.” Elementals red smoke appears behind Jameson who is oblivious to it. AE taps Jameson on the shoulder making him nearly jump out of his tights. AE just bows slightly with fist in palm.[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"] D-[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Kirk Jameson[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]American Elemental defeated Kirk Jameson in 12:44 by pin fall with an Inferno Splash. [B]D+[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]The match is over when the lights go out. The now too familiar smoke and strobe lights begins. The lights come back on and the members of the Psycho Psircus are surrounding Jameson and Elemental. As the Psircus starts toward them, Elemental’s red smoke engulfs him and he disappears, leaving Jameson to his own devices against the Psycho Ones. They don’t miss a beat and jump Jameson. With Jameson down, Wood, still carrying one of the tag titles, speaks to Jameson. “…gold… darkness… madness… chaos… succumb…” The Psircus crawl back under the ring, Jameson left down and out.[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]E-[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Des Davids[/COLOR] © vs [COLOR="red"]Rick Sanders [/COLOR]– [B]NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship[/B][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Des Davids defeated Rick Sanders in 7:33 by pin fall with a Quarterback Sack. Des Davids makes defense number 2 of his NYCW Tri-State Regional title. [B]E+[/B][/SIZE] [I]Davids grabs a mic after his match. [SIZE="2"]“I’m a fighting champion, unlike the previous owner. So I’m issuing an open challenge for next month, and I’m putting my Tri-State Regional title on the line. So think about it, I’ll expect an answer next month.”[/I] [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]Bailey is backstage and goes on a small rant against American Machine. Talking about how Machine couldn’t hack it as tag team, what makes him think he can do it alone. [/I] [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]Machine answers back by telling Bailey that he’ll do his talking in the ring. [/I] [B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Black Hat Bailey [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="blue"]American Machine[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Black Hat Bailey defeated American Machine in 5:41 by submission with a Bailey Breaker. [B] D[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]In the back again and Steve Flash, Empire title over his shoulder is heading to the ring for his match.[/I] [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Steve Flash [/COLOR]© vs [COLOR="red"]The GMP [/COLOR]– Last Man Standing – [I]NYCW Empire Championship[/I][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Steve Flash defeated The GMP in 29:43 when The GMP could not beat a ten count after a Flash Bang. Steve Flash makes defense number 10 of his NYCW Empire title. [B]C-[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]An all out war between these two. With the series of matches they have had together over the past year, they knew each other’s move almost before they did. Flash slipped out of GMP’s Phunkensteiner and hit his Flash Bang. After the 29 plus minutes already fought, GMP couldn’t answer the 10 count.[/SIZE][/I] [I][SIZE="2"]Flash is celebrating in the ring, raising the Empire title to the delight of the fans. All of a sudden, some familiar music hits the arena, at least familiar to most “hardcore” wrestling fans. Some small “This is HardCore!!!” ClapClap ClapClapClap chant starts as the theme for DaVE plays. Shane Sneer steps on the stage, mic in his hand, and actually receives applause.. “Mr. Flash… Mr. Empire Champion… Mr. NYCW. Let me be the first to congratulate you on your title defense. I know what you’re thinking, now what can I possibly want? The answer is simple… your Empire Championship. You see, I’ve got a new client, and he is chomping at the bit to take that title from you.” Flash gestures to Sneer to “Bring it.” “My dear Mr. Flash, be careful what you wish for.” The crowd erupts as a hooded figure slides into the ring behind Flash. Flash turns but gets nailed by a devastating super kick. The hooded figure stands over the prone body of Steve Flash, the Empire title in his hand. He reaches up and pulls his hood back to reveal… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bryan Holmes!!! [/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]C[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Final Rating: D+[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]An amazing show for us, I’m extremely happy with this one. The GMP/Flash feud has carried us the entire year and with the signing of Bryan Holmes, we look to start off 2009 with a bang.[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"][B]Announced for: NYCW Battle in the Bronx[/B] Steve Flash © vs Bryan Holmes – NYCW Empire Championship Des Davids © vs Black Hat Bailey – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship Psycho Psircus (Boone/Wood) vs DWB – NYCW Tag Team Championship American Machine vs G w/The GMP Greg Gauge vs Rayne Element of Surprise vs Filthy Truth Leper Messiah vs Joshua Taylor[/SIZE]
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Steve Flash © vs [B]Bryan Holmes[/B] – NYCW Empire Championship Des Davids © vs [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B] – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship [B]Psycho Psircus[/B] (Boone/Wood) vs DWB – NYCW Tag Team Championship American Machine vs [B]G[/B] w/The GMP [B]Greg Gauge[/B] vs Rayne [B]Element of Surprise[/B] vs Filthy Truth Leper Messiah vs [B]Joshua Taylor[/B] Is the japanese economy in the slumps and pghw fire holmes and taylor or do you have a working agreement?
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;547865] Is the japanese economy in the slumps and pghw fire holmes and taylor or do you have a working agreement?[/QUOTE] The economy and industry are at E- and E but are rising. Not sure what happened, since PGHW are a National promotion w/B+ prestige. They just let him go. He signed with USPW and NOTBPW. We took a shot and he signed with us also before leaving USPW a few months later. Either way, he works out freakin' awesome for us. R
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[B]Steve Flash ©[/B] vs Bryan Holmes – NYCW Empire Championship [B]Des Davids ©[/B] vs Black Hat Bailey – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship Psycho Psircus (Boone/Wood) vs [B]DWB[/B] – NYCW Tag Team Championship American Machine vs [B]G[/B] w/The GMP [B]Greg Gauge [/B]vs Rayne [B]Element of Surprise[/B] vs Filthy Truth [B]Leper Messiah[/B] vs Joshua Taylor
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[SIZE="3"][B]NYCW Battle in the Bronx[/B][/SIZE][B] [SIZE="2"]Feb 2009 The Ministry Att: [/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]The show starts as DaVE’s theme music plays and Shane Sneer and Bryan Holmes make their way to the ring to a chorus of boos. Sneer has a smug look on his face, while Holmes has the hood up on his sleeveless hoody. In the ring, Sneer takes a mic while Holmes stays in constant motion, hopping from foot to foot, rolling his wrists and such. “Last month, you saw witness to the dawning of a new era in NYCW. You witnessed the beginning of the end as you know it. Your “hero”, your Empire Champion fell to this man here. Boo me all you want, but you know it’s true. I see it in everyone’s eyes when I walk down the street. I can feel it and so can you, and that’s why you are worried. So, I’m here to issue a challenge to your “hero”, Steve Flash, for a title match tonight.” The Ministry is rocking with heel heat towards Sneer and Holmes, before it erupts into cheers as familiar patriotic music hits. Whistler steps out, American flag in hand. “Sneer, what gives you the right to come out here and do what you did last month? What makes you think that these hard working Americans, want to see your boy in a title match? That’s not how things work here, in the Good ‘ol US of A!” Huge, cheap pop for the patriotic mention. “Here in NYCW, you have to earn title shots. You don’t get them by jumping someone from behind.” Sneer answers back. “Whistler, you know what? You’re absolutely right. You see, I’m a patient man and so is Holmes here. So here is what I propose. You and the “hero” of NYCW, Steve Flash, against my man here and a partner of my choosing? We win, Holmes gets his title shot next month, if we lose, I’ll leave NYCW.” “I can’t speak for Flash, but I’m pretty sure he’ll agree to those terms. We’ll see you later.” [/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]C-[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Greg Gauge [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="Red"]Rayne[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Rayne defeated Greg Gauge in 9:40 by pin fall. [B]D+[/B][/SIZE] [U][SIZE="2"][I]OCC: I’m really surprised by this. I told the two of them to decide on the outcome. Gauge told me since the Psycho Psircus thing is pretty big, he’d let Rayne go over.[/I][/SIZE][/U] [I][SIZE="2"]After the match, Leper Messiah crawls into the ring behind Gauge. He and Rayne start to stalk Gauge. Gauge attacks first, taking it to the smaller Rayne, but Leper takes Gauge and throws him all around the ring. Joshua Taylor comes sliding into the ring. He grabs Gauge and pulls him out of the ring, assisting him up the ramp. The face painted members of the Psycho Psircus stare eerily at them before crawling back into the smoke under the ring.[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]E-[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="red"]Kirk Jameson[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Blue"]Bob Casey[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Kirk Jameson defeated Bob Casey in 5:54 by pin fall with The Bullseye. [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]Ota and Elemental are backstage, yep, meditating on the equipment boxes. Roger Dodger is standing in front of them while Sammy is in the background doing his “Karate Kid” crane kicks. Roger as usual, begins to talk. “When do we get black belts? I think we’re ready.” Ota makes a few motions with his fingers before settling into another “ninja” posture. Elemental nods before answering. “A belt of black, $1.99, The Dollar Store has.” “You’re funny, but you know what I mean. We’ve been doing this for 2 months now. We’re ready to be black belts.” “The belt of black, a symbol for confidence, nothing more.” “Wait, you mean that having a black belt doesn’t mean anything?” Nod “That can’t be. Chuck Norris has about a gazillion black belts. Matter of fact, I heard that all belts have to meet Chuck Norris’ approval before they can even be called a black belt.” “Humor you have, recognize it I do. To Master Ota, bow, Chuck Norris does.” Roger half-heartedly goes through a couple of warm up exercises. “So when are you going to ask us for our help so we can be done with this thing we owe you?” “A favor, owe us you do. Help when needed, ask you we will.” With that, Ota and Elemental disappear in their respective white and red smoke. Sammy is standing behind Roger. “Man, I wish I could do that.” Roger turns to Sammy. “Shut-up.” [/SIZE][/I][B][SIZE="2"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="blue"]Element of Surprise[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Filthy Truth[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Filthy Truth defeated Element of Surprise in 9:31 when American Elemental was disqualified when Roger Dodger ran in and attacked Honest Frank. During the match we also had Sammy the Shark run in and attack Dirty Frank.[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"]D[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="red"]Leper Messiah[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Blue"]Joshua Taylor[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Leper Messiah defeated Joshua Taylor in 3:33 by pin fall with The Prophecy. [B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]The match is over, and Rayne climbs into the ring as he and Messiah attack Taylor. Out from the back runs Gauge who takes it to the Psycho Psircus long enough for Taylor to bail out. Gauge bails out behind him and they back up the ramp while Messiah and Rayne stare blank faced at them.[/I] [B]E[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="blue"]American Machine[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]G [/COLOR]w/[COLOR="red"]The GMP[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]G defeated American Machine in 5:02 by pin fall with a Choke Slam after The GMP interfered. [B]E+[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]The match is over, and American Machine is left down. G is celebrating, but then stops and sees his opponent still on the ground. He attacks, and beats him into the canvas. [/I] [B]E+[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]DWB are sitting around a table backstage. Empty beer cans litter the table and the area around it. It looks like they’ve gone through about 2-3 cases of beer. Lead Belly looks at Grease Hogg. “You know Hogg, I can’t get that damn Psircus out of my mind. I’ve had nightmares all month. I keep dreamin’ that they are coming out from my closet and from underneath my bed.” Grease Hogg looks like he’s about to say something, but takes a long drink of his beer, draining it before crushing it and tossing it over his shoulder. The can comes back and lands on the table between them. “Gold” can be heard as a whisper off behind them somewhere. DWB don’t waste anytime, they grab a beer each and bolt from the room, empty cans scattering everywhere. We pan back and see Coyote Dynamite peaking around the corner, laughing.[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"] E+[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="red"]Psycho Psircus[/COLOR] (Boone/Wood) vs [COLOR="red"]DWB[/COLOR] – [I]NYCW Tag Team Championship[/I][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Psycho Psircus defeated The Dirty White Boys in 10:10 when Lead Belly was counted out. [B]D-[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]DWB can’t seem to get over their sheer terror of the Psircus and bail out of the ring. They head up the ramp, constantly looking around. The 10 count is academic. The Psircus wins the match, but not the titles, that they still hold physical possession of.[/SIZE][/I] [I][SIZE="2"]Des Davids comes to the ring for his match. “Last month I issued an open challenge for my Tri-State title. This is surprising, since I thought Jamese…” Davids is interrupted by Kirk Jameson. “I’m here to accept your little challenge.” “Um, Kirk, you’ve already had a match tonight.” “I don’t care; I’m taking back my ti…” Kirk is interrupted as Bailey pushes him out of the way. “Move punk.” Bailey makes a beeline for the ring, Jameson glares at Bailey then at Davids who waves “bye-bye” to Jameson.[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]D[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Des Davids[/COLOR] © vs [COLOR="red"]Black Hat Bailey [/COLOR]– [I]NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship[/I][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Black Hat Bailey defeated Des Davids in 7:27 when Des Davids was disqualified when Kirk Jameson ran in and attacked Black Hat Bailey. [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]Backstage we see Steve Flash and Whistler talking. We can’t see what’s being said, but Flash shakes his head yes before they shake and head off to the ring together. Our announcers make note that it looks like Whistler and Flash will be teaming up tonight. [/I][B]D[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]With Flash and Whistler already in the ring, Sneer and Holmes come down and stand on the stage. Sneer has a mic. “Well, well, well. It looks like you are serious about this, huh? Holmes’ partner? Well, it just happens that a friend of ours is in town tonight. I gave him a call and he was thrilled to come here and bash a few heads in. “ Puerto Rican Power steps onto the stage and shakes hands with Sneer before they head to the ring.[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR] © / [COLOR="blue"]Whistler[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Bryan Holmes [/COLOR]/ [COLOR="red"]Puerto Rican Power [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Bryan Holmes and Puerto Rican Power defeated Steve Flash and Whistler in 24:27 when Bryan Holmes defeated Whistler by pin fall with a Final Impact. [B]D+[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]The show ends with Holmes and Flash staring each other down as Flash helps Whistler to the back.[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]Final Rating: D+[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="1"]Announced for: NYCW Storm Front Steve Flash © vs Bryan Holmes – NYCW Empire Championship DWB © vs Psycho Psircus (Messiah/Wood) vs Wiley Coyote – NYCW Tag Team Championship Des Davids © vs Kirk Jameson vs Black Hat Bailey – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship Element of Surprise vs Psycho Psircus (Boone/Rayne) The GMP vs Greg Gauge[/SIZE]
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Steve Flash © vs [B]Bryan Holmes[/B] – NYCW Empire Championship [I]The champ is here![/I] DWB © vs [B]Psycho Psircus [/B](Messiah/Wood) vs Wiley Coyote – NYCW Tag Team Championship [I]Sets up element vs psycho 1[/I] Des Davids © vs Kirk Jameson vs [B]Black Hat Bailey[/B] – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship [I]Via DQ again[/I] [B]Element of Surprise [/B]vs Psycho Psircus (Boone/Rayne) [I] I love element of supruse but ford and speed could screw it up again[/I] [B]The GMP [/B]vs Greg Gauge [I]keep him non over as long as possible so ya get to keep him hehe[/I]
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[SIZE="3"][B]NYCW Storm Front[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]Feb 2009 The Ministry Att: 1,000 Sold Out![/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]We start the show with The GMP in the ring, G standing large behind him. “Last month, The GMP came up short. So now, The Pimped One can’t challenge for the title while Flash is in possession of it. Well The GMP says, that’s fine. I can wait for another opportunity, and for The GMP, opportunities come all the time. However, a true playa’ doesn’t sit back and wait for it. A true playa’ continues the hustle. And tonight, that’s what The GMP is going to do. So if there is any young buck in the back that would like to try their worth against the King of Bling, step on out.” Greg Gauge steps out to answer the challenge. “I said it when I first got here, that I plan on paying my dues. But like you said, when an opportunity knocks, well, you’ve got to answer it.” “Well said lil’ playa’, The GMP likes your style. Tonight’s your lucky night.”[/I][/SIZE][B][SIZE="2"]C- challenge, D- acceptance[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]The GMP[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Blue"]Greg Gauge[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]The GMP defeated Greg Gauge in 8:09 by pin fall with a Phunkensteiner. [B]C-[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]In the back, Ota and Elemental are meditating on the equipment boxes, eyes closed. Roger Dodger and Sammy the Shark are nowhere to be found. Ota moves his fingers slightly as Elemental nods. “Yes Master Ota, serene it is.” Ota moves his fingers again and Elemental gives another nod as they disappear in their white and red smoke. The camera pans back and up to see Roger Dodger and Sammy the Shark hanging from the ceiling upside down, hands tied and mouths taped.[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]D-[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="blue"]Element of Surprise[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Psycho Psircus [/COLOR](Boone/Rayne)[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Element of Surprise defeated Psycho Psircus in 7:56 when Fumihiro Ota defeated Rayne by pin fall with a Silent but Deadly. [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]After the match, two burly men in white clothes come running down to the ring, two others come behind with one of those silver boxes. Rayne has an almost terrified look on his face. He turns to get back under the ring but is hit by a devastating Boone and Bust from Boone. Rayne is laid out in the ring as Boone exits quickly underneath the ring as the first two men climb in. One tries to follow Boone, but the other tells him not to worry about him. They put a straight jacket on Rayne, shackle his feet and hands and finally put a leather “Hannibal” mask on him. When that is done, they load him into the box. The box closes in a rush of air. The four individuals roll the box out of the arena. [/I] [B]E[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]Backstage and Kirk Jameson and Black Hat Bailey are arguing. Bailey keeps calling him a punk, Kirk keeps telling Bailey that he’s just in the way of Jameson regaining his title. Bailey slaps Kirk across the face, but before Kirk can retaliate, security gets between them and breaks it up.[/I] [B]E+[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Des Davids[/COLOR] © vs [COLOR="red"]Kirk Jameson [/COLOR]vs [COLOR="red"]Black Hat Bailey [/COLOR]– [I]NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship[/I][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Des Davids defeated Black Hat Bailey and Kirk Jameson in 9:40 when Des Davids defeated Kirk Jameson by pin fall with a Quarterback Sack. Des Davids makes defense number 3 of his NYCW Tri-State Regional title. [B]D[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]Davids is in the ring celebrating his title defense, when Shane Sneer, Bryan Holmes and Doug Peak head to the ring. All three climb into the ring as Davids holds his ground. Sneer, mic in hand. “Mr. Davids, let me be the first to congratulate you on a successful title defense. Also, let me be the first to congratulate you on being the first one to bare witness to… … [B]The CORPORATION![/B] Tonight, we’ll claim our first taste of gold, when Bryan Holmes, the most versatile wrestler in the world today, takes out the “Hero” of New York, Steve Flash. And next month, well… we’re taking our second title… YOURS!” With that, Doug Peak kicks Davids in the gut, doubling him over. He then grabs him and irish whips him into the ropes. On the rebound, Holmes hits his Final Impact move on him. Sneer takes the Tri-State title and lays it over Davids body. I come out (Avatar) and run down to the ring, better late than never. I slide into the ring and spin Peak around before laying into him. He staggers back, but then shrugs off my attack and starts one of his own against me. Just as quick, he stops. I make the mistake of turning around and get nailed with what has got to be one of prettiest moves in wrestling; Bryan Holmes’ Cyclone Shock Kick. Sneer stands over the both of us. “Since you wanted to stick your nose into Corporation business, next month, you two against Peak and a partner. And don’t worry; I’m pretty sure we can find a partner.” Peak adds a couple of kicks to each of us as they exit the ring. [/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]C - Corporation formation, D - attack and failed save[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]DWB[/COLOR] © vs [COLOR="red"]Psycho Psircus [/COLOR](Messiah/Wood) vs [COLOR="blue"]Wiley Coyote [/COLOR]– [I]NYCW Tag Team Championship[/I]Psyco Psircus defeated The Dirty White Boys and Wiley Coyote in 7:39; the order of elimination was Wiley Coyote first, and finally The Dirty White Boys. Psycho Psircus win the NYCW Tag Team titles. D-[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]Afterwards, the Psircus don’t waste anytime; they head back under the ring, still leery about one of their own being taken back to the Asylum.[/SIZE][/I] [SIZE="2"][I]Backstage we show Flash heading to the ring, the Empire title over his shoulder.[/I] [B]C-[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][I]A final video hyping the title match. The announcers hit on the fact that, Flash hasn’t faced anyone like Holmes before. [/I] [B]C-[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR] © vs [COLOR="red"]Bryan Holmes [/COLOR]– [I]NYCW Empire Championship[/I][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Steve Flash drew with Bryan Holmes in 21:00 when the allotted time limit expired. [B]C+[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]Flash is on one knee trying to catch his breath. Holmes is standing back some, bouncing on the balls of his feet. Sneer is yelling at Flash, telling him, “You got lucky again, but next month…” Flash doesn’t let him finish, “Why wait!” He pulls himself up, sweat dripping off his entire body, and attacks Holmes. Sneer jumps out of the ring and tells the ref to start the match again.[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR] © vs [COLOR="Red"]Bryan Holmes [/COLOR]– [I]NYCW Empire Championship[/I][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Bryan Holmes defeated Steve Flash in 30:29 by pin fall while using the ropes for leverage. Bryan Holmes wins the NYCW Empire title. [B]C+[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE="2"]The show ends as Flash rolls out of the ring, completely spent. The fans give him a standing ovation for his effort. Holmes, finally bent over trying to catch his breath, slowly raises the Empire title as Sneer and Peak flank him.[/SIZE][/I] [B][SIZE="2"]Final Rating: C[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="1"]Announced for: NYCW Self-Destruction Bryan Holmes © vs The GMP – NYCW Empire Championship Steve Flash vs Lee Wright American Machine vs Honest Frank Psycho Psircus (Messiah/Wood) © vs Wiley Coyote – NYCW Tag Team Championship Des Davids © / Jack Avatar vs Doug Peak / ??? Lead Belly vs Joshua Taylor Sammy the Shark vs Greg Gauge American Elemental vs The New York Doll[/SIZE]
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[B]Bryan Holmes[/B] © vs The GMP – NYCW Empire Championship [B]Steve Flash [/B]vs Lee Wright [B]American Machine[/B] vs Honest Frank [B]Psycho Psircus[/B] (Messiah/Wood) © vs Wiley Coyote – NYCW Tag Team Championship Des Davids © / Jack Avatar vs [B]Doug Peak / ???[/B] [B]Lead Belly [/B]vs Joshua Taylor Sammy the Shark vs [B]Greg Gauge[/B] [B]American Elemental [/B]vs The New York Doll
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