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DaVE: Home of Hardcore

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Ok, so this is my first diary since my days with EWR 4.2...i could never afford TEW but now due to my creative writing winning a competition (the piece is avaiulable to read online if your interested just ask) I now have TEW 05 and am able to do a diary....So here it is...My life in the cornellverse. [COLOR=Red][B][U]Some time around the end of November[/U][/B][/COLOR] It was 3am when I got the call. I got home from the tapings hours earlier but Phil, as usual, was still hard at work back at his house in Philly. I rolled over and took the phone off its hook. [COLOR=Blue]Hello?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]Greg man its Phil.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Whats up Phil?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]Its terrible, Nemesis is losing it. He thinks the booking side is too much for him, he just wants to wrestle.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Phil, your a great booker. You'll be fine, you're gonna get through this man.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]No, no...Greg, theres too much to do. Im only one man. You are one of the most creative ************s I've known my entire life. We grew up watching wrestling together. Greg, I need you to come over. I want you to book for me.[/COLOR] So I went to his house right? 3 in the morning. Helped him edit the show, it was a good show ending with Eric Tyler and the school of tradition claiming that by the end of the year they will take over DaVE and show each and every wrestling fan what real WRESTLING should be like. I thought it was a great promo, and from there...I had about a million ideas. [COLOR=Blue]Alright...I'll do it.[/COLOR]
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[U][B][COLOR=Red]Monday, Week 1, December[/COLOR][/B][/U] I got to the office (Phils house) for what would effectively be my first day on the job. Basically what I did all day was lie around Phils house and watch old tapes. Everything i could from the past few months. I jotted down a few notes and made a few phone calls...All in all today was nothing much. I contacted a few of the guys and went over some ideas for them. They all seemed willing to do as I asked as they do already know me from hanging around backstage at all the shows. So far so good. This should be a breeze. [U][B][COLOR=Red]Tuesday, Week 1, December[/COLOR][/B][/U] ****! **** **** **** **** ****! So much for a breeze. Today I was notified about the impending doom of "the raids". SWF has made offers to Eddie Peak (a guy i had huge plans for), Johnny Martin, Henry Lee, and Vin Tanner. TCW made offers to Eddie Peak (****!), Johnny Martin, and Carl Batch. Damnit, we are definitely gonna lose some here, DaVE just cant compete with the kind of money and exposure TCW or SWF can offer. So if they choose to go, **** 'em! In light of the news of these attacks Phil and I made a few phone calls...he decided to deal with SWF while I made calls to TCW and NOTBPW to propose Non-Agression Pacts...we need talent to survive, we cant have other promotions sweeping in and swooping up all of our top guys.
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