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New Mod.....Any Ideas?

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I'm assuming you want to work on a real world mod. I do like totally original databases though. But I still like real world mods. I'm working one myself, but it's currently on hold.


So many possibilities, but I have to second the current day territorial scenario. I actually thought of doing something similar to be honest. I'm busy working on other projects though. I'd still like to see something similar to it. I'd play a game in that scenario.


But like I said, there's so many other possibilities out there. Just find one idea that will get your creative juices flowing, and start working.


Good luck to whatever you decide to do.



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1) How about a Pre-1982 scenario...before Vince, Jr bought the WWF from his dad...


2) Or either a few years after DOTT to show which promotions have closed, been bought out by Vince, bought out by Crockett, or just plain not been affected by the expansion...


3) To maybe add a little to the current day Territorial mod....maybe your concept can be that Vince finally sees the light about not having places for the new generation to work and evolve is killing the business. He decides to open up several development feds all over the country.


In all reality the WWE already has several pseudo-developmental feds...UPW in California, WXW ran by the Wild Samoans, and Chaotic in New England. You can just expand on that and make them official...when they get too big for the WWE(in game) they can rebel and split off and create a new territorial type war.

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i always thought it would be cool if every major event in the wrestling industy went the other way.



Shawn is screwed in montreal

Jake the Snake wins King of the ring

Eddie lives

Vince never gets busted for roids

Austin never leaves ECW

Shawn never gets the iron man match

Brock never gets the mega push

Khali turns into a good worker?


Really, the options are endless. I always figured it would be cool to re-do wrestling history while still keeping this somewhat intact.

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i think i'll try a 1987 territory mod with WWF now national and the NWA right on there heels as cult. Any ideas of any other promotions i should put in the scenario. I know World Class, AWA, Florida Championship Wrestling, Mid South trying to go national. Feedback is welcome.
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