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eWr: One Last Chance

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Late 2004: Tom Carter's Independent Pro Wrestling, with stars like The BLK OUT, Larry Sweeney, Mike Quackenbush, Delirious and El Generico, begins running shows across the Northeast and becomes a wild success


Summer 2005: IPW buys Pro Wrestling Unplugged out of Philadelphia; Philly Invasion begins, IPW begins running shows across the Midwest


Winter 2005: IPW Head Booker Richard Carruzulo is fired, along with several agents and workers form attempting to wrongfully sell the promotion to Combat Zone Wrestling, Tom Carter becomes full owner of IPW and NuWrestling LLC, intends to retire to run the business.


March 2006: IPW announces 6 Pay Per View deal with iNDEMAND. Success of first 2 PPV's force iNDEMAND to sign a 2 year deal with IPW.


Spring 2006: Carter claims a new investor is to be on board for IPW. As a result, Carter retires from active competiton and a new roster is brought in, ending with Colt Cabana defeating Chris Hero in a tournament final to become IPW World Heavyweight Champion. Stars such as Nigel McGuiness, Claudio Castagnoli, Joey Ryan, Davey Richards, Kevin Steen, Lance Storm and former TNA star Alex Shelley debut in IPW.


July 2006: Tom Carter sells IPW to bodog.com owner and internet millionaire Calvin Ayre. Ayre puts his full financial support behind IPW and he and Carter announce a formal rebranding of the company, changing the name to elite Wrestling revolution (eWr) . Ayre procedes to negociate a TV deal for eWr to air a 2 hour show, Saturday nights at 11PM on MyNetwork TV. Former WWE star Stevie Richards debuts for eWr and forms The Kings Of Wrestling with Hero, Sweeney and Castagnoli.


August 2006: eWr announces CHIKARA as it's devolpmental "sister" promotion.


November 2006: Colt Cabana announces he will leave eWr to join the WWE.


December 2006: Stevie Richards defeats Colt Cabana for eWr World Heavyweight Title at "WrestleFest 06", the eWr version of Wrestlemania.


January 2007: eWr announces it's TV show "BattleGround" will move to prime time saturdays at 8PM. eWr head announcer Eric Garagulio leaves eWr to join WWE's ECW Brand, former ECW announcer Joey Styles joins eWr as lead announcer.


Feburary 2007: eWr signs working agreement with All Japan Pro Wrestling in Japan, where eWr's "BattleGround" is the highest ranked gaijin wrestling televsion show. New AJPW President Simon Inoki is thought to have made to move to increase attenedence to it's failing product since is shocking apointal as president. A joint show is set up for March. AJPW Talent Minoru Suzuki, Satoshi Kojima, Kaz Hayashi and Keiji Mutoh all debut in eWr.


March 2007: Almost immeditly after it begins, the eWr/All Japan relationships ends following Inoki attempting to keep the eWr Tag Team Titles in Japan following the team of Takayama and Minoru Suzuki victory against The Backseat Boyz in Tokyo and his refusal to let them leave AJPW for eWr. The Tag Titles are vacated and a tournament is set up.


April 2007: eWr signs working agreement with AAA in Mexico. Several eWr stars to debut in Mexico for AAA's TripleMania show. AAA stars Aerostar, Laredo Kid and Superfly sign devolpmental deals with eWr and report to CHIKARA. However the big news is eWr signs CMLL's top rudo Perro Aguayo Jr. to a full time contract.


May 2007: eWr introduces Scott "Raven" Levy as new color commentator, replacing Aaron Royal who had left to join TNA.


June 2007: The first "graduating" class from CHIKARA debuts in eWr including Chuck Taylor, Gran Akuma, Icarus, Super Dragon, Scott Lost, Chris Bosh, The Thomaselli Brothers, Sexxxy Eddy and Max Boyer.


July 2007: Alex Shelley defeats Michael Manna (Stevie Richards) for eWr World Heavyweight Title. Davey Richards turns heel agains Lance Storm


August 2007: The Eddie Kingston/Kevin Steen feud is taken off of television due to excessive violence.


September 2007: Ring Of Honor officals publically badmouth eWr in their first PPV, calling them "immitators", ironically several markets had the PPV blacked out for replays of the month's earlier eWr PPV.


November 2007: Chris Hero shockingly wins eWr World Heavyweight Title from Alex Shelley by cashing in an open title shot following a cage match between Shelley and Michael Manna. Manna is kicked out of Kings Of Wrestling, Hero becomes leader and introduces Necro Butcher as newest member.


December 2007: "WrestleFest 07" is capped by Chris Hero successfully defending his title against both Alex Shelley and Nigel McGuiness along with a feud ending cage match between Eddie Kingston and Kevin Steen. A Series of Hype Videos begin to air, counting down to the April PPV. WWE steals TNA stars Ron Killings and Chris Harris.


January 2008: eWr announces AJPW president Keiji Mutoh would begin to tour eWr bi yearly. Mutoh regained presidency of AJPW following the quiting of Simon Inoki.


Feburary 2008: Alex Shelley turns heel against Nigel McGuniness, claiming Nigel cost Shelley his fair rematch and title.


March 2008: TNA Star Chris Sabin debuts in eWr, attacking McGuiness following his match with Alex Shelley. Shelley and Sabin announce the reformation of The Murder City Machine Guns in eWr.


April 2008: The wrestling world is in shock as the hype videos airing on eWr programing hit their "Final Countdown" and signal the arrival of longtime top Ring Of Honor star "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson to eWr where he was promptly began to feud with The Kings Of Wrestling. ROH officals are without comment and procede to resign all of their talent to new contracts.


May 2008: MyNetwork TV Head Eric Nelson announces MyNetwork would gain WWE SmackDown in June, eWr BattleGround replaces eWr's "eWr on Versus" show on Versus.


June 2008: A group of lowercard eWr talent migrates to TNA including Lionel Knight, Chris Bishop, Sexxxy Eddy and others. The Human Tornado debuts in eWr.


July 2008: WWE makes waves as they release Ric Flair from his contract.


August 2008: Rumors swirl that TNA stars Kurt Angle and Christian Cage may potentially return to the WWE when their contracts run out.


September 2008: The wrestling world is abuzz yet again when longtime ROH booker Gabe Sapolsky is fired from ROH. ROH owner Cary Silkin claims it was a cost cutting measure and was a long time coming, however several inside the company claim Sapolsky was attempting to lead a "coup invasion" of ROH wrestlers to TNA. Sapolsky is rumored to both TNA and CZW. Rumors begin to spread of the condition of the ROH product. A new booking commitee of Bushwacker Luke and Adam Pearce is put into place.


November 2008: eWr is voted promotion of the year by Wrestling Observer and procede to produce a near clean sweep of the awards, the first of it's kind. eWr is rumored to be in talks with a new network about a new television program.


Our Starting Point: Week 2; December 2008


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"Chris Is Awesome". To him it's more than a chant, it's a fact.


Since "November Pain" 2007, Chris Hero has been nothing short of the most dominant eWr World Heavyweight Champion in eWr history and is thought to be the most dominant champion in all of wrestling, as he is currently the longest reigning major world champion in the business. Hero has defeneded against all comers, successfully defending his title against not only the best of eWr including Eddie Kingston, Nigel McGuiness, Alex Shelley, Lance Storm, Mike Quackenbush, Delirious and many more, but also defendning the title against the best in the world, including holding pinfall victories over Keiji Mutoh of All Japan Pro Wrestling, Cibernetico of AAA, Bad Bones of WXW and many more. Hero is thought to have an unfair advantage, as he is the leader of The Kings Of Wrestling, however Hero time and time again has proven his superior in ring skills and savy attitude to be the true reason for his in ring success. However, everything is not completly perfect for Hero. Since his shocking debut in eWr, "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson has been after The Kings Of Wrestling, Hero and his title. But Hero has essentially dodged Danielson since coming in. Hero has thrown every KOW member at Danielson, even several allies of the Kings, but Danielson has preservered, even taking out Larry Sweeney of action. Hero hated Danielson because Danielson claimed to be and the fans across the world considered Danielson as "The Best In The World", a title Hero had been calling himself and claiming to be. Hero would not given Danielson a title shot, however when Danielson won the Shot At Gold battle royale, Hero had no choice. Hero and Danielson will now face off in easily the biggest match in eWr history at WrestleFest 08. Fans worldwide are split but want to see the hated Hero lose his title finally. But Hero doesn't care, because he claims to be training harder than ever and has claimed his newest finishing hold, The Hangman's Clutch, will be the answer to Danielson's devistating Cattle Mutulation. He's the champ, he's the leader of the most powerfull group in wrestling, he's "Your Hero", he's one of the best in the business....He is...




eWr World Heavyweight Champion

Chris Hero


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Some may be good, some may even be great, but there's only one "Best In The World".


For nearly 5 months, fans were puzzled by the constant "Countdown" videos airing on eWr Programing and during the matches of the Kings Of Wrestling. Names from all over the wrestling world were thrown out, but at eWr "Fight Night 08" fans almost instantly knew who it was when the final Countdown video aired and the recgonizable opening cords of Europe's "The Final Countdown" played, that he was here. "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson had come to eWr. The man considered to be the best wrestler in the world, and the longtime franchise player of Ring Of Honor had shocked the world and crossed the line to eWr. And Danielson immeditly made an impact, saving Eddie Kingston from a post match beating from the entire Kings Of Wrestling stable. Danielson then announced he was out to prove he not only the best in the world, but the true only champion in the eWr. This naturally sent current champion Chris Hero into a frenzy. Hero immeditly sent his tag team partner Claudio Castagnoli after Danielson. But soon after several memorable battles Danielson beat Claudio once and for all. Hero wasn't done yet to try and cause roadblocks for Danielson. He then sent both "Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney and KOW ally Kevin Steen after Danielson. But the results would prove the same with Danielson vanquishing Steen and then severly injuring Sweeney, tearing Sweeney's ACL muscle with a combination of his Dragon Strikes to Sweeney's shoulder and his devistating and unbreakable finishing manuever, The Cattle Mutilation. Hero, however did end up finding a sutable roadblock for Danielson in the Necro Butcher, as Necro bloodied Danielson in their first encounter, losing the match by DQ but doing significant damage to Danielson. But Danielson however would get not only his revenge but the opportunity he had been hoping for at "November Pain". He defeated Necro in a no-DQ match which may very well go down as an instant classic, but was able to not only enter but win the Shot At Love Battle Royale, finally recieving the match he has been seeking since entering eWr against World Champion Chris Hero at WrestleFest 08. Danielson has never been so ready and more prepared for a match in his storied career and plans on making his nickname more than a nickname, but a fact. He is "The Best In The World". He is...



"American Dragon"

Bryan Danielson

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He's always been in it to win it.


Since debuting in eWr, Nigel McGuinness has vowed to prove not only to the fans but to himself that he truly is a force to be reckoned with. And Nigel was so close to proving this as he chased Chris Hero breifly for the eWr World Heavyweight Title. Nigel is one of the only wrestlers in eWr with a nearly perfect record against Hero, but Nigel almost right off the bat had an interloper, in former champ Alex Shelley. Shelley took Nigel's origional title match against Hero and turned it into a 3 way, causing Nigel to lose his shot. Then in the rematch, with Shelley as a special guest refree, Shelley shocked fans by screwing Nigel over and allowing Hero to take a cheap win. Nigel now went off his track to become champion and soley focused on Shelley and gaining revenge against him. However, Shelley would go on to complicate the matter by brining in long time friend and tag team partner Chris Sabin in as an ally and now Nigel had to contend with the Murder City Machine Guns. Nigel has fought these two with several partners including Delirious, Mike Quackenbush and Lance Storm, but the Guns constantly use their sly tactics and team chemestry to outwit Nigel's team. However Nigel found breifly a formatable partner in fellow Englishman Doug Williams. He and Williams have held several victories against the Guns and hope to once and for all end their feud at WrestleFest 08, as the 2 teams will face each other in a 2 out of 3 falls match. Can Nigel win and get back on track to the eWr World Heavyweight Title? One thing's for sure, he's always in it to win it...He's...



Nigel McGuinness

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Seperatly they're great, together, don't even ask...


The story of the Murder City Machine Guns begins when Alex Shelley lost his rematch for the eWr World Heavyweight Title he lost to Chris Hero in a three way dance at WrestleFest 07 when Hero pinned the third combatant Nigel McGuinness. This loss of his chance to regain the title he unfairly loss very much agrivated Shelley. But Shelley was granted the position of special guest enforcer/refree in McGuinness/Hero's rematch. Shelley then shocked the world by nailing Nigel with the Shellshock and allowing Hero to get a cheap win of Nigel. Shelley explained his actions as payback for McGuinness for ruining his chance to regain his title. A blood feud between the two instantly began, leading up the the two's first in ring matchup at Darkest Hour, but Shelley came in that night with an ace in the whole. When Nigel thought he had the match won, after nailing Shelley with the Tower Of London, fans were shocked when from the crowd ran in Shelley's friend and former tag team partner, TNA star Chris Sabin, who nailed Nigel with a leaping enzuguri and nailing him with the Cradle Shock and then draping Shelley over the fallen Nigel. Shelley and Sabin then announced that they were indeed back and The Murder City Machine Guns were in eWr and would soon enough run the place. The Guns would focus manily on Nigel. Nigel went through a series of tag team partners to try and beat the Guns, but the Guns' amazing tag team moveset and chemestry made them nearly impossible to beat. However, when Nigel brought in Doug Williams, he found a partner who was able to beat the Guns with in several 6 man and 8 man encounters. The Guns look to end The United Kingdom at WrestleFest 08 and move on to continued dominance in eWr. Made in Detroit, they are...




The Murder City Machine Guns

Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley

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"He's a powder keg of psychopathic rage, and I don't want to be around when it goes off...."


That was Joey Styles' description of the mindset of Eddie Kingston. "The Last Of A Dying Breed" put on one of the hardest hitting matches in recent memory at WrestleFest 07, when he defeated Kevin Steen in a Steel Cage Match. Kingston returned to action in early March after resting up to heal injuries suffered in that match and right off the bat challenged Chris Hero for the eWr World Heavyweight Title. And almost immedietly the two warriors began a feud for the ages. Hero beat Kingston with a tainted elbow to the head, but the feud didn't end there, as the Kings then went after Kingston's partners in BLK OUT Ruckus and Sabian. The Kings struck hard as they broke the leg of BLK OUT's hype man Robby Merino in a savage attack in the parking lot. However, Kingston would gain a sense of revenge, costing Hero and Castagnoli the Tag Titles. The loss of the chance for double gold fueled Hero to take Kingston out. The feud between Kingston and Hero went on during the summer. At "Scars and Stripes" Kingston appeared to win the eWr World Heavyweight Title after nailing Hero with the Backfist To The Future and then collapsing on top of him, but on further inspection, both men's shoulders were down and the match was resulted as a draw. The 2 men would complete their feuds of sorts at "Hotter Than Hell" in a strap match, where Hero's KOW running buddy Necro Butcher ran in and cost Kingston the title. Kingston put his problems with Hero on hold and focused on Necro and the two have since brawled at ever opportunity they could have. At "WrestleFest 08" the two will face each other in an Lights Out Unsactioned Match. He is the last of a dying breed. He is...




Eddie Kingston


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"I told you, when you let me outta my cage, I'll pile the bodies to the sky."


That was the first words spoken in eWr of the Kings Of Wrestling's King of the Deathmatch Necro Butcher. Necro has been nothing short of unstoppable. Necro became the fourth member of the KOW following the removal of Michael Manna from the group. Necro led in the destruction of Manna, but the two would face each other in a No DQ match at WrestleFest 07. The two men would go on to continue to brawl at almost any opportunity. The two would end their feud in the first ever Death Match in eWr history at Scars and Stripes, won by Necro after Tigerbombing Manna ontop os a pyramid of lighttubes. Necro then moved onto matters of the KOWs by attacking Eddie Kingston during his strap match against Chris Hero at Hotter Than Hell. Necro would cost Kingston the title, as well as attempting to hang Kingston following the match, where along with the massiv blood loss suffered, caused Kingston to pass out. Kingston would return 2 weeks later and the two would brawl at almost any possible time. Necro, serving as the enforcer of the KOWs was put on the assigment to take out Bryan Danielson, Necro would do this job by bloodying Danielson. However following the match, Kingston would appear and jump Necro, backdrop drivering him onto steel steps. As a result of that night, at November Pain, Necro would face Danielson in a rematch, which was won by Danielson, but Necro would gain revenge on Kingston, attacking him during the Shot At Gold match, not only eliminating him, but then Tigerbombing him twice through 2 announcers tables. The two warriors are to face off in an Lights Out Unsactioned Match at WrestleFest 08. He's the enforcer of the Kings Of Wrestling and the most extreme wrestler in the business. He is...



Necro Butcher

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  • 7 months later...

<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">eWr Champions Roll Call</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">eWr World Heavyweight Champion</span></strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Chris Hero</span></strong></p><p>

<em>defeated Alex Shelley (11-24-07)</em></p><p> </p><p>


<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">eWr World Hybrid Champion</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">

Joey "Magnum" Ryan</span></strong></p><p>

<em>defeated Mike Quackenbush (5-17-08)</em></p><p> </p><p>


<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">eWr World Tag Team Champions</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">

The Backseat Boyz (Johnny Kashmere and Trent Acid)</span></strong></p><p>

<em>defeated The BLK OUT (11-22-08)</em></p><p> </p><p>


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eWr WrestleFest 08

December 28, 2008

Wachovia Spectrum; Philadelphia, PA


Main Event for eWr World Heavyweight Title


© Chris Hero vs. "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson



2 Out Of 3 Falls Match


The United Kingdom (Doug Williams and Nigel McGuinness) vs. Murder City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley)


Lights Out Nonsanctioned Match


Necro Butcher vs. "The Last Of A Dying Breed" Eddie Kingston


Mask vs. Hair Match


Delirious vs. Claudio Castagnoli


5 Team Ladder Match for eWr World Tag Team Titles


© The Backseat Boyz (Johnny Kashmere and Trent Acid) vs. The BLK OUT (Ruckus and Sabian) vs. F.I.S.T (Gran Akuma and Icarus) vs. JigNerico (Jigsaw and El Generico) vs. Up In Smoke (Cheech and Cloudy)


Respect Match


"Damn Good" Davey Richards vs. "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush


4 Corners Match for eWr World Hybrid Title


© Joey "Magnum" Ryan vs. The Human Tornado vs. "El Perro Del Mar" Perro Aguayo Jr. vs. Kenny Omega



Battle For Canadian Supremecy


"Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen vs. Lance Storm


6 Man Tag Grudge Match


The Dynasty (Karl "Machine Gun" Anderson, Chris Bosh and Scott Lost) vs. The Midnight Express ("Beautiful" Bobby Eaton, "Sweet" Stan Lane and "Loverboy" Dennis Condrey)


Special Challenge Match


Chuck Taylor vs. Nick Dinsmore


Quick Predict


eWr World Heavyweight Title: © Chris Hero vs. Bryan Danielson


2/3 Falls Match: The United Kingdom vs. Murder City Machine Guns


Lights Out Nonsanctioned Match: Necro Butcher vs. Eddie Kingston


Mask vs. Hair: Delirious vs. Claudio Castagnoli


5 Way Ladder Match for eWr World Tag Team Titles: © Backseat Boyz vs. The BLK OUT vs. F.I.S.T vs. JigNerico vs. Up In Smoke


Respect Match: Davey Richards vs. Mike Quackenbush


Kevin Steen vs. Lance Storm


4 Corners Match for eWr World Hybrid Title: © Joey Ryan vs. Human Tornado vs. Perro Aguayo Jr. vs. Kenny Omega


The Dynasty vs. The Midnight Express


Chuck Taylor vs. Nick Dinsmore


Will Any Titles Change Hands?


Will Any One Debut?


Will Any Matches Be Changed?



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<p>eWr World Heavyweight Title: ©<strong> Chris Hero</strong> vs. Bryan Danielson</p><p> </p><p>

I just do not think that Chris Hero will lose this match.</p><p> </p><p>

2/3 Falls Match: The United Kingdom vs. <strong>Murder City Machine Guns</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Lights Out Nonsanctioned Match: <strong>Necro Butcher</strong> vs. Eddie Kingston</p><p> </p><p>

Due to your username I have to think that you are a fellow Necro Butcher fan so I can not see him losing to Eddie.</p><p> </p><p>

Mask vs. Hair: <strong>Delirious</strong> vs. Claudio Castagnoli</p><p> </p><p>

I can not see Delirious losing his mask so Claudio's hair has to go.</p><p> </p><p>

5 Way Ladder Match for eWr World Tag Team Titles: © Backseat Boyz vs. The BLK OUT vs. F.I.S.T vs. <strong>JigNerico</strong> vs. Up In Smoke</p><p> </p><p>

Not sure if they will win but I really like this combo.</p><p> </p><p>

Respect Match: Davey Richards vs. <strong>Mike Quackenbush</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kevin Steen </strong>vs. Lance Storm</p><p> </p><p>

Have to go with the younger guy in this match plus Steen and Generico are awsome in real life so he gets a nod for that as well. And I was there when he and Generico won the tag titles so that is another non game related reason for my decision. </p><p> </p><p>

4 Corners Match for eWr World Hybrid Title: © <strong>Joey Ryan </strong>vs. Human Tornado vs. Perro Aguayo Jr. vs. Kenny Omega</p><p> </p><p>

The Dynasty vs. <strong>The Midnight Express</strong></p><p> </p><p>

I am a fan of the Express and therefore I am going with them. That being said I think the Dynasty could win because it makes more sense to push the younger guys. Also, is that really what Condrey, Eaton and Lane look like now? Man have they all gotten old!<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>eWr World Heavyweight Title: © Chris Hero vs. <strong>Bryan Danielson</strong></p><p> </p><p>

2/3 Falls Match: The United Kingdom vs. <strong>Murder City Machine Guns</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Lights Out Nonsanctioned Match: Necro Butcher vs. Eddie Kingston</p><p> </p><p>

Mask vs. Hair: Delirious vs. <strong>Claudio Castagnoli</strong></p><p> </p><p>

5 Way Ladder Match for eWr World Tag Team Titles: © <strong>Backseat Boyz</strong> vs. The BLK OUT vs. F.I.S.T vs. JigNerico vs. Up In Smoke</p><p> </p><p>

Respect Match: Davey Richards vs. <strong>Mike Quackenbush</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Kevin Steen vs. <strong>Lance Storm</strong></p><p> </p><p>

4 Corners Match for eWr World Hybrid Title: © Joey Ryan vs. Human Tornado vs. <strong>Perro Aguayo Jr</strong>. vs. Kenny Omega</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Dynasty</strong> vs. The Midnight Express</p><p> </p><p>

Chuck Taylor vs. <strong>Nick Dinsmore</strong></p>

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</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">Major eWr Breaking News</span></strong></p><p>

<span>http://b9.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/00246/95/74/246644759_l.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

In very major news we have learned that eWr have terminated the contracts of Trent Acid and Johnny Kashmere, known as The Backseat Boyz. This move, only 2 days before eWr's biggest show to date in WrestleFest 08, has been said to come out of nowhere as the Backseats were to be part of a major match, especially as they are/were the eWr World Tag Team Champions. We will have more on this developing story as we get it.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>UPDATE 9:57 PM ET</strong>: The story of the firing of the Backseat Boyz is finally starting to unravel and the details are very interesting. We have learned that unbeknownst to eWr, the Backseats agreed to a contract with TNA and were to make their debut for the promotion at this Monday's Impact tapings, most likey with the eWr World Tag Team Titles. eWr personel including Al Snow, Lance Storm and Tom Carter were given this information anonymously and confronted the duo, who claimed they were to tell eWr officals post WrestleFest. Apparently Snow, Storm and Carter didn't buy this and within half an hour, the two were fired and asked to leave eWr's house show in The AJ Palumbo Center in Pittsburgh, PA and hand over the eWr World Tag Team Titles. Where we are at the show now, rumors are swiriling backstage that a title change may take place tonight as they were to face The BLK OUT.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>UPDATE 12:08 PM ET</strong>: Many at the show have been emailing us that the BLK OUT ended up in a 8 man tag team matchup and thusly did not mention the title situation. Our source within eWr has confirmed the eWr World Tag Titles are vacant and will be filled come WrestleFest.</p>

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OOD: Apparently the Photobucket Site which hosts alot of my images hit it's bandwitch limits so apparently I'm SOL when it comes to pics for this one for the most part. If you can help me with my picture situ, PLEASE HELP.


- Dark Match: "The Model" Max Boyer defeated Brandon Thomaselli

-Dark Match: APOC defeated Laredo Kid




eWr's backstage interviewer Josh Matthews welcomes us to the offical eWr WrestleFest 08 preshow. After some serious hype action, Matthews makes two big announcements. Firstly he confirms the rumors that eWr owner Calvin Ayre will make a HUGE announcement here tonight at WrestleFest. No one in eWr has any idea what the announcement is about. Could it be a new signing? A new show? What could it be. Matthews then announces that the eWr World Tag Team Titles are vacant following The Backseat Boyz' departure from eWr. As a result of this, the Ladder Match has been changed now to a unprecidented 6 team ladder match to decide new eWr World Tag Team Champions. The original 4 teams will stay in the match, however he announces that the 5th team will be the team of Arrogance (Chris Bosh and Scott Lost) who will be wrestling double duty. As for the 6th team, we have learned someone has signed the contract but no one has any idea who it is. From there, unlike the usual preshow matches, we are treated to serious feud hype until 7PM as the opening/final hype vid plays....


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eWr WrestleFest 08 Results

December 28, 2008

Wachovia Spectrum; Philadelphia, PA


Your Announcers:





In our opening contest, a throwback 6 man battle saw an upset of sorts, where following a heavy amount of dominance by The Dynasty, The Midnight Express (managed by James E Cornette) came roaring back, led by the taped up right fist of Bobby Eaton. After Anderson nails Eaton with a spinebuster, as all 6 men are brawling, in classic Midnights fashion, Jim Cornette NAILED Anderson in the back of the head with his tennis racket, allowing "Beautiful" Bobby to get the pin and the victory for The Midnights. The Midnights took a curtail call as the crowd was very much hot over their victory.


Breif Chuck Taylor Promo. Notes that Dinsmore was not his original opponent (Frankie Kazarian was to be before being injured at a house show) but says either way tonight he'll be the most hated man ever, as he'll tonight scare children, punch the elderly and when he faces Dinsmore, murder a retard.




A decent enough battle here, despite Dinsmore not looking completly up to snuff. Dinsmore attempts an avalanche german suplex but Taylor is able to sneak out of hit and able to snatch up Dinsmore and nail the Awful Waffle for the win. Following the match, the ever arrogant Taylor blew his nose on the fallen Dinsmore as Taylor played to the crowd and then threatened to hit a child.


As Raven and Joey hyped our next contest, a black and grainy video feed cut in, showing mainly static, the same video which had been playing in recent weeks, with audible screaming and the phrase "Soon" being interspliced. We cut back into Joey and Raven's promo, where they hype Calvin Ayre's big announcement. Backstage we go where we see earlier today the Kings Of Wrestling arriving and working out. Hype feud video for our next contest.




The match titled the "Battle For Canadian Supremecy" definetly lived up to it's hype. Steen had consistently gotten the wins over Storm, despite Lance many times out wrestling Steen. Here Steen claimed if he were to win, he would be thusly on refered to as "Canada's Greatest Athlete". The 2 definelty put on a hell of a match, with Steen arguably wrestling the best match of his career. The match ends with Steen locking Storm in a sharpshooter, but Storm getting to the ropes. Steen attempts to pick up Storm, who spins up and nails a superkick. Storm then slowly climbs the top rope for a moonsault, only to be crotched by Steen, who climbs the top rope and nails an unbelievable Avalanche Package Pilerdriver for the win. A groggy Steen celebrates as refrees check on Storm. Steen looks conflicted as he leaves the ring, heppy he wonbut shockingly concerned on the well being on his foe.


Backstage we go where we see a split screen of The Murder City Machine Guns and The United Kingdom training and getting ready for their upcoming battle. Davey Richards promo up next, putting himself over as the best wrestler in eWr and tonight he'll quiet all his critics by taking out a legend to the smarks, but as far as he's concerned a failure of a wrestler. Hype video for our next contest.




Yet another excelent battle here between two rather different styles of combat. The bad blood and lack of respect on Richards' part was rather evident. The match ends with Quack reversing a Richards suplex and locking him in the Lightning Lock. After a brief struggle, Richards makes it to the ropes. Quack raises Richards, who grabs referee Brian Hebner yelling at him, but unbeknost to Hebner, Richards lands a blatant low blow on Quack. Davey quickly turns around and plants Quackenbush with the DR Driver for the victory. Richards snobishly celebrates as Quack rises. Quack, being ever the competetor tells Richards he respects him and puts out his hand. Davey smirks and slaps Quack in the face before rolling out of the ring. Quack is furious as Davey smirks his way backstage.


Backstage yet again we go, where we go to Eddie Kingston arriving at the arena, fists already taped and clearly pissed off. Hype video/promo package aired for our first title match of the night.




A very hot 4 corners battle with 4 incredibly different styles. The match featured alot of the Joey Ryan/Human Tornado feud blurring, but the match turned out to be the creation of a new star in eWr. The man considered to be the underdog in this one, shocked the world as Kenny Omega became the 4th eWr World Hybrid Champion after telegraphing Joey Ryan's Moustache Ride and coming out of nowhere and landing Aoi Shoudou for the upset win. The crowd went completly insane as Omega was in emotional shock as he was awarded the title as Ryan and Aguayo looked on pissed off, but Tornado smiled and raised the hand on the hot youngster.


Promo of Bryan Danielson arriving and training. We now go to a Delirious promo with Josh Matthews. Delirious starts spitting his giberish, but suddenly we are intterupted by the sounds of a fight. It's Eddie Kingston and Necro Butcher and our next battle is apparently underway.




A very stiff and violent fight here starting backstage, going to the parking lot, around the block and through the front doors of the arena before they finally got to the ring. This match saw a range of weapon use, raining from the usual chairs and tables, to the barbaric (barb wire and light tubes) to the plain bizzare (spatchula and XBox360). Both men were busted open early and the blood came out by the buckets. Match ended with Necro nailing a Tigerbomb on Kingston onto 2 chairs. Necro wasn't satisfied and brought in the ring steps and signaled he'd do another onto the steps. However got out and countered with 2 brutal Backfist To The Future before dropping Necro on his head with an ungodly Backdrop Driver onto the steps. Eddie gets the cover and vengence as referees and staff helped the 2 out of the ring.


Raven and Joey hype or next event New Year's Evil live from Los Angeles, CA. Styles then procedes to go over the eWr Tag Title situation and the changes to the title match.




If you like highspots you'll like this one. The match however shockingly started with only 5 teams, with the 6th team has still not shown up. Alot of high spots early on including Up In Smoke's double moonsault off the ladder onto all the other teams, Gran Akuma's super Yoshi Tonic on El Generico off a ladder and Ruckus hitting the Poetic Ruckus off the ladder onto Arrogance. Following a huge cluster**** which takes F.I.S.T, Arrogance and Up In Smoke, and it's now JigNerico and BLK OUT fighting up and then at the top of the ladder. Suddenly, the entire ringside area gets rushed by atleast 30 men wearing black masks and black attire. These people rush the guardrail and run into the ring. These men attack both standing teams, throwing both teams off the ladders. Then two of the men climb the cage and retrive the belts. When this is done, all of these men procede to leave with the titles through the crowd. The entire crowd is in shock with what has happened. Cut to a promo for our next match.


Back from the promo, Joey appologizes for the ending of the last match and promises we'll get down to what's really going on with the tag title situations, ringside we go.




The first time a Hair vs. Mask match in ages on American PPV did not disapoint. A very entertaining bout saw Claudio use his size and the injury to Delirious' knee to his advantage throughout the bout. However, Delirious refused to back down and never stopped battleing against the monster Swiss. Claudio nails Delirious with the Ricola Bomb, which should have ended it. But he raises him up to nail the Match Killer but Delirious telegraphs it and nails a front Russian Leg Sweep. Delirious quickly gets to the top rope and nails Shadows Over Hell and promply locks Claudio in the Cobra Stretch. Claudio attempts to fight out of but eventually falls backwards and Delirious really sinks the hold in, putting Claudio out and saving his own mask. As Delirious celebrates, a barber enters the ring and soon enough, Claudio is bald. After waking up, Claudio sees he is bald and grabs his head and runs to the hills in shame.


Hype video/double backstage promo for our next contest.




This match can already be considered an instant eWr classic. Three amazing falls of excelent tag team action. The first fall was 10 very fast pased action. The first fall ends with Shelley attempting Sliced Bread #2 on Doug Williams but Williams telegraphing it and nailing the Chaos Theory and as this happens Nigel McGuinness blind tags in and nails a lariat on Shelley following Williams hitting the German for the win. However the Machine Guns used their amazing tag team manuevers to take the second fall. After another 10 minutes of action, the Guns floored Nigel with Made In Detroit following Shelley landing a stiff enziguri on Williams putting him to the outside. However the final fall would prove to be the most intense. For nearly 21 minutes of nonstop action, these two teams went back and forth with near falls and amazing action. Williams is able to nail an amazing avalanche German Suplex on Sabin, taking him out. It was now down to the originial members of this feud, Nigel and Shelley. After several rounds of fisticuffs and counters, Nigel attempted a lariat, only to have Shelley kick him away, which allows Nigel to go for the Jawbreaker Lariat but Shelley had it scouted as he then did an amazing Matrix like counter move. Shelley then unleashed a new manuever never before seen kicking Nigel in the gut and goes for a standing Sliced Bread which then goes into a variation of the lungblower, putting both knees into the back of Nigel's head/back. Shelley then goes for the cover and gets it. All 4 men recieve a standing ovation as The Guns celebrate their win.


Promo for New Year's Evil as Raven and Joey are now in the ring and take us to eWr HQ where eWr Owner Calvin Ayre is standing by with his big announcement.




Ayre: Hello fans of eWr, we hope you are enjoying eWr WrestleFest 08. As you all know, we here at eWr pride ourselves on being a company that not only brings you fans the best wrestling in the world, but a company that makes waves. I promised you all a big announcement, but in fact I have three. When I bought eWr, I bought it because I wanted to present something unique in today's world, a wrestling promotion not about old stars, celebrities, storylines and characters, but about why I and many of you fell in love with wrestling, the athlesticism. My goal was to bring the best wrestlers and matches in the world to as big of the population as possible and for the most part we have done this thanks to you great fans. Well, in announcement number one, we can tell you the ranks of eWr will be getting better and more exciting. Because eWr have offically purchased the Ring Of Honor promotion out of Philadelphia. ROH has been one of the most popular promotions since it's opening and has given the world stars like Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, CM Punk and numerous more and gave many of our own eWr stars their starts. We are pleased to welcome ROH into the eWr family and once all the paperwork is done, you can expect more on this. eWr was once seen as nothng more than an independant promotion, but we have since broken through and become a major force in the wrestling world. We were the first non McMahon based wrestling show on Network TV since the days of the AWA on the DuMont Network. However that time came to a close when MyNetwork TV uncerimoniously let us go to cater for the WWE and thusly eWr was off tv. This leads me to announcement number 2, something that has been a long time coming. It is my pleasure to announce that eWr is returning to television as eWr BattleGround will make it's triumphant return the first Thursday in March at 9PM on FX. I thank all of you fans and all involved for making this happen but most of all my final announcment. eWr has been a promotion without a leader for the most part. I maybe owner but I don't nessecarly know all the ins and outs of wrestling. For a while Al Snow served as GM of eWr but as of 2 weeks ago he stepped down, but don't worry he's still with us,. He stepped down as I have found a man who will serve as the international face of eWr, a man who will maintain the ideals and get things done and help this promotion go above and beyond. This man is the new President of Wrestling Operations. Sadly he's not here tonight but he will be starting tonight. Who is it you ask, well I'll let this video introduce him and fans thank you for supporting eWr and we promise the best is yet to come.


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The crowd is absolutly insane as these 3 huge announcements. A huge "FLAIR" chant breaks out as Joey and Raven hype up these announcements massively. We then go backstage where Josh Matthews is standing by with Bryan Danielson. Danielson speaks breifly on the huge announcements and then hypes his upcoming match. He claims Hero had been ducking him since he got to eWr and tonight would be his chance to not only win the eWr World Title back for the fans, but to finally prove that he really is the best in the world. LONG hype video for this massive feud. We see Danielson walking and preparing in the back. Danielson is out first as his music hits.


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt_ro2aerQg&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt_ro2aerQg&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Very big reaction for Danielson. Backstage we go where Chris Hero alongside the KOW's are getting hyped and walking to the entrance way. Josh Matthews goes for a quick word. Hero quickly says tonight Chris Hero proves once again why he's the ONLY World Champion and the real greatest of all time. Out next is the regining new champion, with his relativly recent new theme song.


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXVRlB_As9M&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXVRlB_As9M&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


After the ring announcements and Bryce Remsberg's explination of the rules. The crowd is at a fever pitch as the bell rings and the biggest match in eWr history is underway.




The match started off with alot of the two feeling each other out. However quickly enough the match got heated up as Danielson got a quick advantage over Hero. After several minutes of working over Hero's arm and trying to submit him, Hero changed the pace up by nailing him with a huge Yakuza Kick. Hero now took it to Danielson, working him over with his vicious strikes and several variations of the cravate. Hero used his size advantage and his European style to break Danielson down more and more. However soon enough Danielson came roaring back, taking Hero to the outside, before doing a signature dive into Hero and the first row. Danielson looked to be back in the game. Danielson whipped Hero into the ropes but Hero telegraphed it with a huge roaring elbow, nearly knocking Danielson out and busting him open. Hero could have easily pinned him but now went to work on Dragon, now trying to weaken his head and finally take his foe out once and for all. This 10 minute array of damage offense commensed with Hero nailing the Hero's Welcome for the 1...2....Danielson kicked out to the surprise of the crowd. Hero then nailed Danielson with a Cravate Cutter, into a Cravate Buster, into another Hero's Welcome for the cover. 1...2....Danielson gets his foor on the ropes. Hero is now fuming and signals to the top rope. Hero grabs Danielson for what looks to be a super Hero's Welcome, but Danielson nails Hero with a flurry of elbows and then nails a HUGE top rope back suplex flooring both men. Both men barley beat out the 10 count and a slug fest insues, with Danielson winning and whipping Hero into the ropes and locking him in a crossface chicken wing. After a brief struggle, Hero runs to the turnbuckle and flips it into a pinning combination which Danielson narrowly gets out of. But Danielson quickly locks Hero's arm and begins to berrate him with his Arms Across America elbow strikes. Hero then quickly blocks it and gets out and then nails Dragon with another roaring elbow. After a 2 count, he raises him up one more time and attempts a third elbow, but Danielson ducks under and nails Hero with a bridge Dragon Suplex which Hero barley kicks out of. Danielson is now pumped and goes after Hero with stiff shots. He then locks Hero in a series of 4 cradle pinning combinations all of which Hero barley gets out of. Danielson goes to the top and nails a big diving headbutt but another 2 count. Dragon's now frustrated and calls towards the top rope. He goes for a top rope hurricanrana but Hero blocks it and with Dragon on his shoulders breaks out his old finisher, the Rubix Cube. The crowd is in shock as Dragon is dropped on his head. Hero smirks as he goes for the cover. 1....2.....Danielson gets his foot on the rope one more time. Hero is furious yelling at Bryce Remsberg, threatening to hit him but Bryce shoves him into a school boy from Danielson, which Hero nearly kicks out of. And here comes Danielson, with alot of hot offense. After a huge powerbomb, Danielson then locked Hero in Arms Across America one more time. After nearly 15 hard strikes, Danielson locked Hero in the Cattle Mutulation. The crowd lost it's mind as Hero struggled to get out of it. Hero attempted to grab at the ropes but to no avail. Hero looked to tap but he then somehow rolled into a position where Danielson lost some of his grip which Hero was able then get out of the hold. Danielson then attempted a guiliotene choke, but Hero used his power to drop Dragon's head onto a turnbuckle and then into the mat. With Danielson down, he knew it was his chance, and unleashed the Hangman's Clutch. Hero had it locked in perfectly. Danielson had nowehere to go and the blood loss was gaining. Hero wrenched it in more and more and it looked as though Danielson was on the verge of passing out. Danielson then began to feel the crowd chanting for him and Danielson inched for the ropes, but as Danielson was nearly inches away from the ropes, Hero moved him back to the center of the ring. Danielson was fading yet again but yet again he had a 3rd wind and began to tear at Hero's hands to release the hold, but he then began to nail Hero with elbows and Hero thusly broke the front part of the hold. Hero still had the STF portion of the hold. Danielson and Hero were both on their knees with Hero attempting to reattach the Cravate but Danielson's elbows countered this and after a 5th elbow, Danielson landed a huge snapmare on Hero and then he saw his chance. Danielson locked Hero in an unprecedented 30 Arms Across America elbow strikes and then with Hero seemingly out locked him in the Cattle Mutulation. Hero struggeled to get out of it for nearly 2 minutes. Danielson then raised Hero up again and hit another 5 elbow strikes and locked Hero in the Mutulation again. Hero tried to struggle again but this time to no avail and Hero tapped out as the crowd went absolutly insane. As "The Final Countdown" played, a emotional Danielson grined as he was given his title. Confetti and fireworks fell as the crowd went crazy as Danielson showed off his new title to his adoring fans. As Hero slipped out of the ring, the other Kings Of Wrestling came down to collect their leader, looking on at Danielson in disgust as they helped Hero to the back. Before they went to the back, Hero turned back to look at Dragon, still on the ropes celebrating, and with his face still grimmicing in pain and the look of sadness and frustration in his eyes, shouted "I'll get it back Danielson, don't you worry". Danielson continued to celebrate as Joey Styles closed the pay per view with this line. "2008 is over and with BattleGround on FX, ROH ours, Ric Flair as our president and now Bryan Danielson finally as our World Champion, eWr is stronger than ever."






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From post "WrestleFest 08" edition of Wrestling Observer Live




"...and with the eWr calender year now over, "WrestleFest 08" definitely did not disappoint tonight. Already the rave reviews are coming in for the Chris Hero/Bryan Danielson match as well several other bouts on the card. However the big stories were the 3 big announcements from eWr and bodog owner Calvin Ayre. Firstly was the expected announcement of the eWr purchase of Ring Of Honor, which we reported on earlier this week. The details of the deal have basically been laid out to us. The financial aspect of it has the purchase at upwards of $2 million dollars. The main aspect of the deal is eWr gaining ROH's entire video library including FIP which closed several months, which is most likely to become a key aspect to the rumored "WrestleDemand" network Ayre spoke of at the recent eWr/bodog conference call. "WrestleDemand" as it's been rumored to be called, is currently being pitched to several North American cable outlets, will feature now eWr, CHIKARA, ROH, FIP, UWA Hardcore, IWS, ECWA, PWU, 3PW, MLW and several other matches and programing, basically making it the indy answer to WWE 24/7. As for the talent that is being picked up, we've been told that only a small number of roster members of ROH will be absorbed into eWr. I've been told that all of the current ROH Title holders including World Champ Austin Aries, Tag Champs The Briscoes and TV/Pure Champion Roderick Strong, will most likley stay on, which is surprising considering Strong's history with leaving eWr in the middle of his Hybrid Title run and basically trashing the belt at an ROH show. We can confirm now that Adam Pearce will stay with the NWA promotion, along with Cary Silkin who with Pearce seemingly are making a power play to take over the NWA's leadership from Bob Trobich, but we'll have more on this situation on tomorrow's show where we'll go in depth on the death of ROH. As for how things are played out, we're not really sure, although I've already heard rumors of an invasion angle currently being planned. The second big announcement, which doesn't surprise many is the announcement of Ric Flair joining eWr. However what is surprising is that his deal as president of wrestling operations is not kayfabe and Flair has basically taken a position similar to Jim Ross's in the WWE and rumors have already begun that Flair maybe the new head of the booking team, which is currently Quackenbush, Storm, Snow, Carter and Raven. Since his release from WWE, Ayre publicly courted Flair to come to eWr as a on air authority figure, as TNA and ROH both did the same thing. However, unlike the other 2 promotions, Ayre had the money which Flair needed due to his divorce settlement and had the solid company position which many close to Ric have said he's wanted. We're expecting Flair to make his eWr debut possibly at "New Year's Evil", as Flair's no compete clause will be done within the first week of January and will then participate as a guest at the January New Japan Dome Show. I'm told that a lot of guys only just heard of the Flair announcement tonight and overall it's seen as a very big positive. But what I believe the biggest announcement of the night was the announcement of eWr's television deal with FX. We've been reporting on eWr shopping around itself to several networks for the last several months, with FX included in on this deal. At last check a week ago, we were told that eWr's top choices including FX and WGN were both out and the promotion was going into negotiations with the CW who are still even attempting to get the WWE back to their network. However, on Wednesday as we reported FX and eWr got into serious negotiations and we seemingly thought they were still involved in negotiations. But the deal apparently took place on Friday, with not many on the roster knowing it had happened, where once again it was unveiled at the PPV. Alex (Marvez) has gotten us alot of information on the terms of the agreement. As announced, the show will be on every Thursday at 9PM going head to head with TNA Impact, which could be rather risky, but FX's wider availability and the inclusion of Flair, who apparently is a big reason why the deal got made, makes the schuelding of the show a big potential win for them. The start date is tentatively the first week of March. FX will be supplying eWr with new HD cameras, lighting grids and many other production aspects as well as what is reported as a "big marketing campaign". We've been told that FX is now heavily into eWr as a big part of their network and based off the ratings of "BattleGround" on MyNetwork as a big deal for the network. The contract is for a year with an option at the end of it. There is still talk on whether or not the shows will be live, I'm thinking they will be, but then again you never know. But overall a very very big night for eWr, we're not even mentioning the eWr Tag Title situation which many are already interested in this all black gang angle. Once again, we encourage you to tune in and listen to WO Live tomorrow at 6PM Eastern time at wrestlingobserver.com and on Sirius 186 for more on WrestleFest, the ROH sale, Flair in eWr, eWr on FX and also the other big news this week..."



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We are less than 5 days from the biggest event in eWr history and this Friday on "eWr on Versus", the fallout from "WrestleFest" will be felt across the entire world of eWr.


We have a new eWr World Heavyweight Champion and his name is Bryan Danielson. Danielson ended the 385 day reign of Chris Hero as champion in a match already being called the match of the year of 2008 and the measuring stick for 2009. We will hear from Danielson this week on what it's like solidfying his status as "The Best In The World".


We also learned of three major earth shaking announcements concerning the future of eWr and we will get more information concerning these huge announcements. We'll also be updated on the bizzare situation concerning the eWr World Tag Team Titles.


In this week's main event, we shall see another big case of fallout from "WrestleFest", fans were shocked when the Canadian upstart Kenny Omega shocked the world by winning the eWr World Hybrid title. Omega will have his first title defense, against a man who has been one of his fiercest rivals, "El Perro Del Mal" Perro Aguayo Jr.


We will also see a battle of eWr newcomers, as former WWE star Nick Dinsmore faces a man making his offical eWr debut, the monster from Calgary APOC. All this plus much more this week on "eWr on Versus"


Confirmed Matches

eWr World Hybrid Title: © Kenny Omega vs. Perro Aguayo Jr.

Nick Dinsmore vs. APOC




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