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January 2008 - Monthly report



Your #1 source of information about Canadian wrestling!


January Report by Steven McArthur


Wrestling in Canada

# Two 4C wrestlers made their debuts in CGC as Jacob Jett and Davis Wayne Newton are getting better and bigger. Not much to mention, Jett defeated the rookie Grimm Quibble at Elimination while Newton was confined to dark matchs.


# Speaking of CGC, Title Bout Wrestling was its usual this month with reviews ranging from C- to B- and 0.57 rating on average. Elimination was decent card © that drew a 0.25 buyrate.


# Things were a bit brigher for the Stones as expected, Championship Wrestling manged to get a strong B and excellent A this month with 0.68 average rating. Big City Brawl was very good show (B+) with a decent buyrate of 0.38.


# The highlight of the month is certainly the renewed rivalry between Jeremy Stone and Johnny Bloodstone. They went to the limit in a superb match (A*) two weeks ago on free television then Bloodstone retained his title cleanly at the PPV in another classic (A). Also two weeks ago, on the same episode, RK Hayes and Dan Stone Jr had a suprisingly good match up (B-) too.


# Only one title changed hands this month : Ryan Powell won his second CGC Canadian title by defeating Trent Shaffer.


World News

  • SWF :
    • In addition to some Canadian stars, they stole the former DAVE icon Chris Caufield from USPW and the current CZCW champion, James Prudence.
    • British fans can now see their favotire superstars on Premier-Pay UK TV.


    [*]TCW : A quiet month on auto-pilot.


    [*]USPW :

    • Sam Strong took a serious step in the growth of his company as he signed a first PPV deal. Their big events will be broadcast on U-Demand all over the US.
    • They looked for a big name to replace Caufield and they believe they found their man in national hero and owner of another little promotion, Puerto Rican Power. On a much smaller note, Rodger Dodger also debuted to the delight of his five fans scattered accross his hometown.
    • On the title scene, it's worth noting that our favorite Giant Redwood beat Nicky Champion for the Television title and that the unlikely duo of Jumbo Jackson and Des Davis are the new Tag Team champs.


    [*]Indys :

    • Hot prospect Mainstream Hernandez (FCW) agreed to work a couple of dates with CZCW. We also learned that the national Mexican superstar Mario Heroic (SOTBPW) will work for CZCW.
    • Erik Strong surprisingly won the 3rd annual MAW Rip Chord Invitational. He defeated the Masked Patriot in the final.


    [*]Japan :

    • It's a hot period in Japan as many promotion can produce great shows. In fact, WLW and GCG are now considered Cult companies.
    • Big money is big money, regardless of where you are in the world. The higly praised Samoan Machine was lured away from GCG and INSPIRE by a big lucrative contract with BHOTWG.


    [*]Europe/UK :

    • A fan e-mailed us saying that Kevin Jones now has control of the books in ROF. Thanks Marcel!

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A week after Cage Rage – 4C Training Center


{The creative meeting has been going on for about half an hour now. I pitched my first ideas to the usual suspects Winner, Kingman and Truman. The latter two are rather receptive, but Winner is seems angrier today, something is clearly bothering him. }


Howard : So, that’s how I plan the championship scene for the next few shows. Any objections ?


Winner : I have one. What the hell are you’re gonna do about Larkins ? I don’t fn care about the title, but that dumbass’ name is all over the papers! {as I take a moment to collect my thoughts} Come on! You wanted that fn job, now do something about it ! That juiced bastard… I should have known better and kicked his head off months ago!


Howard : Well… Seeing that Larkins is one half of our tag team champions, we can’t fire him right away. I’m sure we can find a way around and make something good out of it.


Winner : You’re a fn wimp Howard ! You’re way too soft for that job!


Truman : Let’s give the kid a chance Troy, he’s been there only a week and that’s one of a problem we’re facing now.


Winner (storming off the room) : If it bombs, I’ll have the head of fn everyone !


Howard : Geez…


Kingman : It happens, sometimes he leaves like that in the middle of a meeting. Not entirely a bad thing when he’s really angry.


Truman : Don’t worry kid, no one will lose their job over this.


Howard : Troy said he should have seen it coming. You guys had any doubts about Larkins ?


Truman : The only mention we ever heard was by Troy who talked about an anonymous letter warning him about Larkins. Tanya confirmed the existence of the letter, but we never actually saw it.


Kingman : It’s unfortunate Troy’s gone, he would have liked a good news. I talked to Mitch Naess this week, in fact he’s the one who called thinking I had the book now, and he’s offering us a deal.


Howard : What kind of deal ?


Kingman : He’s looking for opportunities for his kids, he wants them to have more in ring time but can’t really put on more shows at the moment. He offered us to send some his young guys over here and we could do the same.


Truman : That’s actually a good idea. We both have some guys who could get more experience.


Kingman : He told me that regardless of our decision, he’s sending us both members of the Ring Generals for the next event to show us he’s not looking to harm us in any means.


Howard : Looks like we have to change some parts of the next show ! I think you can tell Mr Naess we have a deal.


{Truman and Kingman nod approving the decision as the trio begins to talk how they would integrate the Ring Generals in X-Factor. Still, in the back of my mind, I wonder if I didn’t drop the ball by not firing Larkins.}



Thanks for the comments everyone. I'm glad some people are enjoying my little story. For the record, I really didn't fire Larkins after the incident, but lost almost all my starting prestige. I now officially hate Phenomenal E.

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X-Factor 2008 - Preview


On the 4th monday of February, 4C presents.... X-Factor


4C Championship : "The East Side Assassin" Sayeed Ali (ch) vs "White Angel" Frankie Dee

After his victory last month, the champion looked over a battled Jacob Jett and wanted to add a new prize to his collection : Katie Cameron. One man came to her rescue, Frankie Dee. The champion didn't want to get any of Dee at that time, but this month, he can't run away and will have to defend his title against him!


Barry Kingman vs Phenomenal E

Phenomenal E made the headlines last month for all the wrong reasons. Can he turn the situation around and make good fortune out of a match against a former champion ? Coming out of a victory off Davis Wayne Newton, Kingman will certainly look for a decisive victory to put himself back in the title hunt.


Dunberry Excess vs Slim V

Thug Life won an important match at Cage Rage to put them back in contention. This month, Slim V has the opportunity to take on one half of the tag team champions in a single action. It's been more than two years since Dunberry Excess hold single gold, but he had some important victory over that period signaling he can hold his own. Who will come up on top and what effect it will have on the tag team scene ?


Hardcore match for the 4C Hardcore Championship : Brett Fraser (ch) vs TJ Bailey

Coming off a lost, TJ Bailey will look to bounce back, but this is will not be an easy task as Fraser is on a roll and looked deadly in the last few months.


"The Graduate" Chris Flynn vs Cameron Vessey

Do not miss the Canadian debut of the son the legendary Larry Vessey as Cameron Vessey will take on the rookie sensation Chris Flynn!


Thunder & Lightning (Jason Thunder & Lightning Loomas) vs "Representing PSW" The Ring Generals (Marv Statler & Dean Waldorf

A special tag team attraction will round up the card as two young team will square off. On one side, we will have the spectacular and technically sounded Thunder and Lightning; on the other side, two young American wrestlers from the Pittsburgh area with fast hands and ever quicker wrestling minds!


X-Factor 2008 quick pick list :

4C Championship : Sayeed Ali (ch) vs Frankie Dee

Barry Kingman vs Phenomenal E

Dunberry Excess vs Slim V

4C Hardcore : Brett Fraser © vs TJ Bailey

Chris Flynn vs Cameron Vessey

Lightning & Thunder vs The Ring Generals

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4C Championship : Sayeed Ali (ch) vs Frankie Dee

Barry Kingman vs Phenomenal E

Dunberry Excess vs Slim V

4C Hardcore : Brett Fraser (c) vs TJ Bailey

Chris Flynn vs Cameron Vessey

Lightning & Thunder vs The Ring Generals


Never knew Phenomanal E was a doper I actually like him normally. Did BHOTWG prestige drop too?

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Been keeping an eye on the start of this one, and looks promising so far. However was disappointed that Cage Rage, did not feature even one Cage Match, the event name obviously lends itself to be being round at least having it's main event inside a Cage.


4C Championship : Sayeed Ali (ch) vs Frankie Dee


Sayeed Ali's reign of terror ain't coming to an end yet.


Barry Kingman vs Phenomenal E


It's punishment time for Mr Larkins, and that punishment means a losing streak, the losing streak starts here.


Dunberry Excess vs Slim V


Phenomenal Excess will lose the tag gold real soon, but I can't see them losing it to Ali's lackeys, who just flat out suck. So not point of an Ali win.


4C Hardcore : Brett Fraser © vs TJ Bailey


The Hardcore title either needs to be retired or taken in a new direction (i.e less emphasis on brawling, more emphasis on high risk spots), especially with your best hardcore brawler holding the main belt. Fraser will hold this belt for the time being though, before you work out what to do with the hardcore division.


Chris Flynn vs Cameron Vessey


Routine debut win for Vessey


Lightning & Thunder vs The Ring Generals


The Ring Generals are a solid addition to a very weak tag team scene in 4C, and are good enough to be pushed to the top of the division right away.

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4C Championship : Sayeed Ali (ch) vs Frankie Dee

The rhyming match has the Champ keeping the title. Get it? Ali, Dee, alright so it wasn't funny!


Barry Kingman vs Phenomenal E

I don't see E doing anything for awhile.


Dunberry Excess vs Slim V

I like the upset here.


4C Hardcore : Brett Fraser © vs TJ Bailey

The champ continues his role.


Chris Flynn vs Cameron Vessey

Debut win for Vessey


Lightning & Thunder vs The Ring Generals

Not sure if the Ring Generals are just on loan. They might be and you might be looking to put over L&T here.

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Never knew Phenomanal E was a doper I actually like him normally. Did BHOTWG prestige drop too?


They probably did, but I didn't check at that time. Since then, they dropped to Cult making the whole Red Panther incident a lot less important.

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X-Factor 2008



4C presents.... X-Factor

880 people in the St.Michaels Arena, St.Micheals College, Toronto




Lightning & Thunder (Lightning Loomas & Jason Thunder) vs “Representing PSW” The Ring Generals (Marv Statler & Dean Waldorf)


Not many people know the Ring Generals in Toronto, but I think we set the tone by saying they’re from PSW to make our fans expected two rough brawlers. The fans were pleasantly surprised by the general performance of the Generals, they can brawl, but they can also take you to the mat, a style just fitting Lightning & Thunder. A very even match, both teams trading momentum constantly. After 9 minutes of hard fought battle, The Ring Generals connect what’s been known as the Last Battle (Belly to back Suplex and Inverted DDT combo) on Jason Thunder. Waldorf makes the cover as Staler knocks Loomas out of the ring.


Winners by pinfall : The Ring Generals

Rating : E-


{Terry Smith gets in the ring and welcomes everyone once again to X-Factor. He points the crowd to the big screen to watch an interview he realized earlier this month with The Amazing Jacob Jett. The interview has been conducted just outside the spa at the 4C Training Center which means Jett only has towel to cover himself. Yeah ladies, enjoy the view!}


Smith : Ladies and gentlemen, I’m standing by The Amazing Jacob Jett. Jacob, I’ve told the doctors pulled you out of the X-Factor card, is that true ?


Jett : It’s unfortunately true Terry. I’ve been shaken pretty badly by the 187 Crew at Cage Rage. I had to take a week completely off to heal from a mild concussion. I wanted to get revenge at X-Factor, but the doctors convinced the boss it was better for my health to get the month off.


Smith : Are you feeling better at this point ?


Jett : Yeah, I would even say I feel good. In fact, I’ll a make a promise to our fans. I’ll be back at Final Fight in March and I’ll steal the show like I do every time I go in the ring. The 198 crew better be ready, because I’m coming right at back at them and it won’t be pretty.


{As the video ends, Terry Smith is still in the ring with his mic.}


Smith : The Amazing One will indeed be at Final Fight and he will compete in the main to determine a new number contender for the 4C Championship in a Three Way Dance also involving Barry Kingman and The Cannonball Sam Pratt!


{The crowd reacts positively at the announcement but quickly sats down as the theme of the champion erupts in the sound system. Sayeed Ali makes his way to ring, a big grin on his face, the golden belt on his shoulder. He simply steals the mic from Terry Smith and shoves him away.}


Ali (mockingly) : Bra-vo… That was moving… not ! How come when some first class idiot like Jacob Jett gets injured only by his fault he gets a nice video tribute ? Where was my tribute last year when I broke a rib ? Once again, some people are trying to put me down, but I’ve got bad news for you : it won’t happen. I’m the most resilient bitch you’ll find around. Do whatever you want, but you’ll never take the Crew out of the picture. So Jacob Jett, if you want some, just come and get some! I broke you once and I’ll break you again. Just watch what I’ll do to Frankie Dee tonight. He stuck his nose in my business and will get the all the Fury of the Streets on him. Let’s be it a lesson for everyone : mess with the Crew, end up on a stretcher!


{The champion drops the mic and heads to the back with a chorus of boos.}

Rating : D+ for the Jett interview, D- for Ali’s interruption




”The Graduate” Chris Flynn vs Cameron Vessey


We tried to hype Flynn as a good rookie, the first home-trained wrestler we had, it didn’t work in 2007 and still doesn’t in 2008, the crowd really hates him for being very green. It lessens the heat the debuting Vessey can generate regardless of his efforts. It’s not like his not he’s not trying : eye rakes, constant arguing with the ref, cheap shots in the corner, name it, Vessey goes over every heel trick in the book in this one. Not that it was really necessary as he pretty much dominates from bell to bell. A Vessey Driver at the 11th minute is more than enough to get a three count.


Winner by pinfall : Cameron Vessey

Rating : E


{Looks like we’re not done as Vessey asks for a mic.}


Vessey : I hope that’s not all Canada has to offer, because this chump was not even near my league. I’m the son the legendary Larry Vessey and I deserve a better treatment than this. I didn’t come to this ****ty country to waste my time on such pathetic worms like this… what was his name again ?


{Here we have a mix reaction of the crowd. On one side, they do not like where Vessey is going, except in the heel section of course. On the other side, if they couldn’t see Flynn ever again, it would be a pleasure.}


Vessey : Anyway, I’ll give you people another chance to appreciate my talent while you can still afford it. Oh yeah, I’m not going to be wrestling in bingo halls like here for long, I’m destined to far greater things. I’m not all about the hype like this punk Davis Wayne Newton I keep hearing about since I landed in this sorry country as I actually get things done in the ring. So much hype for such a pathetic loser. The more I think about it, the more it fits perfectly this country and…


{A Cola almost hits Vessey in the ring making him stop talking. He drops the mic and goes out the ring to get in the face of the thrower until security forces him to back off.}

Rating : E





Hardcore Match for the 4C Hardcore Championship :

Brett Fraser (ch) vs TJ Bailey


To be fair, TJ Bailey never had a chance in this one. It was job time for him and he bumped like a champion to make Fraser look good. Bailey has some upside in him, but it’s not his time, it’s all about making a credible and menacing champion out of Fraser. A rookie booking mistake here as the match went a bit too long for Fraser, but a decent effort overall. A Double Arm DDT from the ring apron sealed this one at the 14th minute mark.


Fraser was not done after the bell as he piledrived Bailey outside the ring to add some salt on his wounds. Fraser stood there around the guard rail, groaning and getting in the face of the fans, menacing he could eat them all for lunch. The crowd was legitimately scared, except for the heel section who begun a “Fraser eats too much” chant.

Winner and still champion : Brett Fraser

Ratings : E+ for the match, D+ for the angle, thanks for the incredible Menace score Fraser has




Duberry Excess (w/ Phenomenal E) vs Slim V (w/ Hardcore Killah


Both men are accompanied by their tag team partners for this match, not necessarily a bad thing considering the habits of Thug Life. For the first part, the match is pretty even, each respective partners not getting involved in the action. Duberry Excess manages to get around his opponent around the 9th minute mark, out smarting him and taking him the mat where Excess clearly has the advantage. Sensing the momentum switch, Hardcore Killah jumps on the apron and begins insulting Excess. The tactic works as Excess turns to Killah to answer. Killah throws a punch, but Excess dodges and shoves him back to the floor. Killah is visibly angry, but before he could anything, Phenomenal E jumps on him and a brawl erupts. While the referee tries to separate both men and asks for help, Slim V hits Excess with a low blow and follows with the Murder One (Sitout Powerbomb). Like in any other good wrestling shows, the referee gets back in the ring just in time to make the three count.


Winner by pinfall : Slim V

Rating : D-




Barry Kingman vs Phenomenl E (w/ Duberry Excess)


The tag champions stays in the ring area as Phenomenal E’s match is next. Our fans a treated to a good technical bout between these two, but the lack of story hurt the interest. Phenomenal E really picked some good aerial tricks in his last trip in Japan and caught his opponent off guard for the first part of the match. The veteran Kingman didn’t lose his cool and slowly mounted a comeback, grounding Phenomenal E. One slight mistake at the 18th minute gave Kingman all he needed to snap the Black Out on Phenomenal E who quickly taped out.


Winner by submission : Barry Kingman

Rating : D-





4C Championship :

“The East Side Assassin” Sayeed Ali (ch) vs “White Angel” Frankie Dee


Time for the main event ! Before the bell, Ali gets in the challenger face trying to intimidate him, but Dee is not getting any of it. Seeing his tactic fails, Ali slap Dee and challenges to get involve again in his business. The only answer he gets is a roundhouse kick to the head! From this point on, the match goes full speed. There’s no restholds here to slow down, if you want to see that, just watch Title Bout Wrestling every week ! A wicked looking Enzugiri stuns the champion at the 8th minute, but White Angel only gets a two count out of it. The champion regroups at this point and mounts a comeback. He corners Dee and hits him multiple times with fists, shoulder blocks and clotheslines. A Superplex later, Ali covers Dee but only gets a two count. Ali connects a couple of power moves in the next few minutes, but Dee refuses to go down which starts to infuriate the champion. Things only worsen when Dee almost steals the match with a surprise rollup. White Angel jumps on this opportunity and hits the champion with the Shinanju Kick ! As Dee goes to cover the champion, his attention is taken to ringside as Thug Life made their way to the ring. This slight distraction provided enough time to the champion to gather enough strength to kick out at 2 and a half. Dee raises Ali to his feet and launches him into the ropes… wait ! Both member of Thug Life grab Ali’s legs and drag him to the outside as Dee hits the air with a dropkick. White Angel runs to the ropes.. Diving Plancha on the 187 Crew ! A split second before the impact, the champion miraculously dives to his side! White Angle didn’t see it, he gets and celebrates for the crowd only to get hit in the back of the head by a hard Lariat. Ali rolls the challenger in the ring and quickly connects the GBH Driver (Implant DDT) and the rest is academic.


Winner and still champion : Sayeed Ali

Rating : D


{Frankie Dee was courageous to jump on the Crew, but it pissed them off. Thug Life gets in the ring, Hardcore Killah quickly raises Dee and holds him while his partners fist him a bit. A portion of the crowd raises to its feet as Barry Kingman runs to the ring. He’s not alone as the Ring Generals are on his tail ! A brawl erupts between the six men, but after few moments, Kingman clotheslines Hardcore Killah down the ring, Slim V gets thrown out by the Ring Generals while the champion plays possum and simply slides out. Kingman motions the Crew to come back and fight, but they want none of it. The Ring Generals help White Dee to his feet as the 187 Crew returns to the backstage area.}

Ratings : E+ for the attack, E for the rescue


Overall grade = D-

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February 2008 Report



Your #1 source of information about Canadian wrestling!


February Report by Steven McArthur


Wrestling in Canada

# I learned this week the name of the new 4C booker : Nick Howard. Who is this guy ? I really don't know, the rumors talk about a simple fan and accountant who managed to get the job. If it's true, it would explain the lackluster shows we witnessed this month.


# 4C terminated two contracts. Ted Ross will look to relaunch is career... well, is there anywhere else to go when 4C rejects you ? Faith was also deemed expandable.


# Another Canadian wrestler will try to make it in Japan as Shooter Sean Deeley (CGC) will work in the next PGHW tour.


# There's a new champion in CGC as Eddie Chandler defeated Ricky DeColt for his second CGC World title reign.


# Title Bout Wrestling was rather average this month with C grades all over. Ratings are stable around 0.56. Luck of The Draw gathered a decent 0.24 buyrate. Poor people had to watch Ricky DeColt retain his title over Ed Monton in an awful match (D+).


# Ratings are up to 0.78 for Championship Wrestling. Clash Classic was a great event (A) with good 0.38 buyrate. Johnny Bloodstone retained his title over Jeremy Stone (A), but the match of the year really happened on free tv between Bloodstone and Dan Stone Jr (A*).



World News

  • SWF :
    • The American giant is looking to become an International force once again. They signed a PPV deal in Mexico and added a new tv show strangely called Wrestling Clininc on CBA. It quickly paid off as they rose to Global after Nothing to Lose.
    • Following their growth, they called Nevada Nuclear from development and signed a couple of wrestlers : Grandmaster Phunk (NYCW) who will try to make a triumphat return, Jack Griffith and the hot prospect Steven Parker (PSW).
    • Sexual Agression are now two-times champion as they defeated The Amazing Bumfholes for the SWF World Tag Team belts.


    [*]Indys :

    • Ash Campbell (PSW) agreed to work a couple of dates for the SWF's feeder league. I hope he's not really trying to the attention of Eisen, because it can only be bad for him, there is still bad blood between his dad and Eisen.
    • Des Davids (USPW) is looking to work again in the north as he signed with NYCW.
    • Speaking of NYCW, American Machine won his first Tri-State championship by defeating Lee Wright at Fire in the Hole.


    [*]Japan :

    • WLW, INSPIRE and 5SSW all got new TV Shows. It's not like we can catch that here, but it's worth mentionning.
    • Two title changes in WLW as Silver Shark is the new Showstealer champion and Haru Kurofuji won the Streetfighting title.


    [*]Mexico :

    • I almost never write about Mexico, but there's a big news this month. The son of the legendary Luis Montero, Gino Montero, officially entered the business with an enourmous splash : he founded his own promotion, Mexican Hardcore Wrestling (MHW) !
    • Montero did the right by laying down for Magnifico to crown their first ever World Heavyweight champion.


    [*]Retirements :

    • The former 3 times SWF North American champion, Black Hat Bailey annouced his retirment from active competition. He's now looking to work in some backstage capacities in the northern area. From what I've been told, he should make a good road agent. Bailey also won the DAVE Extreme, the SWF tag team and some tag gold in Texas back in the days.
    • Two European performers also hang up their boots as the three times UCR Female champion Alpha Female and the Doc Insane, who won all titles in UCR, called it a career.

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Preview : Final Fight 2008


On the 4th tuesday of March, 4C presents.... FINAL FIGHT !


Three Way Dance for a shot at the 4C Championship : "The Amazing" Jacob Jett vs "Reality Check" Barry Kingman vs "The Cannonball" Sam Pratt

The top three contenders for the 4C Championship will battle for another shot at Sayeed Ali's belt. Jett was put out by the champion two months ago, but will be ready for this fight and will sure be highly motivated; The Cannonball was impressive enough on his debut in January to get this opportunity, but is it too soon for him ? Can Pratt legimately be a top dog in Canada yet ? You can always count on Barry Kingman to deliever when the stakes are high and with his recent troubles with the champion, he surely doesn't want to miss this opportunity! Regardless of the winner, the champion is going to have his hands full at Wrestling Showcase!


"White Angel" Frankie Dee vs Canadian Dragon

These two men will look to bounce back after a loss against quality opposition. White Angel failed to win the 4C championship last month, but a win here can put him back in contention. It goes the other way too as a win for the Dragon would put him back on the champioship radar.


4C Tag Team Championship : Phenomenal Excess (Phenomenal E & Duberry Excess) (ch) vs Thug Life (Hardcore Killah & Slim V)

Thug Life earned this opportunity at Cage Rage by defeating Too Sweet and cemented it last month while Slim V defeated Duberry Excess in single action. The number game clearly paid off at X-Factor, but can the Thugs get the job done on even ground ? There are many naysayers, but you have to be there to find the truth!


K-Squared vs "The Triple Threat" Davis Wayne Newton

It's time for The Triple Threat to build some momentum after getting his mouth shut by Barry Kingman. It's not going to be easy as the party lover K-Squared had a strong debut match two months ago.


Jason Thunder vs "Second Generation Superstar" Cameron Vessey

Cameron Vessey is granting the Canadian audience a second showing of skills this month. He surely wishes for better opposition and he might actually get it for the young technician. Thunder wins some, loses some, but you can rely on him to give his best every night and he can really raise some hell!


Too Hot vs Eric Blackley

These two lost their last match and are looking to turn things around. Blackley is actually looking for some revenge as he was recently beaten by Too Hot's friend, K-Squared. Too Hot hasn't seen much single action lately, but you can never underestimate his experience going against a rookie.


Final Fight 2008 Quick picks :

#1 Contendership : Jacob Jett vs Barry Kingman vs Sam Pratt

Frankie Dee vs Canadian Dragon

4C Tag Team titles : Phenomenal Excess (ch) vs Thug Life

K-Squared vs Davis Wayne Newton

Jason Thunder vs Cameron Vessey

Too Hot vs Eric Blackley


Booker's notes :

I enjoy this game so far and I hope you do, even if it's not really the way you might portray the company. My focus right now is on creating unique characters and I'll admit the storylines are rather simple so far. Let's just say I'm warming up. I don't mind the average grades, it would be fun to grow quickly, but as long as I have fun, it's fine with me. Also, matchs are rated more on popularity which kinda hurts as the promotion pop in Ontario is clearly ahead of the wrestlers.

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#1 Contendership : Jacob Jett vs Barry Kingman vs Sam Pratt

Frankie Dee vs Canadian Dragon

4C Tag Team titles : Phenomenal Excess (ch) vs Thug Life

K-Squared vs Davis Wayne Newton

Jason Thunder vs Cameron Vessey

Too Hot vs Eric Blackley


Its all good so far imho. Just a bit more gimmick matches imho.

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Just to back up what Hyde Hill said, I think it's good so far with the potential to get better, my only real observation (ok criticism) was that the Cage Rage event did not have any cage matches, when the name lends itself to the main event at least being a cage match.


#1 Contendership : Jacob Jett vs Barry Kingman vs Sam Pratt


Too soon for Jett to have another shot ?, and Pratt needs a bit more build.


Frankie Dee vs Canadian Dragon


Can-Drag is mediocre, don't let the cool mask fool you


4C Tag Team titles : Phenomenal Excess (ch) vs Thug Life


Got a feeling you'll put the tag belts on Thug Life, even though they're not all that good, more as punishment for Phenomenal Roidhead, than anything else.


K-Squared vs Davis Wayne Newton


DWN gets on the winning trail


Jason Thunder vs Cameron Vessey


Vessey continues his winning ways in Canada


Too Hot vs Eric Blackley


Too Hot's a bit more establishefd than Blackley

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Just to back up what Hyde Hill said, I think it's good so far with the potential to get better, my only real observation (ok criticism) was that the Cage Rage event did not have any cage matches, when the name lends itself to the main event at least being a cage match.


Noted. I should have gone with a cage match rather than a last man standing. Anyway, the event was bit weird, with no real build, so it's was kinda hard to justify any kind of gimmick match.


As for the gimmick matchs in general, I'm not really a big fan of them. I like to have only a few of them which make them more meaningful in my opinion. There's one down the road rather soon and I'm working on doing a special annual event of Iron Man Challenge.

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One week before Final Fight – Unknown location


{Nick Howard is in a luxury office with dark red velvet walls ornate with paintings from famous painters. He’s sit in the guest seat, an open folder in front of him. Unfortunately, we can’t see who he is talking too as the camera is behind the other person. We only clearly see his white Caucasian hand bouncing on the desk as he talks.}


Mystery Man : Pieces by pieces our plan is moving on. Now that you have the book, don’t do anything fancy, just win their confidence.


Howard : That’s my plan. I’m working on putting better shows, this will win the locker room. With the wrestlers on my side, Winner can yell he wants, he will know better than firing me.


Mystery Man : Good point. Mitch Naess was rather easy to convince to work with us, but it took a bit more time with the old Rip. He finally agreed this week to a working partnership, feel free to use it.


Howard: Great news. I’ll use Vessey to get a few guys to come over here. We’re treating him well, so it shouldn’t be an issue. What about New York ? Stomper is really pissed off ?


Mystery Man : Don’t be soft Nick. In the business, you eventually have to make enemies if you really want to succeed. An iffy relationship with New York was necessary to keep Flash out of the picture.


Howard : A shame, but I understand it’s for the greater good. Any talks in Mexico or do you want me to go through Pratt and Duberry ?


Mystery Man : Use them, but don’t push too hard, I don’t think we necessarily need a lot of Luchadors in the mix.


Howard : Roger that.


Mystery Man: You’ll have a nice surprise at Final Fight. I made a few phone calls to my associates and they all accepted to put a little money to back us up in exchange for exposure.


Howard : Excellent news!


Mystery Man : Do they suspect anything so far ?


Howard : They have no clue. The whole fanboi thing fooled them.


Mystery Man : Good. One last thing : stay away from Tanya, don’t do anything silly that could compromise our plan.


{Howard looked stunned by this last comment, but quickly shakes it off as he leaves the office with his suitcase.}

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<p>Final Fight 2008</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/4C.jpg</span><p>

<span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>4C presents.... Final Fight</strong></span></p><p>

<span style="font-family:'arial black';">974 people in the St.Michaels Arena, St.Micheals College, Toronto</span></p><p> </p><p>


<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Too Hot vs Eric Blackley</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

We send the dynamic Too Hot to get the crowd going from the first bell. It worked for a minute or two, then the crowd returned to its hatred for Blackley. Too Hot is trying his best to get the crowd involved, to get them interested in the match, but it’s simply not working. Eric Blackley gets only minimal offense in this one and he goes down at the 8th minute mark thanks to a Heat Seeking Missile (Missile Dropkick) from Too Hot.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner by pinfall : Too Hot</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating : E-</strong></p><p>

<hR></p><p> </p><p>

{We go to the backstage area as our camera crew just caught The Amazing Jacob Jett arriving at the arena with his girlfriend Katie Cameron. }</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#006400;">Jett : Last month, I made a promise to the fans and here I am : healthy and ready to roll ! Tonight, I have an important match against two very skilled individual, but I thrive for these moments. The higher you set the bar, the more impressed you’re going to be when the Amazing One delivers ! Barry, Sam, I’m sorry, but tonight is not your night. I simply have to win this battle and get back to Ali for MY title ! {Turning his attention to Katie} And baby, I’m doing it for you !</span></p><p> </p><p>

{As Jett and Katie kiss we go back to the ring as we are ready for some action.}</p><p>

<strong>Rating : D+</strong></p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/Jason_Thunder.jpg</span><span>http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/icon_vs.gif</span><span>http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/Cameron_Vessey.jpg</span><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Jason Thunder vs “Second Generation Superstar” Cameron Vessey</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

What was a good match on paper didn’t deliver. Thunder and Vessey don’t mesh very well; maybe Thunder is trying too hard to impress people, maybe Vessey really don’t care about “sub par competition”, we’ll never know. Thunder is holding his ground in the first part of the match with a couple of nice looking suplexes, but the momentum switches side when Vessey pokes him in the eye while the referee was trying to restrict Thunder to fist his opponent in a corner. Vessey then goes on the offensive and doesn’t let Thunder rest for a single second. After a couple near falls, Vessey hits the Vessey Driver to finally win this one against the resilient Thunder.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner by pinfall : Cameron Vessey</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating : E</strong></p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/K-Squared.jpg</span><span>http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/icon_vs.gif</span><span>http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/Davis_Wayne_Newton.jpg</span><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">K-Squared vs “Triple Threat” Davis Wayne Newton</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

If you wonder why I hired K-Squared, this match should show you the answer. This guy has talent. He can give us some good fights in the midcard reliably. Sure, it’s against Newton, but I’m pretty confident about putting him against less skilled wrestlers. It’s a pretty even contest as we told both men to do their best out there. Newton seems to get the upper hand after nice looking Butterfly Suplex, but he only gets a two count. K-Squared surprises him with an Enzuguri, follows with a quick Standing Guillotine Leg Drop, but he only gets two count out of this combo. Slowly, Newton takes the control back and at the 10th minute mark he lays his opponent down with a Gory Bomb. Cameron Vessey chooses this moment to make his presence felt and comes to the ring. As Newton sets up K-Squared for his Fisherman’s Suplex, Vessey starts yelling at him about how he will not this one again and how he is a failure. Nonetheless, Newton hits his trademark move, but as he goes for the cover, Vessey jumps on the apron. Newton stands up and goes to hit Vessey, but the latter simply backs off. A few words are exchanged, Newton turns back his attention to the match only to get nailed by a hard Superkick to the jaw! K-Squared makes the cover and wins this one!</p><p> </p><p>

As K-Squared exits the ring, Vessey comes near a still stunned Newton and badmouths him. We can clearly hear Vessey saying to Newton he told him it would happen. Vessey slaps Newton on the back of the head before going back to the backstage area.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner by pinfall : K-Squared</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating : D for the match, E- for the taunt</strong></p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/4C_Tag.jpg</span><p>


<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">4C Tag Team Championship : </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">

Phenomenal Excess (Duberry Excess & Slim V) (ch) vs Thug Life (Hardcore Killah & Slim V) </span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The people reading the dirt sheets knew the outcome of this match weeks in advance, it was a matter of how the title were going to change hands. The match itself was not great even though it was the best two teams we have to offer mostly because Thug Life are rather limited. Not to mention that Hardcore Killas gets winded down pretty quickly. We saw the usual spots by each team, but in the end, Hardcore Killah nailed Duberry with a vicious chair shot outside the ring while the ref was not looking giving several minutes to his team to work on Phenomenal E. E tried his best, but the number game quickly caught him and he fell victim to the Murder One (Sit-Out Powerbomb) at the 12th minute which was enough to crown new champions. </p><p> </p><p>

{The 4C Champion Sayeed Ali is quick to join his street brothers in the ring to congratulate them. After a few hi-fives, Ali grabs a mic.}</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">Ali : This how you get things done folks. Like it or not, the Crew always deliver. Unfortunately for all the punks in this promotion, their championship hopes just went down the drain. There’s no way in hell either my brother or I will drop our belts soon. You’ll never take them from us; we’ll fight to the last inch of our lives like we always do. And good luck is you want the Hardcore belt, Brett Fraser is one hell of tough son of gun. Pratt, Kingman, Jett, it really doesn’t mean anything to me who wins later tonight. They don’t have what it takes to beat me. I know it, you know it, and they know it. If anything goes wrong, I now have the three times tag champions to back me up because that’s how it works in the streets. United we stand, united we fight… united you’ll go down, whoever you are!</span></p><p> </p><p>

{The champ drops the mic and the 187 Crew struts around the ring a bit before going to the back.}</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winners and new champions : Thug Life</strong></p><p><strong>

Ratings : E+ for the match, D for Ali’s intervention</strong></p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/Frankie_Dee.jpg</span><span>http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/icon_vs.gif</span><span>http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/Canadian_Dragon.jpg</span><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">”White Angel” Frankie Dee vs Canadian Dragon</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Here we go with our second disastrous match of the night. We had plans about putting these two together for a short program since the title scene is busy at the moment, but we’ll have to think otherwise, their momentum is completely off. It’s a fair fight, White Angel’s stunning his opponent with lightning quick kicks while the Dragon goes up the top rope at every opportunity to try the next big move that could get him a three count. At the 16th minute mark, the Dragon dodges a Charging Avalanche and rolls up White Angel on the rebound. Tights are held, feet are on the rope, the referee sees none of it and the Dragon steals this one !</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner by pinfall : Canadian Dragon</strong></p><p><strong>

Rating : E+</strong></p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

{In the backstage area, it looks like Davis Wayne Newton just bumped into Cameron Vessey and he’s shoving him.}</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#00008B;">Newton : What the hell do you want Vessey ? If you’re trying to piss me off, you succeed!</span></p><p> </p><p>

{Vessey shoves Newton back and both men are now nose to nose.}</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">Vessey : You’re an empty bottle junior. The only thing you have is the hype. You’re not better than anyone else and somehow, you get a favored treatment.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#00008B;">Newton : Looks who’s talking ! Mister-I-am-the-son-of-a-legend-hence-I-deserve-it-all !</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>Vessey : The truth hurts Newton, I can see it in your voice. You know it’s true that I am one of the better wrestlers of our generation. I’m a threat to people like you and you fear me. </span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#00008B;">Newton : All right, I can’t hear anymore bull**** coming from an idiot like you. If you’re man enough, you’ll back your words in the ring and we’ll see who the real deal is.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">Vessey : Don’t try me Newton, you’re not in my league, you’ll get hurt.</span> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#00008B;">Newton : Words, is that all you got ? Oh I get it now, you’re just another jealous prick.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">Vessey : I’m not like anyone else, don’t even try to get there with me. </span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#00008B;">Newton {pushing Vessey away} : Then prove it !</span></p><p> </p><p>

{Newton raises his fists in a fighting stance as Vessey laugh at this threat. Vessey waves away Newton and starts to walk away. Newton drops his guard and walks away in the other direction… just to get hit in the back of the head by a vicious Clothesline! Vessey chains it with an Inverted DDT.}</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">Vessey : On second thought… See you in the ring next month, junior! </span></p><p> </p><p>

{Vessey walks away laughing at how easy it was to fool Newton.}</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating : E+</strong></p><p>

<hr></p><p> </p><p>

{Moments before the main event, Terry Smith and the new color commentator Nick Howard are going over the debut of Sam Pratt at Cage Rage while some highlights are shown on the big screen. They insist on how impressive and crisp Pratt looked and really did a good job selling him as top contender. However, they are interrupted by the entrance of Barry Kingman who’s flanked by the Ring Generals. The three men get in the ring and Kingman asks for a mic.}</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#00008B;">Kingman : As you can see, I’ve got backup tonight. These two gentlemen volunteered last month to right the wrongs of the 187 Crew and they are back tonight to make sure neither Ali nor his croonies interfere in the main event tonight. Just like me, Marv and Dean believe everyone should win their fight fair in the ring and you know the Crew, it’s not exactly their thing. They’ve been put on watch and in the next few months month, we’ll make sure nothing the Crew understands they don’t run the show. As for tonight, Jacob, Cannonball… may the better man win!</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating : E for the hype, E- for Kingman’s work time</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/Barry_Kingman.jpg</span><span>http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/icon_vs.gif</span><span>http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/Jacob_Jett.jpg</span><span>http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/icon_vs.gif</span><span>http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/The_Cannonball_Kid.jpg</span><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">#1 Contendership match : </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">

“Reality Check” Barry Kingman (w/ The Ring Generals) vs “The Amazing” Jacob Jett (w/ Katie Cameron) vs “The Cannonball” Sam Pratt</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Here we go with three of the best workers we can offer ! The three men are circling each other waiting for the perfect opportunity. It’s finally The Amazing One who jumps on The Cannonball and from that moment on, it’s non-stop action. There’s no clear alliance in the first part of the match, it’s every man for himself. The Cannonball doesn’t have much room to fly with someone always on his tail, but it gives us the opportunity to see how technically sound he is. Jacob Jett’s tactic is pretty simple, he’s looking for a quick pinfall at every occasion. The veteran Kingman systematically targets the legs of his opponent to reduce their movement, a wise decision according to Terry Smith. </p><p> </p><p>

With still no clear winner at the 20th minute mark after an important amount of near falls, things begin to get out of hand as the three members of the 187 Crew slowly walk to the ring area. Slim V jumps on the ring apron and yells at the referee, but the Ring Generals quickly drag him back to the ground. Hardcore Killah joins the fray and the two teams are now exchanging blows. Meanwhile, Sayeed Ali is blowing kisses to Katie Cameron and he’s getting dangerously close. After putting The Cannonball with a Brainbuster, Jacob Jett sees Ali near his girl and without hesitation dives for him with a Plancha. In the ring, Barry Kingman is slowly standing up with the help of the ropes. He looks around to realize that hell broke loose. Before he could do anything, someone bumps him down, Hardcore Killah threw Dean Waldorf’s back in the ring apron just behind Kingman. Barry gets back up and turns around to see what happened, but all this distraction gave enough time to Pratt to get his senses back… Backbreaker to Knee ! Kingman looks hurt in the middle of the ring, Pratt quickly goes up top… Cannonball Drop (Top Rope Flipping Legdrop)! Pratt orders the referee, who was trying to restore some order outside the ring, to count….1….2….3 ! The Cannonball is your new number contender !</p><p> </p><p>

The match over is but Pratt is looking to make an impression tonight. He climbs to the top turnbuckle… Suicide Dive on both Thug Life and Ring Generals ! The 187 Crew, The Ring Generals, Jacob Jett, Sam Pratt, everyone is brawling around and in the ring ! Security, we need security to stop this ! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner by pinfall : Sam Pratt</strong></p><p><strong>

Ratings : D for the match, E- for the post-match mayhem</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;">Overall Grade : D-</span></p>

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<p>March 2008 Report</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:Impact;"><span style="font-size:14px;">Mapleleaf-wresling-online.com</span></span></p><p>

Your #1 source of information about Canadian wrestling!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;"><em><strong>March Report by Steven McArthur</strong></em></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Wrestling in Canada</span></span></span></p><p>

# Another fellow Canadian is looking to expand his horizons as Jacob Jett (4C) agreed to work in the next WLW tour. </p><p> </p><p>

# Congratulations to Thomas Morgan. He managed to get a decent match out of Mammoth, Ted Brady and Biff in a indenpendant show this month. He can only hope I'm not the only one who noticed it! </p><p> </p><p>

# Championship Wrestling had its up and down this month. Ratings are stable at 0.77, but the action was inconsistent. One week, we saw The Stone Sibilins defeated The McWade in good main event (A) , three weeks later, they make the strange decision of going with Jeremy over Dark Angel (a mere C+) while keeping Bloodstone and Dan Jr in the middle of the card (A grade of course). The Ed Henson Memorial Cup was decent enough (C+) with the usual 0.38 buyrate. Jeremy and Dan Jr defeated the new team of Poison & Hayes to win their third tournament.</p><p> </p><p>

# Title Bout was stable both in quality (average of C) and ratings (0.51), but the action really seemed to pick up on the second of day of the DeColt festival so we can hope for the best.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#00008B;"><span style="font-size:12px;">World News</span></span></span></p><p>

</p><ul><li>SWF : <ul><li>The promotion is really trying to make an impact worldwide. They can now be seen in Japan on PPV-Japan.<br /></li><li>It doesn't happen often, but we witnessed an incredible match (A*) on free tv on this month 3rd Supreme TV when Christian Faith went over Jack Bruce.</li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

[*]TCW : </p><ul><li>John Anderson defeated Wolf Hawkins for the TCW International title. A week later, he dropped the title to Rick Law. <br /></li><li>Harry Allen defeated Sammy Bach for the TCW All-Action title. </li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

[*]USPW : </p><ul><li>Nadia Snow defeated Cheryr Bomb for the USPW Women title. Yep, a quiet month for the old boys!</li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

[*]Indys : </p><ul><li>Carl Batch (FCW) signed with PSW. Speaking of FCW, they didn't renew Hell's Bouncer's contract. I can't say I disagree with this move. Black Hat Bailey (NYCW) also signed as a road agent with PSW.<br /></li><li>On the title scene, Frankie Future defeated The Punisher for the vacant PSW National title while Brendan Idol defeated Cheetah Boy for the vacant RIPW Championship.</li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

[*]Japan : </p><ul><li>After a disastrous first show this year (C !!), BHOTWG felt to Cult and lost their TV coverage. <br /></li><li>Sadaharu Jimbo, wrestling legend and PGHW founder, left the business. Eisaku Hoshino, a famous well travelled freelancer, was somehow named the new owner while many observers thought Jimbo's son would inherite the promotion On his first show, Hoshino shattered his knee and will miss the next 13 months of action. It didn't prevent him to signe several wrestlers to exclusive contracts : Hito Ichihara (INSPIRE), Ken Shimedzu (BHOTWG), Hell Monkey (WLW, BHOTWG).<br /></li><li>WLW are getting ready for their next tour by signing several Gaijins : Brandon Smith (MAW), American Elemental, Henry Lee (WEXXV). GCG mainly looked in Europe and United Kingdom : Adam Matravers, who simply walked from 21CW, Insane Machine (WLW, CZCW), Merle O’Curle (ROF), Frankie Perez (CZCW). WLW also released Dean Daniels.<br /></li><li>Bryan Vessey defeated Yoshimi Mushashibo in the finals of the PGHW Elite Series.<br /></li><li>Kozue Kawashima defeated Tetsunori Yasuda for the PGHW Historical Japan title.</li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

[*]Europe/UK : </p><ul><li>After a series of rather average shows, 21CW felt back to Regional.</li></ul><p></p></li></ul><p></p>

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Preview : Wrestling Showcase 2008


On the 4th tuesday of March, 4C presents.... Wrestling Showcase !


4C Championship Match : "The East Side Assassin" Sayeed Ali (ch) vs "The Cannonball" Sam Pratt

Sam Pratt won a number one contendership match last month, but maybe not in the way he wanted. The 187 Crew got involved in the match and chaos followed. Was the champion really trying to dodge Jacob Jett and Barry Kingman ? Or maybe it was only the usual chaos by the Crew, who knows ? In only his third match in Canada, Sam Pratt is giving one hell of an opportunity, but it's gonna a uphill battle against a cunning champion... and maybe his associates! Be there to find out if the East Side Assassin wisely choosed the right opponenent!


Special Tag Team Attraction : "Reality Check" Barry Kingman & K-Squared vs "The Amazing" Jacob Jett & Canadian Crusher

Following their lost at Final Fight, Kingman and Jett are looking to bounce back, but one of them won't be luck as they are on opposite team in this Special Attraction! Kingman will be teaming with the undefeated K-Squared while Jett will have the raw power of the Crusher on his side! No title, nor a special prize is at stake here, only each participant personnal honor!


"White Angel" Frankie Dee vs Lightning Lomas

White was robbed of a victory last month, can he put that back and win this one ? Lomas didn't have any recent single success lately, but he's always a tough customer, so it will be interesting to see if he can rise to the occasion. A win here for Lomas would really put him in the spotlight.


"Second Generation Superstar" Cameron Vessey vs "Triple Threat" Davis Wayne Newton

Finally these two will meet face to face in the ring ! Since his debut, Vessey has been ranting continuously about how fake Newton is and how he is the next big thing in wrestling. Well it's time for him to back his words! Newton has been in a slump lately, but he'll be looking for revenge after Vessey cheaply humiliated him last month.


Hardcore match for the 4C Hardcore Championship : Brett Fraser (ch) vs "The Graduate" Chris Flynn

The Graduate will get the first gold opportunity of his short career and it's not going to be an easy one! Fraser has been a dominant champion so far and he'll be looking to extend his reign of terror.


The Ring Generals (Marv Statler & Dean Waldorf) vs Too Sweet (Too Hot & TJ Bailey)

To round up the night, do not miss some great tag team action as Barry Kingman's new associates, the Ring Generals, will take on the dynamic duo of Too Sweet!


Wrestling Showcase 2008 Quick Pick list :


4C Championship : Sayeed Ali (ch) vs Sam Pratt

Barry Kingman & K-Squared vs Jacob Jett & Canadian Crusher

Frankie Dee vs Lightning Lomas

Cameron Vessey vs Davis Wayne Newton

4C Hardcore Title : Brett Fraser (ch) vs Chris Flynn

The Ring Generals vs Too Sweet

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4C Championship : Sayeed Ali (ch) vs Sam Pratt


Just don't see Pratt at this moment in time being the one to end Ali's reign as champion


Barry Kingman & K-Squared vs Jacob Jett & Canadian Crusher


I'm afraid to say but I think the involvement of Crusher will probably bring the rating of this match down. Kingman and Squared are the better overall team, so in theory they should have the edge.


Frankie Dee vs Lightning Lomas


Dee gets back on track with a win


Cameron Vessey vs Davis Wayne Newton


Cheap win for Vessey to keep this feud between the two highly touted up and coming talents going a little longer.


4C Hardcore Title : Brett Fraser (ch) vs Chris Flynn


Flynn isn't anywhere near hardcore enough to take this title away from Fraser.


The Ring Generals vs Too Sweet


As I said in an earlier round of predictions, the Generals can quickly become a force in what is a weak tag division.

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<p>4C Championship : <strong>Sayeed Ali (ch)</strong> vs Sam Pratt</p><p>

<strong>Barry Kingman & K-Squared </strong>vs Jacob Jett & Canadian Crusher</p><p>

<strong>Frankie Dee</strong> vs Lightning Lomas</p><p>

Cameron Vessey vs <strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong></p><p>

4C Hardcore Title : <strong>Brett Fraser (ch)</strong> vs Chris Flynn</p><p>

<strong>The Ring Generals </strong>vs Too Sweet</p>

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Wrestling Showcase 2008



4C presents.... Wrestling Showcase

1000 people in the St.Michaels Arena, St.Micheals College, Toronto



The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) vs Too Sweet (Too Hot & TJ Bailey)


Formulistic tag match to launch the action tonight. Too Sweet get the crowd going with their energy and their flashy attacks while The Generals bring a more brutal side to the encounter. Our fans have yet to fully rally behind the Generals, but they are certainly making a good impression in the ring. A nice back and forth match, but in the end, TJ Bailey tried to impress the crowd one too many time and gets caught mid-dive from the turnbuckle by an impressive Spear by Waldorf who quickly tags his partner in and one Last Battle (Belly to back Suplex and Inverted DDT combo) later, Bailey is laying flat on his back for the three count. Too Hot tried to save his partner, but was met by Waldorf who knocked him off the ring.


Winners by pinfall : The Ring Generals

Rating : E





Hardcore Match for the 4C Hardcore Championship :

Brett Fraser (ch) vs “The Graduate” Chris Flynn


After a decent opener, the crowd turns on us when they see Chris Flynn hit the ring. Someday, this guy will be appreciated. Well, I hope so ! For the moment, The Graduate is very green and made several mistakes against a very dangerous opponent. Fraser simply manhandled Flynn from to bell to bell without fearing for his title for a single action. The match went a bit too long for its purpose and for Fraser’s stamina, but at least, we gave the fan a nice finish when Fraser connected his Double Arm DDT on the announcers table.


{The champion is not completely done as he grabs Terry Smith by the throat and drags him near the ring. It looks like Fraser is going to punch Smith in the face, but he simply takes his headset off and pushes him}


Fraser : I’m tired of wasting my time here. I better get some real competition soon or I’m gonna be really mad of butchering all these innocents. For sure, you don’t want to get me mad…


{Fraser throws the headset back at Smith who nearly wet his pants. The champion grabs his belt and heads to the back,}


Winner and still champion : Brett Fraser

Ratings : E+ for the match, D- for the angle



{DVD exclusive footage : a brief video of the debut Cameron Vessey is shown as well as parts of his verbal attacks on Davis Wayne Newton and their entire backstage confrontation of last month at Final Fight.}

Rating : F+



”The Triple Threat” Davis Wayne Newton vs “Second Generation Superstar” Cameron Vessey


Newton is on the offensive from the early seconds of the match. Vessey mainly taunts him for the first few minutes, hitting a single move at the time and bad mouthing Newton at every occasion, dodging the impending attacks mockingly. Newton doesn’t lose his cool though, he has a point to prove and he’s dedicated to his task. Eventually, Vessey feels he is going to lose the match and becomes a little more serious and focused which can only mean one thing : each time the referee turns his attention, Vessey pulls a trick from the cheating book. At one point, Newton manages to hold his opponent to the mat long enough to strap the STF, but Vessey is quick to grab the referee’s foot. The referee moves away even faster, but the distraction is enough for Vessey to put his thumb in the eye of Newton and he lets loose. Vessey quickly rolls up Newton…1…2…he’s holding the tights and the referee sees nothing of it… 3!


{Vessey rolls out of the ring, leaving a furious Newton to complain at the referee. Vessey grabs a mic and slowly backs down the aisle while talking.}


Vessey : Stop crying you big baby ! I told you I was going to win the match easily and that’s just what I did. You’re just a fluke and you can’t prove me wrong.


Winner by pinfall : Cameron Vessey

Ratings : D- for the match, E+ for the taunt




”White Angel” Frankie Dee vs Lightning Lomas


A disappointing effort. I thought White Angel could carry Lomas to a good match as their styles match, but maybe I’m overestimating Frankie. It was a fairly competitive match, but in the end, White Angel’s experience prevailed and he capitalized on a rookie mistake by Lomas to hit him with the Shinanju Kick to get the three count. After the match, White Angel shakes Lomas’ hand and presents him to the crowd, a nice touch to show Dee’s sportsmanship.


Winner by pinfall : Frankie Dee

Ratings : E for the match, F+ for the handshake.




”Reality Check” Barry Kingman & K-Squared vs “The Amazing” Jacob Jett (w/ Katie Cameron) & Canadian Crusher


We completely lost the crowd the first moment they saw Canadian Crusher. Their hatred for this guy is beyond limits regardless of all the talent also involved in the match and regardless of how little in ring time Crusher got. Kingman, KS and Jett did their best, hit all their big moves, and tried to raise the roof, but to no avail. It was a decent tag effort mostly, but Crusher really sunk the match. Crusher taped out in the Black Out at the 16th minute and Jett didn’t even try to rescue him to make sure we were put out of our misery.


Winners by pinfall : Kingman & K-Squared

Rating : E+





4C Championship :

“The East Side Assassin” Sayeed Ali (ch) vs “The Cannonball” Sam Pratt


Those who left the building early after some crappy matches missed a good main event that basically saved the show. Our champion really can work a decent match with anyone regardless of their wrestling style. The Cannonball was equal to himself, trying to unbalance the champion with some quick and witty moves. He even hit the Cannonball Drop (Top Rope Flipping Legdrop) at the 15th minute mark but Ali raised miraculously his shoulder at the two count! Sensing the urgency, Pratt went to the top for another Cannonball Drop but the champion rolled out of the ring. Pratt tried to follow with a quick plancha, but Ali dodged it and Pratt hit head first the guard rail ! Ali raised Pratt to his feet, punched him a few times while dragging him near the ring steps…. Oh my gawd! GBH Driver (Implant DDT) on the ring steps! It was more than enough for Ali to get a three count.


Winner and still champion : Sayeed Ali

Rating : D


{Ali doesn’t wait for the referee to raise his arm and grabs his belt. He climbs one turnbuckle and motions to the crowd that he is still the champion and how he’s better than them. The champion is suddenly interrupted by The Amazing One and Katie Cameron.}


Jett : Hey Ali ! You owe me one dude! You never beat me fair and square for this title, you always had to rely on your buddies to steal the victory. How about you put the belt on the line one more time next month at No Limits ? How about a steel cage to make sure the Crew doesn’t get involved ?


{Before the champion can answer, Barry Kingman comes from the back with a mic of his own.}


Kingman : With all due respect Jacob, you had your chance and you failed. It’s time for others to put the belt back around a legitimate waist. Ali, I don’t need steel cage to beat you. I know the Ring Generals can take good care of the Crew. At No Limits, I’m going to make you tap out ! When it’s all said and done, you’ll be asking for mercy![/font]


Ali : That’s some big words from two losers… If I remember correctly, you two lost a contendership match last month {points to a still shaky Pratt outside the ring} against this guy. Its simple logic, I beat Pratt who beat you last month… you clearly don’t deserve a title shot! Get lost !


Kingman : You’re just afraid of us, Ali. We’re proposing two solutions to put the Crew out of the picture and you know you can’t beat us without them. You…


Jett : What it’s going to take Ali ? Do I really need to go down there and knock the light of you ?


{Jett drops his mic and begins to walk down the aisle. Katie is not so sure about this tactic and tries to stop him.}


Ali : You should really listen to your girl Jett. She has more brains than you and {wetting his lips} she obviously has more goods than you !


{Jett is furious and rushes to the ring! Before he could do any damage the tag team champions are hitting the ring too coming from the crowd ! Kingman motions to the back and jumps in the fray. It’s still three on two putting Kingman and Jett in a rough situation until the Ring Generals charges the ring too. Meanwhile, Pratt can barely stand up but still rolls in the ring. He doesn’t play a big part of it, but the ring is quickly cleared of the three members of the Crew.}


Ratings : D- for the challenges, D- for the refusal turned into a brawl.


Overall Grade : D-

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April 2008 news report



Your #1 source of information about Canadian wrestling!


April Report by Steven McArthur


Wrestling in Canada

# Two earth shattering news this month as both Sean McFly and Johnny Bloodstone left NOTBPW when their contracts expired. Both men are looking for new opportunities and it has been said there's no bad blood in both cases. Bloodstone did the ring by dropping the Canadian title to Jeremy Stone in his last show, putting what is an early MOTY candidate (A*).


# Hardcore Killah and Andry Gordy signed a 9 month extension with 4C.


# The former masked Canadian Superstar, Jackson Andrews, announced this month that he’s retiring compltely from wrestling to really enjoy his life. Jackson is two times CWF National champion, a three times AAFW champion and a one time TWL champion.


# Grace Harper defeated Melody Cuthill to regain her Women’s title.


# This month Canadian Independent show star goes to Ted Brady who took Mammoth to a somewhat decent match.


# Title Bout is holding its ground both wrestling-wise, but the ratings are down a couple hundredth of points this month. Championship Wrestling is still a very strong show and evere new PPV sets a new buyrate records. One has to wonder though how the departure of McFly and Bloodstone will affect the qualities of the next shows, specially since Dark Angel is having an horrible year as he can't get more than a C+ in every main event he's involved in.


World News

  • SWF :
    • A rather quiet month for them. All the big news came from the competition.


    [*]TCW :

    • It's getting really serious in America as TCW climbed another step and became an International promotion.
    • Following their growth, they signed a couple of wrestlers Mikey James (CZCW), Puerto Rican Power (USPW, FCW), Shawn Gonzalez (FCW), Shane Sneer (USPW), Des Davids (USPW, NYCW), Freddie Datsun (NYCW) and Queen Emily. It is understood that PRP, Gonzalez and Sneer contracts are non-exclusive so they can all continue to work for their respective promotions in the creative department.
    • On the other hand, Steve Gumble was released.


    [*]USPW :

    • Sam Strong and Shane Sneer tried one last move to keep Datsun with the company by giving him a TV title run, but it was too late.
    • Demon Anger's contract was not renewed and one rare move from USPW, they replaced him by Primus Allen.


    [*]Indys :

    • Mario Heroic (SOTBPW, CZCW) really wants to succeed in the US and added RIPW to his schedule. Maybe, we’ll see a good match this year in Rhode Island…
    • Mainstream Hernandez (FCW, CZCW) also added RIPW to his schedule.


    [*]Japan :

    • Seiji Jimbo is still a bit sore that his dad didn’t give him the control of PGHW and signed a development deal with the ennemy, BHOTWG ! Jimbo spent only one week with Hinote before being called up to the main roster.
    • The Great Hisato defeated Emerald Angel for his second World Level Universal title.
    • Optimus won his 9th Burning Junior Championship by defeating Sensational Dragon.
    • Koji Kojima won back his World Level Show Stealer title from Silver Shark.
    • A suprising retirement as the Lord of Strong Style Eisaku Kunomau hang up his boots. He's still healthy and wasn't showing any sign of slowing down, but it has been said he lost the passion to continue wrestling nights in and nights out.

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