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4C : More than the Canadian 3rd option

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Those are PPA contracts. Eisen didn't sign a single developmental contract so far. I tried to stay true to the original roster at first, just to see what I could get out of it, but I'll bring more new guys in the next few months. I even have a booking commitee segment to justify it ;) Also, eventually, I'll get better grade and begin to get on tour a bit, probably like Tigerkinney is doing (two shows each month).
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Early May – 4C Training Center


{We join Nick Howard, Troy Winner and Grant Truman in one of the booking meeting of this month. Barry Kingman is noticeably absent this time around.}


Winner : Grant, tell me again why we hired this kid ?


Truman : We ran some of his ideas without telling you, they went well and we made the deal official.


Winner : What did I say then ?


Truman : That he wouldn’t get a second chance, it’s make or break for him.


Winner : Then why the f*** I’m still keeping him around ? Our last shows were a fn disaster !


Truman : Hold on Troy! It wasn’t so bad. We’re selling out St.Michaels each month, it can’t be so bad.


Howard : I’m there Troy, so stop blaming Grant! If you have something to say to me, say it to my face!


Winner : Damn right I’ll say it to your face, kid! Get your fn things straight or I’ll fire your ass! And probably Grant too for making us look like fools!


Truman {fisting the desk}: Enough of this !


Howard : What do you want more ? We’re making money, we’re selling out the building, people are interested in our stories…


Winner : I want to fn make DeColt shakes in his boots! I want to fn put Stone out of business!


Howard : We all want Troy, but it aint gonna happen in only a few months.


Truman : The kid is right. We have to climb each step one by one.


Winner : I want fn results !


Howard : But we’re getting some ! We’re building a loyal fan base at the moment, people we can always rely on in our hometown. We’re building a reputation for our workers and when it’s done, we’re going on start touring around the country.


Winner : You almost sound like you have a plan…


Howard : I do have one, but you’re too busy yelling to listen to me!


Winner : I’m not fn yelling !


Truman {trying to calm the situation} : So what’s your plan Nick ?


Howard : Glad someone cares… We need to make a few adjustments. One, we need to polish the overall product. I think we’re going in too many directions. We’re showing a more serious and realistic side since January, let’s keep going in that direction. If people want to see people goofing around, they’ll watch Title Bout.


Winner : Don’t ever tell people to fn do that !


Howard : …sigh….


Truman : Not a bad idea. So I guess we’ll drop the Party Animals.


Howard : They are talented, we can still use them, but they’ll probably be the only comedy aspect in our shows. Second point : the fans are right, some young wrestlers are just not ready. Flynn, Blackley, Crusher, they are way too green. Even putting one of them with Barry and Jett resulted in a disaster. If we want to grow, we’ll have to replace them.


Winner : Make sure it doesn’t cost me a dime.


Howard : It won’t cost a thing, we’re still going to make some profit. We’ll gradually phase out these three until they improve. If they don’t, it will back to the indys for them. Here’s a list of a couple of people I’m trying to get here…


{That’s enough of it! I’m not going to spoil any newcomers !}


OOC : Truth to be told, I adjusted the product before Wrestling Showcase, but it was more fitting in the story right now. I dropped Comedy a notch since I'm not going that way and 4C products lacks focus. It had the side effect of chaning how matches are rated now. It's now equally on popularity and performance.

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Preview : No Limits 2008


On the 4th tuesday of May , 4C presents.... No Limits !


"The Cannonball" Sam Pratt vs "White Angel" Frankie Dee

This month main event will feature the first ever encounter betwee Frankie Dee and Sam Pratt! The Cannonball is coming off his first lost in Canada against our champion and he will surely look to get back on a winning streak. Meanwhile, White Angel is having ups and downs this year, one has to wonder in what state of mind he's now. A win here for both men would surely secure their spot in the title hunt.


Special Tag Team Attraction : "The Amazing" Jacob Jett (w/Katie Cameron) & "Reality Check" Barry Kingman vs "The East Side Assassin" Sayeed Ali & the partner of his choice

The powers that be heard the plea of Jett and Kingman, but also took into consideration the refusal of Ali. They came up with this special match : Jacob Jett and Barry Kingman will team up against Sayeed Ali and a partner of choice and if Jett or Kingman makes the pinfall or submission to win the match, they will earn a championship match at Best of the Bests! Howerver, if Ali and his partner win, neither Jett nor Kingman will get a title in 2008 as long as Ali is the champion ! A huge risk for Jett and Kingman, but the reward is really worth it !


"Triple Threat" Davis Wayne Newton vs Warren Technique

The former two times 4C champion Warren Technique is making his return to the company ! Technique hasn't seen much action in the last year, but what we've seen in the training room, he looks in great shape. His first match won't be an easy one though, he has the Triple Threat in his way.


4C Tag Team Championship : Thug Life (Slim V & Hardcore Killah) (ch) vs Phenomenal Excess (Phenomenal E & Duberry Excess)

The former champions are exercising their rematch clause this month. At Final Fight two months ago, Thug Life did what they do best : cheat and bully their way to the titles. With this knowledge in mind, can Phenomenal Excess regain their titles ?


Dean Waldorf (w/Marv Statler) vs Joss Thompson

Little is known about the debuting Thompson. We know he's rich and that he bought his spot in 4C, but that's about it. It should be interesting to see what kind of wrestler he is while going against one half of the Ring Generals, Dean Waldorf, in his first single action in Canada.


TJ Bailey vs Eric Blackley


Quick pick chart :

Sam Pratt vs Frankie Dee

Jett & Kingman vs Sayeed Ali & a partner of his choice

Davis Wayne Newton vs Warren Technique

4C Tag Titles : Thug Life (ch) vs Phenomenal Excess

Dean Waldorf vs Joss Thompson

TJ Bailey vs Eric Blackley

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Sam Pratt vs Frankie Dee

Jett & Kingman vs Sayeed Ali & a partner of his choice

Davis Wayne Newton vs Warren Technique

4C Tag Titles : Thug Life (ch) vs Phenomenal Excess

Dean Waldorf vs Joss Thompson

TJ Bailey vs Eric Blackley


Mark out for technique and expect a CV run in. Also like Thompson. Good signings so far.

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Sam Pratt vs Frankie Dee


Pratt was challenging for the title last month, so he should get the win


Jett & Kingman vs Sayeed Ali & a partner of his choice


I can't see two of your top challengers not being able to challenge for the 4C Championship, unless you have an influx of main event level talent, and even then you would need time bedding those in.


Davis Wayne Newton vs Warren Technique


Can't help thinking that Vessey will get involved and cost DWN the match. I hope that Newton gets a push eventually because in terms of overall talent he's actually better than everyone else on the 4C roster and that you're only doing this losing streak angle to keep him 'humble'.


4C Tag Titles : Thug Life (ch) vs Phenomenal Excess


Wouldn't be much of a punishment for Ed if the former champs won the belts back straight away.


Dean Waldorf vs Joss Thompson


Thompson to get a debut victory.


TJ Bailey vs Eric Blackley


Bailey seems a little bit more established

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No Limits 2008



4C presents.... No Limits

1000 people in the St.Michaels Arena, St.Micheals College, Toronto



TJ Bailey vs Eric Blackley


Not much to say here. Bailey tried to get the crowd going, but Blackley is so horrible it didn’t work. On the positive side of things, we found out that these two have great chemistry which as useful as knowing that Troy Winner loves to eat Lucky Charms before going to bed. Oh wait, that could be useful… Anyway, Bailey won the match with a nice looking Moonsault in 8 min.


Winner by pinfall : TJ Bailey

Rating : E-, yes even with great chemistry



{Dean Waldorf makes his way to the ring with his partner Statler. Waldorf stretches a bit while waiting for his opponent. Thompson struts down the aisle wearing a black suit and sporting sunglasses. He grabs a mic before climbing in the ring.}


Joss Thompson : Good evening people. For those who can’t read the program, what do I say, the dirty sheet they gave you at the entrance, my name is Joss Thompson. The less drunk of you might have noticed that I’m not wearing regular wrestling gear. Why ? Because I can afford a nicely cut and expensive suit like this unlike my opponent tonight and certainly unlike you. You see, I made a ton of money in the last few years in United Kingdom and I intend to make good use of it here in Canada. Since there’s not much to see or to do in this poor country, I mean, really, you people are paying to watch the snow melt or what ? Anyway, like I was saying, the only remotely interesting to spend my money around here is in wrestling and that’s where it gets interesting for you Dean. {Thompson reaches for hefty sum in his pocket.} You see this Dean ? Yeah, I can see in your eyes you haven’t seen this kind of money in a long time… Good news for you, it could be yours ! All you have to do is a simple task, when this gentleman here rings the bell, you simply lay down. I get the three count I deserve and you can spend the rest of the night... uhm… whatever they do with beavers and moose, I don’t really want to know. So Dean, what do you say ?


{Thompson hands over the mic do Waldorf. Dean takes a moment to talk with his partner, raises his mic a couple of times just to listen to the crowd who unfortunately is rather dead. Finally, Waldorf pushes the mic hard on Thompson’s chest and levels him with a Clothesline! The referee rings the bell, looks like we have our match!}



Dean Waldorf (w/ Marv Statler) vs Joss Thompson


The early part of the match was all about Waldorf tossing Thompson around until Thompson catch a break with a series of European Uppercut. Thompson threw his jacket out of the ring and went to work. A decent bout overall, both men can wrestle, but the crowd didn’t care about these lesser known wrestlers. Thompson missed a Running Corner Clothesline online to bounce back right into the Waldorf Salad Toss (Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex). Waldorf won his first single match in Canada.


Winner by pinfall : Dean Waldorf

Ratings : E for the pre-match part, F+ for the match as the crowd was against a match between two jobbers.





4C Tag Team Championship :

Thug Life (Hardcore Killah & Slim V) (ch) vs Phenomenal Excess (Duberry Excess & Phenomenal E)


Phenomenal E suffered from jet lag in the early minutes of the match, his timing was all over the place, not a good thing against two rough individuals. Larkins turned this in playing the face in peril, a classic scenario that suits well the limited offense of the champions. When Excess finally tagged in, the pace of the match fasten and the challengers looked they were going to take their belts back a few times until Slim V brutally knocked Excess off his boots with a thundering Powerbomb to the Corner. The champions slowed the pace once again up to the 11th minute when Hardcore Killah stunned Phenomenal E with the HardcoreLine (Running Short Arm Lariat) and got the three count while his partner took care of Excess.


Winners and still champions : Thug Life

Rating : E+



{DVD Exclusive! A short video tribute is shown featuring the first stay of Warren Technique in 4C highlighted by his two 4C championships. Also a nice way to see once again some faces that are no longer with us.}

Rating : E+



Warren Technique vs “Triple Threat” Davis Wayne Newton


We were not lying : Technique is still in great shape and looked crisp for his return. I guess Newton was also a good first opponent. They had a very competitive match, a couple of near falls early followed by a nice technical display. Maybe it was rust, but Technique got distracted for a split second around the 10th minute mark and Newton took control of the match for good, ending it a minute later with his patented Fisherman’s Suplex.


{After the bell, Davis Newton quickly grabbed a mic.}


Newton : Hey Vessey, I know you’re listening back there. You screwed me last month, you’re the only one fool enough to believe you deserved that win. Next month at Best of the Bests, how about you get back in the ring with me and I’ll show who’s really the man ?


{Newton lowers his mic and waits for an answer. A few minutes later and Vessey is still a no-show.}


Newton : Fine, Vessey. If you don’t want to play by the rules, I know what I have to do next…


{Newton drops the mic and heads to the back leaving everyone to wonder what Vessey is up at this moment.}

Ratings : D- for the match, E+ for the unanswered challenge



{The Amazing Jacob Jett makes his way to the ring accompanied by his girlfriend, Katie Cameron. He is soon joined Barry Kingman. A few minutes later, the 4C champion Sayeed Ali walks down the aisle, mic in hand, and stops near the ring.}


Sayeed Ali : I don’t know what you two did to get this match, but I swear you’re not going to walk pass me. I found the perfect partner, a man with a mean streak who’s eager to trump you into the ground. {pointing to his golden}. Look closely at this baby, it’s the last time you get near of it ! I give you my partner for the night… Brett Fraser!


{The hardcore champion makes his way to the ring and he doesn’t even look at Ali. Fraser slides into the ring and get straight in the face of Kingman.}

Rating : D-



”The Amazing” Jacob Jett (w/Katie Cameron) & “Reality Check” Barry Kingman vs “The East Side Assassin” Sayeed Ali & Brett Fraser


Fraser looked on a mission, intense as ever, exactly as Ali hoped for. Ali was more than pleased to let him do most of the work while he was constantly taunting his opponents. Kingman and Jacob worked rather well as a unit, but you could clearly see that both men wanted to stole the show and get a quick pinfall. At the 12th minute mark, Ali got overconfident and turned his attention over Katie Cameron. He stalked her making obscene gestures.. only to get knocked down by a Suicide Dive from Jett. While Jett and Ali brawled to the outside, Kingman sledded behind Fraser ducking Suplex and hit three German Suplex of his own. Kingman then hit the Reality Check (Falcon Arrow) and got a three count, Ali being too busy to save his partner.


Winner by pinfall and new #1 contender : Barry Kingman


{Hearing the bell, Sayeed Ali stopped for a moment to realize he just screwed himself. The distraction was enough for Jett to shove him over the barricade with a Clothesline and get away with his girlfriend. Jett was visibly upset, but tried to hide it from Katie. The champion grabs his golden, but Kingman was waiting for him in the ring.]


Kingman : Hey Ali, don’t even think of getting out of this easily. Knowing how well you like to bully your way into your matches, I got an insurance policy. I went to the executive committee and they agreed to this. {Kingman throws a piece of paper at Ali.} As you’ll see, if you or any of your buddies try to injure me before our match, you’ll get strip of the title. Good luck Ali, that’s all you have left !


{The champion quickly looks at the piece of paper and trashes it away angrily. Ali shoves the monitors down the announcing table before going to the back. Kingman follows a few moments later and there’s only Fraser left in the ring when a young lady asks for attention in the aisle.}




Young Lady : Brett Fraser ! You might not know me, but to the people in the Carolinas, I’m known as Kristen Pearce. I’ve watched you over the last few months and I understand you. You need more competition. Next month, at Best of the Bests, I promise you’ll get some stiff competition. My client couldn’t be here tonight, but rest assures, he’ll be there next month and he will take your title away! Soon, you’ll know the true meaning of hardcore!


{Pearce goes to the back, leaving everyone wondering who her mysterious client is.}

Ratings : D- for the match, D- for the post-match warning, D for the Pearce debut hyping her new client




“The Cannonball” Sam Pratt vs “White Angel” Frankie Dee


The main event was good, but not great. It would certainly have been better if Dee didn’t have a bad night in his system. Still, Pratt et Dee managed to send the fans home with a good last impression. Both shined with big moves, Pratt looked to have secured the victory after an impressive Top Rope Hurracanrana, he went to the top again, probably for the Cannonball Drop, but a man jumped the barricade…
















and bashed him in the back with a chair! Pratt felt hard on the mat, while the referee called for the bell.


Winner by DQ : Sam Pratt

Rating : D-


{The mystery man is not over yet. He rolls in the ring and repeatedly hits Pratt in the back with his chair. White Angel rises up and looks to interject himself only get knocked out by a vicious chair shot to the head! The man turned his attention back to Pratt and slowly rises him to his feet… Cradle Piledriver on the chair! Finally, officials rush the ring, but you have to wonder how much damage The Cannonball has suffered.}

Rating : E+


Overall Grade : D-

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OCC : A little something I couldn't show before our last event for obvious reasons.


4C Training Center – A week before No Limits


{I was about to leave the Center, I just came in today to say hi to the boys, not much to take care here one week from an event, when Barry Kingman took me aside.}


Kingman : You made your first big mistake kid.


Howard : Wait! I didn’t tell anyone about Troy and his Lucky Charms!


Kingman : What are you talking about ?


Howard : Oh.. nevermind. What did I do wrong ?


Kingman : Hiring Warren Technique back is a terrible mistake. There’s good reason his contract was not renewed after his two championship runs.


Howard : Cost savings measures ? He wanted to try his luck in the States ?


Kingman : No, you’re not even near the truth. Warren is a real pain in the butt to work with. He’s always complaining about his push, about how his opponent made him look weak. A real bitch.


Howard : I would never had thought so He seemed to be a very likable guy when I talked to him.


Kingman : That’s because he’s so desperate to get a job. Why do you think we haven’t seen him anywhere in the last year ? His reputation preceded him.


Howard : I see… Well, he signed a contract, I won’t back out of it. Can I count on Grant and you to watch over him ? We’ll see at the end of his contract what we want to do.


Kingman : I can already tell you he won’t last long.


Howard : We’ll see. I’d like his return to go well, I have a nice story to work around him.


Kingman : Bad idea, very bad one


Howard : It’s not much, it’s only to get the fans believe he’s bit rusty and needs some tuning.


Kingman : Whatever kid…

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May 2008 news report



Your #1 source of information about Canadian wrestling!


May Report by Steven McArthur


Wrestling in Canada

# Something smells bad in NOTPBW. Dan Stone Jr left the promotion last week, a terrible news ! Even worst, Champion Wrestling was not offered a contract extension from their network, the Stones are now off TV!


# Bobby Thomas defeated Ryan Powell for the CGC Canadian title.


# The current 4C Champin Sayeed Ali agreed to work with CZCW.


# Red Panther, better known as Phenomenal E, won the Burning Junior Tag titles with his partner Acid.


# It has been reported that TJ Bailey signed an extension with 4C.


# Former two times NOTBPW Women’s champion Junko Hayakawa annouced her retirement.


# Championship wrestling grades are down a notch to mostly C+, but the ratings are stable. Dark Angel and RK Hayes spent the month being carried by Dan Jr and Jeremy to decent enough matchs. The real story is how Owen Love is really stepping up his game and looks ready to set the promotion on fire. Grappling Glory was good enough to get a B review.


# Title Bout was its usual self with C grades and stables ratings. Not a single memorable event though, much like Chaos in Cage.


World News

  • SWF :
    • Starting next season, Supreme TV will also be shown in Mexico on Mex-TV.


    [*]TCW :

    • A new PPV deal for the company in Canada with Canada 1-Choice.
    • They stole Danny Jillefski from USPW to add some new blood in their announcing team.


    [*]USPW :

    • The newly departed Jillefski was replaced by Mitch Naess (PSW).
    • Another second generation wrestler is getting is first shot in USPW as Sam Strong signed the young Jay Chord as a favor to his father.
    • Jumbo Jackson defeated Mick Muscles to win the vacant USPW Television title but lost the tag titles to the strange duo of Tribal Warrior and Captain USA.


    [*]Indys :

    • Kashmir Singh (FCW) will also work for NYCW.


    [*]Japan :

    • BHOTWG Lord of the Ring will make its return shortly on Prime Japan TV.
    • Jimmy Cox defeated Pistol Pete Hall, who was having a nice run, for the GCG World Heavyweight title. Hall made 20 defences over the last 15 months.
    • Eiji Hamacho defeated Kinnojo Horri for his first Burning World Championship.
    • Bairei Yasujiro defeated The Great Hisato for his second World Level Universal title run.
    • Dark EAGLE defeated Koji Kojima for the World Level Showstealer title. Later in the same week Kojima lost the tag belt to Acid Dragon (Acid & UK Dragon).
    • Champagne Lover (SOTBPW, GCG) and UK Dragon (WLW, 21CW and soon to be dropped ROF) are setted to tour with INSPIRE.
    • WEVXX added two surprising wrestlers to their next tour : Fox Mask (CZCW) and Blood Raven (WLW, SOTBPW).
    • Dean Daniels is looking to bounce back and signed with Hinote Dojo.
    • VENOM, who’s working for all major promotions in Japan, shattered his elbow and will miss 13 months.


    [*]Europe/UK :

    • Unemployed since the UCR shut down, Mr Evilness was caught with steroids.


    [*]Mexico :

    • It is worth noting that MHW is now consider a regional promotion.

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Preview : Best of the Bests 13


On the 4th Monday of June , 4C presents.... Best of the Bests 13!


4C Championship : "The East Side Assassin" Sayeed Ali (ch) vs "Reality Check" Barry Kingman

It took a victory in a special tag team attraction, but Barry Kingman can finally put his hands on the champion in one on one action. After months of chasing the champion, is it now time for Kingman to step up to the plate and become once again 4C champion ? Sayeed Ali is ressourceful man, one has to wonder what trick he will pull out of his sleeve to retain his title since he and the rest of the Crew can't attack Kingman before the match to soften him. Regardless of the outcome, it will be a spectacular fight!


"The Cannonball" Sam Pratt vs Steve Gumble

Last month, the former TCW wrestler Steve Gumble made a huge impact with his Canadian debut putting a brutal end to a terrific main event. Gumble viciously assaulted Pratt for no apprent reason as the path of these two men never crossed before. The Cannonball will be looking for revenge and no punch will be held back in this one!


Best of the Bests Invitational : "Representing 4C" "White Angel" Frankie Dee vs "Representing MAW" Casey Valentine vs "Representing PSW" JD Morgan vs "Representing CZCW" Masked Cougar

Four wrestlers, four organizations, four wrestling styles. Once again, 4C is presenting its annual Open Invitational, a showcase of the best wrestling in you can see all over North America ! Be there to support the White Angel in this upcoming battle of pride!


Duberry Excess vs "Second Generation Superstar" Cameron Vessey

The last single match of Duberry Excess didn't go so well and he'll be highly motivated to get back on the winning side. The word backstage is that Excess will get a nice round of free beers if he can shut the already annoying big mouth of Cameron Vessey. Last month, the Second Generation Superstar ducked a rematch challenge from Davis Newton and let's just say that some of the other wrestlers are looking for his demise!


4C Hardcore Championship : Brett Fraser (ch) vs Kristen Pearce's mysterious client

It's pretty simple : Fraser wants more competition and this young lady promised him some ! Bets are going wild about the identity of Pearce's client and how real of a threat he's going to be. The only thing we know so far is that he's a real hardcore icon.


4C Tag Team Championship : Thug Life (Slim V & Hardcore Killah) (ch) vs The Ring Generals (Marv Statler & Dean Waldorf)


Best of the Bests 13 quick pick list :

4C Championship : Sayeed Ali (ch) vs Barry Kingman

Sam Pratt vs Steve Gumble

BotB Invitational : Frankie Dee vs Casey Valentine vs JD Morgan vs Masked Cougar

Duberry Excess vs Cameron Vessey

4C Hardcore Championship : Brett Fraser (ch) vs Pearce's client

4C Tag Team Championship : Thug Life (ch) vs The Ring Generals


If you can guess correctly who is Pearce's client, you will win two front row tickets for Iron Man Challenge. Each participant can ask a simple question that requires a yes/no answer as I feel there's not much hints about this mysterious wrestler.

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Best of the Bests 13 quick pick list :

4C Championship : Sayeed Ali (ch) vs Barry Kingman


Ali finds a way to hold onto the title yet again. For some reason I just don't see it being one of the usual suspects Kingman/Jett to end Ali's reign on top.


Sam Pratt vs Steve Gumble


Gumble didn't come in not to make any sort of impact, so I see him taking the first match between these two via heelish tactics.


BotB Invitational : Frankie Dee vs Casey Valentine vs JD Morgan vs Masked Cougar


None of these are exactly what you would call mega over in Canada, even the hometown hero, however out of all of these Morgan has the most potential to be built into a serious title threat down the line.


Duberry Excess vs Cameron Vessey


Directionless ex Tag Team Title holder, versus reasonably well pushed arrogant young heel. I'll stump for the latter.


4C Hardcore Championship : Brett Fraser (ch) vs Pearce's client


Madman Boone's usually available, he's a hardcore icon. Henry Lee's the other option, but Boone brings more to the table than if it is anyone good they'll win the title, if it's just some jobber then Fraser retains.


4C Tag Team Championship : Thug Life (ch) vs The Ring Generals


Ring Generals win the match but not the belts, simple DQ to keep the feud going for at least another match. I'd say you probably need about two more teams to make the Tag Division interesting.

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Best of the Bests 13



4C presents.... Best of the Bests 13

941 people in the St.Michaels Arena, St.Micheals College, Toronto




4C Tag Team Championship :

Thug Life (Hardcore Killah & Slim V) (ch) vs The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler)


A decent way to start the night, both teams worked really well together. Of course, Hardcore Killah was out of gas only after a few minutes in the match, but it was expected. At the 7th minute mark, the Generals looked to have a serious option on the match with Killah stunned in the middle of the ring. They set him up for the Last Battle, but Slim V quickly entered the ring title belt at the hand. The referee interjected himself fast enough to prevent any damage, but he didn’t see Killah reach in his trunk for some brass knucks and blast Statler in the head. Waldorf didn’t see it either as he charged Slim V and the collision knocked both men off the ring. Hardcore Killah raised a groggy Statler to his feet and nailed him with the Hardcore Line (Running Short Arm Lariat) for an easy three count.


Winners and still champions : Thug Life

Rating : E+



{The hardcore champion Brett Fraser is out in the ring first and he’s pacing around eager to meet his mysterious opponent. Kristen Pearce steps between the curtains…}


Pearce : I hope you trained hard Fraser, because my client is going to throw you around like a ragdoll and take your title. You think you’re hardcore, eh ? We’ll show you the true meaning of that word ! My client has made a living of creating new ways of inflicting pain and you have no chance in hell to stop him. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the next Hardcore champion…. Bloodriven Doug Peak !


{Doug Peak comes out of the curtain fire in his eyes and this strange look an enraged animal has a split second before going for the kill. Peak charges the ring without any more ceremonies.}

Rating : D-




Hardcore Match for the 4C Hardcore Championship :

Brett Fraser (ch) vs “Bloodriven” Doug Peak (w/ Kristen Peace)


What a brutal match ! The crowd reacted positively to Doug Peak and the hardcore icon gave them many reasons to cheer giving all he had. Both men bleed a lot and rather early in the match from chair shots, ladder hits and even thumbtacks. The only real downer was the visible lack of chemistry between Pearce and her client, a real shame considering our plans. The brawl spilled all over the ringside area, both men taking some vicious beating without giving up or looking remotely close to beaten. The referee finally called for the bell at the 13th minute mark giving up on controlling the match when Peak and Fraser brawled through the crowd up to the concession stands. The bell didn’t stop the wrestlers who continued to brawl even when officials rushed to separate them. Some officials even got hit a few times trying to do their job and some wrestlers had to come help them.


Draw – The referee lost control of the match

Ratings : D- for the match, E- for the post match brawl




Duberry Excess vs “Second Generation Superstar” Cameron Vessey


A solid midcard bout exactly what we are looking for. Once again, Cameron Vessey goofed around his opponent, trying to get him to lose his cool with every trick in the heel book. Things got interesting after a few minutes for two reasons. One, Excess quickly connected with two Dropkicks that send his opponent on his butt and hurt his pride. Two, Davis Newton choose this moment to slowly walk the aisle. The referee warned him to not interfere and Newton went to the announcing table to join Smith and Howard. Triple Threat didn’t get his hands dirty, but it was a clear distraction for Vessey regardless of what he would say. Duberry Excess got a few two counts, but in the end, he fell victim of a Vessey Driver.


Winner by pinfall : Cameron Vessey

Rating : D-


{Vessey is not quite done and asks for a mic while Newton mocks him with a round of applauses.}


Vessey : What didn’t you understand Newton ? I proved my point by beating you. I’m done with you, you won’t get any rematch, you’re simply not worth my time.


{Newton removes his headset and charges the ring, but Vessey simply rolls out on the other side. Vessey slowly walks to the back leaving a furious Newton alone in the ring.}

Rating : E-




Best of the Bests Open Invitational :

“Representing 4C” Frankie Dee vs “Representing PSW” JD Morgan vs “Representing MAW” Casey Valentine vs “Representing CZCW” Masked Cougar


Wrestling at its best, that pretty much summarizes the BotB Invitational and once again the match delivered. The crowd stood united behind White Angel, but a few pockets cheered for Morgan. Terry Smith did a great job rounding the credentials of all participants for the DVD. Every wrestler impressed enough to maybe get called again down the road. Masked Cougar jumped all over the place and looked to win the match a few times only to have his count broke by someone. Morgan tried to slow his opponents down with the Cross Atlantic Stretch (Leg Hook Camel Clutch), it worked well to some extent, but it never came close to an actual submission. Casey Valentine showed some nice technical wrestling and maybe was the only one who didn’t really come close to winning.


With Cougar out of the ring following a dangerous looking Front Suplex, Valentine turned his attention his attention to Frankie Dee only to get caught off guard by a Shinanju Kick. Before he could go for a cover, White Angel was grabbed from behind by JD Morgan who rolled him out and used the ropes for leverage to steal the victory. Morgan quickly escaped the ring leaving a livid and furious Dee in the ring.


Winner by pinfall : JD Morgan

Rating : D-




“The Cannonball” Sam Pratt vs Steve Gumble


We continued to raise the bar as the night went on. To be totally honest, we brought Gumble in mainly for this story with Pratt as these two, at least on paper, complements each other very well. Looking at this match, I was right on the spot! Pratt was on fire, looking for revenge, hitting all his big moves while Gumble was a silent machine, hitting move after move without showing any emotion. Well, until he lost it. After a failed series of covers, Gumble went outside the ring to grab a chair. He shoved the referee away earning a DQ and proceeded to bash Pratt on the skull.


Gumble didn’t stop and repeatedly hit Pratt’s legs. He dragged Pratt near a corner and another chair shot for good measures. Gumble locked the ankle of Pratt in the chair and went for the second rope… Oh noes! Gumble jumped right on the chair, Pratt’s ankle almost broke in half ! Finally, officials hit the ring and Gumble rolled away showing absolutely no sign of remorse.


Winner by DQ : Sam Pratt

Ratings : D for the match, E- for the injury attempt





4C Championship :

“The East Side Assassin” Sayeed Ali (ch) vs “Reality Check” Barry Kingman


Snap… We were in line for our best event so far, but the chemistry gods decided otherwise. A real shame if you ask me. It was still a good match, a quality main event, but not on the level we want things for our biggest event of the year. A pretty even affair, the champion played fair for most of the match which was highly suspicious according to Terry Smith. Both men escaped a couple of near falls; Kingman looked to have the match won when he countered the GBH Driver in his Black Out, but the tag team champions choose this time to make their presence felt. Slim V jumped on the apron only to have the referee in his face telling him to get down clearly missing the champion tapping out. The Ring Generals also hit the ring to jump the champions. In all this chaos, Kingman let his grip on the champion and went to complain to the referee… only to receive a Forearm Smash behind the head from Ali who quickly connected the GBH Driver to retain his title.


Outside the ring, The Ring Generals and Thug Life are still brawling neither team gaining the upper hand until the officials separate them. A busy night for our security crew!


Winner and still champion : Sayeed Ali

Ratings : D- for the match, E+ for the post-match brawl


Overall grade : D-

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June 2008 News report



Your #1 source of information about Canadian wrestling!


June Report by Steven McArthur


Wrestling in Canada

# With all the key players gone, NOTBPW needed more wrestlers to fill their shows. Who did they hire ? Biff The Bruiser of course! Somebody please check if Victoria Stone is on meds !


# Speaking of weird things, apparently Bobby Thomas and Jenny Playmate are dating. I'm not sure I want to know what she loves in this guy...


# A couple of Canadians will work in Japan shortly : Jacob Jett (4C) will be back with WLW, Shooter Sean Deeley (CGC) will work for PGHW with Dan Stone Jr.


# June Butler, currently in her 4th 5SSW tag team reign after two successful runs with the World belt, annouced her retirement from active competition.


# Former CWF mainstay Jean-Pierre Baptiste annouced he’s no longer accepting work offers and looks to enjoy a peaceful retirement.


# Title Bout is red hot these days. The overall quality lifted a bit to a C+/B- range and the ratings are up by a tenth and a half point mainly because of a renewed feud between the DeColts and the Elite. It's hard to believe, but I also think that some people that were watching Championship Wrestling turned to CGC.


# Jeopardy in June was as good as it can be for the Stones. Good review, good buyrate, but they really need to find a way back on television.


World News

  • SWF :
    • Steve Frehley won a four corner survival match on free TV for his second SWF World title endint the ten months reign of Jack Bruce.
    • James Prudence defeated Marc DuBois to win the SWF Shooting Star title.


    [*]TCW :

    • TCW signed a deal with PPV Japan.
    • Aaron Andrews defeated Harry Allen for his second TCW All-Action title.


    [*]USPW :

    • Cherry Bomb defeated Nadia Snow to regain her USPW Women’s title


    [*]Indys :

    • The Heartbreaker (Raphael & Justin Senstive) beat Lion Heart & Bear Bekowski for the RIPW Tag titles left vacant when John Greed was called up to the main roster.
    • MAW didn’t extend the contract of Huey Cannonball.
    • Insane Machine left CZCW to concentrate on his Japanese commitments.


    [*]Japan :

    • Hoyosuke Kokan won his first BHOTWG Best of Super Juniors trophy.
    • Current GCG World Heavyweight champion Jimmy Cox suffered a major concussion and will be out for at least a year ! Pistol Pete Hall defeated Takayuki 2000 to crown a new champion.
    • SUKI defeated Eagle Kawasawa for his first GCG Openweight title.
      Tasuku Iesada defeated Tadiyuki Kikkawa for the King of Fighters title.
    • Henry Bennet’s contract with GCG was not renewed.
    • Li Bingci (INSPIRE), Eagle Kawaswa (GCG), American Elemental and Brandon Smith (MAW) will take part in the next WLW tour.
    • Art Reed and Java (USPW) signed with PGHW for their next tour.
    • Nobuatsu Tatsuko contract not renewed by PGHW mainly because of the bad blood between him and the new owner .
    • Four times 5SSW Champion Thunder Hike retired from active competition.

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Preview : Ironman Challenge 2008


On the 4th monday of July, 4C presents.... Ironman Challenge 2008 !


Ironman Challenge 2008 : Brett Fraser, Cameron Vessey, Canadian Dragon, Davis Wayne Newton, Doug Peak, Jacob Jett, K-Squared, Masked Cougar, Phenomenal E, Steve Gumble

The Ironman Challenge 2008 is a special two matches edition featuring ten wrestlers. This year all the participants will first wrestlre in a 10 Man Mayhem Battle; all wrestlers in one ring, you get pinned or you submit and you're out! The last two survivors will then meet in the main event in a Best of Three Falls match for a shot at the 4C Championship next month at One Night Only! A Spectacular event you don't want to miss!


"White Angel" Frankie Dee vs "Representing PSW" JD Morgan

After losing the annual Open Invitational to Morgan last month, White Angel offered him a handshake in a good sportsmanship display. Unfortunately, Morgan declined and simply walked away which angered Dee. White Angel took matter upon himself and went to the last PSW event to challenge Morgan to a rematch. Morgan accepted to come to Toronto for one more night, promising to humble Dee once more.


Six Man Hardcore Tag Team Match : "Reality Check" Barry Kingman & The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) vs The 187 Crew (Sayeed Ali, Hardcore Killah, Slim V)

A simple idea crossed the mind of the power that be : these two trios loves to fight all over the building, so let's give them a reason to do it ! This match will be brutal, wild and chaotic. This is what makes 4C the real proving ground for men in Canada!


Warren Technique vs Duberry Excess

Warren Technique lost in his return match in Toronto, so here's now his second chance to relaunch his career. He'll be facing a wrestler on a slump lately. Excess hasn't won a match this year, not in single action, neither in tag action. It will certainly be a turning point for one of them, but who's gonna come up victorious of this unusual battle ? You gotta be at St.Michaels to know!


Jason Thunder vs Joss Thompson


Ironman Challenge 2008 quick pick list :


Frankie Dee vs JD Morgan

Six Man Hardcore Match : Kingman & The Ring Generals vs The 187 Crew

Ironman Challenge Mayhem (pick 2): Brett Fraser, Cameron Vessey, Canadian Dragon, Davis Wayne Newton, Doug Peak, Jacob Jett, K-Squared, Masked Cougar, Phenomenal E, Steve Gumble

Ironman Challenge Best of Three Falls final match :

Warrent Technique vs Duberry Excess

Jason Thunder vs Joss Thompson

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Frankie Dee vs JD Morgan good old jd morgan the indy standby.

Six Man Hardcore Match : Kingman & The Ring Generals vs The 187 Crew

Ironman Challenge Mayhem (pick 2): Brett Fraser, Cameron Vessey, Canadian Dragon, Davis Wayne Newton, Doug Peak, Jacob Jett, K-Squared, Masked Cougar, Phenomenal E, Steve Gumble

Ironman Challenge Best of Three Falls final match : Jett

Warrent Technique vs Duberry Excess

Jason Thunder vs Joss Thompson

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Frankie Dee vs JD Morgan


Even though his overness needs building in Canada, I would try and sign Morgan permantly if I was you. He's a fantastic veteran hand for any indy fed.


Six Man Hardcore Match : Kingman & The Ring Generals vs The 187 Crew


I'll go for the faces in this one to keep the feud competitive


Ironman Challenge Mayhem (pick 2): Brett Fraser, Cameron Vessey, Canadian Dragon, Davis Wayne Newton, Doug Peak, Jacob Jett, K-Squared, Masked Cougar, Phenomenal E, Steve Gumble


Jett would seem like the obvious choice but he's had his shots at Ali and Gumble's a heel. I'd like to Newton and Vessey up the ante with their feud and be the two survivors.


Ironman Challenge Best of Three Falls final match : Newton


Finally gets the better of Vessey when it truly matters to catapult himself into title contention.


Warrent Technique vs Duberry Excess


Excess is the member of Phenomenal-Excess not in the doghouse


Jason Thunder vs Joss Thompson


Straight forward squash as you continue to build Joss.

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Ironman Challenge 2008



4C presents.... Ironman Challenge 2008

904 people in the St.Michaels Arena, St.Micheals College, Toronto



Warren Technique vs Duberry Excess


Not a bad way to begin the evening, but it could have been better as they didn’t click. Excess is a good technician and Technique could never get a hold long enough on him to keep on the ground for his trademark STF. At the 10th minute mark, Excess hit the Excess Force (Double Underhook Facebuster) for a three count.


Winner by pinfall : Duberry Excess

Rating : E



{Earlier today, Terry Smith got a hold on Steve Gumble as he arrived at the arena. Here’s what happened…}


Smith : Steve, one moment please! Our fans want to know why you here and what do you have against Sam Pratt !


{The mere mention of Pratt’s name draws a hateful look in the eyes of Gumble. He hesitates a second before taking a step back to answer Smith’s inquiry.}


Gumble : What do I have against this little bastard ? He represents all that is wrong in our business today ! Whatever he does out there, the fans will cheer for him. He could just sit there, read the newspaper and some idiots would still cheer him. He’s a disgrace to all the wrestlers like me who busted their ass nights in and nights out only to get shoved aside by comedy flukes like Pratt. Worst thing : he doesn’t even realize how phony he is ! I’ve had a good run in the States, but never got the attention I deserve because of clowns like Pratt. Everywhere I went, all I heard was “oh you’re good Steve, but look at what Pratt did last night, isn’t he great ? You think you could do the same move ?”


The same move ? An insult to my wrestling knowledge, I’m not phony, I’m real! Now that I have more free time on my hands, it’s time for Pratt to pay. It’s time for him to get pushed on the sidelines, a broken bone or two in his body. It’s time for the real wrestlers to take the entire spotlight. Now get out of my way, I have this Challenge to win !


{Gumble shoves Smith against the wall as our video ends.}

Rating : E+



{Jason Thunder is already in the ring when Joss Thompson makes his entrance. Unfortunately for everyone, he’s still wearing a nice suit and mainly looks for a mic.}


Thompson : All right, last time, things didn’t go so well, but I’m sure Jason, you’re more intelligent than Waldorf. The offer is simple : I give you more money than you could ever make in your day job and you lay down for me. Think about it, you have no real wrestling talent, you should really not quit your day job and this is a LOT of money I’m off…


{Thompson can’t finish his sentence as he’s dropkicked by Thunder! Looks like he just refused the offer.}



Jason Thunder vs Joss Thompson


Pretty much the same formula that was used last time. Thunder got the upper hand in the first part of the match, only to see Thompson mount a comeback showcasing that indeed he has some good wrestling skills. Thunder surprised Thompson with a Superkick to win the match in six minutes.


Winner by pinfall : Jason Thunder

Rating : E+



{DVD Exclusive : a video recap of the debut of Doug Peak, some highlights of his brawl with Brett Fraser and even some footage of his last matches in Japan. Yep, we spend a few bucks to get that.}

Rating : F+…. Arg… I didn’t think the bad chemistry between Peak and Pearce would tank this that much


10-Man Mayhem Battle Qualifier for the Ironman Challenge featuring Brett Fraser, Cameron Vessey, Canadian Dragon, Davis Wayne Newton, Doug Peak, Jacob Jett, K-Squared, Masked Cougar, Phenomenal E, Steve Gumble


As expected, it was a wildly chaotic match. Putting 10 men at the same time in the ring and asking for pinfalls or submissions is at best tricky, but the fans loved it and bought every single second of it. Doug Peak and Brett Fraser jumped each other from the bell ring and their brutal brawl spilled over the ringside area and through the crowd. The referee finally deemed them eliminated midway into the match after not seeing them close of the ring for several minutes.


Newton eliminated Canadian Dragon and K-Squared back to back after 8 minutes with his Fisherman’s Buster only to see Cameron Vessey outsmarted him with a quick rollup when everyone else was too busy to look.


We were down to Vessey, Jett, Cougar and Gumble in the final four. Cougar went down to a Vessey Driver, but Gumble jumped on the occasion to eliminate Vessey with a Front Russian Legsweep. Cougar fought hard to earn a spot in the final, but the Vessey Driver really took the wind out of him and he was finally pinned by Jett following an Emergency Landing. Even though the match was over, Gumble took a cheap shot at Jett and knocked him off with his trademark Savate Kick.


Winners and advancing to the main event : Jacob Jett & Steve Gumble

Rating : D


OCC : Taken straight from WS2, the description of the Emergency Landing : A trademark finisher of Jacob Jett, he charges the victim in the corner, suckering them into a punch. He ducks and knees them in the stomach, then leaps to the top rope. He bounces straight off to hit a flying Fame Dropper on the stunned opponent.




Six Man Tag Team Hardcore Battle :

“Reality Check” Barry Kingman & The Ring Generals (Waldorf & Statler) vs The 187 Crew (Sayeed Ali, Slim V & Hardcore Killah)


From one chaotic match to another one. Not a bad effort overall, but I think the overall quality was hurt by the lack of popularity of some of the participants, mainly the Generals. The referee was able to maintain order for the first part of the match, enforcing the tag rule, but as expected, it descended in a wild brawl all over the place involving all six men. There’s nothing the ref could do about it, nor could he say a damn thing about this black guy running down the aisle and spearing Waldorf out of his boots, almost breaking him in half.












This new guy was the difference maker. He basically turned the match to a handicap one and it ended rather quickly. Statler went down by a huge Spinebuster, leaving Kingman an easy pray for the champion and his GBH Driver (Implant DD). The rest was academic.


After the bell, every member got a few shots on Kingman. The new member of the Crew speared Kingman after bouncing from the ropes much to the delight of Ali who rubbed his title in his face. The four members celebrated a bit in the ring under a chorus of boos before heading to the back.


Winners : The 187 Crew

Ratings : E for the match, E for the post-match beatdown




“White Angel” Frankie Dee vs “Representing PSW” JD Morgan


Truth to be told, this was supposed to be a mini-feud to showcase what Dee could do against a well-know good wrestler. He was supposed to get over this one, but being on loan, Morgan simply refused any scenario but his personal victory. A shame since both men are about as popular in Canada. I thought about brining Morgan for more than these two nights, but I’m no longer sure about it. As for the match itself, it was a pretty darn good one as expected. We managed to convince Morgan to give us an even match, but the downside was Dee had to submit to the Cross Atlantic Stretch. At least, the move has name value…


After the match, Dee tried to show sportsmanship once more to Morgan by offering a handshake, admitting he was clearly beaten this time. Morgan turned him down… only to hit him in the back of the head with a Clothesline that sent him rolling outside the ring. Morgan piledrived Dee outside the ring not without yelling that’s what he deserves for messing with PSW.


Winner by submission : JD Morgan

Ratings : D- for the match , E- for the refused handshake turned into an attack




Best of Three Falls for the 2008 Ironman Challenge :

“The Amazing” Jacob Jett (w/ Katie Cameron) vs Steve Gumble


For the second month in a row, the main event is a downer for a lack of chemistry. Nonetheless, it was a very good final as they went to the limit of their resources for 24 minutes, which was maybe a bit too long to be honest. Gumble got the first fall at the 12th minute mark after nailing Jett with a devastating Craddle Piledriver. He tried to quick follow with another pinfall, but Jett refused to go down. In fact, the Amazing One mounted a serious comeback that culminated at the 17th minute with the Jett Take Off (Roll Through Powerbomb). Both men exchanged blows and moves for several minutes getting many near falls in the process. Jett finally tricked Gumble into the Emergency Landing to win the 2008 Ironman Challenge.


2008 Ironman Challenge winner : Jacob Jett

Rating : D-


{Katie Cameron is quick to get in the ring and jump in the arm of her boyfriend to kiss him. The couple celebrates in the ring and even a bit with the front row fans to end the night.}


Rating : E+


Overall grade : E+

Duh… I guess my angles were too long and cut a grade on the overall appreciation.

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July 2008 News



Your #1 source of information about Canadian wrestling!


July Report by Steven McArthur


Wrestling in Canada

# The former CWF star Whipper Spencer Marks announced his complete retirement from the wrestling business. Marks is a two times CWF champion, four times CWF tag team champion with George DeColt and three times CPWC champion.


# The current reigning NOTPW Women’s champion Grace Harper surprised everyone by putting an end to her career. The promotion signed the young Agent 69 to replace her.


# Lord James King defeated Gregg Boone for the NOTBPW Television title. No really, Victoria Stone clearly lost her mind.


# Frankie Dee (4C) will now share his work with NOTBPW.


# 4C fired their referee Andy Gordy and replaced him with Rob Perkins. From what I've been told, Gordy pulled one too bad prank backstage.


# Title Bout saw another good bump in their ratings going from 0.58 to 0.68. The show quality is still at the same level, I think Canadian wrestling fans just need their weekly dose of wrestling regardless of the provider.


# NOTBPW Midsummer Madness was a solid show. Buyrate is stable.


World News

  • SWF :
    • Angry Gilmore defeated Rich Money for his third SWF North American title.
    • The young manager Hannah Potter was recalled from development by SWF. They quickled replaced her in development by Playboy Jake Sawyer.


    [*]TCW :

    • TCW pay-per-views can now be watched in Mexico on Seleccion Mexico.


    [*]Indys :

    • After being unemployed for several months, Fuhimiro Ota resurfaced in MAW.
    • Jay Chord (USPW) will also work for CZCW.


    [*]Japan :

    • One half of the well known Team Toronto and three times PGHW Tag Team champion, Lee Bennett annouced his retirment.
    • The current GCG World Heavyweight champion Pistol Pete Hall left the promotion as his contract expired looking for new challenge.
    • Akinori Kwakami defeated Yoshimi Mushashibo for his first PGHW Glory Crown championship.
    • Hyosuke Kokan, the last winner of the Best of Junior tournament, and the current World Level Universal Champion, The Great Hisato, will also work with GCG.
    • Insane Machine won a multi-man match to become the new World Level Streetfighthing champion.
    • Dean Daniels won the Hinote All-Japan title in his very first match with the company.


    [*]Europe/UK :

    • Unemployed since the UCR shut down, Mr Evilness was caught with steroids. It's not a mistaken, he has been caught yet again.

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Preview : One night only 2008


On the 4th Monday of August, 4C presents.... One Night Only !


4C Championship : "The East Side Assassin" Sayeed Ali (ch) vs "The Amazing" Jacob Jett

Jacob Jett put one hell of a show last month to win the Ironman Challenge and get another shot at the Gold. Seven months ago, he failed to recapture his title, but The Amazing One will come better prepared and will certainly do anything possible to win. The champion has been on a roll lately, even in tag action he has not pinned in 2008 and will certainly not go down without a fight. The big question is once again : how much impact the other members of the 187 Crew will have this month ? Can Jett overcome all odds ? There only one way to find out and it's to be there in St.Micheals!


"The Cannonball" Sam Pratt vs "White Angel" Frankie Dee

The Cannonball missed the last show to nurse his injuries, thanks to a vicious Steve Gumble, but he assured our fans that will be there for One Night Only and that he'll be back at 100 %. His opponnent is not hurt physcially that much, but White Angel's pride took a good hit last month when he had to submit to JD Morgan's patended move. Both men are looking to turn their momentum around, but only one will succeed!


Special Tag Team Attraction : "Triple Threat" Davis Wayne Newton & K-Squared vs "Second Generation Superstar" Cameron Vessey & Joss Thompson

A special match putting four talented youngsters in action. We all know the history between Vessey and Newton, but one has to wonder how much impact K-Squared and Thompson will have. Speaking of Thompson, it will be interesting to find out if the kid can work in a team or if he's totally blinded by all his money


"Reality Check" Barry Kingman vs Warren Technique

Another month, another chance for Technique to prove to the world he still has it. Not an easy task against one of the finest technicien 4C has to offer! Kingman is hurt though, the 187 Crew beat him badly last month. Maybe it's the right circumstances for Technique...


"The Graduate" Chris Flynn vs Primus Allen

Chris Flynn has the unfortunate task of testing the newest Crew recruit. Last month, we all saw how devasting Allen can be, now it's time to see if he can transfer his energy into an actual match.


Phenomenal E vs Canadian Dragon

Both wrestlers took part in the Ironman Challenge last month and it looked like there was personnal issues between them. They are now given this opportunity to settle the matters whatever it is and hopefully, they will put on a great show!


Thunder & Lightning (Jason Thunder & Lightning Lomas) vs Too Sweet (Too Hot & TJ Baileu)


One Night Only quick pick list :


4C Championship : Sayeed Ali (ch) vs Jacob Jett

Sam Pratt vs Fankie Dee

Davis Newton & K-Squared vs Cameron Vessey & Joss Thompson

Barry Kingman vs Warren Technique

Chris Flynn vs Primus Allen

Phenomenal E vs Canadian Dragon

Thunder & Lightning vs Too Sweet

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4C Championship : Sayeed Ali (ch) vs Jacob Jett


More interence from his 187 chronies will ensure that Ali retains the title


Sam Pratt vs Frankie Dee


Pratt returns to action with a win, but it could be by DQ as I see Gumble getting involved somewhere


Davis Newton & K-Squared vs Cameron Vessey & Joss Thompson


Faces win when Vessey & Thompson's ego's will collide with one another.


Barry Kingman vs Warren Technique


Kingman's in the upper tier of 4C, Warren's not and if Warren was going to start rising up the card he would have beaten Duberry at the last show.


Chris Flynn vs Primus Allen


Squash win on Primus official debut


Phenomenal E vs Canadian Dragon


Ed still in the bad books ?


Thunder & Lightning vs Too Sweet


Jason Thunder's shock win over Thompson at last month's event, suggest to me that you may start give Thunder & Lightning a slight push.

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Next show should be up at some point today. Work is keeping me busy a lot more than ususal these days. Not to mention I'm scratching my head about what I should do to improve the grades. I made a few mistakes here and there, but overall I'm a bit disappointed with myself. I'm even thinking of getting Troy to fire me and try my luck elsewhere.
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4C Championship : Sayeed Ali (ch) vs Jacob Jett

Sam Pratt vs Fankie Dee

Davis Newton & K-Squared vs Cameron Vessey & Joss Thompson

Barry Kingman vs Warren Technique

Chris Flynn vs Primus Allen

Phenomenal E vs Canadian Dragon

Thunder & Lightning vs Too Sweet

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One Night Only 2008



4C presents.... One Night Only

975 people in the St.Michaels Arena, St.Micheals College, Toronto



Phenomenal E vs Canadian Dragon


A good high flying match to start the evening on the right track. We asked these two to get out there, do their best and that’s exactly what we got. Both men don’t have any kind of direction at the moment, but their good performance might ask for a re-evaluation of their status. Phenomenal E won this bout with his trademark Tumbleweed Legdrop in 14 minutes.


Winner by pinfall : Phenomenal E

Rating : D




“The Graduate” Chris Flynn vs “The Enforcer” Primus Allen (w/ Sayeed Ali)


As expected by everyone, Flynn got utterly destroyed by Primus Allen without putting out much offense. It’s worth mentioning that our fans almost cheered for Allen for his actions… Allen quickly put Flynn away with a devastating Spear. Following the bell, Allen grabbed Flynn and planted him in the middle of the ring with wicked looking Last Ride Powerbomb. Funny note : they have good chemistry.


Winner by pinfall : Primus Allen

Ratings : E+ for the match, E for the post-match attack


{Sayeed Ali gets in the ring and high fives Allen who still hasn’t shown any kind of emotion. In fact, he looks like he’s about to do more damage to Flynn…}


Ali {pointing at Allen} : This is why the 187 Crew is the most dominant force in the business today ! Simply put, you cannot put us down. For too long, my brothers and I have been held down, every one of us grew rage inside their heart for a long time, waiting to unleash it at the appropriate time. Now is this time for Allen. Last month, he manhandled Kingman, a few minutes ago he destroyed this kid and the list will go on and on with the passing months. Mess with the Crew, deal with the Enforcer, it’s so simple that even Jacob Jett can understand it.


Jett, be careful tonight. It’s going to be the last time you get close of my belt for when I’m done with you, there will be nothing left for your girl to cheer. Your victory at Ironman Challenge means nothing to me, I’m still way above this level. You noticed that not single member of the Crew was in the challenge ? And that we didn’t complain about it ? You should be worried Jacob, it’s another layer of rage boiling inside my brothers. Remember this simple rule when you’re flat of your back looking at the lights later tonight : united the Crew stands, united the Crew fights, united the Crew triumphs !


{The champion makes a signal to Allen and both men walks to the back.}

Rating : E+




Lightning & Thunder (Jason Thunder & Lightning Lomas) vs Too Sweet (TJ Bailey & Too Hot)


A lot of people used this match to go the concession stands and they didn’t miss anything to be honest. Neither team has any kind of momentum and the match lacked this little sparkle so important. Thunder & Lightning won the match in 10 minutes when they caught TJ Bailey with the Thunder Struck (Legsweep/Leg Lariat combo).


Winner by pinfall : Thunder & Lightning

Rating : E-




“Reality Check” Barry Kingman vs Warren Technique


Each night needs its disappointing match and tonight is no exception. At least, we can blame this one on bad chemistry. A pretty even bout for the first part, each man getting some near falls. Kingman has clearly scouted Technique as the latter never gets close to lock his trademark STF. On the hand though, Kingman knocked down Technique with two quick European Uppercuts and locked him the Black Out force him to tap out.


Winner by submission : Barry Kingman

Rating : E+



{In the backstage area, a few minutes before their match, Joss Thompson approaches Cameron Vessey.}


Thompson : I think we need to talk.


Vessey : About what ?


Thompson : Our match. I have a proposal that could make you rich. {Thompson hands to Vessey a hefty sum}. Here, you take this. I will double it after the match for only one condition : I get to make the pinfall. I kinda need the visibility at the moment…


Vessey : Who do you think I am ? I don’t even need you to beat these two assclowns. In fact, I have better proposal for you… {Vessey puts the money back in Thompson hand.} Keep the money, stay out of my way and I won’t whip your ass all over the building!


{Vessey exits the room leaving a worried Thompson alone.}

Rating : F+



“Triple Threat” Davis Wayne Newton & K-Squared vs “Second Generation Superstars” Cameron Vessey & Joss Thompson


Vessey and Newton started the match adding some fuel to their personal grudge. Vessey did exactly what he said for most the match by trying to win the match himself, Thompson had to make good use of blind tags to see some action and each time, it pissed Vessey more and more. Eventually, Thompson made one too many tag and Vessey started yelling at him. Their opponents turned the situation to their advantage : K-Squared knocked Thompson off the ring with a beautiful looking Dropkick while Newton surprised Vessey with his Fisherman’s Suplex to get a three count.


As Newton was walking back to the backstage area, Vessey charged him and blindsided him with a Bulldog. Vessey threw Newton against the barricade, but before he could more damage, K-Squared chased him away.


Winners by pinfall : Newton & K-Squared

Rating : D- for the match, E- for the post-match attack



{DVD Exclusive : Terry Smith and Nick Howard review the last few months of action of Sam Pratt and Frankie Dee. They note that neither man looks able to win big matches. }

Rating : E



“The Cannonball” Sam Pratt vs “White Angel” Frankie Dee


For a match without any significant background, it was pretty damn good. As with the opener, both wrestlers were sent there without many instructions and asked to lift the crowd for the main event. The result is beyond my expectations. For more than one occasion, Pratt managed to duck or blocked the Shinanju Kick which proved to be the difference maker. At the 15th minute mark, Pratt finally hit the Cannonball Drop for the win.


Rating : D



{It’s time for the main event, but it looks like Jacob Jett has something to say first.}


Jett : Last month, I beat the best this company has to offer to win the Ironman Challenge. {cheers from the crowd} That leaves me with only thing left to do and it’s taking my title back ! Ali, you can say whatever you like about your little group, but there’s one truth you can’t deny : without them, you’re nothing ! Without them, you would never have beaten me and tonight, it’s time for the Amazing One to right all your wrongs ! Bring your new puppet with you Ali, I want him to see first hand your demise. Nine other men couldn’t stop me last month, there’s no way it will be different tonight !


Rating : D+




4C Championship :

“The East Side Assassin” Sayeed Ali (ch) (w/ Primus Allen) vs “The Amazing” Jacob Jett (w/ Katie Cameron)


Not as good as their last encounter, both men having lost a bit of popularity since then , but nonetheless a very good match. Let’s see how it ended…


Jett takes Ali down a Double Leg Trip. Oh, he’s twisting his legs… Jett Engine (Stretched Muffler) ! Wait ! Primus Allen jumped on the apron and is now yelling at Jett. The Amazing One let his grip go and rushes Allen, but the Enforcer jumps down before any harm is done. Jett turns around only to fall right in the champion arms… GBH Driver (Implant DDT) ! Ali covers the challenge….one….two…th….shoulder up ! Jett shows once again how amazing he is ! Things will get ugly soon, the tag team champions are now making their way to the ring. In the ring, Jett blocks GBH attempt and pushes the champion in a corner… Emergency Landing ! Jett goes for the cover, Slim V tries to get in the ring but he’s grabbed by Dean Waldorf as the Ring Generals hit the ring a second ago… one….two… Allen is on the apron, but Barry Kingman drops him to the ground level…th…kick out ! It’s chaos, there’s a fight all around the ring! The referee motions to the back to get some help, the distraction is just long enough for Ali to counter a grapple with a low blow. The referee turns around just to see the champion connecting another GBH Driver and this time, the three count is academic.


Officials are rushing the ring to separate all wrestlers, but they get knocked down on their way. The only thing that eventually restores some order is a chair swinging champion.


Winner and still champion : Sayeed Ali

Ratings : D for the match, D- for the post match brawl


Overall grade : D


OOC : Our best show so far, I hope we can build on this momentum. I laughed hard when I found out about the lack of chemistry between Kingman and Technique, it fits the story so well.

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August 2008 news



Your #1 source of information about Canadian wrestling!


August Report by Steven McArthur


Wrestling in Canada

# A star in the 90s for CGC, Ed Monton hang up his boots. He’s a three times World champion, one time Canadian champion and two times Tag Team champion with Jon Jetson.


# Jerry Martin (RIPW) signed with CGC.


# TJ Bailey is making ennemies in 4C. Reports are in that the young wrestler is taking behind people's back.


# For some reason, buyrates and ratings were down this month all over the board. Well, it was expected for NOTBPW Summer Smash since both McWades were co-main eventing in single action. Please, for the love of quality wrestling, someone remove Victoria Stone from her job !


World News

  • SWF :
    • Cheetah Boy, Atlas and Playboy Jake Sawyer were recalled by SWF.
    • Andre Jones defeated James Prudence for the SWF Shooting Star title.
    • Capitain USA retired. 2 USPW world titles, 3 USPW tag titles and 1 SWF North American title are on his resume. A week later, he left USPW to work on a developmental deal for SWF.
    • Citizen X (MAW) signed a development deal with SWF.


    [*]TCW :

    • Eddie Peak defeated Rick Law for the TCW International title.


    [*]USPW :

    • Jim Force and Nicky Champion defeated the Towers of Power for the vacant USPW Tag team titles. A week later, Force defeated Jumbo Jackson for the Television title.
    • Stephanie Wade defeated Cherry Bomb for the USPW Women’s title.
    • Bruce the Giant feels his time is done with USPW and walked away at the end of his contract. It will be interesting to see where the big Australian will resurface.
    • Mario Heroic (SOTBPW, CZCW and soon to be dropped RIPW) signed with USPW. Hell's Bouncer also appeared on the last American Wrestling episode.


    [*]Indys :

    • Roger Dodger (NYCW, USPW) signed with RIPW


    [*]Japan :

    • Noriyori Sanda defeated Kozue Kawashima for his second PGHW Historical Japan title.
    • Dark EAGLE won a multi-man match for the World Level Streetfighting title.
    • Magnum KOBE defeated Bairei Yasujiro for the World Level Universal title.
    • Just a few weeks after winning her first ever World Championship, joshi star Kit Hatayoma annouced her retirement. The belt was put back on DEVIL Karube, the previous champion.
    • Li Bingci (INSPIRE, WLW) signed with GCG. Merle O'Curle (ROF) will be back for the nex tour.
    • Rhino Umaga (GCG), Jungle Jasck (GCG), Acid (WLW), Adam Matravers, Insane Machine (WLW) and the young Gauge brothers will tour with BHOTWG.


    [*]Europe/UK :

    • The 8 times MOSC UK champion and owner of the promotion, The Highland Warrior annouced his retirement.

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