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North of the Border, South of Insanity

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"Go Long Jack !"


"I Got It"


"What do we do now ?"


"Hey, I bet you I can jump off of that tower up there"


"Hah, I dare you, go for it !"


"OK, Ready ? 1... 2... 3 !"




Toronto Regional Hospital, 8:34 AM


"What... what the hell happened ?"


"You Tried to jump off a tower Jack, gave you a concussion, you're lucky you aren't dead. Nurse ? Can I see Mr. Jack's File ?"


Nurse Walks back with File


"Jack Avatar, Born and raised in St. Paul, Minnesota. Says here you're a big wrestling fan. Is this true ?"


"Yeah I know a little bit"


"It just so happens I have a friend here that has come to visit you on this very subject"


"Who ? Who is it ?"


"I'll give you a hint, He's part of the Wrestling Hall of Immortals, He's not dead, and he's a part of one of the biggest wrestling families ever.


"Hey Jack, I'm Dan Stone, I want to talk to you. Come to this address whenever you're healthy, I'll tell you what I want to say then.

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"Alright Jack, Glad you stopped by, See, your Doctor told me about what you did last month, and I'm thinking, what a stupid move, Who the hell in their right mind would do something like this, short of being mentally retarded. But then I thought, what if I got somebody like this to work in the wrestling industry. Somebody stupid enough to jump off a tower and not get scared, would be an amazing high flyer in my promotion. and that's what I need. But I don't want you to just be the new worker on the block. I want you to be head booker. North of the Border Pro Wrestling, has been enduring a slump lately. It seems all people want to watch, is SWF, and TCW. In my mind, somebody who doesn't think twice about making a match-up, is the kind of guy who knows how to produce exciting match-ups, So what do you say ?"


"I'm Sorry What !? You want me to book for NOTBPW. I don't know what to say ? It's a huge opportunity, but I'm not sure, what if I screw up ?"


"That's my question, can you handle the pressure ? I'll call you when I have things I want you to accomplish, to see if you know what you are doing. If you fail, you get fired."


"I'll give it a shot then, I make no promises though"

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Avatar Household, 8:45 AM


Phone Rings


"Hello ?"


"Hey Jack, it's me, I've got your challenges right here, remember if you do not honor your responsibilities, you will be fired. Here are your goals.


Number 1 : By the end of you first 2 year contract, the finances of NOTBPW must have improved to at least 7,500,000 $, that is your most important goal.


Number 2 : My Son, Dan Stone Jr. Must have his popularity At least at a B Level at all times in Canada.


Numbers 3 and 4 : My two sons Jeremy and Dan Jr. must have their momentum levels at least at a B Level.


Number 5 : We are making an exception for you here, but you aren't allowed to sign or extend any wrestler with C- Level in Psychology, or less for that matter.


Number 6 : You are not allowed to hire any wrestler who is classed as a psychopath


These Are your goals, you must honor them, keep checking back with me every once and awhile."

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NOTBPW Full Card Announced

Roger Brown Reporting


Well everybody, it's the first card under control of Jack Avatar, which shocked the world of wrestling when Dan Stone announced it. We will see the fruit of his labors tonight. Here are some of the matches and wrestlers to watch tonight.



Stone and Stone in Action


Dan Stone Jr. and Jeremy Stone, two of the legendary Stone Family Members, are back in action again, this time against The Demolition Crew. Originally scheduled to be a Tag Team Title Match-up for Stone and Stone against The Kelowna Playaz, but a failed drug test from Craig Greene had him temporarily stop training and re-think his career with the help of Greg Boone. So this match has been re-scheduled to a non-title match-up, to determine the contending team.



Top Heels Go To War in Main Event


Top Heels Johnny Bloodstone and R.K. Hayes have been on a collision course since the beginning, it was only a matter of time before it happened, now, hardcore fans finally get to see the best heels in action, as Johnny Bloodstone and R.K. Hayes will finally go to battle, with only one emerging victorious.



Hot or Not ?


When you walk into a wrestling arena and say Dark Angel or John Maverick, you are sure to get a reaction, be it good or bad, but this match will determine who is definitely sure to go for glory, and who will fall back out of the NOTBPW title picture.


The Full Card can be found here :


The Can-Am Blondes vs. The Fighting Irish vs. The McWade Brothers

Greg Boone vs. Harlem Haynes vs. Jack Avatar

Tim Westybrook vs. Omar Brown

Harrison Hash vs. Mighty Cavanagh

Lord James King vs. Craig Prince

Dark Angel vs. John Maverick

Stone and Stone vs. The Demolition Crew

Johnny Bloodstone vs. R.K. Hayes

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The Can-Am Blondes vs. The Fighting Irish vs. The McWade Brothers

Greg Boone vs. Harlem Haynes vs. Jack Avatar

Tim Westybrook vs. Omar Brown

Harrison Hash vs. Mighty Cavanagh

Lord James King vs. Craig Prince

Dark Angel vs. John Maverick

Stone and Stone vs. The Demolition Crew

Johnny Bloodstone vs. R.K. Hayes

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The Can-Am Blondes vs. The Fighting Irish vs. The McWade Brothers


The Blondes have the most talent out of all these teams. One things for sure, is that you need to get the Tag belts off the jobber pairing that is the Kelowna Playaz.


Greg Boone vs. Harlem Haynes vs. Jack Avatar


Neither of your opponents are all that, why not give your user character a debut victory.


Tim Westybrook vs. Omar Brown


Not unfeasible for Omar to win, but I think Westy's paid his dues more in the NOTBPW midcard to begin more of a push.


Harrison Hash vs. Mighty Cavanagh


Unless you're desperate to push Cavanagh as a monster heel, there is no way he should win because he sucks, really really sucks.


Lord James King vs. Craig Prince


You've managed to intice Prince out of retirement, even with dodgy knees Prince wil beat Lord Jobber King.


Dark Angel vs. John Maverick


Could go either way, but I prefer Dark Angel.


Stone and Stone vs. The Demolition Crew




Johnny Bloodstone vs. R.K. Hayes


Bloodstone is class, he's the only one on the same level as the Stones/ McFly. Hayes shouldn't be anywhere near the main event to be honest.

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The Can-Am Blondes vs. The Fighting Irish vs. The McWade Brothers

Greg Boone vs. Harlem Haynes vs. Jack Avatar

Tim Westybrook vs. Omar Brown

Harrison Hash vs. Mighty Cavanagh

Lord James King vs. Craig Prince HUH ? Hes got F- everywhere except psychology so expect overness transfer here

Dark Angel vs. John Maverick

Stone and Stone vs. The Demolition Crew

Johnny Bloodstone vs. R.K. Hayes

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Show 1



Gregg Boone vs. Harlem Haynes vs. Jack Avatar


The First Match of the night featured the debut of Jack Avatar, the new head booker of NOTBPW, who did not waste any time, as he demolished Harlem Haynes and Gregg Boone in this 3-Way Singles Match, Pinning current tag team champ Gregg Boone in just 6 minutes. Haynes and Boone did not walk out ashamed, as they looked better than expected improving their performances, but Jack Avatar came out looking better than the two of them, eventually winning the bout.


Result : Jack Avatar Pins Gregg Boone @ 6:09


Rating : C-



The Can-Am Blondes vs. The Fighting Irish vs. The McWade Brothers


The Can-Am Blondes walked in to the ring today the favorites to win, and potentially become world champions one day. The Odds were definitely in their favor aswell, as they were facing lower-tier teams like The McWade Brothers and The Fighting Irish. The Fighting Irish did not prove very strong, as they were quickly eliminated by The Can-Am Blondes, but as Owen Love and The Natural Got Over-Confident, Dallas and Dean McWade hit them with a blind shot that did not sit well with the crowd. Regardless, they took advantage of it and pinned The Can-Am Blondes at 7:35.


Result : The McWade Brothers pinned The Fighting Irish and The Can-Am Blondes @ 7:35


Rating : D



Omar Brown vs. Tim Westybrook


These two men have not kept their dislike of each other discrete, as they quickly went in and brawled it out in this First Blood Match. Omar Brown was quickly scoring with heavy punches but Westybrook was able to weather the storm. Omar Brown, however, was not leaving this match up to chance, as he knocked the referee unconscious, and scored illegal blows to Tim Westybrook, which opened up a cut which proceeded to bleed. Omar Brown was named the winner, but Westybrook was not okay with it, as he demanded a rematch. Jack Avatar entered the ring, and publicly announced the re-match for the next TV episode.


Result : Omar Brown Cut Tim Westybrook @ 7:39


Rating : D



Harrison Hash vs. Mighty Cavanagh


This match did not sit well with the fans at any level. Hash was still putting on the pressure for the whole match-up, when he touched all four corners in just about 7 minutes. Not much could be said at the moment for the future of Mighty Cavanagh in NOTBPW, but if he can't pick up a win soon, he will probably be gone.


Result : Harrison Hash touched all four corners @ 6:59


Rating : E



Craig Prince vs. Lord James King


Another Stinker, James King is finding his way out of the company, but Craig Prince didn't look so great either. Craig Prince, said after the bout to be only a semi-active wrestler, but King, should be worried about his position on the roster, if he continues performances like this.


Result : Craig Prince pins Lord James King @ 14:32


Rating : E+



Dark Angel vs. John Maverick


John Maverick was really off his game today, as Dark Angel really walked right through him. Maverick should really consider changing up his training methods as his conditioning was really quite terrible for this match. Dark Angel looks to be next in-line for the title shot. Dark Angel, quickly took him out with a Cut.


Result : Dark Angel Cut John Maverick @ 7:55


Rating : D+



Stone & Stone vs. The Demolition Crew


The Demolition Crew Got Demolished tonight, as Stone & Stone walked in and dominated the whole match-up, The Younger men proved that youth does matter in match-ups like this. Alysian and Derek were very stubborn in being out-matched, but would not let go when being in a precarious position. Dan Stone Jr. Managed to Catch Derek Frost in a Stone Ankle Stretch, which eventually caused him to tap.


Result : Dan Stone Jr. submit Derek Frost @ 18:13


Rating : D+



R.K. Hayes vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Johnny Bloodstone and R.K. Hayes, two Primary Heels of NOTBPW, went to war with each other. The Prize, The NOTBPW Canadian Championship. Hayes went toe to toe with Bloodstone only to find that Bloodstone would never back down. The Crowd was loving it. R.K. Hayes was showing his abilities were much better than people thought, as he pushed the pace and pinned Johnny Bloodstone in 14:42


Result : R.K. Hayes pins Johnny Bloodstone @ 14:42


Rating : C-




Overall Rating : D+


MVP : RK Hayes


Attendance : 2,000


Held in : Smallwood Fields


The fans thought the show was decent

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I have to agree with what other readers have said. A D+ for your first show, is not OK, it's a disaster especially considering you were in your home region, where you have most popularity (B).


Personally if it was me, I'd press the reset button on this one. Presentation/writing wise, the diaries fine but you've got off to a horrendous start with the booking.

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NOTBPW Show Preview


Roger Brown Reporting


Alright everybody, last time the show wasn't great, but it sat well with most fans, so maybe this week Avatar knows what to improve. Here are the matches to watch.



Brown/Westybrook II


Last Match ended in controversy, it was a 50/50 split among the audience, but regardless, both demanded a rematch, and tonight their wish will become a reality. Can Westybrook even the score, or will Brown prove he is the better athlete ?



Canadian Championship on the Line


RK Hayes, NOTBPW Canadian Champion, puts his title on the line for the first time, and everybody knows the first defense is the hardest, as he takes on Dark Angel, one of the toughest, feel no pain warriors to ever wrestle in Canada. If he is able to take the Title from RK Hayes, he will enter the book of greats. If RK defends the title, he will have been the first in the Avatar Era to defend a title.



Blood and Champagne


The Debut of one of the biggest stars in the Lucha Libre world will make his Canadian debut tonight, But he is taking on one of the best wrestlers in the world today, Johnny Bloodstone, the former Canadian Champion, takes on the debutant tonight in a Hardcore Match. Whoever wins will cement their legacy with NOTBPW.


Full Card


Omar Brown vs. Tim Westybrook II

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Joey Beauchamp

Black Eagle vs. Harrison Hash

Cold As Ice (Derek Frost and Ace Freeze) vs. The Can-Am Blondes

Jack Avatar vs. John Maverick

The Kelowna Playaz © vs. Stone and Stone vs. The McWade Brothers (Tag Team Championship)

R.K. Hayes © vs. Dark Angel (Canadian Championship)

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Champagne Lover


OOC : I'm Just going to post this show now, as it was booked before I got the advice from Tigerkinney. The Following Shows will be much better as I have the advice now

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Omar Brown vs. Tim Westybrook II


Omar Brown made it official tonight, that last times match-up was not a fluke, as he quickly dispatched himself of Tim Westybrook a second time, submitting him with an Anaconda Vice in 7:50 seconds, the re-match did not live up to the hype though, as the fans thought the finish was unexciting.


Result : Omar Brown Submits Tim Westybrook @ 7:50


Rating : D



Joey Beauchamp vs. Mainstream Hernandez


Joey Beauchamp and Mainstream Hernandez were brought in as huge prospects and both lived up to expectations, as the match end came quickly with Pontiac to Home from Mainstream Hernandez. Unfortunately, they did not seem to click very well, which made for an odd bout.


Result : Mainstream Hernandez pins Joey Beauchamp @ 4:49


Rating : D-



Black Eagle vs. Harrison Hash


Black Eagle came in fast, and dominated Harrison Hash with pure wrestling tactics, but exhausted himself quickly and allowing Hash to retrieve the item. Eagle promised redemption at next week's show to get the title shot at Big City Brawl.


Result : Harrison Hash Retrieved the Item @ 14:47


Rating : D-



Cold As Ice vs. The Can-Am Blondes


Ace Freeze's debut with the promotion turned out successfully with a new team being formed with Derek Frost as "Cold As Ice" Their Debut was against The Can-Am Blondes, and dominated them. Ace Freeze came out strong and finished strong as well, defeating Owen Love with a Freezer.


Result : Ace Freeze pins Owen Love @ 14:36


Rating : D



John Maverick vs. Jack Avatar


Jack Avatar's second match with the promotion, but didn't have such an easy match this time. Former Contender John Maverick wanted a crack at the Head Booker. Maverick utilized his full arsenal of technical wrestling abilities to take Avatar Down and keep him down long enough to score a submission by Deadly Silence.


Result : John Maverick submits Jack Avatar @ 17:51


Rating : C



The Kelowna Playaz vs. The McWade Brothers vs. Stone and Stone


A Dominant performance from Stone and Stone made many question how Boone and Green managed to become Champions in the first place. Nonetheless, The Stones pinned The McWades and Boone and Green, in an excitement filled match where the fans did not sit down.


Result : Stone and Stone pinned The McWade Brothers and The Kelowna Playaz @ 17:31


Rating : C+



Dark Angel vs. R.K. Hayes


R.K. Hayes tried to make the first defense of his title tonight, but against a very tough opponent in Dark Angel. Angel quickly came in and landed multiple punches and power shots that injured Hayes early. Regardless, he pushed forward, and ate some more, before ultimately succumbing to a Descent into Hell. Angel earns the NOTBPW Canadian Title.


Result : Dark Angel Pins R.K. Hayes @ 17:34


Rating : C



Champagne Lover vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Bloodstone's first match since losing the title, and he was facing some of the toughest opposition Mexico had to offer, in Champagne Lover. Champagne Lover was doing good going into the 10th Minute of the match, but ultimately had trouble handling the skill level of Johnny Bloodstone. Bloodstone puts himself back into contendership after this bout with a Bloodstone Mutilation.


Result : Johnny Bloodstone submits Champagne Lover @ 18:15


Rating : C+




Show Rating : C+


MVP : Dark Angel


Attendance : 4,539


Held In : Waterloo University Arena


The Fans Thought The Show was Decent

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I hope UFC King doesn't mind me posting this up, but this was the advice I sent regarding NOTBPW, that UFC King was referring to. Though it really applies best if UFC King wished to start totally anew. I'd still say if it was me doing this diary (had only booked a few shows) and faced with this sort of disappointing start, I'd press the reset button. Though to be fair the last show was better, so maybe things can be turned around here.


1. NOTBPW Face/Heel Divide is strong, however there are many more heels compared to faces on the roster, so I would change that to Medium. However the fans will still prefer face/heel matches than heel/heel or face/face matches...so I would save those for the undercard and keep your main matches as face/heel.


2. NOTBPW start with about 5 workers short of what the minimum should be. Immediately offer some available workers some contracts. However with Championship Wrestling only two days away, you wont get anyone in on time. So I would strike up some working relationships and bring some workers in on talent trades. Doesn't matter who you get in, they can be a total jobber, they're just there to temporarily make up the numbers.


3. The Tag Division is badly organised. For a start the worst regular team in the Kelowna Playaz have the belts, get them to drop the belts straight away. However all the other teams are heel....so I'd get one of those teams to turn face pretty quickly. My candidates would be the McWades who I would align with Tim Westybrook and have them in an undercard feud with R.K Hayes, Harlem Haynes and Omar Brown.


4. Build your main event around the Stones, Bloodstone, Dark Angel for the past few months, with Tim Westybrook and John Maverick getting in the occasional main events.


5. R.K Hayes isn't good enough for the main event but still has some usefulness, so I would use him to put over rising mid-carders, whilst keeping him reasonably strong with wins over mid-carders/jobbers who wont be moving up.


6. A mid-card singles title to replace the All Action Belt is a must in my opinion, but until you've bedded in some new arrivals, I wouldn't introduce it until at least three or four months down the road.


7. If you have hired alot of high flyers to fill the gaps in the roster, increase the product to Medium and the Danger Level to 40%.


8. More than likely your first show isn't going to be the strongest, so I would put it on in a market, where expectations are lower such as B.C, Prairies or even Quebec.


Additional comment: You could start with a Bloodstone-Stone title match if you wanted to help give you a really great first show but with the repeat match rule now in place, I would save those for the supercard events on PPV.

9. Despite a strong/face heel divide the fanbase also like clean finishes, so try and keep schmozz finishes to a minimum.

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Good advice and very along the line as I book NOTBW. Also lowering match percentege to 80 or upping it to a 100 is good. Also no need to hire those people so fast as the women wrestlers do count towards the minimum needed but arent represented on the ideal roster as they are in a division. If ya dont want angles go 100 and up modern or do 80 and up entertainment to medium dont remember if can do both to medium. Whatever ya doo remember its wrestlign first overness second. see point 4 those are your main eventers at the start till McFLy returns and ya can get the can ams, hash, Acid (must sign imho) more over.
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AH ok didnt know that and just recheked its either up entertainment and angle ratio 80 or up modern and no angles. Doesnt really matter any way imho. But seeign as you are brining in the flyers id say go with the modern. EDIT altough for diary purposes medium mainstream and 80 percent angles could be way to go because as long as the high flyers can wrestle the fans wont mind much. (and as long as the matches are "normal"/traditional).
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