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WWF: Winning The War

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WWF Monday Night RAW

March, Week 1, 1996<O:p</O:p


The show starts off with the usual pyro, and the camera pans out to reveal Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler at ringside.


“Hello everybody, and welcome to Monday Night RAW! I’m Vince McMahon here with Jerry “The King” Lawler, and what a show we have for you tonight. Tonight, the two participants in the main event of Wrestlemania have a contract signing!”


“Oh who cares about that, tonight, Vader returns!”

Rating: B


The Bodydonnas vs Bob Holly & 1-2-3 Kid

Last month it the Gunns who faced the former champs, now it’s the challengers, and just like the champs, they put them away. Skip wins with the Blonde Bombshell.


Winner: The Bodydonnas at 7:00 minutes

Rating: D-


After the match the Bodydonnas are attacked by the Smokin’ Gunns! The Gunns attempt to take out the Bodies, but the Donnas reverse their attack, and chase them out of the ring! They then attempt to attack Sunny, but are hit from behind by chair **** from the Gunns! The Gunns then take them to the outside, and put them through the announce table!

Rating: D-


After the break, we come back to find a lavish ceremony prepared in the ring. The Ringmaster’s music then hits, and he makes his way out with Ted DiBiasi, and the Million Dollar Belt. He gets in, and grabs the mic.


“Thank you, thank you. At In Your House, I proved exactly why I am the Million Dollar Champion, why I hold the premier title in the WWF, a title so high in prestige, that nobody in the WWF deserves a shot at it, thus I will never have to defend it! Hahahahahaha! You see, I am a champion people can be proud of, I am a champion that is worthy of the admiration given to me by this great pioneer, Ted DiBiasi! That is why I am not the one who lost 8 days ago, I am too good to be facing some greasy haired, piece of trailer park trash! So I am out here tonight, to prove once and for all that I am the greatest athlete ever to step foot in a WWF ring….”


Before the Ringmaster can continue, Brian Pillman’s music hits, and he makes his way out with his cane, and a mic. He laughs.


“Oh, Ringmaster, you truly are a deserving athlete, you know how to wrestle like...well, a master. But you see, I’m not like you, you wrestle by the book, straight and easy. I’m more…unpredictable. As you know, I am well known as sort of a…loose cannon. And that means that I don’t follows the rules, that it doesn’t matter what people say, I do what I want, when I want. For example, if I wanted to get in that ring, and bash your face in with this stick, I could. In fact, I’ve come up with an idea, you see, I can’t live with the fact that I lost to a stuck up, privileged little sh*t like you for my entire life, so I am offering you a choice. Either give me my rematch, or I will come down to that ring, and shove this stick so far up you’re a**, it’ll stick out your mouth! What do you say?”


The Ringmaster’s jaw hits the floor, as he gulps, before grabbing the mic.


“Okay, okay, you want your rematch, you got it. But, it will be on my terms.”


“Fine, what are your terms.”


“We have the match at Wrestlemania. And, If I win, you are out of my life, you do not bother, you do not get in the same ring with me ever!”


“You’re on!”


Ringmaster, clearly not expecting him to except looked mortified in the ring, as Pillman began laughing maniacally.

Rating: C


Mr. Perfect vs Bob Backlund

This was a quick match, as the only reason I really keep Backlund is so he can job. Anyway, the match ends after Perfect hits a Perfect-Plex for the victory.


Winner: Mr. Perfect at 8:00 minutes

Rating: C


After the match, Perfect doesn’t have time to celebrate, as he is immediately attacked from behind by Owen Hart! Hart lays into Hennig with boots, before digging into his pockets, and pulls out handcuffs! He handcuffs Hennig to the ropes, before digging in again, and pulling out brass knuckles! He begins pounding into Hennig’s face, until he begins bleeding profusely! Eventually, EMT’s come out, and check on Perfect as we go to commercial.

Rating: C+


When we return, we are taken backstage, where Owen Hart is walking, laughing about what he’s done, when he is approached by Gorilla Monsoon.


“You’re pretty proud of yourself aren’t you?”


“Yes, I am.”


“Well, I just came here to thank you Owen.”


“Your welcome.”


“Don’t you care about what I want to thank you about?”


“Not really.”


“Oh, but I think you should. You see, after seeing what you just did out there, I’ve come to the realization that there is only one way to end this feud between you and Mr. Perfect. And that as in a match, but not just any match, this is a match so brutal, that I feel it’s the only way this could end. I am of course talking about……an I QUIT match! And it is going to take place at Wrestlemania!”


Owen just grins, before lifting up his bloody hand.


“You see this Monsoon? This is Hennig’s blood, I did this, when nothing was on the line. Now, imagine what I could do to him, once we are in the ring, in front of millions of people, and in an official no rules match. You think that this match is supposed to make me scared? I look forward to it. At Wrestlemania, I am going to mutilate your precious Mr. Perfect, then he won’t be so perfect anymore.”


Owen then leaves, still laughing over his destruction.

Rating: C


Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs Henry O. Godwinn

Another pretty fast paced match, that doesn’t go for very long, but I only have an hour so, what are you gonna do? Anyway, the match ends when Helmsley hits the Pedigree for the victory.


Winner: Hunter Hearst Helmsley at 7:00 minutes

Rating: D+


After the match, Tatanka storms to the ring, and takes down Helmsley, before laying into him with punches. Security then come down, and restrain Tatanka, as Helmsley bails. Meanwhile, Tatanka shouts “I want my title shot!”

Rating: C+


We follow Helmsley backstage, where he runs into Gorilla Monsoon.


“Ah, Hunter, glad I found you. Listen, since Tatanka is so eager for a match with you, and earlier, I got a visit from Razor Ramon who wants a match against Diesel. So I’ve decided to kill two bird with one stone so to speak. You see, I’ve decided to make a match for next week, a tag team match pitting you & Diesel, against Tatanka & Razor Ramon. And, if they win, they get matches against you & Diesel respectively at Wrestlemania! And your match will be for the Intercontinental Championship!”


Monsoon leaves as Hunter looks pissed.

Rating: C-


The Undertaker vs Sid Vicious

You see, I’m having this match now, so I won’t have to have it at the main event of freaking Wrestlemania! Fortunately, Sid prevents himself from pissing his pants this time. The match ends when ‘Taker hit the Tombstone Piledriver for the victory.


Winner: The Undertaker at 9:00 minutes

Rating: C+ <O:p</O:p


After the match, Vader makes his way out with Jim Cornette. But, he doesn’t go after Undertaker, instead he goes to ringside, and grabs a hold of Paul Bearer! He drags Paul through the ramp, and attempts to take him backstage. ‘Taker however doesn’t let him, as he follows Vader, but is met with a huge clothesline! Vader beats on the Undertaker, before grabbing him, and giving him a Vader Bomb right on the stage! He then does the same thing to Bearer! Meanwhile, Cornette shouts “It’s on Deadman!”

Rating: C+


After the commercial break, we come back to see a table set up in the ring, and Gorilla Monsoon standing with a contract in his hand.


“Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the contract signing for the main event of Wrestlemania! After tonight, the main event will be set in stone.”


Shawn Michaels’ music hits, and the Heart Break Kid makes his way to the ring.


“First, the challenger, making his way to the ring, he is the 1996 Royal Rumble winner, the Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels!”


HBK gets in the ring, and does his usually posing and flexing thing, before Bret Hart makes his way out.


“And now the champion, he is a 3 time WWF Champion, Bret “The Hitman” Hart!”


Hart gets in the ring, and begins staring down Michaels, before taking a seat.


“Gentlemen, if you would sign the contract. Bret, you first.”


Bret takes the pen, and sign the contract, before handing it to Michaels. Michaels goes to sign, but Bret picks up a mic.


“Shawn, before you sign, I just want you to think about it. I’ve already beaten you once, I have beaten everybody that there is to beat in the WWF. And Shawn, while you are an amazing athlete, there is a reason they call me the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.”


Shawn then picks up a mic.


“Well Bret, there is a reason they call me the Showstopper. It’s because everytime I go out there, the fans know that they are getting the best of Shawn Michaels. Win, lose, or draw, people are always talking about how the Heart Break Kid stole the show. Prime example would be Wrestlemania X, I was in the first ever ladder match, now, I didn’t win, but everybody now knows it as the match that I made famous.”


“Yeah, but Shawn, this isn’t like all the other times, you need to win this, this has everything riding on it. It doesn’t matter whether you put on the best performance, what matters is leaving the arena with the title hanging over your shoulder. And I have done that more times than anybody.”


“True, but then again, you’ve never had to face me. If memory serves me, last time we faced, was 4 years ago. I’m older now Bret, I’m wiser, I’m better. I won’t make the same mistakes twice, I won’t get too ****y, I know what’s on the line, and I plan on taking that title. Question is Hart, can you handle the new Heart Break Kid. Because you better believe that at Wrestlemania, you are getting the Showstopper, the Main Event, the Icon, you are going to get the best of Shawn Michaels.”


“I expect nothing less.”


Shawn then signs the contract.


“Oh, and Bret, there is just one more thing, I want to clarify, and that’s last week. You see, you’re probably wondering why I didn’t Superkick you when I had the chance.”


Bret wonders.


“You see, it wasn’t the right place, not the right time. When Shawn Michaels superkicks his opponents, it’s at the right place.”


Shawn then Superkicks Bret!


“At the right time.”


Shawn stands over Bret, as we go off the air.

Rating: B

Final Rating: C

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WWF Monday Night RAW Card:

Owen Hart vs Jake Roberts

The Ringmaster vs Marty Jannetty

Hunter Hearst Helmsley & Diesel vs Tatanka & Razor Ramon

Shawn Michaels vs Vader

Special Guest Referee: Bret Hart

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Owen Hart vs Jake Roberts

Owen works his way to Wrestlemania. Hopefully, Roberts won't be drunk.


The Ringmaster vs Marty Jannetty

Ringmaster, congratulations on your victory. Jannetty, congratulations on still having a job.


Hunter Hearst Helmsley & Diesel vs Tatanka & Razor Ramon

Let's give this round to the heels.


Shawn Michaels vs Vader

Special Guest Referee: Bret Hart

Bret'll be pissed about the superkick, but he's not about to help Vader over it. Besides, Hart's too honourable to not call it straight down the middle.

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WWF Monday Night RAW Card:

Owen Hart vs Jake Roberts - Go Owen go!


The Ringmaster vs Marty Jannetty - I can dream, can't I?


Hunter Hearst Helmsley & Diesel vs Tatanka & Razor Ramon - I was a massive Tatanka mark. I'm not sure I should really admit that...


Shawn Michaels vs Vader Special Guest Referee: Bret Hart - HBK all the way - even with the referee.

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WWF Monday Night RAW

March, Week 2, 1996<O:p</O:p


The show starts off with the usual pyro, and the camera pans out to reveal Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler at ringside.


“Hello everybody, and welcome to Monday Night RAW, I’m Vince McMahon here with Jerry “The King” Lawler! And we are just 2 weeks away from Wrestlemania!”


“That’s right, in 2 weeks we witness what could possibly be the biggest main event in Wrestlemania history! Although, I would prefer Diesel or Vader.”


“Yeah I bet you would.”

Rating: B-


Owen Hart vs Jake Roberts

Jake Roberts returns to RAW after a long absence. It isn’t the return he’s looking for, as he is quickly taken down by Owen. Owen wins the match after locking in the Sharpshooter, and while Jake tries to fight it, he eventually submits.


Winner: Owen Hart at 7:00 minutes

Rating: C


After the match, Owen picks up a mic.


“Hennig! You see that, that is nothing, NOTHING, compared to what I will do to you at Wrestlemania! You see, this is more like what I will do to you.”


He goes to the outside, where he gets a chair, gets in the ring, wraps it around Roberts’ head, and goes to the top rope! Thankfully, before he can jump, Mr. Perfect makes his way to the ring, and begins brawling with Hart! They take it to the outside, where Perfect sends Hart to the steps. Hart fights back, and clotheslines Perfect, before setting him up on the announce table. He attempts to Piledriver him on the table, but Perfect begins fighting back. Eventually, Officials come in, and separate them, as they try to go at it some more.

Rating: C+


The Ringmaster is backstage, apparently trying to avoid running into Brian Pillman. He looks around, before he bumps into Sid Vicious! Ringmaster screams.


“You scared me.”




“Can I help you?”


“Well, it seems to me like you’re trying to hide from someone.”


“I’m not trying to hide from anybody.”


“Oh, then I guess you don’t need my help.”


“Wait, what do you have in mind.”


“Well, I say, why hide, when you can just hire protection.”


“Why are you doing this?”


“Well, seeing as we were both once with DiBiasi, I thought I would do you a favor.”




“No, I want a shot at the Million Dollar title.”


“Nobody challenges for the Million Dollar title.”


“They do now.”




The Ringmaster & Sid then leave for the Ringmaster’s match.

Rating: C+


The Ringmaster (w/Ted DiBiasi & Sid Vicious) vs Marty Jannetty

Ringmaster is clearly more confident now than before. As he puts away Jannetty quick and fast, finishing him off with a Stunner.


Winner: The Ringmaster at 5:00 minutes

Rating: C-


After the match, Brian Pillman comes out through the crowd with a chair! He gets in the ring, and tries to attack Austin, but is quickly taken down by Sid! Sid begins laying into Pillman, before he reverses a Powerbomb, and hits a low blow, before bailing out of the ring. Ted DiBiasi then grabs a mic.


“You see, that is why you are a never was, never will be loser! And that is why you will never, ever beat the Million Dollar champion, because while you use your b****s to make your decisions, he uses his brains! And I guarantee that at Wrestlemania your uneventful little career ends at the hands of The Ringmaster!”


Gorilla Monsoon’s music then hits, and he makes his way out with a mic.


“You know Ted, you seem pretty certain that your client is gonna win.”


“I guarantee it.”


“Are you sure enough to put your career on the line for it?”


DiBiasi hesitates, before answering.


“Hell yeah.”


“Then it’s done, at Wrestlemania, if your client loses, you are fired!”


DiBiasi looks shocked as all hell, as he and the Ringmaster begin throwing a fit in the ring as Pillman grins, and gets that crazy look in his eyes.

Rating: C-


British Bulldog is backstage, apparently looking for Goldust, when he bumps into Monsoon.


“Whoa, looking for someone?”


“Where is he?”


“I’m afraid Goldust isn’t here tonight.”


“Damn it!”


“But, he will be here at Wrestlemania.”


Bulldog looks interested.


“So, at Wrestlemania, you get a chance for revenge, as it will be you against Goldust one on one!”


Bulldog looks satisfied as he walks away.

Rating: C+


Hunter Hearst Helmsley & Diesel vs Tatanka & Razor Ramon

Hunter looks worried at the prospect of defending his title against Tatanka at Wrestlemania. But, he gets more comfortable once he sees Diesel destroy both opponents. Eventually Ramon makes the comeback, and the match grows more even. The match ends when a pissed off Diesel goes to the outside, grabs a chair, and goes to hit Ramon, but he is stopped by…Hunter! Hunter tries to take the chair away, explaining how if they get disqualified, he has to defend his title. Diesel doesn’t care, as he pushes Helmsley off, before turning around, right into a small package from Ramon! 1…2…3!


Winners: Tatanka & Razor Ramon at 9:00 minutes

Rating: C-


After the match, Diesel looks shocked and pissed off, as Ramon & Tatanka celebrate. He then looks at Helmsley with a death stare as he gulps.

Rating: C


Bret Hart is backstage preparing for his very difficult refereeing job, when Shawn walks in.


“Hey Bret.”


“What the hell do you want?”


“Such hostility, it’s not good for you. I just came here to make sure that you referee this match right down the middle.”


“Oh, believe me Shawn, I’ll call it the way I see fit.”


Shawn doesn’t seem happy about that, as he storms out.

Rating: A


Shawn Michaels vs Vader

Special Guest Referee: Bret Hart

This match is pretty much dominated by Vader, as he takes control of Michaels early on. HBK eventually hits a Superkick out of desperation, which gives him some momentum. He attempts a pin, but only get a 2, which he argues to referee Hart. Eventually HBK gets pissed, and goes outside to grab a chair. He gets in the ring, but Hart prevents him from using it, causing an argument. Vader takes advantage of this, hitting HBK with a Vader Bomb! The lights then go out, and when they come back on, The Undertaker is standing behind Vader! Vader turns, and ‘Taker begins laying into him with punches, and the two begin a brawl causing a DQ!


Winner: Vader by DQ at 12:00 minutes

Rating: C+


‘Taker & Vader take it to the outside, and into the crowd. In the ring, Bret picks up the chair and turns around. When Michaels sees Bret with the chair, he falls, and begs Bret not to hit him. Bret looks at him, then at the chair, before dropping the chair, and bailing from the ring, as HBK looks on confused.

Rating: B

Final Rating: C

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WWF Monday Night RAW Card:

Million Dollar Championship:

The Ringmaster© vs Sid Vicious

The British Bulldog vs Jeff Jarrett

Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs Diesel

Bret Hart vs The Undertaker

Special Guest Referee: Shawn Michaels

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Million Dollar Championship:

The Ringmaster© vs Sid Vicious

I really don't think you're going to stick with the Ringmaster. I suspect we'll see Sid become DiBiase's main guy here, and the Ringmaster will disappear, soon to re-debut (is that a word?) as "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.


The British Bulldog vs Jeff Jarrett

I've made my feelings on these two very clear. One's very good; one's not. See if you can figure out which is which.


Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs Diesel

I think HHH will take a powder, and call it a day. Count out.


Bret Hart vs The Undertaker

Special Guest Referee: Shawn Michaels

I get a strange giddyness when I see matches that actually took place later on than they do in the diary. I'm not entirely sure why. Anyway, I'm marking for this. I think we'll see Michaels drop Hart with a superkick, leading to the finish.

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Million Dollar Championship:

The Ringmaster© vs Sid Vicious

Austin still has a little bit of time left as Dibiase's Main guy


The British Bulldog vs Jeff Jarrett

British Bulldog= Greatest big man worker EVER, Jeff Jarrett= Jobber


Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs Diesel

Diesel should look strong here...


Bret Hart vs The Undertaker

Special Guest Referee: Shawn Michaels

Hart gets the win but at the same time him and Michaels continue to build tension.

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WWF Monday Night RAW

March, Week 3, 1996<O:p</O:p


The show starts off with the usual pyro, and the camera then pans to the ring, where Vince McMahon is standing with a mic.


“Hello everybody, and welcome to Monday Night RAW! We have a great show for you here tonight, but first, allow me to introduce to you my guest at this time, the WWF Champion, Bret Hart!”


Hart makes his way out, with the WWF title around his waist.


“Bret, I guess the question on everybody’s mind right now is…”


“Vince, I know what the question on everybody’s mind is right now, because it’s been the same question that’s been on their mind all week, and that is, why didn’t you take out Shawn Michaels with that chair. Well, the answer is pretty simple really, you see, unlike Shawn Michaels, I have some dignity, some respect for my opponent. I have some decency to wait ‘till Wrestlemania to take my opponent out, and it’s gonna happen in that ring, with the title on the line. So Shawn, you can cheap shot me all you want, because at Wrestlemania, it’s gonna be me walking out of there with the WWF title.”


As Bret goes to leave, Shawn Michaels’ music hits, and he makes his way out in a referee shirt, and a mic in hand.


“Oh bravo Bret, great speech, you actually got me scared a little. But guess what, you can talk all you want, you can keep convincing yourself, and everybody else, that you didn’t hit me last week because of your “decency”. But in reality, you know that you didn’t hit me because you couldn’t. Face it Hart you didn’t you that special ingredient in you to get the mental advantage. Why? Well, I’ll leave you to figure that out. But you see Bret, I have that extra ingredient inside of me, and tonight I prove it once again!”


Shawn then grows a smirk on his face as we go to commercial.

Rating: B+


Million Dollar Championship:

The Ringmaster© vs Sid Vicious

Master obviously is scared going into the match, as he refuses to get in the ring, until the ref forces him. Sid dominates most of the match, taking out the Ringmaster, and really getting ****y. The match ends, when Pillman comes out with a chair, and swings at Ringmaster, only to hit the referee! Sid then goes for a Powerbomb, but Pillman hits him with a chair shot too! Ringmaster then makes the cover, as another ref comes and makes the count.


Winner: And STILL Million Dollar Champion, The Ringmaster at 7:00 minutes

Rating: C+


After the match, Ringmaster celebrates, when he is suddenly hit with a chair shot from Pillman! Pillman stands over Austin, before staring down DiBiasi, and getting that freaky grin on his face.

Rating: C


The camera’s are shown outside, as Mr. Perfect arrives at the arena. He tries to get in, when security stop him. He tries again, but security stop him again!


“What the hell is going on here?”


“Sorry Mr. Perfect, but Mr. Monsoon gave us strict orders not to allow you into the arena.”


“What, why?”


“That’s something you’ll have to ask him, sir.”




Somehow, Monsoon manages to hear him, and he comes over to join us.


“Ah, Curt.”


“Why the hell aren’t I allowed into the arena?”


“Well Curt, I’m getting tired of you and Owen’s fighting. So, I’ve decided to not let either of you into the arena tonight.”


“What about next week.”


“I have a plane for next week.”


“But you allowed Owen in.”


“Actually, no I didn’t, Mr. Hart hasn’t come yet.”




“Yes, now if you’ll please step back.”


Hennig smiles.




He then walks away.

Rating: C-


The British Bulldog vs Jeff Jarrett

Bulldog can’t get to Goldust, so he decides to take out his aggressions on one of the other people who attacked him. And boy does he take it out. He destroys Jarrett, finishing him off with a Running Powerslam.


Winner: The British Bulldog at 6:00 minutes

Rating: B-


After the match, the arena suddenly turns gold. As the Bulldog stands confused in the ring, he is attacked from behind by Goldust! Goldust lays into Bulldog, before finishing him off with a Curtain Call, and he begins screeching in his face.

Rating: B+


We are taken to the outside again, where Owen arrives at the arena. As he begins walking, he is attacked from behind by Mr. Perfect! Perfect lays into him, before locking in the Sharpshooter! Hennig yells at Owen to say I quit before the guards come in and separate them, before asking Hennig to leave.

Rating: C


Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs Diesel

Hunter is more scared of this than Ringmaster was of his match. And for good reason as Diesel has that “I want to kill someone” look on his face. The match is dominated by Diesel, as he takes out his aggressions on Helmsley. The match ends when Razor Ramon comes out through the crowd, and attempts to get in the ring, but is stopped by security. Hunter takes advantage of the distraction to roll up Diesel for the win!!!!!!!


Winner: Hunter Hearst Helmsley at 10:00 minutes

Rating: D+


Diesel is obviously not happy about this, as he begins chasing Helmsley around the ring, before he is stopped by a shot from Ramon! Ramon and Diesel begin brawling, as Hunter makes his way to the back. Just when he thinks he’s out of the woods, Tatanka makes his way out! Tatanka rolls Helmsley into the ring, and hits him with a Tomahawk chop, before posing with the IC belt.

Rating: C+


Bret Hart vs The Undertaker

Special Guest Referee: Shawn Michaels

This weeks the roles are reversed, with HBK as the ref, and Hart as the participant. This is obviously better than the Michaels, Vader match. But, Undertaker seems weaker without the urn. The match ends, when Vader comes out, distracting the Undertaker. This gives Hart the chance to lock in the Sharpshooter! As Undertaker struggles, Vader taunts him, while Hart is just staring a hole through Bret. Eventually Undertaker breaks the hold. Vader goes, and grabs a chair, before getting in the ring to use it, but Shawn stops him. And Vader & Undertaker begin brawling!


Winner: No Contest at 11:00 minutes

Rating: B-


Vader gets the advantage in their brawl, controlling the Undertaker just like last week. Meanwhile, in the ring, Hart picks up the chair, but when he turns around, he is met with a Sweet Chin Music from Michaels! Michaels poses over Hart as the show ends.

Rating: B+

Final Rating: C+

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Happy birthday, dude!


Excellent show, as always.


Thanks man! It's nice to get that from the one guy who seems to respond to this diary regularly. Anyway, here is the RAW predictions.



WWF Monday Night RAW

The British Bulldog vs Goldust

Hunter Hearst Helmsley & The Ringmaster vs Tatanka & Brian Pillman

Wrestlemania Rewind:

Bret Hart vs Razor Ramon

Wrestlemania Rewind:

Shawn Michaels vs Owen Hart

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Cool show bud. I think Michaels - Bret is the right way to go and I'm sure will bring great ratings. This is a good era because the WWF started turning a corner around this time, having Austin change gimmick, bringing in Mankind, change in attitude (pun intended), so must be pretty exciting to write for.


Not sure about Sid & Diesel jobbing, even with interference, but I'll see where you take it. I guess in a way they are the guys who were sort of in the wrong place at the wrong time, because 5 years earlier in the Fed they would have been huge, but hey, we'll see. I'm sure you are going somewhere with it.


The British Bulldog vs Goldust

One of your bigger names on the roster


Hunter Hearst Helmsley & The Ringmaster vs Tatanka & Brian Pillman

Heh, seeing this knowing what we do is pretty cool. I think Pillman could be an absolute star, but so could Helmsley and Austin


Wrestlemania Rewind:

Bret Hart vs Razor Ramon

Bret needs the momentum, but Hall could still make a big difference


Wrestlemania Rewind:

Shawn Michaels vs Owen Hart

Shawn needs the momentum, but Owen could still make a big difference (!)


Looking forward to the show matey

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Cool show bud. I think Michaels - Bret is the right way to go and I'm sure will bring great ratings. This is a good era because the WWF started turning a corner around this time, having Austin change gimmick, bringing in Mankind, change in attitude (pun intended), so must be pretty exciting to write for.


Not sure about Sid & Diesel jobbing, even with interference, but I'll see where you take it. I guess in a way they are the guys who were sort of in the wrong place at the wrong time, because 5 years earlier in the Fed they would have been huge, but hey, we'll see. I'm sure you are going somewhere with it.


The British Bulldog vs Goldust

One of your bigger names on the roster


Hunter Hearst Helmsley & The Ringmaster vs Tatanka & Brian Pillman

Heh, seeing this knowing what we do is pretty cool. I think Pillman could be an absolute star, but so could Helmsley and Austin


Wrestlemania Rewind:

Bret Hart vs Razor Ramon

Bret needs the momentum, but Hall could still make a big difference


Wrestlemania Rewind:

Shawn Michaels vs Owen Hart

Shawn needs the momentum, but Owen could still make a big difference (!)


Looking forward to the show matey


Thanks for the comments man, really appreciate it. I really think this was a good era, as it was when WWF really started to fall, and I thought it would be really cool if I could prevent that from happening.


About Diesel & Sid, the reason I'm jobbing out Diesel is because his contract was coming up, and I wasn't sure he was gonna resign. But, now he did so, it should stop. As for Sid, I agree with the wrong place, wrong time thing, as in '91 he was huge, he main evented Wrestlemania. But now, he doesn't really fit in. Besides, it doesn't help that at 35 years old, he's at the Time Decline list.


Anyway, RAW should be up in a few hours.

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You may not get a lot of people commenting, but your views tell the story. Anyway...


The British Bulldog vs Goldust

Things won't be over between these two, but an angry Bulldog is never a good thing to fight against.


Hunter Hearst Helmsley & The Ringmaster vs Tatanka & Brian Pillman

A very intriguing match-up. I'm making this call based on the presence of Tatanka. He's the guy with the least to offer, in the long run.


Wrestlemania Rewind:

Bret Hart vs Razor Ramon

Royal Rumble '93 rematch (that's the sound of me marking again). Hart grabs some momentum back, after getting in inprint of Shawn's boot on his face.


Wrestlemania Rewind:

Shawn Michaels vs Owen Hart

My heart wants me to pick Hart, but my brain is overriding this one. You've been making both champion & challenger look mortal of late, so it's time to elevate them above the fray again.

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This is some great stuff right here! This is around the time period where we got sky TV so I got to stay up till midnight on friday night to watch RAW!Ah the memories! Oh and happy belated birthday.


The British Bulldog vs Goldust I think that the bulldog will let his heart dictate his head in this one, dominating the early exchanges before ultimately falling prey to the mind games of the golden one

Hunter Hearst Helmsley & The Ringmaster vs Tatanka & Brian Pillman As a wise man once said, I think it was reg McNeish, "I'm making this call based on the presence of Tatanka. He's the guy with the least to offer, in the long run."

Wrestlemania Rewind:

Bret Hart vs Razor Ramon

Wrestlemania Rewind:

Shawn Michaels vs Owen Hart

Bret and Shawn need to win here to continue the build to wrestlemania.

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WWF Monday Night RAW

March, Week 4, 1996<O:p</O:p


The show starts off with the usual pyro, and Vince McMahon & Jerry “The King” Lawler at the announce table.


“Hello everybody, and welcome to Monday Night RAW! I’m Vince McMahon here with Jerry “The King” Lawler, and we are only six days away from the biggest show of them all, Wrestlemania!”


“That’s right McMahon, and I can’t wait. You know, I was a little skeptical before because of the main event, but I’m starting to warm up to Shawn Michaels.”


“He is a great athlete.”


“Not that, did you see the way he kicked Bret Hart last week, again! I loved it!”


“Yeah, I bet you did.”

Rating: B-


The British Bulldog vs Goldust

Monsoon decided to have this match this week, as a taste of what’s to come. Bulldog charges to the ring, looking for blood. He gets in the ring, hits Goldust with a huge Powerbomb, before hitting him with a boot to the face. He then gets him up, and hits a running powerslam for the pinfall!


Winner: British Bulldog at 2:00 minutes

Rating: C-


After the match, Bulldog celebrates, when suddenly he is attacked from behind by another Goldust! The other Goldust starts laying into the Bulldog, as the firs one gets up, and pulls off his mask to reveal, Jeff Jarrett! Goldust continues beating on Bulldog, before hitting him with the Curtain Call! He then shrieks at him as we go to commercial.

Rating: B


The Ringmaster is backstage, trying to avoid Brian Pillman, when he runs into Hunter Hearst Helmsley, who is trying to avoid Tatanka.






“Looks like you’re trying to avoid somebody.”


“Funny, I can say the same thing about you.”


“I’m not avoiding anybody.”


“Me neither.”


“Okay then.”






Both men jump, as the voice of Gorilla Monsoon calls out. The commissioner approaches.


“Since neither of you are avoiding anybody. And you are obviously not afraid of your opponents, you can face them, tonight! In a tag team match!”


Both men look afraid, but neither wants to show it.




“I don’t care.”


They then leave.

Rating: C


Wrestlemania Rewind:

Bret Hart vs Razor Ramon

The first match in the Wrestlemania rewind matches. Razor gets more offence, as he seems motivated, dominating the champ. The match ends, when Ramon goes for a Razor’s Edge, but is distracted by Diesel coming from the crowd! As he begs Diesel to get to the ring, he is rolled up from behind by Bret! 1…2…3!


Winner: Bret Hart at 10:00 minutes

Rating: B


After the match, Ramon, pissed off that Diesel cost him the match, goes to the outside and stares down his Wrestlemania opponent. Both men seem ready to brawl, but Diesel just smiles and walks away. But, Razor won’t accept that, as he begins laying into Big Daddy! Ramon begins laying away at him, as security try to separate him, all the while Diesel continues grinning, knowing he got into Ramon’s head.

Rating: C+


After the break, Vader makes his way out with his manager, Jim Cornette. They get in the ring, and Cornette grabs a mic.


“As you know, over the last couple of weeks, the Undertaker hasn’t quite been himself. And I wonder if it has anything to do with this.”


He pulls out the urn from a bag. He laughs.


“Undertake is nothing without this urn. And without this urn, Undertaker is going to be decimated at Wrestlemania. Not that it matters, he would’ve been destroyed either way. But this just makes our job so much easier. So Vader, if you would do the honors.”


He hands Vader the urn, and just as Vader is about to empty it, the lights go out! When they come back on, Undertaker is in the ring! He begins laying into Vader, before booting him to the outside. He then grabs Cornette as he tries to take the urn, and gives him a Tombstone! He then grabs the urn, and poses in the ring!

Rating: B


The Ringmaster & Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs Brian Pillman & Tatanka

This is obviously a reluctant match for Ringmaster & Helmsley. They are pretty much dominated at the early goings, before the normal tag team formula applies. The match ends, when Helmsley goes for a Pedigree on Tatanka, but he reverses it into a pin, 1…2…3!


Winners: Tatanka & Brian Pillman at 6:00 minutes

Rating: C-


We are then taken backstage, where The Bodydonnas are being interviewed.


“Zip, Skip, I just want to ask, what is your game plan going into perhaps the biggest match of your careers?”




But before they can talk, they are attack by The Smokin’ Gunns! The champs lay into them, before Bart gives Zip a DDT onto the concrete! They leave as the EMT’s check on Zip.

Rating: D


Wrestlemania Rewind:

Shawn Michaels vs Owen Hart

Owen makes his way out with a bunch of security guards, just in case. You can obviously see why I picked this as the main event. Despite only having 11 minutes, these two go all out. The match ends, with the Owen going outside and getting a chair. He gets in the ring, and attempts to hit Shawn, but Shawn ducks, and hits a Superkick for the win!


Winner: Shawn Michaels at 11:00 minutes

Rating: B-


After the match, Owen attempts to attack Michaels, but he is stopped by a cameraman?! The cameraman pounds on Hart, before taking off his cap to reveal, Mr. Perfect! Perfect pounds into Owen, as the security try to separate him. Meanwhile, Bret makes his way out! He gets in the ring, and grabs the chair. He looks at HBK, then at the chair, before he drops the chair. He then grabs HBK, and locks him in the Sharpshooter! The show ends with HBK struggling to get out, and Hart keeping it locked in.

Rating: B+

Final Rating: B-

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WWF Wrestlemania XII

March Week 4, 1996



http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/T%20Images/Triple_H43.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/Rename/Tatanka.jpg

WWF Intercontinental Championship:

Hunter Hearst Helmsley© vs Tatanka




http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn68/Carmine85/WWF/BartGunn.jpghttp://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii186/MCMachineGun/EWR/B%20Pictures/Billy_Gunn.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Chris_Candido.jpghttp://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/T%20Images/Tom_Pritchard.jpg

WWF Tag Team Championships:

The Smokin' Gunns© vs

The Bodydonnas




http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/D%20Images/Davey_Boy_Smith11.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/G%20Images/Goldust6.jpg

The British Bulldog vs Goldust



http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/Rename/SteveAustin10.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Brian_Pillman.jpg

The Ringmaster vs Brian Pillman



http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/D%20Images/Diesel2.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/R%20Images/Razor_Ramon2.jpg

Diesel vs Razor Ramon



http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/O%20Images/Owen_Hart7.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/CurtHennig7.jpg

I Quit Match:

"The King Of Harts" Owen Hart vs Mr. Perfect



http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/V%20Images/Vader8.jpg vs http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheUndertaker1998.jpg

Vader vs The Undertaker



http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Bret_Hart.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/S%20Images/Shawn_Michaels38.jpg

WWF Championship:

Bret Hart© vs Shawn Michaels


Quick Picks:

WWF Intercontinental Championship: Hunter Hearst Helmsley© vs Tatanka

WWF Tag Team Championship: The Smokin' Gunns© vs The Bodydonnas

The British Bulldog vs Goldust

The Ringmaster vs Brian Pillman

Diesel vs Razor Ramon

I Quit Match: Owen Hart vs Mr. Perfect

Vader vs The Undertaker

WWF Championship: Bret Hart© vs Shawn Michaels

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WWF Intercontinental Championship: Hunter Hearst Helmsley© vs Tatanka

Apparantly I'm a wise man. Thanks BoomKing. The same applies here. Tatanka isn't title-worthy. HHH should keep it for a while yet.


WWF Tag Team Championship: The Smokin' Gunns© vs The Bodydonnas

I'm staying true here. I will NEVER predict the Bodydonnas to win. EVER!


The British Bulldog vs Goldust

Angy Bulldog = Injured Goldust


The Ringmaster vs Brian Pillman

I don't want to see DiBiase forced out. He's one of the best managers of all time. Pillman can afford this.


Diesel vs Razor Ramon

I'm just picking this one for some Face/Heel balance, in the win department. There isn't much seperating them, overall.


I Quit Match: Owen Hart vs Mr. Perfect

Mr. Perfect has ALL the momentum. In wrestling, that's the kiss of death. Besides, Owen's got the Sharpshooter. What's Perfect gonna do? Perfectplex him into submission?

P.S. I love ya, Hennig.


Vader vs The Undertaker

It doesn't matter what era it is, Undertaker doesn't lose at Wrestlemania. Especially not when he's got the urn.


WWF Championship: Bret Hart© vs Shawn Michaels

This is, by far, the hardest match to call. On the one hand, this was when the boyhood dream came true, which is one of THE defining moments of Michaels' career. On the other hand, he's a whiny, manipulative jerk, that needs an attitude adjustment, before he's truly championship material. In the end, though, I'm letting my heart pick this one, and my heart always picks Hart. Always.


Wrestlemania is always a big show, and with this lineup, you're doing it justice. I can't wait to see it.



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WWF Intercontinental Championship: Hunter Hearst Helmsley© vs Tatanka

Hunter for the win... Tatanka= Worthless


WWF Tag Team Championship: The Smokin' Gunns© vs The Bodydonnas

Even though Mr. Mcneish refuses to go for Chris Candido I must say I am a big fan of his work.


The British Bulldog vs Goldust

Big win Bulldog can score to get some momentum going.


The Ringmaster vs Brian Pillman

Pillman for the win!


Diesel vs Razor Ramon

I hate Kevin Nash


I Quit Match: Owen Hart vs Mr. Perfect

Hennig wins... Because he is absolutely perfect


Vader vs The Undertaker

I want Vader to win... I hate that goddamned streak


WWF Championship: Bret Hart© vs Shawn Michaels

Shawn Michaels is indeed a sexy boy.

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Never posted in this but I have been reading. So here is my picks



WWF IC: Hunter Hearst Helmsley© vs Tatanka

Hunter with the win, to move onto another fued (maybe Razor Ramon)


WWF Tag Team Titles: The Smokin' Gunns© vs The Bodydonnas

The Bodydonns pick up the gold, and Sunny with the turn.


The British Bulldog vs Goldust

Bulldog with the win, and moving on to Double J


The Ringmaster vs Brian Pillman

Pillman with the win with DiBiase getting rid of the Ringmaster


Diesel vs Razor Ramon

Diesel with the win then getting into the Title picture


I Quit Match: Owen Hart vs Mr. Perfect

Owen wins with the Sharpshooter pushing him into Title contention as well


Vader vs The Undertaker

Easy one here the Undertaker with a tombstone


WWF Championship: Bret Hart© vs Shawn Michaels

Bret holds onto to the Title to continue the fued, but know with so many challengers could be a huge next PPV.

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WWF Wrestlemania XII

Sunday, March Week 4, 1996<O:p</O:p


The show starts off with a video package, showing the history of Wrestlemania. And hyping up the main matches, including: WWF Championship, I Quit Match, ‘Taker vs Vader, and Diesel vs Ramon.

Rating: B+


Huge pyro then goes off, as the camera pans out to reveal the crowd. It then goes to the announce table where Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler are sitting.


“Hello everybody and welcome to the biggest spectacle of the year! A place where legends are made! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Wrestlemania! I’m Vince McMahon, here with Jerry “The King” Lawler, and what a show we have for you tonight!”


“Oh, what a show indeed, so many matches, I can’t wait!”


“Well, let’s not waste anytime.”

Rating: B


http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn68/Carmine85/WWF/BartGunn.jpghttp://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii186/MCMachineGun/EWR/B%20Pictures/Billy_Gunn.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Chris_Candido.jpghttp://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/T%20Images/Tom_Pritchard.jpg


WWF Tag Team Championships:

The Smokin’ Gunns© vs The Bodydonnas


These two teams waste no time going at it. Both teams are extremely motivated, the Donnas knowing that this is their last shot. The Gunns knowing that this is their chance to get rid of the Donnas.


Both teams go at it, but the experience of the Gunns gets the advantage. They take control of the Gunns in the early goings, isolating Skip from his partner. The Gunns make frequent tags, and begins working on the young challenger, before he hits a dropkick, and makes the quick tag!


Zip gets in, and begins taking control of the champions. He hits Billy with a suplex, and clotheslines Bart out of the ring. He gets a little too pumped, as his anger gets the best of him, and he allows Bart to get back in the ring, and hits him with a cheap shot from behind.


The Gunns then continue to work on the Donnas, sending Zip to the outside. Billy begins using the concrete to his advantage, constantly slamming him on it. Skip tries to stop it, but Bart takes him out with a running clothesline. Billy then gets Zip back in the ring, and attempts his new move, the Fame Asser, but Zip moves and hits a Superkick! He then hits the Piledriver!


He goes for the cover! 1…2…no! his pin is broken up by Bart! Skip isn’t happy about this, as he gets in the ring, and begins laying on Bart, before hitting him with a clothesline that sends both men crashing to the outside! Meanwhile, in the ring, Zip goes to the top, and attempts a flying body splash, but Billy moves!


Billy follows it up with a Gunns Slinger for the win!!!!


Winners: And STILL WWF Tag Team Champions, The Smokin’ Gunns at 11:00 minutes

Rating: D


After the match, The Gunns celebrate with Sunny, as the Donnas stand shocked in the ring. They stare at each other, rage apparent in Skip’s eyes at his partner’s mess up. They stare each other down for a minute, before Skip sticks his hand out, and Zip takes it!

Rating: D+


We are then taken to the interview area, where Dok Hendrix is interviewing Diesel.


“Hello everybody, I’m Dok Hendrix, here to interview…(He take a gulp)…Diesel.”


Diesel grins.


“It’s nice to see you again Dok.”


“Please don’t hurt me.”


“I won’t. I’m actually here because I have something to say. You see, about 6 years ago, I was getting started in this business, and even though I had not yet made my legendary mark, I was still wanted by every big company there was. Now, I made a bad choice, and instead of coming here, I went south. Let’s just say, not my finest hour. But, one good thing did come out of it, I met someone who would go on to be one of my closest friends. His name, was Razor Ramon. Naturally, we ended up here, and I thought it would be a great opportunity to take over the biggest company in the wrestling world. Instead, what do I find? My best friend has turned into a bumbling Cuban! So I did what I had to do, I tried to beat some sense into him. He took it the wrong way. And now, here we are, the biggest stage of them all, my chance to help my best friend realize, that the only way he can have any success here, is to stick with big daddy!”


Diesel then leaves, as Hendrix sighs a sigh of relief. But, his sigh is soon turned into a scream, as he is hit with a boot from Diesel!

Rating: C


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/T%20Images/Triple_H43.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/Rename/Tatanka.jpg


WWF Intercontinental Championship:

Hunter Hearst Helmsley© vs Tatanka


Tatanka wasted no time going after Helmsley, laying into him with lefts and rights, before sending him to the turnbuckle, and hitting him with a boot to the face. Tatanka continued to dominate for about 3 minutes, before Helmsley begged him off. When Tatanka took a step back, he was hit with a poke in the eye followed by a clothesline to the outside.


Hunter continued to work on Tatanka on the outside, using everything from the ring apron to the guardrail. He sends him back to the ring, and attempts to hit the Pedigree, but Tatanka reverses it into a backdrop, followed by a suplex.


Tatanka resumes control, moving on to power moves, as Hunter continues to sell beautifully. Tatanka then attempts a Tomahawk Chop, but Hunter ducks and hits a spinebuster! Hunter then goes for the Pedigree, but Tatanka sends him to the ropes, and hits the End Of The Trail!


He goes for the pin, but the ref is suddenly pulled out of the ring, and hit by a clothesline! Tatanka turns to see Henry Godwinn?! Tatanka chases him around the ring, and into the ring, where Henry ducks a clothesline, and Hunter takes advantage to hits the Pedigree for the win!


Winner: And STILL WWF Intercontinental Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley at 9:00 minutes

Rating: C-


After the match, Hunter celebrated, as Tatanka was left awestruck at the fact that he just fell for the same trick he used with Hunter a month ago.

Rating: C+


A video package is shown, highlighting the feud between Vader and The Undertaker, which is next!

Rating: B-


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/V%20Images/Vader8.jpgvs http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheUndertaker1998.jpg


Vader vs The Undertaker


Vader came out first, accompanied by a worried Jim Cornette. They waited in the ring for a while, before the lights dimmed, and a gong echoed throughout the arena. Druids then made their way out carrying torches. They stopped, and out came Paul Bearer! He was carrying the urn with him. He was soon followed by non other than the Undertaker! He was wearing a different wrestling attire, which consisted of an all black outfit, with fingerless black gloves (aka 1998).


As soon as the bell rang, ‘Taker & Vader went at it, with the Deadman getting the upper hand. He laid into Vader with lefts and rights, before hitting him with a boot to the face. He then send Vader to the turnbuckle, and came running at him with a huge clothesline! He then sends him to the opposite turnbuckle, and hitting another clothesline, followed by Old School!


Undertaker’s momentum is stopped after Vader blocks a punch, and begins unloading at him. He sends him to the turnbuckle, and hits his own clothesline, followed by a Sidewalk Slam and a two count. Vader then dominates the Deadman, squashing him repeatedly on the turnbuckles.


Vader then attempts a Vader Bomb, but ‘Taker fights out of it, and hits a clothesline. But Vader refuses to go down, so ‘Taker goes to the top rope, and hits a flying clothesline, that knocks both men down! Undertaker follows it up with a Chokeslam attempt, but Vader fights out of it, and hits a Vader Bomb! One…Two…Thr, no! Undertaker kicks out! Vader then goes to the top, and attempts a Vader Sault, but ‘Taker moves! Vader crashes, as ‘Taker takes advantage, and hits a Chokeslam!


But, he doesn’t go for the pin, instead, he slashes his throat! He attempts the Tombstone, but Vader uses his immense size to squash ‘Taker, and gets a two count. Vader follows it up with another Vader Bomb attempt, but once again ‘Taker fights out of it, and this time gives him a huge backdrop! Undertaker takes advantage of the momentum, hitting the Tombstone Piledriver! 1…2…3! ‘Taker did it!


Winner: The Undertaker at 13:00 minutes

Rating: C-


After the match, The Undertaker stared at Bearer, before nodding his head. Bearer then made his way down the ramp, and placed the urn in the middle. ‘Taker then rolled back his eyes, lifted his arm, and dropped it, sending a lightning bolt down, blasting the urn! Undertaker then posed in the ring, as the urn burned!

Rating: B+


Owen Hart is walking backstage, when he bumps into Bret.


“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the golden Hart. How’ve you been doing Bret? Chin hurt?”


“Very funny.”


“Indulge me Bret, tell me, how does it feel to get fooled by Shawn Michaels two weeks? How does it feel, coming to Wrestlemania to be in the main event 2 years after I beat at this very event?”


“It’s funny you should say that, as it brings up a very good question. If you’re so much better than me, why is it that I’m the one in the main event two years later?”


“The only reason it’s not me out there, is because of that damn Curt Hennig, Mr. Perfect my ass.”


“That’s right Owen, keep blaming other people for your problems. When are you gonna face up to the fact that you’re just not good enough? Face it Owen, you’ve always been the loser of the family. The sooner you realize it, the happier you’ll be.”


“I guess we’ll have to wait ‘till the end of the night to see who is the loser in the family.”


“I guess we will.”


Owen then walks past Bret, bumping into him with his shoulder as he does.

Rating: B+


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/Rename/SteveAustin10.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Brian_Pillman.jpg


The Ringmaster (w/Ted DiBiasi) vs Brian Pillman


The match starts off with a lock up, DiBiasi shouting Ringmaster off, which seems to throw him off balance as Pillman takes control. Pillman puts Austin in a headlock, and takes him down. Ringmaster manages to slip out of it, and hits Pillman with a right hand. Ringmaster follows it up with a headlock, but Pillman pushes him off, and hits Austin with a dropkick as he rebounds off the rope.


Pillman then takes control as DiBiasi seems to burst a vein, and it doesn’t help that Pillman finds time to taunt DiBiasi after every move. But, Ringmaster takes advantage of the taunts, as attacks Pillman from behind with a back clothesline. Ringmaster follows it up with a suplex.


Ringmaster then takes control, locking him in a variety of restholds, before moving on to more powerful moves. He tries to lock in the Million Dollar Dream, but Pillman slips out of it, and a clothesline from the second rope. Pillman then goes to the top rope, and hits a flying crossbody. He then goes for the pin, but only gets a two count as DiBiasi’s vein survives another near death experience.


Pillman then attempts to get Austin up, but he sneaks in a low blow, and follows it up by locking in the Million Dollar Dream! DiBiasi is on cloud 9! Ringmaster keeps the hold locked in, and Pillman eventually stops squirming. The referee checks his hands, 1…2…thr, no! Pillman still has something in him! He runs to the turnbuckle, and bounces off causing to fall on top of Austin, 1…2…no! Ringmaster kicks out!


Austin then goes for a Stunner, but Pillman pushes him off, and hits another dropkick, followed by a clothesline, and a suplex. He then goes to the top rope, and attempts the Air Pillman, but Ringmaster gets up, and begins laying into him with punches. He attempts a superplex, but Pillman fights it off, and knocks Austin off the top rope, before flying off! He hit it, 1…2…3!!!! Pillman did it!!!!


Winner: Brian Pillman at 15:00 minutes

Rating: C+


After the match, a shocked DiBiasi gets in the ring, and starts walking around. Ringmaster then gets to his feet, and DiBiasi starts berating him. He begins shouting in his face, as Ringmaster begins turning red. DiBiasi then slaps across the face, and that seems to set him off, as he grins, before flipping him off! He then gives DiBiasi a Stunner to finish it off! Austin then begins shouting at his face as EMT’s come out to attend to the fallen DiBiasi.

Rating: C+


A video package is shown, hyping up the I Quit match. It all started before the Royal Rumble, Owen was pissed that Mr. Perfect stole his thunder by announcing that he was making his return. They faced off at the Rumble, where Owen stole the victory. But, things really heated at the Rumble match itself, where Hennig eliminated Hart, and he returned the favor. Since then, both men have tried everything in their power to destroy each other, leading to the match here tonight!

Rating: B-


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/O%20Images/Owen_Hart7.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/CurtHennig7.jpg


I Quit Match:

Owen Hart vs Mr. Perfect

Hennig couldn’t even wait for Owen to get in the ring before going after him. Both men brawled all around the ring, and Owen got the advantage after sending Hennig into the ring post. Owen then began laying into him with rights and lefts, beating him down, and sending crashing through the ring steps. Owen has always had good charisma, a quality I thought his brother lacked, and of course Mr. Perfect had the full package, but Owen gives him a run for his money. It’s a shame Hennig never reached the status he was meant for, as he really could have been the guy to carry the company, hell, he could’ve taken Bret’s place.


Perfect eventually begins fighting back, laying into him, and sending to the announce table area. He begins to take the monitors off the announce table, and attempts to Piledrive Owen through it! Thankfully Owen fights out of it, and backdrops Hennig onto the concrete! This was before announce table bumps were common, so a Piledriver would have been like wrapping someone up in barbed wire. Owen then goes to where Fink is sitting and grabs a steel chair! He attempts to hit Perfect, but he moves, and dropkicks the chair right into Owen’s face, busting him wide open!


Perfect then gets the advantage, and the fight finally makes it’s way into the ring, where Hennig continues to pummel at Owen, causing the blood to flow like a river, and giving Owen the proverbial crimson mask. Perfect sends Owen to the turnbuckle, before smashing Owen’s head in with a knee to the face! Perfect then grabs the mic, and yells at Owen to “Quit you spoiled son of a b****!” But Owen refuses, hitting Hennig with a low blow, followed by a clothesline.


Owen then desperately tries to get the advantage, grabbing the mic, and bashing Hennig with it over and over and over, causing him to get busted wide open! Owen then tries to lock in the Sharpshooter, but Perfect sends crashing into the turnbuckle. But, unbeknownst to Hennig, Owen grabs hold of the top turnbuckle, and unties it. He then grabs Hennig and sends face first into the unbuckled turnbuckle! Owen then follows it up with a Perfect Plex! But, he’s not done yet, as he grabs Curt’s legs, and locks in the Sharpshooter!


As Perfect screams and squirms in the ring, Owen is yelling at him to quit, but he refuses, sucking in the full force of one of the most devastating moves in wrestling. Owen keeps it in for as long as he can before Perfect gets to the ropes. But, Owen isn’t satisfied, as he goes to the outside, and grabs a chair, but, it’s not a steel chair, it’s a wooden one! He gets in the ring, and aims for Hennig, but he ducks, gives Owen a kick to the gut, grabs the chair, and breaks it over Owen’s head! Owen is literally knocked out! But Perfect isn’t done, as he grabs a broken piece of wood, and begins jamming it into Owen’s head!


As Owen screams bloody murder, which might be what is happening, Perfect yells at him to quit! But, surprisingly, Owen refuses! As Owen begins to pass out, the ref brings the mic to Owen’s mouth, and just as Owen is about to quit, he desperately gives Hennig an elbow, and it ends up hitting him in the groin! Perfect collapses, as Owen passes out. Perfect tells the ref to ring the bell, but Owen begins squirming! Not even Hennig can believe it!


Hennig then tries a Perfect Plex, but Owen grabs hold of Hennig’s leg, and trips him to the outside. This gives Owen time to recover, as he grabs a steel chair, and just as Perfect is entering the ring, he smashes his back with the chair! Owen, knowing Hennig’s back history, begins laying into him with chair shots to the back! Hennig has clearly passed out by the 9<SUP>th</SUP>, but Owen doesn’t stop, as he grabs Hennig, and locks in the Sharpshooter! But, Hennig isn’t reacting, as he is clearly knocked out. Eventually, the ref checks his hand, it goes down once, it goes down twice. He lifts it up for the third time, let’s go, and…it goes down! The match is over!


Winner: Owen Hart at 26:00 minutes

Rating: C+


After the match, Owen collapses to the mat, clearly exhausted from the blood loss, as the referee raises his limp hand in victory. Both men are clearly passed out as the EMT’s come out to check on both men. They load them both on stretcher. But, during the ride to the back, Owen still manages to grow an evil grin on his face.

Rating: B


Shawn Michaels is walking backstage, when he bumps into Diesel!


“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Mr. Main Event. Nervous? I mean, last time you were here, you were destroyed by yours truly. And tonight, I do the exact same thing to Razor.”


“Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. Listen, Diesel, just because you’re not in the main event, doesn’t mean you have to be jealous. But, I find it disgusting that you have to take out your anger at your failure, out on your best friend. I mean, just face it, you’re not good enough.”


“I’m not good enough! You think that just because you beat me once, it erases all the times I destroyed you! Face it Michaels, you’re nothing but an overrated little prima donna. And tonight, you will fail just like you do at everything else in life.”


HBK just smiles and walks past Diesel.

Rating: B


A video is shown for the Diesel, Razor Ramon match.

Rating: C+


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/D%20Images/Diesel2.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/R%20Images/Razor_Ramon2.jpg


Diesel vs Razor Ramon


These two men stare each other down for what seems to be an eternity. Both used to be such good friends, although never acknowledged on T.V. On T.V., Diesel thinks of Razor as nothing more than a stepping stone he used to win the Intercontinental Championship, which surely helped him to get a shot at the WWF Championship. Both men circled each other, before finally locking up in a test of strength. Diesel gets the advantage, and brings the Bad Guy to his knees, he pounding at his head with lefts and rights.


Diesel begins laughing at Ramon, obviously not taking his opponent seriously, even though he should. Razor is one of the most impressive men in the business, he had held many championships, it’s a shame he never made it to the big belt. But, back to the match, Razor begins fighting back with punches that make Big Daddy groggy. Razor manages to take the big man down with a clothesline. Ramon then decides to take a break, and pose for Big Daddy, before going back on the attack.


Ramon sends Diesel to the turnbuckle, and begins working on him with right hands, 1…2…3…4…Ramon poses once again, 5…6…7…8…9, Razor tries another pose, but this turns out to be his downfall, as Diesel grabs him, and gives him a Powerbomb! Diesel then presses his foot on Ramon’s throat, trying to crush his larynx, but the ref manages to pull him off. Diesel isn’t happy about that, as he threateningly approaches Mike, causing him to run out of the ring, bringing a smile to Big Daddy’s face.


Diesel then continues to work on Ramon, hitting him with a Sidewalk slam, which gets him a two count. While Diesel isn’t the greatest wrestler around, he still finds ways to make matches entertaining, it gives an odd sort of advantage. Anyway, he continues to work on Ramon, isolating him in the turnbuckle, not allowing him to take a breath as he works away at his ribs. He gets him in the top turnbuckle, and tries to give him a Superplex, but Razor fights him off, and jumps at him with a flying crossbody. Ramon then poses for the fans. That’s the thing about Razor, as while he still has the charisma Diesel does, he has the wrestling skill to back it up, if only he could get his act together, he can be one of the top heels in the industry. He would have fit perfectly in the mid 80’s when the WWF were really taking off, as he could have a great opponent for Savage, or Hogan even. But alas, he came at the wrong period in wrestling.


Ramon begins to gain control, hitting Diesel with knees to the face. These two men have yet to take it out of second gear, but that soon changes, as Razor goes for the Razor’s Edge, but Diesel fights out of it, and takes Ramon down with a boot to the face. This match seems more about the charisma these two men have, and how entertaining they can make the match without the moves, than the match itself. Anyway, Diesel decides to not waste anymore time, and grabs Ramon, and gives a Jack-knife! He goes for the cover, 1…2…no! Ramon kicks out! Diesel is obviously not happy about that, as he attempts another one, but Ramon reverses it, and hits the Razor’s Edge! Ramon goes for the cover, 1…2…no! Diesel kicks out!


Ramon tries to get Diesel up, but he fights out, and hits an uppercut, followed by a kick to the gut, and another Powerbomb attempt, but Razor rolls him up! 1…2…no! Razor tries to follow it up with a clothesline, but Diesel ducks and hits another Jack-knife! 1…2…3!


Winner: Diesel at 15:00 minutes

Rating: C


Backstage, Bret Hart is being interviewed by Jim Ross.


“Hello everybody, I’m Jim Ross, filling in for an injured Dok Hendrix. And my guest at this time is non other than the World Wrestling Federation Champion, he had been called The Excellence Of Execution, The Best there was, the best there is, and the best there ever will be, among other things. Bret Hart, how do you feel going into your 3<SUP>rd</SUP> Wrestlemania main event?”


“J.R. I’ve been hearing about Shawn Michaels’ tough road to the main event, well, let me remind you that I come from one of the greatest wrestling families ever. I grew up with 9 brother who were all wrestlers, and I had to break away from them, I had to fight very hard to be recognized not as just another Hart, I had to forge my own path. And I think I’ve done a pretty good job, I’m no longer known as one of Stu Hart’s boys, but as the best there was, the best there is, and the best there ever will be. So Shawn, before you start talking about you’re tough road here, you need to remember were I come from. Shawn I respect you more than anyone, but, when it comes to pure wrestling ability, I’m a Hart, and you’re the guy who has never won the big one.”

Rating: B


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/D%20Images/Davey_Boy_Smith11.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/G%20Images/Goldust6.jpg


The British Bulldog vs Goldust


This match had the unfortunate fortune of getting the death spot. I would’ve put the Intercontinental title match here, but I wanted a match that would get a good rating. Bulldog waits in the ring for Goldust to make his entrance. Bulldog is another guy that could have been a great world champion. Imagine a WWF in ’93 headlined by Bret Hart, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, British Bulldog, Razor Ramon, and Mr. Perfect. Instead, Bulldog was stuck doing mini movies in good old WCW. Goldust was another guy that could’ve been used in ’93, as his gimmick is a unique one, how many people have you seen play a gay film director wannabe, unfortunately, he lost the film director part in later years, and just became gay.


Goldust starts off surprisingly strong, managing to dodge Bulldog’s moves, which is ironic considering a few weeks ago he would’ve done anything to have Bulldog’s hands on him. He manages to get the early advantage, laying into Bulldog with punches, and restholds. But, Bulldog isn’t a fan of restholds, so when he gets the advantage, he immediately goes for the power moves. It’s surprising how Bulldog turned from a high flier to more of a power wrestler in a very short period of time. Bulldog lays into Goldust with hard rights and lefts, and hits him with a big boot. He follows it up with a sidewalk slam, and a two count.


Bulldog then sends Goldust to the turnbuckle, but Goldust blocks his clothesline attempt by lifting his foot. Goldust then goes hyper sexual, managing to find time between every move to make a sexual pose, including slapping his own a**. But, his sexuality turns out to be his undoing, as Bulldog makes the comeback, hits a boot, followed by a running Powerslam for the count in a disappointingly short match.


Winner: British Bulldog at 7:00 minutes

Rating: B-


A video package is shown hyping the main event between HBK & Bret Hart!

Rating: B+


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Bret_Hart.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/S%20Images/Shawn_Michaels38.jpg


WWF Championship:

Bret Hart© vs Shawn Michaels


Bret Hart makes his way out to a good pop from the crowd. He waits in the ring for his opponent, finally, Michaels music hits, but there is no sign of the challenger. Suddenly, McMahon points to the ceiling, where Michaels is standing! He then makes his way down using a harness! The crowd go berserk! Eventually, HBK gets in the ring, and stares down his opponent, as the bell is rung, and the main event is under way!


Both men lock up to start it off. This match is 4 years in the making, ever since both men shot into superstardom. Yes they had a match at SS ’92, but neither of them had really reached that level yet, and Michaels was a little green, and Bret hadn’t reached the level of superstardom he has now. But, since Michaels’ great feud with Marty Jannetty, and hits legendary matches with the likes of Razor Ramon, people have been waiting anxiously for him to get it on with the one man he hadn’t yet made history with. The match would make huge money, and what better stage then at the main event of the biggest stage of them all.


Michaels gets the advantage at the early goings, managing to get a headlock locked in on Bret. HBK has had one hell of a road here, especially in ’95. After getting injured, then being attacked at a nightclub, people didn’t think he would make it to the title, but he is here to prove them all wrong. Bret fights out of the headlock, and locks in an arm bar. Bret also had a hard road to superstardom, having to step out of his families shadow, and make his own career, and he had done a damn good job. Bret & Michaels go for the feeling out period, before Bret hits Michaels with an arm drag. Bret then gets the advantage.


But, Michaels gets the advantage after ducking a clothesline and hitting a dropkick. Michaels then locks in a sleeper to wear down the champion. Bret seems to nearly pass out, but he fights it, and hits a jawbreaker. Bret then hits a suplex, followed by a two count. Bret then locks in his own sleeper, but Michaels wouldn’t let Bret hold it in for long, as he runs to the ropes, and goes through the second rope, sending Bret crashing to the outside with him! Michaels follows it up, by getting back in the ring, going to the opposite rope, and flying off to hit Bret with a flying crossbody to the outside!


Michaels seems to have gotten pumped, as he grabs Bret, and pushes him back in the ring. He then hits a clothesline, followed by another, followed by a scoop slam. He then goes to the top rope for the elbow drop, but Bret suddenly gets up and hits Michaels with a Superplex! Both men crash onto the mat, but Bret manages to get his arm up, and on Michaels, 1…2…no! HBK kicked out! Bret then gets up, and tries to lock in the Sharpshooter, but Michaels fights out of it, and sends Bret to the turnbuckle. But, Bret grabs onto the buckle, and catches Michaels with a scoop slam. He follows it up by sending him to the buckle, and hits him with a clothesline on the rebound.


Bret, suddenly in control, prepares Michaels for the Piledriver, but Michaels fights out of it, and hits a backdrop, followed by an atomic drop, and a clothesline. Michaels then goes to the top, and leaps off with an elbow drop! He then begins tuning up the band, before charging with Sweet Chin Music! But, Hart ducks, and grabs HBK’s foot, and locks in the Sharpshooter! Michaels screams and squirms trying to escape, but Bret keeps it clenched in tight! Michaels keeps fighting, refusing to quit and let his hopes, his dreams vanish. He manages to find his way to the bottom rope, forcing Bret to break the hold. But, Bret immediately goes back on the attack, hitting Michaels with knees to the back. He then gets HBK up, and hits the Piledriver! He goes for the cover, 1…2…thr, no! Bret then goes for the Sharpshooter again, but once again Michaels sends him to the turnbuckle, this time he crashes into it, and Michaels catches him with a Superkick on the rebound!


But, Michaels is too exhausted to go for the cover, and he stays on the mat recovering. Michaels manages to find his way up, but Bret gets up at the same time. Both men land a few punches, before Michaels blocks a punch, and begins working on Hart with rights. Michaels kicks Bret in the gut, and attempts a Piledriver, but Bret sends HBK face first into the turnbuckle! Bret follows it up with back suplex, and the Sharpshooter! Bret has it in again! This time he has it clenched in tighter! As Michaels struggles to fight out of it, Bret continues to add more pressure! But, Michaels once again reaches the rope, but Bret refuses to let go! The ref then begins counting, 1…2…3…4, finally Bret lets go. And as the ref argues with Bret, Shawn makes it to his feet. Bret tries to go back on the attack, but is met with a Superkick! Michaels makes the cover, 1…2…3!!!! Michaels did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Winner: And NEW WWF Champion, Shawn Michaels at 30:00 minutes

Rating: A


After the match, Shawn celebrates his first world title in the ring. He doesn’t seem to believe as he just continues to stare at the title, before the Fink announces, “Here is your winner, and the NEEEEEWWWWW World Wrestling Federation Champion, Shawn Michaels!” Michaels then raises his hand in victory as tears begin to well up in his eyes. He then poses in the ring, and huge pyros go off behind him as Wrestlemania XII goes off the air.

Rating: B+

Final Rating: B


Quick Results:

WWF Tag Team Championships: The Smokin' Gunns© def. The Bodydonnas

WWF Intercontinental Championship: Hunter Hearst Helmsley© def. Tatanka

The Undertaker def. Vader

Brian Pillman def. The Ringmaster

I Quit Match: Owen Hart def. Mr. Perfect

Diesel def. Razor Ramon

The British Bulldog def. Goldust

WWF Championship: Shawn Michaels def. Bret Hart©

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Hey bud, I came on to predict for Mania and it had already been posted. Oh well...


Good show buddy. I'm kind of liking the ratings because they seem relevent to the time period. It seems like you are crying out for new stars, which is realistic. Shame that a couple of the matches bombed in the ratings though.


At least Bret & Shawn didn't. You can always rely on them to give you a good match and you wrote it out well which gave the show a huge lift at the end there. I found with my diary that having Mania near the start of the diary is a bit of a hinderence because you can't start the feuds really early and build the characters up.


It was a good show. I liked the Austin bit, surely this is him becoming Stone Cold which is a good move because I think you really need him. I'm interested to see if you will use him as a face or go the way it went in real life where he was a heel but his actions got him over as a face. We'll see I guess.


Good show buddy, you've got a reader in me.

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Hey bud, I came on to predict for Mania and it had already been posted. Oh well...


Good show buddy. I'm kind of liking the ratings because they seem relevent to the time period. It seems like you are crying out for new stars, which is realistic. Shame that a couple of the matches bombed in the ratings though.


At least Bret & Shawn didn't. You can always rely on them to give you a good match and you wrote it out well which gave the show a huge lift at the end there. I found with my diary that having Mania near the start of the diary is a bit of a hinderence because you can't start the feuds really early and build the characters up.


It was a good show. I liked the Austin bit, surely this is him becoming Stone Cold which is a good move because I think you really need him. I'm interested to see if you will use him as a face or go the way it went in real life where he was a heel but his actions got him over as a face. We'll see I guess.


Good show buddy, you've got a reader in me.


Thanks for the feedback man, I was also dissapointed in the ratings, especially the Diesel/Ramon match, because the same thing happened with Diesel/Michaels last month.


But, on the good news, I did get my first A rated match.


Oh, and since you missed the predictions for 'Mania, here is....the RAW preview!



WWF Monday Night RAW:

The Ringmaster vs Ahmed Johnson

Henry O. Godwinn vs Marty Jannetty

Bret Hart vs Jeff Jarrett

The Undertaker vs Goldust

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