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The World Cup of Wrestling 2009!! (Intro)

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The screen fades in as you hear the beginning riffs of "Parallel Universe" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers and you see the shot of the outside of the Tokyo Dome, the camera is looking at the dome from the front entrance, as you see people walking around the area, you are also noticing that the cameraman is obviously on a red carpet, as he begins to move toward the entrance. He slows his pace to admire the enormous "WORLD CUP OF WRESTLING 2009" banner draped off the top of the arena, that is to the left of the entrance. He then turns the camera towards the entrance, and as he makes it to the door, the camera fades out and in to Clinton Thomas leaning on a guard rail, in the “nose bleed” sections high above the floor of the Tokyo Dome. He is obviously in his more relaxed attire consisting of a black short sleeved shirt, which is tucked into his black slacks. He looks onto the camera with a definite smile, partially glad to introduce himself and also glad to have been picked as the English Play-By-Play Announcer for this year's WCoW. He begins to speak as the song fades out.



(WCOW 2009 Play-By-Play Commentator: Clinton Thomas.)


CT: Hey there, and WELCOME to our special, behind the scenes, look at the BUILD TO THE WORLD CUP OF WRESTLING! My name is Clinton Thomas, I will be your host and Play-by-Play for this year's version of the GRAND SLAM of Professional Wrestling! Later on you will meet my partner in crime for this year's event, your Color Commentator Jack "Terrier" Russell, as well as be introduced to our backstage news reporters on the English side of the house, as well as possibly bump into other commentators from other countries. But, before we continue, let me explain what makes this event SO special, shall we?


CT: The World Cup of Wrestling was started at the end of 1984, by the now head of the Professional Federation of Wrestling, Jacques Barton (A more recent picture appears of the rather aged Jacques in a gray suit) , the plan was to hold a week long tournament to prove who was the best wrestler that year.

They're, of course were complaints back then, just as there is today, about the controversy about how he originally wanted to do it. His original plan was to have a duel selection process, to have the PFOW board committee come up with a list of 100 (The scene fades into a board room with about 12 people sitting around a table), and draw the number need from the list as well as have the various organization leaders decide a list of 100. This list would come together more like college football voting system. But, in the first year, it was scraped for a better qualification system, that we use today.

This system is now split into regions, for instance, North American region, which included the U.S., Mexico, and would end at the top portion of Central America; then you would have the South American region, which was the bottom portion of Central America and would end with South America.

The long qualification process would only add to the ambitiousness of the greater plan. The top wrestlers from each company would be chosen by each organization owner, then the talent would qualify in their nation; USA wrestlers would need to qualify in their nation, Canadian Wrestlers in their nation, Mexico and underlying countries and territories. The ones that qualified will then enter into a Grand Prix-style Nation league tournament, on top of their schedule, and the top 8 wrestlers from each state will advance to the next Grand-Prix-style Regional league tournament, from there the top 8 of the Regional GP League will advance to the main show for that particular region.

This would go for South America, Oceania Regions, Asian Regions, Middle East Regions, as well as the European and African Regions. This would equate to 56 spots to be allocated towards tournament positions. Now, this wouldn't be too much of a problem, except the fact that there are the what came to be known as the “Magic-8” positions. This is where the controversy that still plagues this system, the reason why the final 8 spots became known as the “Magic-8” positions was because the “Magic-8” is solely decided by the Federation itself!

This, obviously, drew the ire of EVERY promotion owner around the world, as this could potentially throw a wrench into their top performer's plans for that week, and possibly ruin a storyline. This is due to the fact that the “Magic-8” is drawn from the list of the Top 100 Wrestlers the year before; and a good majority of these performers are the champions of their respected organization! This, while bad for their organizations, have actually added to the excitement and mystique of this HUGE tournament due to the fact that a number of times we had Champion vs. Champion match-up. For example, in the 1999 edition, we had the then HGC World Champion, Rip Chord versus the then SWF World Champion, Sam Kieth in the first match of the tournament!


(The scene changes to the bedlam that was the Chord/Kieth match from the 1999 WCOW, as you see clips of the both of them going all-out on each other. By the way, they both were busted open during the match, and neither made past the next round, as you see Sam Kieth's limp hand raised after the bell, and totally exhausted.)


The match was during the heyday of the HGC-SWF feud, and it was a grueling match, that lasted all of 23 minutes, and was later given Match of The Year mentions, as not only was both of the competitors there, their promoters were also face to face in the ring and almost incited a riot in the middle of the Astrodome.


(The scene changes to the pre-match stare down, as Kieth and Chord were talking MAJOR smack to each other before the match as the referee was giving out his instructions. Then the owner of the HGC said something to Richard Eisen, who then was talking back, Eisen got slapped in the face, which brought in a ton of security into the ring to separate the two sides. Then you see Richard Eisen throw in a chair, then the HGC owner threw one back, then both competitors, which then brought on the onslaught of chairs emanating from the crowd. The four were separated, and the owners were drug out to the back, Eisen through the crowd, and the HGC owner up the ramp. The fight between the competitors started in the ringside area, as an impromptu No-DQ match (And the reason why all the chairs are attached to each other nowadays).)


Or who could forget the first round match that came to be known as the “Rumble in the Saddledome”, as one of the open spot's in the then CGC World Champion Steve DeColt's World Cup in his 2004 run ended up being no other than the NOTBPW World Champion Dan Stone Jr.!


(The scene changes to the clips of the 27 minute war, as these two would go at it to a fever-pitched crowd. Although there weren't any blood, the match equated to a grueling technical classic. The winner was DeColt by cleverly slipping through a Victory Roll attempt, to get a surprise win!)


The Saddledome when crazy as the famed DeColt family lineage went at it against the famed Stone lineage, in a match that not only got the nod for the 2004 Match of The Year, but also managed to reignite the Canadian Wrestling war!


(The scene changes to the end of the match, as Stone put out his hand, in sportsmanship. Which resulted in DeColt flipping off Stone, and stumbling out the ring to a loud chorus of “OOOOHs”, as Stone looks on pissed. This resulted in Stone interfering in DeColt's next match, costing him the win.)


The “lineage” of the Champion versus Champion first round match is nothing new, as this had been going on since 1995. As in total, we have had a total of 38 Champion versus Champion first round matches. But that isn't taking away from the rarity of a WORLD Champion versus Champion match, with the number only being a meager 6 times! And of that, only 1 made it past the Round of 32, and that was Yoshifusa Maeda, who defeated his surprise 2003 draw in the form of the BHOTWG Champion Tadiyuki Kikkawa, at Wimbledon Stadium, in match that won the Runner-Up for the 2003 Match of the Year. Maeda would later get eliminated in the Final Four round, but his heart, and determination that night made him a true legend of the sport!


The other controversial decision was made behind the scenes, in a meeting, and later a document signing, the Professional Federation of Wrestling drafted a document that made it so that these matches are NOT, let me repeat this NOT decided prior to the show. This is unprecedented in the history of Professional Wrestling, as even the Federation does not “book” the tournament before the week long, 64 man tournament. This not also broke what most people inside the business called the “Kayfabe” rule of predetermined matches, it allows these matches to be unscripted, and allows for the matches to actually be a legitimate contest between two competitors. Insiders called this character suicide, and sometimes they were correct in their assumption, as at this level, if you don't have your A-Game, you could potentially look like a fool in the ring.


(The scene switches to Clinton Thomas, who is now at the ground level of the Tokyo Dome, as you see him standing in the middle of the stadium...)


CT: Now, imagine what possibly could happen RIGHT HERE in the middle of the Tokyo Dome-


(The picture changes to a shot coming from the rafters of the arena, already zoomed in on Clinton, looking down as he is talking turns towards the camera, and is looking upward at the camera as the cameraman behind him gets out of the shot...)


CT: This is where the ring will be (Pointing towards the ground he's standing on), on March the 8th, this will be place where these competitors will do battle!(He goes back to putting his right hand in his pocket) As we speak, the competitors that will be taking part in this event, the March Madness of Wrestling, if you will, are going through the 6 month long qualification tournaments, the 56 wrestlers that qualify will meet up with the “Magic-8” on the storied date of March the 8th, 2009, for the World Cup of Wrestling! The greatest, and the most lucrative, wrestling event of the year!


(The camera cuts back to Clinton Thomas at ground level...)


CT: Did I forget to mention how lucrative this event is?

Unknown Voice: Maybe, but you should let a FINACIAL PRO handle this!


(The camera widens up as you see the slicked-back blonde man walk into the picture, he is wearing relaxed clothing as well, as you see him wearing his creme colored short-sleeved shirt tucked into his brown khaki slacks, that drapes over his shinny black dress shoes. Clinton smiles at the wise-crack...)


CT: Well, speak of the devil, here's my future partner in crime, Jack “Terrier” Russell!


(Jack acknowledges with a smirk on his face, as they shake hands...)



(WCOW 2009 Color Commentator: Jack "Terrier" Russell.)


JR: The one and only. So, you were about to drop the “knowledge bomb”, known as the financial backing of this event? Well, let a man with a Bachelors in Business get down to the number-crunching goodness that is the WCOW?

CT: Knock yourself out! I need a break anyways!

JR: Oh, you mean from your pre-recorded video montague?


(Clinton just shakes his head and smiles...)


CT: Same ol' Jack.

JR: The one and only! Now, let's get down to the business side of the house shall we?


(OOC: This will be the Introduction part of the special. I'll put in the second part in a little bit. So what do you guys think? It will be in real time, as of right now I don't have TEW, but I will get the '07 version of this game in a little bit, so this will happen, enjoy the specials and I'll add in some more later.)

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A new Show banner!


I think I getting the hang of using my Inkscape/GIMP programs. Well, here is a much, much, gooder World Cup of Wrestling 2009 banner. I hope this looks closer to something that would be up if an event like this REALLY is happening. Please leave some feedback, thanks!



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