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Question on TV shows

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I am running a self created FED in the c-verse. My popularity in the USA is C+ to C-. Popularity in Canada is in the E's. I have a TV show (for entire US) and PPV deal in all locations but Australia, UK and Europe (pop in these is in E to F range). Here is my question.

If I run a TV show or PPV out of say Australia and it gets a D rating there, which would increase my pop in Australia, UK and Europe, would it hurt my popularity in the other areas where I am C and above?

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Yeah, you're best off running a non-televised event, if you're planning to run a show there, to increase your popularity. Breaking into a new market can be expensive, and time consuming, but once you're able to get a crappy TV deal, you're able to cut those costs back, and expand largely at will.


Out of curiousity, since I still haven't forked out the dough for this game (2 weeks, hopefully), is there Promotion Popularity spillover into Australia, at any point?

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