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WWF 96, Road to Wrestlemania 12

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WWF Superstars



We are just ONE day away from In Your House and we still have a few loose ends to tie up. Who will Owen Hart face at In Your House? Who has been behind all these attacks? Find out on WWF Supstars!




Lance Storm vs. Avatar


In a match just because, Lance Storm needs a little help from his friends to win.


Winner Lance Storm via pinfall. (F+)






Mr. Perfect storms into Gorilla Monsoon's office.


Perfect: Gorilla, you gotta do something about Owen Hart. If you let him get away with the crap he pulled Monday, he'll never stop. Let me teach that punk a lesson at In Your House!


Gorilla: You're exactly right, Perfect. As a veteran leader of this locker room, I hope that you can go out and not only put on a great match, but prove that the IC Championship is about the wrestling, not taking an easy way out. You're match against Owen, 2 out of 3 falls. And we are going to ban the Title Change Rules for the night. W're going to have the TRUE champion Sunday!




Henry O. Godwinn vs. The Brooklyn Brawler


The most entertaining thing about this match was finding out these two have awesome chemistry. Henry O. gets the win.


Winner Henry O. Godwin via pinfall. (D-)




Backstage we see Cactus Jack talking, but we can't tell with whom.


Cactus Jack: Oh no! I can't tell them. If people find out you're here, that's bad for everyone! Wait, HE'S here too?!?! Oh God, this is worse than I thought. I have to warn them. I need to tell them all!


Cactus takes off running and pushes the camera out of the way. The camera turns the corner to find... no one. What just happened here?




Cactus Jack vs. Duke Droese


Cactus Jack has a hard time in this match, he keeps lookign over his shoulder. Has someone been following him?


Winner Cactus Jack via pinfall. (D)




We see a video showing the awesome power of both Vader and The Bristish Bulldog, who will square off at In Your House.




Ron Simmons vs. Bob Backlund


In the only good match of the night, these two put on a nice wrestling match for the fans.


Winner Ron Simmons via pinfall (B-)

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In Your House Prediction Card


Vader vs. British Bulldog


Owen Hart vs. Mr Perfect (2 out of 3 Falls)


The Steiners vs. The Million Dollar Team


The Undertaker vs. Diesel


Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels

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Guest Vitamin E

Purely cosmetic opinions:


Try not to use so much color for shows. You dont need to have every promo be a different color. Just have the wrestlers name in red or have what theyre saying in red, and do it for everybody. Not using any color isnt good on the eyes, but neither is using every color available to you. It will look a lot cleaner and won't be as tough on the eyes having to adjust from one color to another within 5 lines.


Try to seperate things more. Add a simple "1)" next to angles/promos, and put a little "--------" between segments to break it up, or just put the dashes before and after each match so that they are seperated from the angles and promos. Having one huge block of text isn't too purdy.


Merely nitpicking, but I think it would be a boost if you made your PPVs look like they mean more by having matches written out a bit more. You dont have to do 5 paragraphs a match, but going into more detail will allow you to help put over a workers character, and it'll make the PPVs look more important if they arent given the same amount of detail as RAW and Superstars. Thats the main thing tbh. I skim through a RAW, a Superstars, then a PPV, and I dont think any one of them is more important or more appealing than another. This is especially true for the Rumble show and the Rumble match. I just dont get the feeling that it's an important ppv nor match. It's supposed to be, but it just comes off as some 15 man battle royal you'd see close a RAW today. If youre only playing until Mania, then I would just suggest going all out for that show to make it seem like it's a special show.


Should probably throw dates to the shows as well. It's extremely hard to tell where you are in the game.


Good to see you arent megapushing Jericho and Storm, though. Some would just have them win the tag titles the first night they used them. Good that you actually have them job out to other teams more often than win.

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Yea, I wanted them to take lumps, but then I realized, I like these guys. So maybe teaming them with Cornette and Owen Hart will help them out a little.


I really appreciate the advice. I was planning on bigger match write-ups for In Your House, as there are specific things happening in those matches that the reader needs to know.


I'll have it up tonite, so contact your local cable or satelitte provider and purchase In Your House. Remember, this is 1996, you aren't going to find message boards to get results. You gotta buy the damn thing.

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WWF Presents In Your House

Sunday, Week 3 Feb 1996



In the final PPV before Wrestlemania, WWF is proud to present In Your House! We will finally find out which Superstars will compete for the WWF World Title. Not to be outdone, we also have an amazing IC Title match as well as the WWF Tag Team Titles and a grdge match between Vader and The British Bulldog.


All these matches and more suprises to be revealed at In Your House!



Razor Ramon vs. Ron Simmons


This match pits to guys that could be on the verge of title reigns. Ron Simmons comes out with fists flying and really laying into Razor. He forces him outside to gain his composure, but Simmons doesn't give him room to breathe.


After a back a forth battle with Razor gaining a little momentum, reaches in his tights for some brass knucks and hits Simmons square. When the refs asks Razor about it, he plays dumb and get Ron up in the Razor's Edge to finish him off.


Winner Razor Ramon via pinfall. (B)




Backstage we see Bret Hart with Vince McMahon.


Vince: I'm here with the former WWF Champion...


Bret: Excuse me? Former Champ? I hate to break it to you but I never actually LOST my belt. Tonight, I face Shawn Michaels in a match to reclaim my belt. I have a game plan to win my match and ensure that I, Bret Hart, will RETAIN my title. Because, I am the champion!


Vince: So what excatly IS your gameplan? I heard a rumor that you might be working out a plan with Diesel to make sure you two fight for the WWF Title at Wrestlemania 12.


Bret: There isn't any rumor. Sure, I have talked to Diesel, but I'm not an idiot. I'm not going to reveal my plans to the world so my opponent can be prepared.




Vader vs. The British Bulldog


This match starts off with a test of strength, which Vader wins. From the very start, we see that The British Bulldog is favoring his back. Probably from the attacks that Vader gave him a little over a week ago.


It becomes clear that on this night, Vader IS the stronger man. The Bulldog needs to change his strategy to more speed and trying to wear the big man down. In the end, The Bulldog catches Vader off the ropes with a powerslam, using Vader's momentum to get him over.


Winner The British Bulldog via pinfall. (C+)




We are in the Milion Dollar Suite where Ted Dibiase is with The Million Dollar Team. Trainers are taping them up and getting them ready for their match.


Ted: Boys, you got a BIG match tonight. The Steiners are the best opponents you can get in the WWF. Don't sleep on them! We got more power, more experience, and more MONEY! Ted looks right at The Ringmaster Don't make me regret spending all this money on you!




The Steiners vs. The Million Dollar Team for the WWF World Tag Team Titles


Sid and Scott Steiner start off the match, and Sid definatly looks VERY strong tonight. He's no selling punches and pushing people around. The Steiners regroup and through double-teams and great teamwork, they start to get the upper hand. When The Ringmaster comes in, The Steiners try to capitalize, but Steve is a damn good wrestler.


Steve has Scott Steiner in the corner and is stomping him when Sid begins yelling for a tag. The Ringmaster doesn't bother to look around until DiBiase comes around to tell Steve to tag in Sid. As The Ringmaster tags Sid, they argue a little and Scott swoops over and puts a school boy on Sid for the 1-2-3.


Winner and New Tag Team Champions The Steiners via pinfall (B-)


After the match, we see Sid Vicious and The Ringmaster arguing. Finally Ted DiBiase comes in and begins talking to Sid to calm him down. The Ringmaster looks disgusted and walks off. Leaving Ted and Sid together talking.




Owen Hart vs. Curt Hennig for the IC Title


Owen comes out with Jim Cornette and The Thrillseekers, but referee Mike Chioda says that since they are not his managers, they can't be ringside. Owen is spending too much time complaining and not enough time spent on Curt, who hits the Perfect Plex for the first fall just a few minutes into the match.


And that was exactly what Owen needed. With his back against the wall, Owen buckled down and gets the second fall within a few mintues after losing a fall. Owen gets the final fall just by outwrestling Curt getting him the Enziguri.


Winner Owen Hart via pinfall. ©




Backstage we see Cactus Jack in a hallway.


Cactus: People have been asking me about these attacks if I knew what was going on. I'm going to tell you that it wasn't me. But I do feel responsible because it was my friend. See, when I came to WWF, I didn't come alone. I brought a friend with me. Cactus opens a door where we find Brian Pillman This is my friend, Brian. Together, we're going to rid the WWF of the old hasbeens and take a new approach to this company. Piper and Lawler were only the beginning, and they won't be the end!




Diesel vs. The Undertaker


Before the match, the camera shows Bret Hart sitting along the aisleway in the crowd.


As Diesel comes out, he points at Bret and smiles. When The Undertaker hits the ring, the two titans start waging war on each other. Diesel has fought 'Taker before and knows he needs to bring out the heavy artillery. He takes the Undertaker outside and slams him against the steel steps. Once, they get back in, he punishes him even more.


The Undertaker won't be outdone, and begins fighting back hard. He throws Diesel into the corner and he sandwhiches the ref. The Undertaker sets up Diesel for the Tombstone, as Bret Hart runs to the ring and starts to climb in. Suddenly, he has a change of heart and walks out. He starts to head back up the ramp when The Undertaker finishes off Diesel.


Winner The Undertaker via pinfall. (C+)




Backstage we see Shawn Michaels set up with a mic, cutting a promo that was previously recorded.


Shawn: Bret, I'm not gonna lie, I think you can beat me. I think that you are one of the best stars in the WWF today. But tonight, tonight you're not going to beat me. Destiny is on my side. I've won the Royal Rumble, and I have overcome any challenge in front of me. You Bret, are just another rung up my ladder.




Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels


In our main event, HBK and the Hitman hook it up in an epic match. Neither man can really make an advantage. Bret definatly does have a gameplan, it's to take the legs out of Shawn. With leg whips, stops to the knees, and other holds, Bret wants to bring Shawns speed down. Anytime Shawn tries to speed it up, Bret kills his momentum.


Shawn goes for a crossbody and nails Earl Hebner. (man, these guys get in the way sometimes!) Bret takes advantage and locks in the Sharpshooter in the middle of the ring! HBK is writhing in pain! He's on the verge to tap! Diesel appears with a chair and nails Bret in the back. He drags Shawn on top and tries to revive the ref. 1-2.... NO! Bret kicks out! Bret gets up and irish whips HBK into the corner. And SWEET CHIN MUSIC. I'm not sure if he was playing possum, but he catches Bret charging in and nails him!


Winner Shawn Michaels via pinfall. (A)




After the match Shawn Michaels in celebrating in the ring. When the smoke fills the ring. It doesn't take The Undertaker long with the mind games as he comes up through the center of the ring. HBK makes a quick exit and the show ends the The Undertaker in the rind and Shawn in the aisleway.

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