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SWF: A Star Is Born?

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[/i OOC:This is obviously my first diary,so it may be a bit of a learning curve but please bare with me,hopefully it should be semi decent. It's Set about 6 months into my SWF game but there will be recap posts in the next few days [/i]




In my 6 months in SWF i had achieved success,under my booking the trigger had been pulled on Rich Money,the huge angle which ensued enveloped Jack Bruce, Eric Eisen, Brandon James, Enygma, Steve Frehley,Remo and new signing Rick Law,and tonight i stood behind the curtain for one of the most anticipated matches in recent history,the main event of SWF Master Of Puppets,the SWF Title match Christian Faith versus Rich Money.


This is SWF and is tonight the night a brand new star is born?.......

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Master Of Puppets


A Introductory video plays it chronicles the careers of Christian Faith and Rich Money then kicks in to show the recent battles between The Corporation and the Rebellion all playing to the official song of Master Of Puppets,"Headstrong" by Trapt.


We go live to North Dakota in the arena with Peter Michaels and Duane Fry they welcome us to Master Of Puppets 2008 and give us a quick rundown of the card tonight.


- The SWF World Heavyweight Title Match Rich Money Vs Christian Faith

- Remo Vs "Commissioner" Eric Eisen

- Steve Frehley Vs Enygma

- The Love Her Or Leave Her Ladder Match Jack Giedroyc Vs Marc DuBois

- The SWF Tag Team Title Match Amazing Bufmholes Vs Retro Rockers Vs High Concept

- Brandon James Vs Jack Bruce

- "Human Arsenal" John Anderson Vs Angry Gilmore

- Chris Caulfield Vs Kurt Laramee


And Our Opening Match for the SWF Shooting Star Championship




The match began with Acid beating Greg Rayne all about the ring with a combination of stiff kicks to the chest, Rayne was very quickly beaten down as Acid looked to have complete domination of the match, Acid went up to the top rope to attempt a high flying move when Greg Rayne ran out of nowhere to hurricanrana Acid down to the mat, Rayne began feeding off the crowd hitting dropkick after dropkick and even went for the Rayne Drop before Acid completely destroyed him with a stiff kick to the jaw ,sensing the end, Acid picked up Rayne and went for the Acid Rain Bomb, only for Rayne to wrangle out and roll Acid up for the shock win and the first title of his short career!


Winner and New SWF Shooting Star Champion: Greg Rayne


Rayne celebrated like a madman outside the ring while Acid just remained staring at him


The Commentators talk briefly about the match and Raynes upset win before turning the attention to the second match of the night


Kurt Laramee Versus Chris Caulfield


-Kurt Laramee’s crusade against Chris Caulfield’s belief in a dead promotion led to this blood feud, one that has seen the re-emergence of Laramee’s ex girlfriend Cat Jemson,the match itself was a violent affair, a hardcore match that saw a lot of blood shed,a highlight was Laramee throwing Caulfield off the top turnbuckle through two tables and Caulfield still kicking out at two, Laramee’s associates Shady K and Knuckles also got involved but Cat Jemson shockingly hit and downed them both with chair shots, as Laramee stared at her and picked her up with the intent on hitting a switchblade powerslam on her, Caulfield cracked a chair over Laramee’s head, Caulfield then hit the danger drop onto the chair to pick up the 3 count and end this bloody feud once and for all.

Winner: Chris Caulfield


We cut to backstage Rich Money is sitting in the Corporation dressing room, Eric Eisen walks in with his father and Enforcer Roberts, he wishes Rich Money the best of luck and Richard Eisen says that tonight SWF will have a champion for the ages, a man to bring pride back to the SWF title, Rich Money thanks the Eisen’s and continues his preparations for his match


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SWF North American Title Match:John Anderson (Champ) Versus Angry Gilmore


In our second title match of the evening, the North American championship was on the line, the undefeated John Anderson against the technical wizard Angry Gilmore, the match was intense throughout and the action was both incredibly stiff but also technical, a match that made even the most ardent sports entertainment fan sit in stunned silence, the match nearly ended early as a result of an amazing suicide dive by Anderson to Gilmore onto the outside, which nearly caused a double countout,the two traded submission manoeuvres and near falls, Gilmore eventually locked on a sharpshooter in the middle of the ring, Anderson looked to be about to lose his first contest in SWF,when he powered out of it, stunned by Anderson’s resilience Gilmore walked straight into an Ammo Dump and 3 seconds later Anderson had retained his title. After the match Gilmore and Anderson shook hands as a result of the respect each man gained from the other that night


Winner And Still North American Champion: John Anderson


Backstage Remo was standing by with Ana Garcia, he hyped up his match with Eric Eisen that night saying that the match was going to blow everyone away, but that what would be remembered above all else, was Remo standing triumphant over a bloodied Eisen



In the first of the Corporation against Rebellion matches of the evening, Brandon James took on Jack Bruce, a intense match, that began with a strong showing for both men, James took control halfway through the match delivering several power moves, which only managed to yield near falls, Jack Bruce however fought back and out of nowhere hit a New York Minute but was unable to capitalise and get the pinfall,Enforcer Roberts came from the back and suffered a superkick from the apron but this ultimately distracted the referee long enough that Emma Chase could slip James the brass knuckles he needed to knock Bruce out and get the 1-2-3.

Winner: Brandon James


A video played hyping up the love triangle between Jack Giedroyc, Marc DuBois and Dawn the Cheerleader, one that lead from a feud between Giedroyc and DuBois to an unlikely tag team to appease Dawn, a shocking tag title win and Giedroyc’s turn on DuBois, Dawn the Cheerleaders contract will be on the line next in a love her or leave her ladder match




This personal feud began on the way to the ring as Giedroyc attacked DuBois from behind, a shocked DuBois fought back and the match was suddenly underway, Giedroyc was booed heavily by the crowd as he resorted to cheap tactics, choking DuBois and slapping him around, DuBois rallied back hitting a great brainbuster and then Frog Splash combo on Giedroyc before finally bringing the ladder into play, DuBois climbed nearly to the top before Giedroyc managed to knock him down, using the ladder as a weapon he busted DuBois open in the middle of the ring before hitting him with a knee smash to the face, he painted his chest with DuBois blood and began his own ascent up the ladder, DuBois recovered enough to hit a stunning power bomb from underneath Giedroyc on the ladder and both men were down for a long time, eventually rising first Giedroyc went under the ring and pulled out a table setting it up mid ring Giedroyc then began to climb the ladder only to be met at the top by DuBois, Giedroyc and DuBois fought at the top of the ladder before Giedroyc caught DuBois with a quick headbutt,knocking him out, as Giedroyc looked at DuBois he lifted him as though to suplex him off the top but Dawn climbed into the ring begging Giedroyc to stop telling him she loved DuBois, Giedroyc looking at Dawn threw DuBois from the ladder through the table leaving a broken body within the rubble, Giedroyc grabbed the contract but left the ring without even looking at Dawn, as she was left tending to DuBois in ring.


Winner: Jack Giedroyc


A video plays showcasing oriental wrestling and talent, it ends with the announcement that Eisaku Hoshino is coming to SWF


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SWF Tag Team Title Match:Amazing Bumfholes (Champs) Versus Retro Rockers Versus High Concept


In our SWF Tag Team match of the night we witnessed a half decent 3 team tag match the Bumfholes played the role of cowardly heels all night constantly tagging out and always protecting the face, to the point that the Retro Rockers and High Concept decided between them to just have a plain tag match, they fought evenly for several minutes until Zimmy Bumfhole made a blind tag on Elmo Benson and rolled up Bart Biggz for the cheapest of cheap wins.


Winners and Still SWF Tag Team Champions: The Amazing Bumfholes


As the Enygma-Steve Frehley match is about to begin Frehley attacks Engyma from behind dragging him into the ring to start the match


Enygma Versus Steve Frehley


A pure brawl is what we saw in this match Steve Frehley beat Enygma from pillar to post with hard hitting moves aiming to clear the cobwebs from Enygmas mind,Engyma at one point climbed up to the top rope and inadvertly hit the referee with a dropkick,whilst the ref was out Enygma pulled a spike from his trunks and busted open Frehley after taking control of the match Enygma hit the Enygma Variation and got the pinfall as the referee regained his composure.


Winner: Enygma


A video played hyping Christian Faith and his storied career



Remo Versus Eric Eisen


An intense affair with the story that Remo has worked for everything he ever got while Eisen was presented it, a match that really Remo dominated but in a way that made Eisen look great as a cowardly heel, Remo several times took control of the match only for a heel to attack him, several tried (Joe Sexy, Andre Jones, Jack Griffith) and in a comedy moment Squeaky McClean ran into the ring only to be met with an immediate big boot, eventually this gave Eisen an advantage and he managed to control the match for several minutes, with the help of his bodyguard Enforcer Roberts, the ending came when Enforcer Roberts climbed onto the apron to distract the referee, Remo dropkicked Eisen directly into the ref knocking Roberts off the apron, as Eisen turned around Remo hit the Destroyer and got a well deserved victory over Eisen


Winner: Remo


A hype video played for Rich Money-Christian Faith



SWF World Heavweight Title Match:Christian Faith (Champ) Versus Rich Money


A huge match began with a series of moves traded back and forth between the two men,Faith had the crowd behind him and began to control the match not too long in,his experience proving vital in overcoming Money,he seemed to have Moneys every move countered and bettered and it seemed like Faith was walking out as champion,however as the match wore on Money’s youth shone through and Faith began to tire,Money began to dominate the match hitting a variety of suplexes and backbreakers on Faith in an attempt to wear him down after Faith began to mount somewhat of a comeback Eric Eisen’s corporation of Enforcer Roberts and Brandon James came to ringside but Money slid out of the ring and told them to return backstage as they left Faith eyed up Money and attempted to end it there and then with a Test of Faith however Rich Money reversed it hitting an almighty DDT and leaving both men exhausted in the middle of the ring,as Faith and Money recovered Faith charged at Money but Money sidestepped and hit the money in the bank




Faith managed to fight out of it and hit a sidewalk slam for a nearfall,sensing the end Faith slammed Money down with a successful Test Of Faith




Money kicked out using everything he had left in him to stay in the match,Faith again ran toward Money but this time Money tripped Faith and locked in an STF forcing Faith to claw toward the rope as Faith stood up Money finally hit Bank Roll








We have a new SWF World Champion.....Rich Money


Rich Money celebrated in the ring as he was handed his belt,the corporation stood at the entrance ramp applauding Money as Faith stood up and shook the hand of the man who had beaten him fairly on the night,the PPV went off air with Money celebrating.

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The Backstory


So....Master of Puppets, the show was commercially a success, the main event was one of the best matches of the year not only in SWF but in North American wrestling as a whole, and even Mr Eisen was convinced that it was a good show and that praise doesn’t come easily, the man’s seen lots of shows, lots of champions and lots of bookers, yet he was pleased, hopefully that says something, but anyway let me introduce myself ,Michael Thomas,i’m 40 years old,i trained as a wrestler in my native England before relocating to America got into the booking biz whilst working in NYCW and the rest they say is history....but as for the last six months, the first chapter of my tenure here, well allow me to recap.


January 2008

The earliest shows in the year and the first in my tenure, where eventful in the first Supreme TV of the year, Eric Eisen was officially announced as the new commissioner of SWF and immediately set his sights on Christian Faith, sending man after man after him. Enygma was also the focus of Eisen’s rage, a man who he called the worst SWF Champion ever, he promised that Engyma would not be the same man after he was finished with him. Runaway Train feuded briefly with the Biggz Boyz,and resulted in taking Brett Biggz out of action indefinitely (actually used to hide the fact he was sent to RIPW for further work on his basic skills).Jack Bruce continued his reign as SWF despite the beginnings of a new feud with Remo.


SWF When Hell Freezes Over


-Jack Griffith debuted beating Greg Rayne

-Marc DuBois beat Valiant (Shooting Star)

-Runaway Train beat Bart Biggz

-Jack Giedroyc beat Kurt Laramee

-The Amazing Bumfholes beat High Concept (Tag)

-Brandon James beat Engyma and was revealed to be in cahoots with Eisen

-Rich Money beat Robbie Retro (North American)

-Christian Faith went to a draw with Vengeance

-Jack Bruce beat Remo (SWF)


Following this the next week on Supreme TV there were further developments Steve Frehley came to Enygma’s aid against the Corporation of Eisen,Brandon James and Enforcer Roberts, whilst Christian Faith challenged Vengeance to a match and said he’d retire if he were to lose. The end of the month also saw the debut of “The Veterans” a team of Chris Caulfield and Steve Flash and in a shock move Enygma defeated the newest Corporation member Rich Money for his North American title after Frehleys interference. The night also featured the first match between Giedroyc and DuBois as well as the return of Angry Gilmore as he attacked Lobster Warrior


Comings: Steve Flash, Chris Caulfield, Jack Griffith, Acid.

Goings: Brett Biggz and Big Smack Scott both sent to RIPW


February 2008

The month began continuing the Faith-Vengeance, Enygma-Frehley-James and Bruce-Remo fueds, we also saw Angry Gilmore berate Lobster Warrior for his stupid cartoon gimmick, we saw Enygma being forced to defend his NA title weekly against Eisen’s hand drawn competitors, but each time pulling it out the bag.

SWF Nothing To Lose

-“That 70’s Guy” Jack Griffith beat Robbie Retro

-The Amazing Bumfholes beat The Veterans

-Valiant beat Marc DuBois for the Shooting Star Title

-Angry Gilmore beat Lobster Warrior

-Rich Money and Brandon James beat Enygma and Steve Frehley

-Christian Faith beat Vengeance and his career continued

-Jack Bruce beat Remo (SWF) only to be attacked by the corporation post match

Continuing the month saw Kurt Laramee and Death Row team up to form an alliance, loosely tied to the corporation, it also saw the feud between DuBois and Giedroyc really heat up as DuBois tied their matches to 1-1,Joe Sexy took Enygmas North American title after interference from not only Angry Gilmore but also The Corporation. Angry Gilmore also challenged Lobster Warrior to a loser leaves town match at the PPV.The final show of the month saw High Concept win the SWF Tag belts, Greg Rayne get a shock roll up win over Squeaky McClean and Enygma be hit with a hard chair shot meant for Brandon James by Steve Frehley.


Comings: None

Goings: None




-SWF Signed a deal for a new “B” show named SWF Heat starting the following month

-Randall Hopkirk,Tamara McFly and Pistol Pete Hill Retired

-Tommy Cornell suffered a shattered elbow and would be out for over a year

-MHW was opened by Gino Montero


March 2008

Acid debuted beating Bart Biggz and entering the Shooting Star title race, Eric Eisen’s corporation suffered a shock revolt as Remo hit Eric Eisen with the Destroyer and joint the rebellion, Enygma’s behaviour began to descend as he suffered the affects of a concussion from Frehleys chair shot and the Corporation’s war on the Rebellion continued to the PPV,with the announcement of the “Supreme Test” a 6 man war inside a steel cage with the winner becoming SWF Champ. Marc DuBois began to get close to Jack Giedroyc’s manager Dawn the Cheerleader with her telling him he really was a nice guy behind the ****y facade


Awesome Impact

-Jack Giedroyc beat Marc DuBois

-Acid beat Valiant and Bart Biggz for the Shooting Star Title

-Brandon James beat Steve Frehley

-High Concept beat Amazing Bumfholes in a ladder match (Tag Titles)

-Angry Gilmore beat Lobster Warrior in a loser leaves town match

-Eric Eisen beat Enygma thanks to Corporate Interference from Enforcer Roberts and Death Row

-Christian Faith won the Supreme Test beating Rich Money, Jack Bruce,Remo,Runaway Train and Vengeance


The Following week saw the debut of “The Human Arsenal” John Anderson beating Squeaky McClean, it also marked the first romantic link between Giedroyc and Dawn which ended in Giedroyc telling Dawn he wanted her as more than just his manager and making them an official couple. Enygmas weird behaviour continued this time jumping from the stage through a table for no clear reason and finally Rich Money beat Vengeance and Jack Bruce to become the new #1 Contender. In the final show of the month saw the teaming of DuBois and Giedroyc form to Dawn’s great joy and in their first match beat the tag champs High Concept for the gold!, we also saw Steve Frehley give a sit down injury saying he cannot forgive himself for what happened to Enygma, Chris Caulfield was also attacked by Kurt Laramee leading to Caulfield revealing the next week his new manager Cat Jemson!


Comings: Darryl Devine, Jacob Jett,Katie Cameron, John Anderson, Cat Jemson

Goings: None



-Jack Marlowe signed to TCW

-BHOTWG fall to Cult

-Bruce The Giant left USPW


April 2008

The Month began with the war continuing as Bruce,Faith,Remo and Frehley continued to fight against the Corporation and its new #1 contender Rich Money, Engyma continued to inflict pain upon himself, John Anderson went on undefeated in singles competition and Kurt Laramee continued to brutalize Chris Caulfield. The DuBois-Giedroyc alliance continued despite sexual tension between the three, with Giedroyc at one point nearly slapping DuBois for staring at Dawn, Greg Rayne’s winning run continued and we saw John Anderson slap Angry Gilmore for gloating at Lobster Warriors firing.


SWF The World Is Watching

-Angry Gilmore beat Steve Frehley when Enygma struck Frehley with a chair

-Kurt Laramee beat Chris Caulfield

-Acid beat Greg Rayne in a Shooting Star title match

-John Anderson beat Joe Sexy for the NA Title

-DuBois and Giedroyc beat Amazing Bumfholes (Tag)

-Vengeance beat Jack Bruce

-Remo beat Brandon James to earn a match against Eric Eisen whenever he chooses

-Christian Faith beat Rich Money by DQ when the corporation attacked


The Following weeks saw DuBois be turned on by Giedroyc as they lost the titles back to The Amazing Bumfholes, Christian Faith beating Brandon James to retain his title, the latest member of the rebellion was also shockingly revealed as Rick Law! And Christian Faith beating the Commissioner himself in another SWF title match.


Comings: Frankie Perez, Rick Law Zak Starr (Thomas Morgan)

Goings: None




-TCW rose to International

-Stevie Grayson, Eric Tyler, Cannonball Kid, Carl Batch, Mean Jean Cattley,Bruce The Giant all join TCW


May 2008

The month that led us to Master Of Puppets, we saw the seeds for each feud continue to grow, Giedroyc was attacking DuBois as he refused to fight back for Dawn’s sake, the corporation was throwing everything at the Rebellion and still coming up short, Rich Money made a blood oath that he would take Faith’s title, Chris Caulfield challenged Laramee to one last match to really prove the better man, Greg Rayne’s run in the Shooting Star division continued and he earnt a second title shot, Steve Frehley finally began to fight back against Enygma and Remo announced he was cashing in his match against Eisen at the PPV.



-Nobatsu Tatsuko suffered a shattered knee and would be shelved for 12 months

-Frederique Antonio Garcia sustained Churchillian Neck Nerve Damage but would continue to compete

-Peter Valentine retired from Wrestling full time.

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Just a Few Nights Removed From The Epic Fallout of Master Of Puppets, what will the fallout be, will Faith get a rematch?. Will Eisen punish Remo in revenge for the beating he suffered?.What about the Giedroyc-DuBois-Dawn love triangle? Tune in this Tuesday to find out and see these great matches


-Christian Faith and Jack Bruce will team against a mystery 2 Members of the Corporation

-Vengeance will face Robbie Retro

-The Amazing Bumfholes defend their gold against the Samoan Wildboyz

-Rick Law in action against Jack Griffith

-Valiant and Kurt Laramee will go one on one

-and High Concept Will Face the team of Paul Huntingdon and Squeaky McClean


Plus Rich Money’s Celebration Ceremony

And Jack Giedroyc,Engyma,Steve Frehley and More!


SWF Supreme TV Live On C.A.N.N Tuesday Nights!

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