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When Trains Collide

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Part I




Hi, I am Barry Bowen, the man formerly known as Runaway Train.


I am a former two-time CGC World Champion, I am a former two-time SWF world champion.


What I am about to write next is written as a warning, all who read these words, take warning, what happens next is real life, and real tragedy.


Friday, the second week of January 2008.


I had a match with Big Smack Scott, I never liked him, he couldn’t carry a match, and he couldn’t keep himself to himself backstage. I wasn’t exactly a loner backstage, but I didn’t get in people’s faces.


Here is a summary of our match from totalextremewrestling.com:


“The match between Runaway Train and Big Smack Scott was solid, but lacked flow. Runaway Train looked dominate and in control. But during a segment where he went for a power bomb, Scott no sold it, and went for a piledriver. The result was visually devastating, the match had to called off, from what I could see he had fractured a bone in his neck, and was in considerable pain. Scott then hit the Big Smack Shuffle. Bringing shades of his legendary match with Big Trouble…


…that led to Trouble being paralyzed and leading to XWF's closure.


But to save the match Jack Bruce came out, took out the ref and “botched” a chair shot meant to go to Train that “accidentally” hit Scott. Which led to train getting the pin.


More information on the injuries as we get it…”


Well, here was the news on the injury, I had severe spinal damage, and had to sit out of competition for a year. Meanwhile Scott managed to keep his job, and ruined my life…

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Part II


Bruce had done me a big favour, and he taught Scott a lesson, but SWF management, including long time friend Richard Eisen, saw a potential money making scheme out of this.


It set up a feud between Scott and Bruce that made Scott the hottest thing in pro wrestling. Scott should have been fired, let alone steal the main event scene from me.


I was lost, I walked around town with absolutely no purpose. I got told constantly by my wife that, maybe now would be the time to retire. I considered retirement heavily, but I know my strengths, and they are toughness, menace and sheer, brute force. My options are limited, I could go into acting, but I’m not a fan of straight to DVD stinkers where I have to put on a Russian accent.


I have a genuine love for my family, which isn’t exactly a talent, and a love for this business. I’m past my prime, but still capable of putting on sport-entertainment masterpieces. I have lots of money in the bank, but I can’t stand the idea of the next three or four decades in a subtle lay-about in Vermont, or so my wife envisions it, it makes me want to scratch my eyes out. I need action in my life, you don’t risk your mind and body the way I have to be shelved after one routine move that I have taken more times than Scott has won matches.


And that reminded me, Scott, I wasn’t going to let him steal my thunder. I was going to let that god dam son of a batch reign over the top of the sports entertainment world. He can’t wrestle, he can’t talk, he can’t walk, he can’t even do a piledriver. He threatened my career, he threatened my way of life, he threatened my finances and by doing that he threatened me and my family.


I got on the phone to Richard, who said if I were to come back it would be a short angle where I challenge Scott to a match, he accepts and I lose to put him over even more.


That made me mad, SWF was losing business to TCW and they were trying to build up BSS?

I had built my legacy on a work ethic and a precision that had earned me my way into the wrestling business. Sure, being strong made me rise up the cards faster, but I didn’t throw just a punch or a choke slam here and there and sit back and watch the straps wrap around my waist.


I but my best into every match, I’m not a technical genius, people don’t expect that of a guy who is a big-heavyweight. But I love to entertain the crowd, and put everything into every match win or lose.


It may sound like I rant about something that is proven, but so many people take it for granted, rookies go around saying landing on the canvas alone makes you a dedicated wrestler. Try taking super bombs off top turnbuckles when you weigh 360 pounds, try being put through an announce table after someone weighing 230 pounds leaps off a ladder to do so.


Yes, this doesn’t happen every day, but it might as well, cause I’d be willing to do it, all for my love for this business.


I managed to call Jerry Eisen, and get a hold of Peter Michaels, they agreed that the best thing to do would be to transfer Scott’s momentum to me and Bruce, as they knew having the human botch machine as a main eventer would be the nail in the coffin of the SWF/TCW war.


They virtually guaranteed me a run at Scott. Jerry even pushed forward the idea that he would be released from the company in a loser retires match. Jerry was adamant that Scott shouldn’t be here in the SWF, he had injured me, and threatened the career of Jack Bruce in their recent feud.


But Richard was having none of it, he liked the look of Scott, and he was actually making the company money. And he was blocking everything Peter tried to do.


And then this happened at SWF Under Control, being announced by Jerry and Peter…


Eric Eisen, my brother, is in a match against the rising BSS, Big Smack Scott here tonight. After laying out Runaway Train, and coming close to capturing Jack Bruce’s SWF Heavyweight championship nothing seems to be slowing down the juggernaut that is BSS.


And the match is underway…


… Eric Eisen lands the top rope elbow drop, and is setting up for the…


…SILVER SPOON SHOCK! My lord Eric got it!


And wait, BSS is getting right back up? Maybe Eric did it wrong, and implant DDT!


Oh My God, Eric is clutching his neck, it looks almost… disconnected.


Big Smack Shuffle! I think this one has gone terribly wrong for Eric Eisen…”


Later that PPV…


"We’re sorry to announce fans, right before we go into this title bought between Jack Bruce and Vengeance that the match held earlier tonight between Eric Eisen and BSS ended with Eric dislodging a disk at the top of his spine, he is in hospital, but this is a potentially career ending injury.”


That changed Richard’s mind…

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WOW!!! Fiction imitating fiction, wait, that's real life... wait... the heck with it, I don't know what I'm talking about.


Nice so far, I'll be reading.




Thanks a lot, If I'm honest, this is a short diary, because it ends soon!


Should be over in a few days, just a more dramatical taster of what goes on in SWF!


And, it means I won't get burnt out, and it will be easy to get into, no 19 pages of match summary to go through!

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Part III


Richard was pissed, his son was set to be on the shelf for a loooooong time, with some doctors saying he’ll never wrestle again.


I got a call, and it sounded good…


“Barry, it’s Richard, your neck healed up yet?


As you know The Supreme Challenge is coming up, and you’ll be cleared to wrestle by then. You obviously want to get some payback on Scott, as do I. I’m thinking about releasing him,…


…done thinking, gonna fire his ass. Here’s what we’re gonna do…



…and then you’re clear to be one hell of a superstar again!


Now if you don‘t mind I got a gentlemen’s club to go to.”


I told Eisen I’d do the match, to be honest I’ve been bored senseless, I couldn’t even give a flying monkey train as to who I face.


We agreed as to the match type, and how the match should be built up.


But then…


…my phone ran again, it wasn’t Eisen, god knows he wouldn’t miss going to a strip joint, no, but it was someone I knew, this wasn’t the number I gave to fans, or even my back-up, this was my on to one private phone that was always clear for important calls.




“Hello, this is - - I’ve heard how they’ve been treating you at SWF, and I know you’ve got a half mind to do something about it…”

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"Okay Barry, here's the deal, Scott won't job to anyone anymore. He got such a big ego he PURPOSELY botched the silver spoon shock. I mean forgetting to stay down for the Train Wreck is one thing, but when a man is so egotistical as to not lose a single match, I step in.


I understood his rage, but it was a rage against Scott, a love for his family, not any compassion for me.


"So, if he wont fall down, you knock him down. I've told him in his match with Enforcer Roberts on my family's behalf, that Enforcer Roberts will be poised to throw him off sixty-foot high scaffolding, he'll "wimp out" that's when you come along, and throw him down, Train Wreck style. And he wont even know. I'll come up, shake your hand and announce that by doing that you've earned a world title shot. We all good?"


Yeah Richard, sure.






I left the room, I needed to check my text messages...



...*We are willing to enter negotiations, are you willing to accept?*

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