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ALPHA-1 ~ The Battle Within

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The year, 2005, the moment, unbelievable, a moment many thought could end American MMA as we know it.


Mark Wallace died. The man behind GAMMA along with Matt Tripp, died in a car accident at age 60, leaving Matt Tripp alone at the throne.


Many thought, Matt Tripp, oh, without Mark Wallace he won't have any funds and GAMMA is going to be dead by the end of the year, or Matt Tripp doesn't know anything about MMA, and with no Mark Wallace he doesn't have a chance.


Matt Tripp had this to say :


"Mark was my friend, and to see him die like this is a tragic end, but life ends up going on either way, GAMMA will continue to go along the way it has been producing top quality match-ups until it is the only remaining company on earth."


But with 7 Promotions to rid himself of, he has a stiff test ahead of him.


Now, the question remains, can GAMMA get back the top spot over Monstrously popular ALPHA-1, controlled by the ever popular PJ Ouellet in Japan, or will this be the beginning of the end for the American MMA Powerhouse. The Battle within, starts now...

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Promotional Rankings


1. ALPHA-1, Enormous, Japan

2. GAMMA, Enormous, America

3. BCF, Small, United Kingdom

4. WEFF, Small, Canada

5. FLASH KO, Tiny, America

6. KDM FC, Tiny, Asia

7. WVTC, Tiny, South America

8. SJ, Tiny, Japan

9. NMC, Insignificant, Europe


World MMA Council


Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time for the role call



Letsuna Hisamitsu

PJ Ouellet



Matt Tripp



Jerome T McCallum

Charlie Knight



Sophie Alliss

Bethany Tonks

Rebecca Portsmouth



Phineas Fry

Marko Prochazka



Roger Trint

DL Freeman



Toby Woxholt

Paul Duffell



Randi Mitchell

Josh Bristow



Philip Outred

Jimmy Stonor


Alright Everybody is here, so let's get to the situation, As you all know, Mark Wallace just passed away, Matt how's the situation at GAMMA going ?


It's Going Good, I'm looking if I can find somebody to fill the position of president, Because I need to either focus on Booking, or Finance, I can't do both.


Alright, so this is a big moment in MMA, people are starting to catch on to the sport that is MMA, and we need to start delivering some stellar match-ups, or people are going to stick to their "Pro Wrestling" or their "Boxing", and we can't have that, we set out with this with a goal, and we need to pull it through to the end, is that cool with everybody.


Yes, alright, meeting adjourned.

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ALPHA-1 Roster and Champions


"Hollywood" Adam White, 37-10

"Flash" Alan Kendall, 19-15

Alberto Basora, 15-12

"Fists of Death" Aleksei Chekhov, 17-12

"The Mighty" Alisha Wood, 5-4

Alison Beattie, 13-11

"The Chunky Monkey" Allen LeFleur, 2-4

"Flash" Anderson Desailly, 6-4

"The Demon from Derbyshire" Andrew Rush, 31-13

"Quick Silver" Anna Thompson, 2-2

"Live Wire" Anthony LeToussier, 23-12

"The Blonde Bombshell" April Watson, 18-7

Atep of Indonesia, 26-14

Atsutane Akera, 2-2

Bae Yoon, 15-8

Bakin Sakamoto, 21-11

Billy Hupp, 1-1

"The Tap Out Artist" Billy Russell, 10-10

Bixente Fontaine, 18-12

"The Modern Day Gladiator" Bryan Van Den Hauwe, 16-13

"Blazin" Callum Henson, 13-9

Carlos da Guia, 41-7

"Snap Dragon" Carmen Routhwaite, 0-3

"The Kiwi" Carter Potter, 15-13

"The Phantom" Cecil Phillips, 0-2

"Easy Z" Chad Zoff, 0-2

"The Wrecking Machine" Chelsea Lawson, 16-4

Chie Namiki, 9-6

"The Scorpion" Chiyo Yanagimoto, 13-4

Christine Jameson, 2-1

"Miss Independance" Cindy Dumas, 2-0

Clare Peyton, 4-2

Claudio Palacios, 18-12-1

"The Bad Element" Curt Kitson, 19-9

"Danger Man" Dana Delaney, 12-14

"The Stud" Daniel Hornsby, 17-5

"The Savage" Datuk Ong Ka Ting, 17-7

"The Spartan" Davis Spyrou, 20-10

"Here Comes Trouble" Debra Everett, 5-3

"The Irish Lion" Dennis Gallagher, 17-9

"Smash-Mouth" Derek South, 8-8

Diana Marr, 0-0

Diego Arteta, 13-13

"Slamkovic" Dominykas Jankovic, 17-13

"The Nightmare" Doug Hansen, 22-10

Echiko Watanabe, 7-4

"Mr. Fantastic" Ed Burridge, 9-8

"The Relentless" Edilberto, 8-11

"The Phantom" Eiko Shiokawa, 2-1

"The Farm Boy" Eli Harris, 14-13-1

"The King" Elvis Milissis, 1-3

"The Spider" Emiko Shikuk, 1-0

"The Terror" Ethan Sutton, 14-10

Eugene Henderson, 3-3

"The Carpenter" Evan Pizzarro, 6-7

Faas Smit, 19-11

"Chief" Fatuma Roy, 21-12

"The Daddy" Felix Mattherson Jr, 18-7

Fernando Amaro, 25-7

Fjodor Kanchelskis, 8-8

"Frankie Boy" Francisco Jimenez, 0-0

Fujimaro Hidaka, 17-13

"The Lightning Kid" Fumiaki Hayashi, 29-12

"The Warrior Queen" Fusae Miura, 12-5

"Mad Dog" Gabriel Gallego, 37-12

Garry McSweegan, 17-15

"The General" Gempachi Higa, 11-9

"Glamourous G" Gianna Russo, 7-3

"The Unbreakable" Gideon Navarro, 3-2

Go Yamamoto, 24-16

"Power Pack" Grace Hughes, 1-3

"Polish Power" Grzegorz Boniek, 18-11

"Swedish Superman" Gunnar Nilsson, 32-8

"Boom Boom" Guy Broom, 9-9

"Fujizilla" Gyokusho Fujimoto, 4-4

"Silent But Deadly" Haley Croft, 14-10

Hanae Maehata, 20-4

"Storm Bringer" Hanako Shimizu, 13-4

Hans-Peter Schneider, 15-8

Haranobu Oshiro, 19-7-1

Harriet Fey, 13-7

"The Bulldog" Harry Milne, 26-14

"The Wolverine" Harvey Loeb, 16-8

"The Big Bad" Hassan Fezzik, 52-3

"The Slayer" Hester Maclean, 14-6-1

"Japanese Punk" Hisamitsu Sasaki, 0-2

Hyun-Shik Lim, 5-2

"The Fist of Justice" Ikku Funaki, 16-15

"The Show Stopper" Jack Humphreys, 21-13

"Pocket Rocket" Jackson Gray, 14-10

"The Natural Talent" Jake Keane, 4-2

"The Sao Paulo Express" Janinha, 19-4

"The Miniature Killer" Jason Dalglish, 15-8

Jean-Pierre Richelleau, 19-10

"The Rock" Jeff Carlton, 31-17

"Bad Girl" Jennie Gill, 17-2-1

"The Electrifying" Jenny DeNeuve, 16-8

"Battery" Jens Halle, 8-7

"Angel Eyes" Jessica Herbig, 2-2

Jin Katou, 12-10

"The Amazing" JJ Reid, 22-9

Jonathan Huang, 15-8

"Fred" Jordan Flintstone, 3-2

Jorge Hormazabal, 19-10

"The Cleaner" José Rocha, 0-0

"Nightmare" Julio Gutierrez, 9-5

"Iron Man" Junior Patinkin, 1-2

"Anarchy" Juozas Skerla, 11-11

"Wild Thing" Justin Brannagh, 4-6

"White Hope" Kafu Bunya, 15-17

"The Great Japanese Hope" Kanezane Fujii, 6-8

"The Barbarian" Kaoru Nanami, 16-5

"The Demon" Karen Curtis, 17-3

"Killer" Katarzyna Wojciechowska, 15-8

"Wild Thing" Katy-Jane Paulson, 6-7

"The Man of Steel" Ken Peters, 0-0

"The Gambler" Kendall Tracey, 15-5

Kimie Igarashi, 3-1

Kochiyo Chikamitsu, 14-8

Kojuro Ijichi, 18-10

"Razor" Korekiyo Anzai, 20-10

"The Predator" Kramer Mayweather, 22-11

"Unstoppable K" Kunimichi Kikuchi, 35-12

"Chopper" Kurt McDonald, 2-2

"The Reaper" Kyo Takahiro, 0-0

"The Pissed Off Angel" Laura Adair, 3-6

"The Slayer" Layla Holmes, 16-7

Leonardo da Costa, 14-7

"Lost Innocence" Leslie Myers, 8-8

"Big Dog" Linfield Ballard, 16-20

"The Future" Lisa Labone, 2-1

"The K.O. Kid" Lloyd McAllister, 14-13

"The Hillbilly Hammer" Luke Hilton, 16-6

"The Mean Machine" Lynda Epsom, 3-5

"Blaze" Machiko Fujii, 1-3

"Double M" Maggie Martin, 14-7

"Zodiac" Malcolm O'Hearn, 20-13-1

"First Strike" Marcus Speed, 10-12

"The Punisher" Marlon John, 15-9-1

"Lurch" Mason Archer, 12-6

"The Anarchist" Matthew Dean, 18-12

"Vampiro" Maya Komagata, 2-1

"Black Widow" Michelle Addams, 17-5

"Violent Conduct" Mick Curran, 27-9

"C.ockney Rebel" Mikey Wallace, 1-0

Milenko Rudonja, 15-9

Mizuki Watanabe, 8-1

"The Wing Chun Superstar" Motoki Hojo, 3-6

"The Crusher" Mugur Boc, 15-10

"The Japanese Buzzsaw" Naora Kikuchi, 13-6

"Rocky" Natalie Rogers, 3-1

"Big Mac" Nate MacReary, 10-8

"The Islander" Neil Napier, 19-7-1

"Scourge of Europe" Nicolai Mickiewicz, 15-6

"The Minotaur" Nik Minear, 7-9

"Super Animal" Noach Van Der Capellan, 18-14

Noritoshi Itou, 3-3

"Young Gun" Owen Hyde, 12-12

"The Serpent" Paulo Roberto Bezerra, 32-9

"The Edge" Percy Catcher, 17-5

Pete Shilton, 0-2

"Iron Jaw" Peter Bracewell, 27-18

"The Mack Attack" Petey Mack, 17-8

"All Business" Phil Ball, 20-14

"Yellow Peril" Rachel McGuiness, 15-5

Randall Big, 4-2

"Super Snake" Randy Carsley, 19-14-1

"The Beast of Birmingham" Rav Kapur, 21-11

"The Enigma" Ray Eton, 16-11

"Lights Out" Reinhardt Rhett, 2-3

"The Black Death" Rhianna Voegele, 0-1

Ricardo Fernandes, 29-15

"Hard Rain" Rich Robinson, 11-10

Rob Baines, 15-8-1

Robun Yamazaki, 23-19

Romi Takahashi, 14-5

"Maradonna" Rory McEnterry, 1-2

"Harvard" Ross Smith, 9-2

"Hard & Fast" Roz Wareing, 16-8-1

"Russell Mania" Russell McPhee, 10-5

"Monster Moto" Ryosei Sakamoto, 0-0

"The Golden Boy" Salvador Santos, 2-2

"The Predator" Samantha Sachs, 3-0

"The Lady of 1,000 Submissions" Sandy Olivier, 9-7

"The Phenom" Sayoko Ebisawa, 20-4

"The Man With No Nickname" Sean Morrison, 21-9

"The Bruiser" Sebastian Fernandez, 2-2

"Submission King" Seth O'Breen, 5-2

"The Butcher" Shane Gilchrist, 25-15

"The Tank" Sherman Shields, 0-0

Sho Kitabatake, 2-3

"The Queen of Mean" Simone King, 11-9

"Stealth Ninja" Stefan Champion, 16-6

"Stunning" Steph Smith, 17-7

"Ice Cold" Stephan de Winter, 7-5

"Urban Cowboy" Steve Mason, 13-7

"Mammoth" Stjepan Andric, 13-8-3

"Superstar" Stuart Strange, 16-14

"The Dragon" Tadamasa Yamada, 29-13

Taniko Uchiyama, 10-10

"The Rocket" Tara Foley, 5-1

"Crazy Monkey" Teeratep Nutnum, 22-16

"Bang Bang" Temperance McCoy, 14-4

"The Tornado" Terry Catt, 9-3

Thiago Ceni, 21-14

"Soldier of Fortune" Thomas Smith, 16-8

"The Rose" Tomi Nishimura, 1-2

"Vicious But Delicious" Tracy Garcia, 3-1

"The Drill Sergeant" Trevor Murray, 0-3

"The Real Deal" Trish Biel, 4-3

"Thunder and Lightning" Tyler Lass, 5-10

Umeka Fujiwara, 5-1

Uwe Maier, 16-6

"The Heart Breaker" Vicki Summers, 12-4

Victor Harris, 2-2

"The Hurt" Wes Hersch, 9-6

"Silent But Violent" Wilson Franklyn, 15-11

Yuya Shimizu, 11-7

Zaco, 18-14-1




Women's : Hanako Shimizu

Lightweight : Atep of Indonesia

Welterweight : Ross Smith

Middleweight : Kunimichi Kikuchi

Light-Heavyweight : Mick Curran

Heavyweight : Gunnar Nilsson

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ALPHA-1 181 : Victory in Vegas


Gabriel Gallego vs. Sean Morrison

Tadamasa Yamada vs. JJ Reid

Percy Catcher vs. Anthony LeToussier

Michelle Addams vs. Chelsea Lawson

Karen Curtis vs. Chiyo Yanagimoto

Bae Yoon vs. Edilberto

Sho Kitabatake vs. Reinhardt Rhett

Robun Yamazaki vs. Junior Patinkin

Billy Russell vs. Elvis Milissis

Guy Broom vs. Billy Hupp

Junko Yamada vs. Gianna Russo

Katy-Jane Paulson vs. Maya Komagata

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Looking good

Gabriel Gallego vs. Sean Morrison

Tadamasa Yamada vs. JJ Reid

Percy Catcher vs. Anthony LeToussier

Michelle Addams vs. Chelsea Lawson

Karen Curtis vs. Chiyo Yanagimoto

Bae Yoon vs. Edilberto

Sho Kitabatake vs. Reinhardt Rhett

Robun Yamazaki vs. Junior Patinkin

Billy Russell vs. Elvis Milissis

Guy Broom vs. Billy Hupp

Junko Yamada vs. Gianna Russo

Katy-Jane Paulson vs. Maya Komagata

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Gabriel Gallego vs. Sean Morrison

Tadamasa Yamada vs. JJ Reid

Percy Catcher vs. Anthony LeToussier

Michelle Addams vs. Chelsea Lawson

Karen Curtis vs. Chiyo Yanagimoto

Bae Yoon vs. Edilberto

Sho Kitabatake vs. Reinhardt Rhett

Robun Yamazaki vs. Junior Patinkin

Billy Russell vs. Elvis Milissis

Guy Broom vs. Billy Hupp

Junko Yamada vs. Gianna Russo

Katy-Jane Paulson vs. Maya Komagata

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Looking good

Gabriel Gallego vs. Sean Morrison

Tadamasa Yamada vs. JJ Reid

Percy Catcher vs. Anthony LeToussier

Michelle Addams vs. Chelsea Lawson

Karen Curtis vs. Chiyo Yanagimoto

Bae Yoon vs. Edilberto

Sho Kitabatake vs. Reinhardt Rhett

Robun Yamazaki vs. Junior Patinkin

Billy Russell vs. Elvis Milissis

Guy Broom vs. Billy Hupp

Junko Yamada vs. Gianna Russo

Katy-Jane Paulson vs. Maya Komagata


/facepalm, How did I not see this coming :rolleyes:

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World MMA Council


Alright, Matt has some big news for us. Matt ?


Alright, as you know, GAMMA needed a new president, and we found one. Former GAMMA fighter Elgar, will be taking the throne, We thought this would be a great way to handle international affairs and help expand GAMMA around the world.


Alright, thanks very much Matt, and we hope to see the fruits of your labor very soon

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ALPHA-1's Return To Vegas was a huge hit with the fans, with only 1 fight on the main card going the distance, but before we get to the Main Card, let's review the Preliminary Bouts.


Katy-Jane Paulson (7-7) scored a very quick stoppage over newcomer Maya Komagata (2-2) with a scorching streak of punches, all landing on the Japanese fighter, ending her night just under the 4 Minute Mark. This Marks Paulson's first win in ALPHA-1 after a streak of losses, and she will be happy she got it.


Another Female fight came up as Gianna Russo (8-3) scored a devastating KO finish on the new comer Junko Yamada (6-8) which might have sealed the deal for Yamada's Release. On the losing end of 3 KO stoppages, Yamada doesn't have the ability to fight in ALPHA-1, and might be invited back if she can string together a couple victories.


Guy Broom (10-9) walked through Newcomer Billy Hupp (1-2) in yet another first round stoppage, due to elbows from the NCAA Wrestling Champion, This Marks Broom's 8th TKO Finish under the ALPHA-1 Banner, and If he continues like this he could skyrocket into contendership.


Billy Russell (11-10) got back to his old self, decisioning Elvis Milissis (1-4) in an action packed ground battle. Milissis will need to pick up some wins if he wishes to stay under the ALPHA-1 Banner. Junior Patinkin (2-2) scored the upset of the night, decisioning former Champion Robun Yamazaki (23-20) in another one-sided bout, dominating him in the ground control and stand-up game, many wonder if Yamazaki should consider retirement, given his old age could start to play a factor in his losses.


Reinhardt Rhett (3-3) avenged his 2004 loss to the Japanese Judo Champion Sho Kitabatake (2-4) by Guillotine Submission in the second round. Rhett, known as a striker, has won by Submission in 2 of his 3 victories, the other coming by KO. Rhett seems to have turned around his career, winning his last 3, and looking dominant in doing so.


The Former Champion Bae Yoon (16-8) scored a dominant TKO Stoppage in Round 3, over perennial contender Edilberto (8-12). Edilberto will need to pick up a win in this next fight if he wishes to continue fighting for ALPHA-1, but could still keep his career just because of his excitement value. Yoon, looks to be back in business, and ready to challenge the title again.


Another Head Kick Finish, this time coming from Chiyo Yanagimoto (14-4), giving Karen Curtis (17-4), the woman who was supposed to get the next title shot, her second loss in a row. Curtis will need to get back to her winning ways to stay with the promotion. Two more North American Imports Michelle Addams (18-5) scored a very close Split Decision over Chelsea Lawson (16-5), in a bout that could possibly be deemed fight of the night. We expect more from Addams.


Percy Catcher (18-5) came back to score yet another devastating KO tonight over Anthony LeToussier (23-13) The Beaten down superstar, will also need to pick up some victories to stay with the promotion, we can always wish the best for him though, and can't wait to see him back in the cage.


Tadamasa Yamada (30-13) scored a massive victory over JJ Reid (22-10) in the Third Round. "The Dragon" Scored multiple punches on the former GAMMA fighter, ultimately beating him by TKO in the Third, and cementing his place in MMA History.


The Main Event lived up to it's hype in every way, going back and forth for both fighter Gabriel Gallego (37-13) and Sean Morrison (22-9) Gallego, beating Morrison on the Feet, got over confident and took down the Ground and Pound specialist, who quickly latched on to a Guillotine Choke, and tapped out the Brazilian Muay Thai expert at 3:11 in the second round.


Fight of the Night obviously went to the Main Event, which also earned Submission of the night honors, and Percy Catcher earned KO of the night for his devastating punch sequence that left LeToussier peaceful on the canvas.


News and Notes after ALPHA-1 181


Zaco will be returning to the promotion after 6 years on the European and UK MMA Scene. He will finally be returning to Japan with a 18-14-1 record.


Michelle Addams will be being resigned after her great war with Chelsea Lawson

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Tadamasa Yamada (30-13) scored a massive victory over JJ Reid (22-10) in the Third Round. "The Dragon" Scored multiple punches on the former GAMMA fighter, ultimately beating him by TKO in the Third, and cementing his place in MMA History.



JJReid wont like this.:D good job UFCKING

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SENTOU JOSHI : Combat Women Open


Sentou Joshi opens it's doors as only the second female only fighting promotion ever to exist. The person to take it's presidency and ownership has yet to be announced, but we will keep you posted on this historic moment.

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Theres No Possible Way Tadamasa Yamada Or Whatever His Name Is Can Beat Jj Reid Bogus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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ALPHA-1 Welterweight Championship : Dennis Gallagher vs. Ross Smith ©

ALPHA-1 Light-Heavyweight Championship : Mick Curran © vs. Petey Mack

Nate MacReary vs. Jeff Carlton

Tara Foley vs. Tracy Garcia

Ed Burridge vs. Stephan de Winter

Kanezane Fujii vs. Juozas Skerla

Diego Arteta vs. Gyokusho Fujimoto

Hester Maclean vs. Anna Thompson

Umeka Fujiwara vs. Kaoru Nanami

Eiko Shiokawa vs. Emiko Shikuk

Lloyd McAllister vs. Trevor Murray

Sebastian Fernandez vs. Faas Smit

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ALPHA-1 Welterweight Championship : Dennis Gallagher vs. Ross Smith ©

ALPHA-1 Light-Heavyweight Championship : Mick Curran © vs. Petey Mack

Nate MacReary vs. Jeff Carlton

Tara Foley vs. Tracy Garcia

Ed Burridge vs. Stephan de Winter

Kanezane Fujii vs. Juozas Skerla

Diego Arteta vs. Gyokusho Fujimoto

Hester Maclean vs. Anna Thompson

Umeka Fujiwara vs. Kaoru Nanami

Eiko Shiokawa vs. Emiko Shikuk

Lloyd McAllister vs. Trevor Murray

Sebastian Fernandez vs. Faas Smit

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Hell I'm in


ALPHA-1 Welterweight Championship : Dennis Gallagher vs. Ross Smith ©

ALPHA-1 Light-Heavyweight Championship : Mick Curran © vs. Petey Mack

Nate MacReary vs. Jeff Carlton

Tara Foley vs. Tracy Garcia

Ed Burridge vs. Stephan de Winter

Kanezane Fujii vs. Juozas Skerla

Diego Arteta vs. Gyokusho Fujimoto

Hester Maclean vs. Anna Thompson

Umeka Fujiwara vs. Kaoru Nanami

Eiko Shiokawa vs. Emiko Shikuk

Lloyd McAllister vs. Trevor Murray

Sebastian Fernandez vs. Faas Smit

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AFN : Desailly vs. Hidaka


Fujimaro Hidaka vs. Anderson Desailly

Claudio Palacios vs. Randy Carsley

Jackson Gray vs. Marcus Speed

Cindy Dumas vs. Rhianna Voegele

Elvis Milissis vs. Motoki Hojo

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The Fighters Gathered once again for ALPHA-1 182 : Armageddon, and here's how it went


Faas Smit (20-11) beat Sebastian Fernandez (2-3) for the second time with a dominant Unanimous Decision victory, Smit, winner of his last 3 fights, could be set for a title shot in the near future if he keeps that streak up. Lloyd McAllister (14-13) got back to his winning ways, but not in the way you would expect it, submitting Trevor Murray (0-4) with a Kimura in round 1 in just under a minute and a half.


Eiko Shiokawa (3-1) decisioned Emiko Shikuk (1-1) in a very close fight, scoring a split decision victory after 3 rounds. Shiokawa is looking great in this division and could be a future star in a short amount of time. Umeka Fujiwara (6-1) proved she doesn't just know ground game, scoring a first round KO over Kaoru Nanami (16-6), with a scorching right hand that came out of nowhere.


Hester Maclean (15-6-1) was finally able to find her groove in Round 2, dominating Anna Thompson (2-3), and beat her with a 3rd Round Unanimous Decision, with decisive punching and kicking. This win could skyrocket Maclean into title contendership.


Gyokusho Fujimoto (5-4) also picked up a win tonight in a Dominant Unanimous Decision, beating Diego Arteta (13-14). Arteta, a submission fighter, was unable to get inside and take Fujimoto down, and payed the price eating punches and knees from the Japanese Striker, ultimately resulting in a win for the latter.


Kanezane Fujii (7-8) was finally able to pick up a win in this outing, Stopping Juozas Skerla (11-12) with a 2nd Round Rear Naked Choke Submission. Fujii was finally able to end his 3 fight losing streak.


Ed Burridge (10-8) was also thinking about submissions, submitting Stephan De Winter (7-6), with an Arm-Bar in Round 3, Burridge is now a top contender for the Middleweight title, and could easily be next in line for the shot.


Tara Foley (6-1) scored her first victory inside the cage over Tracy Garcia (3-2) with yet another Unanimous Decision tonight. We expect to see more from her next time.


Nate MacReary (11-8) scored the biggest win of his young career so far, upsetting former GAMMA and ALPHA-1 Heavyweight Champion Jeff Carlton (31-18), in a three round battle for supremacy. This could very well be the momentum boost MacReary needed to get his title shot.


Mick Curran (28-9) defended his title yet again, Knocking out contender Petey Mack (17-9) in the first round, Curran could easily be the best Light-Heavyweight Champion ever with this win, and with a win over the likes of Yamada or others could cement that status.


And Lastly, Ross Smith (10-2) came from behind in the 5th Round to KO Dennis Gallagher (17-10) and defend his title once more, the first time against Fumiaki Hayashi, Smith is really living up to his potential and is ready for the big time.


Fight of the Night went to Ross Smith and Dennis Gallagher and KO of the Night went to Mick Curran. Ed Burridge was honored Submission of the Night and that was the end of that. Fight Night is thursday everybody so buckle up.

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ALPHA-1 Comes to Terms with 3 Fighters


WEFF Lightweight Champion Harriet Fey, FLASH KO Heavyweight Stjepan Andric and Debuter Ryosei Sakamoto to Exclusive Deals.


Sakamoto is expected to fight within the month, while Fey and Andric should fight within the next 2 month period

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AFN : Hidaka vs. Desailly was a huge success, and no fights went the distance.


Elvis Milissis (2-4) finally picked up a win, Stopping Motoki Hojo (3-7) in Round 3, with punches and elbows from the guard, Milissis, riding a 4 fight losing streak, finally won a fight, and won't be facing the boot from the promotion, Hojo however, might be after this performance.


Rhianna Voegele (1-1) upset Cindy Dumas (2-1) tonight, stopping her in Round 2, again with punches, starting it off with a heavy right hook, and finishing it from the guard. Voegele will be happy having avenged her loss in her Debut and erased any doubt of her being a slouch of a fighter.


Jackson Gray (15-10) scored another win, again with punches over Marcus Speed (10-13) in Round 1, Gray, a former title challenger, could be next in-line for the shot, we expect more to come from this man. Speed however, could easily be on his way out with another loss like this.


Randy Carsley (20-14-1) stopped Claudio Palacios (18-13-1) in the first round, bloodying up the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu expert in just 2 minutes. If Carsley fought every fight like that, he would never lose, but consistency is a factor, and he needs to keep winning like that to stay with the promotion.


The Main Event lived up to expectations when Anderson Desailly (7-4) Knocked out former champion Fujimaro Hidaka (17-14) in the first round, making it the highlight of his career, Desailly after this could be next in line for the shot, but now we definitely know he's ready for the big time, and hope to see more.


Fight of the Night went to Claudio Palacios and Randy Carsley, and KO of the Night went to Anderson Desailly, there was no Submission of the Night honor tonight due to no submissions being pulled off. That's all for now folks, and see you next time

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Title Lineage



Hanae Maehata, 5, August 2003 to September 2004

Hanako Shimizu, 2, September 2004 to Current



Edson Edmilson, 2, December 1993 to October 1994

Ricardo Fernandes, 4, October 1994 to February 1996

Go Yamamoto, 1, February 1996 to August 1996

Carlos da Guia, 1, August 1996 to October 1996

Ricardo Fernandes (2), 4, October 1996 to July 1997

Paulo Roberto Bezerra, 2, July 1997 to December 1997

Fujimaro Hidaka, 1, December 1997 to Marcy 1998

Carlos da Guia (2), 4, March 1998 to December 1998

Ricardo Fernandes (3), 1, December 1998 to October 1999

Felix Mattherson Jr. 0, October 1999 to December 1999

Carlos da Guia (3), 11, December 1999 to April 2002

Stefan Champion, 0, April 2002 to June 2002

Atep of Indonesia, 4, June 2002 to July 2003

Stefan Champion (2), 0, July 2003 to September 2003

Paulo Roberto Bezerra (2), 2, September 2003 to July 2004

Bae Yoon, 0, July 2004 to September 2004

Carlos da Guia (4), 0, September 2004 to December 2004

Sukarno, 0, December 2004 to January 2005

Vacated due to Sukarno's Retirement

Atep of Indonesia (2), 0, February 2005 to Current



Ichisake Miyagi, 1, October 1993 to June 1994

Fumiaki Hayashi, 3, June 1994 to April 1995

Gabriel Gallego, 6, April 1995 to December 1996

Fumiaki Hayashi (2), 4, December 1996 to August 1997

Agustin Gonzalez, 13, August 1997 to April 2000

Andrew Rush, 0, April 2000 to June 2000

Gabriel Gallego (2), 4, June 2000 to May 2001

Carl Ratcliffe, 0, May 2001 to June 2001

Kramer Mayweather, 0, June 2001 to August 2001

Korekiyo Anzai, 0, August 2001 to September 2001

Alan Kendall, 0, September 2001 to December 2001

Agustin Gonzalez (2), 2, December 2001 to July 2002

Kramer Mayweather (2), 2, July 2002 to February 2003

Bakin Sakamoto, 0, February 2003 to April 2003

Gabriel Gallego (3), 3, April 2003 to March 2004

Datuk Ong Ka Ting, 1, March 2004 to October 2004

Wes Hearsch, 0, October 2004 to November 2004

Ross Smith, 2, November 2004 to Current



Dokuohtei Kuroki, 1, May 1994 to November 1994

Jorge Hormazabal, 3, November 1994 to January 1996

Jerezo, 0, January 1996 to May 1996

Juro Fukazawa, 0, May 1996 to July 1996

Leonardo da Costa, 0, July 1996 to August 1996

Haranobu Oshiro, 0 August 1996 to August 1996

~Vacated~ (Oshiro failed a drug test)

Thorbjorn Rekdal, 0, August 1996 to October 1996

Andrew Rush, 4, October 1996 to April 1997

Fernando Amaro, 0, April 1997 to September 1997

Davis Spyrou, 0, September 1997 to November 1997

Adam White, 2, November 1997 to March 1998

Fernando Amaro (2), 6, March 1998 to February 2001

Juro Fukazawa (2), 2, February 2001 to December 2001

Adam White (2), 0, December 2001 to March 2002

Matthew Dean, 0, March 2002 to May 2002

Kunimichi Kikuchi, 1, May 2002 to May 2003

Neil Napier, 2, May 2003 to December 2003

Adam White (3), 1, December 2003 to April 2004

Kunimichi Kikuchi (2), 1, April 2004 to Current*


*Kikuchi fought once after this, but at Light-Heavyweight instead, so it did not count as a defense



Inejiro Chiba, 5, February 1994 to August 1995

Tadamasa Yamada, 1, August 1995 to July 1996

Roberto Aldez, 1, July 1996 to March 1997

Petey Mack, 0, March 1997 to May 1997

Leon Banks, 0, May 1997 to July 1997

Tadamasa Yamada (2), 2, July 1997 to January 1998

Curt Kitson, 0, January 1998 to March 1998

Leon Banks (2), 8, March 1998 to December 1999

Roberto Aldez (2), 0, December 1999 to May 2000

Kunimichi Kikuchi, 2, May 2000 to April 2001

Tadamasa Yamada (3), 2, April 2001 to June 2002

Curt Kitson (2), 1, June 2002 to May 2003

Terry Catt, 0, May 2003 to June 2003

Mick Curran, 11, June 2003 to Current



Robun Yamazaki, 1, November 1992 to April 1993

Kunimichi Kikuchi, 6, April 1993 to May 1995

Hassan Fezzik, 7, May 1995 to May 1997

Gunnar Nilsson, 4, May 1997 to June 1999

Hassan Fezzik (2), 9, June 1999 to April 2002

Shane Gilchrist, 0, April 2002 to August 2002

Rav Kapur, 2, August 2002 to June 2003

Jeff Carlton, 1, June 2003 to November 2003

Jean-Pierre Richelleau, 1, November 2003 to April 2004

Wilson Franklyn, 1, April 2004 to June 2004

Gunnar Nilsson (2), 3, June 2004 to Current

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