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Dark Match: William Regal defeated Jim Duggan (4:33) D+




Monday, Week 1, February 2009


Last week's RAW saw Randy Orton reveal to the McMahon's that his actions were not his fault, that he had Intermittent Explosive Disorder and threatened an injunction on WrestleMania if Stephanie or Shane tried to fire him. Stephanie insisted they wouldn't, and that brought Shane out who shockingly one-upped The Legacy in an attack.


This week's RAW kicks off with a brilliant pyrotechnic display and Michael Cole revealing that tonight's main event would be John Cena versus Chris Jericho in non-title action. Cole was quickly cut off by the music of an intense looking Shane McMahon who, along with his sister Stephanie, made their way out to the ring. Shane revealed that Orton's lawyers had requested a match with Shane at No Way Out. Shane revealed that this would be a street fight and that he would not be backing down. Stephanie went onto reveal that The Legacy would take on Cryme Tyme and Charlie Haas in a six man tag tonight. B


The McMahons could not continue with what they wanted to talk about as the music of Randy Orton hit and the entire Legacy, Orton, Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes hit the ring. Stephanie barely had enough time to get out of the ring as DiBiase and Rhodes tackled Shane to the ground. Priceless held McMahon down whilst Orton stomped away at his head. Orton signalled to Priceless to pick Shane up, and they did so, before throwing Shane forward and letting Randy connect with the RKO. Orton turned to leave the ring, but quickly snapped back, with his eyes bugged out and an expression that would put Satan himself to shame across his face. Orton lined it up and, after a few moments of hesitation and charged at Shane and connected with the punt that saw Shane's head snap to the side violently and a thud that caused the crowd to let out a sigh of shock as Shane slumped to the floor. Finally, not content, but somewhat shocked at what he had done, Orton left the ring with Priceless at his side as RAW fades to commercial. C+


The first match up of the night saw the odd pairing of Goldust and 'The Punjabi Playboy' The Great Khali take on Legacy rejects Manu and Sim Snuka. Manu and Snuka isolated Goldust for most of the match and worked him over with various slams, throws, kicks and punches. Eventually Goldust made the hot tag to The Punjabi Playboy and Khali hit Manu and Snuka with brain chops. The match came to an end when Khali hit Manu with a chokebomb that shook the ring. (6:43) D+


The self proclaimed saviour or RAW came out to the ring in suit and tie and talked about his match with John Cena tonight. Jericho ran down the crowd calling them hypocrits, as he always did. Jericho said that he'd been working hard for almost twenty years and for what? To get the people to boo him. He said that he'd like to see the people in the crowd do what he does, day in, day out. Jericho then turned his attention to Mickey Rourke. He said that it was wise of Rourke to back down out of a match with him at WrestleMania, but said that the offer was still on the table. Jericho said that Rourke is just like the fans, he doesn't understand what it is like to do what he does, day in, day out. He said that Rourke just played a wrestler in a movie for a little while and that it didn't stack up to what he does. B


Jericho's spiel is soon interupted by the return to RAW of... MIIIIISSSSSTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER KENNEDY! Kennedy walked out to the entranceway in street clothes (including a t-shirt promoting Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia). Kennedy had a microphone descend from the ceiling. Kennedy said that he had acted in Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia, just like how Rourke had acted in The Wrestler. Kennedy said that Rourke put a lot of effort into it and that Jericho was just jealous that he doesn't get movie opportunities. Kennedy ends by saying that he will return to in ring action in just a couple of weeks, and if Jericho wants a movie star to fight and Mickey Rourke isn't up to it, he can take him any time. Kennedy goes to walk away before realizing he had not ended in his typical manner and walked back to the microphone, reiterating that in two weeks we would see the return of... MIIIIIISSSTTTEEEEEEEER KENNEDY! ... KENNEDY! B+


The next match of the night saw the return to the main roster of DH Smith, son of The British Bulldog. He got a nice cheer despite playing the heel and yelling at some young fans in the crowd. During his match with Jamie Noble, Smith kept the pace slow and kept Noble grounded. Smith could be heard yelling at the crowd and telling Noble to submit to some more simple submission manuevers. After a brief comeback from Noble, Smith wrapped the match up with a running powerslam, reminiscent of his father. (5:53) E-


Backstage we see a worried Stephanie McMahon, almost in tears at the heinous assault on her brother earlier in the evening. She is on the phone with her mother, Linda, whom she has to hang up on when The Legacy of Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes. Orton says that Steph needs to watch herself and make some wise choices instead of being so rash like her father and Shane. Orton says he will destroy Shane at No Way Out, if Shane can even compete. Stephanie tells Orton to back off and slaps him. Orton, further proving his mental imbalance, pushed Stephanie into a wall, causing her to tumble to the ground and being crying out in pain. Orton panics and quickly flees from the room with Priceless. B-


Elsewhere backstage, Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio are walking toward the ring, talking about their upcoming match. Michael Cole tells us that we will see them compete with Mike Knox and Kane right after commercial. B


In ring are Kane and Mike Knox as the broadcast fades back in from commercial. Their opponents Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston waste little time in coming out to the ring. Kingston and Kane start off. Kingston uses Kane as a base to do some high flying manuevers and kicks. Kane fights back and hits a couple of big moves with a clothesline off the top rope being the most memorable. Rey tags in and plays the underdog role as Kane isolates him from Kofi, with Rey show brief signs of a comeback only to be shoved down by Kane. When Mike Knox tags back in Rey seems reinvigorated at the ideas of fighting with his enemy. Rey climbs the top rope and leaps off, landing on Knox in a powerbomb position and forcing him to the ground. Rey manages to hit Knox with a drop toehold in preparation for the 619 but Knox moves out of the way and slams Mysterio into the mat. Both men tag out and Kane and Kofi battle in the middle of the ring, with Kofi's swashbuckling style not enough, as Kane wrapped it up with a chokeslam. (7:44) B-


Backstage we see Mr. Kennedy and Chris Jericho talking to one another, in what could be described as a somewhat heated display. Jericho tells Kennedy not to embarass him, or Kennedy himself anymore. Jericho says he feels embarassed for Kennedy because Kennedy thinks he is a real actor after one movie. Kennedy says that Jericho is blatantly jealous of him and Rourke. Jericho says that when Kennedy comes back to the ring, he will injure Kennedy again. Kennedy laughs Jericho off and says that it will take more than him to injure... MIIIISSSTTTEEEEER KENNEDY! ... KENNEDY! B


The music of William Regal hits and the 2008 King of the Ring makes his way out with his partner in crime, Layla. Regal grabs a microphone and says he is most disappointed in CM Punk. He says that he can't believe that Punk thinks he will be allowed to keep the Intercontinental title. Regal says that the title is rightfully his and that he will stop at nothing to get his title back. Regal says he will be watching the next match with intent before he takes a seat at ringside. C


CM Punk's music hit and he came to the ring at the quick pace he always shows, showing off the Intercontinental title to the crowd, slapping hands with fans on the way to the ring. It isn't long until his opponent, Dolph Ziggler makes his way out to the ring. Before the match he grabs a microphone to remind us who he is and somewhat surprisingly, CM Punk shakes his hand. The match starts out at a face pace with a couple of quick armdrags and hiptosses traded between both men before a drop toehold is followed up with a dropkick from CM Punk. The match is a nice display of what both men can do with Punk showing off his kicks and Ziggler showing off some impressive moves, including his excellent step up kick on the apron outside the ring. After the charging knee in the corner to bulldog combo, Punk lifted Ziggler up and hit him with the Go To Sleep for the pinfall. Punk celebrates as Ziggler is laid out, barely concious, repeatedly reiterating the fact that he is Dolph Ziggler. (7:48) C+


Backstage we see Santino Marella, 'The Glamazon' Beth Phoenix and Beth's number one fan, Rosa Mendez. Santino has christened them the "Glamarellaposse". Santino says that Beth is going to beat Candice Michelle in their upcoming match easily, and Beth reminds Santino and Rosa not to get involved. She says that Rosa gets a little carried away and needs to calm down when they are out there. Rosa nods and apologizes saying she just can't believe she gets to hang out with Beth Phoenix. Santino tells Beth that he will look out for his number one fan and they leave for the ring as RAW fades to commercial. C-


Back from commercial and the Glamarellaposse are in the ring and Beth is posing with her Slammy Award before they are interupted by the music of former WWE Women's Champion, Candice Michelle. The match is a fairly short and pedestrian affair. Candice starts off by hitting some quick moves before Phoenix catchs her with a side slam and starts to dominate. Phoenix eventually finishes the match off with the Glam Slam for the pinfall. (2:38) C


We see the World Champion John Cena up on the TitanTron. Cena says in the main event he will school Jericho again. He says that Jericho was right, the fans aren't like him. He says the fans are loyal, show respect and aren't whiny babies like Jericho. Cena says that he's going to beat Jericho tonight to prove to Jericho that he isn't at his level and give him a taste of what will happen at No Way Out in the Elimination Chamber. A


The team of Cryme Tyme and Charlie Haas in the ring. Or, as it should be tonight, 'The American Dream' Charlie Rhodes. When The Legacy makes their entrance Cody makes it known that he is not impressed with Haas dressing like his father. The match starts with Rhodes and JTG in the ring and is fairly fast paced to begin before Orton is tagged in and slows the match down with a rear chinlock on JTG. Orton begins to dominate and whips JTG into the corner, following up with a shoulder charge and a back drop. Charlie Haas tags in. Orton lets Cody tag in and Cody runs in to receive a series of bionic elbows from Charlie! Cody eventually gathers his senses and clotheslines Charlie to the floor before hearing Orton yell out that it was time. DiBiase and Orton stormed the ring and assaulted Charlie Haas, with DiBiase kicking Shad and JTG off of the ring apron so they could focus on one man. Orton was in the process of lining the punt kick up when the referee through the match out and connected with Charlie's head with full force. Security hit the ring and escorted The Legacy from the building. (4:41) C-


In the back in the lockerroom of John Bradshaw Layfield we see the tycoon himself talking to Shawn Michaels. He tells Michaels that he is considering letting him go from his contract, that he is disappointed with his performance. He said that he and his wife were evaluating Michaels work and would let him know in the future whether he was keeping him on or not. JBL said that he was deeply disappointed in Michaels not allowing him to get into the Elimination Chamber match at No Way Out and that his wife thought that he should punish Michaels. JBL said that the limo was packed full of luggage so there was no room for Michaels to ride to the next town. He handed Michaels a series of bus tickets, smiled and walked off, with Michaels left looking dumbstruck. B


Chris Jericho's music hit and the entire crowd let out a massive boo for the former World Champion as he strutted ****ily toward the ring. Jericho paused briefly to snarl at someone in the crowd before continueing to the ring. When Jericho's opponent, World Heavyweight Champion John Cena's music hit, the boos for Jericho were immediately forgotten as the roof of the arena was almost blown off by the sound of the cheers for Cena. Cena made his way to the ring, saluting to pay his respects for the troops and then ran and slid into the ring ready to fight, causing Jericho to play it smart and roll out of the ring. Cena posed for the crowd, throwing up the Word Life symbol to the crowd. Cena showed the belt off to the crowd to great applause before handing it off to the announcer and throwing his shirt and hat into the crowd. Jericho rolls back into the ring and the referee calls for the bell to signal the match underway. Jericho reluctantly accepts a test of strength from Cena and is overpowered, forced against the ropes and Irish whipped. Jericho ducks a clothelines and comes back with one of his own. Jericho immediately begins to attempt to work over the neck of John Cena, locking in a Dragon sleeper submission. Cena yells in pain as the move wrenches back on his neck whilst choking him at the same time. Jericho hits Cena's neck with a number of moves, a neckbreaker, a dropkick to the base of the neck and another long hold of the Dragon sleeper. Eventually Jericho makes a mistake and lets the hold go to argue with the referee who says that Jericho was choking Cena. This allows Cena to get a quick roll up for a two count. Both men back up and Jericho is hit with a big clothesline. Cena takes control of the match and works Jericho over, culminating with the Five Knuckle Shuffle for a two count. Cena prepares Jericho for the end and lifts him up for the Throwback but Jericho slips out the back and quite obviously low blows Cena. The referee scolds Jericho, but he pushes him out of the way and hits Cena with a springboard dropkick, followed by a Lionsault for a two count. Jericho, frustrated, attempts to go for the Walls Of Jericho, but Cena twists his legs and sends Jericho tumbling. Both men at their feet and Jericho charges at Cena but Cena ducks and catches Jericho on the way through, lifting him up onto his shoulders to the crowd's approval. Cena throws Jericho off and nails him with the Throwback and pins for the three count. Cena celebrates and poses with his title with the crowd as RAW fades off air. (14:27) A


Final Show Rating: B


Rating on the USA Network: 4.24


Quick Results:

Dark Match: William Regal d. 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan (4:33) D+


Goldust & The Great Khali d. Manu & Sim Snuka (6:43) D+


DH Smith d. Jamie Noble (5:53) E-


Kane & Mike Knox d. Rey Mysterio & Kofi Kingston (7:44) B-


CM Punk d. Dolph Ziggler (7:48) C+


Beth Phoenix d. Candice Michelle (2:38) C


Cryme Tyme & Charlie Haas d. Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase (4:41) C-


John Cena d. Chris Jericho (14:27) A

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WWE ECW on Sci Fi

Tuesday, Week 1, February 2009


The broadcast of ECW on Sci Fi opens in the office of ECW General Manager Teddy Long. Teddy is standing alongside ECW Champion Jack Swagger and Teddy's assistant Tiffany. Swagger is getting riled up and yelling at Teddy, he says that he can't believe that Teddy let Finlay have a shot at his ECW Title, that Finlay and his little freak of a son didn't deserve to get anywhere near the title. Teddy tells Jack that he needs to worry less about Teddy's decisions and more about focusing on his match. C


Back out in the ring and we are greeted by World Tag Team Champions John Morrison and The Miz. The Miz says that they heard that Tommy Dreamer was planning to retire if he didn't win the ECW Title by June 6th. Morrison says that they are already planning the retirement party as Dreamer has no chance. He says that Dreamer is an old has been who will never reach the fame of Morrison or The Miz. Miz says that Dreamer is going senile. Morrison and The Miz tell Dreamer to be jealous before their match starts. C+


Morrison and The Miz's Smackdown! opponents came out to the ring. Jimmy Wang Yang and Kung Fu Naki received a warm reception from the crowd and wasted little time getting into the ring with Yang and Miz starting the match off. Miz suffers as Yang hits him with some nasty kicks, including a spinning heel kick that lets out a sickening sound as the boot connects with the head. Miz quickly tags out to Morrison and he comes in and takes control of the match, except for a brief moment when Yang hits a thrust kick and tags out to Kung Fu Naki. Morrison and Miz traded tags and kept Yang isolated. Eventually Morrison wrapped it up with the Moonlight Drive for the pinfall. (5:34) D+


Backstage again in Teddy Long's office and Mark Henry is now yelling at Teddy. Henry says that he deserves a title shot, not Finlay and Tony Atlas backs him up. Long tells Henry that he is getting sick of people cursing at him and tells Henry to back off. Henry and Atlas storm off. C+


Back out in the ring and a former WWE Tag Champion is in the ring, Zack Ryder. Ryder is awaiting his opponent, revealed to be... DJ Gabriel! DJ is accompanied by his fellow dancin' fool, Alicia Fox and they dance their way to the ring with Zack looking on unimpressed. The match starts with an arm drag by Ryder followed up with a headlock, but DJ fights to his feet and counters into a back suplex. The match is largely back and forth until DJ hits Ryder with a double underhook suplex, climbs to the top rope and leaps off, hitting his spinning European Uppercut for the pinfall. (4:58) F+


In the lockerrooms backstage Hornswoggle is going nuts. Finlay's little son is jumping up and down and trying to get people to follow him. When a referee finally does, Hornswoggle leads him out to the corridor outside where his father Finlay is laid out, seemingly knocked out. C+


As Matt Striker and Todd Grisham talk about how it must have been Jack Swagger, they inform us that a video for The Boogeyman is about to air. The video starts off with Boogeyman smashing the clock over his head and walking to the ring in his unorthodox, half-dance style, shaking his stick. The next shots are of Boogeyman hitting the pumphandle suplex on a variety of opponents before the last shots of the video show him forcibly feeding the worms to his enemies. D


In the ring is Paul Burchill, minus his sister Katie Lea tonight, who is apparently Boogeyman's victim tonight. "I'm the Boogeyman... And I'm comin' to getcha!" rings out around the arena as the odd creature from parts unknown makes his way out to the ring. The pyro explodes with smoke all around as Boogeyman smashes the clock over his head, causing the foam to seep from his mouth. Boogeyman gets into the ring and the match is started, with Paul Burchill looking quite intimidated. Burchill goes on the attack quickly and runs at Boogeyman, hitting him with a clothesline that does no damage. Burchill continues to attack Boogey for a while with Boogey just taking the assault. Eventually Boogeyman grows tired of the attack and catches Burchill in a spinebuster. Boogeyman picks Burchill up and Irish whips him into the corner, following it up with a clothesline. Boogeyman whips Burchill of the ropes this time and back body drops Burchill before picking him and hitting him with the Pumphandle Slam. (3:57) D+


Once again in Teddy Long's office, Long is trying to talk Tommy Dreamer out of his retirement plan. Teddy says that Tommy is the heart of ECW and can't believe that Tommy wants to retire if he can't win the title. He tells Tommy that there's some really good stars on ECW which makes it hard to get that title. Tommy says it doesn't matter, he is the only one on ECW that really knows what ECW is about and he shouldn't have to make excuses as to why he can't win the title. Tommy says his decision stands. If he doesn't win the title by June 6th, he will retire. D+


The main event for the evening is about to start and Jack Swagger, the ECW Champion, makes his way out first, breaking tradition. Jack has his usual cheshire cat grin on his face and seems to be delighted that Finlay was attacked earlier. His grin disappeared when Finlay's music hit and the Irishman made his way out with his son Hornswoggle by his son. Finlay and Hornswoggle do not play around like normal and Finlay is minus his shillelagh. Swagger yells out to him, asking where his shillelagh is, which causes Finlay to charge the ring and get this match underway. Finlay wastes little time and charges at Swagger tackling him to the ground before an all out brawl on the ground starts, with both men rolling around and throwing punches. Eventually both men are at their feet and Finlay hits Swagger with a short arm clothesline. Finlay continues his attack with a snapmare and kick to the back of Swaggers neck, a gutwrench suplex and finally the rolling fireman's carry slam, which got him a two count. Swagger seemed to realize that the match was more serious than he thought and the match took a turn toward a technical showcase with suplexes, takedowns and submissions moves being traded by both men. Swagger gets the upper hand with a series of three belly to belly suplexes that get him a two count. Swagger slows the match down to allow himself to catch his breath with an abdominal stretch. After a few moments Finlay manages to power out of it into a hiptoss and when Swagger gets up he picks Swagger up in preparation for the Celtic Cross but Swagger manages to fall out of it into an off centre sunset flip position, with his hands around Finlay's leg. Swagger rolls over which forces Finlay to the ground, locking in a grapevine ankle lock. Finlay writhes in pain as he inches his way closer and closer to the ropes. Finlay is almost there, only two or three inches away when Swagger gets to his feet and drags Finlay back to the centre of the mat, applying the ankle lock from a standing position now. Finlay manages to roll over and kick Swagger away. Finlay gets to his feet and staggers towards Swagger, swinging wildly with an attempted clothesline, but Swagger ducks it, spins around and grabs Finlay. He lifts Finlay up in the belly to back position, spins him around and slams him down with the Red, White and Blue Thunder Bomb for the pinfall to retain his title. ECW goes off air with the cheshire cat smile of Swagger smiling into the camera as he clutches his title to his chest. (11:53) B-


Final Show Rating: C


Rating on Sci Fi: 0.17


Quick Results:

John Morrison & The Miz d. Jimmy Wang Yang & Kung Fu Naki (5:34)


DJ Gabriel d. Zack Ryder (4:58)


The Boogeyman d. Paul Burchill (3:57)


ECW Heavyweight Championship Match: Jack Swagger d. Finlay (11:53)

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Dark Match: R-Truth defeated Curt Hawkins (4:35) C-



WWE Smackdown!

Friday, Week 1, February 2009


Friday Night Smackdown! opens straight to a video showing the actions of Matt Hardy on his brother Jeff Hardy at the Royal Rumble. We see Matt hit the ring with a chair and set up Edge for a con-chair-to before turning on his brother and smashing him with the steel chair allowing Edge to pin Jeff and win the WWE Title. The last moments of the video focus on Matt's cold facial expression before we fade out to the ring where we see a group of nine wrestlers in the ring as Jim Ross and Tazz welcome viewers to the program and reveal that there is about to be a battle royal for a spot in the Smackdown! Elimination Chamber match at No Way Out. B+



Carlito, Chavo Guerrero, Jesse, The Great Khali, Vladimir Kozlov, Shelton Benjamin, Scotty Goldman, Kizarny, M.V.P. and The Brian Kendrick.


The music of Vladimir Kozlov hits but the big man barely has time to hit the ring as the other competitors get the battle royal underway. Chavo Guerrero tosses Scotty Goldman over the top rope to eliminate him from the match. As Chavo ****ily acknowledges the elimination to the crowd he is picked up by The Great Khali and thrown over the top rope, landing on top of Goldman. Kozlov and M.V.P. are tied up in the corner whilst the rest of the competitors work over The Great Khali, trying to force him over the top rope. Khali overpowers them and his fight back causes Kizarny to get knocked over the top rope after a brain chop. M.V.P. is hit with a close headbutt from Kozlov and staggers out of the corner as Shelton runs up and hits him with the Paydirt. Shelton picks M.V.P. up and tosses him over the top rope but doesn't realize that M.V.P. caught the rope and is down on the apron. Back in the ring and Kozlov headbutts Jesse over the top rope whilst The Brian Kendrick and Carlito are getting worked over by The Great Khali. Kozlov turns his attention to Khali and begins to brawl with him as Carlito and Kendrick fight each other. Kendrick gets the upper hand and attempts to hit the Kendrick, using the middle of the ropes instead of the turnbuckle but Carlito manages to push him forwards sending him over the top rope to the floor. Unfortunately for Carlito he turns around and is hit with the Paydirt by Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin picks Carlito up and places him against the ropes before hitting a picture perfect dropkick to send Carlito to the outside.


The four remaining men, Vladimir Kozlov, The Great Khali, M.V.P. (who has just rolled back under the ropes) and Shelton Benjamin are all at opposite corners of the ring. M.V.P. wastes little time in going after Benjamin and the two fight it out in the corner with M.V.P. gaining the upper hand whilst Kozlov attempts to rock Khali with headbutts. Khali fights back with a brain chop but it merely staggers Kozlov, who, somewhat reinvigorated runs against the ropes and charges Khali with a jumping headbutt, sending Khali staggering back allowing Kozlov to continue his attack and lift Khali over the top rope with the Punjabi Playboy hitting the floor outside much to his disbelief.


Meanwhile in the other corner M.V.P. has just hit Shelton with the Drive By, but before he can capitalize he is hit with a clothesline by Kozlov who quickly follows up with a powerbomb before tossing the former US Champ over the top rope. Kozlov turns his attention to Benjamin who is groggy from the Drive By. Kozlov picks Benjamin up and hits him with the headbutt before military pressing him and throwing him over the top rope to win the battle royal and secure his place at No Way Out in the Elimination Chamber. B-


Order of Elimination:

1. Scotty Goldman by Chavo Guerrero

2. Chavo Guerrero by The Great Khali

3. Kizarny by The Great Khali

4. Jesse by Vladimir Kozlov

5. The Brian Kendrick by Carlito

6. Carlito by Shelton Benjamin

7. The Great Khali by Vladimir Kozlov

8. M.V.P. by Vladimir Kozlov

9. Shelton Benjamin by Vladimir Kozlov

Winner: Vladimir Kozlov


Back from commercial and Matt Hardy is sat in the ring, sat down at the ground by the turnbuckle with his wrestling gear on, plus a t-shirt that reads "RIP JEFF". Matt begins by saying that he didn't think it was fair to fans of the Hardys to see Jeff constantly let them down by being such a flake. Matt said that he took matters into his own hands and decided to retire Jeff. He said that Jeff would be better off sitting at home playing with his sculptures and music. Matt said he has always outshone Jeff but people see it in a different light because Jeff doesn't think and takes big leaps. Matt said that life isn't about taking risks all the time, it is about being smart. Matt said Jeff doesn't understand this and that's why he felt as though he was doing the right thing as a big brother by taking him out to protect him. B


Matt's opponent Jimmy Wang Yang makes his way out to the ring to a nice cheer as Matt stands up in the ring and stretches on the ropes. Yang quickly gets in the ring and the match is underway with Matt keeping the "RIP JEFF" shirt on for the duration. Yang charges at Matt but is pushed away before being caught in a front facelock. Matt forces Yang into the corner and lays the boots into him before sitting on the top rope and hitting Yang with a tornado DDT for a two count. Matt takes his time and looks right into a camera and yells out something about Jeff needing to stay away, or else he will be like Yang. Matt turns around to be met by a spinning heel kick from Yang. Yang jumps on top of Matt and starts hitting him with lefts and rights but Matt is able to throw him off. Both men at their feet and Matt charges and hits a clothesline. Matt brings Yang up and hits the Side Effect for a two count. Matt brings Yang up again and this time hits the Twist of Fate for the three count. After the match Matt rolls outside of the ring and grabs a steel chair. He enters the ring again waits for Yang to stir. As Yang has risen to one knee Matt cracks across the skull with the chair in a similar fashion as he hit Jeff at the Royal Rumble as Smackdown! fades to commercial. (3:39) B-


Back from commercial and Smackdown!'s not-so-beloved General Manager Vickie Guerrero makes her way to the ring, microphone in hand, yelling at the crowd to, of course, excuse her. When she finally gets to the ring she begins her spiel by saying that Jeff Hardy WILL compete at No Way Out in the Elimination Chamber, making the chamber line up final as Jeff Hardy, The Undertaker, Big Show, Edge, Vladimir Kozlov and Triple H will compete. This brings her to her next point, Triple H. She says that she is tired of Triple H walking around and acting like he owns the place. So to give him an attitude adjustmant she is putting him a match tonight. The main event for the evening will be Triple H taking on Vickie's husband and WWE Champion Edge, and the Big Show in a handicap match. Vickie leaves to incredible heat. B+


'One, two, ya the clock tickin'...' starts to bring out former US Champ and former holder of a twenty week losing streak Montel Vontavious Porter. M.V.P. receives some boos and cheers from the crowd but the boos are hard to hear over the cheers. They are quickly overshadowed when the music of one half of the World Tag Team Champions hits and John Morrison makes his way out to the ring alongside his partner The Miz, complete with slow motion entrance. M.V.P. and Morrison start with a standard collar and elbow tie up, but M.V.P. manages to go behind and lock in a hammerlock, before spinning out in front of Morrison and hitting a fireman's carry. Both men are quickly back up and they beging to slut away at each other with some hard shots. Morrison gains the upper hand with his flashy offence of kicks, including a superkick which M.V.P. ducked, and countered back with one of his own.


M.V.P. drops the knee onto the face of Morrison. M.V.P. brings Morrison up and smashes his face into his knee before hitting him with a belly to belly suplex for a two count. M.V.P. works over the head and neck of Morrison with a couple of submissoin holds, but Morrison is in no real danger. With both men back at their feet, Morrison rakes the eyes of M.V.P. and runs off the ropes but gets a big boot to the face for his troubles. M.V.P. attempts a pin but Morrison suckers him in and counters with an inside cradle for a two count. Both men at their feet and Morrison ducks under a clothesline and dropkicks M.V.P. in the back of the head, sending him throat first onto the middle rope.


Morrison chokes out M.V.P. on the middle rope as the referee begins the five count. Morrison lets go at the count of four and argues with the referee, allowing The Miz to take advantage and choke M.V.P. some more on the outside. Morrison brings M.V.P. away from the ropes and hits him with a Russian leg sweep before hitting his spinning hand stand leg drop for a two count. Morrison picks M.V.P. up and sets him up for the Moonlight Drive by M.V.P. pushes Morrison away and kicks Morrison in the gut before quickly hitting the Playmaker out of nowhere for the three count as The Miz looks on in disbelief on the outside. (9:42) B+


M.V.P. grabs a microphone after he's caught his breath a little and tells us that that was straight up ballin'. M.V.P. says the losses are a long way behind him now and he's back to being a winner. He says that next week he wants Shelton Benjamin in a match and says that Benjamin doesn't need to put the title on the line, if he's scared. C+


Backstage The Brian Kendrick is standing with his massive bodyguard, Ezekiel Jackson. Kendrick cuts a quick promo on Carlito and Primo Colon. He says that Carlito cost him a place in the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out say now Kendrick and his big buddy Zeke will take the WWE Tag Team titles off of Carlito and Primo. D+


Back out in the ring is RAW regular Jamie Noble. Noble looks somewhat apprehensive and worried. His looks is warranted as the music of the Samoan Bulldozer hits. Umaga makes his way out to the ring quickly, holding his thumb up to the crowd to signal his intentions to end this one quickly with the Samoan Spike. Umaga slides into the ring under the bottom rope and begins to assault Noble before the match even begins. He simply tosses Noble around the ring, slamming him into the turnbuckles and hitting him with chops, slaps and kicks after each slam. Umaga lifts Noble up in a gorilla press before letting him drop down to his shoulders and hitting a Samoan drop. Umaga brings a stunned Noble up and signals for the Samoan Spike as he screams in his native tongue before slamming the spike into Noble's throat sending Noble to the mat. Umaga pins and gets the three count easily. As Umaga makes his way from the arena he shouts even more in his native language as Smackdown! fades out to commercial. (3:38) C+


In Vickie Guerrero's office (sans Vickie and Chavo) the Big Show and Edge and sitting down, one of each of two leather couches. Edge tells Big Show that they need to focus tonight to take on Triple H. Big Show tells Edge not to tell him to focus. Edge says he was trying to make sure everything was okay. Big Show tells Edge that Edge needs to focus on himself being okay, not Big Show. Big Show gets up and walks out as Edge looks somewhat stunned and confused. A


The next match up of the evening sees the already-in-ring Bella Twins take on Michelle McCool and Natalya who are on their way to the ring. The match up starts with Nikki and Natalya and Nikkie quickly darts around Natalya hitting a couple of forearm shots every now and then before darting away again. Nikki tags in Brie who does the same thing as her sister, but eventually gets caught by Natalya who slams her down with a side slam. Natalya goes to continue the attack but she is yelled at by McCool who is demanding a tag. Michelle gets in the ring and quickly rushes over to Nikki on the apron and hits Nikki with a forearm shot that sees Nikki drop to the floor below. McCool begins to quickly stomp away at Brie before picking her up and hitting her with forearm shots. McCool wastes little time as she hits Brie with the Wings of Love, with Brie's face smashing down onto the mat before Michelle pins her for the victory. (4:54) D


After the match McCool begins to attack Brie some more as Natalya holds off Nikki on the outside at the order of Michelle McCool. Seemingly out of nowhere Maria is suddenly in the ring and attacking McCool who quickly manages to slide out of the ring under the ropes and starts to make her way backstage as Maria yells at her from the safety of the ring. C+


Backstage Eve Torres is interviewing Hurricane Helms. Eve says that Hurricane has known Matt and Jeff Hardy for a long time and asks what he thinks of it. Helms simply says that he can't believe what Matt has done... yet at the same time he isn't surprised. He says that Matt has always been jealous of Jeff but thought it was simply a sibling rivalry and had no idea that it would turn into this. Helms said that all week he decided whether or not to get involved but has made his decision. Helms says that in Jeff's absence he would like to face Matt in a match next week. C+


In the ring we see the World's Strongest Man Mark Henry looking like his ususal unhappy self as his manager Tony Atlas is already outside of the ring. The gong goes off and the arena goes dark as the music of The Undertaker plays. The Undertaker slowly makes his way out to the ring making sure to pause wherever possible as Henry stands in the ring looking rather unimpressed. Undertaker stares down Mark Henry as he stands on the steel ring steps before rolling his eyes back in his head and raising his hands, causing the lights to return. The Undertaker takes his coat and hat off when his is inside the ring and the match is officially underway when Henry attacks The Undertaker from behind and starts clubbing away at the back and neck of The Undertaker with his massive hands. Henry whips The Undertaker off the ropes and catches him in a bear hug and the begins to squeeze the energy out of him to much approval from Tony Atlas. Henry eventually lets 'Taker go after walking him over to the corner and begins to hit him whislt 'Taker is pressed up against the turnbuckle. The referee forces Henry to back off and he does before being caughed with a throat thrust from The Undertaker that staggers him.


The Undertaker begins his attack with body shots on Henry before finishing it up with another throat thrust. Henry staggers back a few paces from 'Taker which allows 'Taker to charge forward and hit him with a running big boot which gets a two count. 'Taker picks Henry up and gets him in an armlock before moving to the corner and climbing the turnbuckle. 'Taker walks the ropes before leaping off and hitting Henry with a shot over the back of the shoulder as Jim Ross goes nuts for Taker going old school. 'Taker bounces off the ropes and hits Henry with a leg drop, he follows up his attack by picking Henry up and Irish whipping him into the corner before following him in with a body splash. Henry catches 'Takers attempted splash and locks in another bear hug. Henry walks out of the corner before slamming 'Taker into the mat but he can't capitalize due to his own exhaustion. The referee begins his count.


The count reaches six before 'Taker sits up and gets to his feet. He grabs Henry's arm just as Henry is up at a one knee and 'Taker rolls onto his back locking in the Hell's Gate on Henry. Henry quickly taps to avoid serious injury. 'Taker poses in the middle of the ring as Smackdown! goes to commercial. (7:40) B


Back from commercial and Triple H is in the middle of his ring entrance. He is just spitting the water up in the air. Triple H climbs in the ring and takes the microphone from ring announcer Justin Roberts. Triple H says that Vickie can do whatever she wants to try and mess up his preparation for No Way Out but it won't make a difference since he is going to leave the WWE Champion. Trips says that Vickie might wanna re-think the way she's treating him unless she wants a disfigured husband. He reminds her that the Elimination Chamber is a very dangerous place to be, especially if you go in as the champion. A


Triple H is cut off by the pyro and then the music of the Big Show as he makes his way out to the ring. Show stops just short of the ring and waits for his partner. Edge's music goes off and he makes his way out, looking incredibly angry. Edge drops the WWE title outside the ring and slides in and begins brawling with Triple H as the match gets underway with Big Show taking his place up on the ring apron. Edge gets the upper hand and manages to tackle Triple H to the ground before punching and punching. The referee forces the break and Edge backs off allowing Triple H back to his feet. Triple H fights back and both men begin to trade right hands. Triple H's hit with a little more force than Edge's and Edge is eventually rocked and Triple H scoop slams Edge. Triple H is caught with an inside cradle by Edge and Edge gets a two count. Both men back at their feet and Edge quickly spears Triple H. Edge gets up and yells at Big Show asking him if he thinks Edge is focused enough. Big Show says yes and drops down off the ring apron before walking backstage to the shock of Edge. Edge yells at Big Show to get back to the ring back Big Show keeps walking. Edge turns around and is hit with a clothesline, sending him over the top rope to the floor below.


Triple H follows Edge out and begins to brawl with him down on the arena floor. HHH smashes Edge's head on the ring and then receives one back for his troubles. HHH tries to whip Edge into the ring steps but it is countered and HHH goes flying into the ring steps, getting busted open in the process. Edge smashes Triple H's head into the ring steps a couple more times before rolling him back into the ring. Edge follows him back in and attempts to hit Triple H with a DDT but Triple H pushes Edge away, sending him bouncing into the ropes. As Edge comes back towards Triple H, he is hit with a devastating spinebuster for a two count. Both men back at the feet and Edge stumbles into a Triple H knee smash. Triple H grabs Edge ready for the Pedigree but Edge manages to get his hands free and slides out of the ring to regain his composure.


Eventually Edge slides back in and they begin brawling again. Triple H goes for a clothesline but Edge ducks it and rolls him up with a school boy pin that gets him a two count. Both men at their feet and Edge goes down with a hard right hand. Edge gets back up and somewhat disorientated he attempts the spear. HHH steps to the side and Edge spears the turnbuckle. As Edge stumbles out of the turnbuckle he turns around and gets kicked in the stomach by Triple H and then hit with the Pedigree. HHH covers and ges a three count for the win. Smackdown! fades off air with a bloodied Triple H staring down Edge who is making his way back up the entrance ramp. (13:51) B


Final Show Rating: B


Rating on MyNetworkTV: 3.08


Quick Results:

Dark Match: R-Truth defeated Curt Hawkins (4:35)


Vladimor Kozlov won a battle royal featuring Scotty Goldman, Kizarny, Shelton Benjamin, M.V.P., Chavo Guerrero, The Brian Kendrick, The Great Khali, Jesse and Carlito


Matt Hardy defeated Jimmy Wang Yang (3:39)


M.V.P. defeated John Morrison (9:42)


Umaga defeated Jamie Noble (3:38)


Michelle McCool & Natalya defeated The Bella Twins (4:54)


The Undertaker defeated Mark Henry (7:40)


Triple H defeated Edge & Big Show in a handicap match (13:51)

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