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Jim Crockett Promotions......







Dark Matchs

"Dirty" Dick Slater pinned Kelly Kiniski with the leaping piledriver in 4:43

"Number One" Paul Jones pinned Abe Jacobs in 8:03


Bob Caudle: Hello again, wrestling fans, we have just gotten word of a huge match, that will be happening in just a week, it will be The NWA World Tag Team Champions The Funk Brothers & "Big" Jos Leduc taking on "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes/Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood. What a bombshell fans!!

Rating: B-


One Man Gang w/ Oliver Humperdink pinned Rick Harris with the 747 Splash at 1:26

Rating: E-


Just a little squash, making One Man Gang into a unstoppable monster. But at this point, no one cares about his feud with Dizzy Hogan, which is really starting to wane with me

Oliver: Last week, we heard that little runt, "Dizzy" Hogan challenge the One Man Gang to a match. Well... all I got to say is, you don't have a chance against my OMG, he will squash you in seconds, like he did with Rick Harris. In a few weeks, you will fell the 747 Splash, SPLAT!!

Rating: D-

Bob: Ladies and gentleman, I want to bring out this man, to have him respond to what Ric Flair said about him, "The Boogie Man" Jimmy Valiant!!!

Valiant: Thank ya my people, you know last week, I had to hear Ric Flair talk his mouth off, callin me a bum, baby, I know real bums in the streets on New York City, the bums, in the city of Chicago, the bums Elizabeth City, they are not there, because they're lazy daddy, they are there because of people like you, puttin them down, kickin them while they down. And that's what people like you, has done to people like me. You see, I don't care about money, jewels, cars, women, I only got one woman, and that's Big Mama, if ya undastand me, Ric Flair. So in almost a week, I'm gonna get ready for this Ally Fight and you and I will git it on in North Carolina, you know what I'm saying HAHA. Some boda stop me!!!

Rating: C+

The Great Kabuki&Magic Dragon beat Bugsy McGraw & Rufus R. Jones in 5:11 after Kabuki used the Heart Kick when Jones was distracted by Gary Hart.

Rating: D

This was a fun squash, making sure that Kabuki & Dragon are kept strong for a feud with The Brisco Brothers


Gary Hart: What do these men, have to do, to get a title shot around here. I know no one wants to face, Kabuki & Dragon, but this is laughable. These men are the most dangerous of all in Mid-Atlantic. These men are the toughest men in Wrestling. So, we make a challenge to The NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions, Jack & Jerry Brisco. These guys are old, washed up wrestlers, they need to be in the ring with some one whose teeth are falling out and need a walker. These two men are in there prime. So we make a challenge to Brisco's for the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship. WE want them and we want them bad.

Rating: C

"Big" Jos Leduc pinned Private Jim Nelson in 3:49

Rating: D

Just a sqaush for Leduc, since he hasn't won in a while

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine" gets the mic and he has something

to say..


Valentine: A lot of people have been asking me, "Why didn't you shake Wahoo McDaniel's hand at The Clash. You didn't beat him, he didn't beat you, why did it matter?" Why did it matter? This man, is the earth to me, he is nothing me, and for me, to shake the hand of scum, would be against my nature. You see Wahoo in a few weeks, you're gonna have to face me again, and I am not gonna rest until you are done with wrestling. You can bet on that, Wahoo, so you better look out!

Rating: B-


Bob Caudle: Ladies and gentlemen, a few weeks ago, Ivan Koloff injured Bob Orton Jr. People have been wondering how he is and if he will compete within the 30 Day deadline for him to defend his Mid Atlantic Heavyweight Title. He's on the phone with us, Bob... are you there?

Orton: Yes, Bob, I'm here.

Bob: The reason we brought you on the phone is to try and get an update on your condition and your well being.

Orton: Well Bob, I'll be lying if I thought I was gonna wrestle again. The pain from the piledriver on the table was very, very great. However, I want to let everyone know, that I will be back soon. You see, we Orton boys are tough, we wrestle even if we are injured. And after a few weeks off, I think I will be back in a few weeks, hopefully next Sunday. I want to defend the belt, against anyone that the committe see's fit to put in front of me. But that doesn't mean, I'm done with Ivan Koloff. Koloff better be ready to face me again.

Bob: Well thank you Bob, your a real man. Fans, we'll be right back.

Rating: C-

Ricky Steamboat pinned Johnny Weaver in 5:29 with the Flying Body Press

Rating: C

This was a very good match for Steamboat, so overall, I'm happy for it. Steamboat is simply one of the best, if not THE best.

NWA World Tag Team Championship

The Funk Brothers beat The Masked Avengers in 4:48 when Dory Funk pinned White Chocolate Thunder by illegally holding the ropes to retain there titles

Rating: C-

Another very good match, I feel it's important to put the Avengers in these spots to prepare them for a huge push, which they might have.

A music video hyping the greatness of "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

Rating: B


"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair pinned Jack Brisco in 10:29 after using the ropes illegally

Rating: B

This was a hell of a match, of course Jack Brisco is one of the greatest pure wrestlers of all time and Ric Flair is... Ric Flair of course. Great match


Bob Caudle: I have to admit, Ric, I didn't like the way you won that match.

Flair: The way I won doesn't matter, what matters is that I won, I'm the best, I'm the World Heavyweight Champion, and no one is going to take it away from me, not Jack Brisco, not Dusty Rhodes, not....(Jimmy Valiant comes out) oh yea come on big man..

Valiant: Ya know Flair, I just wanted to come out and say that I will neva eva back down from ya. In that Ally Fight, I will keep comin, and comin and comin, until I'm almost dead, and when YOU ARE DEAD!!!

(Valiant leaves and Flair leaves in a huff)

Bob: That's it fans, we'll see you next week.

Rating: C+


Final Attendance: 5,000 SELLOUT

Final Rating: C+

A much better show than the last few.

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This week, it's a Double Main Event, "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes will take on one half of the NWA World Tag Team Champions, Terry Funk and Ricky Steamboat will take on "Big" Jos Leduc. Also, with the big Ally Fight between NWA World Champion Ric Flair & "The Boogie Man" Jimmy Valiant only days away, what thoughts do Ric Flair & Jimmy Valiant have? Also, the Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions, The Brisco Brothers, will be in action, will they accept the challenge that Gary Hart put out to them? And, Jay Youngblood will take on "Number One" Paul Jones. With the rematch with Magnum T.A being signed, will Magnum get involved in Jone's match. Also in action, "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff, The Assassin & a special interview with "Dizzy" Ed Hogan... all this and more on.....



"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes vs Terry Funk

Ricky Steamboat vs "Big" Jos Leduc


© The Brisco Brothers vs Kelly Kiniski & Ken Timbs

"Number One" Paul Jones vs Jay Youngblood

"The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff vs Private Jim Nelson


The Assassin vs Angelo Mosca Jr

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Jim Crockett Promotions Present....






Dark Matches

Bugsy McGraw pinned Masa Fuchi in 5:01 with the big splash

The Masked Avengers w/ Sputnik Monroe beat Mark Fleming & Mike Davis in 4:37 when White Chocolate Thunder pinned Fleming with the cross body block.




Video hyping Valiant vs Flair

"You don't want to meet these men in a dark ally. This Sunday, BLOOD WILL BE SPLIT, as NWA World Heavyweight Champion "Nature Boy" Ric Flair will do battle against "The Boogie Man" Jimmy Valiant, in an all out Ally Fight. There are no rules, no referees, only Blood, Guts and Glory!!"

Rating: C+

The Assassin pinned Angelo Mosca Jr in 1:48

A squash match basically, not much to it. Plus, I can't remember The Assassin winning a match, since I've been here at least.


Tony Schiavone: Well, Assassin that was an impressive win, but I don't think it will be as easy this sunday, because the returning "Cowboy" Bob Orton will defend his Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title against yourself.

Assassin: Tony, I don't you tell me, what I all ready know. Yes, this Sunday Bob Orton, you get to return to the ring, against me, The Assassin. And I won't be so easy to handle, and with your Pencil Neck Geek like neck that was almost broken at the hands of Ivan Koloff, I know that you are not 100%. But I am, I'm prepared for you, I'm going after your neck, I'm gonna finish the job that Koloff started.

Rating: C-

We then cut to a pre taped backstage promo, from "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair


Flair: WOOOOOO!!! The time is almost here, it's time to style and profile once again, it's time to once again prove that I am the best wrestler alive today. No one comes close to me. Especially,you Valiant. I know you think that you're so cool and hip, but let me tell you what hip is, my friend. It's being able to pull off wearing fancy sports coats, $4,000 leather shoes, and being able to say that I am The World's Heavyweight Champion. And Valiant, you just have to learn to live with it. I beat you twice already, and you still want to come back for more. I can't believe you're that dumb. Well, this Sunday brother, you are gonna find out, one more time, in the Ally Fight, where there are no rules, that I am the best thing going today... WooooOOOOOOoo!

Rating: B+

"The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff pinned Private Jim Nelson with the Russian Sickle in 3:07

Rating: D-

If anyone thought Nelson was gonna beat Koloff then you need to be checked out. Big time SQUASH!

Bob Caudle: Fans, over the best several weeks, we have been following this body slam challenge, this man was the one who finally body slammed, The One Man Gang, please welcome, "Dizzy" Ed Hogan ( Hogan Comes Out)

Dizzy, I've got to say that you were robbed at the Clash, and know you will hopefully get your revenge this Sunday.

Hogan: Well yes, I do agree that I was robbed. I did it all you people saw it, I was the first one to body slam the One Man Gang and I should be $5,000 richer, but I'm not because of that piece of scum Oliver Humperdink. And this Sunday, you will see me not only body slam The Gang again, but I will steal back the money that is so rightfully mine, thank you.

Bob: We'll be right back fans

Rating: D-

NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship

The Brisco Brothers © beat Kelly Kiniski&Ken Timbs in 4:46 when Jerry pinned Kiniski, to retain there belts

Rating: D

This was a glorified squash to say the least, but a fun one to be honest.


Tony: Come here you two, congratulations on the victory.

Jack: Well thank you Tony, I just want to make it clear that, we are not hard to find, so my brother & I will defend these belts against anyone out there... ( a loud chorus of boos comes out, which means Gary Hart has shown up)

Hart: That's a loud of B.S, I have been trying to call you, I've tried mailing you, trying to get the offices to sign the match, but I've been trying to my Great Kabuki&Magic Dragon a title shot against you two, and you never answer.

Jerry: We don't dodge anyone, if they want a title shot against us, then we will take it.

Hart: You promise me on that, because everyone has been dodging the Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon, because no body wants to face them, they are all too scared of them.

Jack (He grabs Gary) We said, we never dodge anyone, if they want to meet us, we'll take it. In fact, lets do it next week.

Hart: Next week? You got it!!!

Tony: So next week fans, The Briscos will take on The Great Kabuki&Magic Dragon for Mid-Atlantic Tag Team titles, fans, we'll be right back!!!

Rating: C

We cut to another pre taped backstage Promo and we see, Wahoo McDaniel


Wahoo: You know Greg Valentine, I've met some bad people. Some of them the most rotten of the rotten. But you, you are a whole other description of bad. No one person, in my whole wrestling career has angered me, disrespected me and upset me more than you. But you know that old story when you can't take it anymore, you take it into your own hands. And this Sunday, Valentine, I hope your ready to take it in your hands, because that's what I'm gonna do.

Rating: B-

Jay Youngblood pinned "Number One" Paul Jones in 5:53 when Jones was distracted by Magnum T.A and was hit with the Flying Tomahawk Chop for the pin.

Rating: D-

This was a shocker to me. I mean, these guys are great workers. But Jones is reaching the end of his rope as a worker these days. I might just have him to something else because he does have good talking skills. But this match should have been a lot better.

"Big Jos Leduc beat Ricky Steamboat by count out, when The Funk Brothers came out and attacked Steamboat in 6:37

Rating: C

This was a pretty good match, it was a big contrast in styles but still a pretty good match


After the match, Dusty Rhodes, came out to save Steamboat from the Funk Brothers. Since Dusty has a match anyway, he and Terry Funk go at it.

Rating: B-


"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes and Terry Funk went to a double dq after Ricky Steamboat&Jay Youngblood attacked Terry, and Leduc/Dory Funk attacked Rhodes

Rating: B

This was as wild a brawl as you could have.... and it was GREAT, the fans just totally ate it up.


The brawl continues, and it's a chaos all over the ring as all six men are just beating the holy hell out of each other and thats how we close the show.

Rating: C+


Final Attendance: 5,000 Yet another SELLOUT

Final Show Rating: B-

A vast improvement from last week and the last several shows this month.

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I'm very worried. Not about Ric Flair and Jimmy Valiant, since they are about too tear the house down. I'm worried... about "Dizzy" Ed Hogan. The man that I've been pushing since I started, one of my pet projects, isn't really paying off. The matches, he's been having are just awful, and tonight, he's supposed to fight The One Man Gang, who isn't having world class matches himself, but at least fans care about him more than Dizzy. I'm almost tempted to just kill the rest of the storyline and have OMG beat him once and for all and move on, and I'll see what I can do with Dizzy afterwords. Maybe turn him heel, since I am planning on turning Paul Jones into a manager, maybe that will be the way to go. As I give the Final Card Ad's to the Tv Studios for commercials I look and I see "Number One" himself, Paul Jones.

Me: Hey Paul....


Paul: Cut the crap, why are you making me a manager after this match?


Me: Well, I feel that you can serve us better in that capacity.


Paul: That's bull, I can still go in the ring with the best of them!!! I'm a freakin legend!!.


Me: Looking at your latest matches, that hasn't been the case. Look, I know that it's tough, but you will still be able to wrestle from time to time, I just think that as a mouthpiece you can serve as better. You can still wrestle with your charges, but not really as a regular star.


Paul: Well, I still don't agree, but I guess I have no choice.


Me: Yeah, you really don't.

That was a tough sell, but at least I got him on board... at least somewhat.

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This Sunday, June 27th

John Kresses Arena

Charleston, South Carolina

7:00 pm Belltime

The Night in The Dark Ally



NWA World Heavyweight Championship



© "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair


"The Boogie Man" Jimmy Valiant



NWA United States Heavyweight Championship


© Greg "The Hammer" Valentine


"Chief" Wahoo McDaniel


Six Man Mayhem

The Funk Brothers (Dory&Terry) & "Big" Jos Leduc


"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes/ Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood

NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship

© "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr.


The Assassin



Jack Brisco vs The Great Kabuki w/Gary Hart

"Number One" Paul Jones vs Magnum T.A

"Dizzy" Ed Hogan vs One Man Gang w/ Oliver Humperdink

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Jim Crockett Promotions Proudly Present....





The Night in The Dark Ally



WE show a video history, detailing the feud of Jimmy Valiant and Ric Flair[/I]

Rating: C+

Opening Matchup

Magnum T.A pinned "Number One" Paul Jones in 7:47 with the Belly to Belly suplex

Rating: D+


This wasn't a bad way to open the show, it wasn't to special. It helps in establishing Magnum as a true up and coming star, but this feud isn't over quite yet.

After the match, Magnum, celebrates his win, and actually goes into the crowd and celebrates with his fans

Rating: D-

One Man Gang w/ Oliver Humperdink pinned "Dizzy" Ed Hogan in 3:51 when Humperdink distracted Hogan, which Gang used to his advantage, hit the 747 Splash and got the pin

Rating: E

I knew this was gonna be bad, and it was. The experiment of trying to get Dizzy Hogan over as big time baby-face is done!! I'm gonna try and repackage him. This was just an ugly match.


After the match is over, Humperdink orders Gang to dismantle Hogan, and he does in a very brutal fashion.

Rating: D-

We cut to the backstage area, where we see Tony Schiavone with the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion, "

Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr.

Tony: Well Bob, just moments away you will defend your Mid-Atlantic Championship against the ever dangerous Assassin.

Orton: That's right Tony, Assassin, I've been out of action for several weeks. And I'm just itchin' to get back in the ring. Saying that, you might think that I'm over anxious to be in the ring and then make a mistake. But Assassin, I'm a calm person, and I don't make many mistakes. And tonight, your gonna fight that out.

Tony: How's the neck feeling?

Orton: It still hurts Tony, I'll be honest, it's not 100% yet. But, I was determined to defend this title.

Tony: Ok then, good luck tonight, lets get back to the ring.

Rating: C-

NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship

"Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr pinned The Assassin in 8:33 after hitting the Superplex

Rating: C-

Well, this was a pretty good match, though The Assassin was injured, with "turf toe" Probably something when he had a match elsewhere, but still that is really bizarre.

After the match, Orton is celebrating and is attacked by Ivan Koloff, but Orton is able to fight him off.

Rating: C-


Jack Brisco pinned The Great Kabuki w/Gary Hart in 12:34 when Gary Hart tried to hit Brisco with powder, but Brisco moved and it hit Kabuki instead, making the loss, Hart's fault

Rating: C+

This was an excellent match that I was pleasantly surprised of. I think this Brisco's vs Kabuki&Dragon feud could turn out pretty good. It should be interesting.

We cut to backstage and we see Tony Schiavone with Dusty Rhodes, Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood


Tony: Gentlemen, just moments away from your big 6 man tag team match, any thoughts?

Youngblood: You know Tony, even if we can't all the revenge we want out of this match tonight, it is still going to be sweet, to see Terry Funk and Dory Funk Jr beg for there lives against us for cheating us out of our belts.

Steamboat: That's right Jay, FUNKS, you better be prepared, because you will be facing a much different Steamboat & Youngblood, you will be seeing for fire and more passion than you ever will see.

Dusty: LEDUC!!! Ya, gonna be able to make it out of Charlston tonight, daddy, but unless you want a little, escort service, then I'm more than happy to escort your butt out of the ring, out of the arena out the city, out of the state and out of the country. You will feel the pain of Steamboat&Youngblood, and... wooooweeee, The American Dream, JACK!

Rating: C+


"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes,Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood beat "Big" Jos Leduc, Terry Funk & Dory Funk Jr in 15:27 when Dusty Rhodes pinned Dory Funk.

Rating: B-


This was a great match that the crowd just loved. The charisma of Terry Funk and Dusty Rhodes alone made it exciting. Plus the added in ring talent of Steamboat& Youngblood and Dory Funk Jr made it even better. Great match


The 3 men after there big win, get a big pop from the crowd as they celebrate

Rating: B-

We then cut to a pretaped, where Greg "The Hammer" Valentine is standing by a locker.

Valentine: You know, Wahoo. I don't care if I hurt you real bad tonight. I really don't, because every time I close my eyes, and your face appears in my dreams and in my nightmares, I just think of one thing.... destruction. I'm out to hurt you tonight Wahoo. Don't forget it, my quest was to end your career and I don't care how, I will end it!

Rating: C+

NWA United States Heavyweight Championship

Wahoo McDaniel pinned Greg "The Hammer" Valentine in 17:21 to win the United States Championship!!!

Rating: B-

This was an outstanding match, Wahoo winning the belt might seem iffy, but believe me, it's temporary. This feud is still not over yet.

While, Wahoo is celebrating his new title, Greg hits Wahoo from behind and starts to pummel him into the ring until Wahoo is a bloody mess.

Rating: B-

Like before, we back to a pretaped promo, this time, by "Nature Boy" Ric Flair

Flair: WOOOOOO. I love Charleston, so many beautiful ladies, and so little time. Tonight, those lovely ladies will watch me as I go into a match with no rules and no referee and with a wild man like Jimmy Valiant. Valiant, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt,what don't have in the looks, or brains department, you certainly have in heart and guts. I'm not gonna say that you have a chance, but I know that when I walk in to the ring tonight, I'm gonna be in the fight of my life. But tonight Valiant, it will not be your lucky night, but it will be The Nature Boys" WOOOOOOO!!

Rating: B


NWA World Heavyweight Championship

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair beat "The Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Valiant in 16:57 when Valiant was so bloody that the match had to be stopped.Flair retains his championship

Rating: B-

This was another great match, it was very very bloody and The Boogie Man seemed to almost be beaten to death, but still kept coming back for more. Just as good as there first match at the Crockett Cup, but not as good as there match from Mid-Atlantic Tv a few months ago

The American Dream, seeing that Flair was being a sore winner, rushed out to aide his bloody friend, Flair walks out, still the World Champion.

Rating: B-

Final Attendance Rating: 5,000

Final Show Rating: B-

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Good show,good show.


Going by segment ratings,it seems Hogan's real potential lies in the microphone as opposed to the ring,best thing might be to put him in there with some good workers(to train him and cover his lack of skills),but let him cut some promos and the like to get some mic time for his development there.


OMG is coming along a bit more,he still needs someone to carry him though;might be a good time for Sir Oliver to begin re-building his "House of Humperdink" in the Mid-Atlantic area...



Good call on Magnum/Jones,T.A. needs to be put with a guy who can help him out(for now).


Youngblood is still having slight problems?I dunno,at this point the best you can do(for him) is to keep the tag team going so he gets in there with top tier guys who can help develop him....though I have a feeling part of the problem might lie with the "medicine"(As The Iron Sheik would call it) he has been known to take from time to time.


Enjoying the Kabuki/Dragon vs. Briscos story,nice to see Dragon getting a shot a developing some and Kabuki involved in something other than the Kabuki/Valiant storyline.


I like The Assassin, he is fairly decent in the ring and decent on the mic,hope to see more of him.


Wahoo/Valentine and Flair/Rhodes are definitely the 2 storylines that are really working out well for you; good matches and good promos...Wahoo can really help Greg get to the next level while still keeping himself strong,and Flair/Rhodes is always a great pick for a hot program,though I feel Leduc/Rhodes in a match with more relaxed rules (Streetfight,No DQ,Cage,or something like that) where they could really open up their bags of tricks,would also be money.

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Good show,good show.


Going by segment ratings,it seems Hogan's real potential lies in the microphone as opposed to the ring,best thing might be to put him in there with some good workers(to train him and cover his lack of skills),but let him cut some promos and the like to get some mic time for his development there.


OMG is coming along a bit more,he still needs someone to carry him though;might be a good time for Sir Oliver to begin re-building his "House of Humperdink" in the Mid-Atlantic area...



Good call on Magnum/Jones,T.A. needs to be put with a guy who can help him out(for now).


Youngblood is still having slight problems?I dunno,at this point the best you can do(for him) is to keep the tag team going so he gets in there with top tier guys who can help develop him....though I have a feeling part of the problem might lie with the "medicine"(As The Iron Sheik would call it) he has been known to take from time to time.


Enjoying the Kabuki/Dragon vs. Briscos story,nice to see Dragon getting a shot a developing some and Kabuki involved in something other than the Kabuki/Valiant storyline.


I like The Assassin, he is fairly decent in the ring and decent on the mic,hope to see more of him.


Wahoo/Valentine and Flair/Rhodes are definitely the 2 storylines that are really working out well for you; good matches and good promos...Wahoo can really help Greg get to the next level while still keeping himself strong,and Flair/Rhodes is always a great pick for a hot program,though I feel Leduc/Rhodes in a match with more relaxed rules (Streetfight,No DQ,Cage,or something like that) where they could really open up their bags of tricks,would also be money.



Yeah, I think your right about Dizzy(Leslie). I think it was a mistake to put him in a feud with a guy that is about as green as he is, and unfortunetlly no one cared about him enough to make it worth while. That's why I'm taking him off tv for awhile, to do some tweaking with him and maybe give him a manager. That's where Paul Jones is so valuable.... more on that story


I like One Man Gang, he should be featured more because he is the biggest man on the roster, but the problem with him is that he is kinda lost in the shuffle. I think a feud with a guy whos kinda going down the ladder at this point, like Jimmy Valiant or something could help him. He needs to be in more featured feuds than the last one, because it was the feud that had the least heat.


I agree with you on the Magnum/Paul Jones feud, beating Jones, gives Magnum some credibility, hence when he started here, his Popularity was a E+ know it's a D+ a whole rating higher from a month ago when he started, so he is starting to catch on, which is a huge plus, because I feel we are lacking in Upper-Mid Card faces, that aren't in major feuds all ready. I'm planning on Jones becoming a manager, since while he is good in the ring, I he is starting to decline, but I still want to feature him in some way. Plus, a big stable would be good for Mid-Atlantic.


It's really sad about Youngblood. Because, he is (in the game and in real life) a great worker. I wasn't born yet when he died, but from the video's I've seen of him, wrestling with Ric Flair and teaming with Steamboat was excellent. And if it a problem with drugs, then it's a shame because he is a great worker, but is very inconsistant when it's not a huge match.


As for Kabuki&Dragon, I'm enjoying it too. I think that since I re-activated the Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Titles, it has opened up a lot of oppurtunities for teams like Kabuki&Dragon, The Masked Avengers and The Briscos. The thing about the Brisco's is that they really didn't need to hold the belt and probably shouldn't since both men are semi-main event workers. But I guess, having a Brisco without a belt around there waists was an odd sight to see, (in real life and in the game). I like this feud, maybe I'll give the belts to Kabuki&Dragon, but I'm not sure.


I like Assassin too, problem is finding things for hims to do, plus, he's getting older as well and he isn't a top heel type anymore. Putting him with Bob Orton Jr at the Big Show was just to give Assassin something to do, and to keep Bob Orton Jr strong.



I agree, THe Rhodes/Flair Valentine/Wahoo feuds, along with The Funks/Steamboat&Youngblood feuds are the hottest ones going. I'm trying to drag out the Flair/ Rhodes one up to Starrcade, as I've stated here before. They are the two biggest draws in the area, so it's almost a no brainer to have them have face off at the biggest show of the year. What's funny about that is I'm not even truly at phase 1 of the feud yet. I'm adding and detracting pieces to keep the feud going, hence the Rhodes/Leduc mini feud and Valiant/Flair. I really hate the "4 matches" penelty. In real life, Flair and Dusty fought hundreds and hundreds of times, on TV, house shows and big time shows. And people loved it, it was the biggest feud for years. It's hard to do that in this game, to keep a feud going for a long time, so that's why I have to put in other wrestlers into the feud to keep the two main one's busy, while in the meantime, still keeping the story that it's all about Flair & Rhodes. I'm gonna try and bring in someone after the second match, to "defend the honor of Dusty" and then have the big Cage Match at Starrcade, which if that doesn't draw money, I don't know what will.


Modern Day Warrior, thank you for you're input and opinion, sometimes writing this, it seems I'm just writing it for no reason and no one reads it. But I'm glad someone reads this and is willing to put in there opinions. I look forward to more of your input.

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No problem at all BigAl,I kinda enjoy watching these old D.O.T.T. dynasties as they rework history and I believe in feedback,how else will the author know what is working and what isn't?


Dizzy Ed will work out for you in the long run,a lot of well known wrestlers (Superstar Graham,Jesse Ventura,WWF era Hulk Hogan come to mind) were great on the stick but not so great inside the ring; of course those guys are on a different level Charisma & Microphone wise than Leslie,but I think he could find success on a smaller scale going that route.Best bet might be an East-West Connection type tag team(Ventura handled the talking bits while Adonis was the in-ring end of the deal) for developnent of skills.


OMG is in a similar position,though with his look the best bet might be a string of dominating wins to get him over a monster, then a program with someone respectable enough to get him further up the card.


Youngblood I don't know what to say: he is at the very least competent,don't know why he is underperforming,though I have a feeling it may be why IRL he was often put in with Steamboat/Flair types (i.e. he needed to be carried to some degree IRL too).All I can tell you is I like to start my game by doing a Comprehensive drug test on my whole roster,two games in a row he popped for either steroids or hard drugs(dunno know how true to life it is,just saying that is what the game told me).


Don't worry,you did the right thing putting the Mid-Atlantic Tag Belts on the Briscos, they are well known and respected at this time (esp. Jack);putting the straps on them and having them beat some established stars will do wonders for its prestige,plus you will have the added bonus of whatever team you build up to hold the belts next will start off with a win over a very respected team9when the defeat the Briscos), which will do wonders for their push too.


The Assassin would be a good guy to use as a "trainer",in a tag team with a lesser experienced wrestler(or one with poor mic skills),and as someone for your faces to get in-ring time with to develop their skills;if you handle him right he can be a well respected "dangerous" heel for up and comers to get a win over to get them up the card further,sort of a Peter Maivia effect only with a heel wrestler.If and when he decides to retire from the ring he's a shoe in to be a classic heel manager.


The 4 match deal is tricky,but you can get around it by keeping Rhodes and Flair fairly far apart from each other in the ring except for the big shows,in a way that is often what they did in those days anyway so i guess its realistic.

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After, the big Ally Match, "Nature Boy" Ric Flair is still the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, after defeating "The Boogie Man" Jimmy Valiant, in a very bloody match. But, Flair's problems are far from over, because he must now contend with an even bigger power, the power of "The American Dream". In this weeks Main Event, Dusty has some unfinished business with "Big" Jos Leduc, this week, they will face off in a Last Man Standing Match, in which you must beat your opponent so bad, he can't get on his feet for a ten count. Also, the Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champs, The Brisco's will defend there belts against Gary Hart's men from the Orient, The Great Kabuki&Magic Dragon. Also, Ivan Koloff will be in action to face Johnny Weaver. Also, the former NWA Tag Team Champs, Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood will be there, to issue a challenge for the NWA Tag Team Champs, The Funk Brothers... Jimmy Valiant, Magnum T.A & "Dirty" Dick Slater will be in action.... that and more on....




Final Card

"Last Man Standing Match"

"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes vs "Big" Jos Leduc

Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship

© The Brisco Brothers vs The Great Kabuki&Magic Dragon w/Gary Hart

"The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff vs Johnny Weaver

"The Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Valiant vs Kelly Kiniski


"Dirty" Dick Slater vs Rufus R. Jones

Magnum T.A vs Ken Timbs

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Jim Crockett Promotions Present.....







Dark Matches

Bugsy McGraw pinned Mike Davis in 3:34 with the Splash

The Masked Avengers w/ Sputnik Monroe beat Angelo Mosca Jr & Private Jim Nelson



We open the show, with match highlights from last Sunday's Ally Fight Match between Ric Flair & Jimmy Valiant. The match was very brutal and saw "The Nature Boy" retain his championship and Dusty Rhodes coming out to save Valiant and chase off Flair

Rating: C+

Magnum T.A pinned Ken Timbs in 1:34 with the Belly to Belly Suplex

Rating: E-

Well, this match sucked, as Magnum is still developing, but, he is starting to get over, as his popularity is increasing at a fast rate.


Bob Caulde: Magnum, yet another impressive win on MACW TV, I just want to congratulate you on your victory last Sunday against one of the all time greats, Paul Jones.

Magnum: Well, thank you Bob, you know, being in Mid-Atlantic and seeing the great wrestlers that we have here, like, Flair, Rhodes, The Briscos, The Funks, Steamboat & Youngblood, Wahoo... the list goes on and on. The great competition that's in this area is exciting to me, and I hope to break out of the pack so to speak.

Bob: What is your main goal here?

Magnum: Well, Bob, the ultimate goal obviously is to become the NWA World Champion, but that's everyone's goal, and not everyone is going to win the belt or even get a chance at it. My goal at this moment is to move up the ladder, keep winning, keep doing what I'm doing, and move up. I'm looking at for the NWA, but the NWA better look out for me. Thank you.

Bob: Thank you Magnum, we'll be right back!!

Rating: D+


Just as we get back, Jos Leduc has grabbed the mic from Bob Caudle.


Leduc: Tonight, I will end Dusty Rhodes career. He will learn, once and for all, that you don't mess with a Leduc. However, I have something on my mind. I just saw the tape of The Ally Match, between Jimmy Valiant & Ric Flair. I couldn't believe how easy you were beaten Valiant. I mean, come on, you didn't really deserve a world title match. Not way that you wrestled. You just kept gettin beatin down until, no one reconized you with that blood. Valiant, you are a coward and a loser. Just like Dusty Rhodes, and Rhodes, you better be ready.

Rating: B-

"The Boogie Man" Jimmy Valiant pinned Kelly Kiniski in 2:12 with The Boogie Woogie Elbow Drop

Rating: E+

Heh, just your average squash, to keep Valiant strong.[/i]


Bob: Well, Jimmy you bounced back pretty well after a very disappointing loss in that Ally Match with Ric Flair.

Jimmy: Well, Bob, it's not the end of the world, I'm still breathin, and I'm damn sure that I'm still fighting and let me tell all of you......

(Just then, Jos Leduc comes out of nowhere and bearhugs Valiant, through the interview wall, leaving Valiant badly hurt.

Rating: C

"Dirty" Dick Slater pinned Rufus R. Jones in 4:48 with the Leaping Piledriver

Rating: D+

This was a decent match, Slater needs to be strong, because I am planning on a pretty good push for him in the future.


We cut to the Interview desk with Bob Caulde.

Bob: Fan's, this team is probably the most popular in the NWA, they are the former 3 time NWA World Tag Team Champions, Jay Youngblood & Ricky Steamboat!!.

Ricky: Thank you Bob, the reason we're out here is because we want our belts back, plain and simple. And with The Great American Bash coming up, I'd say that our time has come. We want the NWA Tag Team Championships back around our waists.

Youngblood: That's right, you know Funks, I've almost forgotten about how you Terry Funk, hit me with a pair of brass Knuckles at the Clash of Champions, and then pin me. I say almost, because, it still eats me up and it makes me and Ricky more determination than ever before to get our belts back.

Bob: Well you two, they won't be easy to beat.

Ricky: We know that Bob, we know that they are the only Brother Duo to win the NWA Tag Titles as a team and The NWA World Heavyweight Championships as a single. We know that. But we are the best tag team in the world. No one comes close, and if you boys want to sign on the dotted line and face us in a rematch for the belts at The Great American Bash, then we will take it. We are ready and willing to do what it takes to get our belts back. Remember that!!!


Rating: C+


"The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff pinned Johnny Weaver in 5:12 with the Russian Sickle

Rating: D+ h

This was a pretty decent match, nothing to special to write home about here.

NWA Mid-Atlantic Championship

© The Brisco Brothers beat The Great Kabuki&Magic Dragon w/Gary Hart by dq, when Hart attacked Jack from behind in 7:12

Rating: C-

A pretty good match, I thought it should have been better, but I guess it was because it was too short.

We just get word, that Dusty Rhodes, after his match, win or loss, will gave an announcement, will he challenge, for Ric Flair's Championship?

Rating: C+



"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes beat "Big" Jos Leduc when he couldn't meet the ten count in 11:02

Rating: B

This was a great match, probably one of the best on Mid-Atlantic TV this year. This was pretty bloody for TV but not to bad.

Rhodes: You know, the American Dream has gone through many trials in his life, but this trial that I had just gone through with Jos Leduc was a tough one, but it will be even harder for me to try and sleep at night, unless I have the NWA WOrld Heavyweight Championship around my waist. You see, I've challenged The Nature Boy in the past, and I've gotten no answers, accept NO. But let me tell ya something Natura Boy, if I don't get a World title shot, like I deserve, like all the people in this arena think I do, I will raise more hell than I ever did before and it will be your expense, Ric Flair!!!. So I'm gonna wait till next week to hear your response. If you don't respond, then I know that ya a coward, then I know that ya not the maAAAN that you think ya are. Then I will know that you have no guts or honor. So I'm lying it down Nature Boy, I'm pleadin and beggin, I want a title shot!!! So, next week Ric Flair, I want your answer. This crowd wants an answer, the whole world wants an answer. I'm waiting..... ( he walks off and the show ends.)

Rating: B

Final Attendance: 5,000 SELLOUT

Final Rating: C+

Good show, sets up phase one of my plans. Things are falling into place quite nicely

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Last week, "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, made a challenge to "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair for his NWA World Championship. Flair has refused Rhodes, in the past, eve turning down $10,000. However, Rhodes said that if he doesn't accept, Flair would be considered a coward, will Ric Flair take this challenge to his manhood to heart, and prove the Dream wrong and accept? He does have an NWA World Title defense this week, taking on the Native American Phenom, Jay Youngblood. Also, in another title match, Bob Orton Jr will defend his Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title against, Johnny Weaver. Orton wants revenge on Koloff and he wants it bad. Also, U.S Champion Wahoo McDaniel will be in action, he says he will make a challenge Greg "The Hammer" Valentine. "Big" Jos Leduc will be in action, after his brutal attack on Jimmy Valiant, what does Leduc have to say for himself?Also, The Funk Brothers, The Great Kabuki&Magic Dragon will also be in action.... all this and more on.....


Final Card

NWA World Heavyweight Championship

©"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs Jay Youngblood

NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship

© "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. vs Johnny Weaver

Terry & Dory Funk Jr vs Bugsy McGraw & Rufus R. Jones


Wahoo McDaniel vs Masa Fuchi

The Great Kabuki&Magic Dragon vs Abe Jacobs & Private Jim Nelson

"Big" Jos Leduc vs White Chocolate Thunder[

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Jim Crockett Promotions Presents.....






Dark Match

Sweet Brown Sugar pinned Rick Harris in 2:34


Before we go to our first match, we get a rude interruption from "Number One" Paul Jones


Jones: I know all of you fans think that I'm an over the hill wrestler, who can't cut it anymore. But let me remind you idiots of who you're talking about, I'm a 2 time, US Champion, 5 time NWA World Tag Team Champion, 3 time Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion and a 4 time NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champion. I used to rule Mid-Atlantic and all of you know it!! But, I'm going to prove to you all that I'm still a great athlete, by using this here chair, I'm going to step up on it and step down, I'm going to do this FOR THE WHOLE SHOW!!!! That's right, I have such great stamina and athletic ability, that I can do hundreds of steps from the top of the program, till the end. Thank you.

Rating: D


"Big" Jos Leduc pinned White Chocolate Thunder w/Sputnik Monore in 3:12

Rating: D+

This was a fun little squash, Leduc is a pretty entertaining guy

Leduc then gets on the mic...


Leduc: Last week, I took care of that old dog, "The Boogie Man" Jimmy Valiant. Some of you might say that I had no reason to say what I said or did what I did, but there was a reason. Valiant, I've hated your guts for a long time. Your annoying little dances around the ring, your tatered clothes your, dirty long beard. Everything about you I just totally hate. You have done nothing of value to anyone, and you expect love from these stupid fans. Well, I'm here to end your fun Boogie Man. I know you'll come back, since your to stupid to stay home and never come back, so if I ever see you again, I will finish the job that I started!!!


Rated: B-


We cut to the interview stage, we have Gary Hart, along with The Great Kabuki&Magic Dragon


[COLOR="DarkRed"]Hart[/color]: You know, last week, was a fraud. If the referee just did what he was supposed to do, instead of dq'ing my men. See, we didn't do anything wrong, the referee saw me in the ring, because I was going to defend my men from even more dasterdly deeds from The Briscos. But the ref, saw me and thought I did something wrong.

Tony Schiavone: Gary, I think we all know what you did last week, you attacked Jack Brisco and that led to a dq.

Hart: I attacked him because he attacked me first!!

Tony: But that cost your men the match and the Mid-Atlantic titles.

Hart: Tony, lets get to the point, we were robbed, and we will get another match with The Briscos and we will be the next Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions.

Rating; C

The Great Kabuki&Magic Dragon beat Abe Jacobs & Private Jim Nelson

Rating: D

A fun squash for Kabuki&Dragon, they are climbing up the ranks as a Heel team, they are really the only heel team besides, The Funk Brothers at the moment, that will change soon however ;)

Tony Schiavone: Fan's I just want to talk a bit about what happened last Sunday in the Wahoo McDaniel vs Greg "The Hammer" Valentine US Championship return bout. After Wahoo had won the United States belt from Valentine, Valentine, without warning, attacked Wahoo from behind, leaving him face down in the ring and just walked away. I have to say that, this attack was shameful and disgraceful, there was no reason for what Valentine did. I'll show you the video here..

Rating: C

We then see the footage of Wahoo McDaniel winning the US Championship, then we see the aftermath, with Valentine attacking Wahoo after the match.

Rating: B-

Non-Title Match

"Chief" Wahoo McDaniel pinned Masa Fuchi in 4:32 with the Tomahawk Chop off the top rope.

Rating: C-

I'll be honest, this match shocked me. It was supposed to be a normal squash but turned into a pretty good match.

Bob Caudle: Wahoo congratulations on winning the US title the fourth time in your career. However, with that being said, it was the aftermath of your match that is being talked about more. The attack at the hands of Greg Valentine was totally uncalled for.

Wahoo: Well Bob, your right it wasn't called for. Valentine like the sore loser cry baby that he can be, beat me up after I beat him for the US championship, fair and square. That tells me something Valentine, that you have a very weak mental capacity, you let these types of things get to you. I mean, I've lost more belts than I care to admit, I've lost this belt to you before. I never attacked you before, I'm too big of a man to be that way. However, I will say that you wrestled a great match, and I believe that you are deserving of one last match with me. But I get to chose the type of match, I'd say my special match would have to the Indian Strap Match. And you know what, lets have an Indian Strap Match, at The Great American Bash. I've already proven that I can beat you, now it's your turn, if you can beat me.

Bob: Wahoo McDaniel everyone, we'll be right back!

Rating: B-


Non Title Match

The Funk Brothers beat Bugsy McGraw & Rufus R. Jones when Dory pinned Bugsy in 5:33

Rating: C-

Another pretty good match. Bugsy is on his way out and I don't know what really do to with Rufus as he is getting really old. Anyway, pretty good match

Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship

© "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr pinned Johnny Weaver in 6:32 after using the superplex to retain his championship

Rating: D


Well, this match wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be. It's probably because Johnny Weaver is 53 years old, (we've got a lot of old guys on the roster) So it was hard for Orton to carry Weaver here.

Bob Caudle: Well, Bob welcome back to Mid-Atlantic TV defending your championship. But I see your carrying a... what looks to me a like a coal miners glove.

Orton: That's because it is Bob. You see, many of my family members were coal miners. They worked for everything that they were had, sacerificing there health for coal. They were tough men Bob, and can be quite wily. And a few times, things can get out of hand with certain people. My grandfather, use this very glove, and he would fight many miners that worked with him. And you know what he did to those men, he hit them!! With this here glove. Now, Ivan Koloff, I know that you want my Mid-Atlantic Title, and you've nearly killed me to get it. But, I want to end this thing, once and for all, so I'm making the challenge, to a Coal Miner's Glove match. And if you people at home don't know what kind of match it is, it's where you take a pole and put it above the turnbuckle, there will be hanging a Miner's Glove and if you can get the glove, then you get to use it. And Koloff, if you are a man, like I think you are, you will sign the contract for the match, because, I'm here, I'm not to hard to find.

Bob: Bob Orton Jr, everyone!!

Rating: C-


We cut to Paul Jones, still doing his step ups, then all of a sudden, Magnum T.A comes out and laughs at Jones.


Bob: Magnum, what do you find so funny.

Magnum: (giggling) You know something, I've never seen anything quite like it. He's trying to get all of us to be impressed with him, like anyone really cares. I don't really see the point in any of this.

(Magnum laughs at Paul, who gets upset at Magnum, and while he is on the step he screams at him, then he slips at falls)

Rating: D

NWA World Heavyweight Championship

© "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair pinned Jay Youngblood in 10:22 after Youngblood was attacked by Terry Funk, Flair has retained his championship

Rating: C


While this was a very good match, it still felt underwhelming. I don't know, it was ok to very good at best

Flair: WooooOOOOoo, I must say that I am truly styling and profiling in Greenwood. Now, last week, I heard about this challenge that Dusty Rhodes has sent me. He said that if I didn't accept his challenge, that I'd be a coward, I would be yellow. Well pal, I've wrestled more times, and wrestled more men than I even care about remembering. I've done it all, and by my standards, that makes me a hell of a man, Rhodes. But regarding your challenge. If you really want to get killed that bad, then I will accept your challenge. I might as well get it out of the way, Rhodes. At the Great American Bash, it will be you and me for the World Heavyweight Championship, the greatest prize in sports today and I don't think that you have what it takes, to get the job done. WOOOoooOOOOO!!!

Rating: B


Final Attendance: 5,000 SELLOUT

Final Show Rating: C-


While, this show is a step down from last week, I'm still in a good mood, nothing can kill it!!!

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Decent show overall,i think the grade was only hurt by Orton/Weaver rating so low(though i don't know why,there's some talent there,maybe it was just lack of crowd interest) and a slightly underwhelming performance from Flair/Youngblood....not that a C is bad,just unexpected,kinda worries me though when you have to brak out Flair to get an "average" match out of Youngblood...are his skills improving at least?


Kabuki and Dragon are looking better,the dq finish due to Hart helped protect their push, with a few more matches to buld their credibility,i could see them making a serious run at Jack & Jerry.


I like what you are doing with Wahoo/Valentine with the Indian Strap Match, different than how people usually use Wahoo and Hammer,adn refreshing.


I am interested to see where Rhodes/Flair goes now,seems like Valiant has been put to rest as a contender and Leduc is rolling through people(i'd really like to see him and Abby or Brody one day in a no-dq falls count anywhere match,that would be money)

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