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Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling: The Bull Stops Here (PSW)

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January 1st - Pittsburgh, PA




Looking into the darkened bedroom of PSW's future founder, as the phone rings the lifeless lump on the bed moves.


Mitch Naess: Ughhhhh... Hello? Who the hell is this... It's (visibly struggling to read as he rolls over to look at his alarm clock) 3:30 in the goddamn morning. Just who do you think you are?


?????: Don't worry yourself about who I am, I prefer my secrecy... And I thought you would know bars close at 3 around here, I just got back to my residence. Call me a DAVE sympathizer.


Naess: For starters, you still haven't told me your name... Give me one reason I should not hang up the phone right now? And you're mentioning DAVE - You must be drunk. Wait... it's a Tuesday right? (shaking his head and muttering something about alcoholic stalkers...) You have ONE MINUTE to explain yourself, and why you are calling before I get pissed off and make a vow to find you.


?????: Mr. Naess... I have a business proposition for you. DAVE was a cult hit, as you know, one which I followed very closely. The folding of it almost turned me off to the wrestling world completely, but I have a vision... and the funds. I want you to help me spearhead a revolution. We can bring back the Danger and Violence to the people and give them what they want. it will be a slow road, but with my money and your brains... Let's just say it can be done. As for my name, this will be the only time I call unless you accept. If so, you can call me "The Boss"


Mitch Naess is seen sitting upright in bed, head still in a fog as he listened to what this fool had to say. As he droned on, you can see the little lightbulb flickering inside his dome.


Naess: Maybe it's the surprise attack, maybe it's the fact that it's quarter to 4... But call me interested... Boss.


The Boss: A wise decision Mitch. I will contact you in a few days to see what you have done about a roster, and the situation about our new partnership in "Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling".






And with that, Mr. Naess had no idea of the whirlwind he was about to get tossed into. Maybe it was a sign of things to come, but with the excitement of the news he knew he wasn't going back to sleep any time soon.


Off Topic: If anyone has any questions or feedback feel free to leave them. I have a few shows written up, and alot of free time so I want to keep this dynasty moving - but not as fast as to make it hard to keep up.

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Roster Meeting


January 10th - Philadelphia, PA




The phone again rings as Mitch Naess looks worn-out and haggard


Naess: Alex?


The Boss: Not quite, but maybe one day you'll guess the right name. Look, I'm about to go to the bars again but need to know how you have done on the roster. Keep it short and sweet.


Naess: Sorry boss, was just waiting on a few callbacks... Here is what we have as of now.




Alex Braun

Tank Bradley

Johnny Martin

Thimbleby Langton

Wooton Fitzpaine

Ash Campbell

Lazy Joe


Little Bill Lebowski






JD Morgan

Teddy Powell

The Wolverine

Steven Parker

Dean Waldorf

Marv Statler

The Punisher

Frankie Future

Primal Rage

Dead Bolt

Nelson Callum




The Boss: Uhhh yeah... I'm gonna have you E-Mail that to me. I won't remember this conversation tomorrow night. It's definitely a good start, we just need a few more veterans, and some to look forward to in the future. I suppose you have the title situation worked out, so I won't fret about that now. Anyways Mitch, here's one of my numbers I will allow you to contact me at.






Another discussion with this 'boss' could only leave Naess shaking his head at what he had gotten himself into now.

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