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INSPIRE : Hybrid Theory

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Hajime Sugisata vs. Sotatsu Sarumara

Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Sean Deeley

Nathan Coleman vs. Hitomaro Suzuki

Li Bingci vs. Jacob Jett

INSPIRE MIDDLEWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Billy Russell vs. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi

INSPIRE KING OF FIGHTERS Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs. Masaaki Okazaki

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Hajime Sugisata vs. Sotatsu Sarumara

Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Sean Deeley

Nathan Coleman vs. Hitomaro Suzuki

Li Bingci vs. Jacob Jett

INSPIRE MIDDLEWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Billy Russell vs. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi

INSPIRE KING OF FIGHTERS Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs. Masaaki Okazaki

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Referees At Ringside



Doppo Ibu and Yos·hitora Shigemitsu


Announcers at Ringside



Seiho Kuroda and Hidetada Kozu


Middleweight Division


Hajime Sugisata vs. "The Master of the Arm-lock Variation" Sotatsu Sarumara


Round 1

Sarumara starts quickly, avoiding Sugisata's power punches, and taking him down in quick fashion. Sarumara passes and mounts, and starts dropping some powerful punches. Sugisata is getting flattened out, and Sarumara locks onto the arm, and Sugisata looks in trouble all of a sudden. Sarumara wrenches the hold, and Sugisata looks in pain. He finally taps out, and Sarumara notches another victory.


Result : Sotatsu Sarumara def. Hajime Sugisata via Ippon (Mounted Arm Lock) @ 3:19 of Round 1



Middleweight Division


"Shooter" Sean Deeley vs. "Champagne Lover" Antonio Maxi Marquez


Round 1

Sean Deeley starts out fast, shooting in and bringing Marquez to the ropes, Marquez is trying to sprawl away from the takedown, and Deeley is really pushing forward for it. Marquez, turns away from Deeley, but gets taken down. Great movement from Deeley. Deeley is really moving fast and applying pressure, and he manages to move to mount. He drops to side mount and locks on to Marquez' Neck, and executes a Front Choke Lock. Marquez quickly taps out, and the match is called to a stop.


Result : Sean Deeley def. Antonio Maxi Marquez via Ippon (Front Choke Lock) @ 4:22 of Round 1



Heavyweight Division


"The Pioneer" Nathan Coleman vs. Hitomaro Suzuki


Round 1

Coleman rushes in with heavy hands and just lands a monster punch that sets Suzuki back. Suzuki comes back and tries to take Coleman down, but Coleman just throws him back into the ropes, and lands another punch that collapses Suzuki to the canvas. Suzuki manages to grab on to a leg, and stops Coleman from landing anymore punches. Suzuki gets back up, and Coleman just grabs him and spins him to the ground, and starts to pound on him until referee Doppo Ibu steps in to call a halt to the match up.


Result : Nathan Coleman def. Hitomaro Suzuki via Technical Knockout



Middleweight Division


Li Bingci vs. "The Amazing" Jacob Jett


Round 1

Bingci quickly comes in and starts to punch with Jett. Jett lands a monster left hook, and Bingci ducks low for the takedown, and takes him to the ground. Jett tries to sit up, but Bingci continues to push forward. Jett manages to get back to his feet, but he gives up his back, and is vulnerable to a Belly-To-Back Suplex. Bingci starts to pound him, but Jett manages to defend most of the punches, but a lot of them are getting through and that's enough for referee Shigemitsu to stop the match-up at 4:58 of Round 1


Result : Li Bingci def. Jacob Jett via Technical Knockout @ 4:58 of Round 1




Middleweight Division


Mohamed El Yaaggoudi vs. "The Tap Out Artist" Billy Russell


Round 1

Yaaggoudi and Russell come to the middle and start trading blows. Some great kicks get through from Yaaggoudi, but Russell lands a nice punch that drops him, and Russell comes down to finish him, but Yaaggoudi manages to hold him down. Russell manages to move him to the corner and starts dropping little hammer fists and elbows to the midsection of Yaaggoudi. Russell lays on top of him and the round ends.


Round 2

Russell comes out fast and jumps for a flying arm lock, but misses. Yaaggoudi comes down trying to finish him, but Russell locks in the Twisting Arm Lock, and Yaaggoudi is forced to tap out at 0:59 of Round 2


Result : Billy Russell def. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi via Ippon (Twisting Arm Lock) @ 0:59 of Round 2




Heavyweight Division


"The Rebel" Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs. Masaaki Okazaki


Round 1

Kikkawa comes out guns blazing landing multiple punches on Okazaki. Okazaki crumbles and takes some vicious punches to the head, but manages to push Kikkawa away. Kikkawa stands on top of Okazaki, and throws some kicks to the legs. Okazaki, really starts to feel those, and gets desperate, trying to grab Kikkawa's leg, but Kikkawa nails him with a Kikkawa Lariat, and lays him out cold on the canvas.


Result : Tadiyuki Kikkawa def. Masaaki Okazaki via KO (Kikkawa Lariat) @ 4:04 of Round 1


Overall Show Results

Sotatsu Sarumara def. Hajime Sugisata (D)

Sean Deeley def. Antonio Maxi Marquez (D-)

Nathan Coleman def. Hitomaro Suzuki (D)

Li Bingci def. Jacob Jett (D+)

Billy Russell def. Mohamed El Yaaggoudi (D) to Retain the Middleweight Championship

Tadiyuki Kikkawa def. Masaaki Okazaki (B-) to Retain the King Of Fighters Championship


Overall Show Rating





Hello everybody, I'm Seiho Kuroda and this is Hidetada Kazu, and Each week at the Inspire Tour Show, we will be reviewing one of our fighters that fought that night, tonight, we review current Middleweight Champion, "The Tap Out Artist" Billy Russell



Billy Russell

"The Tap Out Artist" Billy Russell is a talented mat wrestler from Puerto Rico, who has an extensive background in Mixed Martial Arts too. The biggest fight of his MMA career was in 2001, when he reached the quarter finals of the major tournament of the year, losing to future wrestling star Buddy Garner. A national hero in his homeland of Puerto Rico, he joined the new Japanese promotion INSPIRE in 2006 and has been one of the success stories of the company so far.


Title History

INSPIRE Middleweight Champion (Current)

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From Inspire.com/News




INSPIRE Nail American and Canadian Deals


Soon NOTBPW and USPW Stars will be heading over to INSPIRE, as Head Booker Takayuki Kohsaka hit deals with Sam Strong and Dan Stone yesterday to have their stars fight with them on one night only appearances or even more. This excites many fans as they could see much more action, in Main Event superfights. More to come next week after INSPIRE SHOWDOWN


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Kalu Owusu vs. Takayuki Kohsaka

Danny Rushmore vs. Willie York

Li Bingci vs. Mike Watson

Ryunosuke Matsuki vs. Tasuku Iesada

INSPIRE Heavyweight Championship Marat Khoklov vs. Nathan Coleman

INSPIRE King of Fighters Championship Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs. Dan Stone Jr.

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Kalu Owusu vs. Takayuki Kohsaka

Danny Rushmore vs. Willie York

Li Bingci vs. Mike Watson

Ryunosuke Matsuki vs. Tasuku Iesada

INSPIRE Heavyweight Championship Marat Khoklov vs. Nathan Coleman

INSPIRE King of Fighters Championship Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs. Dan Stone Jr.

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Kalu Owusu vs. Takayuki Kohsaka

Danny Rushmore vs. Willie York

Li Bingci vs. Mike Watson

Ryunosuke Matsuki vs. Tasuku Iesada

INSPIRE Heavyweight Championship Marat Khoklov vs. Nathan Coleman

INSPIRE King of Fighters Championship Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs. Dan Stone Jr.

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Referees At Ringside



Doppo Ibu and Yos·hitora Shigemitsu


Announcers at Ringside



Seiho Kuroda and Hidetada Kozu


Openweight Division


"Iron Man" Takayuki Kohsaka vs. Kalu Owusu


Round 1

Kohsaka quickly runs in and drops a bomb of a right hand on Owusu. Owusu comes forward with some punches of his own and Kohsaka comes in with a quick kick to the legs followed up with one to the ribs. Owusu comes forward again but gets knicked with a right hand to the jaw. Owusu comes forward again and connects with his own punch that connects. Kohsaka spins and lands a beautiful 360 Back Kick and Knocks Owusu out on Impact. Great performance by Takayuki Kohsaka.


Result : Takayuki Kohsaka def. Kalu Owusu via KO (360 Back Kick) @ 3:12 of Round 1



Openweight Division


Willie York vs. "The Mountain" Danny Rushmore


Round 1

York and Rushmore meet in the center and start swinging. But York ducks down and takes him to the mat. Rushmore gets right back to his feet and continues to throw punches. York tries for a takedown, but gets stuffed, and rocked with a punch. York continues to throw punches and goes for the takedown once more but eats a huge kick to the face. He is really looking beat up here, and looks gassed already. He lands a huge punch out of nowhere and Rushmore goes out. York has won this by a killer punch.


Result : Willie York def. Danny Rushmore via KO (Scorching Right Hand) @ 4:19 of Round 1



Openweight Division


"The Calgary Assassin" Mike Watson vs. Li Bingci


Round 1

Bingci starts off his fight like the usual with another murderous takedown. Watson holds him in his guard. Watson kicks him away and throws an up kick that sends him back. Bingci comes forward with a huge punch but only finds the canvas. Watson gets back up and hits him with a huge Kick to the liver, and continues the assault with a flurry of punches. Bingci takes them and lifts him and takes him down to the canvas again, this time, Watson gets up almost on impact and lands a huge punch. Bingci goes down stiff but gets his wits back quick enough to take another punch right to the jaw. This time It's the killer blow and referee Doppo Ibu stops the match.


Result : Mike Watson def. Li Bingci via KO (One Stop Punch) @ 4:35 of Round 1



Middleweight Division


"Dangerous" Tasuku Iesada vs. "SUKI" Ryunosuke Matsuki


Round 1

Iesada and Matsuki just circle around for the first minute, and that produces no real action. Matsuki finally just decides to shoot, but gets hit back, and gets back to his feet. Matsuki is really trying to be the aggressor but Iesada just seems to be content to sit back and counter. The round goes on like this and the bell signals the end of the round.


Round 2

Iesada jumps in and locks on a Iesada Special II, and "SUKI" gets caught, Trying to hold on, but eventually taps out.


Result : Tasuku Iesada def. Ryunosuke Matsuki via Ippon (Iesada Special II) @ 0:42 of Round 2




Heavyweight Division


"The Russian Giant" Marat Khoklov vs. "The Pioneer" Nathan Coleman


Round 1

Khoklov's size really plays an advantage to start off the round, just being able to push Coleman around and bully him around the ring. Coleman tries to shoot but takes a huge punch and winds up on his back. He shoots up some upkicks, stopping Khoklov from jumping over with his Lariat Variation. Khoklov eventually catches one of the kicks, pulls him back and throws a murderous Right hand that collapses onto Coleman's jaw. Coleman is out cold, and Khoklov has just won his championship.


Result : Marat Khoklov def. Nathan Coleman via KO (Jumping Lariat) @ 4:02 of Round 1




Openweight Division


Dan Stone Jr. vs. "The Rebel" Tadiyuki Kikkawa


Round 1

The war starts, and Stone almost immediately clinches up and wrestles him to the ropes. Kikkawa tries to push him away but Stone just smothers him up. Kikkawa tries again and manages to throw some punches and kicks. He lands a murderous liver kick, but Stone catches it and drops for a Stone Ankle Stretch, but Kikkawa holds on to it, and attempts for his own. They are both holding on to ankle holds, and none of them are willing to tap ! The Round ends with both still holding on to ankle locks.


Round 2

Kikkawa comes out guns blazing, and throws muderous punches from the start. Stone holds him, but it's not strong enough, and takes a murderous punch to the jaw and goes out. It's All Over !!!


Result : Tadiyuki Kikkawa def. Dan Stone Jr. via KO (Burning Lariat) @ 2:10 of Round 2


Overall Show Results

Takayuki Kohsaka def. Kalu Owusu (C-)

Willie York def. Danny Rushmore (E+)

Mike Watson def. Li Bingci (C-)

Tasuku Iesada def. Ryunosuke Matsuki (C+)

Marat Khoklov def. Nathan Coleman ©

Tadiyuki Kikkawa def. Dan Stone Jr (B-)


Overall Rating





Hello everybody, I'm Seiho Kuroda and this is Hidetada Kazu, and Each week at the Inspire Tour Show, we will be reviewing one of our fighters that fought that night, tonight, we review current Tonight's KoF Challenger, Dan Stone Jr.



Dan Stone Jr.

Dan Stone Jr is the son of the legendary Canadian wrestler and promoter Dan Stone Sr., and is virtually a spitting image of his dad at the same age. Quite simply one of the best wrestlers in the world, Dan is virtually the definitive article when it comes to all-round wrestling; whether it's brawling, technique, or high flying, he can do it all to a world class level. Some of his matches with elder brother Jeremy have been called the greatest of all time by some wrestling journalists.


Title History

Current NOTBPW Tag Team Champion

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Sotatsu Sarumara vs. Jacob Jett

Masaaki Okazaki vs. Takayuki Kohsaka

Dan Stone Jr. vs. Li Bingci

Ryunosuke Matsuki vs. Sean Deeley



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Sotatsu Sarumara vs. Jacob Jett

Sarumara's Got way too much momentum to lose this fight.


Masaaki Okazaki vs. Takayuki Kohsaka

Okazaki is just too good


Dan Stone Jr. vs. Li Bingci

No way Stone loses this match


Ryunosuke Matsuki vs. Sean Deeley

I think it's time for Deeley to win



Russell has nothing on Iesada



Watson's Been looking good lately while Hughes has just been sub-par.

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Referees At Ringside



Doppo Ibu and Yos·hitora Shigemitsu


Announcers at Ringside



Seiho Kuroda and Hidetada Kozu


Middleweight Division



Round 1

The Fighters touch hands and Jett jumps with a wild right hand, that started the crowd up, but Sarumara was able to avoid it. Sarumara ducks under and shoots a takedown. Jett was taken to the ground very hard. Sarumara has him in his web now, and passes to mount with ease. Sarumara is starting to lay down punches and Jett just can't defend them. Jett leaves an arm out and Sarumara locks on to it and forces the tap at 3:12 of Round 1


Result : Sotatsu Sarumara def. Jacob Jett via Ippon (Mounted Arm Lock) @ 3:12 of Round 1



Middleweight Division



Round 1

Kohsaka and Okazaki start circling, and Okazaki is the first to engage with a couple of punches. Kohsaka manages to stop most of them, but some get through. Kohsaka shoots in, but Okazaki makes him eat a punch for his troubles. Okazaki continues with some flurries of punches, and puts Kohsaka in the corner. Kohsaka drops to a knee and takes Okazaki down. Okazaki is on his back and is throwing up punches, But Kohsaka just lays on top and waits out the round.


Round 2

Kohsaka starts up this round strong, and starts throwing punches and kicks to the legs and midsection. That's really starting to take a toll on Okazaki. Okazaki shoots off a leg kick of his own, but Kohsaka catches it and takes Okazaki down a second time. Okazaki again on his back throwing punches, but this time Kohsaka manages to get to side mount. Kohsaka starts hammering down some elbows but Okazaki manages to eventually get out. Kohsaka throws some more punches before another takedown attempt, but Okazaki side steps and the round ends.


Round 3

Okazaki throws a flurry, and Kohsaka steps back. Okazaki comes in but Kohsaka throws a 360 Back Kick that catches Okazaki square across the side of the jaw. Okazaki stumbles to the ground, completely out of it. Kohsaka doesn't even bother following up on it, as Shigemitsu has already called a halt to the action. What an upset !


Result : Takayuki Kohsaka def. Masaaki Okazaki via KO (360 Back Kick) @ 1:03 of Round 3



Middleweight Division



Round 1

Bingci and Stone come to the center and immediately clinch up. Bingci manages to lock on to Double Underhooks and attempts to lift, but can't get it as Stone has already put him to the ropes. Bingci and Stone engage in some dirty boxing and Bingci turns to the outside. Bingci tries to lift again, but still can't get it, and turns to Stone's Back. Stone throws some elbows but Bingci has already wrapped him up and landed a Belly-To-Back Suplex ! Bingci is now on top of him in Turtle Position and throws down a gauntlet of punches and Stone can't defend any of them, Referee Doppo Ibu is watching this closely, and stops the match. Another Huge Upset ! Li Bingci has won this fight by way of TKO in Round 1


Result : Li Bingci def. Dan Stone Jr. via Technical Knockout @ 4:49 of Round 1



Middleweight Division



Round 1

"SUKI" comes in quick and takes some punches for his troubles. Deeley shoots in and takes Matsuki down in a violent manner. Deeley proceeds to land some brutal ground and pound from the side mount, and takes him to the ropes. Deeley continues to hammer down punches and elbows but Matsuki is defending himself well enough to hold on. Deeley eventually locks on to an arm and his neck and spins to the side. Matsuki is turning purple, and taps out to the choke.


Result : Sean Deeley def. Ryunosuke Matsuki via Ippon (Front Choke Lock) @ 4:10 of Round 1




Middleweight Division



Round 1

Iesada comes in with bad intentions throwing some brutal punches and kicks to the mid section and legs. Russell counters some of them with some nice jabs and punches, but Iesada manages to lock a hold of his legs and lifts for a big Slam ! Russell handles it well and pulls guard, but Iesada pulls no punches, throwing all he has into every shot. Russell throws up some arm-locks and triangle holds, but Iesada passes and locks on to a Iesada Special, Russell tries to lift, and slams him down, but Iesada just tightens it and forces the tap out.


Result : Tasuku Iesada def. Billy Russell via Ippon (Iesada Special) @ 4:09 of Round 1




Openweight Division



Round 1

Watson and Hughes immediately meet in the center and start firing off punches in all directions, Watson connects with a big one, but gets staggered back with a left hook from Hughes. Hughes sees it and Waves in with punches, and lands a beautiful one right across the chin of Watson, and a Demolition Left Hook sends him to the canvas and ends the fight at 3:49 of Round 1


Result : Raul Hughes def. Mike Watson via KO (Demolition Left Hook) @ 3:49 of Round 1


Overall Show Results

Sotatsu Sarumara def. Jacob Jett (D+)

Takayuki Kohsaka def. Masaaki Okazaki (C+)

Li Bingci def. Dan Stone Jr. (C-)

Sean Deeley def. Ryunosuke Matsuki (D)

Tasuku Iesada def. Billy Russell (B-) to Win the INSPIRE Middleweight Championship

Raul Hughes def. Mike Watson (C-) to Retain the INSPIRE Openweight Championship


Overall Show Rating





Hello everybody, I'm Seiho Kuroda and this is Hidetada Kazu, and Each week at the Inspire Tour Show, we will be reviewing one of our fighters that fought that night, tonight, we review Title Challenger, "The Calgary Assassin" Mike Watson



Mike Watson

'The Calgary Assassin' Mike Watson was one of the most famous shoot fighters in the world, who was probably the most famous face in the sport during the late 1990s. He eventually made the conversion to pro wrestling, fighting in Japan for BHOTWG, and his natural ability made the crossover look easy. He was a huge success with BHOTWG, but in 2006 was part of the "rebellion" of wrestlers who followed the legendary Tadiyuki Kikkawa in his walk out to form the INSPIRE promotion.


Title History


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Mike Watson vs. Willie York

Masaaki Okazaki vs. Kazu Nagai

Tsurayuki Kamachi vs. Mokuami Maita

Jack Marlowe vs. Roku Sotomura

INSPIRE Openweight Title Raul Hughes vs. Li Bingci

INSPIRE King Of Fighters Title Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs. Tasuku Iesada

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