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WWF 1996: Let The Games Begin.

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Hey guys. My name is Nick Cavalera and this is my first attempt at a diary on here. I'm using BurningHamster's WWF 1996 "The War Begins" Mod, but I've done a little tweaking to it. I'm starting in April, the night after WrestleMania XII. Here's the results, so everyone's caught up.






WWF WrestleMania XII Results:


WWF World Tag Team Title Match

The BodyDonnas b. The Godwinns to win the Vacant WWF World Tag Team Titles


Six Man Tag Team Match

Owen Hart, The British Bulldog & Vader b. Yokozuna, Ahmed Johnson & Jake "The Snake" Roberts when Vader pinned Jake after a Vader Bomb


HollyWood Back Lot Brawl

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper b. Goldust


"The RingMaster" Steve Austin b. Savio Vega


The Ultimate Warrior b. Hunter Hearst-Helmsley in a matter of seconds. This match marked The Warriors return to the WWF after a three year hiatus.


The UnderTaker b. "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel


60 Minute Iron Man Match For The WWF World HeavyWeight Title

"The HeartBreak Kid" Shawn Michaels b. Bret "The HitMan" Hart following a SuperKick. The match went 60 minutes with no falls being scored, when WWF President Gorilla Monsoon called for a "Sudden Death" overtime period and Shawn picked up the victory.





Backstory coming shortly. :D

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So there I was, out having a drink with the likes of The UnderTaker, Yokozuna, Shawn Michaels, Diesel, Hunter Hearst-Helmsley, The 1-2-3 Kid, Aldo Montoya, Jake Roberts, The Godwinns, The BodyDonnas, New WWF Employees Mankind and Marc Mero, Marty Jannetty, Vader, Ted DiBiase, Steve Austin, Roddy Piper, Sable, Sunny, Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Mr. Perfect, Jerry Lawler, Gerald Brisco and Pat Petterson amongst a quite few others at the hotel bar in Downtown Anaheim, directly following WrestleMania Twelve.


Noticeably not there was everyone in the Hart Camp. Bret, Owen, or The British Bulldog. Also, The Ultimate Warrior (who as we all know, has always been kind of a drifter), Goldust, Marlena and Ahmed Johnson.


This was the night that changed my life.


I had been working for the WWF for three years. I've done physical show prep mostly, setting up the ring and such. But throughout my three years working for Vince, I had built quite a reputation for myself. I had pretty much made friends with everybody including Vince, Shawn, Diesel, Hunter, The Harts, Taker, The Brooklyn Brawler, Earl Hebner, and just about anyone and everyone in-between. I've always been a happy-go lucky kind of guy. Kind of like the mayor of a town would present himself in public, if you can picture that. Smile and greet everyone, no matter what. But the biggest reason I would say that I'm so highly accepted in this industry is simply because no matter what the circumstance, I NEVER stuck my nose in anyone else's business.


At this point, its 1:38 am. The hotel bar has agreed to stay open as late as we need, being they are racking up the numbers. I am also a tad bit loopy to say the least. Thats when Vince began to lay it on me.


Vince McMahon: "You know Nick, I've been thinking. You came to me a few weeks back about this idea you had, about perhaps changing the formula into being more adult-orientated. Can you further elaborate?"


Vince had been talking about a staleness in the industry for quite sometime now. Though he had thought things were improving, he had still felt something was missing. Something revolutionary, perhaps.


Nick Cavalera: "Sure Boss. I just feel that we're headed in the right direction at the moment, but with WcW having all the star power they have, we need to be headed in the right direction.... at full speed. Which, in my opinion, we're only doing the speed limit. We need to start driving wrecklessly. Extremely wrecklessly. We need to be more on the edge, and relate more to the people."


Vince McMahon: "Go on."


Nick Cavalera: "Well, picture your everyday guy, perhaps in his thirties. In most circumstances, they're married or at least well on track to be. Maybe they're an electrician, maybe they work on Wall Street, maybe they supervise a McDonalds somewhere. It really doesnt matter. Now, not saying they dont lead great lives, or love their families, but for them its pretty much the same routine everyday. Go to work, dream of laying out your boss, come home, then wanna to put a gun to your head half the time thanks to your screaming children and nagging wife. Now, obviously he cant lay out his boss because he needs to provide for his family. He cant put a gun to his head, because he loves them dearly."


Vince McMahon: "Uh huh."


Nick Cavalera: "Now my point being.... if we put on a show, where we not only focussed on great technical wrestling in the ring, but also the elements of this man and his everyday life, I think we would have The Golden Product. Picture this. Vince McMahon - on screen heel boss, consistantly screwing Shawn. Then finally, Shawn SuperKicks Vince! On television! Now you're telli....."


Gerald Brisco: "Are you saying that YOU wanna SuperKick Mr. MacMahon?"


Gerald Brisco was one of the guys I hated, for obvious reasons. Just because I am friendly with everyone Does Not mean I like them. And if theres one thing I hate, its a brown-noser.


Nick Cavalera: "Hahaha No Gerry. In fact, I'm just trying to relate to the everyday guy. Then the next week, you have security come and ban him from the arena, maybe he even finds a way back in, and the storyline goes on. In an edgy way. Furthermore, we can add more surprises on RaW, but without giving everything completely away. Once in a while, maybe have a title change hands on television as it adds to the element of surprise."


Vince McMahon: "You've got my ear kid, continue."


Nick Cavalera: "Then on top of all that, we add more sex appeal."


Gerald Brisco: "The boys gotta point. Like it or not, sex does sell Mr. MacMahon."


Thanks, Captain Obvious.


Nick Cavalera: "You know, maybe have The King host a bikini contest between Sable and Sunny and let the audience be the judge. More gimmick matches, more storyline involvement outside the ring, things like that. A modern day extreme soap opera. Basically everything we've been touching up on and are doing as of late.... with a bit more 'Attitude' added on to it."


To Be Continued . . . . . .

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The next day, as we all met for lunch, I helped the booking team plan tonights RaW. Vince had told them to listen and listen good to me, as I might have something here. Vince Russo was the unofficial head booker for us, and he had told me that once we arrive at the arena tonight, The Boss wanted the two of us to meet him in his office.


What could all this mean?

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I sit anxiously aside Vince Russo, in the McMahon office. Beside him, are his two chronies. And his son Shane, who I love like a brother.


Vince McMahon: "Greetings gentleman. Its apparant that I've called the two of you in here for a reason, so lets cut right to the chase. The two of you both have great minds for this business and seem to think somewhat along the same track. And with the fact of the matter being that the business itself needs to go through an evolutionary change, I am appointing the two of you with a Co-Head Booker position."


I looked over at Russo who didnt give any kind of reaction at all, nor did he even look my way. This was the position he had worked so hard for. And even though in theory, he was more the 'Leader' of the booking team, nothing was official and hadnt been for a while.


Vince McMahon: "Now, clearly everything still has to go through me. I, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, do still have the final say. However, I am putting all my faith into the two of you because I trust you. I truly believe the two of you have what it takes to create a monster. A monster that will run that No Good Son Of A Bitch straight to the unemployment line!"


I couldnt tell if he was speaking of Lex Luger or Ted Turner here. He seemed to hate them both equally.


Vince McMahon: "Now gentleman, the two of you have a show to put on tonight. Lets get out there and kick some Billionaire Ted Butt! And remember, if you need anything... you know where to find me."


So thats it. Thats how it all happened, in a nutshell.


Upon discussing the future a bit with Vince Russo, we both seemed to be on the same page.... for the most part anyway. We mutally agreed that Shawn Michaels does make for a fine World HeavyWeight Champion at the moment. We both agreed that burying Hunter Hearst-Helmsley last night at WrestleMania wanst the best of ideas, as we both feel he has an extremely bright future here. We understand that it was the triumphant return of The Ultimate Warrior, but having Helmsley bounce back strong might be a little rough at this stage. That was McMahons decision. We both agreed also that Steve Austin has a gift and could make a major impact if handled properly. In what way, we're not sure yet. But rest assured, Steve has our eye. We also both agree that the tag team division needs to be cranked up rather heavily.


And though he seemed to be a bit high on Jeff Jarrett, I find him rather bland as an entertainer myself. Talented, yes... but bland otherwise. Either way, it seems the two of us can create this monster that Vince speaks of. But can Russo find it in his heart to work with a guy who has virtually no experience in this field whatsoever?


I guess only time will tell.

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Live from the Anaheim Convention Center

Anaheim, California


This Monday Night on RaW, we will hear from the New WWF Champion himself "The HeartBreak Kid" Shawn Michaels! What will he have to say about FINALLY living his boyhood dream?!?


Also, we will be seeing The UnderTaker in action against "The RingMaster" Steve Austin. Both men scored impressive victories for themselves last night at WrestleMania. Will Steve Austin shine in the spotlight and score the most impressive victory to date in his short lived career here? Or will he join the list of many.... and be put six feet laid to waste?


WWF President Gorilla Monsoon has granted The Godwinns a rematch with The BodyDonnas from last nights WrestleMania as well. With the Tag Team Titles on the line!


Plus, The Ultimate Warrior returns to RaW!!


All this and much, much more!





Quick Picks (if anyone besides me is actually reading hahaha):


WWF Tag Team Title Match:

The Godwinns v The BodyDonnas ©


"WildMan" Marc Mero v The 1-2-3 Kid


Yokozuna & Ahmed Johnson v Vader & The British Bulldog


The UnderTaker v "The RingMaster" Steve Austin

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The Godwinns v The BodyDonnas © - Sunny's with the Donnas at the point, yeah?


"WildMan" Marc Mero v The 1-2-3 Kid - Go Kid go!


Yokozuna & Ahmed Johnson v Vader & The British Bulldog - Rule Britannia!


The UnderTaker v "The RingMaster" Steve Austin - can see this being screwy, possibly even with Warrior interference here to kick off a feud with one or both of these guys.


I loved the WWF at this point, so will be really interested to see what you do here - good start, keep it up!

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Thanks guys. Yeah, I'm a new member. Been reading on here for a while though, so I guess you can say I've been studing at the feet of the masters lol. I know there's at least two WWF 1996 (and a WcW 1996) diaries already and they're all great reads, but this is prolly my favorite era as well. Especially heading into 1997 and 1998.


Yes, Sunny is with the 'Donnas at this point.


I'll post a roster/info page shortly.



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WWF Tag Team Title Match:

The Godwinns v The BodyDonnas ©


"WildMan" Marc Mero v The 1-2-3 Kid


Yokozuna & Ahmed Johnson v Vader & The British Bulldog


The UnderTaker v "The RingMaster" Steve Austin


Interesting backstory will be reading this. KUTGW.

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WWF World HeavyWeight Champion: Shawn Michaels

WWF InterContinental Champion: Goldust

WWF World Tag Team Champions: The BodyDonnas (Skip & Zip)



WWF Roster




Main Eventers

Bret "The HitMan" Hart

The British Bulldog

"Big Daddy Cool" Diesel

"The Bad Guy" Razor Ramon

"The HeartBreak Kid" Shawn Michaels

The UnderTaker

The Ultimate Warrior



Upper Midcarders

Ahmed Johnson


Jake "The Snake" Roberts


"The King Of Harts" Owen Hart




The 1-2-3 Kid

Bart Gunn

Billy Gunn


"Make A Difference" Fatu

Henry O. Godwinn

Hunter Hearst-Helmsley

Jeff Jarrett

"The Supreme Fighting Machine" Kama

Leif Cassidy

"WildMan" Marc Mero

Marty Jannetty

Phinneas I. Godwinn

Savio Vega


"The RingMaster" Steve Austin




Lower Midcarders

Bob "Spark Plugg" Holly

"The Nature Boy" Buddy Landell

Duke "The Dumpster" Droese

"The White Angel" Hakushi



"The Portuguese Man O War" Aldo Montoya

Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw


Enhancement Talent

Barry Horowitz

The Brooklyn Brawler

Rad Radford


Occasional Wrestlers



"Rowdy" Roddy Piper




Hillbilly Jim (Henry O. Godwinn, Phinneas I. Godwinn)

James E. Cornette (Owen Hart, The British Bulldog, Vader)

Marlena (Goldust)

Paul Bearer (The UnderTaker)

Sable (Marc Mero)

Sunny (Skip, Zip)

Ted DiBiase (The 1-2-3 Kid, Kama, Steve Austin, Tatanka)

Uncle Zebekiah (Justin Hawk Bradshaw)

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WWF Tag Team Title Match:

The Godwinns v The BodyDonnas ©

The Donnas just won the titles, and I don't think they'll lose them just yet


"WildMan" Marc Mero v The 1-2-3 Kid

Mero gets the win in his debut.


Yokozuna & Ahmed Johnson v Vader & The British Bulldog

I find Vader & Bulldog to be awesome, and I find Yokozuna & Johnson useless at this point. Plus, Cornette's clients never lose!


The UnderTaker v "The RingMaster" Steve Austin

As big as Austin will be someday, he's just not big enough to beat 'Taker at this point.


Interesting stuff here man, good luck!

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WWF Monday Night RaW

Live From The Anaheim Convention Center

Anaheim, California

10,000 in Attendance - Sell Out


Announcers - Vince McMahon & Jerry "The King" Lawler


Overall Rating - C+





WrestleMania Recap Video


Raw kicks off with a video highlighting all the events that took place at last nights WrestleMania, including The Triumphant Return Of The Ultimate Warrior (and his mauling of Hunter Hearst-Helmsley), The UnderTakers huge victory over "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel and Shawn Michaels finally living out his boyhood dream by defeating Bret Hart in a 60 Minute Iron Man Match to capture the WWF World HeavyWeight Title.


The announcers also plug the fact that we'll be hearing from Shawn right here tonight.







WWF World Tag Team Title Match

The BodyDonnas © b. The Godwinns

The BodyDonnas defeated The Godwinns in 6:11 when Zip defeated Phinneas I. Godwinn by pinfall after a distraction from Sunny.


** The BodyDonnas make Defense Number 1 of their WWF World Tag Team Titles **


WWF President Gorilla Monsoon granted the Godwinns a rematch after last nights WrestleMania. Near the end, they seemed to have things under control when Phinneas had Skip setup for the Slop Drop. Just then, Sunny jumped on the apron and she FLASHED Phinneas! (Too bad she did it with her back to the camera) Phinneas then made the mistake of dropping Skip without executing the move and began walking towards her. With Sunny being restrained by the ref as well, this gave the BodyDonnas the moment they needed to make the switch. Zip rolled up Phinneas from behind just as the ref turned back around, using a handful of tights to score the three count.







Todd Pettengill is backstage with Hunter Hearst-Helmsley


Todd Pettengill: Greetings folks! I'm Todd Pettengill and I'm standing by here with Hunter Hearst-Helmsley who suffered a crushing defeat last night at the hands of the Ultimate Wa....


Hunter Hearst-Helmsley: A crusing defeat?!? What happened last night was a miscarriage of justice! Nobody could have prepared for the Warrior last night, because he's fallen off the face of the earth for the last three years! So what happened you might ask? He came out in the best shape of his life and still, I almost came out on top! And if it wasnt for that lowly wench Sable, I would be standing here right now victorious! And speaking of Sable, I gotta little bone to pick with a man by the name of Marc Mero. Mero, you think you can just prance into the World Wrestling Federation and stick your nose in Hunter Hearst-Helmsleys business? Well, in just a few short weeks at In Your House, I'm gonna make it my personal responsibility to teach you what its like when you stick that beak of yours where it doesnt belong!







The 1-2-3 Kid b. "WildMan" Marc Mero

The 1-2-3 Kid defeated "WildMan" Marc Mero in 6:45 by pinfall. During the match we also had Hunter Hearst Helmsley run in and attack Mero.


This was Meros debut match, and he looked impressive to say the least. He and the Kid seemed to play off each other well, as Mero hit a spectacular move that Vince McMahon referred to as the Merosault. At one point, when the Kid was outside the ring, Mero also took a lunging suicide dive through the ropes, taking the Kid down to the concrete. The match came to a close when Hunter Hearst-Helmsley came down to the ring and began harassing Sable (who had accompanied Mero down to the ring). Mero, who had just dropped the Kid flat on his back with a devastating Samoan Drop, began to walk towards Helmsley. Just at that moment, on the opposite end of the ring, Ted DiBiase jumped up onto the apron and the ref ran over to restrain him. Mero reached through the ropes and grabbed Hunter by the hair, much to Sables delight. But, right then, Helmsley waffled Mero with his walking cane, snapping it in two pieces. With Mero dazed, and the Kid back up to his feet, the Kid seized the opportunity and hit the 1-2-3 Kick to pick up the big victory here.







Vince McMahon welcomes back The Ultimate Warrior


Vince McMahon is standing in the ring with a microphone.


Vince McMahon: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome... The ULLLTIMATE WAAARIOR!!


The Ultimate Warrior explodes out from the back, like a freight train. He does his usual schpeal as the crowd erupts, before joining Vince in the ring.


Vince McMahon: Warrior, on behalf of myself, the World Wrestling Federation and the millions of little Warriors around the world..... Welcome Back!! But the question burning inside everybodys mind is, where have you been?


Ultimate Warrior: For Three Long Years, The Warrior has been conscending to the Heavens and strengthening the spirit within. The Gods above have taken me on a journey into an origin where which no man has ever gone before. And throughout that time, there was one thing that gave me the power to complete this journey, and that was you my Warriors! I heard the calls, I heard the cries and it was therefore I chose this day to head your calls! Now is the time my friends, now is the time to destroy all who stand in our way and take the power handed down upon us and use it to once again fulfill our deeeeeestiny!!


Vince McMahon: Ladies and gentlemen, The Ulti........







Camp Cornette blindsides The Warrior


The music of the British Bulldog is then heard throughout the arena. He makes his way out to the ramp, alongside James E. Cornette, who is holding a microphone and begins to speak.


James E. Cornette: Hold up a second there musclehead, you think you can just waltz in here and fulfill your so called destiny just because these morons cheer you? Allow me to introduce myself to you Warrior, my name is James E. Cornette and I manage the three toughest son of a guns this company has to offer! Take a look at this man, he's bigger than you, he's smarter than you and he's by far a better wrestler than you! Now we'd like to lay out a challenge for In Your House and if you can say something that all of us can actually understand, I suggest you accept our challenge, otherwise you're gonna have more problems than you know what to do with pal! And furthermo......


Ultimate Warrior: I AAACCCCCCEEE......


James E. Cornette: Hahahahahahahaha! Take that ya big dumb idiot!


Just then, the Warrior gets nailed from behind, right over the back with a lead pipe! The camera angle then switches over to reveal that its Owen Hart!! The Warrior drops to one knee, as Owen slowly walks around and faces him. He's wearing an arrogant smile as he can be heard yelling, "Hows this for Triumphant Return?" before driving the pipe straight down on the Warriors skull. He appears to be out cold, as the Bulldog and Cornette are laughing atop the entrance ramp. But before long, Ahmed Johnson comes flying out from the back and begins unloading on the Bulldog! He then whips him into the steel barrier before sprinting towards the ring, where Owen hightails it. The damage has been done, as Ahmed attends to his fallen friend.







A "Shattered Dreams" Production


We cut to a pre-taped promo where Goldust and Marlena sit, while his music plays at minimal volume in the background.


Goldust: "I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass!" - Rowdy Roddy Piper

They Live - 1988


Oh Roddy, what a pleasure it was last night when you tore my drawers off and held them up high for all to see. I had goosebums, I had this flame running through my veins, much of the likes I have never quite felt before. So, even though you may have won the battle on paper, on the silver screen there was only one real winner. And that was yours truly shhhhhhhhhhhh............ Goooooollllllddduuuuuusssttt...


Marlena: And furthermore, we'd like to send out an open challenge to anyone who thinks they can step in the ring with this man, and take this title off his waist.


Goldust: Win, lose or draw Mr. Mysterious Man, one things for certain.


You will never forget the name .... sssshhhhhhhh ....


Goooldust ........







Vader & The British Bulldog b. Yokozuna & Ahmed Johnson

Vader and the British Bulldog defeated Yokozuna and Ahmed Johnson in 7:44 when Vader defeated Yokozuna by pinfall.


Four powerhouses, one ring. This match consisted of pretty much nothing but sheer strength and determination to come out on top. Vader looked good out there on this night, as he seemed to overpower both Yokozuna and Ahmed Johnson at times, leaving the Bulldog to hammer away on their weakend bodies. However at one point in the match, when Ahmed was looking to make a hot tag to Yokozuna, the Bulldog sent him into the ropes and put his head down, looking for a big back body drop. When Ahmed bounced back, he drilled the Bulldog with the Pearl River Plunge...... but Vader came in and broke up the pinfall attempt. This brought Yokozuna into the ring as well, and he came toe to toe with Vader, much to the enjoyment of the crowd. The Bulldog and Ahmed eventually did the same and Ahmed clotheslined the Bulldog over the top rope, only to take their battle to the outside. In the ring, Yokozuna hit Vader with a "Boss Man Slam" and pulled him into the corner. As he set up for the Bonzai Drop, the Bulldog jumped on the apron with Cornettes tennis racket and hammered Yokozuna with it right between the eyes, causing him to fall down hard off the second rope, onto the canvas. Vader, who had moved out of the way just in time, capitalized on the opportunity and hit the Vader Bomb to record the victory for his team. And to think, neither man was actually legal.







Dok Hendrix is backstage with The Smokin' Gunns


Dok Hendrix: Good evening folks! My name is Dok Hendrix and standing here alongside me are the Smokin' Gunns, who requested this time. I'm sure all these people wanna know, as do I, what exactly is it that you boys have on your mind here tonight?


Billy Gunn: You know Dok, my brother and I here have been keeping a close eye on the Tag Team Title situation here, and we mean no disrespect to the Godwinns, but following two defeats in the last twenty-four hours, we feel its time for you boys to step aside and let a new team compete for those titles. Aint that right, Bart?


Bart Gunn: Oh, thats right! Lets face it boys, you guys just arent championship material. So with that in mind, BodyDonnas, consider this fair warning. You better appreciate those titles now being you aint gonna be holdin on to 'em too much longer.


Billy Gunn: Watch your backs boys, cause we're gunnin' for ya!







The New Rockers ambush The Smokin' Gunns


Just then, out of nowhere The New Rockers attack the Gunns from behind and begin hammering away on them. Marty Jannetty wraps a production chord around Billy Gunns neck, as Leif Cassidy hits Bart Gunn right in the head with a metal garbage can. They continue the assault a bit more, by putting the boots to the Gunns before double high-fiving and walking off the screen, leaving the Smokin' Gunns down and out with their message being quite well sent.







A Video is shown, hyping the debut of a man known as Brian Pillman


Yes folks, the "Loose Cannon" is on his way! :D







The UnderTaker b. "The RingMaster" Steve Austin

The UnderTaker defeated Steve Austin in 5:43 when Steve Austin was disqualified when Mankind ran in and attacked The UnderTaker.


Unfortunately, the outing between these two incredible superstars was cut drastically short. Just about a minute in, as these two were sizing each other up, the strange new superstar whom we've been seeing extremely odd promos for, Mankind made his way down to ringside. The two men noticed him, as he seemed to be standing outside observing, but continued on with their battle. Mankind however, was causing a major distraction to everyone around the area, including the two combatants in the ring, as he was screaming like a maniac and ripping his own hair out of his head. At one point, Steve Austin had sent the UnderTaker into the ropes, when Mankind grabbed him by the foot. The UnderTaker then turned his attention towards this freak of nature and gave him the stare of the reaper. Steve Austin, clueless as to what was going on here, actually stood side by side with 'Taker and started trash talking Mankind, telling him to take a walk. Austin then proceeded to lean over the top rope, putting his finger in Mankinds face... but he turned around right into the vice-gripping hand of the UnderTaker! Just as he had Austin set up for the ChokeSlam, Mankind slid under the bottom rope and attacked the UnderTaker from behind, causing the outright disqualification. He planted the UnderTaker with a Double-Arm DDT, as Austin slid out of the ring and started backtracking up the ramp with DiBiase. He seemed to have wanted to go back towards the ring, but DiBiase looked to be advising him not to. Mankind went to the outside and tore off the top half of the steel ring steps. When he re-entered the ring, as the UnderTaker had just gotten to his feet, he cracked him square in the kisser, butsing him wide open. With the UnderTaker down, Mankind then jammed his fingers into his mouth, in what appeared to be a very strange, yet painful hold. He was screaming like a deranged maniac, and refused to break the hold. Eventually, road agents and officials had to come down to ringside and physically remove Mankind off of the UnderTaker. Mankind headed towards the back smiling and screaming, as Paul Bearer lifted the urn and the UnderTaker actually sat up! He had some blood dripping down his face from the steel steps and got back up to his feet, though he could barely walk. He headed towards the back, clearly in a trance of some sort, looking for this deranged individual.







Vince McMahon interviews "The HeartBreak Kid" Shawn Michaels


We go to the ring, where Vince McMahon is standing by.


Vince McMahon: Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the NNNEEEWWW WWF Champion! The HeartBreak Kid Shawn Michaels!


The crowd erupts, as Shawn makes his grand entrance.


Vince McMahon: Well Shawn, let me be the first to say... Congratulations!


Shawn Michaels: Thank you, VinMan. You know, last night without a doubt, was theee single greatest night in the career of the HeartBreak Kid, and I couldnt have done it without the KLiQ behind me every step of the way! But I realize that this piece of tin right here means that its a whole new ballgame for Good Ol' HBK! Since I was a young lad, I've had this dream of becoming the WWF Champion, but now the dream has become a reality. And with that reality comes change. That change being, no longer am I the hunter ... but rather the hunted. I realize that every single superstar behind that curtain, from Bret "The HitMan" Hart to Barry "Watch Out For The School Boy" Horowitz is gunnin' .... for me. And thats just fine and dandy, Vince. I promise to be an honorable and fighting champion, much like Bret Hart was, and anyone ... ANYONE who wants a piece of the champ, please dont hesitate to come down here and make a name for yourself as being the very first superstar to get their teeth kicked straight down their throat at the hands of the New World Wrestling Federation Champion!


Vince McMahon: Ladies and gentlemen, The HeartBreak Ki....







Diesel attacks Shawn Michaels from behind


"Big Daddy Cool" Diesel enters the ring through the crowd, sporting a Shawn Michaels T-Shirt and a pair of blue jeans. He spins Michaels around and delivers a huge boot straight to the jaw, dropping him to the mat. Diesel then takes the WWF Title and waits for Shawn to get to his feet. Just as he does, Diesel mows him down from across the ring, nearly turning Shawn inside out. From there, he picked Shawn up by the hair and planted him with a Jacknife for good measure. With Shawn out cold in the dead center of the ring, Diesel once again picked up the WWF Title, this time looking at it for a moment. He then threw the title down on Shawns chest as his music hit. RaW comes to a close with Diesel stepping over the top rope and heading towards the back, with a devious grin planted across his face.







Fade To Black . . . . .

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The Monday Night War

Comparison: April Week One






Quick Results


The BodyDonnas b. The Godwinns to retain the WWF Tag Team Titles.

The 1-2-3 Kid b. "WildMan" Marc Mero

Vader & The British Bulldog b. Yokozuna & Ahmed Johnson

The UnderTaker b. "The RingMaster" Steve Austin via disqualification.









Quick Results


Madusa Micelli b. Sister Sherri

"Dirty" Dick Slater b. Marcus Bagwell

Ric Flair & The Giant b. Harlem Heat

The Road Warriors b. Lex Luger & Sting

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Oh, and a side note about SuperStars. It is a B-Show, so I plan to use it as one - which will prolly get it thrown off the air immediately lol. I'm in negotiations with quite a few up-and-comers so the show itself will prolly be a bit more interesting in the coming weeks.


The results are also gonna be more summarized and less detailed, as I'm highlighting the show with a lot of recap videos from RaW, etc.


Ok, thats all.

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Its 3:23 pm on Thursday, the day we actually tape the SuperStars show. I'm in my office looking a few things over and pondering some ideas when my newly appointed partner came stormin' through the door.


Vince Russo: "Did ya get it?"


Nick Cavalera: "Get what?"


Vince Russo: "This!!"


What he had thrown down on my desk was a list of "Owner Goals" along with a time frame of which to achieve them in and an estimated rating of how important each one was, as compared to each other. Even though Vince had put his trust in us, it was becoming very abundant that he still wanted things done his way when push came to shove. The list read as follows:


Critical - When the time expires, the WWF must have improved on its promotion ranking of #2 - 23 months, 3 weeks


High - You cannot hire any wrestler who already works for a Cult size promotion or above - 17 months, 3 weeks


Average - You cannot hire anybody who is classed as a Luchador - 21 months, 3 weeks


Average - You cannot hire or extend the contract of any wrestler who is rated as having less then a C- in toughness, as listed on our spreadsheet - 23 months, 3 weeks


Nick Cavalera: "I dont see THAT much of a problem here, Mr. Russo. I mean, we're not Mexico, so the Luchador thing is fine by me and we dont want anyone who isnt tough enough for this company. Whether that be physically or mentally now do we?"


Vince Russo: "No, if they cant handle this business inside the ring, or outside the ring then they're most certainly not welcome here. But forget all that right now, and lets take a look at whats important. We have roughly two years to climb atop that ladder and dethrone WcW because this country aint big enough for the both of us. In September of last year, when they were offered a Prime Time slot by TNT, they chose to go head to head up against us, and by doing so.... they officially declared war. And hey, I give them credit where credits due, take a look at their roster."


Nick Cavalera: "I know, its loaded."


Vince Russo: "Indeed it is, but aside from Luger, Sting, the Giant and Flair..... everyone of their top draws reached the height of their popularity while working here. Some may argue that Luger and Flair even did as well. Which is the advantage we have, at this point. We need to continue to CREATE superstars because if we can successfully do that, there is no doubt in my mind we can win this war. Believe me, time will run its course on guys like Savage, Hogan and Flair, and when it does.... guys like Jarrett, Austin and Hunter will be the cream of the crop."


There he goes with that "Jarrett" stuff again.


Nick Cavalera: "Hey, lets not forget about Brian Pillman. They dont call him the 'Loose Cannon' for nothing you know. And this guy might have just what we seem to be lookin' for at the moment 'Attitude' wise. Plus, his in-ring ability is phenomenal."


Vince Russo: "Yes, I know. See, now you're thinkin' kid. Yet another hopeless wonder, who go lost in the shuffle down south. I see big things in ths kid, and here's what I was thinking we do with him upon his debut . . . "


And so the meeting of the minds continued. And the war was officially underway.

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Thanks for the predictions and feedback guys. The SuperStars Card, amongst maybe a few other things should be up tonight. I got my wisdom teeth pulled today and I'm bored. :(


Haha if I have the best WWF Diary on the board after just one card, I highly suggest looking into these (I'm monumentally sorry if I missed anyone) . . . I mean no disrespect.


WWF 1998: From Montreal To Attitude

WWF 1996: Winning The War

WWF 1992: The Year That Wasn't

WWF 1991: Rise To Perfection


And more recently surfacing, JDs WWF: 2002 seems to have a lot of potential as well.


Those are just some of my personal faves. And have highly inspired me. :cool:

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WWF SuperStars

Pre-Taped (Airs On Sunday) From The Antelope Gymnasium

Grand Canyon University, Nevada

2,000 in Attendance - Sell Out


Announcers - Vince McMahon, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper & Jim Ross


Overall Rating - D+





A Video is shown, recapping all the events that transpired last Sunday at WrestleMania XII.



A Graphic is shown, hyping the fact that we will hear from Bret "The HitMan" Hart tomorrow night on RaW.



Crush defeated Barry Horowitz in 4:15 by pinfall with a Twilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker.



A RaW Recap Video is shown, replaying Diesels sneak attack on Shawn Michaels.



Shawn Michaels cut a pre-taped promo on Diesel.



Marc Mero cut a pre-taped promo on Hunter Hearst-Helmsley.



Vader defeated "The Portuguese Man O War" Aldo Montoya in 2:34 by pinfall with a VaderBomb.



Vader continued the assualt on Aldo Montoya following the match, hitting two more VaderBombs, as ordered by Cornette. As he went for a third, Yokozuna charged the ring, as Vader and Cornette were quick to retreat.



A RaW Recap Video is shown, replaying Mankinds ruthless attack on the UnderTaker.



Mankind cut a pre-taped promo on the UnderTaker, from a Boiler Room somewhere.



Steve Austin & Ted DiBiase cut a pre-taped promo, stating that, like it or not, Austin is the next shining star in this business.



The New Rockers defeated The Bushwhackers in 7:40 when Marty Jannetty defeated Luke by pinfall with a Reverse PowerBomb.



A RaW Recap Video is shown, highlighting Owen Harts outright ambush of the Ultimate Warrior and Ahmed Johnson running in to make the save.



Owen Hart, The British Bulldog & James E. Cornette cut a pre-taped promo on the Ultimate Warrior & Ahmed Johnson.



Jake "The Snake" Roberts defeated Tatanka in 10:17 by pinfall following botched interference by Ted DiBiase and a DDT.



Jake Roberts unleashed Lucifer (Damiens younger brother) on Tatankas fallen body and celebrates his win in the ring, as SuperStars goes off the air.


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Name TBD.

Live (Sunday Week Four) From A Venue And City TBD.

And Only On Pay Per View.







Confirmed Matches:

Nothing is ever officially confirmed, unless you see it here first.





WWF InterContinental Title Match:


http://s172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/G%20Images/th_Goldust8.jpg v http://s172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/U%20Images/th_Unknown.jpg





Grudge Match:


http://s172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/T%20Images/th_Triple_H40.jpg v http://s172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/M%20Images/th_Marc_Mero4.jpg

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