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couple of questions regarding roster size

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I finally hit global with USPW. Weeeeee. :)


Now after jumping from cult directly to global, I need to assemble a much bigger roster than I had before. This is made even more difficult as Alicia Strong doesnt allow me to sign any workers that currently work for a cult or higher promotion. There for I have to hire a ton of totally unknowns. And I only have 90 minutes of TV time every week. Need to get another show as soon as possible. Now my questions:


I think I've read that my women's division counts towards the min amount of workers. Does that mean that I can deduct them from the total amount needed even though the "ideal roster" screen says I require x more? Plus do people under a development deal count?

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I finally hit global with USPW. Weeeeee. :)



I think I've read that my women's division counts towards the min amount of workers. Does that mean that I can deduct them from the total amount needed even though the "ideal roster" screen says I require x more? Plus do people under a development deal count?


1. yes 2. no

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Ooops.... after just one show I dropped back down to cult. My first show after hitting global sadly just scored a B. Looking at the numbers I dropped 1.2 points in pop. I hadn't had any new workers signed yet, because my show was one day after I had risen to global and the negotiations had not taken place yet. So did I drop that much because of my small roster or are B graded shows that bad at global?
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You just recieved the "Too few workers penalty" which will give you a popularity penalty more than enough to lower you to Cult:) It will take you 6 months to go back to National/International/Global


At least next time before you reached National, you will be able to have enough workers

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ahh... that really hurt..... now I gotta wait 6 months to get back to cult.... I better make sure to have a big enough roster before I reach that level the next time... when I saw that I need more workers I went ahead and entered a lot of negotiations... but as said I had a show before I could sign anyone.
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