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Parent Comnpany?

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Ok i am now a parent company to MAW. the question i have is why does MAW dismiss or fire a wrestler on there roster when i send one to train. this has happened ever time i sent someone to train.


A little back story on my Promotion. My player was trained by Rip and wrestled for him for years. Well My player won the Florida lottery and no opened his own company. On the way to making my promotion i donated 5 million to MAW to help them out and say thanks to Rip. So a few years Later we wind up being a parent company.

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Because the worker you send down to MAW goes over their roster limit, so they release one of their own workers.


Exactly. Those recommended roster sizes are really more than recommendations to the AI. They are what the AI will target. That doesn't seem to apply with non-wrestlers, though. With RIPW in my SWF game, I have enough wrestlers in development that they have no contracted wrestlers.

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But you do get a penalty if you play yourself, and don't have the ideal roster size (?) So it's not only for the AI ;)


True. But I meant going over the recommendations. It seems like the bigger AI promotions will go over the recommendations, but not by a lot - they don't bloat up the roster like users often will. And with smaller promotions, they tend to be even tighter in that regard - likely for money reasons.

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thanks for the info but it seems strange to me. Knowing MAW is not paying for just seems they should get there guys and have the few i send down to train.


Well, The AI looks at from a business perspective. Since they can only have so many workers used per show, what's the point of having significantly more than that number? Especially as some of those may have downside agreements, meaning that they get paid even if they don't work. Its good business to get rid of the unneeded workers.

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