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The Wrestling World. 1997. WCW/WWF

Guest KingOfKings

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Guest KingOfKings

Hi all, Cenafan and i have decided to do a split diary using the 1997 wrestling era. I will be controlling the WWF and he will be using WCW. This is taking place right after Survivor Series 97, right after the infamous Montreal Screwjob....


WWF Circa 1997


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The WWF may be in HUGE trouble. After the Survivor Series and the screwjob of beloved fan favorite Bret Hart, They could lose fans and popularity to rival WCW. Bret Hart has quickly jumped ship, and Vince McMahon is counting on Shawn Micheals to carry the load of the company.


But that is'nt to say the WWF is totally defeated. With stars like Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, Kane, The Undertaker, Mankind and others, the WWF still has a chance to be the top company in the world.


With a new booker in place and new stars on the horizon, the WWF looks to bounce back from a disaster and bring in a new era of attitude!


Up next will be Cenafans introduction to WCW, then i shall post a quick rundown of the company, and then the first Raw Is War Preview!!... We hope you all enjoy!

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World Championship Wrestling

December 1997



At WCW Bash at the Beach 1996, the immortal Hulk Hogan turned his back on wrestling fans across the globe by joining forces with two outsiders - Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. They formed what is now known as the new World order (nWo). They have had huge momentum through the remainder of 1996 and all the way through 1997, but with the recent emergence of the Four Horsemen, WCW looks to finally bring back the traditionalist wrestling fans.


Also, earlier this year, Sting returned by appearing in the rafters and acting as a "watcher" over all events. He has recently begun what many claim to be the biggest feud in wrestling history as he, representing WCW, continues to feud with Hollywood Hulk Hogan, representing the nWo. With Starrcade only weeks away, this leaves many to wonder where the company is headed and whether they can maintain the current ratings war streak with the "other" company.


Not to mention, there have been whispers of the appearance of a certain... Hitman.


The rundown of WCW should be up soon, highlighting the current roster and champions.

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Guest KingOfKings

WWF Current Roster


(Heels In Red, Faces In Blue)


Main Eventers


Triple H

The Rock


Shawn Michaels

Jeff Jarrett


Ahmed Johnson

Ken Shamrock


Owen Hart

Stone Cold Steve Austin

The Undertaker


Upper Midcarders


Road Warrior Animal

Road Warrior Hawk

Steve Blackman



Billy Gunn



Kama Mustafa

Marc Mero

Road Dogg

Savio Vega





Brian Christopher


D-LO Brown

Henry O. Goodwin


Phineas I. Goodwin



Bart Gunn

Blackjack Windham

Flash Flanagan

Flash Funk

Justin Bradshaw


Super Loco

TAKA Michinoku



Lower Midcarders


Bob Holly

Leif Cassidy



Jesus Castillo Jr.

Jose Estrada


Miguel Perez Jr.





Mark Henry



Barry Horowitz


Scott Taylor


Enhacement Talent


Tiger Ali Singh

Devon Storm

Prince Albert


WWF Champions


WWF Champion: Shawn Michaels

WWF Intercontinental: Stone Cold Steve Austin

WWF European: Shawn Michaels

WWF Tag Team: New Age Outlaws


Up Next Will be the preview for the first RAW IS WAR!!

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Guest KingOfKings

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It's the first RAW after Survivor Series and new WWF Heavyweight Champion the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels will be in the building, along with DX of course. What will the new champion have to say about the controversial finish to Survivor Series last night?. Also, will a new challenger step up to the title?


Intercontinental Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin will also be in action against the strange one, Goldust. Will the Texas Rattlesnake be able to hold on to his Intercontinental Championship?


Kane will be taking on japanese import TAKA Michinoku, will the Undertaker be anywhere around?


Also in the building will be Owen Hart, The New Age Outlaws and many more!!


Quick Picks


LOD Vs. New Age Outlaws

Ken Shamrock Vs. D'lo Brown

Stone Cold Vs. Goldust

Rock Vs. Ahmed Johnson

Kane Vs. TAKA Michinoku

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Vader

Owen Hart Vs. Triple H



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World Championship Wrestling

Roster as of Week 1, December 1997





Main Eventers

Diamond Dallas Page

Lex Luger

Ric Flair


The Giant

Hollywood Hulk Hogan

Kevin Nash

Randy Savage

Scott Hall



Upper Midcarders

Booker T

Rick Steiner

Scott Steiner

The British Bulldog

Buff Bagwell

Curt Hennig





Brian Knobbs

Chris Benoit

Chris Jericho

Dean Malenko



Jerry Saggs

Jim Duggan

Jim Neidhart

John Tenta

Ray Traylor

Rey Mysterio Jr.

Stevie Ray

Ultimo Dragon

Alex Wright

Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Dave Taylor

Disco Inferno

Earl Robert Eaton

Eddy Guerrero

Hugh Morrus

Juventud Guerrera



Michael Wallstreet





Scott Norton

Steve McMichael

Steven Regal

Super Calo

The Barbarian

The Booty Man


Yuji Nagata


Lower Midcarders

El Dandy

Ernest Miller

La Parka

Norman Smiley

Barry Darsow

Brad Armstrong


Johnny Grunge

Perry Saturn

Rocco Rock

Silver King

Villano IV

Villano V



Hector Garza Jr.


Ice Train


Loui Spicolli

Prince Iaukea


Sick Boy


Enhancement Talents

Evan Karagias

Johnny Swinger



Current WCW Champions

WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Hollywood Hulk Hogan

WCW United States Heavyweight Champion: Curt Hennig

WCW World Tag Team: The Steiners

WCW World Television: Perry Saturn

WCW Cruiserweight: Eddy Guerrero

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WCW Monday Nitro

Week 1, December 1997


This week's edition of Nitro is a special one. The Four Horsemen, currently with only three members, have an important announcement to make regarding their future. But in typical Bischoff-fashion, he will attempt to steal the show. It will be Hollywood Hulk Hogan appreciation night, as scheduled by Bischoff. The World Champion will have a chance to be adored by friends, co-workers and fans across the world!


There will also be a highly competitive cruiserweight matchup between Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio, as well as a US title match featuring Curt Hennig defending his belt against The British Bulldog. And nWo member Scott Hall will take on Booker T.


All this and much, much more on this week's edition of Monday Nitro at the Phillips Arena in Atlanta, GA. Only on TNT!


Quick Picks:


Goldberg vs. Alex Wright

Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

US Championship Match: The British Bulldog vs. Curt Hennig©

The Nasty Boys vs. Faces of Fear

Booker T vs. Scott Hall

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Guest KingOfKings

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New Champion, The Degenerate

Shawn Micheals, the new WWF Champion comes out to a chorus of boos alongside his DX runmates Triple H and Chyna. While DX struts to the ring with the newly one gold around HBK's waist, you can hear sayings like, "you screwed Bret" and, "DX sucks".


As the three members of DX enter the ring, Shawn Micheals motions for the microphone and lets everyone in the wrestling world know that last night proved that he was the best there is, best there was, and the best there ever will be. This did'nt make the already rowdy crowed to happy. He continued to go on about how now that he is the top dog in the WWF he dosen't plan on giving up this gold anytime soon, and if anyone has a problem with it, he has two words for them..


Just before the famous catchphrase is spit out, the music of Owen Hart blares over the speakers and the fans go nuts at the sight of Bret Harts younger brother who makes his way down to the ring, mic in hand. He gets in the ring and lets HBK exactly what he thinks of him, and what he did to his brother last night was an absolute disgrace. And to get some sort of revenge for his brother, he wants to challenge him to a match right here tonight on RAW.


As the crowd goes crazy at the proposition of the mach, HBK pauses and thinks for a moment until finally saying, NO. But there is someone who will face Owen Hart and that man is Triple H. HHH has quite the shocked look on his face as Owen says thats fine with him, he'll go through the entire company if he has to in order to get to Shawn Micheals. (B Rating)


Legion Of Doom Vs. New Age Outlaws


Your classic back and forth WWF tag team match. This match was of course non-title and the LOD took it to the NOA from the beginning to prove that they deserve a WWF tag team title shot.


The end came when Billy Gunn tried to come in the ring to interupt a submission hold on Road Dogg applied by Hawk. Animal ran in at the same time and tossed Gunn over the top rope and they then delivered the atomic drop to Road Dogg and covered the tag champions for the win!. The LOD have made a statement that they deserve a shot at the WWF Tag Titles! (C Rating)


The Texas Rattlesnake Is Here


Intercontinental champion Stone Cold is backstage being interviewed about his upcoming matchup with Goldust. He says that he is the baddest S.O.B that the WWF has ever seen and the fact that he holds this Intercontinental championship is getting a bit stale. And after he whips Goldusts ass all up and down this arena he is gonna continue to open up cans of whoop ass until he gets to the WWF championship.


But don't mistake Stone Cold as not wanting to defend his title, he will kick anybodies ass that thinks they can beat Stone Cold in the middle of the ring. And that's all he's got to say about that!!!. (B+ Rating)


Preparing For Battle


Double screen shot of Ken Shamrock on one side anf the Natioin of Domination pumping up D'Lo Brown in his upcoming match with Shamrock, and that match, is next! (D Rating)


Ken Shamrock Vs. D'LO Brown


This is a match that Ken Shamrock absolutely dominates from the onset. He is too quick and strong D'Lo too handle. it looked like Shamrock was about to put him away, that is, until the Nation got involved.


The end of the match came when Shamrock came off the ropes to deliver a clothesline to D'Lo but was tripped up by Farooq. This gave Brown the opportunity to pounce and he did. Multiple stomps to the head and chest had Shamrock down for the moment, D'Lo once again took advantage and delivered a big leg drop. he then acsended to the top to deliver the frog splash but Shamrock moved out of the way, quickly got up, went insane, and locked on the ankle lock which D'Lo quickly tapped out too. (C Rating)


After the match D'Lo Brown rolled out of the ring and Ken Shamrock stayed in the middle daring every member of the Nation step in. But the Nation quickly went up the ramp with farooq saying this is not over. (C- Rating)


BraveHart Is Ready


Owen Hart is backstage being interviewed about having to face HHH later on in the night. Owen talks about what he says earlier, getting a piece of DX is great, but he won't rest until he takes out Shawn Michaels for what happened to his brother last night. And getting the WWF title, that will make it even sweeter. (B Rating)


Stone Cold Vs. Goldust


Stone Cold defends his Intercontinental Title against Goldust. You could tell from the minute the bell rang that Austin was pissed being in the same ring as Goldust so he brought it to him fast and hard.


Austin literally beat the hell out of Goldust not giving him an inch, middle fingers and mudhole stomps galore, much to the fans delight. Austin delivered a quick stunner, got the 3 and celebrated with a few beers in the ring. (B- Rating)


Mankind Just Wants A Friend


The Rock is walking to his upcoming match agains Ahmed Johnson when he says Mankind over in a corner muttering to himself and rocking back and forth. Of course the Rock looks confused, but his interest peaks and he walks over. Mankind of course gets up fast as the Rock approaches, and this classic sequence occurs...


The Rock: "What in the HELL is wrong with your candy ass?"


Mankind: "Don't ya see Rock?, my friend dosen't agree with the things i do!!!!, he wants me to show love!!!, they say i should get more friends!!!!, will you be my friend Rock?


The Rock: "What friend you wierd piece of crap!? The only thing i see is your sloppy hamburger eating ass playing with yourself in the corner. And HELL NO the Rock would never be your friend, you make me sick!, now get away from the Rock before he lays the smackdown on you!"


Rock walks away as Mankind just pulls on his hair and sounds like he is crying. (B Rating)


The Rock Vs. Ahmed Johnson


Ahmed Johnsons pure size and strength intimidated the Rock in the beginning of this contest. But a few underhanded tactics from the young heel eventually gave Rock the win with the Rock Bottom.


After the match the Rock plays to the crowd, causing even more heel heat between himself and the fans. (B- Rating)


Kane Vs. TAKA Michinoku


Kane absolutely destroys TAKA, the match literally went like this.


1. Kane enters ring

2. Kane grabs TAKA

3. Kane delivers chokeslam

4. Kane gets win in 34 seconds. (C- Rating)


After the match, the lights go dark and the gong goes off. Once the lights come back on, the Undertaker is standing nose to nose with his younger brother Kane, with Paul Bearer shrieking in fear behind him. However, Kane is not intimidated as he raises his arms, and throws them down to emit fire from the ringposts all around them. (B- Rating)


Why Don't People Love Mankind?[/U]


This time Mankind is shown in his famous boiler room. Rocking back and forth wondering why the Rock hates him so much, why he just can't be his friend. But he promises himself that he will find out that answer next week...


Jeff Jarrett Vs. Vader


The country singing star Double J Jeff Jarret squared off against the huge man Vader. Vader of course dominated the whole match until the ref was distracted and Jarrett got the quick win with a roll up and foot leverage on the bottom rope. (B-)


DX Is Ready


DX comes out of there locker room to accompany Triple H to the ring for his upcoming match against Owen Hart, HHH and HBK DX chop the cameras as they exit for the ring.


Owen Hart Vs. HHH


In a battle of the future of the WWF, Owen Hart looks to take out 1/3 member of DX to work his way to Shawn Michaels. It's all about revenge for his brother Bret.


It was a great match, showing why these guys are considered some of the best in the business. HBK sat ringside and delivered his own commentary on the Bret Hart situation and he dose'nt understand why Owen is being such a big baby about everything. Chyna tried to do everything she could to get involved and cost Owen this match. From distracting the ref and tripping Owen.


The turning point in the match came when HHH had Owen Hart on the bottom rope choking him, he motioned to Chyna to get the brass knuckles out and blast Owen with them. As she went to, Owen quickly moved and Chyna clocked HHH, Owen took advantage and quickly rolled up HHH for the win. (B Rating)


After the match HBK jumps from the announce table and slides in the ring, waiting for Owen Hart to get to his feet, and, just as Hart turns around he catches a sweet chin music right to the jaw. HBK DX chops right over the fallen body of Owen Hart as RAW goes off the air... (C rating)



I know there aren't many colors or picstures right now, I'm getting into the groove of this whole layout thing, so bare with me plllllease.

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WCW Monday Nitro

Phillips Arena (Atlanta, GA)

Shown live on TNT

Week 1, December 1997

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Bobby Heenan


The show kicks off with the intro and pyros as usual. The cameras pan to Tenay and Heenan at the announcers table. They hype the appearance tonight of the Four Horsemen, mentioning that the group only has 3 members right now (Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Chris Benoit). Then, they hype tonight's Hollywood Hulk Hogan appreciation night that will take place at the top of the hour. ©


Cameras then go backstage as we see the four main members of the nWo: Hogan, Nash, Hall and Savage. They talk about eliminating the weak links in the nWo and adding one more superstar. (B)


Goldberg vs. Alex Wright

Goldberg, a former NFL player, joined WCW in September of this year and has wrestled only a handful of times, 14 to be exact. He currently sits at 14-0 and is a powerhouse of a wrestler. This match is quick and painful for Alex Wright. Goldberg, spitting and breathing smoke on his entrance, came to the ring, the bell rang, and it was hit, hit, Spear, Jackhammer. The crowd loved it. (D)


Winner: Goldberg


After the match, another former NFL player, Steve "Mongo" McMichael attacked Goldberg by hitting him over the back with a 2x4. For the first time since joining WCW, Goldberg was laying flat on the ring. (D+)


After a commercial break, the tag team of Vicious and Delicious (Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton) came to the ring. They wanted to prove themselves to the nWo that they are deserving of staying in. They called out The Steiners, the current WCW Tag Team champions and claim that Bischoff has already schedule the tag team title match to take place at WCW Starrcade. (D-)


The cameras then went backstage as Hogan and Savage are seen talking with The Giant. They tell him that he will be the newest superstar to join the nWo. The Giant didn't seem too interested, but at the same time, he didn't reject the possibility of joining. (B+)


Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

These two went all out for this match. Fans were behind both men as they performed countless top-rope moves and attempted many flash pins. In the end, Chris Jericho hit the Lionsault for the pinfall. The two men shook hands after the match, looking exhausted. (C+)


Winner: Chris Jericho


After the match, Jericho requested a microphone. He made the fact known that he wanted a shot at Eddy Guerrero's WCW Cruiserweight championship and would stop at nothing until he got it. (D)


Backstage, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall are seen with Diamond Dallas Page, a good friend of theirs. Nash and Hall inform DDP that he will be the next superstar joining the nWo. DDP looked thrilled at the opportuninty. (B-)


WCW United States Championship

The British Bulldog vs. Curt Hennig©

This was a great technical match-up, but true to form, Hennig used a few underhanded tactics. Bulldog was never really able to get any momentum going, and eventually Hennig pulled away with the victory and a successful defense of his US title. (C-)


Winner and STILL WCW US Champion: Curt Hennig


After a commercial break, the nWo music blares through the speakers. Hogan and Bischoff come to the ring, along with other members of the nWo. It is Hogan Appreciation Night! Confetti falls all over the ring and in the sell-out crowd. Hogan, looking confident as always, talks about how great it is to be champion and to have the backing of such a good man like Bischoff. Just as Bischoff was about to speak, the lights flicker and then go out. When the lights come back on, Sting is standing in the entrance ramp wearing a dark trench coat and holding a black baseball bat. He doesn't move or speak and the nWo looks frightened in the ring despite having the obvious numbers advantage. Sting, who hasn't spoken in over a year, turns to the TunerTron and points the bat at the screen. On the screen, the words "Sting vs. Hogan at WCW Starrcade" appear and fade. Then the words "For the WCW World Heavyweight Championship" appear and fade. The crowd goes crazy. Bischoff is screaming "Never! Never!" and Hogan looks terrified as we cut to a commercial. (A)


Booker T vs. Scott Hall

Booker T has been looking to enter the singles realm lately and this match would go a long way for him. Of course, Hall came out with nWo members, Kevin Nash and Curt Hennig. Surprisingly, Booker T was in immediate control and held it throughout the match. Hall looked completely caught off guard as Nash and Hennig looked concerned. Finally, as Booker T set up the Scissors Kick, he runs towards the ropes and Curt Hennig trips him enough for Booker T to become distracted. Hall turns him back around and connects with the Outsider's Edge and wins via pinfall. (B-)


Winner: Scott Hall


Backstage now, DDP is shown complaining to Bischoff about the nWo situation because he didn't know that The Giant was also offered the position. Bischoff, always a negotiator, told DDP that he could prove himself tonight in a match against Lex Luger, a man much hated by Bischoff. ©


The Nasty Boys vs. Faces of Fear


Lex Luger vs. Diamond Dallas Page

DDP could really use this match to help solidify his position in the company and in the eyes of the most powerful stable in wrestling history. In a clean match, Luger just never really got a chance to take control. DDP looked very good out there and was even gaining the backing of the fans despite his intrigue in joining the nWo. DDP finished Luger with the Diamond Cutter and got a much needed win. (B-)


Winner: Diamond Dallas Page


Finally, after a long wait and a lot of suspense, The Four Horsemen make their way to the ring. Arn Anderson, Chris Benoit and Ric Flair are being interviewed by Mean Gene Okerlund. Benoit was never asked to speak, but Anderson was going absolutely crazy about how the nWo was destroying WCW. Flair took the more sentimental approach as he was nearly brought to tears about how traditional wrestling fans weren't getting everything they deserved. Nature Boy chants began which choked up Flair even more. Finally, Flair promised that on next week's edition of the show, the Fourth Horsemen would come to be known and he would help be the driving force behind WCW's efforts to regain themselves at the expense of the nWo. (B)

This match was a general tag team match. Both teams showed signs of coming out on top, until in the end, Meng was able to finish off Brian Knobbs for the victory. Faces of Fear gain a little momentum with this win. (C-)


Winners: Faces of Fear

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Monday's ratings figures:


WCW Monday Nitro drew a 5.86 on TNT.

WWF Raw is War drew a 3.58 on USA.

WWF Raw is War drew a 0.93 on TSN.


In other news:


WCW has adopted Ohio Valley Wrestling and East Coast Wrestling Association to be two developmental territories to bread young stars.

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Saturday, Week 1, December 1997

Von Braun Center (Huntsville, AL)

Taped for TBS

Announcers: Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes


La Parka def. Hammer (D-)

Ernest Miller def. Kidman (E+)

After the match, Perry Saturn, who accompanied Kidman to the ring as part of Raven's Flock, attacked Miller. (E)

Video Recap of the nWo accidentally appointing two men, The Giant and DDP, to fill their one available slot as the next superstar to join. (B+)

Harlem Heat def. The Public Enemy (D)

Booker T promises that he will be looking for Hennig on Nitro after Hennig's beatdown this past Nitro. (D+)

A video is shown of Steve McMichael attacking Goldberg with a 2x4 on Nitro. (C-)

Goldberg def. Disco Inferno (D)

Chris Benoit def. Psychosis (C-)

Backstage, The Steiners hype their match at Starrcade against Vicious and Delicious. ©

A video is shown of Chris Jericho calling out the WCW Cruiserweight champion, Eddy Guerrero, on Nitro. (D)

WCW Cruiserweight Title Match: Eddy Guerrero© def. Dean Malenko ©



The WCW Monday Nitro preview will be up soon! Stay tuned!



OOC: WCW Saturday Night is used as a 'B' show right now, so the recaps will generally be about this length.

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Guest KingOfKings

WWF.COM Update


The WWF have signed a small promotion from New Jersey to become there new developmental territory!. The promotion, Jersey All Pro Wrestling will now be used as the WWF's feeder leauge for it's talent to develop and prosper.


This is a big move, considering the WWF has lots of underutilized talent that will get a chance to shine and improve there skills while not having to sit on the sidelines

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WWF Shotgun Saturday Night

Live From NYC

1 Hour Show


Mark Henry Vs. Ahmed Johnson


Mark Henry defeated Ahmed Johnson in 6:10 by pinfall with a Death from Above.


The crowd absolutely hated Mark Henry in this one, chanting for him to never come back


RAW Recap #1


A video is show of what happened on RAW between Owen Hart and HBK


Double J Hypes Match


Jeff Jarrett cuts an interview backstage about his upcoming match


Jeff Jarrett Vs. Steve Blackman


Jeff Jarrett defeated Steve Blackman in 8:25 by submission with a Figure-Four Leglock.


The LOD Vs. Los Boricuas


LOD defeated Los Boricuas in 6:38 when Road Warrior Hawk defeated Miguel Perez Jr. by pinfall with a Doomsday Device.


The Rock Is Here!... Or Mankind?, Or, Who??


Mankind comes out to the rocks music and says that if he's more like the Rock, maybe the Rock will be his friend.


Bradshaw Vs. Gangrel


Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw defeated Gangrel in 5:32 by pinfall with a Power Bomb.


On RAW....


A video graphic is played showing that Triple H will face Stone Cold on RAW this Monday


Kane Vs. Bart Gunn


Kane defeated Bart Gunn in 11:11 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.




Just like Cenafan said.. this is my B show, and will be posted in a recap format such as this

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RAW IS WAR Preview


After last weeks explosive episode of RAW. What does this week hold in store for Owen Harts battle with D-Generation X?


Speaking of DX, one of it's members Triple H will go one on one with the Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin. If HHH wins he will surely put himself clear in the IC title race.


The LOD will be facing off against the New Age Outlaws again this week in non-title action and if they win, they get themselves a Tag Title shot at the Royal Rumble.


Kane will once again be in action, but not against Taka Michinoku, but against the 300 pound Vader, will Kane be able to stop the Vader bomb?


All this on more this week on Monday Night RAW!

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After last week's botched Hollywood Hogan appreciation night due to another mysterious Sting appearance, how will Hogan and Bischoff retaliate?


And, the newest nWo member search has already created controversy, as The Giant and DDP were both promised the extra spot. DDP proved his ability by defeating Lex Luger last week, but will that be enough as the less than enthusiastic Giant may be looking to join the nWo as well?


Booker T will be continuing his path on the singles trail as he takes on Raven. Steve McMichael, who is after the undefeated Goldberg, will be taking on Glacier, who only has two loses since joining WCW. And The Steiners will look to defend their World Tag Team titles against The Blue Bloods, a young tag team full of potential.


But, above all else, a monumentous, pay-per-view style main event will be taking place. Four Horsemen leader, Ric Flair, will be taking on nWo member Macho Man Randy Savage on Nitro. Flair promised the appearance of the fourth horsemen, who has yet to be named. Will he make his promised appearance or will the nWo get to him before it can happen?


All this and so much more on WCW Monday Nitro, live on TNT. This is where the big boys play.


Quick Picks

WCW Television Title Match: Disco Inferno vs. Perry Saturn©

Glacier vs. Steve McMichael

WCW World Tag Team Title Match: The Steiners© vs. The Blue Bloods

Booker T vs. Raven

Ric Flair vs. Randy Savage

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WCW Monday Nitro

Thompson-Boling Arena (Knoxville, TN)

Shown live on TNT

Week 2, December 1997

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Bobby Heenan


Backstage in the locker room, the nWo are shown talking about all of their recent issues. Hollywood Hogan and Eric Bischoff are furious that Sting interrupted Hogan appreciation night last week, while Scott Hall, Kevin Nash and Randy Savage are arguing about their indecisiveness towards the newest superstar to join them. Then the issue of the newest member of the Four Horsemen comes up. Bischoff tells them that he has the whole situation under control. Finally, to add to the mayhem, The Giant storms in. He tells Bischoff that DDP got a shot to prove himself and he deserves one too. Bischoff decides then to schedule him in a match against Lex Luger, the same opponent DDP had last week. (B+)


WCW World Television Championship

Disco Inferno vs. Perry Saturn©


Disco Inferno came out being enthusiastic as possible. The fans were completely behind him, but Saturn and the rest of Raven's Flock came to the ring very methodically and sadistic. Saturn essentially dominated the match, which drew a lot of boos from fans. Regardless, Saturn looked very good in this match. (E+)


Winner and STILL WCW World Television Champion: Perry Saturn


Mike Tenay and Bobby Heenan cut a clip hyping the 24,292 in attendance, then go on to recap the events from last week as well as Starrcade's possible main event of Sting vs. Hollywood Hogan for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. (A)


Backstage, Ernest Miller is with Mean Gene Okerlund. He issues a challenge to the WCW World Television Champion, Saturn, claiming that Saturn is nothing but a dark cloud that needs to be lit up. (D-)


Glacier vs. Steve McMichael


Glacier, who has only sustained two losses since joining WCW, looked very good in this match. He has a very nice array of submission holds and looks be be technically sound. However, McMichael will go above and beyond to cheat his way to victory, and one low-blow later, McMichael came out as the victor. (D+)


Winner: Steve McMichael


After the match, Steve McMichael gets on the microphone and says that there's no place in WCW for two former NFL players, even if Goldberg had never accomplished close to what Michael's did in the NFL. As he was explaining his actions from last week, Goldberg was standing in the ring behind him, crouched and ready to pounce. McMichaels threw the microphone down and turned around right into a Spear. (D+)


Mean Gene Okerlund is backstage again, this time with Booker T. Booker T talks about how he called out Hennig last week on WCW Saturday Night after the beatdown he sustained from Hennig on Nitro. Booker T issues a challenge to Hennig for the US gold, and demands a response later tonight, or he will get a response by any means necessary. Now can you dig that? (D-)


The cameras then go to Bischoff's office, where Hogan and Bischoff have come up with a retaliation for last week's Sting appearance. Bischoff says that Sting will be indefinitely suspended from any WCW event until Bischoff changes his mind. The crowd boos heavily. (A)


WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Steiners© vs. The Blue Bloods


The Steiners are very over with the fans right now, while The Blue Bloods, consisting of Lord Steven Regal and Dave Taylor, are steadily growing as heels. The Steiners, being the much more experienced team, used every tag team move in the old-school book to pull out the victory. (C+)


Winners and STILL WCW World Tag Team Champions: The Steiners


After the match, Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton, better known as Vicious and Delicious, attempt to beat down The Steiners. However, much to the surprise of V&D, The Steiners fought back and ended up cleaning house on their own. The fans cheer loudly and cherish the little victory for WCW against nWo. (C+)


Lex Luger vs. The Giant


In a match to prove himself to the nWo, The Giant did just as DDP did last week. He beat Luger down to a pulp. The Giant could have gotten the victory after one chokeslam, but he added another chokeslam for good measure. (B-)


After the match, and after The Giant walked off in victory, Lex Luger asked for a microphone. He looked very emotional as he gave a heart-filled speech saying that he is sick of being Bischoff's whipping boy. He is also sick of losing matches like the past two weeks for fear of losing his job. He says that he just felt he did what he had to do for his family, but now realizes that he needs to be the best he can be. He issues an open challenge to anyone. Bischoff comes out, a true villain, and claims to have hired a new body guard, or "hitman", who would be glad to accept Luger's challenge. (E+)


Booker T vs. Raven


Booker T is really starting to shine in singles action. Raven, a very talented wrestler and entertainer, pushed Booker T to show his true skill in order to win, and Booker T did not falter. Booker T hits the Scissors Kick for the win. (C+)


Winner: Booker T


Curt Hennig, the WCW US Champion, comes out to the stage. He says that he gladly accepts Booker T's challenge, but will not forget how unprofessional it was of Booker T to call him out on Saturday Night, knowing that Hennig and the nWo weren't there. He says that he will keep that in mind in the coming weeks before WCW Starrcade. (C+)


Ric Flair w/ Four Horsemen vs. Randy Savage w/ nWo


The intensity surrounding this match was enormous. Chants of "Horsemen" filled parts of the arena, while even chants of "nWo" filled other parts. In a classic showing, both men performed wonderfully. The in-ring psychology of the match was phenomenal as the two men really knew how to work the crowd. Savage eventually body slammed Flair to the ground. He climbed to the top turnbuckle to prepare for the Elbow Drop, and dove, but Flair moved out of the way at the last second. Flair then went to lock the Figure Four.

As this was happening, the two stables standing outside the ring got into a major fight. There was now punches being thrown outside of the ring and a monumental submission hold in the ring. Finally, three men broke free from the fighting. Scott Hall, Kevin Nash and Arn Anderson got into the ring. Nash and Hall snuck in to break the Figure Four, while Anderson tried to stop them. Hall and Nash hit Flair, just as Anderson dove at them and ended up hitting Savage instead. The ref had no choice but to call for the bell to a wave of boos from the fans. (A)


Winner: None. Double disqualification


Someone was seen walking out to the stage and fans turned to look with anticipation. That man was Eric Bischoff. Fans booed even more. Bischoff, with a mic in hand, claimed that he knew full-well who the Fourth Horsemen was and had him taken down earlier. He said, in fact, that the Fourth Horsemen is laying in a hospital bed as he spoke. (B)


The cameras with off the air with confusion surrounding WCW. Who is going to be the newest nWo member? Who is Eric Bischoff's hired "hitman"? And, who is the Fourth Horsemen? With only two Nitros remaining before WCW Starrcade, will these questions be answered?

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Guest KingOfKings

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RAW IS WAR kicks off this week live from the Carrier Dome in Syracuse, NY with an outstanding pyro display, the crowd going nuts and J.R. and the King running down the action to take place this week including, The LOD Vs. The New Age Outlaws, the continued saga between Owen Hart and DX, Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs. Triple H and so much more!!


The LOD Vs. The New Age Outlaws


The Legion Of Doom needed to win this match to earn a shot at the New Age Outlaws at the IYH PPV, and they showed how passionate they were about the opportunity in this match.


They brought it to the Outlaws strait from the beginning, showing there tag experience with frequent tags in and out, keeping there opponents on there heels and not allowing tags on the other end. The turning point came in the match when Billy Gunn of the Outlaws used underhanded tactics by delivering a quick low blow to Road Warrior Animal while Road Dogg distracted the ref.


With Animal down on the matt, Gunn took advantage and took it to him in the Outlaws corner. The Outlaws tagged in and out just working over Animal to make sure he couldn't tag Hawk back in. It looked as if all hope was lost for the LOD until Billy Gunn accidentally delivered a huge right hand to Road Dogg after Animal ducked the shot in the corner. With Road Dogg down and out, Animal took the advantage and tagged in Hawk, and, after a few double team moves on Gunn they set him up for the doomsday drop and picked up the victory along with a title shot at the IYH PPV!


The LOD Defeated The New Age Outlaws By Pinfall (C-)


D-X Is "Gone Fishin"


Owen Hart arrives at the arena to a huge pop from the crowd and quickly rejects an interview and heads right to the locker room of DX. It's clear after last week he's looking for some sort of revenge but to his surprise an anger, no one is in the locker room, but there is a note posted. It reads: "Gone Fishin". Clearly a prank on Owen, he storms out angry, letting out a frustrated yell. (B-)


D-X Gets The Upperhand


Coming back from commercial break, we see Owen Hart in Vince McMahons office, obvious tension between the two. He decisively demands a shot at Shawn Michaels, but before Vince can even utter a word, the door burts open, Owen turns around and receives a swift superkick to the face!. Shawn just shrugs his shoulders at Vince and walks out, followed by Triple H and Chyna. (B+)


Brian Christopher Vs. Ahmed Johnson


Newcomer Brian Christopher takes on the experienced veteran Ahmed Johnson, and no one expected him to do much of anything in this match, and at the start, he did nothing. Ahmed Johnson used his pure strength to dominate the much smaller Christopher.


But Brian used his brains to his advantage when Johnson had Brian set up for a huge powerslam, he quickly poked him in the eyes, dropped to the mat and rolled Johnson up and used the ropes for leverage for a quick pinfall victory!.


Christopher quickly scurried out of the ring before Johnson could get up and realize what happened!.


Brian Christopher bt. Ahmed Johnson By Pinfall (D-)


Mankind Wants To Manage The Rock??!

Mankind once again had another great idea on how to get the Rock to become his best friend. He approached the Rock with the idea that he become his manager!


He told the Rock that he didn't need the Nation anymore, that they could create there own Nation, a Nation for all "Mankind" to build there own "Rock" and foundation on, and they would never need anyone else!!


Of course the Rock denied, throwing insult after insult at Mankind before SPITTING on Mankind and walking away! (C+)


Mankind Vs. Marc Mero


Mankind came down to the ring for his next match against Mero, with the disgusting spit from the Rock still on his mask!!


Marc Mero was obviously disgusted by this and was even hesitant to come near Mankind. While Mankind seemed to, for some reason, love the Rocks spit, the obvious rejection of his proposal angered him and he took it to Mero and promptly won the match. Mankind bt. Marc Mero By Pinfall (B)


After the match while Mankind is celebrating, the Rock sneaks up from behind and delivers a huge Rock Bottom to Mankind as soon as he turns around, leaving him down and out. The Rock yells more insults at Mankind while walking back up the ramp. (B)


The Nation Gurantees Victory


Backstage cameras show inside the Nation locker room with leader Farooq, Kama Mustafa, D-Lo Brown and Mabel inside, with the Rock just entering. seemingly not very welcome in the locker room.


Farooq was in the middle of a speech about how the Nation has been disrespected for the last time by a "white boy" like Ken Shamrock. He gurantees victory tonight to put an end to the nonsense and disrespect. (D+)


Farooq Vs. Ken Shamrock


While Farooq guranteed victory against Ken Shamrock. It was obvious he couldn't do it by himself. With the Nation at ringside it seemed Shamrock had no chance to win this match.


And what everyone expected to happen, did. As soon as Shamrock got the upperhand, the Nation stormed the ring putting the boots to Shamrock, to which the ref quickly called for the bell, but the beating wasn't over. Farooq ordered the Nation to hold Shamrock, which gave Farooq the chance to get a chair from the outside, come into the ring, and blast Shamrock right over the head with it, leaving him bloodied down and out. Ken Shamrock bt. Farooq By DQ (B-)


Stone Cold Fears No Man


In a backstage interview to hype his upcoming main event match against Triple H, Stone Cold says all of DX's little games and jokes don't affect Stone Cold in any way at all. Stone Cold is here for one reason, and one reason only and that is to beat the living piss out of every single bastard in the WWF, and if Triple H wants to step up, then he's gonna knock his ass right back down. (B+)


Kane Vs. Vader


Before this match, Paul Bearer cuts a promo on behalf of Kane, saying that his monster fears no Dead Man. That the Undertaker may be able to use his phenom tactics on anyone else except Kane!. Just then, the lights turn off, the arena goes purple and the Undertaker appears on the titantron and tells Kane that he will REST.IN.PEACE. To which Kane simply responds by lifting his arms, bringing them down and releasing fire from each ring post, turning the lights back on. (B+)


The actual match itself was just another way to show Kane's dominance, as he easily handled the big man Vader, much to the surprise of the crowd that he picked up the huge victory leading to the eventual showdown with his brother. Kane bt. Vader By Pinfall (C+)


Owen Demands A Match


Owen Hart comes out to the ring with a huge pop from the crowd. Jaw obviously still bruised from the sneak attack by HBK earlier. He demands from Vince McMahon to give him a match against Shawn Michaels, it's the least he could told from the way he screwed his family and his brother at the Survivor Series. He says that if he dosen't get this match, he will make his life a living hell from here on out. (B)


Goldust Vs. Steve Blackman


The fans got a chance to see the strange one Goldust in action as he took on the martial arts specialist Steve Blackman. Goldust picked up the victory after his beautiful wife Marlena tripped up Steve Blackman, allowing Goldust to deliver the shattered dreams and pick up the victory. Goldust bt. Steve Blackman By Pinfall ©


HBK Makes A Quick Exit


After the last match, the cameras quickly cut to the back where Shawn Michaels is running quickly through the parking lot, when it is revealed that Owen Hart is hot on his tail, HBK quickly hops in a waiting car and high tails it out of here, while Owen screams that he will have his revenge. (B+)


Just as Owen is walking back into the arena he is met by Vince McMahon, saying that next week he has a chance for a bit of redemption as he will be taking on Triple H!, and that if he wins, he will recieve a WWF Championship match with HBK and IYH! (B+)


Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs. Triple H


With Shawn Michaels gone for the night, it was just Triple H and Chyna to represent DX in the main event as Stone Cold and HHH squared off in this non-title match.


these two fought a classic battle as expected. The change in the match came when Chyna tried to get involved, only to be stopped by OWEN HART!. Owen restrained Chyna which distracted Triple H enough for Stone Cold to get the upper hand. As HHH turned around, he was caught by a quick middle finger, then the Stone Cold Stunner!. Austin then pinned HHH to pick up the victory. Stone Cold bt. HHH By Pinfall (B+)


After the match, Stone Cold celebrated in the ring, and caught a glimpse of Owen standing in his ring. He walked over to Owen who extended his hand to Austin, but only received a middle finger.


RAW went off the air with Owen backing up the ramp, keeping his eye on Austin in the ring... (B+)

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Monday Night Wars Report:


WCW Monday Nitro, featuring the main event of Ric Flair vs. Randy Savage, drew a 5.87 on TNT, which is up from last week's 5.86.


WWF Raw Is War, featuring Triple H vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin as its main event, drew a 3.61 on USA Network and a 0.93 on TSN. It's composite Monday Night rating is 4.54, which is up from last week's 4.51 composite.


In Other News:


WCW.com is reporting that WCW Saturday Night, previously a two-hour show on TBS, will now be an hour in length with the same starting time and network.

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Saturday, Week 2, December 1997

Showplace Arena (Memphis, TN)

Taped for TBS

Announcers: Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes


Ultimo Dragon defeated Super Calo (D+)

A video recap is shown of Ernest Miller challenging Perry Saturn for the TV title on Nitro. (E)

Faces of Fear defeated Glacier and Ernest Miller due to interference from Saturn. (C-)

Goldberg comes to the ring to officially accept Steve McMichael's challenge on Nitro, despite Spearing him, which in itself was a form of acception. ©

A video is shown of Booker T challenging Curt Hennig for the US title on Nitro and then a clip is shown of Hennig coming out and accepting the challenge. (C-)

Ray Traylor defeated Hugh Morris (D)

Chris Jericho comes to the ring and says he can't wait any longer for Eddy Guerrero to accept the challenge for the Cruiserweight title at Starrcade and calls him out on the spot. Eddy finally comes out and accepts it as the two have a staredown heading into the commercial break. (D+)

Raven defeated The British Bulldog ©

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From WCW.com, here is the official card for WCW Starrcade 1997 as of now. The card is incomplete until more matches are established and confirmed on the upcoming editions of WCW Monday Nitro and WCW Saturday Night. Card subject to change.




Goldberg vs. Steve McMichael


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chris Jericho vs. Eddy Guerrero©


WCW United States Championship

Booker T vs. Curt Hennig©


WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Steiner Brothers© vs. Vicious and Delicious


Early predictions and comments are always welcome, but keep in mind that more matches will be coming and any confirmed match may still be subject to change.

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Are you two still doing this because I was really enjoying it.


As For predictions

Goldberg vs. Steve McMichael


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chris Jericho vs. Eddy Guerrero©


WCW United States Championship

Booker T vs. Curt Hennig©


WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Steiner Brothers© vs. Vicious and Delicious

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Thanks for the predictions. Yes we are definitely still doing this. We will probably tend to post more during the week than on weekends which has been our trend so far. I should have the Nitro preview up soon - tonight or tomorrow. Glad to see we have at least one fan!
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Guest KingOfKings
Hi all. This diary is not dead. My very "smart" girlfriend broke my laptop. So i quickly got a new one. As soon as i get the file back from cenafan this will kick off once again!
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UPDATE: Just sent the file to King. He should be posting Shotgun soon then it's back to the Monday Night Wars baby!


Glad to see people were reading this and that it continues. I hope it will be as much fun for you all to read and follow as it will continue to be for us to write!

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