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World Wrestling Federation: When Worlds Collide - The Night AFTER InVasion!

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The Invasion was a professional wrestling storyline in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) that began shortly after the WWF's purchase of World Championship Wrestling (WCW). It involved the WCW wrestlers "invading" WWF television in an attempt to "take over" the WWF.


The idea of a supercard featuring the two top promotions of the Monday Night Wars was considered to be a "dream match" scenario in the eyes of many fans, as it would allow the fans to see which promotion would be kayfabe superior. The angle began when Vince McMahon's son, Shane McMahon, announced on Raw that he bought WCW from under his father's nose. This led to several run-in appearances of WCW wrestlers during Raw and SmackDown! over the months after WrestleMania X-Seven.


In June 2001, the angle grew in intensity as the WWF storylines somewhat abated to make room for the central Invasion storyline. WCW and Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) merged to form The Alliance and challenged the WWF's control over the wrestling industry. An Inaugural Brawl took place at the WWF Invasion pay-per-view, where Stone Cold Steve Austin defected and joined the Alliance. Many inter-promotional matches occurred after the Invasion between The Alliance and the WWF, leading up to the climax of the angle at Survivor Series, when Team WWF (The Rock, Chris Jericho, Big Show, The Undertaker, and Kane) defeated Team Alliance (Stone Cold, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, Booker T, and Shane McMahon) in a Winner-Take-All match.


A very large storyline that spanned eight months from March 2001 to November 2001, it has been met with heavy criticism.


So...what if things were a little different? What if the InVasion WASN'T met with heavy criticism? What if it was met with heaps of praise and adoration from the fans as The McMahons delivered an epic storyline? That's where this diary begins, just 24 hours after the InVasion 2001 Pay Per View...


Background to WWF InVasion 2001...

Invasion was a professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF). It took place on July 22, 2001 at the Gund Arena in Cleveland, Ohio and it was the first pay-per-view to feature the ongoing Invasion storyline, which featured wrestlers from the WWF taking on a combined force of wrestlers from World Championship Wrestling (WCW) and Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW), later known as The Alliance. The event featured WWF wrestlers facing WCW and ECW wrestlers. The main event, dubbed the "Inaugural Brawl," was a five-on-five tag team match between Team WWF and Team WCW/ECW.


On March 23, the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) bought out its long-time rival, World Championship Wrestling (WCW). The last episode of WCW Monday Nitro aired on March 26, dubbed the "Night of Champions". Nitro started with WWF Owner Vince McMahon announcing a simulcast with WWF Raw is War later that night to address the future of WCW, during which it was revealed that Shane McMahon had bought WCW. During May and June, WCW wrestlers interfered in matches on WWF programming. At the 2001 King of the Ring, Booker T interfered during a Triple Threat match for the WWF Championship and suplexed Steve Austin through the announcers table, nearly costing him the title.


On the following night, the June 25 edition of Raw is War, Shane declared his intention to invade the WWF, and the Invasion storyline started with Booker T performing a Scissors Kick to Vince. On the June 28 edition of WWF SmackDown!, it was decided that Fully Loaded was to be changed to Invasion, and would feature matches between WWF and WCW. On the July 9 edition of Raw is War, Paul Heyman declared that Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) had joined the invasion, and some WWF and WCW wrestlers defected to ECW. Shane appeared to co-operate with Vince against ECW, but later that night, it was revealed that WCW and ECW have merged, and that Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley now owned ECW.


Earlier in the year, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin had a change in character, becoming more emotional, and friendly with Vince. On the June 12 edition of SmackDown!, Vince said he needed the "old" Austin, an anti-hero tough character, to lead the WWF at Invasion. After Vince pleaded with him, Austin shook his head and left. During the July 16 edition of Raw is War, Austin was shown drinking in a bar. Later that night, a fight started between many WWF wrestlers, and WCW and ECW wrestlers. As WWF seemed to be disadvantaged, Austin arrived, and returned to his old character, fighting off the WCW and ECW wrestlers. The WWF wrestlers cleaned out the ring, and were left standing tall.


The Results of the Show...


Before the event officially began, Chavo Guerrero, Jr. (WCW) defeated Scotty 2 Hotty (WWF) in a match taped for Sunday Night HEAT. The first match of the event was between Lance Storm and Mike Awesome (ECW), and Edge and Christian (WWF). The match went back and forth until Awesome attempted a cheap shot at Edge from the apron. Edge avoided it, performed a dropkick, and sent Storm on top of him with a back body drop. Christian then leaped off Edge over the top rope onto Storm and Awesome. As Christian was on the top turnbuckle, Awesome tripped Christian, and attacked his back outside. Back in the ring, Storm and Awesome dominated Christian after Storm threw Christian's gut into the ringpost. Christian fought back with a crossbody, but Awesome tagged in, and performed a flapjack spinebuster. Storm and Awesome dominated Christian until Christian performed a back body drop to Awesome from the top rope. Edge and Storm tagged in, and Edge performed an Edge-O-Matic to Storm. Storm performed a jawbreaker, and attempted a double belly to back suplex with Awesome. Edge landed on his feet, and Christian performed a flying clothesline to both Storm and Awesome. Edge performed a spear to Awesome. Storm attempted a superkick to Christian, but Edge shoved Christian, and took the kick himself. As Awesome held Edge in a crucifix, Christian performed a spear to Awesome. Edge landed on top of Awesome, and pinned him for the victory.


The second match was between WCW Senior Referee Nick Patrick and WWF Senior Referee Earl Hebner with Mick Foley as the special guest referee. Other WCW and WWF referees accompanied them to the ring. The match started with Hebner delivering kicks in the corner, followed by punches, and knee drops to the midsection, but Patrick pulled Hebner outside. Back in the ring, Patrick stomped Hebner, but Hebner fought back with punches, and mounted punches. Patrick fought back by performed a low blow, and sent Hebner outside with a baseball slide. WCW referees stomped Hebner until Foley stopped them, and ejected them from ringside. Back in the ring, Patrick complained to Foley, allowing Hebner to perform a flying shoulder block, and pin Patrick for the victory. After the match, Patrick argued with Foley. Foley punched him, and applied the mandible claw.


The third match was between the APA (Faarooq and Bradshaw) (WWF), and Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo (WCW). The teams were the tag team champions of their promotions. The match began with the APA performing a double spinebuster to Palumbo. Bradshaw had the advantage over Palumbo, then O'Haire. After Faarooq tagged in, O'Haire countered a belly to back suplex attempt, and performed a knee lift. Palumbo tagged in, and Faarooq performed a flying shoulder block. Bradshaw then tagged in, and performed a fallaway slam to Palumbo. O'Haire then kicked Bradshaw in the head, and performed a Widow Maker. Palumbo tagged in, and Bradshaw fought back with a DDT. After Faarooq tagged in, O'Haire pulled him out of the ring, and sent him into the ringsteps. They dominated Faarooq until Faarooq fought back with a spinebuster. Bradshaw and Palumbo tagged in, and Bradshaw performed a big boot, and a powerslam. As Bradshaw attempted a fallaway slam, O'Haire performed a superkick, and dropped Bradshaw onto the top turnbuckle. After Faarooq sent O'Haire outside, Palumbo performed a superkick to Faarooq, and Bradshaw pinned Palumbo after performing a Clothesline from Hell.


The fourth match was between the WWF Light Heavyweight Champion X-Pac and the WCW Cruiserweight Champion Billy Kidman. The match started back and forth until Kidman performed a hurricanrana, and an enzuigiri. X-Pac fought back after sending Kidman over the top rope, and performed a springboard reverse crossbody to the outside. Back in the ring, X-Pac applied the sleeper hold. Kidman escaped, and applied the sleeper hold, but X-Pac countered with a belly to back suplex. X-Pac went to the top rope, and performed a somersault legdrop, but Kidman avoided it. Kidman performed a B.K. Bomb, and mounted punches, which X-Pac countered with a powerbomb. X-Pac attempted another powerbomb, but Kidman reversed it into a sitout facebuster. X-Pac then countered an aerial attack with an X-Factor. As he attempted a Bronco buster, Kidman lifted his leg, performing a low blow. Kidman then pinned X-Pac after a shooting star press.


The fifth match was between Raven (ECW) and William Regal (WWF). Regal gained the early advantage following a double underhook suplex, and a catapult, sending Raven outside. Back in the ring, Raven tossed Regal over top rope, and performed a baseball slide, and a Russian legsweep into the security wall. Back in the ring, Raven performed a diving punch to Regal's forehead. Regal countered another attempt, and performed a knee lift. Raven fought back with a corner clothesline, and a running bulldog. Regal fought back, countering a Raven Effect DDT into a Northern Lights suplex. After both collided, Raven rolled out of the ring, as Tazz came down. As the referee checked on Raven, Tazz performed a T-Bone suplex to Regal. Tazz left, and Raven pinned Regal after performing a Raven Effect DDT.


The sixth match was between The Big Show, Billy Gunn (WWF) and Albert, and Chris Kanyon, Shawn Stasiak and Hugh Morrus (WCW). Before the match began, the WWF wrestlers gorilla pressed the WCW wrestlers. The match started with Kanyon attacking Gunn in the corner. Gunn performed an electric chair drop, but Stasiak hit a cheap shot, and Kanyon performed a Russian legsweep followed by a forward Russian legsweep. Stasiak tagged in, and Gunn performed a neckbreaker slam. After Albert tagged in, Kanyon and Morrus entered the ring, but Gunn and The Big Show threw them out. Albert performed a bicycle kick, and a Baldo Bomb to Stasiak. Morrus and Kanyon attacked Albert, and Morrus performed a DDT. Morrus tagged in, and Albert performed a powerslam before tagging in Gunn. Gunn performed a Fameasser to Morrus, and attempted the One and Only. Stasiak attacked him from behind, performing an inverted DDT, and Morrus pinned him for the victory. After the match, The Big Show performed chokeslams to Morrus and Stasiak, and an Alley Oop to Kanyon.


The seventh match was between Tazz (ECW) and Tajiri (WWF). The match started with Tajiri performing a spinning heel kick, and a standing moonsault. Tazz fought back with a head and arm suplex. Tajiri then escaped a suplex attempt, and performed kicks and punches. Tazz fought back with a clothesline. After Tazz applied a cross armbar, and performed a flapjack spinebuster, Tajiri fought back with a handspring back elbow. Tazz then pulled Tajiri off the apron, and sent him into the ringsteps. Back in the ring, Tajiri applied the Tarantula, and dropkicked Tazz, who was kneeling. Tazz then blocked a kick, and performed a capture suplex. He then shoved the referee out of the way, allowing Tajiri to spit green mist into Tazz's face, and pin him after a Buzzsaw Kick.


The eighth match was between Rob Van Dam (RVD) (ECW) and Jeff Hardy (WWF) for the WWF Hardcore Championship. Before the match began, RVD attacked Matt Hardy from behind with a steel chair. The match started back and forth with a quick pace. Hardy gained the advantage after a dropkick to the back. After Hardy missed a crossbody, RVD performed a standing moonsault, a lifting double underhook facebuster, and a rolling thunder. RVD then climbed the turnbuckles, but Hardy shoved him outside. Outside, Hardy walked the barricade, but RVD sent him into the crowd. After a moonsault from the barricade, Hardy was placed over the barricade, and RVD performed a spinning heel kick off the apron. Hardy fought back with a sunset flip powerbomb from the apron, took out a ladder, and climbed it. However, RVD tipped the ladder, causing Hardy to fall. RVD attempted to use a chair, but Hardy used the ladder. After Hardy hit RVD with the chair, RVD came back with a Van Daminator, sending Hardy off the stage. Back in the ring, RVD performed a Chair Surf, and attempted a split-legged moonsault, but Hardy blocked it with his knees. Hardy followed with a DDT, a German suplex, and a sitout jawbreaker. RVD then avoided a Swanton Bomb, placed the title belt on Hardy, and performed a Five-Star Frog Splash. RVD then pinned Hardy to win the title.


The ninth match was a Bra and Panties match between Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler, and Trish Stratus and Lita with Mick Foley as the special guest referee. The match started with Lita and Stratus taking down Keibler and Wilson. Wilson dropkicked Stratus' back, and kicked her in the corner. Stratus fought back with a clothesline, and attempted to remove Wilson's shirt after a suplex. Keibler stopped her, and they attempted to double team, but Stratus performed a double clothesline. Lita tagged in, knocked Wilson off the apron, and removed Keibler's shirt after pulling her in. Keibler went outside the ring, and Lita chased after her. This allowed Wilson to stomp on Lita, and Keibler removed her shirt. Lita fought back with a snapmare, and attempted a diving crossbody. Wilson and Stratus tagged in, and performed a clothesline. Wilson fought back, and pulled Stratus up while stepping on her hair. She pulled down her top, but Stratus performed a roll-up, and removed Wilson's pants. Lita and Stratus then performed a Poetry in Motion, with Lita performing an aided clothesline to Wilson, before removing Wilson's shirt. Stratus then performed a bulldog to Keibler, and Lita performed a Litasault. They then removed Keibler's pants to win the match.


The main event was the "Inaugural Brawl", a ten-man tag team match between the Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von), Rhyno, Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page (Team WCW/ECW), and The Undertaker, Kane, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle and Steve Austin (Team WWF). WCW Owner Shane McMahon, ECW Owner Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, ECW General Manager Paul Heyman, and WWF Owner Vince McMahon were at ringside. The Undertaker attacked Page during his entrance, and all wrestlers fought at ringside. The match began with Team WWF having the advantage as Austin dominated Rhyno. Team WCW/ECW gained the advantage after Page performed a hangman to The Undertaker. Team WCW/ECW dominated The Undertaker until he performed a DDT. Team WWF kept the advantage until Booker performed a flapjack to Jericho with help from D-Von. Jericho fought back, knocking down the Dudley Boyz, and tagged in Angle. Angle fought the Dudley Boyz until Bubba Ray performed a Bubba Bomb. Angle was dominated by Team WCW/ECW until The Undertaker came in illegally, and attacked Page.


All wrestlers entered the ring, and fought. The Undertaker fought with Page, and, after performed a chokeslam, they fought into the crowd. Austin was down holding his knee as Booker and Angle were lying in the ring. On the outside, Kane was double-teamed by the Dudley Boyz. Kane eventually fought back, performing a chokeslam to D-Von through the announce table. Bubba Ray and Rhyno then sent Kane through the other announce table with a double suplex. Jericho then sent Rhyno through a table with a shoulder block from the apron. In the ring, Bubba Ray and Booker double-teamed Angle until Angle fought back, performing a German suplex to Booker, and an Angle Slam to Bubba Ray. Angle attempted to apply the ankle lock on Booker, but Booker kicked him into the referee. Booker then performed a flapjack, and all three were down. Vince got the WWF Championship belt, and attempted to throw it to Angle. Shane took it, and hit Vince with it. Shane failed to hit Angle, and Angle threw both Shane and Bubba Ray out of the ring. Angle performed an Angle Slam on Booker, and applied the ankle lock. After sending the referee back in the ring, Austin turned on Team WWF by performing a Stone Cold Stunner to Angle. Booker then pinned Angle to win the match for Team WCW/ECW. After the match, Austin celebrated with Shane, Stephanie and Heyman...


[No, I didn't write that, I took it from Wikipedia. Not much point writing something that's already been written.]




World Wrestling Federation Champion - 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

WCW World Heavyweight Champion - Booker T

WWF Intercontinental Champion - Lance Storm

WCW United States Champion - Chris Kanyon

WWF European Champion - Matt Hardy

WWF Hardcore Champion - Rob Van Dam

WWF Tag Team Champions - The APA [Farooq & Bradshaw]

WCW Tag Team Champions - Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo

WWF Light Heavyweight Champion - X-Pac

WCW Cruiserweight Champion - X-Pac

WWF Women's Champion - Vacant


World Wrestling Federation Roster

Owner(s) - Vince McMahon

Commissioner - Mick Foley


Al Snow [F]

Albert [H]

Big Show [F]

Billy Gunn [F]

Bradshaw [F]

Chris Jericho [F]

Christian [F]

Crash Holly [F]

Dean Malenko [H]

Edge [F]

Essa Rios [H]

Faarooq [F]

Funaki [F]

Hardcore Holly [H]

Jacqueline [F]

Jeff Hardy [F]

Kane [F]

K-Kwik [F]

Kurt Angle [F]

Lita [F]

Matt Hardy [F]

Perry Saturn [F]

Scotty 2 Hotty [F]

Spike Dudley [F]

Tajiri [F]

Test [F]

The Undertaker [F]

Trish Stratus [F]

X-Pac [H]


The Alliance Roster

Owner(s) - Shane McMahon, Stephanie McMahon & Paul Heyman

Commissioner - William Regal


Billy Kidman [F]

Booker T [H]

Bubba-Ray Dudley [H]

Chavo Guerrero Jr. [F]

Chris Kanyon [H]

Chuck Palumbo [H]

Debra [H]

Diamond Dallas Page [H]

D-Von Dudley [H]

Hugh Morrus [F]

Hurricane Helms [H]

Ivory [H]

Justin Credible [H]

Lance Storm [H]

Mike Awesome [H]

Mighty Molly [H]

Raven [H]

Rhyno [H]

Rob Van Dam [F]

Sean O'Haire [H]

Shawn Stasiak [H]

Stacy Keibler [H]

'Stone Cold' Steve Austin [H]

Steven Richards [H]

Tazz [H]

Terri [H]

Torrie Wilson [H]

William Regal [H]



Big Boss Man - Eye Injury - Out for 9 Months

Chris Benoit - Broken Neck - Out for 10 Months

Eddie Guerrero - Rehab - Unknown Return Date

Rikishi - Shoulder Injury - Out for 3-4 Months

Shawn Michaels - Out for 9 Months

The Rock - Filming a Movie - Unknown Return Date

Triple H - Torn Quadricep - Out for 5 Months

Val Venis - Shoulder Injury - Out for 6 Months


Tag Teams & Stables

The Brothers of Destruction [undertaker & Kane]

Edge & Christian

Chuck Palumbo & Sean O'Haire

Team Extreme [The Hardy Boyz & Lita]

The APA [Faarooq & Bradshaw]

The Dudley Boyz [bubba-Ray & D-Von Dudley]

The Hardy Boyz [Matt & Jeff Hardy]

The Hollys [Crash & Hardcore Holly]

X-Factor [X-Pac & Justin Credible]




Developmental Roster


Developmental Companies - HWA and OVW


Brock Lesnar

Charlie Haas

Doug Basham

Elix Skipper

Jamie Knoble

Johnny 'The Bull' Stamboli

Lance Cade

Lash LeRoux


Kid Kash

Mark Henry

Nick Dinsmore

Queen Victoria

Randy Orton

Redd Dogg

Rico Constantino

Rob Conway

Ron Waterman

Russ Haas

Shannon Moore

Sharmell Sullivan

Shelton Benjamin

Steve Bradley

The Damaja

The Prototype

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A Cold Night in Hell - WWF RAW is WAR Preview!

Monday, Week 1, August 2001


Just 24 hours removed from a Pay-Per-View that has already gone down in history, so many questions demand answers on RAW is WAR this week, specifically the question "WHY AUSTIN WHY?" 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin last night defected to WCW/ECW and God only knows why. In a statement released by Shane and Stephanie McMahon, they have promised that Austin will be at RAW and WILL explain his actions! What will Austin have to say, and will any WWF Superstars take offense to his comments?


In the current Main Event, the pride of the WWF - The Undertaker will take on WCW World Heavyweight Champion Booker T. Thankfully for Booker T, his Championship will not be on the line, but after last night, Undertaker is out for revenge on WCW/ECW and would love to get in the title picture in order to bring a World Title back to the camp of the WWF!


Plus, in a 6-Man Tag Team Match, the WCW Tag Team Champions Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo will team up with the WWF Intercontinental Champion Lance Storm to battle the team of Crash, Hardcore Holly & Al Snow. Which team will emerge victorious in what is sure to be a fierce war?


Also confirmed for RAW, it's handbags at dawn...well...more like fists at dawn as Mighty Molly from WCW/ECW takes on quite possibly the WWF's toughest diva - Jacqueline. Molly is sure to have her stooge Hurricane Helms at ringside,can we expect any interference from him?


Find out the answers to these questions and so much more on RAW is WAR!


Confirmed Matches

- Non-Title - Booker T© versus The Undertaker

- 6-Man Tag Team Match - Sean O'Haire, Chuck Palumbo© & Lance Storm© versus The Holly Cousins & Al Snow

- Women's Match - Jacqueline versus Mighty Molly



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Apologies for the style of results for this show, I've had laptop issues which involved the results I'd written getting deleted so I wrote it like this because I really didn't wanna write the show twice. Smackdown will be in the style I actually want it to be, unless people prefer this style better? Lemme know what you think!




A Cold Night in Hell - WWF RAW is WAR Results!

Allstate Arena in Chicago, Illnois - Monday, Week 1, August 2001


Sunday Night Heat Taping Results

- WCW Cruiserweight Championship - X-Pac© defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr.

- Big Show defeated Justin Credible with a Chokeslam.

- Raven defeated 'The One' Billy Gunn after the Raven Effect.


On RAW is WAR, we were promised an explanation, and an explanation we got as the man of the moment - 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin explained his actions at the InVasion pay-per view. Austin explained that with Vince McMahon, you can go very quickly from being his enemy where he will do everything in his power to remove you from the company, and then you can be his best friend just like that. Austin said that McMahon used WWF Superstars in order to get McMahon wants. Austin told the audience that The McMahons and Paul Heyman offered him a considerable amount of money to get him on their side because after all, he is both a former WCW and ECW Star. This prompted particular outrage fromWWF Superstar Chris Jericho who walked out to the ring and told Austin that all he is to The McMahons and Heyman is a puppet. They pull the strings and Austin dances. Jericho said that he is also a former WCW and ECW Star but he stayed with the WWF because not only have they been good to him, that's where he got his biggest break - nobody held him down and he went to the top. After the argument ended, Chris Jericho challenged Austin to a WWF Championship Match at Summerslam which has yet to be confirmed.


In the Main Event of Raw, WCW World Heavyweight Champion Booker T took on The Undertaker in a non-title bout with the hope that a win for Undertaker would earn him a title shot against Booker. The match was a nice back and forth encounter with Booker T escaping moves such as Old-Skool and the Chokeslam, and Undertaker managing to counter out of the Bookend and avoid a Missile Dropkick. In the end though, Undertaker got a hold of Booker T and lifted him up into the air for what he calls 'The Last Ride' but out of nowhere, Rhyno hit the ring and blasted The Undertaker with a Gore! Earlier in the night we had heard Stephanie McMahon talking to Rhyno about making an impact by taking out a certain WWF Star, this must've been who she meant. After the referee called for the bell, Rhyno's assault continued as he and Booker T started to take advantage of a fallen Undertaker, until the crowd erupted as Kurt Angle sprinted to the ring and cleaned house.


Rob Van Dam's roll continued on Raw, just 24 hours after becoming Hardcore Champion, he was able to pin Matt Hardy after the Five Star Frog Splash. Prior to the match, Jeff Hardy challenged RVD to a rematch at Summerslam in which the title would be hung above the ring and the only way to reach it is to climb a Ladder. Hardy also mentioned that there would be Tables and Chairs in the match. After RVD won the match, he accepted Jeff Hardy's challenge. Also in the show, Matt Hardy had a confrontation with Diamond Dallas Page, where it was revealed that William Regal had granted DDP a European Championship Match next week on Raw!


The Dudley Boyz were hoping to have an easy night tonight as they came out to the ring and called themselves the best tag team in the world and mentioned their win at InVasion (not that either of them got the pin) and called out The APA for a World Tag Team Championship Match, but instead they got Edge and Christian. Edge and Christian began to mock The Dudleyz and then argued with them about who actually deserves the title shot more. The conclusion of the argument saw a match made for next week on Raw - Edge and Christian vs The Dudleyz and the winners go onto Summerslam to challenge The APA.


In other news, Chris Kanyon managed to successfully defend his United States Championship in an Open Challenge against Scotty 2 Hotty. The US Champion dominated the match and eventually beat Scotty with the Flatliner. After the match, Kanyon went to walk up the ramp which exploded into flames. Is Kane the next challenger for Kanyon?


Plus, 'Mighty' Molly pinned Jacqueline after using the ropes to her advantage and after the match, Jackie looked for some payback until Ivory, Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson joined Molly in a beatdown on the tough Texan. However, Jacqueline wasn't alone either as Trish Stratus and Lita hit the ring and the 3 WWF women were able to drive off the women of the Alliance.


In the Opening Contest, Al Snow and The Holly Cousins got somewhat of an upset over WCW Tag Team Champions Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo and WWF Intercontinental Champion Lance Storm. The finish saw Crash Holly get a surprise roll-up on Chuck Palumbo to win the match. Where does this put Al Snow and The Holly Cousins in terms of title shots? Time will only tell! Tazz was also able to notch up a win as he choked out Tajiri with the Tazzmission in an InVasion rematch.


Quick Results

- The Undertaker def. Booker T by disqualification after Rhyno interfered

- Tazz def. Tajiri by submission with the Tazmission

- Rob Van Dam def. Matt Hardy after the Five Star Frog Splash.

- Chris Kanyon© def. Scotty 2 Hotty to retain the WCW United States Championship

- 'Mighty' Molly def. Jacqueline via illegally using the ropes

- Al Snow & The Holly Cousins def. Lance Storm©, Chuck Palumbo & Sean O'Haire©







The following workers have been released from their Developmental Contracts - Chaz Warrington, Jason Jett, Kaz Hayashi, Kid Romeo, Alan Funk, Mike Sanders, The Wall and Tiger Ali Singh. The following staff members have been released from their contracts - Howard Finkel, Michael Hayes, Bruce Pritchard, Chris Kreski, Jack Doan, Steve Lombardi and Tom Pritchard. The World Wrestling Federation wishes them all the best in their future endeavours.


The WWF are pleased to announce the signing of former ECW Star Kid Kash to a Developmental Deal. We here at WWF Headquarters look forward to working with Kid Kash in the future.



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Liking this so far and those results are much better, easier to read and overall more enjoyable, Loving the story so far. Will be sure to comment longer when i have more time lol, And nice one on signing Kid Kash.
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WWF Smackdown Preview - Thursday, Week 1, August 2001


Tonight on WWF Smackdown, both Chris Jericho and the WWF Champion 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin will be at the arena, neither of them are currently scheduled for in-ring competition but things could change at the drop of a hat. Jericho took offense to comments made by Austin on Raw this past Monday night, will we find out anymore about Jericho's pursuit for the WWE Championship? Will he be granted a title shot against Austin?


The Main Event scheduled for Smackdown is sure to be a blockbuster as Rhyno teams up with the WCW Champion Booker T to face Kurt Angle and The Undertaker. Rhyno took out Undertaker with a Gore on Raw on Monday as per orders from Stephanie McMahon, but will he regret those moves when he gets into the ring with Undertaker? What business does Kurt Angle have with Booker T?


In another Tag Team Match signed for Smackdown, Diamond Dallas Page teams with the WCW United States Champion Chris Kanyon to battle The Hardy Boyz consisting of European Champion Matt Hardy, and Jeff Hardy who will face Rob Van Dam at Summerslam in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match for the Hardcore Championship. Will RVD be watching this to scout his future opponent?


Confirmed Matches

Tag Team Match - Booker T© & Rhyno versus The Undertaker & Kurt Angle

Tag Team Match - Chris Kanyon© & DDP versus The Hardy Boyz



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