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[GDS-Verse] Portland Pro Wrestling

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I am writing this dynasty in hope to keep the interest in TEW for myself. I normally try to put in a ton of graphics and what not but think I will hold out on that for now. I may use pictures of characters/belts/promotion logos but other than that I think I am going to hold off on an elaborate formats.


Now I am starting the diary off where I am right now which is 2/2009. I will do a run down of what has gone down since starting and get you caught up to date as of my current situation.


I chose to run with Portland Pro Wrestling since I created Hawthorn and George and had a background to run with off of those two. I also am a huge Bruiser mark as you will see down the road.




-Guy George started as Heavyweight Champion

-George and Bruiser Plewsy feud is started

-George retained the title versus Bruiser is the main event for New Years Stand

-War & Pain (Lord of Desecration & Lord of Doom) won the vacant tag team titles

-Came in 2nd out of 4 competing in the Northwest

-Lost $35,000 during our first month of operations

-Owner Goals

-After 2 years have at least $25,000

-At the 2 year mark make sure Guy George has a B momentum

-Can not hire or rehire anyone with below D- in stamina or Safety




-George retained the title versus Sir Percival Smedley in the main event for the Valentine's Day Solace

-Came in 3rd out of 4 competing in the Northwest



-Bruiser & Ricky Williams defeated George & Barry Whitcomb



-George retained the title versus Julius Manning in the main event at Portland Spring Paradise



-Bruiser defeated George to win the PPW Heavyweight championship at Mayhem



-Bruiser defeated George to retain the PPW Heavyweight championship in a First Blood match at WrestleFest I



-Bruiser defeated the debuting Nitro in a title match to retain the PPW Heavyweight championship; George came out but accidentally hit Nitro with Bruiser's dog chain. This lead to Nitro challenging George right then and there and winning with the help of Bruiser.



**No shows where held during this time**



-Bruiser defeated the debuting Cal Savage to retain the Heavyweight championship at Fallout



**No shows where held during this time**



-George defeated Bruiser for the Heavyweight championship at Country of Controversy 2008 to end their long drawn out feud. From there Myami came out and attacked Bruiser and pinned him for the win to end the show.

-Cal Savage & Nitro defeat War & Pain for the tag team championships



-Bruiser leaves PPW due to his need to focus on his other commitments

-Cal Savage leaves PPW due to his need to focus on his other commitments and by doing so without notice vacated the tag team title



-George retained the title versus Lord of Doom in the main event at New Year Stand 2009

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Current Roster Heels in Red/ Faces in Blue


Main Event



Guy George


Julius Manning



Lord of Desecration



Lord of Doom


Upper Midcarder



Cowboy James Roberts



Harry Borowitz



Jon "Nitro" Thunder





Colt Phixion



Barry Whitcomb



Duane Strong



Trash Clemmens






Matt Devlin


Lower Midcarder






Joe Nox





Randy McDuff





Bradley Smooth





Blair Harrington (Manager)



Noah Hawthorn (Owner)



Jo Nox (Manager)



Karl Power (Referee)



Tobias Goldfinch (Booker)

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Valentine's Day Solace


Heavyweight Championship

Title Match

Guy George© vs Lord of Desecration

With George defeating Desecration's partner Doom last month and Desecration getting the win over Nitro in the same night we get the best of the best in a title match at VDS. Will Doom be at ringside tonight? George has been known to step it up a notch against the larger men he has squared off against and this Desecration is as large as they come...


Grudge Match

Nitro vs Lord of Doom

Nitro is looking for some retribution after suffering a loss to Desecration with the help of some outside interference from Doom at New Years Stand '09. Doom wasn't able to get the win against George and is looking to step it up and take a win from Nitro like his partner did last month...


Tag Team Championship

Title Match

BoroNoxz vs Thrilla Killaz

With the titles being vacated since Cal Savage left the company and with Pain & War on the way to the top of the singles rankings we were left with BoroNoxz putting an open challenge to any two men who thought they could beat them and try stopping them from stopping their own losing streak..

Myami vs Matt Devlin

Myami has been on a role of sorts since debuting and not only attacking, but literally destroying Bruiser and also pinning him in the same night. Tonight Myami continues his streak or does Devlin show Myami why he is one of the top notch acts in PWW?


Quick Picks:

Guy George vs Lord of Desecration

Nitro vs Lord of Doom

BoroNoxz vs Thrilla Killaz

Myami vs Matt Devlin

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Quick Picks:

Guy George vs Lord of Desecration

Nitro vs Lord of Doom

BoroNoxz vs Thrilla Killaz

Myami vs Matt Devlin


Great start so far Machine, cant wait to see where you go with this :)


Thanks for the comments. I just simmed the event and will have the results up by tomorrow afternoon. I am just giving time to others to jump in.

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Quick Picks:

Guy George vs Lord of Desecration

Nitro vs Lord of Doom

BoroNoxz vs Thrilla Killaz

Myami vs Matt Devlin Guessing this will go the other way, but Devlin is my guy, and damn it! I'm supporting him lol.

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Sweet merciful sebsplex... Doom and Desecration main eventing? I didn't think I'd ever see that. I made those lugs so I know how luggy they are. I told sebs to make sure they had great facepaint because that's the only way they were ever gonna get hired.


Fact they've botched powerbombed their way to the main event is just staggering.

I also added White Bread. :)



Guy George vs Lord of Desecration

- I pray I'm wrong because Desecration holding ANY top title is just wrong, but George has defeated most of the heels so this would give a big monster a run with the title with his partner running interference and allow a fresh new face to finally stop the monster.


Nitro vs Lord of Doom

- I refuse to give both members of the House of Lords (as I titled their tag team) solo victories.


BoroNoxz vs Thrilla Killaz

- I'm not even sure who's on the Thrilla Killaz but Nox isn't so... that's my logic.


Myami vs Matt Devlin

- I see no reason to stop the roll Myami is on.

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Valentine's Day Solace 2009

Club X

Attendance 155




Guy George

[George makes his way to the ring with a microphone in hand]



Heeeeelllllllllloooooooo Baaaabay!!!!!


First off let me tell you all tonight I am going to be taking on the beast known as Desecration and just because he is bigger, stronger, dumber and lazier does not mean you will not get the best match for your buck...


I am going to carry this title into the match and hold it high on my way out... I've beaten all those giants thrown before me in the past and this time will be no different...Desecration if you think by having Doom at ringside you will increase your odds of pinning me...your wrong...I have a friend in the back I am going to go find him and make sure that Doom doesn't interfere with my business....


[George makes his way to barricade and shakes a few hands and holds the belt high as he walks out]



Myami VS Matt Devlin


Both men go at it for a few with Myami getting the upper hand until Devlin hits a flying forearm that knocks Myami down. Devlin goes to the top rope and sets up for his Leap of Faith, Myami is able to recover and superplex Devlin off the top rope and cradle the leg for a the pin.


Winner: Myami



We cut to the back where George is talking to Nitro



Guy George

So then if you watch out for me then I will watch out for you, no hard feelings from the whole Bruiser thing, Right?



No problem. I will make sure if anything goes down I will be right there.



[Cut to Cowboy James Roberts in the entrance way]



Cowboy James

Howdy Ladies and Gents, Howdy. I have been over looked for to long here in PPW and would like to let everyone know that I will start chasing that dream, the dream where I ride off in to the sunset with my horse, the girl and my heavyweight championship...


[Out of nowhere Julius Manning comes out with his bat in hand and starts beating down on Cowboy James]



Julius Manning


Oh yeah Cowboy! Oh yeah, get up you, you redneck, dung cleaning, cow milking cry baby. I have been in the main event for the last year! I have been over looked! I have been put in matches that I clearly should have won but was screwed over by referees that don't know how to count right. You want to get your chance? I'm giving you one tonight later on.


[Manning heads to the back with his bat in hand with a huge smile as the medical staff attend to Cowboy James]





BoroNoxz VS Thrilla Killaz

Tag Team Championship

Title Match

In what was a great match between some great up and comers here in PPW we saw Borowitz get up and try to set Colt up for the Nox Landing but Chronic came in and hit Nox with a Chronic Illness and Then Colt and Chronic landed the Thrilla Ride on Borowitz for the win


[Colt & Chronic celebrate in the ring as the new PPW tag team champions as Borowitz and Nox talk it over on the outside]


Winner: And NEW Tag Team Champions; The Thrilla Killaz (Chronic & ColtPhixion)




[George was backstage when War & Pain attacked him and slammed him all around the backstage area.]






Julius Manning VS Cowboy James Roberts


Cowboy looked to be struggling the whole time due to the beating he took from Manning earlier in the night. Cowboy was able to make a come back but it was little too late to change the outcome of this fight. Manning got the win after a low blow and the "Grand Slam".


[After the match Manning grabbed his bat and came in the ring to lay another beat down on Roberts until the referees were able to break it up]


Winner: Julius Manning





Nitro VS Doom


This match was short and sweet and Nitro took the win after making Doom do what he has never done before and that is tap out. With this win it definitely sets Nitro up as a top contender in PPW.


Winner: Nitro




Heavyweight Championship

Title Match

Desecration VS Guy George


Another great show by George where he had to carry Desecration through this match. Desecration was about to lose when Doom made his way out and went to hit George with a steel chair but ended up hitting Desecration instead. George tossed Doom out of the ring and got the pin on his partner for the win to retain the PPW Heavyweight Championship.


Winner: And still Heavyweight Champion Guy George


Show Overall: D

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From the desk of Noah Hawthorn

I just wanted to thank everyone for coming out each and every month to take part in our events and support your local wrestling shows.


At Valentine's Day Solace 2009 we had the largest crowd in the history of Portland Pro Wrestling and would like to invite you all to our March event; Madness Final IV. No matches have been announced as of yet but they will be out in the coming days.


Portland Pro Wrestling would like to announce the departure of Lord of Desecration. We would like to wish him the best in his future endeavors.


The resigning of Jon "Nitro" Thunder has been completed after a restructuring of his contract.


We would also like to announce hiring of independent talent James Heatly.




Noah Hawthorn





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Madness Finale IV


Heavyweight Championship

Title Match

Nitro vs Trash Clemmens vs Guy George©

These three men seem to be the present and future of PPW and with that said who will continue in leading them into the future...?


Grudge Match

Myami vs Cowboy James Roberts

Myami taking on the big man on the ranch; Cowboy James... Will he be able to wrangle up this win or do you think the monster from Florida will keep his streak alive...


Doom vs Harry Borowitz

After his tag team partner left the company it seems like Doom is destine to walk a lonely road and right now it is headed in the direction of the local loser Borowitz...Can Doom bounce back from his resent losing streak or will Borowitz get his first win in PPW?


Julius Manning vs Barry Whitcomb

Julius has his new improved attitude and looks to try and make a mark by knocking on the fan favorite Barry Whitcomb...Let's see if if Manning can use his new momentum to come out on top with this one...


Quick Picks:

Nitro vs Trash Clemmens vs Guy George

Myami vs Cowboy James Roberts

Doom vs Harry Borowitz

Julius Manning vs Barry Whitcomb

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Nitro vs Trash Clemmens vs Guy George

- I see no reason for Guy to drop the title.


Myami vs Cowboy James Roberts

- Since Myami is the man most likely to take the title right now and his win streak continues.


Doom vs Harry Borowitz

- Doom picks up a win, because... well.. it's Borowitz.


Julius Manning vs Barry Whitcomb

- And White Bread is dead to the new nasty Man-ning.

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