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National Wrestling Alliance 2009 and Beyond

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“They all hated me.”


Such a point-blank statement.


“Republic, Inoki, Quinones, Baker, Blue Demon Jr., it didn’t matter on which continent I was on, a promoter there hated me. I had never intended to isolate anyone or create hostilities but I knew at the beginning that that’s what the consequences were going to be. To this day why some of those guys curse my name is beyond me. In autobiographies and in the minds of the most casual fan, I am, the Devil. I am the one who “destroyed the Legacy of the NWA”, as one smart-alecky internet flunkie put it. Those promoters don’t want to tell about the money they received by no longer affiliating themselves with the NWA. They don’t want to be known as “sell-outs” by their peers and fans. I understand, but don’t make me out to be Satan himself, far more evil than Vince McMahon or Eric Bischoff or Rob Feinstein. I did what any life-long wrestling fan with money would do: become a part of pro wrestling history.”


OOC: Having never really got into playing TEW 07, I decided that I wouldn't buy the newest edition. Instead, I created my own database based on the work of IRC, T-Zone, and bobinc. This database starts in January 2009. I have done my best to modify all other promotions and their rosters to match the time period.

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