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UWT : What happens in Vegas, Doesn't Stay in Vegas

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Las Vegas, Fight City, the Capital of the Fight world. Where you can always find Boxing, MMA and much much more. But what happens in Vegas, Stays In Vegas...


Until Now.


Johnny Curry, whose ancestor Abe Curry Founded Carson City, seemed destined to work in Nevada, but who knew it would involve Wrestling or anything of that matter. But with the help of Good Friends Eli Lee and Christopher Gunn, the UWT was born...



Universal Wrestling Tournament


The Pride of Pure Wrestling. No Gimmicks, No Faking, Everything is as Real as it Gets, and nobody can stop our Meteoric rise to the top.

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Charles Henrick



'Superstar' Ed Simonds



Jake Rainer



'The Heartthrob Kid' Johnny Ecks



Muhammad El Ali



Rik Raines



Sean Olbermann



'The Hateful' Sean Wilson





Kevin Savage



'Mr. KO' Kyle Orton



Tedd Stoneybrook





Adam Kidwell



Chad Moore



Dallas 'Stryker' Strickner



'The Eradicator' Dirk Robertson



Harry Borowitz



"The Beast" Jaiden Knight



Jon Feira



Jon Thunder



Killian Kool



'The Real Deal' Mack Neal



Rodrigo Espirito Santo



"The White Wrestling Wizard" Wagner Wallace





'The Sprocket' Chris Gomez



Devon Carter



'Awesome' Jeff Albright



Kaz Giroshi



Ryan Seabury





Jacob Meyer



Matt Taylor



Payne MacLeod



Ricky Williams





'All Canadian' Chance Haze





Bert Werner



Christopher Gunn



Eli Lee





Johnny Curry



Jurgen Lythjohan





James Heatly





Harrison Steel

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My First Card, ready to go, I met with Gunn and Lee at HQ to book this baby, and set everybody's base momentum, so whoever of the main eventers win, will be in contention for the UWT World Championship Picture. Hey, For a Cult Promotion, we're not doing that bad, we've got some solid fighters set to go, and our top three fights, one of which involves a major rivalry between Sean Wilson and Jon Feira. The Card will be the kick-off show for UWT, and this is the most important show for us, It shows us where we stand in this wrestling world, and how an MMA Crossover company that relies on just pure athletics and skills instead of Fake and bland styles that everybody gets bored of, Remember, this is As Real as It Gets...


Chance Haze vs. Jurgen Lythjohan

Chris Gomez vs. Payne MacLeod

Adam Kidwell vs. Tedd Stoneybrook

Chad Moore vs. Rodrigo Espirito Santo

Albright and Rainer vs. Thunder and Taylor

Ed Simonds vs. Mack Neal

Rik Raines vs. Charles Henrick

Sean Wilson vs. Jon Feira

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Chance Haze vs. Jurgen Lythjohan

Chris Gomez vs. Payne MacLeod

Adam Kidwell vs. Tedd Stoneybrook

Chad Moore vs. Rodrigo Espirito Santo

Albright and Rainer vs. Thunder and Taylor

Ed Simonds vs. Mack Neal

Rik Raines vs. Charles Henrick

Sean Wilson vs. Jon Feira


Nice Roster for a new promotion, hope you keep this going :)

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Chance Haze vs. Jurgen Lythjohan

Chris Gomez vs. Payne MacLeod

Adam Kidwell vs. Tedd Stoneybrook

Chad Moore vs. Rodrigo Espirito Santo

Albright and Rainer vs. Thunder and Taylor

Ed Simonds vs. Mack Neal

Rik Raines vs. Charles Henrick

Sean Wilson vs. Jon Feira

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Total guess, but since it has James Heatly...


Chance Haze vs. Jurgen Lythjohan

Chris Gomez vs. Payne MacLeod

Adam Kidwell vs. Tedd Stoneybrook

Chad Moore vs. Rodrigo Espirito Santo

Albright and Rainer vs. Thunder and Taylor

Ed Simonds vs. Mack Neal

Rik Raines vs. Charles Henrick

Sean Wilson vs. Jon Feira

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Total guess, but since it has James Heatly...


Chance Haze vs. Jurgen Lythjohan

Chris Gomez vs. Payne MacLeod

Adam Kidwell vs. Tedd Stoneybrook

Chad Moore vs. Rodrigo Espirito Santo

Albright and Rainer vs. Thunder and Taylor

Ed Simonds vs. Mack Neal

Rik Raines vs. Charles Henrick

Sean Wilson vs. Jon Feira


I knew Hiring Heatly was a good idea :D

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Chance Haze vs. Jurgen Lythjohan

Chris Gomez vs. Payne MacLeod

Adam Kidwell vs. Tedd Stoneybrook

Chad Moore vs. Rodrigo Espirito Santo

Albright and Rainer vs. Thunder and Taylor

Ed Simonds vs. Mack Neal

Rik Raines vs. Charles Henrick

Sean Wilson vs. Jon Feira

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Chance Haze vs. Jurgen Lythjohan

Chris Gomez vs. Payne MacLeod

Adam Kidwell vs. Tedd Stoneybrook

Chad Moore vs. Rodrigo Espirito Santo

Albright and Rainer vs. Thunder and Taylor

Ed Simonds vs. Mack Neal

Rik Raines vs. Charles Henrick

Sean Wilson vs. Jon Feira

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Gunn : Yo everybody, it's time for the first show of the year with UWT, Universal Wrestling Tournament


Lee : It Sure Is, and now we're going to go to Werner for the rules.


Werner : Thanks Eli, so here are the rules


Each Round will be judged on a 10 Point Must System, Kicks, Stomps and Knees to the head of a downed opponent are legal, as well as elbows. Judges will score the bout on Control, aggression, Effective Punching and Kicking, and ground control.


Lee : Alright, With that, Let's get this show started



Result : Chance Haze def. Jurgen Lythjohan via Ottawa Valley Driver @ 4:39 of Round 2


Curry's Notes : Haze and Lythjohan are two of our enhancement talents, whom I really want to get the promotion ready for, since they could easily be the future of our young organization. So I really wanted to build them up. Haze has the best chance though since he is much much younger, and really will probably end up being the future, whereas Jurgen is much much older, almost 20 years, and Haze showed that age is a factor, quickly dispatching himself of Jurgen in the second round with his trademark Ottawa Valley Driver.


Gunn : Alright I'm with a very happy Chance Haze after a huge victory over a big time veteran of the sport, Haze, How do you feel ?


Haze : Great Man, I dominated, and managed to finish it early.


Gunn : Alright, we can't wait to see you next time.[/Quote]



Result : Chris Gomez def. Payne MacLeod via Last House on the Right @ 0:07 of Round 3


Curry's Notes : Two More Can't Miss Prospects in MacLeod and Gomez, both of which could be future champions. Gomez and MacLeod went at it for round 1, but the pace seemed to slow in round 2, the crowd didn't enjoy it, but In Round 3 they got what they wished for, when Gomez took him out in just 7 seconds. The Crowd went wild for the man of Latin Heritage and Eli Lee caught up with him at the end of the match.


Lee : Chris Gomez, what a great finish to the fight, how does that make you feel ?


Gomez : I Give fans what they want, and tonight, they wanted a big Finish, Did you guys get what you wanted tonight ?


The Crowd Cheers


Lee : Alright we can't wait to see you again ![/Quote]



Result : Tedd Stoneybrook def. Adam Kidwell via Unanimous Decision @ 5:00 of Round 3


Curry's Notes : Everybody Expected Stoneybrook to win this time, but they didn't expect it to happen like this. Stoneybrook and Kidwell, who have the reputation to be finishers, seemed dull today. Albeit the match going back and forth, I would hardly book the match again until I can see both showing they can finish a fight again. Stoneybrook could get into title contention in the future, but not until I see something else.


Werner : Tedd, what happened in there, usually you finish your fights, what happened ?


Stoneybrook : I guess I just didn't train hard enough, My conditioning was shot, and I'm surprised Kidwell wasn't able to finish me earlier. I will impress you guys next time, I promise.


Werner : Well, I can't wait ![/Quote]



Result : Chad Moore def. Rodrigo Espirito Santo via Technical Knockout @ 3:13 of Round 1


Curry's Notes : Man did Santo get destroyed, I would've thought that an MMA Crossover would fit right in here, but Moore's Supreme Wrestling Background really payed off for him, quickly double legging him and pounding him out until Steel stopped the fight. Moore could easily become the top dog of the division in the future, and the rest of the company should be on watch.


Gunn : Great Great Performance Moore, what was going through your mind when you finished the fight like that ?


Moore : I was thinking, Damn, how the hell did I get here ?


Gunn : Haha, Alright I can't wait to see you fight next time, and hope to see you in the title picture soon.[/Quote]



Result : Albright And Rainer def. Thunder and Taylor via Powerdown Driver @ 3:20 of Round 3


Curry's Notes : Big Win for Rainer and Albright, destroying Lower carders Taylor and Thunder, this could push Albright to the moon and really convince the world that Rainer is for real. As For Thunder and Taylor, they still have a future with the organization, and are welcomed back at anytime they wish.


Lee : Great Job in our first ever tag team match ! Albright and Rainer, great performances, Rainer, You finished the fight, how did that feel.


Rainer : Awesome, I love the feel when I slam somebody through the floor like that.


Lee : Great Job and hope you have a nice time with the promotion.[/Quote]



Result : Ed Simonds def. Mack Neal via Starstruck @ 4:54 of Round 2


Curry's Notes : Man Simonds Looked great tonight, just completely upset Mack Neal, Simonds proved that Age don't matter, but that could upset up and comer Chance Haze, who showed that Youth is the top of the heap, and that could set up a major match-up in the future. Providing that Simonds' Retirement Rumors are not true, he could be a Big Star in the future.


Werner : Great Job Simonds, man did you perform incredibly tonight, what was going through your head when you hit that Starstruck ?


Simonds : Damn, It feels good to be back in action, and I love the Starstruck, and I will be the champion by the end of the year, I guarantee it ![/Quote]



Result : Charles Henrick def. Rik Raines via Jolly Good @ 4:31 of Round 2


Curry's Notes : Henrick pulled off the upset here tonight and a Title Picture looks good in his favor, Raines shouldn't leave with his head down though, because he was dominating Round 1, Until Charles Henrick felt 'Jolly Good' and pinned him for the 3 count.


Gunn : Charles Charles Charles, get over here man, Great Performance, where do you see yourself now in the Title Picture ?


Henrick : Personally mate, I think after Raines, I deserve the Title shot, and whoever wins between Wilson and Feira, should be fightin' me for the shot


Gunn : Alright, Hope To see you again soon, Charles Henrick everybody ![/Quote]


A Hype Video Plays, Highlighting the Main Event


Wilson : I want to knock him out


Clips of Wilson's major KO Victories


Feira : He has to hit me to knock me out, And by the time that happens, It'll be over.


Highlights of Feira's Submission Victories


Wilson : I really hate the guy


Press Conference Clips Play


Feira : It'll be over before the second bell rings...


Clip Fades to a face to face of the fighters at the weigh-ins and then fades to black.[/Quote]


Feira starts walking out to Satisfaction, starting to walk with a slow motion, tapping the hands of the fans in the audience, the fans are just going crazy as Feira finally starts to get pumped up as the music gets louder. The Fans go even wilder, and Feira gets checked by the Doctor before getting in to the ring and soaking in the cheers of the crowd.


The Music Dims, and St. Anger starts to play, the fans immediately recognize the face that's walking to the ring in slow motion with his hood over his head. It's like looking at the grim reaper walking to the ring. The Crowd starts cheering, and Wilson starts to move forward, intense face and gets to the ring. The Doctor checks him out, and he walks into the ring and immediately stares at Feira as he paces back and forth in his corner.


Harrison Steel gets them to come to the center of the ring, and an even more intense stare-down starts to unfold, the referee has them touch gloves, and they immediately walk back to their corners.[/Quote]



Result : Sean Wilson def. Jon Feira via Hate Fall @ 4:43 in Round 2


Curry's Notes : Wilson and Feira immediately started going at it, but Wilson got the better of the striking, just due to his intense jab that kept Feira at bay. Feira finally came in but got countered by a fierce three punch combo that put him against the ropes. Wilson dropped Low and lifted for the Hate Fall and finished the match-up.


Gunn : Wow, Big Win for Wilson, how does that feel to beat such a bad rival for you ?


Wilson : What did I say I was Going To Do ? I told you I would finish him, and I did it, I want the belt now, and I'm going to get it.[/Quote]



As the fans were preparing to leave, Johnny Curry walked into the ring, and took the microphone.


Curry : I told you the title shots would be decided after tonight. And they are, just tune in next month to see them. Also in the future, more signings, just check out our website at UWT.com for more news and event results.[/Quote]

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Jurgen Lythjohan, has finally hung up his gloves for good. When he was interviewed he had this to say...


"I've had a good run in my career, I've been wrestling for over 20 years, and this is the first time I've felt physically and mentally challenged before. I'd like to thank everybody at UWT for hiring me for at least one fight to prove that I still had something left in me. I will continue to work for the promotion and will help with it's international affairs and hopefully nailing a deal in Europe or the UK. Thanks again, and have a good night..."[/Quote]



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So, quick question, this is like a worked shoot-fight kind of promotion? Just a little confused because I like this diary already. KUTGW!


Thanks man, Yeah this sort of works like a shoot fight company, since I have an easier time booking those, I'm still learning the game, And glad you're enjoying it :)

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First card was a success, now for the second, I feel that the title shots are being offered to the best guys in the division. If this card can be a success, than nothing, and I mean nothing can stop us. And with Eli Lee now taking ownership of the company, I really think we can go somewhere, because I really don't know crap about business, and this should really kick me into gear when booking the match-ups. I'm also no longer working as a road agent, as Jurgen Lythjohan was much better at it. So now I'm only really handling about half of the business aspect and ownership, as well as taking full control of booking. A new team was also formed just for this event and More fighters will be making their debuts. It's time to get, As real as it gets...


Williams and Borowitz vs. Raines and Seabury

Kaz Giroshi vs. Devon Carter

Dirk Robertson vs. Dallas Strickner

Killian Kool vs. Wagner Wallace

Sean Olbermann vs. Kyle Orton

Muhammad El Ali vs. Johnny Ecks

UWT World Championship Sean Wilson vs. Charles Henrick

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Williams and Borowitz vs. Raines and Seabury

Kaz Giroshi vs. Devon Carter

Dirk Robertson vs. Dallas Strickner

Killian Kool vs. Wagner Wallace

Sean Olbermann vs. Kyle Orton

Muhammad El Ali vs. Johnny Ecks

UWT World Championship Sean Wilson vs. Charles Henrick

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Werner : Hellooo Every-Body ! It's time for UWT Short Circuit 2008 !


Gunn : Yeah man, I'm very very excited, Sean Wilson vs. Charles Henrick for the Title.


Werner : Yes sir. With that, let's go to Part Owner and also commentator Eli Lee for the rules.


Lee : Thanks Bert,


Each Round will be judged on a 10 Point Must System, Kicks, Stomps and Knees to the head of a downed opponent are legal, as well as elbows. Judges will score the bout on Control, aggression, Effective Punching and Kicking, and ground control.



Result : Raines and Seabury def. Williams and Borowitz via Superkick @ 4:34 of Round 2


Curry's Notes : Williams did a good job early but Borowitz was not ready for Raines' and Seabury's Skill Level. Seabury just pushed forward with his energy and Took Borowitz out with a murderous Kick to the head in the second round. Raines did a good job of man-handling Ricky Williams with his pure wrestling skills and instincts, managing to take him down and hold him down with good ground and pound, and handed it off to Seabury for Round 2, and the finish.


Gunn : Seabury, how does it feel to get your first win ?


Seabury : Great, and in great fashion, which makes me very very happy.


Raines : I'm also very happy, since I'm back on track after last month's loss.


Gunn : Alright, can't wait to see you again guys ![/Quote]



Result : Kaz Giroshi def. Devon Carter via Fire-Ice Driver @ 4:46 of Round 2


Curry's Notes : Another second round finish, and I'm loving the fights tonight. Giroshi really proved that even though he's getting old, he can still dominate just due to his technicality. Carter should leave with his head held high though, because he is still one of the company's biggest prospects, and we can't wait to see him back next month.


Lee : Great Job Giroshi, how does it feel to have won in such dominant fashion ?


Spoken through a translator Giroshi : I am very happy and can not wait to finish next month's match and get the title shot.


Lee : Alright, can't wait to see you back ![/Quote]



Dirk Robertson def. Dallas Stryker via Killshot @ 4:35 of Round 2


Curry's Notes : I guess after last weeks disgraceful showing from Stoneybrook they've been inspired to finish their matches tonight. Big win for Robertson, and this could easily set him up for the Up-And-Comer's Title Shot. Big Right hand from Robertson showed the power that he truly does have. People should start to take notice after that brutal beating. If he can continue like this he could become one of the best Midcarders in the Company's History.


Werner : Great Job Robertson ! How do you feel after that Knockout Victory ?


Robertson : Great, Big Impact, and Finished it, I'll be repeating it next time.


Werner : Well, I can't wait for that ![/Quote]



Result : Killian Kool def. Wagner Wallace via Kool Kollider @ 0:03 of Round 3


Curry's Notes : Wow, Big Knockout victory for Kool, big Punch starts the round and ends Wallace's night, and leaves him peaceful on the canvas. Kool is a huge prospect, and could become one of the best ever if treated properly. Wallace has the same skill level and potential, just not that murderous explosive ability. We expect more from him in the future.


Gunn : Big win for you tonight Kool, what is going through your head right now ?


Kool : I'm happy, and also a little shocked that I finished that quick in Round 3


Gunn : Well, I can't wait to see you next month ![/Quote]



Result : Sean Olbermann def. Kyle Orton via Pinfall @ 4:50 of Round 3


Curry's Notes : Olbermann managed to land a last burst of energy and pinned Kyle Orton with just 10 seconds to go in the fight. Orton managed to keep him back and throw punches and even land one that buckled him in Roun d 2, but that was not enough, as Olbermann's pure wrestling ability managed to get him the pin in his debut.


Lee : Alright, I'm here with a successful debut from the winner Sean Olbermann !


Olbermann : Thanks Man ! I'm very very happy to have won this fight tonight !


Lee : Can't Wait to see you next time dude ![/Quote]



Result : Johnny Ecks def. Muhammad El Ali via X-Factor @ 4:44 of Round 3


Curry's Notes : Ecks really impressed in his debut, and the news revolving around Ali, could have been what caused him to fold so easily to somebody he could have easily put up a better fight against. Ecks could become a big prospect in the future providing he doesn't jump ship to the bigger organizations later this year.


Werner : Great Job Johnny, how does it feel to win your debut ?


Ecks : I feel I won for a reason, and that's because I trained harder, worked more, and just am much better.


Werner : Great confidence, and can't wait to see you again ![/Quote]


A Hype Video Plays of Wilson vs. Henrick


Wilson : I deserve this shot.


Henrick : If he thinks he's beatin' me, he's got somethin' else comin'.


Wilson : I will win, period.


Clips of Wilson's Knock Out and Submission victories are played.


Henrick : There isn't any way that he can beat me, My style matches up with his perfectly.


Henrick's many victories are shown


Both : The Title is on the line, and I'm going to take it.[/Quote]


Charles Henrick starts to enter the ring to the Sex Pistols, the fans are just loving him. He keep walking in very enthusiastically, and hypes up the crowd in that manner, he finally gets into the ring and starts talking to his cornermen.


Sean Wilson starts to walk in to his trademark St. Anger, and the crowd loves it. They both eventually start to stare at it each other as Wilson makes his way to the ring, and he continues his intense staredown until the referee calls them to the middle.[/Quote]



Result : Charles Henrick wins the UWT World title defeating Sean Wilson via Jolly Good @ 4:39 of Round 3


Curry's Notes : Henrick wins the title, and Wilson was obviously upset about it. Henrick is a very good fighter in his own rights and it showed tonight, but many people were shocked to see Wilson lose tonight, but Henrick pleased many of the fans in attendance tonight, as he won the UWT World Championship


Gunn : Alright I'm Here With UWT World Champion Charles Henrick, How does it feel to be the first ever title holder in this division ?


Henrick : Great man, I've always wanted to hold a championship, and this is my first, and I'm so glad Wilson gave me such a great fight for it as well !


Gunn : Alright, Can't wait to see you defend ![/Quote]

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A new TV Show, Pitting teams against teams, each consisting of 5 Fighters each will be debuting for Upstart Promotion UWT this month. Get this, the First Battle of the teams was even announced. A hype battle between Top Contender Sean Olbermann and UWT World Champion Charles Henrick. Both Men have in fact picked their teams. The rule of thumb of the draft was that Each team nust pick 5 Members to compete with them each week, they can only pick each fighter a maximum of 3 times, to ensure activity for all our fighters. Sean Olbermann, the Challenger, got first pick, and here's how the draft went


Team Olbermann

Rik Raines

Sean Wilson

Rodrigo Espirito Santo

Dirk Robertson

Payne MacLeod


Team Henrick

Mack Neal

Ed Simonds

Kaz Giroshi

Chance Haze

Tedd Stoneybrook


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Rik Raines vs Ed Simonds

Sean Wilson vs Tedd Stoneybrook

Dirk Robertson vs Kaz Giroshi

Rodrigo Espirito Santo vs Mack Neal

Payne MacLeod vs Chance Haze

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Result : Chance Haze def. Payne MacLeod via Ottawa Valley Driver @ 4:33 of Round 2


Curry's Notes : Chance Haze wins one for the Green Team in the first match-up of the night. Although it wasn't exciting as we would've thought, Haze still managed to pull it off. Henrick scores the first point of the night and could score himself some momentum for the Title Fight at this month's Pay-Per-View Event.



Result : Dirk Robertson def. Kaz Giroshi via Killshot @ 0:27 of Round 3


Curry's Notes : Dirk Robertson tied it up and it's now 1-1, Olbermann has got to be happy about this victory. Robertson finished it with a Trademark Killshot that left the Japanese Import peacefully on the canvas. Olbermann ties it up for the Blue Team and this could give the team the momentum they need to take the night.



Result : Mack Neal def. Rodrigo Espirito Santo via The Dealbreaker @ 4:46 of Round 2


Curry's Notes : Mack Neal defeats, no Destroys Rodrigo Espirito Santo, with a clear cut submission victory in Round 2. Henrick really picked the right guys for these fights tonight, and makes the score 2-1 after three fights tonight. If they can win just one more fight, the night is over, and Henrick will walk away with the win.



Result : Sean Wilson def. Tedd Stoneybrook via Hate Fall @ 0:04 Seconds of Round 3


Curry's Notes : Sean Wilson evens it up at the last second, 2-2 going into the last fight with Rik Raines and Ed Simonds for the deciding fight of the night. Olbermann and Henrick's Rivalry could easily escalate after these fights just making the fight between the two of them even more exciting.



Result : Rik Raines def. Ed Simonds via Raines Supreme @ 4:47 of Round 2


Curry's Notes : Match ends, Raines wins by Raines Supreme, destroying Ed Simonds, and Olbermann walks away the victor in Night One of UWT Battlegrounds, Team Olbermann vs. Team Henrick. Tune In next week to find out the next teams for Night 2 and Prepare yourself for more chills, thrills and more Real Life Action

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Team Olbermann

Jake Rainer

Sean Wilson

Jacob Meyer

Ryan Seabury

Killian Kool


Team Henrick

Rik Raines

Johnny Ecks

Wagner Wallace

Jaiden Knight

Adam Kidwell

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Jake Rainer vs Rik Raines

Sean Wilson vs Jaiden Knight

Ryan Seabury vs Wagner Wallace

Killian Kool vs Adam Kidwell

Jacob Meyer vs Johnny Ecks

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YES!! THE KOOL KIDS IN ACTION :p what did that match get btw?


in terms of predicts


Jake Rainer vs Rik Raines

Sean Wilson vs Jaiden Knight

Ryan Seabury vs Wagner Wallace

Killian Kool vs Adam Kidwell

Jacob Meyer vs Johnny Ecks


The Match Got a C-

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