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PCWA Get Born Again (c-verse)

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April 18th , 2008 was a dark day for sports fans in Seattle, Washington. The NBA had just officially voted to allow the Seattle Sonics to move to Oklahoma City. Only two owners of NBA teams voted against it, the owners of the Portland Trailblazers and Dallas Mavericks. As most Seattle fans sat dumbfounded by the news and the betrayal of the owner who claimed he wanted to keep the team in Seattle, one fan while visibly upset became inspired at the same time. This man, named Kris Coles, is a small time business man that has had some minor success even though his bank account says otherwise. Coles is a fan of everything Seattle, although he hates Starbucks. Most of all he cares about the people of Seattle since he’s spent his entire life there and was born there.


It’s that day Coles decides he needs to do something for the people of Seattle, to give them something to call their own and that they can be proud of once again. April 18th, 2008 is the day that Kris Coles decides that he will open a wrestling promotion up in Seattle, Washington. Now this day is also the day Coles realized this is a potentially crazy idea, but deep inside he knows its right. Besides AAA running shows around the area and CZCW on occasion traveling north, wrestling fans and sports fans are generally unable to catch live wrestling events. Not only does Coles want to change this fact, he wants to give fans a wrestling product they can be proud. He wants to put on a show filled with great action, great heroes, fantastic villains and a lot of heart. Of course CZCW and AAA do a solid job of this, as Coles frequents both whenever they are in the area, but they seem to be lacking character just a little. Coles wants that to not be the case with his promotion.


Many will wonder what gives Coles the idea that he is able to pull this off. Besides being a business man, that knows running a business in and out for the most part, he has also done some work as a local D.J. for a radio station, so he would have experience with a microphone in hands. Plus add in the fact he’s a die hard wrestling fan, with favorites like Tommy Cornell, Sam Keith, Joey Minnesota, and many others. He even has Sam Keith’s autograph on a copy of a Wrestling Today magazine, that features Keith on the cover. It’s a prized possession for Kris Coles. In fact one of his closets is full of stacks and stacks of such wrestling magazines; going back to the late 80’s when Coles was able to see a show nearly every month in the area. It just isn’t like that anymore.


However with Coles’ plan, he’ll be able to see great wrestling every month, especially since in his immediate plans he’ll be calling all the action in the ring and the happening outside the ring. For Coles’ it’s a dream job and a chance to give back to the place he loves so dearly.


Another thought occurs to Coles this day, it could be a chance to maybe help a fallen hero to the Northwest wrestling scene rise again. Coles was a huge fan of his back in the day and has had the chance to meet the man a time or two. Yes, he would be the first wrestler contacted for this gig, for…






For the Pacific Coast Wrestling Alliance.





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**** Disclaimer: The following character is heavily influenced by the movie "The Wrestler" and is one of four wrestlers I added to the default database using a few of my renders for their pics. *****





We see a man, probably in his early 40’s, long dirty blonde hair hanging in his face as he sits slouched over in a folding chair. Having just finished up a with a local charity wrestling show in late April of 2008 in Seattle, the man looks exhausted but happy despite the hunched over way he sit. His hands are clasped together as he rests his elbows on his knees. The man lets out a slow sigh. He than begins to unlace his wrestling boots as a small cough hits him. With his boots off he straightens up in the chair and pulls all his hair out of his face, revealing a man with a dark goatee, and a face with a worn look, but a noticeable brightness in his eyes.



The promoter steps into the locker room. He’s a big burly man that looks as if he hasn’t bathed in at least a month.


The Promoter- Hey Ross, you got a moment? I got someone here who I think may have work for you.


The man replies- Yeah, sure.


The promoter leaves and in walks Kris Coles. Coles dressed wearing a CZCW shirt and blue jeans walks in front of the seated man. The man nods at Coles.


Coles- Wow, Roy Ross, you were good tonight! I’m Kris Coles by the way.





Roy Ross





Ross- Pleased to meet you and thanks. I know I’m not what I used to be, but I feel pretty good.


Coles- Man, I remember watching you when you were known as “The Wizard” Roy Ross, for pulling off crazy moves that most people hadn’t seen yet. I’ve been a fan ever since…


Ross- ’83.


Coles- Yeah, since 1983, I was there I saw you’re first match. You looked fantastic for losing.


Ross- Hey you gotta learn to lose before you can truly win.


Coles- I like that.


Ross- So George said you may have some work for me.


Coles- George?


Ross says nothing to the question.


Coles- Oh, the big sweaty guy that put this show together. Yes, I do have a job offer for you. As of May 1st I will be officially be opening a local promotion here in Seattle, called the Pacific Coast Wrestling Alliance. I want you Roy; I want you to be there, to be a part of the beginning of what I know is going to turn into something very special.


Ross- Why me? I’m not so young; I’m 43 years old in fact. Why don’t you hit up some of these young guys running around here?


Coles- Why? It’s because I believe in you Roy. I still believe you have a lot to offer to the world of pro wrestling, so many people have never had a chance to see who you are and what you can do in the ring. I want to give you the chance to shine and I think you are going to blind the world.


Ross’s face looks blank at what Coles had just put on him. It seemed he was mulling it over, or thinking the man in front of him was crazy. Either way, what he said a moment later set the story of PCWA in motion and the story of Roy Ross.


Ross- Mr. Coles, as long as you give me a place to wrestle, I’ll step into that ring every night. I’ll give you everything I have left in the tank, even when it’s down to just fumes.


Coles has a smile from ear to ear on his face. Here is a child hood hero in front of him and he just said he would wrestle for him. Coles couldn’t be any happier.


Ross holds out his hand and Coles gives it’s a firm shake. With that PCWA just signed its first wrestler, with the official contract sill needing to be signed in the next couple of weeks as Coles set up his promotion.


Some may say Coles was crazy for opening PCWA, and now they may say he’s even crazier for putting all of his faith in a broken down wrestler who was good in his day. That is until all the drinking, drugs, smoking, and partying caught up with him. Roy Ross or “The Wizard” Roy Ross was pretty popular in the mid and late 80’s around the Pacific Northwest until his demons finally caught up with him. Now he is barely known but it has been reported that he has beat his demons, and Kris Coles basically put all his stock into the man. Crazy is a good word to describe Coles right now, but perhaps a better word in the future will be right. Time will tell, whether the nay-sayers are right, or it’s Kris Coles who will have the last laugh.

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The last weekend of April, 2008…


Kris Coles is nearing the day when his dream becomes an official pro wrestling promotion. After reaching out to a ‘never was’ wrestler in Roy Ross, Coles received a verbal agreement from him to be PCWA’s first wrestler. Now Coles was doing a little more scouting of some local talent around the Seattle area.


Coles was able to track down a small gym where many of the local wrestlers train. On this day in late April one wrestler in particular that Coles had his eye on was there, working in the ring with someone Coles wasn’t familiar with.


The wrestler on Coles want list, looks almost like a ghost in the ring due to nearly white skin. He always has from his nose down on his face covered, even now when training. He always seems to be in character. In Coles’ opinion, this guy has a terrific look to him and could potentially become a star on that alone. The wrestler in question has been wrestling as Tormented Youth now for a couple of years, mostly around the Seattle area.








Tormented Youth




Tormented Youth is considered to be quite reckless in the ring, due to be willing to put his body on the line no matter the danger involved. As long as Tormented Youth doesn’t get hurt his future could be great. Of course that all depends if his skills continue to progress pass the level he is at now. Right now though, Youth isn’t very seasoned in the ring. Coles still sees a lot of potential in the youngster.


In the ring the Youth and the other man finish up with what they are working on. The other man leaves the ring to grab a bottle of water. Coles walks closer to the ring.


Coles- Hey Youth, you got a moment.


Tormented Youth looks out towards Kris Coles.


Youth- What do you want?


Coles- Well straight to the point than. I want to offer you a job, a spot on the roster of my new wrestling promotion. I think you have a lot of potential.


Youth- Sure, I’ll join you. Why not? It’s not like I have a steady place to wrestle around here anyway.


Coles- You will now.


Youth- Yeah, whatever. Now if you excuse me, I have more training to do.


Coles- No problem. I’ll be in touch.


Youth nods as Coles leaves the building. That’s two.




Coles- Well straight to the point than. I want to offer you a job, a spot on the roster of my new wrestling promotion. I think you have a lot of potential.




Monday, Week 1, May 2008


From marksmartinsider.com


Pacific Coast Wrestling Alliance has officially opened today in the Northwest, United States. Started by business man, Kris Coles, the promotion boasts to be a new and exciting brand of wrestling using the old values of what have come before them. PCWA and Kris Coles hope to have a complete roster in place in the next few weeks and to run its first show near the end of this month.


The following is what you can expect from the promotion each month:



Key Feature- Traditional

Heavy- None

Medium- Mainstream, Modern, Daredevil

Low- Comedy, Cult, Hardcore

Very Low- None


More info on PCWA will be revealed as we get it.

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Friday, Week 1, 2008



True to his word the first wrestler Kris Coles signed was Roy Ross. That same day, Coles was able to land 5 other wrestlers, a referee, and a road agent. The following signed to work for the PCWA...



Fearless Blue



Daredevil Aero



Tormented Youth



Sean Helmsely



"The Future" Devon Quinn



Reese Page



Jonathan Taylor




Two of the five wrestlers are complete unknowns that will be introduced as this story unfolds.




Saturday, Week 1, 2008


The following signed to PCWA...


Rex Reeves




Tuesday, Week 2, 2008


Newly signed to PCWA...


Kashmir Singh




Friday, Week 2, 2008


Added to the PCWA roster...


California Love Machine



Air Attack Weasel



Ben Williams



Sunday, Week 2, 2008


Two more signed...

Regular Joe



Dead Bolt



Tuesday, Week 3, 2008


Last but no least rounding out the PCWA roster...


Jeremiah Moose




If you would ask him, Coles was very happy with his starting roster. He had a few guys at the top that could carry all the inexperienced youth on the roster. The youth on the roster on paper looked to be loaded with potential. Now it was up to him to put them situations and stories where they could succeed and grow. Kris was very much looking forward to the challenge. First thing was first though, the newly created PCWA Championship would need a champion to hold it. What better way to crown a champ and figure out who the best was than a tournament. An 8 man tournament to be exact with the first rounds taking place at the first PCWA event ever, near the end of this month. Coles was very happy alright, but at the same time anxious. He couldn't wait to get the ball rolling, and we was prepared to do anything he had to do to keep it rolling. After all not only did he want to give Roy Ross his chance to shine, but he wanted desperately for the PCWA to rise to the top of the barrel no matter how long and hard the road ahead.





Up next- Taking a look at the first finalized roster and the card the card for PCWA's first event Origins...

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The PCWA updated roster...



Main Event


Mr. Electricity (Kashmir Singh) - Heel – Egomaniac

Dead Bolt- Heel – Bad Ass

Air Attack Weasel- Heel – Loose Cannon

California Love Machine- Face – Dude


Upper Midcard


Roy Ross- Face – Old School Face

Jeremiah Moose- Heel – Show Stealer

Regular Joe- Face – Underdog

“Gamblin Man” Rex Reeves- Heel – Gambler

Daredevil Aero- Face – Comic Book Hero

Fearless Blue- Face – Grunge Rocker

Cowboy Ben (Ben Williams) - Face – Underdog




“The Future” Devon Quinn- Heel – C*cky Youth

Sean Helmsley- Face – Loner


Lower Midcard


Tormented Youth- Heel – Acolyte



Road Agent/ Color Commentator: Reese Paige

Announcer/ Interviewer: Kris Coles

Referee: Jonathan Taylor


Kashmir Singh will once again be playing up his Mr. Electricity gimmick when PCWA launches. Ben Williams will be dressing up like an underdog cowboy when entering the ring.





From PCWAwrestling.com



It was announced today by PCWA management an 8 man tournament has been finalized and will begin Saturday, Week 3, May 2008 at PCWA Origins for the PCWA Championship. The scheduled participants are Roy Ross, California Love Machine, Fearless Blue, Air Attack Weasel, Dead Bolt, Mr. Electricity, Jeremiah Moose, and Regular Joe.







PCWA Origins Card


First Round Match

Roy Ross vs. Dead Bolt


First Round Match

Regular Joe vs. Air Attack Weasel


First Round Match

Mr. Electricity vs. Fearless Blue


First Round Match

California Love Machine vs. Jeremiah Moose




Thanks for the interest Trell. Doing a diary really makes the game seem more interesting.

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Saturday Week 3, May 2008






PCWA Origins

The PCWA Arena

North West, United States

Attendance: 55



Kris Coles and Reese Paige sit ringside.


Coles- Tonight marks the beginning of history. It marks the beginning of Pacific Coast Wrestling Alliance and its only fitting that we start things off with Roy Ross starting his road back to being remembered. What a test for “The Wizard” tonight, as he faces off against the big man, Dead Bolt, who has the weight advantage and of course youth on his side. Even if it’s only 12 years, but he’s still younger.


Reese- Ross is going to get himself killed, maybe not tonight, but eventually. I mean he’s old.


Coles- We’ll see about that.





First Round of the PCWA Championship Tournament

http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/RoyRoss.jpg____ http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/DeadBolt.jpg

Roy Ross vs. Dead Bolt


Roy Ross looks solid against Dead Bolt. Dead Bolt doesn’t look too bad himself as a good part of the match sees Dead Bolt using his power to overwhelm Ross. Roy Ross starts to look like the underdog in this match and the crowd gets behind him big time, as a “Wizard” chant starts breaking out. Ross hits a big dropkick that takes Dead Bolt off his feet. Ross gives Dead Bolt a few stomps to keep the big man down, than he heads to the top turnbuckle. Ross hits a big diving splash off the top and gets the pinfall.


Result: Roy Ross wins by pinfall in 8:50 to advance to the second round of the PCWA Championship Tournament


Match Rating: E





They’ve Come To See The Wizard:



After the match Roy Ross calls for the house microphone. He stands in the ring with the microphone in hand as he collects himself after the grueling match. It might not have been super long, but it was enough to take the wind out of Ross. The crowd in building begins another “Wizard” chant that brings a smile to Ross’s face. Seemingly reenergized by the crowd, Ross starts to stomp around the ring before he stops. A serious look comes over the man.


Ross- Thank you for being here tonight and thank you for cheering for this old man before you here tonight. You people are the reason I still do this after all those years. As long as you people continue to cheer me I’ll climb my old achy body into this ring night in and night out. It doesn’t matter who stands across the ring from me, if you people continue to support me I’ll take on anyone. I’ll beat them for you!


The crowd cheers Ross more.


Ross- That’s why I am going to win this tournament and I am going to be your champion. Seattle’s champion. Than I’m going to show each and every member of this roster how us old timer’s did it back in the day. Thank you.


Ross drops the microphone and rolls out of the ring as some one in the front row yells, “NO, Thank You.” With that a “Thank You” chant breaks out as Ross heads to the back.



Coles- What a great moment here at PCWA’s first event, and we are just getting started.


Reese- You better not cry on me Coles. Pansy.



Segment Rating: E





First Round of the PCWA Championship Tournament

Air Attack Weasel vs. Regular Joe

http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/AirAttackWeasel.jpg ___ http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/RegularJoe.jpg


Goofy name aside, Air Attack Weasel brings his A game tonight. Regular Joe is unable to keep up with Weasel’s reckless style. Joe does get his hands on Weasel and he makes him pay for a few minutes. Weasel though; using the old back kick low blow changes the course of the match back in his favor. Weasel quickly follows it up with a spinning heel kick that takes Joe off his feet. Weasel than goes to the top and comes down with his Air Attack Ace to beat Joe and move on to the booing of the crowd.


Result: Air Attack Weasel wins by in 11:25 to advance to the second round of the PCWA Championship Tournament



Match Rating: E




First Round of the PCWA Championship Tournament

Fearless Blue vs. Mr. Electricity

http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/FearlessBlue.jpg ____ http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/KashmirSingh_alt2.jpg


Unfortunately for Fearless Blue who gave a valiant effort in this match, being able to drag the match out nearly 14 minutes, never really had a chance against the ‘bright’ Mr. Electricity. Blue does manage to hit some big aerial moves and gets one near fall against Mr. E, but its Mr. Electricity hitting his Cal Cutter to secure a pinfall and a second round matchup.


Result: Mr. Electricity wins by pinfall in 13:32 to advance to the second round of the PCWA Championship Tournament



Match Rating: E+



Electricity Strikes:



Mr. Electricity grabs the house microphone after the match and rolls back into the ring. The crowd boos at the though of hearing Mr. Electricity speaking.


Mr. E- You people make me sick. You cheer a washed up never was for beating a giant lump of crap. You cheer him after he proclaims he will win the PCWA Championship, when you all know he doesn’t have what it takes to win. He barely has what it takes to get out of bed in the morning let alone step in to a ring. The real star here in this crappy little promotion stands before you. I’m the one that will walk away the PCWA Champion in two months, not Roy Ross. The man calls himself the Wizard? What a nerd, what a loser! He’s jealous he’s not Electric like me. He’s jealous he knows he has no chance to beat me, and that’s if he even get to face me. So in closing Srew You Seattle, and Screw you Roy Ross. The Wizard?!? Ha!


Mr. Electricity drops the microphone and leaves to the back.


Coles- The nerve of Mr. Electricity, putting down Roy Ross, and putting down Roy Ross. Why is he even here?


Reese- Because he can be Coles. That’s why he’s here. Personally I could see him as a hero for this dump.


Coles- Oh, now you too.



Segment Rating: E+





First Round of the PCWA Championship Tournament

California Love Machine vs. Jeremiah Moose

http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/CaliforniaLoveMachine.jpg____ http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/JeremiahMoose.jpg


Jeremiah Moose draws some good heat from the crowd as CLM is the clear face in the match as a small “CLM” chant breaks out mid way through the match. The match begins to turn into a “Anything you can do, I can do it better” competition as the two trade big move aerial move after big aerial move back and forth. CLM though hits the biggest as he hits the LAX Departure that brings 55 people to their feet. CLM follows it with a pinfall for the win and to move on next month to face Mr. Electricity.


Result: California Love Machine wins by pinfall in 11:19 to advance to the second round of the PCWA Championship Tournament



Match Rating: E



Final Show Rating: E


Post Show:


It was reported that Air Attack Weasel started an incident that nearly lead to a backstage fight between him and California Love Machine. Kris Coles reportedly took a fatherly approach when dealing with Weasel. Weasel didn’t respond all that well to that and could continue to cause problem for the atmosphere in the PCWA locker room. It will be interesting to see how this situation continues to play out and how The Weasel will continue to fit into PCWA.





From PCWAwrestling.com…


Later after the PCWA Origins, Kris Coles was said to be very pleased with how the first show went. Roy Ross, Air Attack Weasel, Mr. Electricity, and California Love Machine all moved one step closer to becoming the first PCWA Champion. Ross will square off with Weasel and Mr. Electricity is set to face CLM at next month’s PCWA show. Two more matches are expected to be announced within the next couple of days to complete the card for PCWA’s June Show.
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Meeting Sean Helmsley





Sean Helmsley, which is his real name, is a Lightweight wrestler that would be considered a regular wrestler. When attending wrestling school, Sean decided he didn’t want to be a one dimensional worker. He than made sure to work on every aspect of his game while learning and training for his first match in front of a crowd.


Entering the wrestling world at 19 years old in December of 2003, Helmsley hasn’t had much luck over the years. Only working an occasional independent show here and there, while trying to improve his skills and hoping for his big break.


Pacific Coast Wrestling Alliance probably isn’t the break he was looking for but for him it’s a steady job.


Sean is considered to be very versatile as he can work as a face or a heel, depending on what is needed of him. His strengths at this point in his career would be his Flying and Technical skills that both average around the E range. He is also decent when it comes to his entertaining of a crowd, with ok charisma but without the microphone skills. He is also considered to be quite athletic.


It is said that Sean’s future could be very bright indeed, it will be intriguing to see how he fares as PCWA continues onward.



From PCWAwrestling.com


-The semi finals of the PCWA Championship Tournament are set and will take place at PCWA’s June event titled PCWA For You.


-4 other wrestlers will make their debuts in PCWA at this show as well. How will they fare? Who will make a statement?


-Apparently Mr. Electricity has a problem with the veteran Roy Ross, could this lead to a showdown? to advance to the second round of the PCWA Championship Tournament





PCWA For You card

Tormented Youth vs. Cowboy Ben

Sean Helmsely vs. 'The Gamblin Man' Rex Reeves


Semi Final Match

Roy Ross vs. Air Attack Weasel


Semi Final Match

Mr. Electricity vs. California Love Machine



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Saturday Week 3, June 2008






PCWA For You

The PCWA Arena

North West (United State)

Attendance: 52




Its Kris Coles and Reese Paige sitting ringside ready to call tonight’s PCWA action.


Coles- Tonight we will be one step closer to finding out who will be our first PCWA champion.


Reese- It’s obvious who it’s going to be.


Coles- That’s just one person’s opinion, Reese. Lets see how it plays out tonight in the ring.



Tormented Youth vs. Cowboy Ben


Torment Youth looked off his game but as reckless as always as he used all kinds of risky moves from Springboards to top rope moves. Cowboy Ben looks thrown off and not sure how to handle Youth’s style. It’s Youth that hits a Tormented Press (standing shooting star press) to capture the pinfall.


Result: Tormented Youth wins by pinfall in 7:40


Match Rating: F



Thoughts From The Wizard:


Backstage in a pre-taped interview with Kris Coles we see Roy Ross dressed in street clothes. He sits on a folding chair with Coles sitting by him in a folding chair as well.


Coles- At PCWA For You, you Roy Ross is set to face Air Attack Weasel with a chance to move on next month to compete for the PCWA Championship. What are your thoughts going into this match and the chance to move on?


Ross- My thoughts? Firstly, I thought wrestlers of my day had some strange names, but Air Attack Weasel? What kind of name is that? I admit I watched his match last month and he can go. He’s solid in that ring. However, he is no Wizard. He has a lot to learn and he’s going to learn a lot when he steps into the ring with me. I’m not losing this one, Kris. No, I’m going out in front of my people an’ giving them a show. I’ll give them everything they want and when that final bell rings, I’ll be the one getting my hand raised in victory.


Coles- I look forward to it, Roy. Now onto Mr. Electricity, he had some unflattering things to say to you last month.


Ross- Yea, he did have some things that he said that I didn’t really care for. Frankly I think that guys a punk and I hope I get to meet him in the ring real soon. Maybe I’ll be able to knock some sense into him. Probably not, I’ve encountered guys like him before and it’s hard to make them see anything other than what they want to believe. He too has a lot to learn and like Weasel I’ll teach him a thing or two. Like one, don’t mess with me. The results won’t be pretty.


Coles- Thank you Ross, good luck against Air Attack Weasel.


Segment Rating: E




Sean Helmsley vs. “Gamblin Man” Rex Reeves


The two men start by feeling the match out, with neither wanting to commit. Helmsley especially seems unsure about Reeves. Reeves gives him good reason, as he’s known to cheat to get ahead. This match proves to be no different as Helmsley looks good and looks like he may pick up a victory in his first match but it’s not to be. Reeves uses some underhanded tactics to get the pinfall and steal a victory from Helmsley.


Result: Rex Reeves wins by pinfall in 8:51 using underhanded tactics


Match Rating: F+



Loving The Machine:


Another pre-taped interview with Kris Coles interviewing California Love Machine is played.


Coles- At PCWA For You, you face Mr. Electricity. He’s already made claim to be the only star in PCWA.


CLM- Hey, it’s cool. He can make any claim he wants. Cuz, dude, I just go out there and do what I do. It’s that simple to me.


Coles- So Mr. Electricity’s claims make no difference to you?


CLM- No, dude, not really. When I face him, I’ll wrestler just like I always do with the intent of winning. Like I said I go out and do what I do, and that’s wrestle.


Coles- Alright, thank you. Good luck against Mr. Electricity.


CLM- Thanks dude.


Segment Rating: D


Semi Final Match


Roy Ross vs. Air Attack Weasel


Air Attack Weasel tells Ross in the beginning that he is going to teach Ross a thing or two. Ross nods and tells Weasel to bring it on. The two men start the match with a flurry of moves. The crowd quickly gets into it, and start getting behind Roy Ross. The two men basically continue to trade moves until Ross hits a springboard into a DDT. He quickly goes to the top and hits a big splash to get the pinfall and the win.


Result: Roy Ross wins by pinfall in 11:40 and advances to the PCWA Title match


Match Rating: E+



Semi Final Match


Mr. Electricity vs. California Love Machine


Mr. Electricity lets out a big yawn at the beginning of the match and receives boos for it. CLM grins it off and hits Electricity with a spinning back kick to start the match. Electricity gets off with a scowl and the match is officially on. CLM and Electricity put on a real good match with it looking like it could go either way. That is until out of nowhere Electricity hits the Cal Cutter on CLM. The pinfall is quickly made and the match is over.


Result: Mr. Electricity wins by pinfall in 11:32 and advance to the PCWA Title match


Match Rating: D-


Final Show Rating: E+


Post Show: Another PCWA show and another incident with Air Attack Weasel pulling a prank on Roy Ross, which nearly leads to a fight backstage. It’s been reported that Kris Coles could be heard giving Air Attack Weasel the riot act. Apparently Weasel actually seemed to take it well, and hopefully no more problems will be had with Air Attack Weasel. After all no one is really sure how much more PCWA is willing to put up with Air Attack Weasel Pulling.




From PCWAwrestling.com


Pacific Coast Wrestling Alliance is proud to announce that next month at History Redefined the PCWA Champion will be determined in a match between Roy Ross and Mr. Electricity. Three more matches are expected to be named in the coming days with Jeremiah Moose said to be absolutely on the card. Stay tuned to PCWAwrestling.com for updates on PCWA and the final card for PCWA History Redefined.

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From PCWAwrestling.com



PCWA has announced the final card for PCWA History Redefined...


- History will be made as the first ever PCWA Champion will be crowned in a match between the veteran Roy Ross and the smug Mr. Electricity. There has been a lot of animosity between the two in the last two months already, it should be interesting to see how it all goes down.


- We'll see "The Futue" Devon Quinn in action for the first time. The youngster firmly believes he is the future of wrestling. Will Cowboy Ben be able to bring him down to earth or will Quinn be able to continue bragging.


- The mysterious Tormented Youth gets another match. How will Regular Joe deal with the unpredictable youngster?


- Finally Sean Helmsley has a big test taking on Jeremiah Moose in the Semi- Main Event.





History Redefined Card

"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. Cowboy Ben

Regular Joe vs. Tormented Youth

Jeremiah Moose vs. Sean Helmsley

PCWA Championship

Roy Ross vs. Mr. Electricity

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The Future" Devon Quinn vs. Cowboy Ben


This is probably the only sort of fed where Ben Williams isn't going to be a jobber.


Regular Joe vs. Tormented Youth


Same with Regular Joe


Jeremiah Moose vs. Sean Helmsley


Your band of greenhorns are the job fodder for the traditional jobbers of the Cornellverse.


PCWA Championship

Roy Ross vs. Mr. Electricity


Mr Electricity, cheats his way to victory....it'll just make for a good instant feud to have, with Randy The.....Oh Roy Ross chasing the despicable heel for the title.

Wanted to get into this diary the first time round, as it's based in Seattle, being a Mariners fan and all and having actually been to the city a couple of times but I found it a little too 'mechanical'. However you've made enough changes to the rebooted version to hold my attention this time round.

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Wanted to get into this diary the first time round, as it's based in Seattle, being a Mariners fan and all and having actually been to the city a couple of times but I found it a little too 'mechanical'. However you've made enough changes to the rebooted version to hold my attention this time round.


Thanks Tigerkinney for the interest. Thanks for the insight on my last diary attempt. Any thoughts or tips are certainly welcome. Perhaps a further explanation on the last one being 'mechanical' so I'm able to avoid making the same mistakes. Thanks again.


History Redefined should be up later today.

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Thanks Tigerkinney for the interest. Thanks for the insight on my last diary attempt. Any thoughts or tips are certainly welcome. Perhaps a further explanation on the last one being 'mechanical' so I'm able to avoid making the same mistakes. Thanks again.


History Redefined should be up later today.


It's more of a preference thing, as I'm generally not a fan of diaries that just cut and paste in the results or have one or two line match recaps, it's why I've drifted away from Foolinc's local fed diary and have never got into Infinity's Welcome to the Coastal Zone. Basically diaries where the emphasis is more on the mechanics of the game. That's not to say I think those sort of diaries are worthless, I'm just not a fan of them.


To be fair though, I've just checked back on your first attempt and you began to drift away from that style by the end.

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"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. Cowboy Ben

Regular Joe vs. Tormented Youth

Jeremiah Moose vs. Sean Helmsley

PCWA Championship

Roy Ross vs. Mr. Electricity


It's more of a preference thing, as I'm generally not a fan of diaries that just cut and paste in the results or have one or two line match recaps, it's why I've drifted away from Foolinc's local fed diary and have never got into Infinity's Welcome to the Coastal Zone. Basically diaries where the emphasis is more on the mechanics of the game. That's not to say I think those sort of diaries are worthless, I'm just not a fan of them.


To be fair though, I've just checked back on your first attempt and you began to drift away from that style by the end.


It's funny because since you've start predicting I've started to add more "diary kayfabe" and it reads more like a detailed match report from a site like the wrestling observer than a match report (with the grade of the match replacing the viewers opinion. :D

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Saturday Week 3, July 2008








PCWA History Redefined

The PCWA Arena

North West (United States)

Attendance: 43



The show opens with a video featuring the two men in tonight’s Main Event. It starts out showing Roy Ross hitting his spinning heel kick taking the big man, Dead Bolt off of his feet. It shows Ross again using the same move, nearly beheading Air Attack Weasel last month. It shows Mr. Electricity hitting a wicked looking facebuster into his knee against Fearless Blue. Mr. Electricity hits a sleeping neckbreaker against California Love Machine. Ross hits his diving splash against Dead Bolt to get the win. Mr. Electricity finishes off Fearless Blue with a Cal Cutter. Roy Ross hits the diving splash on Air Attack Weasel, the move that brought him here tonight. Finally we see another Cal Cutter, this time the one on California Love Machine.


Segment Rating: E-



We shift to ringside with Kris Coles and Reese Paige.


Coles- Tonight we witness history. We find out once and for all who becomes the first ever PCWA champion. Tonight after the final bell rings, the standard will have been set for each and every champion we see come through PCWA.


Reese- We all know the outcome Coles. Mr. Electricity will walk away the champ. In fact I have a bet backstage that Rex Reeves put together.


Coles- I guess we’ll have to wait and see.




"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. Cowboy Ben


Cowboy Ben looks focused as he enters the ring, looking to change the reputation he has gained as being just another jobber. Quinn on the other hand looks extremely confident and that Ben doesn’t stand a chance against him. Quinn wrestles just that way, with confidence. He overwhelms Ben with his cruiserweight style. Ben is unable to defend all of Quinn’s flashy moves. Finally Quinn kicks Ben in the gut to double him over. Devon than hits his finisher, the Quinninator (flip Piledriver) and gets the pinfall.


Result: “The Future” Devon Quinn wins by pinfall in 8:48


Match Rating: F



Jeremiah Moose speaks:


We cut to a pre-taped interview with Kris Coles interviewing Jeremiah Moose about tonight’s match.


Coles- Jeremiah, after failing to advance in the tournament…


Jeremiah- Hold on Coles. California Love Machine got lucky that’s all. Normally I’d beat the fool every time out. I’ll even prove it when I get the chance.


Coles- Ok, how about you facing Sean Helmsley?


Jeremiah- Sean Helmsley? I never heard of him until I saw my name next to his on the card. I don’t expect to hear much about him after I beat the hell out of him either. So about Sean Helmsley? He’s nothing as far as I’m concerned.


Coles- Alright, thank you, Jeremiah.


Segment Rating: F+




Regular Joe vs. Tormented Youth


Regular Joe was overwhelmed the last time out in a match against Air Attack Weasel. Apparently he learned a thing or two from that match as he is able to deal with Tormented Youth’s odd style much better than Cowboy Ben did last month. That doesn’t mean Youth doesn’t get his shots in, in fact for a time he has Regular Joe reeling. Joe is able to recover well though and Youth is the one who looks confused by the end. A Joe and Behold later and Youth has lost the match.


Result: Regular Joe wins by pinfall in 9:49


Match Rating: F+



The Claim:


We cut backstage to Mr. Electricity who has a very bright outfit on tonight.


Mr. Electricity- Roy Ross, you managed to take your old decrepit body and make it to the title match tonight. I almost applaud you, but I still think you’re pathetic. I still think you are an absolute joke and don’t belong in a wrestling ring. No you belong in a retirement home where you play bridge and eat pudding all week.


You know, when I win and walk out the PCWA champion, the thing that will make me the happiest is not the win. No, it’s going to be how disappointed the fans are going to be in you Ross. I can’t wait to be responsible see the look on your face and theirs when you walk to the back in defeat. Tonight Roy, Mr. Electricity will be the beginning of PCWA champion history and you will just be a footnote that nobody will ever remember.


Segment Rating: D-



Jeremiah Moose vs. Sean Helmsley


Moose comes into the match overconfident and Sean Helmsley nearly pulls off the upset after a quick rollup in the first 30 seconds of the match. Moose rolls to the outside to collect himself, but Helmsley prefers to keep the tempo up. He hits a baseball slide that sends Moose into the guard rail. After a skirmish the match continues back in the ring and the two men stand toe to toe and it turns into a solid matchup. Moose seems surprised from the spirit that Helmsley shows, but Moose’s experience shows up. Moose is able to hit his High Velocity Headbutt and picks up the win.


Result: Jeremiah Moose wins by pinfall in 9:49


Match Rating: E-




PCWA Championship


Roy Ross vs. Mr. Electricity


Finally the showdown that PCWA and its fan have been waiting for since the announcement of the PCWA Championship Tournament. Electricity starts by telling Ross, “Let’s see what you got old man!” Ross just nods and match is on. The match turns into more of a brawl at one point due to the atmosphere and animosity between the two men. Ross hits his diving splash and goes for the pinfall, but Mr. Electricity is too close to the ropes and he gets his foot onto the bottom rope in time. It’s a close call that the fans were hoping was the end and that Ross would of won right there. Ross continues and begins to dominate, but it appears to be a ruse by Electricity as out of nowhere he hits the Cal Cutter. He goes for the pinfall and Ross is unable to kick out. It proved to be a great match, even with Ross seemingly off his game.


Result: Mr. Electricity wins by pinfall in 12:57 to win the PCWA Championship


Match Rating: D



Coles: It was a great match and Ross gave all he had. He can’t be happy with the end result and I’m sure it won’t be the last time we see this matchup.


Reese- He told us all Coles. Mr. Electricity is the PCWA Champion. Now if you excuse me, I got some money to go collect.


Coles: Next month we’ll see the fallout from History Redefined.



Final Show Rating: E+



Post Show: Ben Williams pulled a prank on Jeremiah Moose after the show. PCWA management wasn’t very happy with the move, since three shows have been run and 3 separate incidents have occurred. Despite this Kris Coles was seen talking to Ben much like a father would about the incident. Whether or not it helped Ben remains to be seen.



From PCWAwrestling.com



Roy Ross was very disappointed after the show. He stuck around though to meet and greet every fan that attended the show. Ross also expressed interest in a rematch and it has been announced by PCWA management that next month a match to determine the number one contender will happen between Roy Ross and California Love Machine. More matches to complete the card will be announced soon.

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It's more of a preference thing, as I'm generally not a fan of diaries that just cut and paste in the results or have one or two line match recaps, it's why I've drifted away from Foolinc's local fed diary and have never got into Infinity's Welcome to the Coastal Zone. Basically diaries where the emphasis is more on the mechanics of the game. That's not to say I think those sort of diaries are worthless, I'm just not a fan of them.


To be fair though, I've just checked back on your first attempt and you began to drift away from that style by the end.



Alright, I understand. Hopefully I'm adding enough personality to the shows to make it interesting. Thanks again guys for reading and predicting the cards.

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From PCWAwrestling.com



PCWA is proud to announce the final card for the PCWA August show, titled PCWA Street of Dreams.



- We already know that Roy Ross wants a rematch against Mr. Electricity, but he is going to have to earn it by winning a number one contendership match against California Love Machine. A secondary story in this one is CLM is 23 years younger than Ross. Can Ross hope to keep up with the youngster?


- Mr. Electricity coming off winning the PCWA Championship will but the title on the line against the youngster Sean Helmsley. It has been said Electricity has absolutely no problem with this match and looks forward to schooling Helmsley.


- Also in action will be the ‘Gamblin Man’ Rex Reeves who had a bet going on the PCWA Championship match and was said to come out like a bandit. One of the wrestlers who lost big to him is Fearless Blue who he will face at Street of Dreams.


- The PCWA resident crime fighter Daredevil Aero will face who he referred to as evil in Tormented Youth.







PCWA Street of Dreams

Tormented Youth vs. Daredevil Aero

'Gamblin Man' Rex Reeves vs. Fearless Blue

PCWA Championship

Mr. Electricity © vs. Sean Helmsley

#1 contendership match

Roy Ross vs. California Love Machine

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Tormented Youth vs. Daredevil Aero

I can't see Mexican Superman winning this one.


'Gamblin Man' Rex Reeves vs. Fearless Blue

I have a rule. Never predict Rex Reeves to win. Ever.


PCWA Championship

Mr. Electricity © vs. Sean Helmsley

When the title match isn't the last match and their isn't a kayfabe reason for it, go with the champion.


#1 contendership match

Roy Ross vs. California Love Machine

Just a guess.

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Saturday Week 3, August 2008









PCWA Street of Dreams

The PCWA Arena

North West (United States)

Attendance: 47






We join Kris Coles and Reese Paige at ringside at The PCWA Arena. Coles has a somber look on his face as he stares up to the ring.


Coles- Welcome to PCWA Street of Dreams. Tonight we will name a number one contender for the PCWA Championship in a match between Roy Ross and California Love Machine. First though, we join Mr. Electricity in the ring who is celebrating his title victory.


Reese- Let the celebration begin.




In the middle of the ring we see Mr. Electricity with the title slung over his shoulder standing on a small piece of red carpet. He has a microphone in hand and a huge grin on his face.


Mr. Electricity- Since this garbage promotion is too cheap to give me a celebration I had to cobble this together out of the dumpster out back. I know it isn’t much, and I deserve so much more, but it pays me tribute in front of you worthless fans anyway.


The fans begin to boo without mercy. This draws an even bigger smile on to the man’s face.


Mr. Electricity- Oh, don’t pretend you people aren’t jealous of me. Don’t pretend you wouldn’t trade places with me in a heart beat. I mean look at me. Oh, I know how you really feel. I am the PCWA Champion after all, therefore I should be your hero, and not some washed up never was. Right here tonight, I promise that, that ‘never was’ will never wear this belt. He doesn’t have what it takes anyway. You’re looking at your champion here now and forever.


Mr. Electricity drops the microphone and heads for the back to the boos of the Seattle crowd.


Segment Rating: D-








Tormented Youth vs. Daredevil Aero


Daredevil Aero promised in a blog on the PCWA website that he would stop the evil of Tormented Youth once and for all tonight. Aero looked like he may just do that as he starts the match out fast and gets Youth a bit frustrated. Youth though recovers and makes it look like a wrestling match with the two trading poorly placed high flying moves back and forth. Again Aero gets Youth on the frustrated side again. This time Youth rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair from ringside. He hops back up to the apron and throws the chair at Aero who was just turning around. Jonathan Taylor quickly calls for the bell and a disqualification. Youth doesn’t stop though; he picks up the chair and lays Aero out with it. Youth takes the chair again and places it under his leg as he hits a standing leg drop on to Aero. Youth finally heads to the back.


Result: Daredevil Aero wins by disqualification in 8:37


Match Rating: F+



Gamblin’ Is His Way:


Before the next match Rex Reeves grabs the house microphone after he comes out to the ring.


Reeves- Seattle! How does it feel to be a bunch of losers!?! When was the last time any of your sports teams won anything? It’s been awhile hasn’t it? That’s why when I see Seattle in the betting pool I always bet the other way. Of course it’s a shame, I made a mint off of you’re Sonics, than they up and moved them. What a shame, really. Anyway, Fearless Blue, get out here so I can call it a night after I beat you.


Segment Rating: F+








'Gamblin Man' Rex Reeves vs. Fearless Blue


As most PCWA matches tend to be at this point in its young life, a spot fest ensues. Both men seem right at home taking to the air. Blue seems to pull it off just a bit better though and the crowd begins to get behind him at the 5 minute mark of the match. Sensing the match is getting away from him uses the old heel tactic of thumbs to the eyes. Reeves takes over the match back in his favor using a couple of high impact moves. Blue begins to recover and get back into it, and Reeves once again uses a heel tactic of the old mule kick that the ref misses. Reeves collects the pinfall.


Result: Rex Reeves wins by pinfall in 8:46 using underhanded tactics



Segment Rating: F+






PCWA Championship



Mr. Electricity © vs. Sean Helmsley


Electricity starts things off with a big yawn and shrugs off Sean. Helmsley turns to the crowd and raises his arms to get the crowd behind him. Helmsley than launches himself at Electricity and connects with a side kick that knock Mr. E off his feet. Electricity looks nearly shocked when he gets back to his feet. Electricity doesn’t look very happy and the match is on. The two men begin trading moves back and forth, putting on a chain wrestling show. Helmsley knows he’s outmatched in that style with Electricity, and tries to brawl with Mr. E. It’s enough to make it look like to the crowd at least that Helmsley has a chance to pull the upset. Electricity is just too crafty to let that happen however and a Cal Cutter later and Mr. E has successfully defended his title in his first defense.


Result: Mr. Electricity wins by pinfall in 10:29


Match Rating: D-








#1 contendership match



Roy Ross vs. California Love Machine


After the bell rings the two men shake hands in respect, and than the match is on with both men wanting to become the number one contender. CLM looks great in this one, but surprisingly Roy Ross is able to keep up with the man 23 years his younger. The match looks fairly even throughout, but Ross’s experience is apparent when the two are in close grappling as Ross has a counter for anything and everything CLM tries. At on point a dropkick sends CLM out of the ring and he lands awkwardly. Jonathan Taylor leaves the ring to check on him. As this happens, Mr. Electricity slides into the ring and hits Roy Ross with the Cal Cutter.


Coles- Mr. Electricity has just stuck his nose into this match. Ross is down and looks out.


Meanwhile it appears CLM has told Taylor he can continue. He rolls back into the ring and is unsure of what just happened. All he sees it Ross down, so CLM heads to the top and hits the LAX Departure and scores the pinfall for the win.


Coles- California Love Machine is our number one contender thanks to our Champion. CLM isn’t even aware yet what has just happened to Roy Ross.


CLM begins to celebrate as Mr. Electricity slides back into the ring. CLM finally sees Mr. Electricity and it hits him what had happened. CLM leaves the ring, shaking his head as he walks to the back.


Result: California Love Machine wins by pinfall in 11:49 following interference from Mr. Electricity


Match Rating: E-



The Beatdown is On or Is It? :


Mr. Electricity motions to the crowd that he is going to finish off Roy Ross. He picks up the fallen man and sends him back down with a big upper cut. Electricity shouts that he isn’t done yet.


Coles- It looks like we may witness the end of Roy Ross here at Street of Dreams.


Reese- He’s on Dream Street right now alright.


Coles- Funny.


Reese- Thanks.


Coles- I was being… ah… nevermind.


Mr. E has Ross back to his feet and he signals he’s going to hit the Cal Cutter again. Sean Helmsley slides in to the ring though and he connects with a super kick that puts Mr. Electricity on his backside. Mr. E quickly rolls from the ring and heads for the back. Sean helps Roy up as the show ends.


Segment Rating: E-



Final Show Rating: E




Post Show: For the first time since PCWA began holding show there wasn’t any backstage incidents.





From PCWAwrestling.com



PCWA has just announced that the Main Event at September’s PCWA show will indeed be California Love Machine will challenge Mr. Electricity for the PCWA Championship. It is also expected that Roy Ross will be in action. The rest of the card should be announced within the next couple of days.
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Shame about your main event not really working out, but I suppose you weren't expecting Mr Singh to carry Helmsley to such a good match, and I'm guessing in the end the main event was always going to struggle to live up to the match that preceeded it.



You're right, I didn't expect that good of a match between Helmsley and Mr. E. Plus I was hoping for a better match in the main event. In hindsight I would of switched the two matches around and the story for the show would of still worked. Oh well, the game goes on. Also I guess since this is a diary I'm not too worried about sacrificing show ratings to advance stories I have going.


However I should point out the reason for the lack of stories in the undercard is I'm trying not to use too many wrestlers on a show so I can avoid going out of business before I get rolling. As I get some money built up that should change.


The next card should be up in the next hour or so...

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From PCWAwrestling.com



PCWA Thank You is the official name of the September show. The name is in honor of the fans that have showed the young fledgling promotion support and love. Here’s to a long future!



- “The Future” Devon Quinn will be in action trying to make his one win into a bonafide winning streak against Daredevil Aero, who is recovering after a nearly psychotic Tormented Youth attacked him with a chair at PCWA Street of Dreams.


- Sean Helmsley saved Roy Ross from certain destruction and looks to get on track with a match against Fearless Blue. Of course will there be repercussions from Helmsley saving Ross with Mr. Electricity around?


- Roy Ross will indeed return to the ring at Thank You to face Jeremiah Moose. Ross no doubt looks to rebound from the loss he suffered thanks to Mr. Electricity. Ross is sure to have eyes in the back of his head in this one. Will that affect his performance in the ring?


- Finally, California Love Machine gets a shot to win the PCWA Championship after losing to Mr. Electricity 3 months prior. Will this matchup prove to be any different or will the obnoxious PCWA Champ keep his title?







PCWA Thank You Card

"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. Daredevil Aero

Sean Helmsley vs. Fearless Blue

Roy Ross vs. Jeremiah Moose

PCWA Championship

California Love Machine vs. Mr. Electricity ©

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"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. Daredevil Aero

Sean Helmsley vs. Fearless Blue

Roy Ross vs. Jeremiah Moose

PCWA Championship

California Love Machine vs. Mr. Electricity ©

Could be a DQ win for CLM though


I'm in agreement with Foolinc on the predictions and don't worry about lack of storylines in the undercard at this moment in time. Right now you've got just about enough wrestlers to be able to put on a show.


What is your schedule at the moment, Are you running monthly shows ?

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