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PCWA Get Born Again (c-verse)

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Saturday Week 3, February 2009















PCWA No Love Lost

The PCWA Arena

North West (United States)

Attendance: 43







Once again we join Kris Coles and Reese Paige at ringside.


Coles- Welcome to PCWA No Love Lost. I’m Kris Coles and as always I’m joined by Reese Paige. Last month Fox Mask made his PCWA debut and tonight we will see him in the ring with Mr. Electricity and Dead Bolt. The match is a non title match but I’m sure Mr. Electricity won’t want to lose it either way.


Reese- He won’t lose here tonight, Coles. He’s the best wrestler here. You should know that.


Coles- Also Calvin Dark and Tormented Youth will team against California Love Machine and Fearless Blue. Will we learn of Dark’s intentions tonight? First let’s get to our first match with Shane Nelson taking on Rex Reeves.








http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/ShaneNelson.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/RexReeves.jpg

Shane Nelson vs. 'Gamblin Man' Rex Reeves


‘Gamblin Man’ Rex Reeves steps into the ring with a smug grin on his face, confident that he’ll be able to take out the newcomer. Nelson enters the ring to a decent reaction from the Seattle crowd. Shane Nelson carries Reeves through the match. Reeves does throw in a couple of high flying moves here and there, but it’s Nelson who shines in this one. He hits the Clash Of Styles to secure the win.






Result: Shane Nelson wins by pinfall in 8:01






Match Rating: E







Coles- Shane Nelson picks up a victory here at No Love Lost. Let’s go to a taped interview with California Love Machine.


We cut to a video of California Love Machine in an empty PCWA ring. For once there seems to be a little bit of anger on CLM’s face.


CLM- Calvin Dark is in PCWA? That’s not cool. For the first time since I’ve been in PCWA I’m upset. I’ve put up with Mr. Electricity’s crap and that didn’t really upset me. When you showed up and than preceded to assault me after Tormented Youth had taken me out with a chair, it lit a fire under me a bit. What will be cool now is when I get you in the ring and I get to exercise my idea of justice. I will beat you like the scum you are. Afterwards I will be at peace and I can continue going about my business letting things go by. Than things will be real cool.




Segment Rating: E+









http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/AirAttackWeasel.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/JeremiahMoose.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/RegularJoe.jpg

Air Attack Weasel vs. Jeremiah Moose vs. Regular Joe


Three men and they are all looking for the same thing, a victory. This is a solid fast paced match with all the wrestlers able to take to air whenever they want. Regular Joe seems to be the wildcard in this match since he’s the only one that boasts a few skills outside of the aerial category. As the match goes on a bunch of near falls happen in favor of all the men. Most of the pinfalls are broken up by the third man in the match. Jeremiah Moose sends Weasel out of the ring after a dropkick Moose than turns into Joe and Behold from Regular Joe. Joe makes the cover and gets the win before Weasel can break up the pinfall.






Result: Regular Joe wins by pinfall in 10:47





Match Rating: E






Mr. Electricity emerges from the back with a microphone in hand after the three from the match before clear out to the back. Mr. Electricity wears the PCWA Championship around his waist.


Coles- Oh great. I can only imagine what he has to say.


Reese- Shut up, Kris, I for one want to hear what he has to say.


Mr. Electricity- Fox Mask has joined PCWA. I can’t say I blame him. Who wouldn’t want to be in a promotion with the hottest wrestler in pro wrestling today, Mr. Electricity? I know I would if I weren’t me. Getting your butt kicked by me will get you launched into the stratosphere of the wrestling world. Just ask that old washed up dinosaur, Roy Ross. Speaking of which I see he isn’t even here tonight. He must be scared. Oh and Roy if you want to step into the ring with me again, go right ahead, but when I finally end you don’t cry to me. I told you so.


Back to Fox Mask, tonight I’ll show you what you are getting yourself into by joining PCWA. I’ll show you just how great I am. I’m the PCWA Champion for a reason, and soon enough you’ll know that reason just like Roy Ross.




Segment Rating: E







http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/CalvinDark_alt.jpg and http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/TormentedYouth.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/CaliforniaLoveMachine.jpg and http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/FearlessBlue.jpg

Calvin Dark and Tormented Youth vs. California Love Machine and Fearless Blue


This could be a solid match but Calvin Dark is really rusty in the ring. Due to this, the match is more slow paced to the traditional frenzied action that is usually seen in the PCWA ring. Whenever in the ring, Dark seems to dominate against Fearless Blue. CLM is more evenly matched against Dark, but Tormented Youth looks outmatched by both of the faces in the match. Calvin Dark goes on to get the pinfall after hitting a front Russian Leg Sweep.







Result: Calvin Dark and Tormented Youth win by pinfall in 10:11




Match Rating: F+






Non Title Match

http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/KashmirSingh_alt2.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/FoxMask.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/DeadBolt.jpg

Mr. Electricity © vs. Fox Mask vs. Dead Bolt


The match has a pretty quick pace to it, that seems to make Dead Bolt a pretty irrelevant factor in the match as Mr. Electricity and Fox Mask both outwrestle the big man. That’s not to say that Dead Bolt doesn’t get his shots in, like a couple of big clotheslines that flips the smaller Fox Mask all the way around. Mr. Electricity doesn’t only focus on Fox Mask but uses his technical prowess to work over the big man Dead Bolt, after Mask is out of it for awhile. Fox Mask comes back strong and it seemingly overwhelms Mr. Electricity. Mr. Electricity seems frustrated and leaves the ring all together. Fox Mask takes this opportunity to hit the Fox Hunter on Dead Bolt and win the match. Mr. Electricity just stares back at Fox Mask as he gets his hand raised in victory.







Result: Fox Mask wins by pinfall in 14:59






Match Rating: D-






Final Show Rating: E+



Post Show: It was reported that a prank from Air Attack Weasel pulled on Calvin Dark nearly caused a fight backstage. It was than reported that PCWA founder Kris Coles gave Air Attack Weasel a stern warning after the incident. Apparently it did some good and Air Attack seemed to respond to it well. A good thing to be sure, since it was the third time Air Attack Weasel has pulled such a stunt. At least it was nearly a year since his last one.





From PCWAwrestling.com



After the PCWA No Love Lost event was over, it was announced that Fox Mask will indeed meet Mr. Electricity but not next month. The two will meet in May at the second PCWA Origins event for the PCWA Championship. Until than Fox Mask will face Dead Bolt next month, after Dead Bolt claimed after No Love Lost that he can beat Fox Mask without Mr. Electricity in the ring as well.


Next month at PCWA Take Warning, Fox Mask vs. Dead Bolt in the main event. Further information on the card for Take Warning will be announced within the next couple of days.

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Non Title Match

Mr. Electricity © vs. Fox Mask vs. Dead Bolt

Sets up the title match


Non Title Match

Mr. Electricity © vs. Fox Mask vs. Dead Bolt


With the title not on the line, this is there to set up the title match between Electricity & Fox Mask the next month.



Next month for the match would definately make sense, but I want to wait until which I consider to be my biggest event at this point and that's the anniversary of the first PCWA show. Thanks guys for the predictions, it's interesting to see who you think will win and why. It always gives me a different perspective on what I got going on as far as my booking.

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From PCWAwrestling.com



PCWA has announced the signing of a new wrestler today, who will make his debut at Take Warning. PCWA extends a warm welcome to....







Nathaniel Ca$ino





PCWA Take Warning takes shape for March 2009





- The Main Event will feature Dead Bolt looking to get even with Fox Mask. Will Dead Bolt follow through on his claim to be able to beat Fox Mask, or will Fox Mask win this match and ride a wave of momentum all the way until PCWA Origins in May? Where will Mr. Electricity be in all of this?





- The semi-main event features the newly signed Nathaniel Ca$ino taking on Air Attack Weasel. Will Ca$ino be victorious in his debut or will Air Attack Weasel spoil the debut?





- Calvin Dark will take on Daredevil Aero but we still have not heard what Dark wants or why he is here. Will we be any closer to finding out at Take Warning? Where will Tormented Youth be at in this one?





- Opening the show will be a grudge match of sorts between Sean Helmsley and Roy Ross. Will Ross get some revenge against Helmsley?











PCWA Take Warning


Sean Helmsley vs. Roy Ross

Calvin Dark vs. Daredevil Aero

Air Attack Weasel vs. Nathaniel Ca$ino

Fox Mask vs. Dead Bolt

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Saturday Week 3, March 2009











PCWA Take Warning

The PCWA Arena

North West (United States)

Attendance: 51






At ringside sit Kris Coles and Reese Paige ready to call all of the night’s action.


Coles- Welcome to PCWA Take Warning. I’m Kris Coles and sitting to my right is Reese Paige. Tonight we will see the exciting Fox Mask against the resident PCWA big man, Dead Bolt.


Reese- I hope Dead Bolt breaks him so he doesn’t make it to PCWA Origins.


Coles- Isn’t that a bit harsh?


Reese- Not at all.


Coles- Let’s jump into our first match, we see Roy Ross take on Sean Helmsley in a grudge match. Let’s see is Ross can get some revenge on Helmsley for costing him the PCWA Championship.






http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/SeanHelmsley.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/RoyRoss.jpg

Sean Helmsley vs. Roy Ross


Ross gets a standing ovation as soon as Black Sabbath’s “The Wizard” begins to play. He may not known outside of the northwest, but here he has a cult following. Helmsley meanwhile receives a chorus of boos as he comes to the ring. Helmsley starts the match by trying to fly a little bit, but Ross changes the tone to a straight out brawl. Every shot from Ross is out of anger and Helmsley looks out of his league as Ross batters him. Helmsley basically falls out of the ring, mostly on his own just trying to get away from the enraged Ross. Roy Ross happily follows Sean to the outside and continues his assault. Helmsley though is able to fight back and the two men continue to trade blows back and forth. The two men refuse to get back into the ring as they continue to fight out at ringside. Both men get acquainted with the guard rail a few times each. After being unable to coax the two back into the ring, Jonathan Taylor has no choice but count the two men out.




Result: Sean Helmsley draws with Roy Ross after a double count out in 8:35



Match Rating: E







After the bell sounds signaling the end of the match, the two men continue to battle outside the ring.


Coles- These two men don’t want to stop, it’s a shame we won’t have a clear cut winner here tonight.


Helmsley and Ross finally end up in the aisle still trading punches, kicks, and knees. Jonathan Taylor has made his way down to where the fray is taking place and is pleading with the two men to back off. When they don’t, numerous nameless PCWA backstage people come out to break up the brawl. It takes a couple of moments as Roy Ross gets looses a couple of times, but they finally contain the two men.


Coles- I have a feeling this is far from over between these two guys.


Reese- What gives you that idea Coles?




Segment Rating: F+





Coles- Next, maybe we’ll shed some light on why Calvin Dark is here?



As Calvin Dark walks out for his match a woman in full Goth attire walks behind him.


Coles- That’s Vixxen behind Dark. Has she also aligned herself with Dark like Tormented Youth has? How I can’t wait to get some answers from this guy or group.




http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/CalvinDark_alt.jpg w/ http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/Vixxen.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/Daredevil20Aero_FIN.jpg

Calvin Dark w/ Vixxen vs. Daredevil Aero


Aero seems slightly thrown off with Vixxen’s presence at ringside. With the crowd behind him though, Aero throws himself into match. This match looks like a PCWA match with both men being wrestlers who like to live on aerial moves and sometimes die by aerial moves. That just comes with the territory of being a high flyer. Aero is the one that hurts himself more than helps himself after a missed top rope leg drop. Aero is able to recover nicely though and make Dark work a little bit. That is until Tormented Youth shows up at ringside and gets a side kick in on Aero as Vixxen distracts Jonathan Taylor. Calvin Dark secures a victory as he hits Aero with a front Russian Leg Sweep.






Result: Calvin Dark wins by pinfall in 8:45




Match Rating: E-




Daredevil Aero begins to get up after the match, unfortunately for him Dark, Youth and Vixxen haven’t left the ring yet. In fact Youth is staring with an almost sadistic look in his eyes at Aero who is still trying to straighten up.


Meanwhile, Dark looks towards the entrance way. Another unknown wrestler, dressed similar to Tormented Youth comes walking down to the ring.








The unknown man climbs into the ring as Youth knocks Aero back down to the mat. Youth and Dark begin to stomp away on the fallen superhero. After a few moments of stomping they stop and Tormented Youth hits a standing moonsault on Aero. Dark drags Aero closer to a corner of the ring. The unknown man than climbs up to the top rope and comes off onto Aero with a beautiful looking Shooting Star Press. Finally being satisfied the stable of gothic wrestlers exit to the back leaving Aero out.




Coles- I believe that unknown wrestler that has just debuted to join Calvin Dark and Tormented Youth is Morningstar. I’ve seen him in action around Seattle and he’s an exciting high flyer.





Segment Rating: F+






http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/AirAttackWeasel.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/NathanielCaino.jpg

Air Attack Weasel vs. Nathaniel Ca$ino


As the match get under way, the crowd seems kind of unsure about the newcomer Ca$ino. It’s doesn’t take long for him to start winning over the crowd with his fast fluid moves in the air and on the mat. To his credit Air Attack Weasel keeps up with Ca$ino throughout the entire match. The match isn’t quite typical PCWA, as the high flying is mixed up with some solid mat work from Ca$ino showing Weasel a thing or two. Ca$ino hits the Double or Nothing for the pin and the win.





Result: Nathaniel Ca$ino wins by pinfall in 11:07





Match Rating: E+





Ca$ino celebrates his victory in the ring and than calls for the house microphone.


Ca$ino- PCWA, that is how it is done. Now I understand there is someone running around here claiming to be a gambling man. I’m the only Gambling Man around these parts. Rex Reeves why don’t you face me in the ring, be it next month or the month after, it doesn’t matter to me. The longer you wait to accept my challenge the longer you prolong the inevitable. So Reeves, face me and I’ll show you who the real and only gambling man is.




Segment Rating: E+






Before the match begins Mr. Electricity comes down to the ring to assist on commentary for the Main Event. Electricity reaches ringside and reaches for a headset.


Mr. Electricity- Hey Kris, you mind.


Coles- No not at all. Go ahead, champ.


Mr. Electricity- Don’t you forget it either. I heard you last month already crowning Fox Mask the champion. I’m the champ. Fox Mask should still be down south flipping around in the sun where he belongs. The only reason he’s here is because he’s a hanger on. He just wants to ride my coat tails to the top of the wrestling world. That’s what’s going on here.


Coles- We’ll see about that. Let’s see what he does tonight, and in two months we’ll see if you can back up those words.


Mr. Electricity- I outta smack you Coles. Of course I’m going to back up my words. I’m Mr. Electricity for crying out loud.





Segment Rating: D-







http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/FoxMask.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/DeadBolt.jpg

Fox Mask vs. Dead Bolt


With Mr. Electricity probably the one the most interested in this match, though he wouldn’t admit to it, Fox Mask puts on a show for the crowd. Despite being at a size disadvantage Fox Mask appears to be the aggressor for most of this match. Dead Bolt manages to get a couple of shots in but has trouble keeping up with the speedy Fox Mask. Mask looks impressive as he hits Dead Bolt with the Fox Hunter to end the match. At the end of the show we see Mask staring in the direction of Mr. Electricity.





Result: Fox Mask wins by pinfall in 11:50





Match Rating: D-




Final Show Rating: D-




OOC- Yes, Morningstar is another wrestler I added to the database. He has good flying stats but little in the way of psychology and basics.

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From PCWAwrestling.com



Pacific Coast Wrestling Alliance has announced the April show, entitled PCWA Through The Never.




- Fox Mask impressed last month after beating Dead Bolt. This month before his big match with Mr. Electricity, Fox Mask will meet Jeremiah Moose in the Main Event. Mr. Electricity is sure to be watching this one again. Will he be ringside this month?



- In the semi-main event California Love Machine will take on Regular Joe. CLM has had some issues with Calvin Dark and his gothic followers, will CLM be looking over his shoulder? If he does, Regular Joe has a great chance to pull off the upset.



- Morningstar will make his PCWA wrestling debut by taking on PCWA superhero Daredevil Aero. Aero is another wrestler who has had problems with Dark and his followers, how will this influence this match?



- Opening the show, will be Roy Ross taking on "The Future" Devon Quinn. Ross had an intense matchup last month at PCWA Take Warning with Sean Helmsley that settled basically nothing. At Through The Never Ross looks to get on track after suffering quite a few losses over the past few months. Will Helmsley be lurking near this one?









PCWA Through The Never


"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. Roy Ross

Daredevil Aero vs. Morningstar

California Love Machine vs. Regular Joe

Fox Mask vs. Jeremiah Moose

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"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. Roy Ross


Surely Double-R wins this one


Daredevil Aero vs. Morningstar


Debut win


California Love Machine vs. Regular Joe


Has enjoyed a more focused push so far


Fox Mask vs. Jeremiah Moose


Further build for Mr E's next challenger.

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Saturday Week 3, April 2009











PCWA Through The Never

The PCWA Arena

North West (United States)

Attendance: 82





Kris Coles and Reese Paige are seated ringside before the biggest crowd PCWA has seen up to this point.



Coles- Welcome to PCWA Through The Never, I’m Kris Coles and this is Reese Paige beside me. We are one month away from PCWA Origins and the match between Fox Mask and the champion, Mr. Electricity. Tonight though, Fox Mask will take on Jeremiah Moose. Will Moose cause Mask to stumble before getting his shot?


Reese- That’s not even the biggest part of the show, Mr. Electricity will be joining us for commentary again tonight. I can’t wait.


Coles- I’m sure you can’t. Another guy that can’t wait is Roy Ross. He’s looking to get back on track and his match against young Devon Quinn is first.



http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/DevonQuinn.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/RoyRoss.jpg

"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. Roy Ross



After Black Sabbath’s “The Wizard” hits Roy Ross comes out to a louder ovation than usual, perhaps it’s the extra butts in the seats tonight. Quinn meanwhile enters to little to no reaction. As the match starts, Quinn’s strategy is obvious, try to wear out the older Ross by moving around the ring a lot and quickly. Ross is able to counter after catching up with Quinn and turning the match with some mat work that isn’t the norm for PCWA, or Roy Ross. It is Quinn who wears out first, allowing Ross to hit his big top rope splash and pick up the win.






Result: Roy Ross wins by pinfall in 5:43





Match Rating: E







As soon as Ross climbs the turnbuckle to celebrate with the fans, Sean Helmsley runs down to the ring and attacks. The two men begin trading moves back and forth, mostly punches and kicks.


Coles- I thought we would see Sean here tonight.


Reese- I hope he hurts that old man in the ring.


Ross gains the upper hand and uses a great drop kick to send Helmsley out of the ring. Helmsley picks himself up and looks like he’s going to get back in the ring but thinks better of it and back up the aisle. Helmsley has scorn in his eyes as he stares up at Roy Ross in the ring.


Coles- Roy Ross is able to turn Sean Helmsley away this time. It’s just a matter of time until they settle this thing once and for all.


Reese- That means it is just a matter of time until we see the last of Roy Ross in a wrestling ring all together.


Segment Rating: F+






We turn to the backstage area where we see Fox Mask in the hall doing a little stretching. Out of nowhere comes Jeremiah Moose, who looks different.






Moose lays in the forearms in to the back of Mask. He turns him around and lays a fist right between the eye holes. Moose pushes Mask into the wall head first and than pulls him back. Moose finishes Fox Mask off with an inverted DDT on the concrete floor.


Coles- Jeremiah Moose, sporting a new attitude, has just softened up Fox Mask for the match tonight. How will this affect Fox Mask tonight?



Segment Rating: F+




http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/Daredevil20Aero_FIN.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/Morningstar.jpg w/ http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/Vixxen.jpg

Daredevil Aero vs. Morningstar w/Vixxen



The PCWA superhero gets a fairly warm reception from the crowd. While Morningstar and Vixxen get a rather mixed reaction. The match is standard PCWA fare, a high flying exhibition without much use of transition moves between the gasps of the enthralled audience. Both men are equally exciting with Morningstar proving to be a bit flashier than Aero. Aero seemingly has the upper hand but Tormented Youth comes to ringside. Cue Vixxen distracting Jonathan Taylor allowing Youth to drop Aero throat first over the top rope. As Aero springs off the rope and turns around, he is met by an X Factor like facebuster from Morningstar. Morningstar goes to the top rope and hits the Morningstar Press from the top rope to win the match.







Result: Morningstar wins by pinfall in 8:09






Match Rating: E-







After the match is over Morningstar and Tormented Youth begin to stomp down on the fallen superhero. For good measure Youth hits a standing moonsault. Morningstar climbs to the top rope and signals he’s going to hit the Morningstar Press again.


Coles- Hold on, here comes Fearless Blue to the ring.


Blue pulls Aero out of the ring before anymore damage can be done.





Segment Rating: F+






Coles- Fearless Blue saves Daredevil Aero from further harm. Now we have an exclusive taped interview from Vixxen and Calvin Dark It should shed some light on what they want and who they are.



We shift to a video of Vixxen and Calvin Dark cast in shadows with little lights in the background, perhaps from candles. With the quality of the video it’s hard to be certain.


Vixxen- What you have witnessed over the past with arrival of Calvin Dark, myself and Morningstar is the formation of the Church of the Divine. We plan on spreading our word in PCWA until everyone bows before us. From Cowboy Ben all the way up to Fox Mask, they will believe. We shall spread the word through pain, lots and lots of pain. This man, Calvin Dark has taken in Tormented Youth and Morningstar, boys who were lost, under his wing to show them the way in their darkness. Along with Calvin Dark and his Lost Boys pain shall be felt in PCWA. Just ask California Love Machine, simply put Calvin despises you for who and what you are. You are proving to be just an example for the rest of the vermin in PCWA. Darkness is here, and we are the face of it.






Segment Rating: E+





http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/CaliforniaLoveMachine.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/RegularJoe.jpg

California Love Machine vs. Regular Joe



Slightly contrasting style in this match as CLM prefers to fly and Joe, well Joe can do nearly anything fairly well. That includes being able to fly around a bit with CLM. Both men get good reactions from the crowd throughout the match, with CLM being the more popular of the two. It’s CLM being the one to come out on top of this even matchup after hitting a very impressive looking LAX Departure.






Result: California Love Machine wins by pinfall in 12:05





Match Rating: E





It doesn’t take long for Calvin Dark to hit the ring and attack the celebrating CLM. Dark hits his Front Russian Leg Sweep to put CLM out for at least this night.



Segment Rating: E-






http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/FoxMask.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/JeremiahMoose_alt1.jpg

Fox Mask vs. Jeremiah Moose



Mask seems to be feeling some ill effects of Moose’s earlier attack much to the delight of Mr. Electricity who has indeed joined Kris Coles and Reese Paige on commentary. Moose gets momentum on his side and keeps Mask on the mat. Moose controls the match for a good portion until the PCWA fans who have adopted Fox Mask as their own begins to get behind the masked wrestler. Mask, much to the disdain of Mr. Electricity, begins to fire back and evens the match out. After a Fox Hunter, the match can no longer be considered even as Mask gets the pinfall and the win. The show ends with Mask staring out at Mr. Electricity.







Result: Fox Mask wins by pinfall in 11:59






Match Rating: D






Final Show Rating: D-





Post Show: It was reported after the show Jonathan Taylor and California Love Machine nearly came to blows after Taylor spread some unflattering rumors about the Love Machine from California. A stern warning from Kris Coles, hopefully set Taylor straight. Next time he may pick on someone bigger than CLM and it won’t be so pretty.





From PCWAwrestling.com



Pacific Coast Wrestling Alliance has announced the following change to PCWA Origins in May. First the show will move from one hour to one and a half hours.


Secondly, the PCWA Championship match between Mr. Electricity and Fox Mask will be decided in the first ever Ladder match in PCWA history. Stay logged on for the rest of the card for the second PCWA Origins show.

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From PCWAwrestling.com




PCWA Origins marks the one year anniversary of Pacific Coast Wrestling Alliance. The promotion that started out as a little local fed has grown up some over the past year, and is starting to pick up even more momentum as the months go on. PCWA Origins looks to set a new standard for PCWA shows. The card is located at the bottom...



- In the main event, we will see a ladder introduced for the first time ever in PCWA history as Mr. Electricity will defend his PCWA Championship against the ever popular Fox Mask.




- The semi-main event will feature a one year anniversary of the original PCWA Origins' main event. California Love Machine will take on the new look and new attitude Jeremiah Moose. Will this one end any different from the original match where CLM won?



- Roy Ross will take on Dead Bolt in another one year anniversary match. It is the match that opened Origins in 2008. This year its a little higher on the card and Roy Ross looks to build on last month's win.



- Morningstar will be in action again as he faces Fearless Blue who spoiled the plans of The Lost Boys to finish off Daredevil Aero once and for all. Fearless Blue could be in trouble as it's certain that Tormented Youth will be hanging close to this one and one can't forget about Vixxen being ringside.



- The opening contest will be 3 men looking for a win to gain a little momentum. Shane Nelson, "The Future" Devon Quinn, and Cowboy Ben will face off in what is expected to be an exciting high flying opener.










PCWA Origins


"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. Cowboy Ben vs. Shane Nelson

Fearless Blue vs. Morningstar

Roy Ross vs. Dead Bolt

California Love Machine vs. Jeremiah Moose


PCWA Championship -Ladder Match

Mr. Electricity © vs. Fox Mask

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"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. Cowboy Ben vs. Shane Nelson

Gut feeling


Fearless Blue vs. Morningstar

It's a created charcater versus a backyarder


Roy Ross vs. Dead Bolt

I'm not voting for Dead Bolt


California Love Machine vs. Jeremiah Moose


PCWA Championship -Ladder Match

Mr. Electricity © vs. Fox Mask

It's time for Fox it win it all.

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"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. Cowboy Ben vs. Shane Nelson


The best worker, and most likely to rise up to the main event out of all three.


Fearless Blue vs. Morningstar


The created character seems to be getting a more focused push


Roy Ross vs. Dead Bolt


Foolinc was spot on with the never choosing Dead Bolt assessment.


California Love Machine vs. Jeremiah Moose


Despite losing his last match, I think the fact you gave Moose the W.O.V alt suggests you have some plans for him.


PCWA Championship -Ladder Match

Mr. Electricity © vs. Fox Mask


Somehow Electricity manages to sneak his way to the retaining the title yet again. Somehow Fox Mask ending Electricity's reign in a match that favours him seems a little too obvious.

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Saturday Week 3 May 2009











PCWA Origins

The PCWA Arena

North West (United States)

Attendance: 97






We join Kris Coles and Reese Paige. Coles has a huge smile on his face as the show opens.


Coles- Welcome to the 1 year anniversary show, PCWA Origins. I’m Kris Coles and alongside me, is Reese Paige. We’ve been around for a whole year when no one really gave us a chance. We are proud to be here tonight and tonight will be an exciting show.


Reese- I don’t normally agree with Kris, but I’d like to echo those sentiments. We are proud to be here still. The little promotion that could will continue to show the wrestling world how things are done.


Coles- Tonight in a huge main event, the PCWA Champion, Mr. Electricity will take on Fox Mask in a ladder match. The first ever Ladder match to take place in PCWA. Also we will bring you two matches that took place one year ago. Will they be any different from 2008? First let’s get to the ring where Cowboy Ben already waits his opponents, Shane Nelson and “The Future” Devon Quinn.






http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/DevonQuinn.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/BenWilliams_alt3.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/ShaneNelson.jpg

"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. Cowboy Ben vs. Shane Nelson




Shane Nelson gets a solid reaction as he comes to the ring after Devon Quinn has already entered the ring. Quinn looks confident, no he looks more c*cky than anything. The match turns into a free for all as all 3 men trade some exciting flashy moves. It’s a very PCWAish match in the beginning. Shane Nelson throws in some mat work to turn the match into his favor. Shane never looks back after injecting a different style into the high flying match, and he hits the Clash of Styles on Cowboy Ben and secures the win in the opening contest of the second PCWA Origins. After the match Cowboy Ben stands in the ring shaking his head at another loss that he’s taken.






Result: Shane Nelson wins by pinfall over Cowboy Ben in 8:31





Match Rating: E






http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/FearlessBlue.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/Morningstar.jpg w/ http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/Vixxen.jpg

Fearless Blue vs. Morningstar w/ Vixxen



Behind all that blue hair a noticeable look of concern in on Blue’s face as Morningstar steps into the ring and with Vixxen prowling around the outside. Lucky for Blue, Morningstar seems slightly sluggish and quite rusty as the match unfolds. Fearless Blue looks to be in control of the match pretty much throughout. Blue does get distracted a few times by Vixxen on the outside but it doesn’t slow Fearless too much. Blue looks to be on the verge of winning when Tormented Youth appears in the aisle.




Coles- This again! Can’t we have a match will these guys and not have someone interfere in it!



With Vixxen distracting the ref, Youth slides into the ring and Fearless Blue turns right into a Tormented Spinning Heel Kick. This allows Morningstar to head to the top rope and hit the Morningstar Press to get the tainted victory over Fearless Blue.







Result: Morningstar wins by pinfall in 10:09





Match Rating: F+





Coles- We’ve also seen this before, The Lost Boys as they’ve been called by Vixxen will now continue their assault on Fearless Blue.


Indeed, the duo does just that. Tormented Youth shows off for the crowd by hitting a beautiful standing moonsault. The Lost Boys keep on the attack with the old stomping on the downed man. As Tormented Youth continues to stomp, Morningstar rolls out the ring to grab a chair. Finally resident PCWA superhero Daredevil Aero charges to the ring through the crowd and hops the guardrail. He pulls the chair away from Morningstar and swings wildly. Morningstar is able to duck out of the way and decides retreat is the best idea at this point. Tormented Youth decides the same thing as Aero slides into the ring with chair in hand.


Coles- Daredevil Aero chases away the Lost Boys. This game of cat and mouse between all these men continues. Who will finally put an end to all of this?




Segment Rating: F





http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/RoyRoss.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/DeadBolt.jpg

Roy Ross vs. Dead Bolt



Black Sabbath’s “The Wizard” hits the PCWA Arena and Roy Ross walks out of the entrance to a standing ovation. As Ross begins down the aisle Dead Bolt comes running out and attacks Ross from behind. Bolt sends Ross into the guardrail a couple of time before helping Ross into the ring. The bell rings and with Dead Bolt’s jump on Ross, Dead Bolt is able to keep the upper hand. Bolt keeps up his momentum by hitting high impact moves to wear down the older Roy Ross. Dead Bolt continues to use his size and strength as the match goes on. With Ross in the corner and down on the mat, Dead Bolt puts his boot on Ross’s throat and uses the ropes for leverage to choke the life out of Ross. At this point the crowd begins to get behind Ross and a “Wizard” chant breaks out. It’s enough to get Roy Ross going and he’s able to roll away from Dead Bolt. Ross than uses his speed to turn the match around, and with a big flying splash from the top collects another victory over Dead Bolt, just like at the first PCWA Origins show.






Result: Roy Ross wins by pinfall in 11:46





Match Rating: E






As soon as the match is over he calls for the house microphone.


Ross- I’m going to keep this short and sweet. Sean Helmsley, this is for your ears. When we faced off two months ago nothing was settled. So next month at PCWA For You, let’s finally settle things in a first blood match. You are going to be sorry that you turned your back on me. Sean, next month, I’ll see you than!




Segment Rating: E





http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/CaliforniaLoveMachine.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/JeremiahMoose_alt1.jpg

California Love Machine vs. Jeremiah Moose



Moose sporting his new attitude and look starts the match off fast by going on the offensive. Perhaps he’s looking to surprise CLM and catch him off guard. It seems to work well for Jeremiah as in the early going Moose is in control. After a few minutes though, CLM turns things around and the match takes on a more back and forth look to it. Both men use an aerial offense as the match continues on. Of course, neither man has a whole lot more to there offense. The match stays fairly even until Moose finds himself on the receiving end of the LAX Departure.






Result: California Love Machine wins by pinfall in 10:42





Match Rating: E




Coles- Jeremiah Moose is unable to beat CLM despite his new attitude. Up next though is the big ladder match for the PCWA Championship!




PCWA Championship -Ladder Match



http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/KashmirSingh_alt2.jpg © vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/FoxMask.jpg

Mr. Electricity © vs. Fox Mask




At this stage in the life of PCWA, this match turns into an epic contest. The two men putting on a wrestling clinic until the ladder is introduced by Mr. Electricity who is hoping to end the match quickly. The first ladder spot sees Mr. Electricity climbing the ladder to grab his belt, but Fox Mask is able to get off the mat. Fox Mask springs from the bottom rope and catches Mr. Electricity, who is half way up the ladder, with a neck breaker. It’s Fox Mask who gets the opportunity to climb the ladder, but Mr. Electricity catches him and half way up powerbombs Fox Mask from the ladder into the ring. At another point after both men fall out of the ring with Mr. Electricity taking the worst of it, Fox Mask climbs the ladder again. Mr. Electricity meanwhile is able to get up on the outside, but no chance to stop Fox Mask from capturing the PCWA Championship. Fox Mask seems to give up the chance to win right there to entertain the crowd as he dives from the ladder to land on Mr. Electricity outside the ring. A true Holy Sh!t moment, and the crowd is on their feet chanting that very phrase. Both men take a long time to recover but end up back in the ring. It’s Fox Mask who is able to hit the Fox Flip Off DDT to put Mr. Electricity out. Fox Mask than climbs the ladder to take down the PCWA Championship and claim it for himself.






Result: Fox Mask wins by retrieving the PCWA Championship in 27:43






Match Rating: C-




Final Show Rating: D

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From PCWAwrestling.com









At PCWA Origins we saw the crowning of a new PCWA Champion as Fox Mask climbed the ladder to beat the former champion, Mr. Electricity in a fantastic match. The question is now what for the PCWA Champion Fox Mask and the former champ Mr. Electricity? Hopefully those questions will be answered at PCWA For You in June and the following months.




- Roy Ross has got the match he wanted. He will face Sean Helmsley in a first blood match to settle things between the two men once and for all.




- Regular Joe will get his third shot at the biggest wrestler in PCWA, Dead Bolt. Will Dead Bolt beat Joe again or is the third time really the charm for Regular Joe?




- At For You we will see Calvin Dark and California Love Machine in the ring at the same time, but they won't be alone, add in Mr. Electricity and we have an interesting matchup. CLM and Dark have had their problem ever since Dark came to PCWA and Mr. Electricity is coming off the worse loss he has suffered in PCWA, losing his title.




- The Main Event for For You will see Fox Mask make his first title defense against CZCW's Remmy Skye. The high flying Remmy is no stranger to facing Fox Mask. The two have had memorable matches in CZCW already, this one will be no different.











PCWA For You


First Blood

Roy Ross vs. Sean Helmsley


Dead Bolt vs. Regular Joe

Mr. Electricity vs. Calvin Dark vs. California Love Machine


PCWA Championship

Fox Mask © vs. Remmy Skye






OOC note- I screwed up and forgot to change the length of the show to 1 and a half hours, originally had 5 matches booked but had to move one to a dark match to squeeze everything in to 1 hour.

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First Blood

Roy Ross vs. Sean Helmsley


First Blood matches are for me perfectly set up for screwy finish, so I see Helmsley winning in that fashion.


Dead Bolt vs. Regular Joe


Third time lucky for Joe


Mr. Electricity vs. Calvin Dark vs. California Love Machine


Former champion gets back on the winning track


PCWA Championship

Fox Mask © vs. Remmy Skye


I don't see Fox Mask losing the belt in his first title defence. Has Skye joined the roster full time, or is he just making a guest appearance ?

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Saturday Week 3 June 2009














PCWA For You

The PCWA Arena

North West (United States)

Attendance: 70





Kris Coles and Reese Paige sit ringside in the PCWA Arena.



Coles- Welcome to PCWA For You. I’m Kris Coles and this is Reese Paige beside me. Tonight we welcome Remmy Skye to the PCWA who is representing CZCW. He will take on the PCWA Champion Fox Mask, who is defending the belt for the first time after beating Mr. Electricity at the second PCWA Origins show.


Reese- Ooooo, Remmy Skye, I don’t know what it is about him, but I’m a big fan.


Coles- You and a lot of women are for some reason. In any case we look forward to seeing him in action tonight. To start things tonight we will see Roy Ross take on Sean Helmsley in a first blood match, will this put an end to their feud?






First Blood

http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/RoyRoss.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/SeanHelmsley.jpg

Roy Ross vs. Sean Helmsley





After Black Sabbath’s “The Wizard” plays, Roy Ross comes out to a standing ovation and he’s dressed in jeans instead of his normal wrestling tights. Ross looks ready for a fight and that’s exactly what a match like this is. Helmsley comes out to a good reaction of boos and he too, looks ready for a fight. The match itself is nothing sort of an all out brawl with a few wrestling moves thrown in here and there. Both men look to bust each other open fast to get the match over with and to move on with their careers. The match is intense throughout, at one point Sean Helmsley exposes on of the top turnbuckles. That proves to be his undoing as Ross hits a drop toe hold that sends Helmsley face first into the exposed turnbuckle. At this point Helmsley is lucky because it doesn’t bust him open, but Ross from behind repeatedly drives Helmsley’s head into the exposed steel. The forehead of Helmsley opens and Jonathan Taylor calls for the bell and Roy Ross is the winner.






Result: Roy Ross wins by First Blood in 8:52





Match Rating: F+







Backstage we see Fearless Blue when PCWA super hero Daredevil Aero jumps into the picture. Aero striking a hero pose with his fists on his hips smiles at Blue.


Aero- Citizen Kris Turkleton I must thank you for all of your help the past few months. I hope my intervention last month was help to you.


Blue- First off, the name’s Fearless Blue, man.


Aero- Fearless Blue Man? Sounds like a perfect sidekick name.


Blue- No. No, it isn’t. It’s just Fearless Blue. But thanks for your help last month.


Fearless Blue begins to walk away from the super hero.


Aero- Fearless Blue Man!!


Blue swings around.


Blue- It’s Fearless Blue.


Aero- Alright, but I think we should team up and fight those evil men together!


Blue is silent for a moment. He nods at the PCWA super hero.


Blue- It may just work, man. Under a couple of conditions.


Aero- Ok, Fearless Blue Man.


Blue shakes his head as the two leave the scene and we go back to Coles and Paige at ringside.






Segment Rating: E




Coles- It appears we have just had our second tag team form in PCWA. Up next Regular Joe gets another shot at Dead Bolt.





http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/DeadBolt.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/RegularJoe.jpg

Dead Bolt vs. Regular Joe





Regular Joe uses his quickness to wear out the big man and to stay away from any high impact moves Dead Bolt has planned to use. He uses this strategy the entire match and does tire out Dead Bolt. Bolt manages to get a few shots in but after chasing Joe around for a few minutes Dead Bolt doesn’t have a lot behind any of the moves he does. Joe finishes off Bolt with a Joe and Behold for the pinfall and the win.







Result: Regular Joe wins by pinfall in 8:43






Match Rating: E







Coles- The third time is truly the charm for Regular Joe as he beats Dead Bolt after losing the previous two matchups with the big man. Up next the former champion, Mr. Electricity looks to get back on track, but he finds himself in the middle of a war between Calvin Dark and California Love Machine!


Reese- Don’t worry about Mr. Electricity. He knows what he’s doing and I’m sure he has a plan.






http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/KashmirSingh_alt2.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/CalvinDark_alt.jpg w/ http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/Vixxen.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/CaliforniaLoveMachine.jpg

Mr. Electricity vs. Calvin Dark w/ Vixxen vs. California Love Machine






Indeed, Mr. Electricity has a plan, he steps back out of the way as the bell rings and watches as Calvin Dark and CLM go at each other in the opening moments of the match. Mr. Electricity leans in one of the corners watching as Dark and CLM trade some flashy high flying moves back and forth. As soon as CLM gets the advantage over Dark and Dark seems out of it is when Mr. Electricity strikes. And so the match continues with Mr. Electricity always stepping back when the other two go against each other. At one point while Vixxen distracts the ref, Morningstar runs to the ring and hits CLM with a missle dropkick. Dark tries to get the pinfall following the interference but Mr. Electricity is able to break it up.


Later Calvin Dark is down on the mat and CLM is up on the top. He comes off the top and hits a great LAX Departure. As he gets up to go for the pin, Mr. Electricity who was playing possum on the mat springs up and hits the Cal Cutter on CLM. Mr. Electricity gets the pinfall for the win.






Result: Mr. Electricity wins by pinfall after pinning California Love Machine in 10:52





Match Rating: D-






As soon as the match is over Mr. Electricity with a big grin on his face grabs the nameless ring announcers’ microphone.



Mr. Electricity- Pacific Coast Wrestling Alliance screwed me out of the PCWA Championship. They stuck me in a match that my opponent that he specialized in. They stuck me in a match that he made famous in that tiny promotion down south. They set me up to lose, and I won’t forget it.


Fox Mask, it isn’t the last time we will meet. Next time let’s meet on my terms and I’ll show you who the real champion is. However, after my impressive victory here tonight, I’m throwing out an open challenge to any body to face me in the ring next month. I don’t care who it is, Cowboy Ben, bring it on. Roy Ross? I’ll beat him just as bad as I did the last time I stepped into the ring with him. The question that remains is who can handle the Electricity?





Segment Rating: D-








PCWA Championship

http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/FoxMask.jpg © vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/RemmySkye.jpg

Fox Mask © vs. Remmy Skye





Thanks to Fox Mask knowing how to work a match this match is a departure from a spot fest that most PCWA matches are known for. Mask leads Remmy through some back and forth chain wrestling that builds throughout the match. It continues to build into a few spectacular high flying moves that the appreciative crowd eats up. The crescendo of the match is a Fox Hunter out of nowhere to Remmy Skye. Fox Mask gains the pinfall and successfully defends the PCWA Championship.







Result: Fox Mask wins by pinfall in 15:32





Match Rating: D+




Final Show Rating: D










Post Show: Multiple reports say that Jonathan Taylor was the focal point of an incident backstage following the PCWA show. Apparently he was spreading rumors about Shane Nelson and Nelson nearly to Taylor off with his fist. Fortunately for Taylor, Nelson was restrained. Insiders say that Kris Coles gave Taylor the riot act after he found out about what happened. Taylor was said to respond well, hopefully it sets him straight.

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From PCWAwrestling.com



Pacific Coast Wrestling Alliance would like to announce that the July Show will be called PCWA A Hero's Welcome. The reason for the change in names is due to someone accepting Mr. Electricity's open challenge. It will be a homecoming of sorts for Mr. Electricity's challenger.






- As mentioned above a challenger has emerged for Mr. Electricity and will make his wrestling debut with PCWA at PCWA A Hero's Welcome. Who is this mystery man and will he beat the ex champion?





- Regular Joe has earned himself a title shot against Fox Mask. Will Joe make the most of his shot or is Fox Mask too much for him?





- On loan from CZCW, Masked Cougar will take on Jeremiah Moose. Will Cougar make an impression on the PCWA crowd or will Jeremiah Moose's new attitude prevail?





- Fearless Blue and Daredevil Aero will form a tag team to take on The Lost Boys from the Church of the Divine. Blue and Aero certainly want to beat The Lost Boys after the past few month of torment.












PCWA A Hero's Welcome


"Gamblin Man" Rex Reeves vs. Nathaniel Ca$ino vs. Shane Nelson

Fearless Blue and Daredevil Aero vs. The Lost Boys

Masked Cougar vs. Jeremiah Moose


PCWA Championship

Fox Mask © vs. Regular Joe


Mr. Electricity vs. ???

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Gamblin Man" Rex Reeves vs. Nathaniel Ca$ino vs. Shane Nelson


If there good enough which Ca$ino is, then it's booking 101 to give the debutant a win.


Fearless Blue and Daredevil Aero vs. The Lost Boys


My hear says Blue & Aero (who look like they could he comedy gold), my head says The Lost Boys


Masked Cougar vs. Jeremiah Moose


More talented, more over...simple as


PCWA Championship

Fox Mask © vs. Regular Joe


Title definitely wont be changing hands here


Mr. Electricity vs. ???


I know that Devine's bio says he is from Seattle, but I'd be surprised if you have managed to get him/afford him at this stage. Anyway I'm going to go opposite to Foolinc here and tip the mystery debutant to make an instant impact and come away with a win.

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Saturday Week 3, July 2009













PCWA A Hero's Welcome

The PCWA Arena

North West (United States)

Attendance: 174









Kris Coles- Welcome to PCWA A Hero’s Welcome. I’m Kris Coles and this is Reese Paige. Tonight we find out who accepted the challenge of Mr. Electricity and I’m told that it won’t disappoint.


Reese Paige- Well whoever it is, it will be disappointed. No way they walk into to PCWA and beat Mr. Electricity.


Coles- We’ll have to see about that. Up first we start off with three men looking to get this record setting attendance going. Nathaniel Ca$ino will take on “Gamblin Man” Rex Reeves and they will face Shane Nelson. Ca$ino has promised this will be the last time we see Reeves trying to claim he is the “Gamblin Man”.








http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/RexReeves.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/NathanielCaino.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/ShaneNelson.jpg

"Gamblin Man" Rex Reeves vs. Nathaniel Ca$ino vs. Shane Nelson




This match is typical PCWA fare with every man trying to pull off as many spectacular moves as they can in a ten minute span. Of course some are obviously better at it than others as Ca$ino and Nelson show up Reeves in this match. Ca$ino is the man that looks the best and he hits the Double or Nothing on Rex Reeves and with Nelson out of it, Ca$ino gets the win.







Result: Nathaniel Ca$ino wins by pinfall after pinning “Gamblin Man” Rex Reeves in 9:51






Match Rating: E+








Kris Coles- Up next we see Fearless Blue and Daredevil Aero team up to take on The Lost Boys. Last month, Blue said he’d team with Aero under a couple of conditions. Will we find out what those were here tonight? Here comes Fearless Blue and … is that Daredevil Aero?













Coles- Is that really Daredevil Aero? He seems to have dropped the superhero look.







http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/FearlessBlue.jpg & http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/DaredevilAero_alt2.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/TormentedYouth.jpg & http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/Morningstar.jpg w/ http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/Vixxen.jpg

Fearless Blue and Daredevil Aero vs. The Lost Boys w/ Vixxen





Four men that like to fly around a ring, just like PCWA fans like. That’s exactly what all four men involved do, but the match seems to lack any sort of flow. Adding to the shortcomings of the matchup, Morningstar still seem rusty in the in the ring. It’s Fearless Blue that ends the match after hitting the Sky Twister Press on Tormented Youth. Blue is able to get the pin due to Aero and Morningstar exchanging blows on the outside of the ring.







Result: Fearless Blue and Daredevil Aero win by pinfall in 7:35







Match Rating: F+







As Blue and Aero celebrate The Lost Boys recover outside the ring. Calvin Dark emerges from the back to join his duo and Vixxen. After a short conversation Vixxen and Dark enter the ring. Blue and Aero are unsure of what to do look at the two, while Vixxen and Dark have evil smiles on their faces. From behind, The Lost Boys attack Blue and Aero. The beatdown is on; all three male members of the Church of the Divine hit their finishing moves on Blue and Aero. Blue and Aero are left down and out by the Church of the Divine.






Segment Rating: F+








Coles- The Church of the Divine strike again and the duo of Fearless Blue and Daredevil Aero were unable to hold them off. This thing isn’t over yet. Up next Jeremiah Moose who wants to be known as “ThuG” Jeremiah Moose will take on Masked Cougar who is here thanks to CZCW.







http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/MaskedCougar.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/JeremiahMoose_alt1.jpg

Masked Cougar vs. Jeremiah Moose




It’s a very solid match between the men who surely aren’t strangers of one another as both have competed in CZCW for quite some time now. The crowd firmly gets behind Masked Cougar even if he is an outsider of the promotion. The men trade a few flashy moves back and forth, along with some chain wrestling initiated by Masked Cougar who is certainly better versed in wrestling styles than Moose. It’s Moose though who injects some brawling in the match that overwhelms Cougar. Moose takes Cougar off his feet and heads to the top rope. Moose hits a High Velocity Headbutt and gains the pinfall to win the match.







Result: Jeremiah Moose wins by pinfall in 12:52







Match Rating: E+








Coles- Jeremiah picks up the win and up next Regular Joe will take on…



Coles is interrupted by some loud booing and Mr. Electricity has appeared in the aisle from the back. He already has a microphone in hand as he steps into the ring.



Coles- Oh, great, Mr. Electricity has something to say.



Reese- Finally this show has something interesting happening.



In the ring, Mr. Electricity is smiling from ear to ear as the crowd continues to boo his arrival.



Mr. Electricity- Tonight it doesn’t matter who walks down that aisle to accept my challenge I will beat them. I’m the best wrestler PCWA has ever seen. I’m the best wrestler that the entire west coast has ever laid eyes on. Tommy Cornell could walk down that aisle tonight and I would beat him. Bruce The Giant, I could beat him You name them I could beat them.



The crowd begins to chant “Fox Mask” which infuriates Mr. Electricity and the smile disappears from his face.



Mr. Electricity- You all know the story with him. I was set up to lose against him; in a fair match I’d beat him too. I don’t really care what you people have to say anyway. You won’t speak the truth in front of me. You won’t admit that I’m the greatest. You can’t because you are all jealous of me. Tonight I’ll prove just that, nobody beats me fair and square.




Segment Rating: D-





PCWA Championship

http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/FoxMask.jpg © vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/RegularJoe.jpg

Fox Mask © vs. Regular Joe




Electricity makes sure he’s out of the way before the PCWA Champion enters the ring. Regular Joe offers his hand to the champ before the bell rings and the two men shake hands. The two men go all out as the match begins and they put on a show in front of the PCWA crowd. The two men seem to have some chemistry as the match has a real nice flow throughout. Regular Joe has a good showing but, Fox Mask is just too much for him at this point. Mask hits a Fox Hunter and retains his belt.





Result: Fox Mask wins by pinfall in 14:24






Match Rating: D+






Kris Coles- What a match between Joe and Fox Mask. Now it’s time to find out who the mystery challenger to Mr. Electricity is.




With Mr. Electricity already in the ring, the opening to Nirvana’s “You Know Your Right” begins to play and out steps…













Coles- That’s Darryl Devine. Darryl Devine has joined the Pacific Coast Wrestling Alliance. Mr. Electricity is absolutely shocked in the ring.



As Devine walks to the ring, the crowd begins a “Welcome Home” chant to which Devine responds to with a grin as he walks up the ring steps and steps through the ropes.



Coles- It doesn’t look like Mr. Electricity wants anything to do with Devine as he has already left the ring.








http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/KashmirSingh_alt2.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/DarrylDevine.jpg

Mr. Electricity vs. Darryl Devine



Jonathan Taylor is able to coax Mr. Electricity back into the ring. The match starts with the two men locking up and Devine out of the lock up takes Electricity to the mat. The battle is on and to his credit Mr. Electricity, who was surprised to say the least, matches Devine move for move throughout the entire match. Mr. Electricity hits a Cal Cutter deep into the match but is unable to make an immediate cover, when he does make the cover, Devine kicks out. At the 24:30 mark of the match, out of nowhere Devine locks Mr. Electricity in a crosslock. Electricity is unable to escape and has no choice to tap out.






Result: Darryl Devine wins by submission in 25:35





Match Rating: D+






Final Show Rating: D






Post Show: What a shock, reports have surfaced that Jonathan Taylor was the focal point of yet another backstage incident. This time he was seen pulling a prank on Daredevil Aero. Apparently the talks from Kris Coles had no effect on Taylor and given no choice Kris Coles chose to fire the referee, leaving a vacant position in the promotion.



Speaking of Daredevil Aero, he is reported to no longer want to be referred to as Daredevil Aero. He now wants to be called Daredevil Ramone, a high flying unofficial member of The Ramones. Plus the team of Fearless Blue and Daredevil Ramone will be referred to from this point forward as The Sons of Seattle.

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