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PCWA Get Born Again (c-verse)

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From PCWAwrestling.com





Pacific Coast Wrestling Alliance has finalized the card for PCWA Street of Dreams. After the shocking debut of Darryl Devine what does PCWA have in store for its fans next?





- Darryl Devine made a exciting debut at PCWA A Hero's Welcome and beat Mr. Electricity in a fantastic match. This month Darryl Devine has been given the chance to face PCWA Champion Fox Mask for the PCWA Championship Title. Certainly the surprise of Devine in PCWA has worn off and Fox Mask knows who he is facing going in. However, Devine is known as a fantastic wrestler will Fox Mask be able to retain against his biggest title defense yet?





- In the semi main event Jeremiah Moose will face Nathaniel Ca$ino. Both men won last month in their respective matches. This month they face off with a chance to move up in the PCWA Rankings. Will Moose's new attitude prevail in this matchup or is Ca$ino's exciting style going to be too much?




- The card will also feature a big 6 man tag team match with The Church of the Divine taking on California Love Machine and the Sons of Seattle. Who will prevail in this one with a lot of bad blood between all of the wrestlers involved?












PCWA Street of Dreams


"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. Regular Joe

Shane Nelson vs. Dead Bolt

Calvin Dark and the Lost Boys vs. California Love Machine and Sons of Seattle

Jeremiah Moose vs. Nathaniel Ca$ino


PCWA Championship Match

Fox Mask © vs. Darryl Devine

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"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. Regular Joe

Shane Nelson vs. Dead Bolt

Calvin Dark and the Lost Boys vs. California Love Machine and Sons of Seattle

Jeremiah Moose vs. Nathaniel Ca$ino


PCWA Championship Match

Fox Mask © vs. Darryl Devine

Just a guess

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"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. Regular Joe


Joe feels a little more established


Shane Nelson vs. Dead Bolt


The day I pick Dead Bolt, is the day I'm no longer here


Calvin Dark and the Lost Boys vs. California Love Machine and Sons of Seattle


Score a win for the Sons of Seattle- that should call for some victory slam dancing !


Jeremiah Moose vs. Nathaniel Ca$ino


Surprised by Moose's win last time out, but I think Ca$ino will have the edge in this one.



PCWA Championship Match

Fox Mask © vs. Darryl Devine


Well I was kind of right about guessing Darryl Devine for the mystery partner, I just didn't think you'd be ab;e to get him. Despite the fact Devine has awesome taste in entrance music (who can go wrong with Nirvana ?), I just get a feeling Fox Mask will retain.

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Saturday Week 2 August 2009















PCWA Street of Dreams

The PCWA Arena

North West (United States)

Attendance: 105







Kris Coles- Welcome to the second PCWA Street of Dreams. I’m Kris Coles and I’m joined as always by Reese Paige. We truly are on a street of dreams as Darryl Devine officially joined Pacific Coast Wrestling Alliance last month at a Hero’s Welcome. Tonight he will challenge Fox Mask for the PCWA Championship. It should be an incredible matchup.




Reese Paige- Whatever Coles, once again PCWA cheated Mr. Electricity by springing an unexpected surprise on him. He should be facing Fox Mask for the championship not Darryl Devine.




Kris Coles- Sorry you feel that way Paige, but the crowd is jacked up for the main event tonight. The hero of their hometown, Darryl Devine, is going to face their adopted hero, Fox Mask. First we’ll start off with Fox Mask challenger from last month, Regular Joe takes on “The Future” Devon Quinn.







http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/DevonQuinn.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/RegularJoe.jpg

"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. Regular Joe


Joe is looking to rebound from losing to Fox Mask and Quinn hasn’t looked like “The Future” anything recently. This match is extremely quick paced and both men look solid. Regular Joe though looks just a bit better and he hits a Joe and Behold to gain the victory.





Result: Regular Joe wins by pinfall in 8:53






Match Rating: E+







Right after the match Nirvana’s “You Know Your Right” begins to play.




Coles- Apparently we are about to get an unannounced visit from tonight’s challenger Darryl Devine.




Devine climbs into the ring amid a standing ovation from the Seattle crowd.




Devine- Thank you, Seattle.




Devine gets the cheap pop and rightfully so, being from Seattle.




Devine- Unfortunately I have some bad news to share with you all. I’ve signed a development contract with Supreme Wrestling Federation. Tonight will be my last appearance representing Pacific Coast Wrestling Alliance.




The crowd boos at the mention of SWF and to the fact that Devine will be leaving them.




Devine- I know, I haven’t been here very long and I’m sure you are disappointed. That’s why tonight I won’t disappoint. It may be my last night but I would love to leave as your champion. So Fox Mask, consider this a warning, I won’t be taking it easy tonight and I will do everything in my power to leave here, on my last night, the PCWA Champion.




The crowd cheers and they start a “Please Don’t Go Chant!”




Devine smiles grimly at the chant and raises his arms up before finishing with a heart felt thank you directed to the fans and of course PCWA.




Coles- With that I guess our dream is over. It’s a shame.




Segment Rating: D







http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/ShaneNelson.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/DeadBolt.jpg

Shane Nelson vs. Dead Bolt





Dead Bolt once again is unable to keep up with a smaller, quicker wrestler. Nelson uses his speed and quickness to avoid Bolt’s devastating offense as well to wear the big guy out. As the match hits the 10 minute mark, Dead Bolt looks sluggish. Nelson turns up the offense hitting a few big moves from the top rope like an awesome missile dropkick. Nelson finishes off Bolt with the Clash of Styles.





Result: Shane Nelson wins by 11:40






Match Rating: E+






We shift to a pre taped interview with California Love Machine standing backstage in the PCWA Arena.




CLM- Calvin Dark, to put things bluntly, I hate you. I’ve never hated anything before, disliked, yea, but never hated. You show up in PCWA and go after me to make a name for yourself. What have I ever done to you? What did I do to deserve the wrath of a freak like you and your band of freaks? What have I done?




CLM’s face shows something it never has in PCWA and that’s a purely evil grin.




CLM- At the second Street of Dreams, which if your seeing this, is happening as I speak, the Sons of Seattle and myself will get retribution against these freaks that continue to stalk and assault us. We won’t take it anymore.





Before CLM can go on Vixxen and Calvin Dark enter the scene.




Vixxen- We’re not here to attack you. We’re just here to tell you that after Street of Dreams you won’t have to suffer anymore. You and those bastards of Seattle will be put out of your misery at the hands of the Church of Divine. Of course you could just join us and we’d set you free just the same. I just don’t see you having what it takes to be in the ranks of the Divine. It was almost a pleasure to know you three.




Segment Rating: D-






http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/CalvinDark_alt.jpghttp://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/TormentedYouth.jpghttp://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/Morningstar.jpg w/ http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/Vixxen.jpg



Calvin Dark and the Lost Boys vs. California Love Machine and Sons of Seattle





This is a pretty intense match all around with some bad blood between everyone involved and of course the intentions to hurt people by Dark and the Lost Boys. Unfortunately Morningstar is still pretty rusty in the ring and it brings down the match some. Both teams work pretty well together with Dark and the Lost Boys working better. The match features quite a bit of high flying and that’s how it ends with Morningstar hitting the Morningstar Press on a prone Fearless Blue. Morningstar gets the pinfall after Dark and Tormented Youth attack CLM and Daredevil Ramone from behind to stop anyone from breaking up the pinfall.





Result: Calvin Dark and The Lost Boys win by pinfall in 11:34





Match Rating: E-








http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/JeremiahMoose_alt1.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/NathanielCaino.jpg

Jeremiah Moose vs. Nathaniel Ca$ino





The two men put on a solid aerial display to the delight of the crowd. The match is pretty much back and forth throughout its entirety. It appears that both men could win the match at anytime and the crowd is on the edge of their seats. At roughly the 10 minute mark of this match a figure dressed similar to Jeremiah Moose appears and walks to the ring.















Coles- Is that Ben Williams?






Ben climbs in the ring and goes right after Ca$ino. Ben charges and tries for a spinning heel kick but Ca$ino ducks and Ben catches Jeremiah Moose instead. Ca$ino pushes Williams out of the ring and quickly hits the Double Or Nothing on Moose. Ca$ino picks up the victory. Moose gets up infuriated and stares a hole Ben Williams on the outside of the ring.





Result: Nathaniel Ca$ino wins by pinfall in 10:57





Match Rating: E+







PCWA Championship Match

http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/FoxMask.jpg © vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/DarrylDevine.jpg

Fox Mask © vs. Darryl Devine




Despite this being Devine’s last match in a PCWA ring after only 2 months in the promotion, Devine still gets a warm response from his hometown fans. Fox Mask of course knows not to take Devine lightly because even with Devine leaving Mask is still in danger of losing his title. This turns into a fantastic match, just slightly below the Mask/ Electricity Ladder match at PCWA Origins.




Almost like the match before, this one is a back and forth affair with both men having an advantage throughout and at different junctions. We see a lot of good chain wrestling and some awesome flying from both competitors. The match ends in Fox Mask’s favor as he hits the Fox Hunter. As soon as the match is over and Devine climbs to his feet the crowd stands and cheers their hometown hero and a second, “Please Don’t Go” chant breaks out along with a mixed “Thank You” chant.




Result: Fox Mask wins by pinfall in 24:47





Match Rating: C-





Final Show Rating: D



Some notes:


If anyone is wondering I hired Brett Graveson as the replacement ref.


- Before Devine was leaving PCWA I had originally planned on having Mr. Electricity interfer in the main event. Instead I decided a clean victory would be best for Fox Mask.


- Ben Williams will now be known as B-Wil from here on out.


- Thanks to anyone who reads this diary and of course to foolinc and tigerkinney for continuously predicting the shows.

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ooc- A different type of entry for me.




From marksmartinsider.com





Taking a look at the PCWA Roster…











Since I, Mark Smart, have a lot of time on my hands, I’ve decided to take a look at the Pacific Coast Wrestling Alliance roster. I haven’t had a job with a wrestling promotion for quite some time now. I had a chance to check them out in person at PCWA Street of Dreams. I liked what I saw. Now I’ll go over the pushes, the gimmicks, and my personal thoughts on each and every wrestler. I also understand they have a couple of tag teams that I will also take a look at.



Let’s start with the main event wrestlers…



First on the list to look at is obviously the PCWA Champion…


Fox Mask


Fox Mask is being pushed as a face and has been given a Comic Book Hero gimmick. To me it seems like a cheesy gimmick for a main event wrestler, especially when said wrestler is your champion. Despite my opinion the PCWA fans accept him in this capacity. Fox Mask has to be considered the top wrestler in PCWA after the unfortunate departure of Darryl Devine. You also have to add in the fact that Fox Mask has been part of most of the best matches in PCWA. Fox Mask is only contracted to PCWA at this point.



Mr. Electricity


Mr. Electricity was the first PCWA Champion and held the belt for nearly 10 months. He’s being pushed as a heel with an egomaniac gimmick. A very fitting gimmick for Mr. Electricity and I think he’s played it real well over the past year and a half of PCWA history. He is definitely the top heel in the promotion and I’d have to say he is also my personal favorite wrestler in PCWA. He’s exciting in the ring and has improved at a solid pace since being in PCWA. Of course with him wrestling in NYCW and FCW he has added in advantage in that department. I don’t expect him to stray too far from the title picture.



California Love Machine


California Love Machine is being pushed as a face and using a dude gimmick. CLM over with PCWA fans and has been embroiled in a feud with Calvin Dark and the Church of the Divine since Dark’s arrival in PCWA. The most intriguing thing about the feud what will be next for whoever finally goes over in the end. One would think whoever the final victor between CLM and Dark is will challenge for the PCWA Championship. Of course that is just speculation on my part.



Calvin Dark


Calvin Dark is being pushed as a heel and uses an Evil Doer gimmick. Dark has been managed by Vixxen since her arrival in PCWA. The two seem to have exceptional chemistry when together during matches or in out of the ring events. So far he has proven to be an interesting addition to the PCWA roster along with his dark stable by his side. Like CLM it will be interesting to see who wins their feud.




That’s the main event picture in PCWA, next is the Upper Midcarders. These guys are close to the main event picture and could break through at any time, or perhaps they could fall to the Midcard.



Roy Ross


Roy Ross is being pushed as a face and has been using an old school face gimmick, which makes perfect sense. Who better to play an old school face than a guy who is completely old school? Now in my opinion Ross is being slightly over pushed by PCWA management because outside of the North West nobody really knows who Ross is. That is a shame though, because he may be 44 years old but he’s just as exciting as some of those 20 something year olds if not more exciting. Ross is just coming off an intense feud with Sean Helmsley that I think was considered a let down by PCWA officials. Otherwise I think it may have gone longer. Since than Ross hasn’t really established himself any where, but I do look forward to watching where Ross goes from here.



Dead Bolt


Dead Bolt is being pushed as a heel and is using a bad ass gimmick. Now when PCWA first started I really thought Dead Bolt would be a top guy in the promotion. He has the size to be just that, but I guess PCWA management has decided he just isn’t what they want to be at the top of the promotion. I mean I don’t even remember the last time he won a match. Another reason I believe for him being slowly used in role to put others over is some consider his best day behind him. Strange considering Roy Ross who has 10 plus years on Dead Bolt is still putting on very strong performances.



Air Attack Weasel


Air Attack Weasel is considered to be a heel using a loose cannon gimmick. For me, it’s been a horrible gimmick for Weasel who’s spent more time laying on his back in the ring that getting his hand raised in victory. Weasel hasn’t been seen much of late, which is a shame to me. He has a tremendous grasp of the basics and could teach the young talent a lot on the PCWA roster.



“Thug” Jeremiah Moose


Jeremiah Moose is being pushed as a heel and is using a gangsta gimmick. The gimmick doesn’t really work for Moose but to me it’s given him a little life after being very bland before the change. He’s had some success since the change and finds himself in an interesting situation as Ben Williams formerly Cowboy Ben and currently B-Wil seems interested in teaming up with Moose.



Nathaniel Ca$ino


Nathaniel Ca$ino is a face using a loner gimmick. He has not lost since coming to PCWA back in March. I think Ca$ino is the brightest prospect in the upper Midcard at this point. I believe it is just a matter of time until we see him headlining events, I mean he has the talent to do so. All he needs is a hot story to propel him there.




Moving on to the Midcard. The Midcard and below is packed full of young talent and a lot of it could be stars in this business one day.




Rex Reeves


Rex Reeves is a heel and from my inside sources is apparently going through a gimmick change after unofficially losing his gambler gimmick due to Nathaniel Ca$ino being part of the roster. To me it’s unfortunate that it really hasn’t been an active part of the stories presented by PCWA. Also in my humble opinion I think he’s probably one of the least talented workers on the roster. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is relegated to jobbing status very soon.



Regular Joe


Regular Joe is working as a face and has been using an underdog gimmick since PCWA formed. I think Regular Joe is probably the best performer in the PCWA Midcard at this point. He’s capable of putting on good matches because of his solid grasp of wrestling psychology. Lately Joe’s been kind of up and down as far as wins and losses go. I do think he could be a solid upper midcarder someday with a proper push.



Daredevil Ramone


Daredevil Ramone currently is being pushed as a face and has just switched to a band member gimmick. Ramone has gone through an interesting change from a masked superhero into the high flying member of the Ramones. I’ve heard a few people say Ramone could become a star at some point and to be honest I’m not really sure if he can. I do think this new gimmick will give him a chance to be taken a little more seriously than his previous one. I guess we will see.



Fearless Blue


Fearless Blue is being pushed as a face and uses a grunge rocker gimmick which is perfect for where PCWA is based. Blue has seemed to find his niche as a tag team wrestler now as he teams up with Daredevil Ramone, who worked together in that defunct backyard fed. When Blue stands by himself, I don’t think he’ll go far, not past the Midcard in the least. As a tag team wrestler he could be a big player in a tag team division. It’ll be interesting to see if Blue has moved past his feud with the members of the Church of the Divine and is able to focus on the tag team more.





Morningstar is a heel and uses the acolyte gimmick. Morningstar is absolutely the brightest prospect in the Church of the Divine stable. I can definitely see him as a breakout star as he gets more experience. Right now he makes an interesting member of the stable and of course the Lost Boys tag team. I look forward to watching this guy grow in the ring.





B- Wil is being pushed as a face or so I’ve been told. His gimmick is a little foggy to me however, I’m not sure if he’s supposed to be playing a gangsta gimmick like Jeremiah Moose or what. Whatever the case, he has gone from cowboy jobber into something with a little bit more personality. Where ever PCWA is going with this B-Wil/ Moose angle it should be entertaining.



Finally we nearly conclude the singles roster as I move on into the lower Midcard



Sean Helmsley


Sean Helmsley is working as a heel and uses the loner gimmick. Helmsley is another bright prospect among the PCWA lower card. After shocking fans and turning heel on Roy Ross, Helmsley finds himself a hated man by the PCWA fans. Unfortunately for him since his brief feud with Ross didn’t really work out, he might find himself putting others over until confidence in him is restored. If his skills develop like I think they could he may not be at the low end long however.




“The Future” Devon Quinn


Devon Quinn is being pushed as a heel and has been using the c*cky youth gimmick since PCWA’s inception. It’s understood that PCWA management is hopeful for this youngster but it remains to be seen if he’ll ever develop into a competent worker and actually live up to his “Future” moniker. I’m not really sure what to think myself on him, but he’s got a solid look and enough experience on the roster to learn from. The poor guy has been taking a lot of losses but could be better off for it in the long run.



Shane Nelson


Shane Nelson is currently a face and has been packaged as a fun babyface. It may be surprising to see such a talented wrestler so far down on the totem pole, but his lack of popularity in the states seem to be hurting him a little bit. I see him gaining popularity quickly though he is just too talented not to be liked. Mark my words, Shane Nelson, won’t stay at the bottom for long. In fact, I’m going to make Shane Nelson my Smart Pick of the month.



Last but no least we have one wrestler that qualifies as an opener



Tormented Youth


Tormented Youth is a heel that is working as an acolyte. Youth has a great and intriguing look to him and on that alone I think he could go far. As of now though he’s been having trouble getting past the lower Midcard/ opener status. I do expect a rub from working with Morningstar in the Lost Boys and Vixxen at ringside. For his sake he won’t stay in the opener role for long but time will tell.




Overall, despite the loss of Darryl Devine I think the PCWA has a solid roster for their size with a lot of potential in the low end. With proper pushes the roster could become quite exceptional as time goes on. Of course them signing more talent over time isn’t out of the question.



PCWA also currently features a couple of tag teams



First up… The Lost Boys



The gothic tandem of Tormented Youth and Morningstar has an excellent look together and work well in the ring. Add in the fact that Vixxen accompanies them in both tag matches and singles matches and this team could be a major player in the tag division that is seemingly being slowly built.



The second team that recently formed in PCWA is the Sons of Seattle


The nearly perfect idea for a tag team in a promotion based out of Seattle is made up of Fearless Blue and Daredevil Aero. Much like The Lost Boys, they are an exciting high flying team that could be an exciting part of the PCWA tag team division.



The PCWA tag team division is just in its infant stages, it’ll be interesting to watch it grow and develop. Will they stay within the promotion to build on it or look outside to bring in some outside talent?



Thanks for joining me this month to take a look at the PCWA Roster, I’m Mark Smart logging off. And don't forget my Smart Pick of the month, Shane Nelson.



p.s. I could really use a job!

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From PCWAwrestling.com



PCWA is proud to announce the show for September 2009, PCWA Even Flow!

At PCWA Street of Dreams we saw Darryl Devine leave PCWA just as fast as he entered it. His stay was short but memorable after two great matches. What's next for the Darryl Devine-less PCWA? Read on...




- The main event will feature the PCWA Champion Fox Mask taking on the veteran Roy Ross. Will this be Ross's chance to shine? Or will Fox Mask continue his reign atop the PCWA?



- In the semi- main event, we will finally see California Love Machine one on one with Calvin Dark. Will California Love Machine put an end to the torment that Calvin Dark has inflicted upon him? Of will the darkness finally consume the easy going Love Machine from California?



- Mr. Electricity returns to the ring after suffering a loss to the surprise debut of Darryl Devine to take on Nathaniel Ca$ino. It's almost certain Mr. Electricity is not happy and will look get back to his winning ways of when he was the PCWA Championship. Can Ca$ino pull off the upset?



- The Sons of Seattle will take on Air Attack Weasel and Sean Helmsley. Will the Sons begin to establish themselves in the early stages of the PCWA tag team division? Or will the sly Weasel and Helmsley steal a victory from The Sons?



- B-Wil will enter the ring sporting a new look at Even Flow as he takes on "The Future" Devon Quinn. What's B-Wil's relationship with Jeremiah Moose or is their even one?












PCWA Even Flow


"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. B-Wil

The Sons of Seattle vs. Air Attack Weasel and Sean Helmsley

Nathaniel Ca$ino vs. Mr. Electricity

California Love Machine vs. Calvin Dark w/ Vixxen


PCWA Championship

Roy Ross vs. Fox Mask ©

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PCWA Even Flow


"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. B-Wil


B-Wil gets the win following the gimmick change


The Sons of Seattle vs. Air Attack Weasel and Sean Helmsley


When the two singles 'stars' thrown together ain't really all that over, go for the actual team.


Nathaniel Ca$ino vs. Mr. Electricity


Electricity to get the win via cheating, I hope this can develop into a proper undercard feud with Ca$ino eventually going over.


California Love Machine vs. Calvin Dark w/ Vixxen


More potential to eventually add something to your main event


PCWA Championship

Roy Ross vs. Fox Mask ©


If Ross is going to get the 'emotional' title win it'll be against a heel champ

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"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. B-Wil

pipe dream

The Sons of Seattle vs. Air Attack Weasel and Sean Helmsley

Nathaniel Ca$ino vs. Mr. Electricity

California Love Machine vs. Calvin Dark w/ Vixxen


PCWA Championship

Roy Ross vs. Fox Mask ©

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Saturday Week 3 September 2009
















PCWA Even Flow

The PCWA Arena

North West (United States)

Attendance: 157






We enter the PCWA Arena and join Kris Coles and … Elijah Harris!?! at ringside.











Coles- Welcome to PCWA Even Flow. I’m Kris Coles and I’m joined by Elijah Harris.





Harris- Thanks for having me here, Kris.





Coles- It’s no problem. I was sick of listening to that insufferable garbage that Reese Paige had to say every month. Finally I’m joined by someone with a little class here at ringside. We should have a great….






Coles is cut off by an angry Reese Paige who storms to the announce position with a microphone in hand.






Reese- What the hell Kris!?! First you give my backstage job to Demon Anger and now you give my color job to this hack?





Harris- Hey, no need for insulting me.





Reese- Oh yeah, why not? What have you ever done to deserve a job here or anywhere for that matter? I’ve been loyal from the beginning and want nothing but the best for PCWA. I want to see it grow and this is how you repay me, take away my jobs here in the promotion.





Coles- Sorry, Reese, but things have changed and this is the best way for the promotion to go forward is with Demon Anger working backstage and Elijah right here beside me.




Reese- You haven’t heard the last from me Kris, I promise you that.





Reese Paige storms off to the back.






Segment Rating: D







Coles- Now we should be able to get on with the show, tonight we will see Fox Mask defend the PCWA Championship against Roy Ross in the main event. Also California Love Machine finally gets his hands on Calvin Dark one on one. We also need to mention one change due to Nathaniel Ca$ino having commitments elsewhere, Shane Nelson will take on Mr. Electricity. First we see B-Wil in action against Devon Quinn.









http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/DevonQuinn.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/BenWilliams_WOV.jpg

"The Future" Devon Quinn vs. B-Wil







B-Wil gets a good reaction from the crowd as he comes out for the match. The match is a typical spot fest with neither man showing much in the way of psychology. It’s B-Wil that is able to secure the victory after a beautiful hurracanrana.








Result: B-Wil wins by pinfall in 5:42







Match Rating: E-







Mr. Electricity comes to the ring following the match with a microphone in hand.






Coles- This might almost be interesting.






Mr. Electricity- Welcome to PCWA Even Flow, I’m the obvious star of the show, Mr. Electricity.






The crowd boos Mr. Electricity’s declaration.







Mr. Electricity- Oh, quit, you know you love me and want to be me. I’m the reason that Darryl Devine left PCWA. I’m that good. He may not admit it, but he was scared he would have to face me again. He didn’t want to face Mr. Electricity again and be shown who the only great wrestler in PCWA really is. That’s why Darryl Devine didn’t want to stick around here. He didn’t want to become an embarrassment in front of his hometown crowd.






The crowd continues to boo Mr. Electricity and Mr. Electricity eats it up.






Mr. Electricity- You guys know it’s true. I can’t help how great I am. Why do you think Nathaniel Ca$ino isn’t here tonight? Other commitments? I think not. He’s scared to step into the ring with me. Shane Nelson I feel sorry for you tonight, getting thrown into the fire and all. Nathaniel, I hope you show up next month, I’ll be waiting.






Segment Rating: D-








http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/FearlessBlue.jpg & http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/DaredevilAero_alt2.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/AirAttackWeasel.jpg & http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/SeanHelmsley.jpg

The Sons of Seattle vs. Air Attack Weasel and Sean Helmsley







The Sons of Seattle get a good reaction from the Seattle crowd but once the bell rings the match comes off as underwhelming. The match features a lot of flying from all 4 men involved but it doesn’t come off as well as the competitors had hoped. The match officially ends when Fearless Blue hits Weasel with a springboard lariat and grabs the pinfall.







Result: The Sons of Seattle wins by pinfall in 9:35






Match Rating: F+








After the match and with the crowd cheering The Sons, Fearless Blue grabs the house microphone from the nameless ring announcer.





Blue- That was for you Seattle!




The crowd gives the cheap pop.




Blue- To continue to ensure that we represent this city well; we would like to make an open challenge to any tag team to challenge us next month at PCWA Death Blooms. It doesn’t matter whether its two guys on the roster or two from outside this promotion. Just bring it on, we’ll dance with anyone.




Ramone- That’s for sure, man.






Segment Rating: E











http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/ShaneNelson.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/KashmirSingh_alt2.jpg

Shane Nelson vs. Mr. Electricity







This is a real solid match between these two men despite Mr. Electricity basically claiming Nelson was going to be a pushover. Add in the fact that the two men seem to work really well together. Nelson proves to be anything but as he keeps the match interesting throughout by look as if he may pull off the upset at a few different times. The upset is not to be however, and Mr. Electricity hits the Cal Cutter to put Nelson away.








Result: Mr. Electricity wins by pinfall in 12:57








Match Rating: D







In a pre-taped interview we see Calvin Dark and Vixxen in a darkened room.





Vixxen- Pain and punishment is on the doorstep. California Love Machine that doorstep is your own and there is nothing you can do to stop it from coming in. Your match with this man, this glorious man, Calvin Dark will prove to be your undoing. We’ve noticed you’ve learned to hate and that is good. This match we will see the death of California Love Machine as we know him. Darkness and despair is in your future, the question is how you plan on dealing with it?






Segment Rating: E











http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/CaliforniaLoveMachine.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/CalvinDark_alt.jpg w/ http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/Vixxen.jpg

California Love Machine vs. Calvin Dark w/ Vixxen






CLM looked absolutely angry from the beginning and it shows throughout as CLM seems to prefer to batter on Dark with his fists rather than using his flashy high flying moves that he usually favors. Dark fires back with fists of his own and he continuously challenges CLM to bring it on whenever CLM is down. CLM does just that, and what people expected to be a flashy aerial matchup is nothing short of an all out brawl. As the match goes on, CLM seems to lose it with each and every blow he lands on Dark. CLM finally seems to fall of the edge as he heads outside the ring and grabs a chair. He slides back in and unloads a big chairshot on Dark. Dark goes down and CLM continues his assault with the chair and Graveson has no choice to but to call for the bell and the disqualification.






Result: Calvin Dark wins by disqualification in 10:38





Match Rating: E





Coles- California Love Machine has lost it. It seems Calvin Dark and the Church of the Divine has really gotten to him.










PCWA Championship

http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/RoyRoss.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/FoxMask.jpg ©

Roy Ross vs. Fox Mask ©






As the match begins, the respect between the two men is apparent. The match begins with the two men feeling the match out and sizing each other up. After the initial feeling out process the match is on and it turns into a flurry of action of both veterans trading move after move back and forth. The match goes like that for a few minutes until the impact moves start to take more of a toll. It turns into a really good match with both men looking good. The longer it goes however, Ross seems to wear down. Fox Mask looking really good in this match hits the Fox Hunter to retain the PCWA Championship.








Result: Fox Mask wins by pinfall in 22:38







Match Rating: D+



Final Show Rating: D-

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From PCWAwrestling.com




PCWA has announced the final card for the October 2009, PCWA Death Blooms.





- The Main Event will feature Calvin Dark getting a shot at the PCWA Championship. Will Fox Mask be able to retain against the uneven odds that Dark and the Church of Divine present? Or will Dark winning bring a reign of Darkness over the entire whole of the PCWA?



- The Semi Main Event will feature a rematch of a match that didn't take place last month. Nathaniel Ca$ino returns to PCWA after a tour with WEXXV and will take on the brash Mr. Electricity. Will Ca$ino be able to shut Mr. Electricity up? Or will Mr. Electricity be able to continue to make claim to being the best wrestler in PCWA?



- Jeremiah Moose has accepted the challenge of the Sons of Seattle and promises a beatdown of the sons. Who is Moose's tag team partner? Have the Sons bitten off a bit more than they can chew?



- Also on the show will be B-Wil who made quite the impression last month, along with the debut of Warren Technique.










PCWA Death Blooms


Tormented Youth vs. Warren Technique

Air Attack Weasel vs. B-Wil

Sons of Seattle vs. Jeremiah Moose and ???

Mr. Electricity vs. Nathaniel Ca$ino


PCWA Championship

Calvin Dark vs. Fox Mask ©

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Tormented Youth vs. Warren Technique


Tormented Youth is a pure jobber so Technique gets the win


Air Attack Weasel vs. B-Wil


The newly W.O.V'd Ben Williams continues on his newly found winning ways


Sons of Seattle vs. Jeremiah Moose and ???


B-Wil badgers Moose into being his tag parner and somehow they pull out the win, despite clearly not being on the same page.


Mr. Electricity vs. Nathaniel Ca$ino


We didn't actually get an explanation why this match didn't happen last month, anyone I'll stick with what I said last time and that Mr Electricity wins via cheating.


PCWA Championship

Calvin Dark vs. Fox Mask ©


Calvin Dark's chances of winning the title are slim and none, with none the likely winner.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sunday Week 3 October 2009


















PCWA Death Blooms

The PCWA Arena

North West (United States)

Attendance: 171






Kris Coles- Welcome to the second annual PCWA Death Blooms. I’m Kris Coles and beside me is Elijah Harris calling his second PCWA event.




Harris- Thanks for having me, Kris.




Kris Coles- Anything you’re looking forward to tonight, Elijah?




Harris- Honestly the matchup between Mr. Electricity and Nathaniel Ca$ino is very intriguing to me and of course seeing Fox Mask in action is always a treat.




Kris Coles- I couldn’t agree with you more, but first let’s get to Warren Technique making his debut against Tormented Youth.






http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/TormentedYouth.jpg w/ http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/Vixxen.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/WarrenTechnique.jpg

Tormented Youth w/ Vixxen vs. Warren Technique





Technique brings well a new technique to the ring that most of the young wrestlers in PCWA don’t posses and that’s a little bit of technical prowess. He uses those technical skills to slow this match and the high flyer Tormented Youth down. Tormented Youth is just outmatched in this one as Technique hits a bridging German Suplex to secure the pinfall and the win.




Result: Warren Technique wins by pinfall in 8:44




Match Rating: E






We switch to a pre-taped interview with Vixxen and Calvin Dark.




Vixxen- Death Blooms is the night that darkness will overwhelm Pacific Coast Wrestling Alliance. Fox Mask will be the victim and PCWA will never be the same after Calvin Dark takes the PCWA Championship and brings it into the Church of the Divine. Fox Mask has no idea what awaits him. He is up against something he just can’t comprehend, something that he will never be able to overcome. Death Blooms for PCWA!




Segment Rating: D-






http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/AirAttackWeasel.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/BenWilliams_WOV.jpg

Air Attack Weasel vs. B-Wil




It’s a high flying matchup that is dominated by Air Attack Weasel throughout pretty much the entire match. Weasel looks like he is about to win as he picks up a groggy B-Wil. As B-Wil is to his feet out of nowhere slips behind Weasel and rolls him up. Weasel kicks out but it’s too late, B-Wil wins the match.





Result: B-Wil wins by pinfall in 7:31




Match Rating: E-





Kris Coles- B-Wil picks up the surprising win against Air Attack Weasel. Up next we will find out who Jeremiah Moose has found to team up with himself to take on the Sons of Seattle. Any idea’s Elijah?




Harris- My money’s on B-Wil weaseling his way into the match somehow.




Kris Coles- We’ll see soon enough for sure.






Jeremiah Moose comes to the ring and following him is….












Kris Coles- That’s Marc Speed.





Speed is walking right by the announce position and yells something at the two men sitting ringside.






Kris Coles- Oh, I guess he says it’s just Speed now. At any rate it will be Jeremiah Moose and Speed taking on the Sons of Seattle.







http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/FearlessBlue.jpg & http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/DaredevilAero_alt2.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/JeremiahMoose_alt1.jpg & http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/MarcSpeed_alt3.jpg

Sons of Seattle vs. Jeremiah Moose and Speed




Moose and Speed work pretty well together and the match has a fast pace to it. The crowd is solidly behind the Sons throughout the match. The match stays even throughout with numerous tags between everyone involved. At one point B-Wil comes to ringside and begins to cheer on Moose and Speed and the duo doesn’t seem pleased with their cheerleader. The ref becomes distracted by Speed and B-Wil jumps into the ring. B-Wil climbs to the top rope and goes for a missile dropkick to Fearless Blue, but Blue pulls Moose into the move. Moose goes down hard and Blue pushes B-Wil from the ring and heads to the top rope himself. Blue hits the Sky Twister Press and scores the pinfall.




Result: Sons of Seattle wins by pinfall in 12:17





Match Rating: E+





B-Wil stands rolls back into the ring as Speed is helping Moose back to his feet. B-Wil moves in to try to help Speed but Speed shoves him away. Moose gets back to his feet and a look of rage is splashed across his face. He yells “What the hell!?!” at B-Wil.





B-Wil motions that he’s one of them. Moose shakes his head and than he and Speed start attacking B-Wil. A wicked clothesline from Speed puts B-Wil on the mat. Moose than climbs to the top rope and jumps off to hit the High Velocity Headbutt on B-Wil. Satisfied, Moose and Speed leave the ring to with a down and out B-Wil lying on the mat.





Segment Rating: F







We shift to the ringside area where Kris Coles stands beside the announce desk with a microphone in hand and Mr. Electricity by his side. Electricity has a c*cky grin on his face as he looks down at Coles.





Kris Coles- Mr. Electricity welcome.





Mr. Electricity- The pleasure is all yours, Coles.





Kris Coles- I’m sure it is, but tonight you will finally get the match with Nathaniel Ca$ino after a scheduling conflict kept him from working here last month.





Mr. Electricity- Hold on, Coles. There was no scheduling conflict he was scared to face me. Personally I don’t blame him; I wouldn’t want to face me either.




Kris Coles- I’m sure no one would to see that anyhow. One of you is enough.




Mr. Electricity- Whatever, Coles, back to that poker playing twit, Ca$ino. His gambling days will be over tonight just as sure as I stand here. Anyone that really thinks he has a chance is insane. I’m Mr. Electricity, I am PCWA. Admit Coles, I’m the star of this place.




Kris Coles- Where’s your gold than?




Mr. Electricity- Shove it, Coles, you know the story, it was stolen from me, don’t worry it will be mine again, I promise you that. Tonight though, Ca$ino is going to get broken just like I broke that old man, Roy Ross. If you excuse me I got a match.




Mr. Electricity heads to the ring to await Nathaniel Ca$ino…





Segment Rating: E+






http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/KashmirSingh_alt2.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/NathanielCaino.jpg

Mr. Electricity vs. Nathaniel Ca$ino




A really good matchup ensues as the bell rings. The two men trade moves back and forth, much to the disdain and surprise of Mr. Electricity, Ca$ino matches Electricity pretty well. It doesn’t take long for Mr. Electricity to start taking short cuts using any underhanded trick he knows while out of the view of the ref. Ca$ino to his credit sticks it out and stays competitive which seems to upset Mr. E even more. Mr. Electricity finally pulls a pair of brass knucks from his tights and unloads a loaded fist into Ca$ino’s mug. Ca$ino goes down like a ton of bricks and Mr. E locks on the Bombay Duck. The ref calls for the bell in favor of Mr. Electricity after Nathaniel Ca$ino fails to answer.




Result: Mr. Electricity wins submission after using brass knuckles in 13:38




Match Rating: D





PCWA Championship

http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/CalvinDark_alt.jpg w/ http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/Vixxen.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/FoxMask.jpg

Calvin Dark w/ Vixxen vs. Fox Mask ©




It’s another solid match to finish off the matches at PCWA Death Blooms. This match is very fast paced with a lot of aerial moves on display as Fox Mask looks as impressive in the ring as ever. At one point Morningstar runs in as Vixxen has the ref distracted. Dark has just taken Mask to the mat and Morningstar comes off the top rope with the Morningstar Press (Shooting Star Press) onto Fox Mask. Dark quickly goes for the cover after Morningstar rolls from the ring. Fox Mask is able to kick out despite the interference. The match ends after a Fox Mask Fox Hunter on Calvin Dark. Fox Mask retains the PCWA Championship.





Result: Fox Mask wins by pinfall in 21:39





Match Rating: D






As Fox Mask is celebrating in the ring, California Love Machine walks out to the ring clapping his hands. He steps into the ring and continues to clap at Mask’s victory. CLM approaches Fox Mask and offers his hand. Mask extends his hand and CLM quickly grabs it and pulls Mask into a spinning heel kick.




Kris Coles- What the hell! California Love Machine is attacking Fox Mask!?!




In the ring, CLM climbs to the top and comes off with a beautiful LAX Departure that brings a confused crowd to its feet. CLM grabs the PCWA Championship belt and looks at it before dropping it again and leaving the ring to the back to a crowd that doesn’t know what to think.




Kris Coles- That’s all for Pacific Coast Wrestling Alliance this month, join us again in November for Which Side Are You On?!





Segment Rating: E




Final Show Rating: D-

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<p>From PCWAwrestling.com</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="21753" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> PCWA has announced the final card for PCWA Which Side Are You On? taking place in November 2009.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> - The Main Event will feature California Love Machine taking on Shane Nelson. Also promised is an explanation from CLM on his blatant attack on Fox Mask last month at Death Blooms. It's certain Fox Mask will be listening to find out why the sudden turn of CLM.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> - The Semi Main Event will feature Nathaniel Ca$ino taking on one of the newest PCWA wrestlers Speed. Ca$ino looks to get back on track after being cheated out of a victory against Mr. Electricity at Death Blooms.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> - The big man Dead Bolt will take on Warren Technique. Dead Bolt hasn't been on the winning side of things as of late, will that change?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> - B-Wil will be in action against the Church of Divine's Morningstar.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> - Roy Ross returns to take on the former Gamblin Man, Rex Reeves. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <span>http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/PCWA.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">PCWA Which Side Are You On?</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p> Rex Reeves vs. Roy Ross</p><p> </p><p> B-Wil vs. Morningstar</p><p> </p><p> Dead Bolt vs. Warren Technique</p><p> </p><p> Nathaniel Ca$ino vs. Speed</p><p> </p><p> Shane Nelson vs. California Love Machine</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote>
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Saturday Week 3 November 2009















PCWA Which Side Are You On?

The PCWA Arena

North West (United States)

Attendance: 188






Kris Coles- Welcome to another month of PCWA wrestling. I am Kris Coles and I’m joined by Elijah Harris. Tonight we will get some answers from California Love Machine and his actions from last month.




Harris- I know I want to know why he did what he did.




Coles- So do I and all of his fans. First Roy Ross will be in action against Rex Reeves.





http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/RexReeves.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/RoyRoss.jpg

Rex Reeves vs. Roy Ross



Reeves tries to fly but Ross using his veteran know-how makes sure that Reeves is unable to do such a thing. Ross grounds Reeves and uses some excellent mat work to pick him apart. Ross finishes Reeves off with a big splash from the top rope.




Result: Roy Ross wins by pinfall in 8:51




Match Rating: E





As soon as the match finishes Reese Paige comes storming out of the back with a microphone in hand.




Coles- What could she possibly want?




Harris- I didn’t even think she was still around here Coles!




Coles- Well, she still has time on her contract but I thought we had seen the last of her when I brought you in.




Reese steps into the ring with a look of anger on her face.




Paige- I bet you didn’t expect to see me. I’m sure Kris Coles is more surprised than anybody and that’s good. I promise though, you will all be seeing more of me, a lot more. Next month as Vices And Virtues I have a surprise for you PCWA and most of all you, Kris. Next month I’ll takes something from you Coles, something you cherish. Next month can’t come soon enough for me. I can’t wait.




Harris- What do you think see means Coles?




Coles- I have no idea but I guess at Vices And Virtues, things will be clearer.




Segment Rating: D








Backstage we see a heated argument between B-Wil and Jeremiah Moose. What’s being said can’t be made out but Moose leaves the scene no happier than he was before. Meanwhile B-Wil looks happy still as his match is next.




Segment Rating: F







http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/BenWilliams_WOV.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/Morningstar.jpg w/ http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/Vixxen.jpg

B-Wil vs. Morningstar w/ Vixxen




B-Wil has the crowd firmly behind him as the match begins. What ensues is nothing short of an absolute mess between the two PCWA wrestlers. It’s B-Wil that puts an end to the mess by getting the pinfall after hitting a missile dropkick from the top rope.




Result: B-Wil wins by pinfall in 9:53




Match Rating: F+







http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/DeadBolt.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/WarrenTechnique.jpg

Dead Bolt vs. Warren Technique




This match starts with Dead Bolt trying to intimidate Technique but if it works, Technique hides it well. Bolt uses his power well throughout the match and keeps Technique on his back a lot. Technique is able to work out of this position well as a leg sweep takes Bolt to the mat and Technique quickly locks on an STF hold. Bolt can’t get out of the hold and taps out.




Result: Warren Technique wins by submission in 9:44




Match Rating: E





Immediately following the match California Love Machine appears in the entrance way with a microphone in his hands and to a chorus of boos directed at him. He grins at the response as he reaches the ring and rolls in.




Coles- Finally we will find out just what is up with California Love Machine.

CLM- Ever since last month, people everywhere have been asking, “Why did you do it CLM? Why did you attack Fox Mask?” It’s simple and I have to admit Calvin Dark opened by eyes. He showed me by coming after me, to make a point you can’t just wait around and wait for stuff to come to you. You just can’t. I used to sit in the back and just wait for my shot at the PCWA Championship. I thought I would get it eventually and it was cool. Until Calvin Dark showed me the way. Don’t get this confused though, I’m not siding with that lunatic.





CLM- That’s why I attacked Fox Mask last week, I want the PCWA Championship for myself. The only way I was going to get noticed for a shot was to take the fight right to Fox Mask. Fox Mask consider this a warning, where ever you are I will be watching. That belt you have around your waist, I’m coming to get it. Tonight, I’ll show PCWA just how ready I am to where that belt when I beat Shane Nelson in the Main Event. Than soon I will have my shot and that title.




Segment Rating: E+




http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/NathanielCaino.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/MarcSpeed_alt3.jpg

Nathaniel Ca$ino vs. Speed





This match turns into a great matchup. Ca$ino and Speed are able to match each other move for move more often than not. Speed goes all out the entire contest looking to pick up his first victory in PCWA. Ca$ino proves to be too much though and after a Double or Nothing picks up the victory.





Result: Nathaniel Ca$ino wins by pinfall in 13:37




Match Rating: D





After the match Ca$ino calls for a microphone.





Ca$ino- Mr. Electricity, last month I had you beat. You know it, I know it and all of these fans know it. You screwed with the wrong Gambling Man and you need to realize that this is just the beginning between you and me. You will face me one on one again and I will beat you fair and square. I may be a gambling man but I’m not big on cheating not in the ring at least. So, Mr. Electricity, consider this an open challenge for a future date to meet yet again one on one.





Segment Rating: D-




http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/ShaneNelson.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/CaliforniaLoveMachine.jpg

Shane Nelson vs. California Love Machine





Nelson seems ready for his first dabble in the main event of a card. He gives CLM everything he can handle as this match goes on. CLM seems to have a little something extra with his new attitude and puts Nelson on the mat. Next comes the LAX Departure, a move that no one has kicked out of yet, and this time is no different to end a rather disappointing match.





Result: California Love Machine wins by pinfall in 20:48





Match Rating: E






Final Show Rating: E

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From PCWAwrestling.com...



Pacific Coast Wrestling Alliance is proud to announce the final card for PCWA Vices and Virtues, the last PCWA event of 2009.







- In the Main Event forces will join as individuals wars continue as California Love Machine teams with Mr. Electricity to take on the PCWA Champion Fox Mask and Nathaniel Ca$ino. Fox Mask is no stranger to Mr. Electricity but Mask is sure to have his sights set on California Love Machine who has called Fox Mask out. Meanwhile Nathaniel Ca$ino looks to maybe even the score against Mr. Electricity.





- In the semi main event, The Church of the Divine leader Calvin Dark will take on new comer to PCWA, Panda Mask II. Will Panda Mask II shine upon his debut or will Dark continue to further his movement?





- Speed will be in action against the veteran Roy Ross. Speed was seemingly upset after losing last month to Ca$ino, will this month be any different, or will Roy Ross come out with a victory?





- Warren Technique has been on a tear as he's entered PCWA and will face "Thug" Jeremiah Moose in a singles match. Will Technique be able to continue his streak or will Moose shake off his recent losses thanks to B-Wil and come out on top?





- In the opener, B-Wil will take on Rex Reeves. B-Wil is coming off a series of wins and Reeves another loss. Will the tables turn in this one?





- As promised Reese Paige will reveal her surprise for PCWA. What could it be and how will it impact PCWA?











PCWA Vices And Virtues



B-Wil vs. Rex Reeves


Warren Technique vs. “Thug” Jeremiah Moose


Speed vs. Roy Ross


Calvin Dark vs. Panda Mask II


California Love Machine & Mr. Electricity vs. Fox Mask © & Nathaniel Ca$ino

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B-Wil vs. Rex Reeves


B-Wil's winning ways continue


Warren Technique vs. “Thug” Jeremiah Moose


More W.O.V success


Speed vs. Roy Ross


Could go the other way but I see the old boy edging this one.


Calvin Dark vs. Panda Mask II


Panda Mask II is not the sort of debutant that needs to win right away and you've built up Dark as something of a threat


California Love Machine & Mr. Electricity vs. Fox Mask © & Nathaniel Ca$ino


CLM and Fox Mask take each other out, leaving Ca$ino to get the pin on Mr Electricity. I did go for the heels winning first, but then I thought you'd want to keep your champion strong.

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Saturday Week 3 December 2009













PCWA Vices And Virtues

The PCWA Arena

North West (United States)

Attendance: 209







Coles- Welcome to the final PCWA show of 2009, Vices and Virtues. Tonight we have an exciting tag team match in the main event with Fox Mask teaming up with Nathaniel Ca$ino to take on California Love Machine and Mr. Electricity. First we will see the fan favorite B-Wil taking on Rex Reeves.






http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/BenWilliams_WOV.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/RexReeves.jpg

B-Wil vs. Rex Reeves




B-Wil once again has the crowd behind him as he steps into the ring with Rex Reeves. It’s a decent match just for the fact it features two guys that aren’t known for great in ring work. The two fly around the ring until B-Wil is able to grab the pinfall after a leg drop from the top rope.




Result: B-Wil wins by pinfall in 8:38




Match Rating: F+







http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/WarrenTechnique.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/JeremiahMoose_alt1.jpg

Warren Technique vs. “Thug” Jeremiah Moose




Moose has a look of intensity on his face as he steps into the ring and wants to win more than anything. Technique tries to take Moose out of his game by keeping the match on the mat, but Moose isn’t exactly a slouch on the mat and is able to match Technique’s skill well.





Coles- Here comes B-Wil to the ring again.




Moose notices B-Wil and does not look happy at the gangsta wannabe’s appearance.





B-Wil climbs onto the ring apron just as Moose has been whipped into that very spot. Moose is able to hold up before running right into B-Wil. Technique charges Moose but Moose moves and shoves Technique into B-Wil. Technique’s head cracks B-Wil and Technique falls backwards maybe out. Moose jumps to the top rope and comes off with the High Velocity Headbutt to Technique. Followed quickly by a pinfall and a win for Moose.




Result: “Thug” Jeremiah Moose wins by pinfall in 11:41





Match Rating: E+






Following the match, B-Wil with a big grin on his face rolls into the ring to celebrate the victory with Moose. B-Wil approaches Moose with his arms raised in triumph. The crowd can make out Moose yelling, “You’re not one of us.” as B-Wil approaches. Moose than kicks B-Wil in the stomach and clotheslines him to the mat. Moose starts raining fists to Wil’s face as he continues to yell “You’re not one of us!”




Coles- Moose has had it with B-Wil and it’s showing here.




Harris- B-Wil just helped him win the match and this is the thanks he gets.





Moose finally gets off B-Wil to a lot of boos and heads to the back leaving B-Wil down on the mat.


Segment Rating: F





http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/MarcSpeed_alt3.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/RoyRoss.jpg

Speed vs. Roy Ross




This is a real good matchup with Speed wanting to get the on the winning track against the veteran Roy Ross. The two men are solid wrestlers all around and show it here from switching from some chain wrestling into some flashy high risk stuff and back. Ross uses his veteran experience to take the upper hand and looks to be on the verge of winning. Until…





Coles- Alright, what is Reese Paige doing coming out here to the ring.





Paige comes to ringside and begins to watch the match. She begins to distract Roy Ross by shouting at him. Ross goes over to set her straight but from behind Speed catches Ross and locks on a Cross Arm Breaker that Ross is unable to get out of it. Ross gives up giving Speed the win thanks to the Reese Paige distraction.





Result: Speed wins by submission in 11:44




Match Rating: D-





Following the match Reese Paige points to the entrance as two giant men emerge.









Coles- That’s Giant Brody and Ekuma, is this Paige’s surprise? They could certainly be able to change the entire landscape here in PCWA.




Brody and Ekuma run down to the ring and get in with Ross still trying to recover. Ekuma is happy to help Ross to his feet, but picks him up in a Gorilla Press. Ekuma holds him for a good minute or so before dropping Ross behind him. Brody than helps Ross up out of the kindness of his heart and helps him rest with a big Chokeslam. Meanwhile on the outside of the ring Reese Paige is all smiles. Ekuma follows up with one more move, a big powerbomb that looks to break Ross.




Coles- What was the point of picking on Roy Ross? I hope we get answers from Reese real soon.




Segment Rating: E-






http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/CalvinDark_alt.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/PandaMask.jpg

Calvin Dark vs. Panda Mask II





Noticeably absent from ringside is Vixxen as Dark enters the ring against the debuting Panda Mask II. This match is typical PCWA as the two men take to the air early and often. Calvin Dark is the one to pick up the victory in this one after hitting a front Russian leg sweep.





Result: Calvin Dark wins by pinfall in 14:10





Match Rating: F+







http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/CaliforniaLoveMachine.jpg & http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/KashmirSingh_alt2.jpg vs. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/FoxMask.jpg © & http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/PCWA%20Dynasty/NathanielCaino.jpg

California Love Machine & Mr. Electricity vs. Fox Mask © & Nathaniel Ca$ino





A fairly intense matchup as a lot of bad blood exists between the good and the bad guys. Adding to is the fact that Fox Mask wears the PCWA Championship after beating Mr. Electricity. Mr. E avoids Nathaniel Ca$ino at all costs and focuses on facing the champ as much as possible and turning the match over to CLM whenever Ca$ino enters the match. Mr. E has no choice but to face Ca$ino when the battle between Mask spills outside the ring. Mr. E turns to the two men fighting and yells for CLM to get back to his spot, from behind Ca$ino quickly rolls Mr. E up. Electricity is unable to kick out before the 3 count is made. He springs to his feet shocked as Ca$ino is on his way to the back excited about getting the win, while the battle continues between CLM and Mask.





Result: Fox Mask and Nathaniel Ca$ino win by pinfall in





Match Rating: D-



Final Show Rating: E+

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