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WWE : The Broken Road to Wrestlemania

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This week on WWE Superstars :


Jimmy Wang Yang will go one on one with Mike Knox!


Moscow Mauler Vladimir Kozlov will be in action against USA' own Hacksaw Jim Duggan!


In tag team action, the team of Jesse and Festus will face off with Kofi Kingston and his Money in the Bank Winning partner, CM Punk


And in the main event, the man who successfully defeated all three legends that he was to face at Wrestlemania, Chris Jericho will go one on one against the current United States Champion, Montel Vontavious Porter, in a non-title match!


Plus! We'll hear from Smackdown! General Manager Vicki Guerrero as she readies her brand for the first post-Wrestlemania show this Friday night!


quick picks :

Jimmy Wang Yang vs Mike Knox

Vladimir Kozlov vs Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Jesse & Festus vs CM Punk & Kofi Kingston

MVP vs Chris Jericho

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Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Week 1, April 2009

(the aftermath of the first week of TV)


The first week is down and I’m somewhat happy with the way things went, RAW could have been better, but I think that we did well to set up a few post-Wrestlemania programs while mixing them in with what the WWE had in place at the time.


Had a small meeting with the team after RAW and asked them to put together a list of who they would like to see leave the WWE, I think it’s time to “trim the fat” so to speak as there are some guys in Florida Championship Wrestling that I really would like to see come up, I think Sheamus O’Shaunessy could be an asset to the company in the future, Eric Escobar (Perez) could fit into Smackdown pretty well, I think, and Naofumi Yamamoto I could have plans for if I can just make ONE signing that doesn’t appear to be happening.


On a public appearance note, I’m quite happy to announce that in the week of Post-Wrestlemania, heading into Backlash, the WWE will have plenty of guys out there promoting the product and the show, Randy Orton will be making his first ever appearance on the Opie and Anthony Radio Show next Tuesday while Ron & Fez will also get a little WWE love and have Tommy Dreamer on the show, Triple H and John Cena will be appearing on Late Night with David Letterman and Jay Leno, respectively and The View will get a little love from Santina Marella as she puts over her Miss Wrestlemania crown.


Vince and I have been talking often, as one would expect, regarding some other new talent, which I told him that we should focus on what we have in developmental to see if they will be capable of taking that next step, however, Vince does as he wants, rightfully so and he’s made a few new hires which we’ll see debut here in the next week or so.


Jake Roberts apparently has gone behind my back to Vince to get one of his old “drinkin’ buddies” hired in but the guy only wants to work one week per month, which would translate to Pay Per View, however, he didn’t get creative control, so I guess whatever the team decides is what takes place. It’s alright though, Jake can play his game, it’s only a matter of time before he slips up and fails a drug test and winds up out on his ass.


It’s sad, you know, I grew up idolizing Jake Roberts, he still has one of the best minds in the business, yet I’m actually looking forward to him being tossed out on his ass, how, in the matter of a week can I feel this way towards someone already? Maybe it’s just the personal agenda that I can’t stand… Maybe I just need to deal with him face to face about this… Who knows what would happen, he’ll probably just “Yeah Yeah” me the whole time, then throw me under the bus again, oh well, I guess we’ll find out eventually, eh?


Superstars is going to be on TV tonight, I was pretty impressed with a couple of the matches when we taped them, same with Smackdown, a couple of people have already told me that they were happy with the little “nudge” that was given between Raw and Smackdown.


Just read an email from Vince, it appears that the Raw after Backlash is going to be the Draft, this should be fun, especially since I’m the one that’s going to be running the show from behind the scenes, no pre-determined roster moves this time around… I guess I’ll find out if we really can swim if some people get split up.


…. To Be Continued….

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The show is opened up with a small recap video of Wrestlemania that has been airing all week, we're welcomed by the sight of Jimmy Wang Yang in the ring, followed up with the entrance music of Mike Knox as he storms to the ring.


Mike Knox defeated Jimmy Wang Yang much the same way that he did with DJ Gabriel on Monday Night, big boot, Torture Rack Backbreaker and the pinfall, after the match however, Knox continued the attack on Yang, placing him in the corner before nailing some running big boots and finishing off with a huge lariat as Yang tried to stand to leave the ring


The announcers put over Monday Night Raw, leading into a small video of the Vince McMahon - Tommy Dreamer affair.


Vladimir Kozlov defeated Hacksaw Jim Duggan in a fairly entertaining match, Duggan tried all the he could to bring the big Russian down, set up for the three point stance only to get nailed with a battering ram shot to the sternum, allowing Kozlov to hit a leg trap chokeslam for the win.


The announcers continued to put over RAW, discussing the surprising win by Christian over Randy Orton and were interrupted by a pre-taped announcement from Smackdown! General Manager Vickie Guerrero who made the announcement that she would not be out done by RAW and she will be providing a WWE Title main event as well, promising that it would be much better than watching John Cena and Santino Marella - coming back from commercial, the announcers put over CM Punk as the first ever 2-time Money in the Bank winner, they then played the exclusive content that was aired on wwe.com earlier this week of Punk & Kofi


CM Punk & Kofi Kingston defeated Jesse & Festus in a decent tag match, Festus didn't see much time in the ring, finish came with Punk hitting GTS on Jesse and getting the win.


The announcers went straight into the main event from RAW discussing the Cena & Santino segment and then the ending of the match with the on-screen graphic, obviously placed by Edge to distract Cena.


Chris Jericho defeated MVP in a good main event, the offense to defense ratio was pretty even keel, however, Jericho had just a slight bit more, MVP nearly hit a Playmaker, but Jericho worked out of it and hit the Codebreaker and quickly covered for the win.


The annoucers went on to put over the Jericho - Legends match at Wrestlemania before the show ended while Jericho was celebrating, leaving the ring.

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-Camera scans the crowd, the fans are on their feet cheering


JR : We’re just days out from Wrestlemania and already there has been so much that has happened since the final bell of Wrestlemania 25!


Todd : JR, this past week has been a great one that is for sure


JR : And tonight, WWE Smackdown will do all that we can to add to the excitement! I’m Good ol’ JR and by my side is Todd Grisham, tonight, Smackdown! General Manager has promised to not be outdone by RAW and will provide us with a WWE Championship match!


Todd : We’re also going to see Vladimir Kozlov in action tonight, JR

JR : On top of that, the United States title will be defended when the current champion, MVP will go one on one with the returning UMAGA!


["The Game" starts up and Triple H begins his entrance towards the ring]


JR : But we’re getting kicked off right away with the new WWE Champion, Triple H who just 5 days ago defeated Randy Orton at Wrestlemania 25 for that WWE title, I’m sure he has plenty on his mind tonight, Todd

[Triple H makes his usual slow entrance, showing off the WWE title, he walks around the ring and of course has a mic in hand]


Triple H : Five days ago, I walked into Houston, Texas with one thing on my mind, REVENGE and in the end, not only did I get revenge, but I walked out with the WWE title [cheers from the crowd] and now it appears that Randy Orton wants yet ANOTHER match with me [boos from the crowd] The way I see it, after the things that you’ve done, I’ll NEVER be done with you, Randy [some cheers from the crowd] if I have to go every single week and every single pay per view beating your ass, then that’s EXACTLY what I’m going to do! [cheers from the crowd] As a matter of fa-


[Triple H is interrupted by the ever so annoying]


Vicki : EXCUSE ME!!! [crowd starts booing liking crazy while Vicki Guerrero is coming out onto the stage with Chavo behind her] Excuse me! Triple H, you might be a “major player” in this company, but the fact is, I’m General Manager of Smackdown and as long as I’m General Manager of Smackdown, you’ll do as I SAY!


[Triple H chuckles in the ring and rolls his eyes]


JR : The General Manager is laying down the law tonight


Vicki : And after dealing with you and Randy Orton time after time, I’m here to say NO MORE, No longer Triple H will you be allowed to use my television show to air your differences with a person on RAW and to prove that Smackdown is the superior brand, I’m telling you Triple H that you will be defending the WWE Title tonight, in “that very ring”


[Triple H shrugs then cuts Vicki off]


Triple H : Wait wait wait, Let me guess Vicki, I have to defend my WWE title against “your husband” Edge, or better yet, how about another loser from Wrestlemania, The Big Show or how about your shadow back there, Chavo? Could you be any less predictable Vicki?


[Vicki looks frustrated, then starts to poorly act her way through a chuckle]


Vicki : As a matter of fact, Triple H, while you think that you know everything, tonight, you’ll be defending the WWE title against a BIG winner from Wrestlemania, you’ll be defending the WWE title against the very man who did what you’ve been unsuccessful in doing yet this year, he beat his own brother, Jeff, tonight Triple H, you’ll be defending the WWE title against MATT HARDY!!!!


[The crowd gives a mixed reaction to Matt’ name and he walks out onto the stage as his music starts playing, a stare down goes on between he and Triple H]


JR : Matt Hardy! Triple H defends against Matt Hardy tonight in the Main Event!


[Fade out to commercial with Triple H holding the WWE title up and motioning Hardy to come to the ring]


[back from commercial, Curt Hawkins is in the ring]


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Curt_Hawkins.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/R%20Images/R-Truth4.jpg


Okay opening match, this was basically to showcase R-Truth, which it was successful in doing, R-Truth picks up the win with an Axe Kick in roughly five minutes.


Winner : R-Truth


Todd : And an impressive win from R-Truth, JR


JR : A fine, fine young specimen he is, his future could be bright in this company, folks, this past Monday night on Raw we saw the continuation of the on going rivalry between former World Heavyweight Champion, Edge and the new World Heavyweight Champion, John Cena


[Cut to a video of the recent John Cena – Edge rivalry, some highlights from Wrestlemania, then into Monday Night Raw, seeing highlights of the Santino – Cena match and the aftermath with the Titan Tron displaying the word “Pain” and then Edge spearing John Cena, standing over him as the video comes to an end, we are backstage with Josh Matthews]


Josh : I’m Josh Ma-


[Edge cuts into the screen and smacks the mic away from his mouth]


Edge : Nobody cares who you are, they’re not watching Smackdown to see “Josh Matthews” they’re tuning in because they know that this is the place where they can see “The Rated R Superstar” live and in living color, they know that when they tune in to The CW, they’re going to be entertained by the GREATEST superstar to step into a WWE ring [Edge sneers at Matthews] Nobody cares about you, ask your questions


JM : I think the question everyone would have is, we can understand why you would attack John Cena, but why the distraction with the graphic on the Titan Tron?


[Edge looks at Matthews like he’s nuts]


Edge : Distraction? I don’t cause distractions, I was ready to pounce on Cena as soon as his match was over, if anything, that graphic caused ME to be distracted, because I didn’t complete my mission of ripping John Cena in half [now turns to the camera] That’s right John, I’m going to destroy you, once and for all, as soon as my wife, the Smackdown! General Manager, gets done meeting with Mr. McMahon, you can be sure, Cena, that Wrestlemania is going to be a small memory for you, this time, Big Show won’t be there to get in my way, it’ll be you and me, we’re going to put this thing to rest once and for all and in the end, I’m going to be standing over your broken, beaten body and FINALLY put your career to REST!


[Edge storms off and fade out to commercial – back from commercial and we’re treated to Michelle McCool on her way to the ring]


JR : Michelle McCool, coming out here tonight and tonight she’ll be facing the returning Gail Kim


[Gail Kim entrance begins, semi decent reaction from the crowd, her last stint in WWE was apparently forgettable]


Todd : And JR, Gail Kim may have been away for awhile, but this is certainly a great addition to the Diva’s Division in the WWE, either one of these ladies could certainly be a top contender for either the Women’s title or the Diva’s title.


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/M%20Images/Michelle_McCool30.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/G%20Images/Gail_Kim10.jpg

Sub-par match, Michelle was way off tonight, however, Gail Kim had a nice moment at the end of the match where she stopped the Faith Breaker and tripped Michelle up allowing her to hit the Eat Defeat and pick up the win


Winner : Gail Kim


JR : Gail Kim, impressive in her Smackdown return!


Todd : Michelle McCool doesn’t look very happy, JR.


JR : She’s certainly glaring a hole through Gail Kim as she’s leaving and later tonight folks, we’re going to see the WWE title up for grabs, the new champion, Triple H will be facing an opponent who just this past Sunday walked out of Wrestlemania with a huge win over his own brother, that being, Matt Hardy


[Cut to a recap video of Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy, highlighting the heel turn at Royal Rumble, their battles in between and a highlight package of Wrestlemania, finishing off with Matt Hardy looking crazy at the camera, panning back to Triple H doing his usual pose, with “TONIGHT” coming over top of it – out to commercial]


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/V%20Images/Vladimir_Kozlov4.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/F%20Images/Funaki7.jpg


Big time squash match, Funaki tried to get an upper hand hitting chops and kicks of Kozlov, climbing up top and flying off, however, he was met with a Battering Ram and quickly was finished off with the Iron Curtain


Winner : Vladimir Kozlov


JR : Vladimir Kozlov continues to smash through the competition, someone who should be watching out is backstage right now with Josh Matthews


[Cut backstage to Josh Matthews, standing by with MVP]


JM : Thank you JR, joining me at this time is the United States Champion, Montel Vontavious Porter, MVP


[MVP nods his head and slaps the US title]


JM : Tonight, MVP, you face the returning Umaga for the US title, any thoughts going into the match?


[MVP turns towards Josh and shakes his head]


MVP : Any thoughts? Yeah, I got some thoughts, I’m thinking that tonight, Umaga is going to get pinned by Smackdown’s very own MVP!


JM : Doesn’t it worry you at all with the animalistic ways that Umaga has been known to destroy his opponents?


[MVP turns and slides his glasses down looking at Matthews]


MVP : Who? Who has Umaga destroyed? Not me! Umaga ain’t ever been in the ring with someone like MVP and tonight, Umaga’s not gonna be able to stop MVP baby! Nobody’s gonna stop MVP baby!

[MVP goes struttin out of the scene as we goto commercial with a Wrestlemania recap video reminding us of the availability on demand]


[The Brian Kendrick is on his way to the ring as we come back, Festus is already in the ring]


JR : The Brian Kendrick in action, conspicuous by his absence is Ezekiel Jackson, The Brian Kendrick has been making some noise in the back claiming that he wants the US title


Todd : And he might want to watch closely the US Title match, MVP and Umaga, whomever wins that match tonight would be the one Kendrick would be going after


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Brian_Kendrick14.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/F%20Images/Festus_Dalton6.jpg


[Kendrick walks around the ring watching Festus stand in the ring like a goof, he walks around to the time keeper and snatches the hammer to ring the bell and sticks it in his jacket pocket, Kendrick slides in the ring jawing at Festus while he still stands looking like a goof, Kendrick slaps Festus across the face and he stays standing like a goof, JR and Grisham put over the fact that the ring bell has not been rung yet, due to the fact that Kendrick stole the hammer from the time keeper, Kendrick keeps trying to move Festus, but he won’t budge at all, he slides out of the ring, Festus drools a little bit, Kendrick grabs the hammer from his jacket pocket and walks over to the time keeper and rings the bell, Festus starts going insane stomping around the ring, sees Kendrick outside the ring and hits the mat to roll out of the ring, Kendrick quickly rings the bell again and Festus freezes on the mat, Kendrick quickly jumps into the ring and performs a poorly executed splash on Festus, Charles Robinson is in position and counts one…two… Kendrick still has the hammer in his hand, Robinson sees the hammer and begins to scold Kendrick, stopping the count, they argue and start to play tug of war with the hammer, it flies out of Kendrick’s hand and hits the mat, the time keeper quickly picks it up and rings the bell again, Festus again starts going crazy rolling around on the mat, then stands up and starts going for Kendrick, Kendrick keeps running around the ring to get away from Festus and pulls Charles Robinson in front of him screaming “RING THE BELL! RING THE BELL!” Festus reaches over Charles Robinson at Kendrick, but winds up nailing Robinson in the eye with an elbow, Kendrick bails out of the ring while Charles Robinson calls for the bell and starts talking with ring announcer Justin Roberts, who declares The Brian Kendrick as the winner of the match.


Winner via DQ : The Brian Kendrick


JR : Brian Kendrick picking up the win tonight albeit by suspicious methods


Todd : Pulling referee Charles Robinson in front of him, he caused Festus to get disqualified, JR, some might say it was a win, no matter how it was achieved


JR : I’ve got to give it to ya there, Todd, folks, coming up next, Umaga makes his WWE return, challenging for the United States championship when he faces MVP, but first, let’s take a look at the RAW Rewind!


[RAW rewind starts up showing off the opening segment of RAW, but abruptly cuts into commercial – and back from commercial 2 minutes later]

JR : Fans, I’ve got apologize, I’m not sure what happened in the middle of the RAW rewind there, but if we have the time, we’ll see if we can’t get it to play again

[umaga’ music starts up]


JR : And here comes the challenger to the United States title, Umaga!

[umaga entrance goes down, MVP follows out afterwards, JR putting over the US Champion and his effort in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match]


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/M%20Images/MVP5.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/U%20Images/Umaga14.jpg



Good match, MVP avoided Umaga and his attack at the start of the match getting a few shots in, Umaga eventually got his hands on MVP and started battering him around the ring, finish came with Umaga setting MVP up for the running knee strike in the corner, MVP moving out of the way and hitting a sloppy looking Playmaker to pick up the win and retain the US title


Winner and STILL United States Champion : MVP


Todd : MVP pulling off a great win tonight, JR

JR : Indeed he did and fans, we’re looking backstage right now, Matt Hardy conferring with Smackdown General Manager Vickie Guerrero, and there’s the WWE Champion, Triple H as he is getting himself ready to come out here and make a defense of the WWE title tonight!


[Cut out to commercial, as we come back in from commercial we have a highlight reel of the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2009, as well as more reminders of Wrestlemania XXV on Demand!]


JR : We here at Smackdown would certainly like to again congratulate the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2009

Todd : What a great weekend Wrestlemania was and fans you can relive Wrestlemania all week long through replays and on demand!


[Matt Hardy music kicks up and he starts making his entrance]

JR : Wrestlemania was a great night for this man, after a very hard hitting match with his own brother, Matt Hardy shattered any kind of restraints holding him back and I, for one, expect huge things out of this young man


Todd : Matt definitely showed that he wasn’t to be taken lightly, he and Jeff beat each other senseless, I don’t think I’ve seen a better brotherly brawl since Bret Hart vs Owen Hart at Wrestlemania X, JR


[Triple H’ music starts up and his entrance begins]


JR : Triple H went in to Wrestlemania to gain a bit of revenge for what Randy Orton did to McMahon family members Shane, Stephanie and Vince and in doing so re-captured the WWE title

[we have the long entrance so Smackdown goes to commercial again, back from commercial with Triple H finally finishing up his entrance, he and Matt are standing in the center of the ring jawing back and forth when Jeff Hardy’ music hits and out comes Jeff to a big reaction from the crowd, he walks down ringside with Matt going nuts in the ring watching his brother come down, Jeff sits down at the announce table, joining JR & Todd Grisham]


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/T%20Images/Triple_H56.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/M%20Images/Matt_Hardy26.jpg



Great match for the first Smackdown after Wrestlemania, Jeff Hardy spent his time on commentary discussing Matt and their recent encounters, putting over Triple H as a great WWE champion that he would love to face again for the title, Triple H worked over Matt pretty well, getting a majority of the offense in early, however, Matt turned the tides when Triple H went for a short arm clothesline, catching Triple H’ arm and using the momentum to turn it into a Side Effect, Matt worked on Triple H’ neck and shoulder, obviously trying to ready him for the Twist of Fate, at the twelve minute mark, Matt set Triple H up for the Twist of Fate, however, Triple H shoved him off into the ropes, catching Matt with a Spinebuster and quickly grabbed Matt up, hooked his arms and delivered a Pedigree in the center of the ring, as Triple H went for the pin, Randy Orton came flying in from the crowd and attempted a punt to his head, which Triple H got out of the way of just in the nick of time, Triple H quickly to his feet was unable to stop the RKO from getting him and the referee called for the bell, awarding Triple H the win via DQ


Winner via DQ and STILL WWE Champion : Triple H


[The crowd was obviously upset over the finish of the match, Orton stood over Triple H grabbing him by the hair and screaming in his face, Orton and Matt Hardy started putting the boots to Triple H after Hardy recovered from the Pedigree, until Jeff Hardy dropped his headset and hit the ring to make the save chasing Matt & Randy out of the ring, JR puts over the Wrestlemania replays all week long, says that they’ll see us next week on Smackdown as we fade out with Jeff Hardy checking on Triple H.]

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just had the opportunity to check out your diary and I'm enjoying it just one thing though....
















GRISHAM... please


LMAO.... trust me... you'll be seeing a lot of people coming and going before too long.... Will Todd Grisham be one of them? Ya never know

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End of Week 1, April 2009

I’ve gotten a lot of complaints this week already about a few things, the first being that I used Christian and Matt Hardy in the main events of the two big shows, however, the complaints didn’t come from Vince, rather it was people such as Michael Hayes and Stephanie McMahon, it appears that they want the Main Event scene to be used only for people the likes of Triple H, John Cena, Randy Orton & Edge, I can see where they’re coming from, but didn’t the glass ceiling break a couple of years ago? Why pay Christian and Matt Hardy the amount they’re being paid just to suffer in the midcard positions that they’ve been designated to in the past?


In unfortunate news, I’ve been having a lot of meetings this week with some talent and it’s sad to say that some of them are being released, I’ve given them a suitable amount of time to ready themselves for their releases and at the end of the month we will be bidding farewell to Taryn Terrell, Victoria Crawford, Sim Snuka, DJ Gabriel and a few of the developmental talents (Steve Lewington, Brian Jossie, Matt Walsh, Beverly Mullins & Angela Fong) I would expect more to come in the future as I evaluate more talent.


Had a chance to sit down in a big meeting with Gabe, Vince, Cary Silkin, Dave Prazak and Adam Pearce and we were able to come to an agreement that would be beneficial to both companies, Ring of Honor will now be the #1 spot for designating talent for in-ring development, FCW will still be used as a developmental territory for the entertainment aspect of the business for the time being, at the urging of Nora Greenwold and Lisa Varon, we also discussed using SHIMMER as a developmental territory for the “Divas” to improve their in ring performances, however, Mr. Prazak is leery of accepting the deal, so he has declined for the time being, however he has not closed the door on talks and has agreed to allow us to use some of the SHIMMER talent from time to time.


I personally thought that there would be some tension in the room between Cary Silkin, Adam Pearce and Gabe Sapolsky, however, they all met with handshakes and hugs and had kind words with each other after the meeting, when we went to Take No Prisoners weekend, we barely saw Cary or Adam, I guess that was just me being a mark.


Some people are giving me some hell about the Tommy Dreamer vs Vince McMahon and the “End of ECW” storyline especially coming off of a time when Vince was portrayed as a victim to Randy Orton, the way I see it, Vince is still Vince, regardless of what has happened to him. He is the Chairman of a multi-billion dollar company, one week he could be the biggest babyface in the world, the next week, a gigantic heel, let’s face it, do you think Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Ted Turner or even President Obama gets up every day worrying about whether people are going to like him or hate him? I didn’t think so either, Vince McMahon is the ULTIMATE tweener when it comes to the WWE.


I made a big signing (in my opinion) and pretty soon the WWE fans will be able to see Masato Tanaka again, what direction will he be pointed? Who knows, the only thing I’m sure of is that I’ve got a few plans for him, so expect to see him debut before too long.


I got a really surprising, yet strange phone call on Saturday evening, Shawn Michaels took time out of his vacation that he’s been given to call me and just talk, we had a nice long conversation about the business, places that he’s been, things that he has done, his highlights and lowlights in his career, the topic then turned towards religion and my faith, which I explained to him that I was raised without religion being force fed to me and had found my Lord and Savior on my own, however I was not active in my religion, I didn’t attend church on a normal basis nor did I seek words of inspiration from the Bible every day, however, my belief was firm, Shawn went on for about twenty minutes about Jesus Christ and the changes that has gone through since accepting Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior…. Now, I’m not one to complain, but if I want to hear a sermon, I’ll go to church, but of course, I’m a mark so I hang on every word that Shawn has to say to me, we get back to talking about wrestling and the state of the business right now, which leads to a couple of ideas that I had for Shawn upon his return, a program or two that I would like to see him work, he seems hesitant at first, but then we discuss his friends, like Triple H, which he cut me off before I even had a chance to say anything and said “I have no doubt in my mind that you plan on doing the right thing, I just want you to understand something, Hunter has been protected for all of these years and if I know Hunter, I think that he feels threatened by the idea that someone other than a family member is controlling his fate, even with his creative, he still feels like he’s got to be on edge all of the time. Myself? I put my faith in the Lord above and pray to him that you will do the proper thing in terms of my position with the company, the only time that you will hear me complain is if it’s something to compromise my beliefs or values, I’m too old to be a politician and I’ve matured too much to manipulate to get my way, do with that as you please, I put complete faith in your judgement” shortly thereafter our conversation ended and I started writing a little bit more on the idea that I had for Shawn… I think it’s going to be perfect.


In my first week with the WWE, I think that this will be a good thing, everyone seems to be on board, aside from a couple of names who want to be protected in their spots, I’m sure that they’ll loosen up a little bit soon…. I hope…. Time for the next creative meeting and I’m sitting across the table from a very unhappy looking Lisa Varon… That’s never a good thing…



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[You’re being a bum in the middle of the evening, doing nothing but watching Law & Order : SVU on the USA Network, knowing that you should take care of that towering pile of dishes in the sink, maybe even cleaning out the litter box, hell, you may even have to goto the bathroom, but Elliot Stabler keeps you glued to the boob tube for some reason, it’s commercial time, and you see a commercial for Monday Night Raw come across, highlighting John Cena and his new World Heavyweight Championship, Tommy Dreamer and Vince McMahon and their conflict over the demise of ECW, Randy Orton and his surprising loss to Christian last week on Raw, his current battle with WWE champion, Triple H, the question remains, what will happen this Monday on Raw?!]




Confirmed matches for RAW :


Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes vs Cryme Tyme


Melina © defends the WWE Women’s Title against Beth Phoenix


Christian vs Santino Marella


Intercontinental Champion Rey Mysterio vs Randy Orton


Also set to be in action :


Mike Knox


ECW Champion Jack Swagger


Tommy Dreamer


Kofi Kingston



Tune in this Monday night to see what happens!


[And get you’re a** off of the couch and do something productive, you know that guy that they talked to five minutes into the show? HE DID IT! I hope I ruined it for you…. Law & Order stinks!]

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Video airs to kick off Raw recapping last week, Vince McMahon and Tommy Dreamer, John Cena and his confrontation with Santino Marella, ending with highlights of their match, a lingering shot of the “PAIN” graphic and then Edge spearing Cena as he turned around – fading into the opening Raw Video.






Michael Cole & Jerry Lawler welcome us to Monday Night Raw with Cryme Tyme on their way to the ring, the fans are pumped and we get a graphic at the bottom of the screen that Vince McMahon is forcing Tommy Dreamer to be in action tonight against another ECW wrestler, Paul Burchill.


Legacy begin their entrance and Michael Cole puts over the fact that the winner of this match would definitely be challenging for the Unified Tag Team Titles very soon.


Legacy defeated Cryme Tyme in 7:24 when Ted Dibiase pinned JTG following Dream Street.


Match Rating : D


Following the match, we get taken to the back where Rey Mysterio begins to cut a promo on tonight’s opponent, Randy Orton, claiming that with or without Legacy at ringside, he’ll still beat Orton.

Angle Rating : B-


Mike Knox defeated Sim Snuka in 1:20 with the Torture Rack Backbreaker


Match Rating : D+


Jerry Lawler puts over Mike Knox and his recent path of destruction when a video begins to air on the Titan Tron to a big pop from the crowd that Batista will be returning very soon and out to commercial.


Angle Rating : B



Back from commercial and Melina is making her way to the ring, Jerry Lawler points out that former WWE Women’s Champion Victoria is sitting ringside and reminds us that she was at Wrestlemania in the Diva Battle Royal.


Beth Phoenix defeated Melina to regain the WWE Women’s title for the third time in 6:01 with the Glam Slam


Match Rating : C+


After the match, Beth walked past Victoria and taunted her by holding up the Women’s title.


Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler put over the three hour Draft episode of Raw the night after Backlash, they then discuss the matches already made for Backlash – Tommy Dreamer will be facing an opponent of Mr. McMahon’s choice with the fate of ECW on the line… John Cena will face off with Edge one last time as it has been promised to forever put an end to their long standing rivalry… Triple H will put the WWE title on the line against Randy Orton…. We then have Paul Burchill making his entrance, followed shortly thereafter by Tommy Dreamer….


Tommy Dreamer defeated Paul Burchill in 5:50 with a DDT


Match Rating : C+


After the match, Vince McMahon’ music hit, he walked out on to the stage and began to run down Tommy Dreamer and how he bores the fans, how ECW bores the fans, he then tells Tommy that he will start to give him some clues about his opponent at Backlash, his first clue is that it is a former ECW Champion, Vince then informs Tommy that on ECW on Sci-Fi tomorrow night, he will be facing the newest signing of the WWE.


Angle Rating : C+


After Vince makes his exit, we cut screen to Christian and Santino both stretching, they’re coming up next!



Coming back from commercial, we get a replay of Mr. McMahon' announcement and hint, Lawler & Michael Cole begin to speculate who the opponent might be, naming such names as Terry Funk, Sabu, Shane Douglas and Jerry Lynn


Christian defeated Santino Marella in 12:40 with the Killswitch


Match Rating : B+


After the match, Christian took the mic and had a few words, he first put over Santino for being a great opponent, which Santino looked confused at, but still made his way to the back, Christian then said that Randy Orton vs Triple H on Pay Per View for the 2 millionth time might get sell a couple of tickets, but what would sell more tickets would be to put the guy who just last week defeated Randy Orton in the match as well, making it a triangle match, the fans responded well to this as Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler started putting the idea over, we go to a video of last week’s Smackdown!


Angle Rating : B/B+ respectively


Jack Swagger made his way to the ring after the video was finished airing and cut a promo on the WWE locker room stating that no one could beat the ECW champion, claiming that he was there tonight to make an impact on the hottest show in the history of wrestling, he then issued an open challenge to anyone in the RAW locker room and it was accepted….


Goldust defeated Jack Swagger via DQ after Swagger nailed Goldust with the ECW title in 10:33


Match Rating : B-


Swagger and Goldust brawled a little bit after the match with Swagger running away from the obviously irate Goldust, going to commercial with Goldust screaming at Swagger running up the ramp, wiping blood from his forehead




Back from commercial and we’re in the back with Kofi Kingston who is stretching out, CM Punk comes in the shot and he and Kofi talk back and forth, Punk tells Kofi that he finally got his meeting with Vince and while Vince wasn’t crazy about the idea, told Punk that if he wanted to find a tag team partner and cash in Money in the Bank on the Unified Tag Team Titles, he would be more than happy too, Kofi was excited and told Punk that he was going to have his match, they could celebrate after he beats William Regal – cut to ringside with Kofi’ music playing


Angle Rating : B


Cole & Lawler put the segment over, Lawler yells about how stupid Punk would be to waste his MITB contract, Regal’ music plays, but Regal doesn’t come out, they replay his music, but again, no Regal to be seen, finally the referee starts a 10-count, he reaches 8 and then there is a huge explosion on the top of the stage bringing out Kane


Kane defeated Kofi Kingston in 8:21 with 3 straight chokeslams


Match Rating : B


Kane spends a couple of minutes pacing the ring while Jerry Lawler makes comments about his size, another big pyro goes off and CM Punk has come down to help get Kofi out of the ring, Punk & Kane stare each other down while we goto a well put together video for Backlash highlighting workers rather than storylines, Triple H, Randy Orton, John Cena, Edge and other top stars are featured, we come back with Randy Orton making his entrance, followed by Legacy and goto commercial on that



Back from commercial, Orton is stalking inside the ring, the WWE Intercontinental Champion begins his entrance, Rey Mysterio starts out normal, but slows down as he gets closer, as he reaches the end of the ramp, “The Game” starts up and Triple H walks out to a great reaction, Triple H makes his way down carrying his sledgehammer, Lawler makes a statement that the sides are evened now and this should be a fair contest.


Randy Orton defeated Rey Mysterio via pinfall after the RKO in 15:27


Match Rating : A


As the match was coming to an end, Legacy had jumped Triple H who was trying to distract Randy Orton, allowing the pinfall to take place, they hit the ring and all three immediately started stomping on Rey, Triple H hit the ring, his sledgehammer already gone after the attack by Legacy, they overpowered Triple H until Christian came running down to make the save, Legacy quickly scurried from the ring while Christian and Triple H had a face off as the show went to dark.


Show Rating : B-

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</p><p><span style="font-family:Fixedsys;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">


Tuesday, Week 2 April 2009</p><p> </p><p>

Just 45 minutes ago, Randy Orton was a guest on the Opie & Anthony Radio Show (XM channel 202, Sirius channel 197) and in the interview, Randy Orton made a claim that the reason that the show was seeming a bit different since Wrestlemania was because there was someone new behind the scenes running the shows, a publicist who accompanied Randy Orton to the building attempted to pull him from the interview, however, Orton then went on a tirade cursing out the publicist and anyone else within ear shot. </p><p> </p><p>

WWE Officials responded quickly by posting a statement on <a href="http://www.wwe.com" rel="external nofollow">http://www.wwe.com</a> that the statements made by Randy Orton during the Opie & Anthony show were untrue stating that Randy Orton was simply trying to get involved in a publicity stunt. </p><p> </p><p>

It should be interesting to note that his future promotional appearances have been canceled.</p><p> </p><p>

We'll have more on this situation as things come to light. </p></div><p></p><p></p>

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Tuesday – Week 2 – April 2009

6:45 pm

Irate doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel right now, I’m sitting in my office at Titan Towers, a broken glass table in the middle of the office, I’m certain that if I don’t stop typing for a few minutes, my laptop is going to go up in flames, I haven’t even watched the ECW show for tonight to make sure that it’s good enough for air, I’ve asked Gabe to take care of that for me….


My great idea blew up in my face, two of my favorite radio shows, Opie & Anthony and Ron & Fez were getting a little bit of love from the WWE, we sent Tommy Dreamer to Ron & Fez and he had a FANTASTIC interview, he went nostalgic and talked old school ECW, talked about a lot of the guys, then really hammered things home regarding Backlash, Tommy Dreamer was awesome today and I couldn’t love him any more right now!


The Opie and Anthony show though, as much as I love O & A, I knew that I should have had someone else on the show, they egg people on and try to drag something big out of them, of course, Jim Norton was not in the studio today, he was instead replaced by Stupid Bob Kelly, which I should have checked in to, anyways, the interview was going fantastic, Randy was in there laughing it up, they showed him Two Girls, One Cup which he told them was older than him, he was bashing David & Bobo, he called Sam out for being the mark that he is… And then the question came about the different direction that the show seems to be going towards and Randy, like a young Jesse Ventura went off on a tirade about some new kid who didn’t know s**t about the business handling things in the back with a group of hack bookers, of course, our publicist tried to pull him from the interview before he said anything more and the verbal tirade turned ugly with him dropping just about every unnecessary comment that one could possibly fathom, let’s just say that they weren’t talking about baseball when he dropped a line that rhymed with bunt when the publicist tried again to pull him from the interview, he had my cell phone number as well, giving it to either Danny, Steve or E-Rock and they tried to get me on the air, thankfully my girlfriend was right there with me and she answered the phone claiming that they had the wrong number, when asked about the claim that Randy was making, she told whomever it was that was trying to get me on the air that she once had a one night stand with Randy and had no idea what they were talking about… You gotta say something about love, right?


Needless to say, I was on the phone with Vince as quickly as I possibly could be, he asked me to come in to the office early, which I did, however, I didn’t dress like I should have, I was too irate.


Vince and I had a nice long meeting about things while we waited for the man of the hour to show up, among those things was how we would handle the situation as the WWE was obviously in breach of contract due to Randy Orton exposing anything about the agreement on the air, we had Joey Styles on the phone already and he informed that he had heard the interview and already had something worked up, which he emailed to Vince and we both agreed to.


Vince told me that once he arrived and we had our meeting, whatever my decision was regarding the situation, he would stand behind and wouldn’t try to persuade me one way or the other, I wanted to call out Vince and tell him that he was full of it because I was certain that Stephanie and Hunter were behind this today, however, I had nothing to prove my thoughts, so I just nodded my head and thanked him instead.


At about 11:30 Randy Orton came barging in through the door still screaming at the publicist, I stayed sitting behind my desk, Randy smiled when he looked at Vince, then he scowled at me and spit on my desk and gave me that arrogant smirk that he has given on TV all the time.


I sat for a few more seconds starting at the spit on my desk and could only muster up one question, “Why? Why would you do this to the company, Randy?” and he stared me in my eyes and answered “Because I hate you, I’d never met you before Wrestlemania and I only know that I can’t stand you! The night after Wrestlemania, after I ALREADY lost the WWE title, you make me job to Christian?! Do you know ANYTHING about this business?! Or are you just into kicking the dog while he’s already down?!”, I sat and thought a few seconds about his question, then explained to him that I did indeed know a little bit about the business and explained to him the storyline that I had mapped out, his expression never changed, he scoffed a few times, then he finally turned towards Vince and said, “I never signed a contract nor a confidentiality agreement regarding this retarded agreement that the two of you have, you can’t do ANYTHING to me and if you even try, I’ll have my Lawyer so far up you’re a**, you’ll taste the bryl cream he rubs on his junk every night!”


I have to give it to Vince, either he’s working me majorly or he just really is a cool cat, because with a snap of a finger, he had Orton’ contract in the office as well as a copy of the memo that was given to all WWE “performers” regarding the portion of their signed WWE contract that they would be breaching should they reveal any information to any media outlet.


We went back and forth for another two hours, Randy finally calmed down but showed absolutely no remorse over what he had done, nor the size of the lawsuit that the WWE and he could be facing, finally we talked consequences, Randy went on telling me to just fire him, nearly begging me to fire him, I then told him after five minutes of him egging me on, calling me a CS an SOB and an MF, that I wasn’t going to do him a favor, if I fired him, he could go to TNA or somewhere else in 90 days and try to blow WWE out of the water, instead, I wasn’t going to punish him at all, yet, we already had a Pay Per View booked and people were expecting to see him wrestle for the WWE title against Triple H, I wasn’t going to change anything with my storylines as a result of this, a decision would be made eventually and he would be notified when a decision would be made, however, if he talked to anyone else in the media or the business about this situation, he would face such a heavy consequence, he was going to wish that he would have just stayed home in St. Louis and tried to find another trade to get involved in.


I’m not sure what to think about how he reacted to not being fired, fined, suspended, I’m pretty sure he was still trying to egg me on because all he did was smash my coffee table in my office, which I’m still looking at all of the glass laying in the middle of my office.


Vince and I talked a little bit longer and he left, allowing me to gather my thoughts, I made a call to Gabe, who told me that the ECW show was good enough for WWE standards to go on the air, when he asked me what happened, I only told him that it was handled, nothing further regarding that, Lisa and Jake tried to call me, but I didn’t get the phone in time and when I tried to call them back, I too got voicemail.


Well, when something bad happens, something good can come up, I got a call from Nora who wanted to run another storyline by me, she kind of gave me the cliff notes version, it sounded alright, if I understood it correctly, however, she’s supposed to be emailing me the full details, which I’ll read in a little bit, however, the email that I got from Cary Silkin brought a smile to my face, he’s allowing Chris Hero to come work for the WWE for a little bit, music to my ears!


…………………To Be Continued………………..


OOC : Hope people are enjoying things.... ECW is up next, followed by Superstars and Smackdown! then I will put up an updated line up for Backlash - all feedback is welcome, good - bad - or indifferent.... I really need a graphic for my diary entries... working on one, but if anyone wants to slap one together for me, it'd be much appreciated

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>

<span>http://i511.photobucket.com/albums/s352/sassy_marie76/ECW-logo.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

ECW on Sci-Fi comes to the air with highlights from the Vince McMahon – Tommy Dreamer battles that have been taking place as well as a small clip of Jack Swagger, highlights of his great title defense last week on ECW, then his promo on Raw and loss to Goldust</p><p> </p><p>

Josh Matthews & Matt Striker welcome us to the show, they discuss Tommy Dreamer and his opponent for the evening, who they aren’t even sure who it is, Paul & Katie Lea Burchill make their way to the ring and ECW on Sci-Fi is ready for it’s first match, as Paul and Katie Lea wait for Paul’ opponent, three letters hit the Titan Tron and the fans get a pretty good reaction “b.W.o” – THE BLUE MEANIE IS BACK IN ECW! Meanie dances his way out, the true ECW fans give off a bWo chant </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Blue Meanie</strong> defeated <strong>Paul Burchill</strong> in 6:20 after a Meaniesault </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#800080;">Match Rating : D- </span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Meanie dances a celebratory dance and slaps hands with the fans on his way back up, we’re reminded again of Tommy Dreamer being in action tonight, however, up next is Mark Henry</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mark Henry</strong> defeated <strong>Ricky Ortiz</strong> in 2:23 with the World Strongest Slam </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#800080;">Match Rating : D+</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Jack Swagger’ latest events are highlighted, starting with his match with Charlie Haas and then recapping Goldust defeating him on Raw last night and then we go to the back where Jack Swagger is getting ready for another defense of his ECW Championship later tonight, Swagger cuts a promo on Evan Bourne, who he’ll be facing tonight. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#800080;">Angle Rating : C</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Up next : Tommy Dreamer will face off against the newest member of the ECW Roster, we get a shot of Tommy Dreamer finishing up the tape on his wrists and goto commercial</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Back from break, we’re reminded of Tommy Dreamer and his match at Backlash with the fate of ECW at stake, a small video airs of Dreamer, highlighting his ECW career and his love for ECW</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong> defeated <strong>Arik Cannon</strong> in 7:34 with a DDT</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#800080;">Match Rating : D</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Arik Cannon got a good response, as this weeks Raw & ECW were in Minneapolis, MN, the home of Arik Cannon, after the match, Tommy Dreamer and Arik Cannon shook hands and Tommy held Arik’ arm up in respect, before both men left together. </p><p> </p><p>

Josh Matthews and Matt Stryker took the time to discuss Raw and some of the things happening there, they discuss Christian, who has been on the ECW brand, however, he appears to have taken it upon himself to move over to the Raw brand – another graphic across the screen highlighting Evan Bourne vs Jack Swagger for the ECW title up next</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Charlie Haas is finishing up an entrance as we come back from break, he sits at the announce table with Josh Matthews & Matt Stryker, they discuss the ECW Championship match from last week as Bourne makes his entrance, the ECW champion begins his entrance and Charlie Haas speaks no words as he watches every move that Swagger makes, Swagger makes it a point to walk past the announce table and taunt Haas by holding up his belt. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jack Swagger</strong> defeated <strong>Evan Bourne</strong> in 13:15 with the Doctor Bomb making the 3rd defense of his ECW Title</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#800080;">Match Rating : D+</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Nearing the end of the match, Haas tried to get involved, however, his attempt was failed and he wound up costing Evan Bourne the match, leading to the Doctor Bomb, Swagger grabbed the mic after the match was over watching Haas leave, he made a challenge to Haas to meet him next week on ECW and to bring a tag team partner with him, because Swagger had the perfect person in mind for him</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#800080;">Angle Rating : D+</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Show Rating : D+</span></strong></span></p><p>


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<em>No real rhyme or reason to this show as we all know, so it’s just mostly results. </em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>John Morrison & The Miz</strong> defeated <strong>Ricky Ortiz & Hacksaw Jim Duggan</strong> in 4:25 when Miz pinned Ortiz </p><p>

<span style="color:#2E8B57;"><strong>Match Rating : D</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>United States Champion MVP & Jeff Hardy</strong> defeated <strong>The Brian Kendrick & Matt Hardy</strong> in 12:15 when Hardy pinned Kendrick</p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">Match Rating : B</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>CM Punk</strong> defeated <strong>Santino Marella</strong> in 12:20 after the Go to Sleep </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">Match Rating : C+</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>During the show we just had recap videos of the past couple of weeks of storylines leading to Backlash</em></p><p>


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<em>Week 2 April 2009</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jim Ross & Todd Grisham welcome us to yet another exciting edition of WWE Smackdown and before Jim Ross can even get into anything regarding the show tonight, the World Heavyweight champion John Cena shows up, his music and video begins to play and to the delight of the Smackdown fans, he comes to the ring discussing his absence on Raw this past Monday night, explaining that while Raw was on the air that he was out looking for revenge, a video played of the backstage area of an arena during a live Smackdown house show, Edge was shown getting out of a car with Vickie and Chavo, then the camera shook and John Cena came flying out, Edge shoved Chavo in front of him and nearly pushed over Vickie getting away, Chavo catches a beat down from Cena, cuts back to Cena in the ring where Cena makes a promise to Edge and Vickie Guerrero that tonight on Smackdown, he will get his hands on Edge and show him what TRUE pain is all about, this prompts Vickie to appear, informing John Cena that she had a meeting with the WWE Chairman, Mr. McMahon and was out there to inform Cena that while most General Managers would have an individual stripped of his title, arrested and facing criminal charges, she instead is going to invite John Cena to sit ringside tonight during the Main Event and witness firsthand as Edge faces The Big Show and if John Cena gets involved, he will have to answer to Mr. McMahon… John Cena reminds Vickie of the affair that she had with The Big Show and wonders if Edge can even trust her, to which Vickie explains that like most married couples, mistakes are made, Edge has forgiven her and she is doing what a good wife should, honoring her husband, Cena makes a few more comments, which infuriate Vickie, then lets JR know that he needs a chair warmed up, because he’s going to be calling a “slobber knocker” later tonight</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Angle Rating : B+</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

We get a graphic of a couple of the matches tonight – up next the Unified Tag Team titles are on the line and a 4-Way match for a shot at the US Title at Backlash later tonight! </p><p>

</p><p><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">


<strong>Carlito & Primo Colon</strong> defeated <strong>Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins</strong> in 5:10 after Carlito pinned Hawkins with the Backstabber to retain the Unified Tag Team Titles </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Match Rating : D+</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Following the match, backstage The Brian Kendrick was standing by with Josh Matthews and began cutting a promo discussing the US title and his quest to become the US Champion, following in such great footsteps as Harley Race, Ric Flair, Wahoo McDaniel, Ricky Steamboat, Lex Luger, Sting and was about to start in on WWE names when The Hurricane popped in and demanded to know what made Kendrick think that he was even capable of living up to the standards of any of the legends he named, which then brought Shelton Benjamin into the shot to tell them both that when it comes to standards and the US title, there’s only one standard, the GOLD standard he called them both idiots and told them to get ready for the The Gold Standard to gain about 15 pounds, Shelton turned around with a sense of arrogance into Khali’ chest where he grunted and the four men had a stand off as we went back to the ring. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Angle Rating : C+</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Michelle McCool</strong> defeated <strong>Gail Kim</strong> in 4:18 after using her tights during a roll-up – the match was a bit down from the previous week with their re-match, however, they stand at one win a piece</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Match Rating : D+</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

JR and Todd Grisham discussed Backlash and the few matches that are signed for the show, which is just 9 days away only on Pay Per View – they put over the 4-way match that was coming up next </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Back from commercial there was a video aired with a single hanging microphone promising the return of Mr Kennedy on Week 4 of April 2009</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Angle Rating : C</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Prior to the start of the match, MVP came down to join in on some color commentary</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Brian Kendrick</strong> defeated <strong>Hurricane Helms, Shelton Benjamin & The Great Khali</strong> in 12:22 by pinning Hurricane Helms after hitting “The Kendrick” by running up Khali, sending him to the ropes wrapping him up after he had already Brain chopped Shelton Benjamin – Kendrick secures a US Title shot against MVP at Backlash</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Match Rating : C+</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Kendrick celebrates while staring down MVP who arrogantly holds the US title up and motions for Kendrick </p><p> </p><p>

Cut backstage and John Cena is talking to R-Truth and Unified Tag Team Champions Carlito & Primo when Vladimir Kozlov walks by grunting at the World Heavyweight Champion</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Angle Rating : C+</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Vladimir Kozlov</strong> destroyed <strong>Jesse</strong> in :46 with the Iron Curtain in a poorly placed squash match</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Match Rating : D-</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Following the match, Kozlov beats up on Jesse some more until Kozlov grabs the mic and screams something in Russian at JR and Grisham</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Angle Rating : D</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

After another video package cuts off showing the “Raw Rewind”, Triple H’ music hits and he comes out to the ring to cut a promo on Randy Orton again, saying that GM Vickie Guerrero isn’t doing a very good job keeping all of the Raw guys out of here, too much cross promotion is going on with Cena facing Edge and him facing Orton at Backlash, this goes on for a few minutes of Triple H cutting down Orton, Vickie, etc until all three members of Legacy come flying out from the crowd dressed in street clothes and the beat down takes place, they work over Triple H until Carlito & Primo come running down for the save, only to be taken down as well, they’re over powered and then Christian and Jeff Hardy come down making the full rescue, sending Legacy running for the hills, Christian & Triple H have a stare down </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Angle Rating : B-</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

JR puts over Christian’ recent success and his lobbying to be in the main event at Backlash for the WWE title, the discuss the main event that’s coming up next! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

John Cena made his entrance as we’re coming back from commercial and had a seat at the announce table, calling the match with JR & Grisham</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Edge</strong> defeated <strong>The Big Show</strong> after nearly spearing Vickie Guerrero who was getting involved, only to have Big Show nail her with a big boot to the face, which Edge used to his advantage hitting a big spear and throwing his legs on the middle rope to secure the pinfall</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Match Rating : B</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Post match, Cena was standing waiting for Edge, but then the lights cut off again, the titan tron again displayed the word “Pain” this time with graphics of instruments of pain, much like in the movie “Hostel” showing, as the lights came back on, Edge went for a spear on John Cena, this time Cena expected it, leap frogging him and sending him into Vickie Guerrero as the show went off the air</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Angle Rating : B-</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-size:18px;">Card Rating : B-</span></span></strong></p><p>


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/tgambrell/backlashlogo2.gif</span><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Confirmed Matches :</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

WWE Heavyweight Title</p><p>

Triple H © vs Randy Orton</p><p> </p><p>

World Heavyweight Title</p><p>


John Cena © vs Edge</p><p> </p><p>

The Fate of ECW and Tommy Dreamer' Career on the line</p><p>

Tommy Dreamer vs an opponent to be chosen by Mr. McMahon</p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Title</p><p>

M.V.P. © vs The Brian Kendrick</p><p> </p><p>

More matches to be announced this next week as we hit the home stretch to Backlash!!!</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:18px;">End of Week 2, April 2009</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

As I sit here in Vince' private jet on my way to the next town and ready to finalize Raw with the creative team, I look around at what I never would have had without my girlfriend and her connections. </p><p> </p><p>

Thankfully the wwe.com team is one of the best that I’ve ever seen, I hate being faced with a decision like this one, I can liken this feeling to having to face a woman who has cheated on you, do you stay or do you go? Do I fire Randy Orton or do I pull a 1996 Hunter on him and put him in the dog house, using him to build other superstars? </p><p> </p><p>

I have to attack my position from all angles here, obviously Randy Orton is one of the best that the WWE has to offer right now, but if I sit by and do nothing, he looks like he’s getting away with murder, if I fire him, he sits home for ninety days, obviously able to talk about anything with anyone, then goes on to TNA and helps bolster their roster, if I job him to some of the up and coming guys, not only do I have a pain in the ass to deal with, but I put other guys at risk because he is kind of a loose cannon, decisions, decisions. </p><p> </p><p>

Lisa and I had a nice long conversation at last week’s meeting and while she was unhappy, she had some great reasons to be, thus the angle that started on last Monday’s Raw, which should be a great one that really heats the Women’s Division up like it hasn’t really been since the early 2000’s when Trish, Lita, Molly, Ivory, Victoria, Tori and Jazz were entertaining fans all over the world, the entire thing is being controlled by Lisa & Nora, so I think I can trust that it’s going to be fantastic. </p><p> </p><p>

Jake and Sullivan just got back from Florida the other day, they were down watching some of the developmental guys and have brought me back a list of people to get rid of, I’ll put this as nicely as possible, if I released everyone on their list, we’d have three guys left in developmental, Sheamus, Yoshi Tatsu and Eric Escobar, Jake went so far as to say that the “second generation” guys that were down there were so bad that “even their living Daddy’s are spinning in their graves”. It was also apparent that Sullivan has been watching too many Irish related movies, because he wanted to bring Sheamus up now and call him the Green Street Hooligan, to which Gabe chuckled at and said “Why not just call him The Boondock Saint?”, Sullivan responded that it wouldn’t make sense…. Exactly Kevin… Exactly. </p><p> </p><p>

Another week of WWE TV out of the way, trying to get Backlash worked in right, but of course, I backed myself into a corner already, big thanks to Gabe who helped me get out of it, without him, I’m pretty sure that I’d have killed myself if it wasn’t for Gabe trying to get myself worked out.</p><p> </p><p>

Another week of WWE is about to finalized when we get to the next town, I’m actually kind of excited to see how the shows come off on TV, there really isn’t a match that I’m not looking forward to this week and getting the other 4 matches for Backlash announced should be fun in this last week… Not the best way to book things, I’ll admit, but I was given three weeks to get over a full PPV, I don’t think I’ve done too horribly in my first attempt. </p><p> </p><p>

Vince and I had another conversation about the idea that he’s not too crazy about, stating that this is the one and only time that he hoped that a Pay Per View didn’t have a sell-out attendance….. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">…… To Be Continued….. </span></span></p><p>


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[WWE Raw goes live on the air and Michael Cole welcomes us just as Mr. McMahon’ music hits and he comes out to a mixed reaction, Vince takes his time getting to the ring, giving Cole & Lawler enough time to put over the upcoming match at Backlash with Tommy Dreamer & a mystery opponent with both Tommy’ career as well as the fate of ECW at stake, Mr. McMahon is finally in the ring and ready to speak]

Vince discusses current events in the WWE with the fans, between the World Heavyweight Championship match, announcing that as long as John Cena is champion, Edge will never get another shot at the title because quite frankly, the fans are tired of seeing them fight, it was time to put things to rest once and for all, which is the theme of Backlash, putting things to rest, much the same way that Triple H and Randy Orton will be putting things to rest, however, due to recent events, Mr. McMahon feels that the WWE fans have a voice and that voice has been heard, therefore, Randy Orton is receiving HIS final shot at the WWE title as long as Triple H holds it, speaking of hearing the WWE fans, Christian HAS been added to the match, however, in order for Christian to win the match or the WWE title, he must pin Triple H.


Vince then went on a long speech about having a long time to reflect on the things that went down the night after Wrestlemania, he then works back into the “putting things to rest” and states that it he has spent years putting peoples careers to rest, Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Goldberg, an individual who is filled with “Madness” (apparently Vince doesn’t want to say his name on TV either), Paul Heyman, The Sandman, Rob Van Dam, Sabu, the list goes on and on, but finally this Sunday night, Vince McMahon will be able to finally bury both ECW and the final pioneer of the company when he watches Tommy Dreamer and ECW burn to the ground.


Vince then makes an announcement that tonight on Raw, Tommy Dreamer will be facing yet another person of his choosing and wishes Tommy the best of luck, stating that he was going to need it as he worried about his opponent for Sunday night at Backlash.


Angle Rating : C+


Michael Cole & Jerry Lawler put over everything Vince talked about and then ran down a couple of matches, stating that as was announced right before Raw went on the air, the Unified Tag Team Titles would be up for grabs in a triple threat match as well, John Morrison & The Miz have been granted their rematch against Carlito & Primo and they’ll both be facing Legacy – tonight however, CM Punk would be facing Kane, Mike Knox to challenge for the WWE Intercontinental Title and the main event, Legacy would be facing Triple H & The Colons in a six man tag team match [cut backstage to a split screen on Beth Phoenix and Mickie James] Beth Phoenix will be defending the WWE Women’s Title against Mickie James NEXT!




[back from commercial, Jerry Lawler again puts over that Victoria is at ringside for the second week in a row and promises to get a word with her after the Women’s Title match]


Beth Phoenix defeated Mickie James with a quick roll-up at 5:22 to retain the WWE Women’s title


Match Rating : C+


After the match, Beth Phoenix stood in the ring watching Mickie James as she left the ring yelling at her, at the same time, Jerry Lawler walked over to get a word with Victoria, as Lawler got over and asked Victoria what she’s doing sitting ringside for the second week in a row, Victoria stated that she was offended that the WWE asked her to be part of the “Diva” Battle Royal at Wrestlemania 25, only to have it turned into a mockery, she’s been buying tickets for two weeks and has tickets for the next four shows to sit ringside and watch the “Divas” of the WWE make a mockery of Women’s Wrestling


This then prompted Beth Phoenix to get involved, walking over and shoving Lawler out of the way, Beth held the WWE Women’s title up at Victoria and told her to get a good look at something that passed her by about five years ago, Beth then walked off while Victoria glared at her]


Angle Rating : C+


Cut backstage to Tommy Dreamer standing in the middle of a darkened room, he’s talking to himself, oblivious to the camera, he keeps repeating “ECW will never die” with each time getting angrier and angrier, he starts punching the wall after about the seventh time of saying it, fading out to commercial with Tommy holding up his bloody fist to the camera and screaming


Angle Rating : C-




Back from commercial and Tommy Dreamer is making his entrance, Lawler & Cole put over Backlash again, discussing the Tommy Dreamer career ending possibility, they again start to discuss the possibilities of opponents for Tommy Dreamer at Backlash, just as Mr. McMahon’ music starts up again, Mr. McMahon walks out onto the stage with that power swagger, stands atop the stage and gleams from ear to ear at Tommy Dreamer in the ring, he then goes on to talk about Backlash and once again promises that he will be burying ECW once and for all, McMahon goes on to discuss the opponent at Backlash giving Tommy another clue as to who he will be facing and says that Tommy Dreamer’s opponent will be someone that Tommy is quite familiar with, having been across the ring from him as well as having wrestled as his partner in the past, however, tonight’s opponent is just a small dose of what Tommy Dreamer will get at Backlash this Sunday night, tonight’s opponent is a former WWE Intercontinental champion, a former WCW World Tag Team Champion and is making his RETURN to the WWE tonight on Raw…. McMahon then steps out of the way as the car crash goes into effect and the video pops up and out struts a (fat) Razor Ramon!!!! Lawler & Cole put over Scott Hall showing up as he does his normal “Razor” walk to the ring, the fans are cheering at the sight of Razor, Cole however puts over the obvious change in appearance for Hall


Angle Rating : C+


Tommy Dreamer defeated Scott “Razor Ramon” Hall in 12:20 in a decent mid-card match that saw Razor hitting all of his signature moves, however, as he went for the Razor’s Edge, Tommy was able to slide out and get him in a backslide to pick up the win.


Match Rating : C-


After the match Razor is going nuts in the ring kicking the bottom rope while Dreamer exits into the crowd and stands amongst a bunch of grizzly looking fans who are chanting “E-C-Dub! E-C-Dub! E-C-Dub!”


Cut backstage from there and John Cena is seen arriving at the arena, he walks past a backstage worker and hoists the title up on his shoulder, we cut out there to a review of last week’s Smackdown and go to commercial.




Back from commercial and John Cena’s music hits, the crowd gives a mixed reaction, mostly cheering, Cena comes flying down to the ring, after he’s in the ring, he’s all business, didn’t really pander to the fans at all, immediately went into a promo discussing the word “pain”, Cena goes on that “pain” has been consuming his mind since the night after Wrestlemania and when he thinks “pain” the only thing that he thinks is Edge, Cena goes on to say that Edge has been a thorn in his side for far too long, like Stone Cold and The Rock, like Bret and Shawn, like Amos and Andy, all things come to an end and this Sunday night at Backlash, John Cena promises to finally finish Edge off once and for all –


at this point, Edge’s music hits and he comes walking out, Vickie starts to hobble out behind him, but he screams at her off mic and Edge is standing on the stage glaring down at Cena in the ring, Edge launches into a promo on Cena telling him that if it’s “pain” that John Cena wants, he has no problem whatsoever inflicting as much pain as humanly possible on John Cena this Sunday night at Backlash, Edge actually agrees with him that it is time to put things to rest, but unlike all of the duos that he named, he didn’t want a screw job to finish their rivalry, instead, Edge has a vision of John Cena, bloodied, broken and about twenty five pounds lighter when Edge is standing over him holding the World Heavyweight Title high above his head.


Cena challenges Edge to get to the ring right now and not wait for Sunday night at Backlash, Edge starts to head down, then smirks and says that the next time John Cena or the WWE fans will see Edge is Sunday night at Backlash right before he regains the World Heavyweight Championship.


Edge drops the mic and walks backwards up the ramp while John Cena stays in the ring glaring at Edge


Angle Rating : A


Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler put over the card for Backlash, going down the line through the whole card, then another cut backstage and we’re treated to CM Punk and Kofi Kingston, they’re discussing their “secret plan” for Punk to cash in Money in the Bank at Backlash to take the tag team titles from whoever has them, Punk tells Kofi that tonight is just for him and we get a double screen shot of Kane as Cole and Lawler tell us that Punk vs Kane is NEXT!


Angle Rating : B-




CM Punk defeated Kane in 8:40 via disqualification after Kane elbowed the referee in the face while he was trying to break Kane and Punk up in the corner


Match Rating : B+



Kane keeps coming after Punk, they continue to brawl a little bit until Batista' music hits, the fans start to go nuts, however, it's just a video playing on the Titan Tron hyping his return, Punk winds up retreating from Kane as Kane was ready for Batista


Angle Rating : B


Cole & Lawler go on hype duty discussing Batista’ return and what he might have in store for the man who put him out of action, Randy Orton, Cole then reminds us that there may be nothing that can be done because Orton or Batista might be on Smackdown after the Draft next week! This then works into Mike Knox making his entrance, which Lawler puts over his psychotic look and actions lately, claiming that tonight there would be a new Intercontinental Champion!




Rey Misterio def Mike Knox in 10:09 via pinfall with a roll up out of the Torture Rack Backbreaker


Match Rating : B-


After the match, Knox snaps and starts wailing away on Rey, however, as Knox shot him into the ropes, Rey was able to stop himself and escape the ring and quickly made his way halfway up the ramp holding the back of his head


Angle Rating : C+


Lawler & Cole continue to put over Mike Knox and his mean streak while Knox is grunting and spitting in the ring, we go backstage to The Colons as they ready for the main event – Carlito turns down a hallway while Primo keeps walking, after a few seconds of walking Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes jump him and beat him down, both holding onto an arm as Randy Orton comes out from the shadows and delivers a brutal punt to the side of the head Lawler & Cole are yelling at the sight of all of this and we goto commercial seeing Primo laid out on the concrete


Angle Rating : C+




Back from commercial and we’ve got another replay of the events that just took place, showing the punt to Primo’ head three or four times as Triple H’ music hits and the fans start to go crazy.


Hunter makes his way out to the ring followed by Carlito, Hunter takes the mic and starts ripping into Randy Orton and Legacy for their attack on Primo, Hunter says that he doesn’t care, Orton and Legacy need to get their asses to the ring now and face Hunter & Carlito in a handicapped match, just then Christian’ music hits and he comes walking out, making his way to the ring with Hunter glaring at him and looking seriously unamused, Christian gets into the ring and takes a mic from Lillian and tells Hunter to calm down, Christian says that what Randy Orton and Legacy did to Primo was 100% unnecessary and told Hunter that it only made sense that this Sunday night, Triangle Match for the WWE title, Christian should be the one to step in and help out Triple H & Carlito, Christian gives a big smile that would make DDP cringe.


Triple H stares down Christian and tells him that he is REALLY starting to get on his nerves, first he pretty much pushed his way into a match that has nothing to do with them, now he’s pushing himself into another match that has nothing to do with him, Triple H gives Christian a fair warning to stay out of his business or he would pay dearly for it, Triple H then turns his attention to the back yelling that he was done screwing around, he wanted Orton and Legacy out there NOW!


Randy Orton’ music hits and they start their entrance


Angle Rating : A


Triple H, Christian & Carlito def Randy Orton & Legacy in 13:25 via pinfall when Carlito pinned Ted Dibiase after a Backstabber while Christian and Triple H were fighting with Cody Rhodes and Randy Orton outside of the ring.


Match Rating : B


After the match, Christian was celebrating with Carlito, Triple H attempted a Pedigree on Christian, only to have Christian work his way out of the move and slide outside the ring staring down Triple H.


Show Rating : B-

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If I could toss a suggestion out there about Randy Orton: Fire his @ss. Simply put. He's athletic--so is Morrison. Can't work the mic really--so can Cena. Has a move that people who love him or hate him cheer for as soon as he hits it--so does Chris Jericho.


And with they way that TNA would book him since Vince "Run WCW Angles" Russo is in charge of creative, Orton wouldn't be the one to have TNA reach WWE status. God, I hate Randy Orton. . .or is it the way you detailed his incident :p. . .I dunno. Still hate him :D

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ECW on Sci-Fi comes on the air and Matt Stryker is joined at the table by a new face who introduces himself as Jamie “Doc” Daniels, the new voice of ECW on Sci-Fi – Stryker cracks jokes at Daniels expense and he no sells them as they launch into the opening video and we get a recap of the recent developments in the Tommy Dreamer – Vince McMahon feud as well as Jack Swagger and his small feud with Charlie Haas, we get a graphic that tonight will be Haas and a partner vs Swagger and a partner – but we’re opening up the show tonight with a team that Jamie Daniels claims will be at the top of the pecking order in no time at all, The New Hart Foundation, Tyson Kidd & DH Smith


The Hart Dynasty def Cryme Tyme in 6:20 when DH Smith pinned JTG after hitting a new version of the Hart Attack


Match Rating : C-


After the match, Natalya celebrated with the boys, but they were jumped by Cryme Tyme sending them scurrying from the ring quickly, we go backstage to find Jack Swagger talking to someone off camera, presumably his partner for the evening.


Angle Rating : D/C- (respectively)


A video package is shown to give a little bit of hype for Backlash in 5 days live on Pay Per View!


Evan Bourne def Arik Cannon in 4:10 with a Shooting Star Press


Match Rating : D


After the match we get a replay of the events on Raw with Razor Ramon returning to the company, his match with Tommy Dreamer and we’re informed that coming up next, Finlay will face Mark Henry!


Finlay def Mark Henry in 10:46 after hitting him with the shalalee


Match Rating : C


After the match Tony Atlas tried to help Mark Henry up, but it was more of a comedy spot as he couldn’t budge the big man – cut backstage and a cut screen of Charlie Haas & Jack Swagger and the main event is coming up next!


A video detailing the last couple of weeks for Jack Swagger is shown, his near loss to Charlie Haas, their confrontation from last week, and then flips to Charlie Haas making his entrance, Haas gets to the ring and Goldust’ music hits and he makes his entrance to a good reaction from the crowd, after the entrance, Jack Swagger comes out wearing the ECW title and carrying a mic, he screams for the music to be cut off and yelled at Haas that he had a lot of nerve getting Goldust as his partner after the way Goldust attacked him on Raw the previous week, Swagger told Haas that he had someone in his corner who knew Haas better than he knew himself, bringing out Shelton Benjamin


Jack Swagger and Shelton Benjamin def Charlie Haas and Goldust in 10:44 via pinfall after Swagger hit the Doctor Bomb on Charlie Haas – prior to the finish, Jack Swagger tagged himself in after Shelton hit the Dragon Whip on Goldust disposing Goldust from the ring with a Doctor Bomb to the outside.


Match Rating : C+


After the match, Swagger continued his beat down of Charlie Haas, going back and forth between pounding his head on the mat and smashing him with forearms to the face, after a few shots Charlie Haas was visibly out cold and bleeding from the nose, Shelton stopped a forearm smash and Swagger immediately jumped up from the mat and told Shelton that he needed to beat on Haas too, Shelton could be heard saying “Don’t get carried away man, it was just a match”, Swagger went after Haas again, but Shelton stopped him again, shoving him away and yelling “I ain’t playin with you man, leave him alone!” Swagger swung at Shelton, only for Shelton to duck under, catching him with an Exploder, the fans erupted, Swagger quickly to his feet and they began tearing into each other as referees and officials hit the ring to separate them.


Angle Rating : D+


Show Rating : D

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again, just some results...


Shad Gaspard def Masato Tanaka in 4:15 with an STO


Match Rating : D-


Mike Knox def The Blue Meanie in 3:06 with a running big boot followed up by a legdrop from the 2nd rope.


Match Rating : D-


Christian def Arik Cannon in 6:33 with the Killswitch


Match Rating : C+

Legacy def R-Truth, Jesse & Festus in 12:13 when all three members of Legacy placed a foot on all three opponents after all three members of Legacy hit all three of their opponents with their finishers


Match Rating : C-


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WWE Smackdown comes to the air, Jim Ross welcomes us to the show making the comment that he has a new broadcast colleague, that being Josh Matthews, who will be replacing Todd Grisham on the Smackdown broadcasts, Matthews and JR banter for a minute about the upcoming Pay Per View, Backlash, JR then tells us that tonight, we’ll have a few previews of Backlash as well as two debuts, the first one is in the ring right now!




Shelton Benjamin def Chris Hero in 5:30 via pinfall after the Exploder suplex in an awkward match, it may have been debut jitters, but Shelton and Hero didn’t work very well together


Match Rating : D+


Following the match, Jack Swagger ran down to the ring and started to assault Shelton Benjamin while JR put over what took place on Smackdown this past Tuesday night, Swagger started for a Doctor Bomb until Goldust came running down for the save chasing Swagger off


Angle Rating : C


JR & Josh Matthews put over the latest in the Vince McMahon saga with Tommy Dreamer and his desire to finally put ECW to rest, JR states that this coming Monday night would be huge for the WWE as the next Draft Lottery would be taking place on Raw – tonight Raw superstars will be in action on Smackdown as there may be some of these superstars coming over to Smackdown after this Monday night! A video then airs highlighting the history of the Draft Lottery – out to commercial and back.


Back from commercial, Josh Matthews talks about the man who is currently in the ring, the last time that he was seen in the WWE was 2005 during the ECW One Night Stand pay per view, Masato Tanaka is making his Smackdown debut and his opponent is The Big Show!


Big Show def Masato Tanaka in 7:15 after a Show Stopper, Masato Tanaka looked good in the match however, having a nice exchange with Big Show trading off elbows and slaps, Tanaka nearly took Big Show off his feet with a Roaring Elbow, however, that was the moment that Big Show grabbed Tanaka for the Show Stopper.


Match Rating : C-


Some more banter between Matthews & JR as Big Show leaves the ring, the cut backstage to a shot at the Money in the Bank briefcase, the camera pans back and CM Punk and Kofi Kingston are seen with each other, Punk launches into a promo about how Backlash was going to be epic, Backlash would make HISTORY as the Money in the Bank would be cashed in on a Unified Tag Team Title shot rather than a World Title match, Kofi says that no one believes that it’s going to happen, Punk assures Kofi and the fans that he means business at Backlash, then goes on to say that tonight on Smackdown, he and Kofi were going to show the world what they are capable of by beating the youngest, hottest, newest team, The Hart Dynasty… A little more banter and Hart Dynasty entrance begins


Angle Rating : C-


CM Punk & Kofi Kingston def The Hart Dynasty in 8:36 via pinfall after an impressive double team move, Punk scooped Tyson Kidd up for GTS, Kofi hit Trouble in Paradise to the side of Tyson’ head, followed up by GTS and Punk made the pin while Kofi took out DH Smith


Match Rating : B


During the match, there was a triple screen shot of Carlito & Primo, Legacy & Morrison & The Miz watching Punk & Kofi – after the match, Punk & Kofi celebrated, cutting backstage to Todd Grisham standing by with Matt Hardy, Grisham asks him about his recent problems with his brother, Jeff, Matt cuts a promo about how the problem isn’t with his brother or his bond with his brother, it’s with the fans and their ability to forget who has given and given and given to them stating that Jeff walked out of the WWE two years ago claiming that he was “burned out” meanwhile, Matt stayed and Matt put up with the crap that was involved with staying, he said that he was done with dealing with the crap, he was ready to make Jeff leave the WWE again, only this time, he was going to make him leave permanently, Matt stated that since Jeff was so upset over his Wrestlemania loss, he can try as hard as he wants to come to Backlash this Sunday night and face Matt in a No D-Q match, but it didn’t matter what kind of match he faced him in, Matt would always come out on top, because he is that much better and this Sunday, just like tonight, he’d prove it to the fans and to Jeff.


Angle Rating : B-


Back from commercial, Chavo Guerrero is in the ring, MVP makes his entrance, the announcer states that it is for the United States Title, before the match can get underway, The Brian Kendrick makes his entrance stating that he was out here to ensure that MVP retained the title until Backlash where he could be the one to take the title from him, Kendrick heads towards the ring when Hurricane’ music hits and he walks out telling Kendrick that he should be the one facing MVP this Sunday at Backlash, after a ton of bickering, the match is turned into a 4-way dance for the US title


MVP def The Brian Kendrick, Hurricane Helms and Chavo Guerrero in 12:50 after pinning The Brian Kendrick with The Playmaker in the middle of the ring to retain the WWE United States Title.


Match Rating : B-


Following the match, MVP stood over Kendrick holding the US Title in his face and laughing – JR & Josh Matthews put over the card for Backlash, we then get a cut backstage of Triple H and Jeff Hardy, the fans start to cheer, they’re walking in the back, cut to Randy Orton walking in the back, the fans boo – Triple H & Jeff Hardy will face Randy Orton & Matt Hardy, NEXT!


Triple H & Jeff Hardy def Matt Hardy & Randy Orton in 16:27 when Triple H pinned Matt Hardy following a Pedigree


Match Rating : B


During the match, Legacy tried to get involved, however, they were stopped by Carlito & Primo Colon, who were then joined by John Morrison & The Miz in a brawl, with CM Punk & Kofi Kingston watching from the entrance way – as soon as the pinfall was counted, Randy Orton, who stood by watching the pinfall happen came rushing across the ring and punted Triple H in the head, Jeff Hardy attempted to get involved and got an RKO, Triple H tried to fight his way to his feet, but as soon as he was pushed up by his arms, Orton came flying at him again with another punt to the side of the head, Orton dropped down to the mat right in Hunter’ face screaming something at him until Christian came flying down from the back and sent Orton running through the crowd to end the show.


Angle Rating : A


Show Rating : B


OOC : Final Backlash card, diary entry and Backlash to follow - Backlash should be up by Friday night some time.

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